TOC – The tools of consciousness are designed to transform any unwanted thought or feeling by acknowledging the creation of it and giving space to the underlying “truth”coming forth. More about it veranstaltungen/workshops/ (you can translate it with into any language). TOC will come out soon also as an online-program.
In the depths of our darkest emotions, the light can seem infinitely far away.
When sadness, fear or any negative emotion overcomes us, it’s as if all the things that once triggered reward and happiness in the brain shut down.
It feels like happiness and excitement are impossible to reach in the moment.
Some of us, as a result of coping, create ways to keep the mind busy. It’s as if the physical vessel is here but our consciousness, our presence is not focused on the now.
When we experience low energy days, sometimes we feel victim to our emotions and allow a mental spiral to happen.
If you feel alone in your mind with no one to bounce your thoughts off of, that lack of reassurance can cause self inflicting feelings of self doubt.
No matter where we find ourselves emotionally or mentally, know that you are right where you need to be.
Either to learn, grow, or observe the experience.
When we know and understand our emotions, and thesource of our sadness, it no longer has power over us.
When we let what we do not like immobilize us, we are allowing it to control us. Once we can see the patterns we keep encountering we can claim our control – because we understand that we are ultimately the creators of it.
We learn what we do not like byexperiencing it.
The child does not know the stove is hot until they have been burnt.
You can start to shift your emotional state by simply imagining what it would be like for you to be in a situation or space that brings you joy.
By taking action, not only do you transform your life, but you become the embodied example of powerful, focused creation.
We have to understand that by not taking action on our issues, we are allowing ourselves to exist in a state of stress and discomfort.
We are letting ourselves saying to ourselves that we deserve this and allow the disc
omfort to continue.
If we dislike something then we must act.
Thank you for reading
Much love to you!
Amanda nix<3
June 21-28, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Each of you is coming closer to a stronger connection with your divine essence and this will help you feel more stable than has been evident in the past several months. This process is opening new doors of perception which will help you to move forward once again. There is ever the ebb and flow in the energetic waves that move through your personal and planetary cycles. As you become aware of these and how they affect you, you align with their influences and act accordingly. As you do this, life becomes more harmonious and pleasant. The people around you are more responsive to you and show you their appreciation and love. When you are in tune with your personal energy cycles, life becomes an ever expanding adventure of new experience. This new state of being requires its recipient to be willing to go beyond their established comfort zones and take the steps necessary into new directions.
It takes courage and bravery to move past one’s former patterns of limitation and to begin taking action to forge a new path as one leaves behind all that one experienced in their lives, to make a start in the new beginning that beckons them forward. Allow the self doubt and indecision to dissipate as to the right path you must follow; it will unfold in its own divine timing. It is difficult, we know, to focus on just one thing, as your senses are assailed by creative thoughts and ideas. Spend time in the outdoors, sitting quietly and experiencing the sights and sounds that array your senses. This helps to ground your energies and keep you aligned to your divine essence. The next step will be made clear to you through this activity of keeping things simple. Know that there are many loving, supportive, and nurturing energy beings constantly surrounding you. All is in the process of the unfolding story of your personal and collective lives.
We find that many of you are now experiencing the return of the energetic flow through your human operating system. For many of you, this was a missing ingredient that felt like a disconnection from source energy. This process was necessary in order to give you the time needed to absorb, assimilate and integrate the new downloads of information and activations that are being sent on waves of love. This process is ongoing, sometimes it comes as great energy flow and at other times, as a time of rest. Life is a continuous cycle with valleys and peaks and there is always motion, even when you don’t feel it. Follow the signs your physical body gives you, for these are important to listen to for your continued health and well being on all levels of interplay.
You are going through a rebirth and your body, mind and spirit are being brought into alignment and connection so that you can manifest a greater reality than you have previously known. You are in a process of regeneration and transformation that offers you an opportunity to express yourselves in new ways. Seize these moments as they manifest in your lives for they bring to the surface new treasures from your soul. It is always up to you to choose how you grow, move forward and expand in your conscious awareness and evolvement; there is no one else who can do it for you. When you commit to taking a new direction, what you need to manifest it will be drawn to you.
Experience the joy and fulfillment that comes with creation and expect the unexpected – for your life can take a new turn miraculously. In your new beginning, you are reaching a new level of understanding which is helping you to reach new dimensions within. By following your inner wisdom and listening to your inner guidance, you will achieve success in all of your endeavours. All that is required is your active involvement and that is the key that unlocks your great potential.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and all live website links are included.
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.
Confusion, tiredness and a sense of disconnection may be the experience for many of you – particularly the sensitive among you and the especially esoteric. You may be experiencing a real disconnection from the 3-D world.
This might translate to examples such as an inability to pay your bill, and I don’t mean financially, I mean literally paying the bill. It might translate to an inability to do your ‘to do’ list that you used to do with no problem. Just a feeling of floating and being a bit disconnected from all of it.
The only problem with floating and energetically feeling widely as a sensitive (going into the macro of what’s going on in our world), is you can get lost in the noise. Essentially, you can get lost in the junk DNA that’s floating around out there in other people’s energy fields (the Universal Energy Field).
So those of you who are feeling anxiety around that, for you it’s going to be a focus of come back to your purpose and your connection.
So your purpose might be a grand thing that you are working on that is going to take you one year to conceive. It might be a book, it might be a garden you’re building, it might be working with your friend to try and influence policy in an environmental way. So some of you will have your grand purpose. But even if you have a grand purpose, everybody this month is going to find the simple small task your savior.
Watch the full June Energy Forecast below, or read the transcript here:
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![]() June 19th, 2015 The Divine Potential for this miracle was acknowledged by our Father-Mother God when they witnessed the heart commitment of Awakening Humanity and our willingness, as well as our intense desire, to hold the sacred space for our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity until they too could Awaken and return to Christ Consciousness. With that realization our God Parents issued a Cosmic Dispensation that gave the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth permission to come through the veil to meet us halfway. Since that moment, the Company of Heaven has been standing in readiness awaiting the opportunity to assist us in powerful ways whenever we ask for their help. Now, due to the incredible success of the Activities of Light that have taken place through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth over the past several decades, these selfless Messengers of our Father-Mother God have been given permission to amplify Humanity’s efforts to add the Light of the World a thousand times a thousandfold. This Gift from On High has exponentially intensified our ability to transmute the human miscreations on the old Earth as we cocreate the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. –A Clarion Call From On High by Patricia Cota-Robles P.S. To see all of our upcoming programs, including Neale Donald Walsch, Llewellyn Vaughn Lee, Matt Kahn, Patricia Cota-Robles and Barbara Marx Hubbard and to get free 48 hour replays click here: |
3 Subjects Schools Should Teach To Improve The World
By Andrea Schulman|
As a former teacher who spent 7 years in the system, one of the things that really bugs me about today’s schools is the undercurrent of fear and control-based social conditioning that they subject our children to. Yes, our children do learn valuable skills and information, but often at the cost of their overall health and prosperity. Our schools, while they do indeed try, ultimately fail to fully harness the power of today’s young minds because they emphasize routine, discipline and testing over exploration, compassion and innovation.
Another problem today in education is that we simply aren’t teaching kids what they really need to know to be successful in life. While it is important to learn basic math, science, and reading to survive in today’s world, it is also important to teach kids how to thrive.
With some slight adjustments, we could quickly start to improve education by adding a few new subjects aimed at helping kids become healthy and successful adults. By teaching students information that will truly benefit them, we could start to transform education (and the world!) in a positive way. Here are 3 subjects school could teach to improve the world:
1) Meditation
Meditation is a fantastic practice that many people do not have any instruction on whatsoever. Meditation clears out the clutter of anxious thoughts, helps people focus, and increases mental (and physical) health. The positive effects of meditation are well-documented.
How wonderful would it be if each morning students had 10 minutes of mindful meditation before beginning their school day? They’d start their morning centered and peaceful rather than rushed and scattered. I would imagine this would have tremendous effects on learning gains as well as behavior.
Beyond that, 10 minutes of meditation would be easy to implement! Most teachers need a few minutes at the beginning of class to take attendance, so many of them already give silent work to get students settled and ready for the day at the start of class. Replacing these “bell ringer” activities with meditation could be a quick and seamless way to start improving education.
2) Proper Nutrition
Why aren’t schools teaching our children how to take care of their bodies?
Particularly in the United States, we are failing to educate our kids on the importance of nutrient-rich, organic, and non-GMO foods. The genetically modified food packed with chemicals that stocks our shelves and feeds our schoolchildren is very likely responsible for skyrocketing obesity and cancer rates. Especially in a time when health hazards like these are on the rise, wouldn’t it be wise to teach our children how to make sound nutritional decisions?
Sadly, I’ve seen first hand what “lunch” (I use the quotation marks with much exaggeration) looks like in a school cafeteria. The choices our schools make in regards to nutrition leave much to be desired, and that’s putting it mildly.
I think the education system would be wise to honestly address this issue and take measures to educate today’s youth on the importance of TRUE nutrition. No more BS about how fruit cocktail is a “fruit” or how chicken nuggets are a good source of protein (claims that I’ve seen with my own two eyes on the school lunch menus sent home in my daughter’s backpack).
The thing is that kids already learn about nutrition in school, so we don’t have to completely overhaul the system to fit in new courses on nutrition. We just need to start being honest with them about what’s really going on with our food. Let’s be serious: 20 years from now, proper nutritional education (or the lack thereof) will have a much more profound impact on the lives of young people than Algebra 2 will.
3) Law of Attraction
From a very young age, we have had it beaten into us that there are rules we must follow and a very specific path we must walk down if we want to be successful.
Many of us buy into the idea that we must go to college (usually by taking on massive loans), and get an acceptable job (like being a doctor, accountant or a lawyer) if we want to be successful in life. This rigid thinking sways many young people away from exploring their true passions.
If we could teach our young people that anyone can use the Law of Attraction to create a successful career out of their passion, we could improve the world dramatically. New career options would emerge, and innovation would go off the charts. More importantly, people would be happier because they would be doing what they really wanted to do, rather than wasting their lives away doing work that didn’t inspire them.
Teaching students about the Law of Attraction from an early age would give kids the tools they need to go after their big dreams and live fulfilling lives. It’s nothing new agey. It’s just the simple practice of believing in yourself, and aligning your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs with the results you wish to achieve.
To be fair, I do believe that education does serve a valuable purpose, and we are fortunate that most people today learn literacy, mathematics skills, social studies and science (amongst other subjects). However, this is a very narrow scope of what we could be teaching the students in our schools, and I believe it misses the mark on what our children really need to know in order to be happy and successful in adulthood.
By teaching kids how to meditate, proper nutrition and the Law of Attraction, we would give students the tools they need to not only be knowledgable, but to flourish. We would improve our nation’s health (both physically and mentally), and our economy would expand as more people would have and create innovative and passionate careers for themselves. With happier, healthier and more prosperous citizens, we’d also very likely reduce violence and crime.
It’s something to think about. At the end of the day, I just couldn’t hack it as a teacher anymore because I couldn’t be a part of a system that I felt was hurting more than it was helping. As a mother and as a human being, I want a better future for our children, and I think that many people out there probably feel the same way.
We have the ability to be the generation that improves the world through education and I hope we can say one day that we were the ones who finally did it!
About the author: Andrea Schulman is a former high school teacher and the creator of Raise Your Vibration Today, which provides free and easy Law of Attraction techniques. She also provides group educational seminars and webinars. To learn more about Andrea and Raise Your Vibration Today, please visit
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1. Create a safe space.
This can look like going to your room or a comfortable safe place that you can relax in. It can be alone or with whoever makes you feel good. Take a moment for yourself to relax and reflect upon the day.
Simply observe, do not act; just breath and absorb the energies of your environment.
2. Eat well.
Our food effects our mental state immensely. If you’re feeling sensitive, on edge or weak at all – take a moment to make some food.
The more raw, green and real the food is, the more it will positively effect you. See how your eating habits directly connect to your mental and emotional body.
3. Positive Affirmations.
This can look like anything – even just good job, keep going, well done. Tell yourself something nice that you’d want someone to tell you. It can be for the entire day or for the task you are doing in the moment. Keep yourself feeling good; you deserve it!
4. Don’t internalize things.
When someone says something that bothers or upsets you; let them know in the moment! Don’t let something fester inside you; it never turns out nicely. Find a way to tell that person who upset you that they did and that communication will uplift you.
5. Get some crystals!
These stones each hold a different energy that can help you immensely. Some crystals are good for grounding and making you feel relaxed.
Others hold a higher vibration which can help with excitement and inspiration. Find the stone that resonates with you the most; you’ll know when it happens.
6. Use Essential oils.
These aroma therapy tools are amazing. They are relaxing, rejuvenating and energetically clearing. Smells like spearmint, bergamot, lavender and tea tree oil help clear your sinuses.
7. Do Meditation and Yoga.
These are powerful tools of transformation if you allow them to be. They can help ground you, clear your mind and stretch out your muscles.
By the end of a session, you feel totally fresh and energetically cleared!
8. Smudge.
Incense is a great way to calm your energy. Sage clears the space energetically and brings a new feel to the room.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a moment to smudge yourself!