Monatsarchive: März 2017



Aloha beautiful galactic soul family,

Higher timelines to support each’s next phase of the human’s SOUL JOURNEY now….. Yes, each aspect experiences this very differently. The more human, the more physical. The more SOUL, the more it’s all JUST ENERGY….

At first, everyone had to work to get their heart open… not a little bit, all of the way (and many are still in this part of the process now). Every bit of emotional everything has to cleanse the cellular body. Each emotion partnered with a thought or belief of separation (unconsciousness). This created duality/dualistic realities until all unifies and merges back into the PURITY OF LOVE within.

Higher consciousness existence means your mind too. The higher mind is very different than the human mind and each must learn/remember how to function using the HIGHER MIND which is the observer through the higher heart. It’s awareness that was not there before. It’s a connection with all things as ONE, it’s you as your higher self observing the outside world with new eyes and seeing what you did not have the capability to before.

Realities interactive, all connected energetically. Messages in everything for that “matrix” is yours and it’s up to you to decode it, understand it, listen to everything and be fully present like never before.

As SOULS, we are slow, present, totally in-tune with the energy of everything. WE are observers, the watchers and we hear/see/feel with every sense, in every direction.

Time ceases to exist, for we are not bound by the constraints of time anymore. We learn to maneuver these energetically and learning a whole new way of functioning BEYOND THE PERCEPTIONS OF the separation of time. Mastering “Time” is a part of becoming a MASTER again. We slow it all down, bring it all to a halt and move in unison… We can speed our bodies up and accomplish at a rate that boggles the human’s mind, for we do not have the delay that we used to, for that delay was the separation of our heart/mind/soul before….. As UNIFIED LIGHT BEINGS we dictate and move accordingly. WE speed up and slow down in unison with the cosmos, from inside. We can move in any direction and across all dimensions simultaneously just through our presence….

As collectives ascend and come out on the other side to walk in higher vibrational realities, everything speeds up & slows down differently here. If the human kicks in and tries to inner-fear with the process, it will overload, fry, get shut down.

These mega-high vibrations dictate realities now. Where each has come to function this “new way” (as a multi-dimensional and embodied highest aspect selves), it’s easy and we know no other way. Energy is who we are at our core and it’s where we function from in everything that we are and do.

The other day the words were “All new energies now rule”…. and what became visible was beautiful and the experiences too. Collectively we’ve accomplished so much, individually too. The days of the old are gone (this is continually true here). The Phoenix Energies of continual death/rebirth are in every moment/thing…. The moment new awareness comes through, the old is gone…if each allows it to be and shifting into a higher timeline is easy where one chooses this.

We’ve been dealing with the “catch your breath” remnants of the whirlwind of massive Super Quantum Timeline Jumps recently too. A fresh new starting point and the ability to synchronizes on a higher plane of existence and a new space to move from… in every direction.

Observing the unraveling and deconstruction phases is challenging for our human, yet as SOULS we understand that this part of the process is necessary and has bee coming for matrix-bound collectives ready to break out and expand beyond. The human will move to fear when the physical is shaken or no longer able to be controlled in the old ways anymore. WE are here to hold the higher timelines in place so that those ready can choose to exit easier than we experienced (part of being a forerunner).

There is nothing that is not touched by Awakening/Ascension and the anchoring of higher dimensional realms in our physical here. Our jobs, relationships, income, security, safety, purposes…. all get completely reworked in order to align with our CHOSEN SOUL EXPERIENCE HERE. The EMBODIMENT process is a whole body/whole mind/whole everything REALity process that is continually increasing vibrationally in strength, power and duration. This is an evolution of our whole existence here…. from amnesiac human to fully conscious Galactic Souls in a continually upgrading, re-calibrating, re-coding, re-everything physical form here.

Let the BS go, observe your own human’ness, figure out where you are still holding out/holding back, come together and honor your own physical embodiment process above all.

I speak of being in-service a lot, because our whole existence will be intentional in-service once we exit the matrix of “service to self”. Yet this is a process too. We have to honor and love ourselves fully, what we need to activate/integrate and as humans, we have to learn to maneuver multiple dimensions simultaneously, MASTERING each one of them. This is the challenging part, for our human isn’t going to like it or understand it at all. It’s meant to push our limits, for those are all human creation and held inside the body…. and becoming “without limits” means that we don’t believe the limits anymore. Yet, every moment will be challenging your little human to transcend all of those believed limits and moving beyond them in every capacity.

You will come to understand when to push through (as your higher self) and when to stop, let it all go and just BE, sleep to integrate, honor you. The human aspect doesn’t like any part of this process, for the whole thing is about dissolving all of that separation and those mentalities fully and functioning as your highest aspect you… ALL OF THE TIME. We understand the purpose of discomfort and we step into this every time. We recognize the illusion of fear as a cellular held program and we bring it up and out of the body intentionally so that the whole reality that would have been created from fear/doubt/judgment can dissolve too and so a whole new timeline/reality can materialize instead….

How you work will change too. Your mind won’t work like it did before. It’s not supposed to. You’ll have to learn the “new ways” of doing this too. Your relationships, how you support yourself… all of this will transition into NEW WAYS too. Communication as your pure self is necessary to connect with others who function from this space too.

Total responsibility and accountability, for there is no “escaping” energetically/vibrationally anymore. Cause and effect… what you transmit out is what you experience when that vibration arrives. It’s up to you to transmit AS LOVE, as a PURE DIVINE BEING OF LIGHT and let the drama/chaos/distractions go… focus your energy on what is important to you, apply yourself and ALL OF THE MASTERY TOOLS available and come together like never before.

These are vibrational realities of UNITY …. no more unconsciousness is tolerated by those who are fully conscious. We will open the portal/doorway/gateway (as Gatekeepers we can do this easily), yet you will not find us getting caught up in anything of the old anymore. We nip it in the bud, we go/move on, because it does not serve a purpose for any of us to play in unconscious realities anymore. Those reverberate back faster & stronger INSTANTLY now.

For those who hold the capABILITY (yes one of our many abilities here), we intentionally collapse all timelines that are not built on the infrastructures of GALACTIC NEW EARTH ENERGIES of deep purity, love, respect, unity, consideration, contribution, joy, harmony, peace and all things highest consciousness now. WE are here to accomplish what has never been accomplished before. We have instructions and duties and missions and purposes to fulfill/complete FOR US ALL.

Technically, those realities have already occurred. We have access to the hows and why’s and it’s up to each one of us to bring those higher timelines into physical form here now. ♥

I hope to send out emails more often with helpful tidbits for everyone, to assist where each is for their own journey here. I’ve pulled way back and am LIGHT’ening my own schedule too, so that I can regroup and accomplish in many ways and with all of those who have stepped up/forth to be a part of our magnificent new too! I’ve put all new coaching clients requests on a waiting list and will send out replies/announcements when these are available again. I’ve minimized personal sessions, added some courses for those ready to UNDERSTAND the SIMPLICITY of our new existence and gain the tools to apply for easier maneuvering too. We have much awesomeness to announce as it all unfolds to be an actual physical reality (human plays in promises and expectations, yet actions and energy are what speak to us).

There is a part of this process that each has to WANT TO UNDERSTAND…. this activates a whole new phase of moving into “absorbing” the information, seeking it (even obsession which is important when our soul has awakened inside of our bodies). Once we have read enough, watched the videos and “learned” enough, it’s time to APPLY IT ALL to how we live …. IN EVERY MOMENT… As humans, we become continual students, because everything teaches us/shows us/brings us new awareness. Only when our heart/mind close do we stop learning/listening/caring and this action alone triggers a whole different set of parallels to play out for us.

Stay tuned via my website, the newsletters or on Facebook where I will often post things not posted anywhere else. I’ve stopped posting on FB first, because when my work schedule goes into “intense mode”, everything else has to be let go and I have to focus all of my own energy to get through it all and honor me/my processes and Gatekeeper duties too.

I’ll resume posting where appropriate as it’s just one way that I offer/provide support for those who utilize this and contribute to holding our Crystalline Gridwork in place. ♦

We have a NEW Moon coming, which takes us deeper into our CORE existence, assisted by super mega high solar activity that continually increases substantially daily now.

As always, expect the unexpected, call forth the magic and amazing realities that just wait for you to arrive in the vibration where they already are. Here, we LOVE surprises and we hold the highest realities in place from inside so that they can materialize all around us …. in absolutely the most exquisite ways. You have to expect it to be looking for it…. Open up and always be ready! ♥

We’ve got all kinds of amazingness coming. Stay TUNED. Literally!



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NESARA/GESARA is closer to manifesting than it ever has been. We are in another “window of opportunity” for the transformation of the dark ruling elite to a world supporting peace, prosperity and cooperation. Sheldan’s webinar helps us understand the nuances of world events. Join us TONIGHT for another activational webinar.


Here’s a few comments from webinar attendees:

The Webinar felt Panoramic. You could feel Mucho Stuff going on. Thanks, Jack

Another great webinar. I learn so much from your webinars. It is the highlight of my month. John W.

Thank you for the webinar. I enjoyed it very much! I do value your work, You are hope creators for all of us !! yours, TS


If registering for the webinar using Paypal, cutoff time is 4:30pm PDT. Please register early to ensure you receive your personal webinar link.

If registering using PAO’s secure shopping cart, you can register up to the time of the webinar. Again, we suggest registering early. Thank you.


JOIN US TONIGHT for a Galactic Attunement

Galactic Federation of Light vs The Dark Cabals

For many years, the Galactic Federation, Ascended Masters and Earth allies have been working towards the defeat of the Dark Cabals.

This Webinar will discuss why there have been so many delays and reveal the GF’s latest plans to overcome the lingering obstacles created by the Cabals.


Topics include…

• Who are the Galactic Federation human first contact team members? 
• Who are the Dark Cabals? Why do they relentlessly create obstacles? 
• Why can’t the GF arrive immediately? Why so many delays? 
• What can the GF do now to bring about the defeat of the Dark Cabals? 
• Are we as Lightworkers doing enough to help the GF? Could we do more?

Thursday, March 23, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT


Sunday, March 26, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live… simply by using your home computer 
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.


White or Clear Neutral Forces

from LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis)

May this Equinox season bring more energetic balance to the world of forces in your life, and be experienced as the loving invitation to more deeply connect and feel your inner spiritual source that guides you to express your true authentic self without limitation.

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Happy March Equinox! We are in the cycle of the thirteenth stage of the Galactic Alchemical Law of Pisces, when the Christ Consciousness is descending its Diamond Sun body pattern and will begin to embody and/or contact a few more members of the human race through this Spring Equinox. This is the attainment of those on the ascension path who have achieved the power of spiritualizing the body and know how to transmute the corruptible physical elements into the incorruptible truth spirit. As the Cosmic Christ Consciousness frequency descends into human beings, there is a meeting between the Cosmic Christ and the fallen hierarchies in the Portals of Consciousness that are located in the physical world. May we join together in loving and peaceful thoughts to strengthen ourselves through this period of time to reach our highest expression in the Christ spirit!

At the top level, there are White or Clear Subtle Forces that are the neutral energies that are connected to the Christ Consciousness. It helps to restore balance, stability and peace, as it transmits higher spiritual intelligence to bring energetic harmony and higher consciousness into the environment. The neutral quality and neutral force is what develops spiritual Awakening. It is the virtues, goodness and clarity that comes through the access to the higher spiritual intelligence, as well as connecting with the force of love that is inherent in creation. Connecting to this subtle force quality will develop the purity of the mind, body and spirit, which induces consistent stages of spiritual awakening and the expanding of consciousness, as the feedback loop to the zero point is created within the body. Through the qualities of the white or clear subtle forces, we gain spiritual clarity and can perceive the truth in the people and things around us. This develops and strengthens our spiritual light through our focused concentration, attention and devotion.

When we hold the white or clear subtle forces as predominate in our Consciousness, we experience our unification with the eternal God self, which transcends all time and space. When we are capable of holding this state of neutral it restores balance to all layers of our body, and this state is what is responsible for all true healing and sense of wellbeing. Our balanced health is maintained by this state as a lifestyle, because it is in harmony with the Natural Laws, earth and our inner spiritual self, which brings the gift of Perfect Peace. The state of Neutrality recognizes the place of the black force or Negative Polarity and the yellow force or Positive Polarity in the cycles of creation. It discerns them without value difference, while observing them at work in the world of forces.

Harmonizing the opposing forces throughout creation is the natural result of the white or clear subtle forces of the neutral or Zero Point. The Universe is neutral and as such natural forces will always attempt to return to balance, unify and bring wholeness to creation.

A person that has moved toward embodying more of the neutral force, will continue to develop and expand the pure qualities of gaining the ever Expanding Consciousness that connects us into the Universe and attaining Perfect Peace. In this state, we are not centered in our own personal issues but focus on developing deeper communication with our divinity and gaining clarity about our place in serving the Cosmic Consciousness. We experience unconditional love and the many states of consciousness as one with the Universal forces and the creator, and seek to be in harmony with it all. As a human being we should be able to self-assess and discern all of these three polarities of subtle forces and their qualities in our nature and behaviors, as well as in the environment. The intention to continue to develop the state of neutrality, as well as neutral forces in our body, supports us to directly develop our consciousness and to build strength in our spiritual bodies. This helps to describe the important reasons why the emphasis on developing neutrality and the observer consciousness, in all areas of our thinking, feeling and behaviors has been especially emphasized in our community. The state of neutrality, maintaining the observer consciousness in the now moment, is what harmonizes the energies in the environment to restore energetic balance.


Energetic Balance

The key to balanced health and sanity is Restoring Energetic Balance throughout all of the multidimensional body parts (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual) of our consciousness. No other person can do this for us, we have to be willing to learn how by dedicating personal effort to achieve this for ourselves. Integrated Ascension is about achieving Energetic Balance in our multidimensional layers, therefore achieving Sacred Marriage between all of the layers and aspects of the self.

This principle is true for all types of bodies. Restoring Energetic Balance is the process, which brings improved health, vitality, abundance, intelligence and energetic flow to all things. We can think of an energetic body existing as a person, or in groups such as; communities, organizations, cities, counties, states, nations and entire planets. The principles governing Universal Laws of energetic balance will always apply and act accordingly in every layer of the body, whether it’s an individual person, group or planetary body. They are all interconnected and interdependent. We can consider this as intrinsic to the principles of energetic balance. This is part and parcel of the Krystal consciousness embodiment and the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One. In order to restore the natural order of biologically and spiritually Expanding Consciousness, we must learn to live in the principles of energetic balance. It does not matter how chaotic or hectic the environmental landscape is, we can achieve this inner balance even in the most despairing of circumstances.

The principles of energetic balance must include reconciling the pairs of opposites, the Gender Principles of masculine and feminine energies, which are aspects of creation. To return to energetic balance we must understand that Sacred Marriage between the gender principles exists within every living thing, and cannot be ignored or rejected. If we discard, abuse or ignore the principles of energetic balance, we create more disease, confusion, mutations, Miasma, interference, demonic influence and eventually death and annihilation. These energetic imbalances are manifested as the causal event behind all major problems plaguing humanity today, such as; war, disease, poverty, ignorance, discrimination, slavery and possession. These are all enslavement tools of the Archontic Deception Strategy to promote class wars between victims and victimizers to run rampant on the earth, spreading misery and disease.

To stop the vicious cycle of feeding the hatred that exists in the archetypes of the victim or the victimizer, we must find the courage and bravery to restore energetic balance within ourselves. Digging deep for the personal strength, asking help from God-Christ spirit every day, to prevail no matter what the circumstances. All change begins within the self. As each of us holds value for all life, while developing our self-worth and self-love, we are empowered to be a positive force of spiritual transcendence that Restores Energetic Balance. Love is the force that restores balance and harmony to all things.

We must continually choose Love as the force we want to expand and grow in our body. As we expand our consciousness, we shift our perspective to feel our interconnection with all of Life. We shift our orientation to be of Service to Others, thus reflecting inner truth and energetic balance. When we experience this all-encompassing spiritual-energetic connection, we inherently desire to practice human kindness and seek to collaborate with developing higher structures that place value on all human beings. We seek a value system of World Humanism.

As we Restore Energetic Balance and establish values of World Humanism, we begin the Apostolic Age of Law of One. This age starts with the restoration of the planetary architecture and energy grid networks, to be governed by those same Universal Laws. As heaven meets earth, we establish the new laws to be made manifest through our physical body, which is the multidimensional aspect of the Universal Consciousness. For One and for All.

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GSF Behavior

When we are in energetic balance with ourselves, we are in balance with our spiritual self, our heart and we cease to have great personal turmoil or suffering. This is how we become increasingly healthy and peaceful. When we are emotionally healthy and peaceful we are able to access our spiritual self and heart intelligence easily. So this is to comprehend our natural spiritual-energetic state of being is one of emotional balance, inner peace, health and connection with Life. This state is not dependent on the external outcomes and can be experienced even when others around you and the world are undergoing great turmoil. To improve peace in a largely dysfunctional world, we may require attitudinal behavior guidelines which help us to overcome the insanity of the Archontic Deception Strategy and their anti-life forces which abuse its mechanism. See GSF Behavior.

1. Empathy and Compassion
2. Mental Openness
3. Emotional Stability
4. Responsibility
5. Honesty
6. Sovereignty
7. Reality Assessment
8. Unified Cooperation

Quick Tools in Maintaining Energetic Balance

Self Inquiry, Self Awareness and Meditation to connect with our inner spirit, and make improvements every day to choose greater peace as a lifestyle.

Surrender to what is in the now moment and increase personal Humility by choosing to be non violent and live in the principle of Harmlessness.

Pay attention to the now moment, learn when to take action and when to be still, Be True to You. Listen to the Spirit of Conservation to not waste or dissipate your energies.

Apply Accountability and Self-Responsibility to your words, behaviors, and actions.

May this Equinox season bring more energetic balance to the world of forces in your life, and be experienced as the loving invitation to more deeply connect and feel your inner spiritual source that guides you to express your true authentic self without limitation.

In Love and Peace,


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New Research Shocks Scientists: Human Emotion Physically Shapes Reality!


Three different studies, done by different teams of scientists proved something really extraordinary. But when a new research connected these 3 discoveries, something shocking was realized, something hiding in plain sight.

Human emotion literally shapes the world around us. Not just our perception of the world, but reality itself.


In the first experiment, human DNA, isolated in a sealed container, was placed near a test subject. Scientists gave the donor emotional stimulus and fascinatingly enough, the emotions affected their DNA in the other room.

In the presence of negative emotions the DNA tightened. In the presence of positive emotions the coils of the DNA relaxed.

The scientists concluded that “Human emotion produces effects which defy conventional laws of physics.”


In the second, similar but unrelated experiment, different group of scientists extracted Leukocytes (white blood cells) from donors and placed into chambers so they could measure electrical changes.

In this experiment, the donor was placed in one room and subjected to “emotional stimulation” consisting of video clips, which generated different emotions in the donor.

The DNA was placed in a different room in the same building. Both the donor and his DNA were monitored and as the donor exhibited emotional peaks or valleys (measured by electrical responses), the DNA exhibited the IDENTICAL RESPONSES AT THE EXACT SAME TIME.


There was no lag time, no transmission time. The DNA peaks and valleys EXACTLY MATCHED the peaks and valleys of the donor in time.

The scientists wanted to see how far away they could separate the donor from his DNA and still get this effect. They stopped testing after they separated the DNA and the donor by 50 miles and STILL had the SAME result. No lag time; no transmission time.

The DNA and the donor had the same identical responses in time. The conclusion was that the donor and the DNA can communicate beyond space and time.

The third experiment proved something pretty shocking!

Scientists observed the effect of DNA on our physical world.

Light photons, which make up the world around us, were observed inside a vacuum. Their natural locations were completely random.

Human DNA was then inserted into the vacuum. Shockingly the photons were no longer acting random. They precisely followed the geometry of the DNA.



Scientists who were studying this, described the photons behaving “surprisingly and counter-intuitively”. They went on to say that “We are forced to accept the possibility of some new field of energy!”

They concluded that human DNA literally shape the behavior of light photons that make up the world around us!

So when a new research was done, and all of these 3 scientific claims were connected together, scientists were shocked.

They came to a stunning realization that if our emotions affect our DNA and our DNA shapes the world around us, than our emotions physically change the world around us.


And not just that, we are connected to our DNA beyond space and time.

We create our reality by choosing it with our feelings.

Science has already proven some pretty MINDBLOWING facts about The Universe we live in. All we have to do is connect the dots.


– Science Alert;
– Heart Math;
– Above Top Secret;

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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .


OMG! The Equinox energies will be followed by more intensified energies on March 23-27, and again April 3-7. These times require us all to take care of our bodies and one way is to keep your electrolytes up. You can do this by drinking coconut water, lemon water or water with some Himalayan salt. Lightworkers this is our time to shine!

Last night our Galactic Gathering was attended by 14 women (including myself). We read Sandra’s post below and listened to the meditation. We all felt like our hearts expanded into the Oneness of All. We were giddy with excitement. We also focused on bringing in NESARA/GESARA.

The guided meditation, Christ Light Expansion is approximately 27 minutes. If you are guided, please take the time to listen and add your energies to manifesting our new galactic society with ease and grace.

Selamat Ja! 

THURSDAY~Galactic Activation Day


Webinars are getting more and more in depth – taking us closer to the closure/disclosure we want to see and experience. Thank you Sheldan and Colleen for your time, efforts and desire to not only be a big part of this venture, but for your tireless efforts to keep us informed. AND, lest I forget – thanks to the Federal Galactic Federation of Light as well!!! AC

That was an amazing webinar yet again. They just keep getting better. I was blown away by Sunday’s presentation but then the Thursday one blew my mind even further. I feel that it truly altered my consciousness. Love, Sarah

Galactic Federation of Light vs The Dark Cabals

For many years, the Galactic Federation, Ascended Masters and Earth allies have been working towards the defeat of the Dark Cabals.

This Webinar will discuss why there have been so many delays and reveal the GF’s latest plans to overcome the lingering obstacles created by the Cabals.


Topics include…

• Who are the Galactic Federation human first contact team members? 
• Who are the Dark Cabals? Why do they relentlessly create obstacles? 
• Why can’t the GF arrive immediately? Why so many delays? 
• What can the GF do now to bring about the defeat of the Dark Cabals? 
• Are we as Lightworkers doing enough to help the GF? Could we do more?

Thursday, March 23, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT


Sunday, March 26, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live… simply by using your home computer 
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.


Equinox Passage: Shifting to the Higher Timelines

fromSandra Walter ~ Mar 18, 2017


Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Our timeline shift is upon us, already in progress and unfolding over the next few weeks (Gateway key triggers on Equinox, March 20 (3:28amPT), March 23-27, and again April 3-7.) It is a profound experience; a combination of leaving, rising, ecstasy, revelation, new sensations, and embodying at once.

After the visions of the etheric bands of light aligning for Equinox, the Solar amplification, and what is happening in the consciousness of the Light Tribe, we arrive at the point when the lower realities will be energetically cut off. We have critical mass to reveal the alternative reality of freedom, peace and Divine Love. This a Divine opportunity for Ascension, Masters.

It is imperative that we assist Gaia in revealing what has already been created; a Christed planet of peace and unity consciousness. Let us embody our new templates of Self NOW. Let us focus on global embodiment, and calling in the frequencies and dimensional-shifting codes from the massive cosmic stargate template.

This particular Gateway passage may present gravitational anomalies, magnetic shifts, weather shifts and quake activity, because it is a big jump in frequency. Embodiment changes the noosphere, the HUman heart grid, and literally opens Gateways through HUmans for the new reality to be revealed. We are very powerful beings; remember that manifestation is amplified during Gateways. Let us Direct the light as ONE to call forth this creation with ease and grace.

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If you are serving as a pure conduit of this activity, here are some suggestions for the unfoldment:

Meditation: You must allow your Ascension column to align in stillness, so the Higher Self can take over. Rest, stay hydrated, quiet, get out on Gaia to receive the maximum light influx, especially during the trigger points. Stay clear and open to the experience.

Surrender to Embodiment: Wayshower embodiment of the pure crystalline consciousness is necessary for the timeline split. This is already in progress, and we have enough willing participants to allow this to occur. The effect on Gaia, kingdoms, elementals, and the collective consciousness, will be quantum as this unfolds. Our intention is to raise all willing beings into Unity consciousness as the division occurs.

Visualize and call forth 5D, especially at Equinox peak and over the next two weeks. Feel the freedom, see the New Earth, visualize global Ascension, and the highest, brightest vibration you can hold. Draw it, write it, sing it, dance it, meditate on it, create it Now. Feel the Divine aspect of this shift; let any fears of Ascension dissolve.

Transmuters: Command and decree the final, effortless removal of all lower timelines, programs, entities, deities, thought forms and beings which control, manipulate HUmanity, Gaia, Kingdoms and elementals in a negative way. Command all which interferes with the Ascension, anything blocking the progression of HUmanity, to cease and desist across all timelines and realities. Bind all uncomplimentary creations back to Source, to make a full transition, never to return.

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Gatekeepers and Gridworkers: We are already open for this passage. Be creative with your grids, geometries and crystal placements; direct this Light in your Mastery. Unify in Divine Intent to fully reveal the 5D timelines as a palpable manifestation for all. Call forth the Solar Cosmic Christed embodiment as a reality for all willing and capable of embodiment. Light up the new and old grid systems, Sacred sites, Temples, crystalline beds, aquifers and water, every crystal placed by a Lightworker, and the HUman Heart Grid from the crystalline core of Gaia to the SUN, Galactic center, Great Central SUN, and Pure Source Consciousness. Welcome in the highest levels of photonic light and dimensional-shifting frequencies we can receive, in the highest interests of the pure and true Ascension.Feel the unification, this is a shining passage for all of us.

Master Gatekeepers I invite you to join me in connecting with the higher frequency templates entering our Solar system. We will be experimenting with them as this unfolds. We are ready for a rapid manifestation of the New. Let us call this forth as our highest unified creation Now.

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Unity Meditations on SUNday: Our Strongest Amplification Yet


Our Unity Meditations have been running since June 2015. As we reach critical mass for Ascension, this unified field of pure light intensifies. Yes, activations and third eye visions are amplified through this activity, however we are focused on bringing forth the timeline split with ease, grace, and the strongest LoveLight possible.

Invite everyone who is awake, your groups and beloveds to join the Light Tribe during these three 30-minute windows on SUNday: 8:11am Pacific Time, 11:11am PT, and 5:11pm PT or meditate anytime on SUNday to feel the effects and add your energy to this collective intention of service.

Connect with the HUman Heart Grid, Gaia’s crystalline core, the Crystalline Grid, the New Grid systems, Solaris (the SUN), Great Central Sun, and Source. Meditate on Pure Source embodiment and the revelation of crystalline consciousness. Use the guided Christ Light Activation meditation if you enjoy guided meditations (mp3 via the download link below), it is incredibly strong when done as ONE. All methods and forms of meditation are welcome.

Free Guided Meditation available – download it so you can be offline on SUNday:

PC: right+click on the title below to Save As 
Mac: Ctrl + Click on the title below to Download

Christ Light Expansion

Infinite blessings to all as we experience this profound passage for HUmanity and Gaia. Gratitude for your Divine Service and endurance; our efforts are rewarded a thousand fold. Breathe (Creator Breath) and let the Light assist us in transforming these realities.

In Love, Light and Service, 

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Urban dwellers need to get out in nature for their mental health

Have you ever gone on a hike, walked through a field, or even eaten lunch at the park on your break and noticed how good you felt afterward? It’s not just a coincidence. Taking walks in nature can lead to a lower risk of depression, according to findings from a study published in the Proceeding of the Natural Academy of Science, conducted by Gregory Bratman, a graduate student at Stanford University. The study found that a mere 90 minutes spent walking outdoors reduces the chances of depression.

So why is this particularly relevant now? In an age where people are glued to their screens and a growing number of people are moving to big cities – more than 50 percent of people now live in urban areas – as reported the study, it’s crucial to get away from the crowded sidewalk streets and breathe in some fresh air that Mother Nature provides.

Moreover, a study published in Environmental Science states: “Meta-analytic studies report that among individuals living in cities, the prevalence of all psychiatric disorders is increased by 38 percent, of mood disorders by 39 percent, and of anxiety disorders by 21 percent, as compared to inhabitants of rural areas.”

In the study conducted by Bratman, he wanted to observe how a walk outside might affect a person’s tendency to brood. Brooding, known as morbid rumination among cognitive scientists, is a mental state where we can’t stop chewing over the ways in which things are wrong with ourselves and our lives – a feeling with which many of us are familiar. It’s not healthy and can be a precursor for depression, especially for city-dwellers.

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That “brooding” is strongly associated with increased activity in the portion of the brain known as the subgenual prefrontal cortex. The scientists of the study tracked that part of the brain before and after the nature walk. They gathered 38 healthy adult city-dwellers and asked them to complete a questionnaire to determine their normal levels of “brooding”. They also checked their brain patterns in their subgenual prefrontal cortex.

The scientists assigned half of the group to walk through a leafy, quiet, park-like portion of the Stanford campus, while the other half of the group was assigned to walk through a noisy, hectic portion of Palo Alto next to the highway. After both groups returned, scientists unsurprisingly found that blood flow to the subgenual prefrontal cortex of the highway group was still high, and their broodiness was unchanged. But the volunteers who strolled through the luscious park showed slight but meaningful improvements in their mental health, according to their questionnaire scores. They weren’t brooding, and they had reduced blood flow to their subgenual prefrontal cortex. That portion of their brains was quieter. Conclusion: nature heals.

So how exactly does nature heal? On a scientific level, a previous Stanford study states “nature scenes activate our parasympathetic nervous system in ways that reduce stress and autonomic arousal, because of our innate connection to the natural world.”

The message: get outside, and often, especially if you live next to crowded city streets. Find the nearest park or nature preserve, and get yourself well acquainted.

How Nature Walks Change Your Brain

Don’t miss  the “Unacknowledged” premiere!  April 24 – Los Angeles
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Dr. Greer and Giancarlo Esposito who did the narration for the film.
Tickets now available
 for the “Unacknowledged” Premiere!

Monday April 24, 2017 – Los Angeles, CA

“Dr. Steven Greer’s new documentary “UNACKNOWLEDGED” that presents brand new, top-secret evidence supporting Extraterrestrial contact including witness testimony, classified documents, and UFO footage while also exploring the consequences of ruthlessly enforcing such secrecy.
Do not miss this historic opportunity to attend the world premiere in Los Angeles at the Regal Premiere Theater at LA Live!
Red carpet with celebrities and Dr. Greer – 6:45pm-7:30pm. Presentation by Dr. Greer at 7:30pm. Movie begins at 8pm until 9:45pm. After Party 10:15 pm -midnight.
April 24, 2017 is the FIRST showing of the film to the public!
Digital viewing will be available May 9th.
Be a part of the excitement with Dr. Greer, media & celebrities to kick off our campaign to:
“End Illegal Secrecy-
Begin a New Civilization!”

General seating – $30

Includes poster and “Unacknowledged” book signed  by Dr. Greer
You will be notified of the afterparty venue at the theater.

Includes: VIP seating, spend time on the Red Carpet with Dr. Greer and be a part of the Red Carpet excitement with media and stars, receive a  book and poster signed by Dr. Greer and attend the exclusive afterparty following the showing of the film. 

For all ticket options click here.

LA Live Regal Cinema
1000 W. Olympic Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA

Doors open at 6 pm 
Red Carpet at 6:45pm/7pm until 7:20 pm
Dr. Greer’s remarks in the theater : 7:30pm
Film at 8pm

You must purchase a ticket in advance. There will be NO ticket sales at the door because of Regal LA Live rules.
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Join us for World Water Day!


As we Bless The Water in a Global Synchronized Meditation

Wherever you are, gather at your local Water source, or home, and place good intentions and prayers into the Water.

Register now to watch the FREE UPLIFT FILM, ‘WATER is LIFE’, on March 22, featuring water expert Dr. Gerald Pollack, Mayan Elder Tata Pedro, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Vandana Shiva and Whaia Whaea

And listen to the LIVE AUDIO BROADCAST at 5pm Pacific from Unify, led by Chief Phil Lane Jr.







At UNIFY we organize global synchronized meditations and days of social action. We now have more than 7,500 organizers that bring their communities together for campaigns we launch on Peace Day, Earth Day, Water Day, and more.Thank you for doing your part every day!

Unify, PO Box 4449, Santa Rosa, CA 95402, United States

also look at….

Infinite Gratitude to

World Water Day
March 22nd, 2017
We join you in giving gratitude to water which
sustains our lives and the wellbeing of our planet.
Bless the Water
5pm Pacific/Midnight GMT
Switch Off To Switch On for
Earth Hour 2017
Saturday 25 March 8:30pm – 9:30pm UTC
Water is Life
Earth Week
April 22 – 30, 2017

WPPS Project Links

Nature for All ~ Loving the Earth
Inspire Love of Nature by connecting with
and sharing your love of nature.
Youth age 5 – 16 are invited to submit their artwork to the 20th Annual
Peace Pals International Art Exhibition and Awards.
Young people from around the world are invited to enter the 2017 International Essay Contest for Young People organized by the Goi Peace Foundation.
The theme for this year’s contest is “Learning from Nature.”

Join the World Peace Youth Webinar on 25th of March which will focus on
Peace & Stereotypes. Panelists will discuss their experiences with stereotyping
and how it has affected their lives personally and in the work place.
WPPS Suggested Reading
Love: Our True Nature Through the Divine Spark

The Fuji Declaration’s most pivotal question is “What is our true nature?”  The answer:  we are loving, compassionate, wise, and joyful when we come alive through the divine spark in our spirit.  For each one of us to know transcendent peace, there must be a personal transformation that brings about a new consciousness within us; a new way of thinking, a new way of being.  From this new consciousness, our outward actions will naturally align with our true nature.
We were created to love and be loved.  The great spiritual traditions and religions of this world all recognize that love is our highest purpose.  True love, love that is beyond our self, love that is unconditional, love that emanates from the divine spark within us is the energy that propels humanity forward.  It is from this inexhaustible supply that we must look to fuel our evolution into a peaceful world. Read More…
Project Links


The World Peace Sanctuary, 26 Benton Road, Wassaic, NY 12592
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Constant Contact


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Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

from Planetary Activation Organization

We deeply ask that you take in all the positive decrees of Heaven and use them to move you ever closer to this world’s true essences for Love and Light – to spread throughout this sacred orb.


Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

4 Men, 18 Ceh, 3 Caban

Dratzo! There is a strange silence that permeates everything. The rascals of the night, the cabal, realize that the current period of nothingness signifies how the cabal can, to a certain extent, still control what goes on. Consequently, the Elders are cautiously monitoring the pace of change. Our liaisons still report that the process to commence a massive arrest is nearly complete. The present American de facto regime remains fully aware of its current shortcomings. The end is growing near as the current regime displays the emptiness that has largely characterized its official movements. The Light, as noted earlier, is readying itself for a possible breakthrough in due time. As usual, things are popping just below the surface. The elements of this odd reality stay as disjointed as ever. A strange sort of malaise is the dominant condition of this time. All of this is not destined to last much longer. The dark is beginning to notice the unusual rhythm that we have installed just beneath their feet. All is in divine timing and something the cabal can no longer ignore.

You are in a time that is still not in synch with reality. Do not be confused by it. The underlying basic rhythms are gaining needed strength at a pace set by the Divine. This subterranean element is designed to weaken and upset the operation of this realm. Above this relative calm stands the distraught ways of the dark cabal. These chaotic tones are to shortly lay waste to the supposed victories of the dark. A sort of odd concerto is making it impossible for the dark to carry out what it now proposes. The forces of the Light are therefore waiting for the right time to come forth and quickly dissolve the current situation that is still gripping the last bits of the old reality. Hence, please bear in mind that what you see before you cannot last much longer. The dark cabal, as noted previously, realizes its foolishness. It is nevertheless unfortunate that the dark’s odd continuance has delayed the progress of the Light. The Light is slowly correcting all of this. Wondrous things lie just ahead.

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What is happening globally is a sign of what is to come. The Light was originally advised by Heaven to wait for the right divine time to act. This special time is nearly at hand. The dark saw the President’s win as an omen that the surmised quick end would not take place. The cabal, as stated before, believed that the Light had to accept the amazing existence of the USA, Inc. as a true sign that the illegal deal forced upon America in 1871 was to be allowed to remain. What the dark did not know is that this reality is only a temporary condition. As we stated in previous reports, this was done to give the dark false confidence. It has worked, and in the long run, made our tasks much easier. The dark cabal has now, in effect, put a noose around its neck. This project has now advanced too far for the dark’s liking. The frost is truly on the Pumpkin! We expect to be able to announce some good news shortly.

As you can see, the schemes to entrap the dark are working well. The hard part is how much these developments have delayed the inevitable victory. The dark is finally finished and their vast networks of evil fully exposed. The Light can shortly finish its dutiful job, permit the new government (the NESARA Republic) to be revealed and the special jubilee to formally begin. This whole rollout is to proceed cautiously. The Elders have made it quite clear just how slowly it is all to take place. As usual, we must formally protest. We know that these events were really possible to move forward at a much faster and equally secure pace. This cautious approach clearly indicates the great degree of worry expressed to us by the various groups of Elders and royals. This dichotomy is rapidly disappearing as a greater consensus is reached by each of the different groups. The present results are yet another sign of this overall thawing. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!


Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We arrive with many good things to talk to you about. Your marvelous visions are still about keeping a positive consensus and continuing to move this reality forward. The present difficulties notwithstanding, things cannot be stopped. Hence, we deeply ask that you take in all the positive decrees of Heaven and use them to move you ever closer to this world’s true essences for Love and Light – to spread throughout this sacred orb. We remain blessed and honored by your wondrous reaction to what occurred a few months ago. Understand that a certain result was necessary to keep this magnificent energy solidified, and be ready to accept what is to appear next. It is truly time for the Light to begin to manifest a new agenda for this realm. It has taken longer than first planned to finish the prescribed actions. This caused some necessary delays that are nearly at an end.

What we have here is a series of situations that are soon to be completed. We have worked with Heaven to forge a number of special scenarios that are to dramatically alter the global chaos. A new ordering of this surface society is currently underway. We bless and reorganize all. It is time for a change in how the globe’s governments operate. Long ago, this world was destined to encounter some rough conditions. This period, which lasted for numerous millennia, is now nearing its most longed-for conclusion. Those who still believe in the old options are to receive a great surprise. There are to be new ones that are to stop the reign of terror, which seems to still be present. In effect, those who now temporarily run the show are in for a surprise. A whole new reality is to manifest and to greatly upset the current applecart. Let us bless and hail this new reality.


It is a rare time when the dark is thwarted and the many terrorized subjects freed and wondrously supported openly by Heaven’s great servants. This, my Dear ones, is to be such a time. Be ever patient and ready to do what Heaven commands. Special sets of blessed commandments are ready to be enforced. The dark’s present position is to be upended and a new, more correct order is to take effect. We masters are joyous over what is about to happen. It has not been easy to watch the dark play with you. All of the dark’s servants are to receive their just dues. Knowing this can help you to better deal with the frustrations that many of you have felt. Therefore, we again ask that you bear with this time and realize that this too is to come to pass. Heaven fully intends to have this realm changed as we have promised. With this in mind, be happy and plan to enjoy what is to pass! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Today, we carried on with our weekly report. Remember, much is getting ready to manifest. These hard times are nearly over. We look forward to watching all of you celebrate this new age. It is to be a great, magnificent time! Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

For more from PAO & Galactic Federation

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This Webinar will discuss why there have been so many delays and reveal the GF’s latest plans to overcome the lingering obstacles created by the Cabals.

Galactic Federation of Light vs The Dark Cabals

Thursday is Galactic Activation Day

Activation takes place through the use of various combinations and sequences of words Sheldan imparts with the assistance of the Galactic Federation. They contain a specific vibration pattern that sets up a resonance in your suppressed RNA/DNA memory. This vibration pattern then gradually helps to activate your remembrance of those past events and/or universal truths that are embedded in your cellular memory. When the time or circumstances are right, these profound memories begin to make their appearance once again.


For many years, the Galactic Federation, Ascended Masters and Earth allies have been working towards the defeat of the Dark Cabals.

Topics include…

• Who are the Galactic Federation human first contact team members? 
• Who are the Dark Cabals? Why do they relentlessly create obstacles? 
• Why can’t the GF arrive immediately? Why so many delays? 
• What can the GF do now to bring about the defeat of the Dark Cabals? 
• Are we as Lightworkers doing enough to help the GF? Could we do more?

Thursday, March 23, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT


Sunday, March 26, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live… simply by using your home computer 
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

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