Monatsarchive: September 2015

Tune your radio

Saturday, September 05, 2015
You are all so much more powerful than you can possibly imagine. You have the entire universe at your disposal. You are like a radio that can tune into any station you like, any frequency, any number of “songs” that are sung by the Divine. It is your focus, your attention that selects the “station” and your emotional attachment that holds you in a space of receiving the same frequencies over and over.This is good news! This means that with your focus and attention you can change the energies that you “tune” into. With your joy, your passion, your excitement, you can allow yourself to receive new frequencies, new energies, and therefore new possibilities into your life.Think of one of your biggest complaints, either about yourself or life. Ask yourself, “How attached am I to keeping this complaint? Am I willing to do the emotional work to let it go? Am I willing to stop “tuning” into this sad reality, and focus on a better reality? Am I willing to give up this complaint in exchange for a happier life?” Be honest with yourselves. Sometimes complaints buy you companionship for many others share the same. Sometimes complaints are comfortably uncomfortable. They are familiar. They keep you in a reality that is known. And so although most of you would say, “Yes! I want a better reality!” it takes incredible honesty to look at whether are not you are willing to give up the familiar, the old, and the comfortably uncomfortable situations in which you exist.

When you get to a point where you are willing to give up the complaint, either about yourself or life, ask yourself next, “What reality would I prefer to create? What reality would I prefer to “tune into?” Imagine you are a radio, or a television and you can tune into any reality you like! Then using your imagination, take time each day to imagine yourself in this new and better reality. Imagine the best possible outcome! Imagine joy! Abundance! Ease! Grace! Love! And every time you catch yourself going back to your old reality, “tuning into” what you don’t want, change again, and “tune into” what you do. This will take time, patience and practice! Allow yourself to feel the joy and the excitement of an imagined beautiful reality. For as many of you have heard, the universe does not distinguish between reality and fantasy – it reads and echoes back your energy – conscious and unconscious. The more consciously you “tune” your being, the more beautiful a reality you will create.

You are powerful dear ones. Allow yourselves to start “tuning into” better and happier realities. Do the work to create the lives you actually dream of. You have the power. Divine love and all that it encompasses is within and around you, flowing to you, through you, and from you.

Through Ann Albers
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Fellow Lover of Peace:

Sept 19-21 is International Peace Weekend, and UNIFY will be hosting a 3-day digital gathering to celebrate and promote world peace!

Thanks to the evolution of consciousness and technology the world is now more connected than ever before.  Now it is possible for us to come together as one human family no matter where we reside and bring to life our deepest truth. In your heart you know that what we can conceive is possible.  You know, like we do, that world peace is achievable.

We are in a new era of connectivity and relationship, and all of the world’s great spiritual traditions remind us that in truth we are not separate from one another, but that we are one.

It is precisely this knowing that lies at the heart of UNIFY.ORG.

It is time to BE THE CHANGE we wish to see in the world.  It is time to gather as one human family and bring forth into the world the peace that lies in our hearts.

Now is the time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

No matter where you are, you can join us!  RSVP for World Peace Weekend by going to our Facebook Page and sharing this with your friends–and family, too!

People from all walks of life, from all corners of the globe, will be joining us to celebrate, meditate, connect, and share over the course of International Peace Day weekend. With your support, Peace Weekend 2015 will be our largest global synchronized meditation and social action event yet.

You are essential to our success! Join us and shift the consciousness of the planet!  Through meditation, action, and intention, we can stake our vision and shift our world!

Sept. 19-21, UNIFY.ORG will feature meditations, movies, teachings, lessons, and workshops on the topic of international peace!

If you’re interested in organizing a live event during the weekend,


We are thrilled to have the following organizations standing with us to expand the consciousness of the planet:

Uplift * Special Envoy to UN * BeThePeace * Xanopia * Pathways to Peace * Art of Living * URI * Link Media * Shift Network  * Master Shift * Collective Evolution * Mind Unleashed * Harmony Connect * Spirit Science * Global Meditation * Harmonize * Moment of Calm * Prem Baba * Peace One Day * WorldWide Forgiveness Alliance * Forgiveness Challenge * Heart Math * MedMob * Gaiafield Project * Earth dance * 1 giant mind * Yoga Download *  World Peace Prayer Society * Symbiosis Gathering * IAHV * Do As One * Evolver Network * Elevate

We will be sending out further information soon about how to organize and host your own World Peace Day event.  Be part of this massive expression of peace and be the change you want to see!

P.S. Want more information? Our Global Coordinator is excited to answer any questions. Send an email to

P.P.S. Please share!!  Head over to our Facebook Page and post our message with all your friends and family.

If you’re interested in organizing a live event during the weekend,


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Hello Tribe Unify,Imagine a ritual prayer in the middle of the desert with thousands of souls sharing their intention to honor the Sacred Feminine and her Sacred Waters.

Now imagine this gathering, viewed from above. Thousands of people coming together in ritual are now themselves part of a breathtaking piece of aerial art—a giant Water Goddess- that is broadcast and live-streamed to the world.


People from all across the globe can tune in virtually and add their own prayer and intention to the ritual.


Together as one people, with no border or boundary, the planet connects to honor the Sacred Waters and the Sacred Feminine.


On Sept 12th during the BhaktiFest festival in Joshua Tree, CA this is exactly what is happening!


UNIFY.ORG is excited to announce we will be teaming up with BhaktiFest and Dancing Without Borders to make this a reality.


BhaktiFest is a six-day yoga, sacred music, meditation, and well-being festival held in the heart of 450 acres of inspiring Californian desert. Bhaktifest is a non-profit organization that in addition to producing family-friendly festivals, supports charities across the globe.


The festival features:

  • 24 hours of sacred devotional music
  • Over 100 hours of yoga classes
  • Deeply transformational workshops
  • Conscious eco-friendly food vendors
  • Unique yoga and devotional arts and craftsFire ceremonies (pujas),
    • Family-friendly kids’ events
  • Hanuman chalisas
  • Camping, cottages, and cabin accommodation
  • Healing and wellness sanctuary.
  • Fire Ceremonies (pujas)


Click here for more information on the festival:


Unify will be there helping to connect the world in prayer and celebration and we hope you will join us, live and in-person in Joshua Tree.


If you want to come, UNIFY.ORG has arranged for a 20% discount on tickets!  Enter CODE UNIFY101


And if you can’t make it to the live event, join us at  to participate virtually in our ritual and lend your intention and your heart to the collective field we are creating.


In service and prayer to the Feminine and to her Waters,



Note from Arya: As there are coming in a lot of informations about a critical phase (also concerning politics, finance, economy and ecological system) starting in September 2015, I ask you to take part numerously and share this call for global meditation. (Berlin Time:23:30 – 24:00) Thank you.

A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon

 A Hathor Invitation

On September 5th 2015 the Hathors are calling for a global sound meditation that will join many life-affirming beings including humans, angelics, interdimensional and intergalactic intelligences into an alliance for the protection of life and its elevation upon this planet.You can “tune in” and participate in this meditation wherever you may be in the world. Distance is not an obstacle at this level of consciousness.The meditation will take place from 5:30PM – 6:00PM EDT or 21:30PM – 22:00PM UTC. For the specific time in your area, you can use the World Clock Time Converter.During this thirty minute period it is suggested that you listen to the sound meditation, A Bridge Between the Worlds, which you can locate in the Listening section of our website ( Please download this to your computer before the event rather than using our server to listen to it during the global meditation.To read the complete Hathor message with more background and detail, click here.For information about the workshop In the Company of Angels at Symphony Space in New York click here or go to the Calendar at If you’d like to join us in person click here for a ticket.
Our mailing address is:

Tom Kenyon

PO Box 98

Orcas, WA 98280

Add us to your address book

Copyright (C) 2015 Tom Kenyon All rights reserved.

Extract from the message:
…You are collectively passing through a very difficult and dangerous point. The destructive forces upon your planet in terms of religious fanaticism, climate change, corporate greed and manipulation, as well as dire threats to the very foundations of your eco-system are increasing.
You are now entering, from our perspective, a massive Chaotic Node the likes of which your planet has not seen for some time. If unmitigated, this Chaotic Node could result in the mass extinction of multitudinous life forms including many humans.
We are therefore calling into action all positive angelic forms from all spiritual traditions, from all life-affirming interdimensional beings, from all alien civilizations of positive intent, and from all human beings who are aligned with our intention.
We will be creating a nexus point on September 5, 2015. And through a global meditation we will be calling forth these many diverse and life affirming angelic forms into an alliance for the protection of life and its elevation upon this planet….

Please read the whole text on

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This Stunning Salt Water Powered Car Is Ready For European Roads

 We all know gasoline comes from oil, and we all know that oil is a non-renewable source of energy. Finding a new fuel source that could power our vehicles and also be renewable would be a wonderful invention for our planet. While we have come up with ethanol as a substitute for gasoline, the toxic emissions that come from burning it are extremely hazardous to our environment. Electric cars are also an option but they can take a very long time to charge, and the energy used to charge the batteries has to come from somewhere as well and that usually means “coal-burning facility”. Now there is another option for the environmentally conscious consumer!

NanoFlowcell has come up with a way to utilize hydrogen as a fuel source without having highly pressurized systems in place, since they can be rather dangerous. While there have been other potential manufacturers of hydrogen-fueled vehicles, NanoFlowcell seems to be the only one that has made it this close to the production line.

Genepax, a company based in Osaka, Japan in 2008, developed an energy generator that split water molecules to produce hydrogen and that was used to power an engine in a car. A membrane electrode assembly (MEA) was used to split the hydrogen molecule from the oxygen molecule via a chemical reaction. The cell only required air and water which removed the need for a hydrogen reformer or a high-pressure hydrogen tank, which was a safety concern. Genepax went bankrupt shortly after unveiling their model, even though they had received a patent on their water energy system.

Stanely Allen Meyer also invented a hydrogen-powered vehicle system which was patented. His idea implemented the use of “subjecting the collected gas mixture (extracted hydrogen and oxygen) to a pulsating, polar electric field whereby electrons of the gas atoms are distended in their orbital fields by reason of their subjection to electrical polar forces, at a frequency such that the pulsating electric field includes a resonance with respect to an electron of the gas atom.” Unfortunately, Stanely died in 1998 after a meeting with investors. According to his brother, Stanely said “they poisoned me,” then collapsed to the ground. You can read more of his patent here.

So what is different with NanoFlowcell’s design? For starters, it uses salt water! They have named their vehicle the Quant E-Sportlimosine and it has two tanks of liquid  with dissolved metallic salts. These dissolved salts have opposite charges and are then pumped through a membrane. The chemical reaction of uniting the two molecular structures gives off an energy that we can harness. This car has just been approved for testing on European roads, and it’s design  makes it look like it was made for those curvy roads. A sleek shape, and statistics that show 0-60mph in 2.8 seconds is an added bonus for something as beneficial to our planet as emission-free, non-hazardous transportation.

For more information on the Quant E-Sportlimosine, you can watch this video, and the following pictures show you what this beautiful creation looks like.



salt water

The car is 5.25 metres long, 2.2 metres wide, and has a height of 1.35 metre (4.4ft).


Images source
Featured image modified from NanoFlowcell

Scottish Island to be First 100% Self-Sustaining Place on Earth

A beautiful Island North-West of Scottland called Eigg is leading the way in the sustainable revolution by being the first of its kind to become completely sustainable using natural renewable energy sources like wind and water as they naturally flow in the environment. So far they have achieved 90% power supply from their renewable sources and live independently from the U.K. National Grid.

Also amazing is the fact that Eigg is completely owned byits residents.  Anyone who lives on Eiggfor more than 6 months becomes a member of the Island’s decision making committeeand becomes an integral part of the brain of the island.

The combination of wind, water, and solar energy sources hasnever been done before.  The wind is themost precious resource on the island of Eigg and the key to all the residentson this small island being able to access power 24 hours a day lies in theirability to store that energy.  This iswhere there battery warehouse comes  inwhere the energy generated from the renewable sourcing systems set up throughoutthe island can be stored and utilized as needed. 

Also a key power source of the island is a powerful hydro-generator.  The generator collects rainwater and waterfrom the environment and then sends it underground where it will be processed. Waterflowing from the peak of the island provides up to 112 Kilowatts of hydro-electricityfrom the main generator alone.  Theislanders use a power center to constantly balance the power levels flowing throughthe generators and the town.

Originally the project was funded by government grants andprize money, but eventually that funding has run dry and now the town must beself-sustained.  The administrativesystem on the island sells electricity cards giving access to the sustainablysourced energy supply and also communicated important information about theongoing levels of energy available.  Agreen sign will indicate that power supply is high and energy can be usedfreely whereas a red sign tells town members that perhaps water levels are lowor some other factor is contributing to a lower power supply and thus energyneeds to be conserved. It is a system that works quite well for Eigg, whoseresidents are obviously committed to a sustainable lifestyle.



Inner State of Your Consciousness
The Value of Openness
GalacticHeart banner

Ready for downloading ~~

SYNCHRONICITY ~~ Embracing the flow of life

Webinar Video Preview: Serendipity


Galactic energy flows continuously, assisting in raising our vibrations.

It is a gift that intensifies our potential for more synchronistic moments.

In this Webinar Sheldan explains how we can use this heightened energy to prepare us for full consciousness.

Topics include…
• Awakening to our new energy systems
• Importance of connecting with your I AM Presence
• Adjusting to new perceptions ~ Tuning into the flow of life
• Heart Logic ~ Honing your intuition
• What the Indigos are teaching us
• Intersecting our human energy with divine energy
To order Webinar 64 Archive: Click Here
Price: $13.95 U.S.


Golden Age Messages from the Masters

through the founders of the Ascended Masters Mystery School

Living as a Golden Age Citizen ~~ Part 2

Thank you for choosing to be on Earth during humanity’s ascension into the 5th dimension. The increase in Gamma Rays that are presently entering your planet’s environment are greatly assisting you individually and collectively in opening up some of the dormant packets of information that have been stored in your crystalline DNA since before the fall of Atlantis. The release of these Rays is also accelerating the spin within your electrons, which is assisting you in embodying more of the consciousness of your Presence and more of the 5th dimensional qualities that are preparing you for your ascension. You are more available to reap the rewards of these accelerations the more willing you are to release any 3rd dimensional references you may still be using to define yourself. As these old facets are transformed and lifted out of your limited belief systems, the more available you are to ascend with the Earth, and the easier it will be for you to access the gifts you are here to share in co-creating your next Golden Age.

~ The Council of the Elohim


When you see others with the eyes of your Presence, the more obvious it becomes that all souls are equally Divine and that there are now many in your world who are awakening to the fact that they are here to live as Golden Age citizens to assist in manifesting a new Golden Age. We have observed that it often brings excitement and peace to these awakening souls to be in the company of others who are also experiencing similar awakening experiences. We therefore encourage you to gather with those who are equally focused on what they can do to be living, loving and creating as 5th dimensional citizens who know they are here to assist in manifesting your next Golden Age.

When all of the energy that has previously been focused on supporting the play between the light and dark forces on your planet is released, that energy can then be used to expand and nourish the heart’s greater desire to live in a new age that is centered in Unity Consciousness. The driving force within many souls around your world is presently being focused on how to exit the duality, fear-based play that has been driving the consciousness of your world since the fall of Atlantis. Humankind has now entered a cycle where many are discovering that they must free themselves from the past to make room for the new.

The energy it has taken to support your living in a duality, fear-based world can then be used to create a new Golden Age where humanity can live in peace with one another and be free to focus on what would be best for everyone and for the Earth. As Ascended Masters, we are here to expand the love in your heart and throughout the whole of your being so you can easily return to living in the Oneness you have known in previous Golden Ages.

sun rising up   new sky by kandiart

When a certain percentage of you have lifted your consciousness out of any residual needs to stay attached to your limited 3rd dimensional ways of thinking, feeling and acting, then the collective consciousness of your world can also become more available to align with its potential to move into the 5th dimension. Your dedication to becoming clear of your past is one of the major ways that you can add to the Love and Light of your world while creating more space for everyone to move into the 5th dimension.

Please know that all of the shifts, clearings and inner work you have done over many months and years have all been instrumental in making you more available to act as 5th dimensional Golden Age wayshowers.

You are now entering a new cycle where your new Age will start to be experienced as surely as your sun rises over the horizon every morning. The more you allow yourselves to accept this new heart-centered reality, the sooner you will be able to fully accept who you truly are and why you have chosen to be on the Earth during your Great Shift in the Ages.

When you fully merge with the 5th Dimensional levels of your being, you will transition out of any tendency to be exhausted by the 3rd dimensional demands on your life. Those old ways of being will then be replaced by your deep, heart-felt desire to simply integrate into your next Golden Age with ease, grace and joy.

through Kamala Everett and Sharon Rose


Kamala and Sharon Rose offer many Ascended Master Teachings

Be the Change! Step into Your Mastery

Be the Master You Came to be ~ in Your Life & in the World

Advanced Ascension & Master Manifestation Training for Awakened Souls
(pre-requisite to participate in the Council of Awakened Masters)

Now Online Worldwide

For more information on this Master Course, go to:

For other courses, click here

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09/01/2015 by John Smallman

Here in the spiritual realms enthusiastic anticipation is mounting as the light holders and light workers on Earth continue to raise the consciousness of the collective to new levels of awareness about their spiritual origins.  All sentient beings are spiritual beings first and foremost even if they have lost awareness of this basic truth.  Life is eternal, unending.  The form it uses or presents may change, but the underlying spirit is changeless, a divine creation, perfect in every way.  However, embodied on Earth as a human, its awareness is restricted by the limitations that a human form imposes upon it.

The human brain, the energy information receiver that is used by your body, has only limited channels on which it can operate and only limited intelligence with which to interpret the incoming signals that it receives.  BUT, your hearts can open far wider to the constant stream of Love (information and creative potential) that flows from the one Source, God, and that envelops you in every moment.

Over the last few hundred years Western Cultures have focused on intelligence and logic to make sense of the world, discarding the spiritual knowing of the eons that is an essential aspect of your awakening process.  This is mainly due to the corruption and breakdown of spiritual information that has occurred when the divine messages received by saints and mystics has been “reinterpreted” by their enthusiastic first followers to fit in with the rules of behavior and belief that they then attempt to impose on those whom they proselytize in order to control them as they build religious organizations which they use as a stepping stone to power.

Reason and logic are very useful tools that can help people work with and understand the environment with which the illusion presents them.  But tools can be misused and damaged, and when they are their usefulness is severely reduced.  The intellect cannot tune in to the waves of Love with which God has surrounded you because it is an aspect of the illusion and its purpose is to separate, divide, and break apart.  It is an excellent tool when used with your sciences to come to a greater understanding of your worldly and physical environment, to understand how things work and then use that knowledge to make life as a human easier or more satisfying by reducing the need to work constantly to survive.  But it has no ability at all to connect with spirit, your true nature, which exists eternally in a state of infinite joy, knowledge, wisdom, and awareness.

Due to the successes of recent modern technology, your innate sense of spirituality has become even more cloaked for many because the distractions of the illusion have become more enticing.  Many think that science will eventually overcome human death, and in the meantime, as people live longer and longer, the search for a meaning in life has become a quest for further toys with which to amuse yourselves.  However, despite the well known and utterly apocryphal saying “he who dies with most toys wins,” the distractions and enticements of the illusion do not provide lasting satisfaction.  The toys that you have become boring, and new ones have to be invented to replace them, and the rate of replacement keeps accelerating.

You are divine beings, One with God, but temporarily unaware of that ultimate Truth.  And while that Truth remains hidden or cloaked you will continue to seek satisfaction, perhaps even ecstasy in the enticements of the illusion, but, of course, you will never find it there because it can only be found in God.

God created you in and with infinite Love and in that state you were sublimely happy.  However, having total freedom, one of God’s many gifts to you, you chose to use it to “escape” from His loving embrace and experience separation, life without Him.  It occurred to you that free from His eternal Presence your life could or would be more interesting or exciting, in fact more ecstatic.

Obviously it has not turned out like that.  You have only to look around you to see the absolute futility of your efforts to build a world of happiness without Love.  God is Love, and Love is your nature, to be without It is like being without air when you are an air breathing mammal, or like a fish without water, survival in that condition is impossible.

You need Love.  But most of you are attempting to live without It because in your state of separation, as humans on a planet that requires you to struggle constantly to stay alive and seemingly compete with one another for the basic necessities, which appear to be in short supply, sanity and logic seems to demand that you put Love on hold while you fight each other for survival.

You all desperately want Love, and are continuously searching for it within the illusion, where It cannot be found.  You may experience It for short periods of time, but either pain, suffering, disease, betrayal, or eventually death persuade you that Love is a lost cause, and that you are far better off focusing on your individual survival as you attempt to escape the inevitability of human death.

Your awakening is an awakening, or more correctly, a re-awakening into your true nature as beings of Love.  And it is absolutely inevitable.  But before you can return to that state or to that awareness you must release all that is not in harmony or alignment with Love.  There is only Love, as you are continually being reminded, all else is illusory, but while you hold on to the illusory, Love escapes you, hidden under the cloak that is the illusion.

So, as we watch with great joy the amazing progress you are making towards your natural and eternal state, we would remind you with all seriousness of the essential need that you take as much time out from your daily earthly duties as you possibly can to retire to your holy inner sanctuaries to refresh and strengthen yourselves by calling on us for assistance and for a loving hug.  You are spiritual beings and you need daily contact with the Love field that envelops you.  In spite of your inability to feel it in its true fullness it is embracing you in every moment.  When you go within restate your intent to be loving in every moment and in every situation, because that expands and strengthens your individual energy fields, which are pure Love, and spreads them throughout the world where they are mixing and integrating with the energy fields of the whole human collective and dissolving all that is unreal, all that is unloving so that your re-awakening happens, as divinely promised and intended.

What you are doing on Earth is ESSENTIAL!  No one Else can do what each one of you incarnated to do, and you are doing it magnificently as you will understand when the cloak dissolves or the veil disintegrates and you finally see what you have been doing so earnestly for so long and with such wonderful determination.  Yes, we are well aware that you get very little direct feedback, which is why we keep contacting you like this to reassure you that all is fine.  Do not be disheartened by what you hear and read in the mainstream news media, because the divine plan is unfolding precisely as God wills, and you are assisting beautifully with that unfoldment.

With so very much love, Saul

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