When a certain percentage of you have lifted your consciousness out of any residual needs to stay attached to your limited 3rd dimensional ways of thinking, feeling and acting, then the collective consciousness of your world can also become more available to align with its potential to move into the 5th dimension. Your dedication to becoming clear of your past is one of the major ways that you can add to the Love and Light of your world while creating more space for everyone to move into the 5th dimension.
Please know that all of the shifts, clearings and inner work you have done over many months and years have all been instrumental in making you more available to act as 5th dimensional Golden Age wayshowers.
You are now entering a new cycle where your new Age will start to be experienced as surely as your sun rises over the horizon every morning. The more you allow yourselves to accept this new heart-centered reality, the sooner you will be able to fully accept who you truly are and why you have chosen to be on the Earth during your Great Shift in the Ages.
When you fully merge with the 5th Dimensional levels of your being, you will transition out of any tendency to be exhausted by the 3rd dimensional demands on your life. Those old ways of being will then be replaced by your deep, heart-felt desire to simply integrate into your next Golden Age with ease, grace and joy.
through Kamala Everett and Sharon Rose