09/01/2015 by John Smallman
Here in the spiritual realms enthusiastic anticipation is mounting as the light holders and light workers on Earth continue to raise the consciousness of the collective to new levels of awareness about their spiritual origins. All sentient beings are spiritual beings first and foremost even if they have lost awareness of this basic truth. Life is eternal, unending. The form it uses or presents may change, but the underlying spirit is changeless, a divine creation, perfect in every way. However, embodied on Earth as a human, its awareness is restricted by the limitations that a human form imposes upon it.
The human brain, the energy information receiver that is used by your body, has only limited channels on which it can operate and only limited intelligence with which to interpret the incoming signals that it receives. BUT, your hearts can open far wider to the constant stream of Love (information and creative potential) that flows from the one Source, God, and that envelops you in every moment.
Over the last few hundred years Western Cultures have focused on intelligence and logic to make sense of the world, discarding the spiritual knowing of the eons that is an essential aspect of your awakening process. This is mainly due to the corruption and breakdown of spiritual information that has occurred when the divine messages received by saints and mystics has been “reinterpreted” by their enthusiastic first followers to fit in with the rules of behavior and belief that they then attempt to impose on those whom they proselytize in order to control them as they build religious organizations which they use as a stepping stone to power.
Reason and logic are very useful tools that can help people work with and understand the environment with which the illusion presents them. But tools can be misused and damaged, and when they are their usefulness is severely reduced. The intellect cannot tune in to the waves of Love with which God has surrounded you because it is an aspect of the illusion and its purpose is to separate, divide, and break apart. It is an excellent tool when used with your sciences to come to a greater understanding of your worldly and physical environment, to understand how things work and then use that knowledge to make life as a human easier or more satisfying by reducing the need to work constantly to survive. But it has no ability at all to connect with spirit, your true nature, which exists eternally in a state of infinite joy, knowledge, wisdom, and awareness.
Due to the successes of recent modern technology, your innate sense of spirituality has become even more cloaked for many because the distractions of the illusion have become more enticing. Many think that science will eventually overcome human death, and in the meantime, as people live longer and longer, the search for a meaning in life has become a quest for further toys with which to amuse yourselves. However, despite the well known and utterly apocryphal saying “he who dies with most toys wins,” the distractions and enticements of the illusion do not provide lasting satisfaction. The toys that you have become boring, and new ones have to be invented to replace them, and the rate of replacement keeps accelerating.
You are divine beings, One with God, but temporarily unaware of that ultimate Truth. And while that Truth remains hidden or cloaked you will continue to seek satisfaction, perhaps even ecstasy in the enticements of the illusion, but, of course, you will never find it there because it can only be found in God.
God created you in and with infinite Love and in that state you were sublimely happy. However, having total freedom, one of God’s many gifts to you, you chose to use it to “escape” from His loving embrace and experience separation, life without Him. It occurred to you that free from His eternal Presence your life could or would be more interesting or exciting, in fact more ecstatic.
Obviously it has not turned out like that. You have only to look around you to see the absolute futility of your efforts to build a world of happiness without Love. God is Love, and Love is your nature, to be without It is like being without air when you are an air breathing mammal, or like a fish without water, survival in that condition is impossible.
You need Love. But most of you are attempting to live without It because in your state of separation, as humans on a planet that requires you to struggle constantly to stay alive and seemingly compete with one another for the basic necessities, which appear to be in short supply, sanity and logic seems to demand that you put Love on hold while you fight each other for survival.
You all desperately want Love, and are continuously searching for it within the illusion, where It cannot be found. You may experience It for short periods of time, but either pain, suffering, disease, betrayal, or eventually death persuade you that Love is a lost cause, and that you are far better off focusing on your individual survival as you attempt to escape the inevitability of human death.
Your awakening is an awakening, or more correctly, a re-awakening into your true nature as beings of Love. And it is absolutely inevitable. But before you can return to that state or to that awareness you must release all that is not in harmony or alignment with Love. There is only Love, as you are continually being reminded, all else is illusory, but while you hold on to the illusory, Love escapes you, hidden under the cloak that is the illusion.
So, as we watch with great joy the amazing progress you are making towards your natural and eternal state, we would remind you with all seriousness of the essential need that you take as much time out from your daily earthly duties as you possibly can to retire to your holy inner sanctuaries to refresh and strengthen yourselves by calling on us for assistance and for a loving hug. You are spiritual beings and you need daily contact with the Love field that envelops you. In spite of your inability to feel it in its true fullness it is embracing you in every moment. When you go within restate your intent to be loving in every moment and in every situation, because that expands and strengthens your individual energy fields, which are pure Love, and spreads them throughout the world where they are mixing and integrating with the energy fields of the whole human collective and dissolving all that is unreal, all that is unloving so that your re-awakening happens, as divinely promised and intended.
What you are doing on Earth is ESSENTIAL! No one Else can do what each one of you incarnated to do, and you are doing it magnificently as you will understand when the cloak dissolves or the veil disintegrates and you finally see what you have been doing so earnestly for so long and with such wonderful determination. Yes, we are well aware that you get very little direct feedback, which is why we keep contacting you like this to reassure you that all is fine. Do not be disheartened by what you hear and read in the mainstream news media, because the divine plan is unfolding precisely as God wills, and you are assisting beautifully with that unfoldment.
With so very much love, Saul