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What is science saying about Oneness and what specifically are scientists seeing in the laboratory that is compelling evidence? As we contemplate Oneness, what is nature revealing? Are we, members of the human species, by nature competitive or collaborative? What does the human body reveal? As we review global events and the human heart, can we see evidence of connection?
Register here: http://livinginone.com/living- If you haven’t seen or heard Gregg Braden before, now is your chance with this live one hour video broadcast. He is an absolutely captivating speaker. Gregg is also a New York Times best-selling author and is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science, spirituality and the real world. Following a successful career as a Computer Geologist during the 1970’s energy crisis, he worked as a Senior Liaison with the U.S. Air Force Space Command during the Cold War years of the 1980s. Looking forward to this event with you. Be sure to bring any questions you have to this live video program. In Oneness, Nannette Kennedy |
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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has~Margaret Mead
Energy Update March 2017– Up-leveling Your Frequency
Over the past week or so, I have intuitively sensed a palpable increase in crystalline light entering the energy fields of lightworkers worldwide. As I tune into this higher frequency, it feels like a time of energetic preparation for dramatic leaps forward in consciousness. It’s as if the external changes you’ve been dreaming to implement or act upon are being foreshadowed by the inner changes that must occur first. As a result, a variety of interesting symptoms are arising, as evidence of a global up-leveling in heart-centered frequency. Often times, the adverse symptoms are not signs of a lower vibrational reality, but indicative of how smooth or tumultuous of a time your energy field is having in synthesizing and integrating newer frequencies as outdated energies are purged.
With this up-leveling in frequency, many lightworkers are finding themselves with less of an appetite. As power is restored in the sacral chakra during this up-leveling process, digestion tends to become more sensitive or even compromised as the majority of your energy field works to integrate this amplified frequency. During this time, you may oscillate between eating less than normal, being repulsed or repelled by food in general, having desires for juice fasting, developing greater food intolerances, or even suddenly shifting into more alkaline food choices. The more high frequency you become, the more food is honored as fuel for your physical vessel, instead of used as surrogate forms of emotional comfort. If long-standing layers of ego remain active in your field, cravings for sugar, alcohol, or various forms of addictive behavior can amplify as such layers unravel to make room for more light to shine through.
While not limited to food, as higher frequencies restore your personal power to your sacral chakra, you may also find yourself becoming more definitive and discerning toward the people and situations that you can’t stomach anymore. When feeling a sense of repulsion or judgment toward such characters or circumstances, it may indicate it is time to move on to greater horizons of experience. Whether it becomes a time to plan an exit strategy or simply move on altogether, digestion can be positively affected when trusting in the wisdom of your inner knowing.

Whether you find yourself lost in old patterns, opening to new relationships, or stepping into greater possibilities of choices, it is imperative to embrace your innocence of heart as an emotional way of navigating this amplified energetic terrain. The more often you soften by loving each feeling, thought, craving, desire, resentment, or fear within you, the easier it is to assimilate to the higher altitude living of an up-leveled vibrational frequency.
As crucial layers of ego unravel, it is a time when the theme of death may linger. Whether it is sensing outdated versions of yourself coming to an end or dealing with the passing of someone you love, such experiences represent the dissolving of the past, which occurs whether or not you believe you have resolved it. The belief that unresolved matters may repeat at a future moment is a superstitious interpretation of an outdated spiritual paradigm. While we have incarnated to resolve many themes throughout our journey, both for the expansion of our souls, as well as the evolution of all, each of us is only meant to resolve specific amounts of debris depending on the uniqueness of our journey.
This means you don’t have to assume there are energies to clear or resolve within you until they arise. While a spiritual ego works tirelessly to complete their inner work as fast as possible like a child rushing through homework to have more time to play, no matter how assertively you approach your path, each moment of healing can only be resolved the instant such feelings arise. You also don’t have to worry about missing windows of opportunity since the Universe already knows the perfect moment for your healing to occur. Even when you don’t feel fully present during the arising of emotions, it’s obviously a sign that your full presence wasn’t required in order for your healing to continue.
While the ego believes, “Nothing can be unless it’s up to me,” the soul maintains a much clearer perspective that allows for spaciousness instead of rigidity or repetition. Instead of always trying to prove something to yourself by being the perfect spiritual being throughout each expansion, the soul knows it is always existing in the ideal state of consciousness for the evolution at hand. The soul knows perfection to be life’s natural state of being, instead of something to agonize over or tirelessly work on with tenacity. When rooted in the inherent perfection of the soul, everything is recognized as a part of your expansion. If you were meant to think, feel, or view each moment differently, it would have been created that way. As you allow this climate of frequency up-leveling to draw you deeper into the perfection of your soul’s perspective, you allow the outdated aspects of ego that no longer serve you to be integrated as you move into higher timelines of miraculous potential that often unfold from the inside out.
Whether you are steeped in energetic preparation for the greater expansions to come, or beginning to feel the fruits of your long-awaited labor, the stage is set for accelerations to occur as up-leveling is completed. This includes increases in synchronicity, more frequent moments of clear intuitive guidance, amplified waves of prosperity, spontaneous resolve to a long-standing healing crisis, as well as space created to manifest relationships and opportunities that better match and complement your newly-amplified frequency.
In true synchronistic fashion, this period of up-leveling gives greater spiritual meaning to the season of spring. As we spring into the next level of our conscious evolution, now more than ever before, it is crucial to move completely into our hearts, as a way of integrating ego, instead of cloaking ego in a spiritual persona.
When cloaked in a spiritual ego, there can very much be a parent-child relationship with the Universe, as the child-like ego waits with resentment or impatience for a higher power to improve its reality. As we become more heart-centered, we embrace our current climate of circumstances with ease and grace, allowing however things play out in life to be honored as milestones of perfection, even when it occurs the opposite of how you hoped it would be.
While a spiritual ego approaches the journey of expansion solely on its terms and conditions, the soul abides in harmony with life, allowing the Universe to lead the way. When not trying to do more work than arises to be resolved, and allowing everything to embraced with perfection no matter how imperfect it seems, you are able to use this crucial time of up-leveling for your evolutionary benefit. The more heart-centered you become, the easier it is to purge the remaining layers of ego and move into a reality of greater ease, flow, and joy. While you will always think, act, and feel in whatever way satisfies the highest potential of each passing moment, it is your choice to decide how lovingly you respond. The more lovingly you respond toward yourself and others, the easier it is to align with the incoming windfall of higher vibrational frequencies to catapult into timelines of greater worthiness, well-being, and expansion.
As your frequency is up-leveled, it is a perfect opportunity to use your springtime to:
- Cleanse your body of toxins through increases in alkaline (and non-GMO) foods
- Increase your water intake. Even add a squeeze of lemon juice and a sprinkle of pink Himalayan sea salt to increase absorption.
- Make more time for nature, journaling, and inner exploration.
- Exercise regularly, even if it’s just walking around the block a few times a day.
- Create a daily list of the things you’re grateful for, the things you’re doing right, and all the things you wish to attract into your reality.
As springtime up-levels your frequency, it is a time to dream big and make bold decisions. Whatever choices you have been waiting to make at just the right moment can now be embraced and acted upon since doorways to higher realities have opened. No need to rush or worry, you cannot get this wrong in any way. Instead, may you root yourself fully in your heart and follow through with the deepest desires of change that confirm how miraculously the Universe intends to support you.
For additional energetic support during this period of up-leveling, please join me along with my teaching partner and meditation guide, Julie Dittmar, for our first-ever Santa Fe Soul Gathering this Wed. March 22 AND our Sedona Immersion this coming weekend March 24-25. Each event will feature brand-new teachings and specific downloads of healing energy never before offered at any of our events. Our entire Southwest weekend has been created to assist in this up-leveling process, so you may step into higher timelines and greater realities in the smoothest, most joyful and heart-centered way. If you’re ready to make huge shifts in your healing journey and manifest your highest vibration into tangible form, then please join us in Santa Fe, NM and Sedona, AZ this week.

No matter how exhausted, inspired, angry, or spontaneously relaxed and peaceful you happen to be, the time is now to no longer define the consciousness of this planet by the headlines in the media, but to begin viewing the world as reflections of the incredible healing work you have already completed for the well-being of all. Now is the time to shed any remaining layers of spiritual ego and to move fully into the immaculate glory and inherent perfection of your Divine heart space. Whether this seem easier than ever before, or more daunting than usual – as always, you deserve more love, not less.
Many blessings Beloved Ones,
Matt Kahn
P.S. (from Julie)

© Copyright 2017 True Divine Nature, LLC
March Equinox in Berlin, Berlin, Germany is on
Montag, 20. März 2017, 11:29 CET
She Turned 2 Simple Ingredients Into a Cure For Cancer, Then the Government Did This To Her…
Newest statistics shows that 1 out of 2 men and 1 out of 3 women will develop some cancer type in their life. Moreover, the number of cancer patients is increasing rapidly.
Johanna Budwig, an extraordinary scientist, studied this disease and actually developed a protocol which treats it.
However, it has not been used as it brings no financial profit.
Every single day, we donate and collect money to sponsor researchers with the aim to find a cancer cure, and it is still just a myth. It seems that no drugs, therapies, medications, drinks can cure cancer.
There is a growing interest in the therapy with cannabis oil, but it is not available for all patients that appear every year.
This is due to the fact that Big Pharma has not found a solution to package it and sell it on the market yet. Therefore, as it cannot raise their profits, it is not used.
Therefore, the cancer industry is a huge business, as billions of dollars are spent annually, to be more concrete, 125 billion a year. Yet, do not let them fool you that there is no cancer cure, as there is.
Johanna Budwig, a German scientist, found the cancer cure in 1951. Namely, she was a 6-time nominee for the Nobel Prize and held two doctorates, one in medicine and one in pharmaceutical chemistry. This brilliant woman also studied physics, psychology, and biochemistry.
“I have the answer to cancer, but American doctors won’t listen. They come here and observe my methods and are impressed. Then they want to make a special deal so they can take it home and make a lot of money. I won’t do it, so I’m blackballed in every country.”
The government has appointed her to lead research into the process of hardening oils into solids–that is, to make margarine. Through this process, she found that trans fatty acids (hydrogenated oils) are extremely harmful to health.
Along with it, she also found the cure for cancer, as well as numerous other diseases, like arthritis, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, and liver dysfunctions.
What she discovered was that cancer cells are simply cells that lack the necessary at a molecular level (with the right photons and neutrons) in order to mature. Furthermore, she found that the red blood cells of cancer patients have no fatty layer, unlike the ones in healthy people.
This led to the sure of cancer, which showed a 90% success rate. Namely, she successfully treated numerous cancer patients, even the ones in stage 4, after the therapy with radiation and failed surgery.
Het cancer treatment included nutrition and diet changes. The diet contained no additives, no animal products except for the quark (a cheese) or cottage cheese, combined with flaxseed oil.
This combination of protein and oil provided the necessary nutrients on a molecular level, so the cancer cells were absorbed or sloughed off while the body was completely healthy only after 3 months.
This German genius wrote and published numerous articles and 6 books. Yet, her work would have been even more valued and documented if she did not waste so much time in litigation with margarine companies. Furthermore, her work was often restricted through the courts from publishing.
Yet, she provided information which is of extremely great value for the human kind, as she may have revealed the hidden secret that is able to save numerous lives!
As soon as the sulphydryl groups in quark or cottage cheese bind with the unsaturated fatty acids in flaxseed oil, it comes to a chemical reaction, which allows the flaxseed to be converted into water-soluble, and penetrate into cells to produce energy. The body cells require electrical energy, just like batteries, in order to properly work and energize all body functions. The combination of these two ingredients does this job and serves as a fuel for cells.
The patients of Dr. Budwig, during her research, improved their supply of oxygen to the cells and treated all kinds of cancer, including brain, gastrointestinal tract, and breast cancer.
In order to enjoy all the benefits of the Budwig Diet Protocol, Dr. Budwig provided advice on important rules to follow and treat cancer. These are her guidelines:
- You should get sufficient amounts of sunshine in order to stimulate healing in the mind and body
- Drink only purified water
- Avoid meat, sugar, or animal fat
- Never use leftovers, eat the food immediately after preparation
- Avoid all processed foods from your diet
- You should grind flax seeds fresh and consume them within 15 minutes of grinding
- Prepare only fresh and organic fruits and vegetables
- Combine quark or cottage cheese and flaxseed oil in a 2:1 ratio and blend until there is no visible oil floating
- Do not add other ingredients until final cheese mixture results
- Avoid all kinds of drugs and supplements
In the case of cancer, Dr. Budwig recommended the consumption of 8 tablespoons of flaxseed oil (in the mixture) on a daily basis. For cancer prevention, you can use only a tablespoon daily.
Moreover, cancer pathogenesis can be triggered by toxins in the environment as well, so you should make sure you eliminate all toxic sources, likeGMO foods, trans fats, and carcinogen-ridden cooking tools like plastic and Teflon coated pans.
Following the research of Dr. Budwig, numerous cancer experts have published cancer treatment protocols, designed to stimulate the health and function of cells, by boosting immunity, improving cellular respiration, lowering the acidity in the body, and limiting carcinogens.
This research achieved a domino effect on impacting the scientific and medical community. After 5 decades of this discovery, science uses the study of oils and fats and the influence that they have on the body.
Initially, you should choose high-quality ingredients to achieve optimal health and healing. For instance, you can use Barlean’s cold pressed flax oil. It is stored in a dark bottle, and should not be used after its expiration date.
Nancy’s brand of organic low fat cottage cheese includes enzymes and probiotics, which is beneficial even if the case of dairy sensitivity.
Low- cottage cheese prevents the needed chemical reaction from occurring between the sulphydryl groups and fatty acids, and the hormones and preservatives, together with the high heat pasteurization processes damage the quality sulfur-containing protein.
These are instructions on how to prepare the Budwig Diet Mixture:
It is advised to mix a tablespoon of flax oil and 2 tablespoons of organic low fat cottage cheese or quark for every 100 pounds of an individual. Yet, you can adjust the dosage according to the purpose and severity of symptoms.
Into a glass container, add a tablespoon of cold pressed flaxseed oil, and add two tablespoons of organic, low-fat (2% or less) cottage cheese or quark. It is best to blend them using an immersion blender for a minute, but never by hand. In this way, you will get a whipped create consistency.
Next, grind few tablespoons of brown or golden flaxseeds in a coffee grinder for a minute, to get an airy, fluffy mixture. Then, transfer it to a glass bowl. Add the oil and cheese mixture, and stir well with a spoon. You can add nuts, fruits, or spices on the top.
Sources and References: The Truth About Cancer, The Hearty Soul, Living Traditionally
Remembering Your Source SELF–The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie
Remembering Your Source SELF
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