June 19th, 2015 The Divine Potential for this miracle was acknowledged by our Father-Mother God when they witnessed the heart commitment of Awakening Humanity and our willingness, as well as our intense desire, to hold the sacred space for our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity until they too could Awaken and return to Christ Consciousness. With that realization our God Parents issued a Cosmic Dispensation that gave the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth permission to come through the veil to meet us halfway. Since that moment, the Company of Heaven has been standing in readiness awaiting the opportunity to assist us in powerful ways whenever we ask for their help. Now, due to the incredible success of the Activities of Light that have taken place through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth over the past several decades, these selfless Messengers of our Father-Mother God have been given permission to amplify Humanity’s efforts to add the Light of the World a thousand times a thousandfold. This Gift from On High has exponentially intensified our ability to transmute the human miscreations on the old Earth as we cocreate the patterns of perfection for the New Earth. –A Clarion Call From On High by Patricia Cota-Robles P.S. To see all of our upcoming programs, including Neale Donald Walsch, Llewellyn Vaughn Lee, Matt Kahn, Patricia Cota-Robles and Barbara Marx Hubbard and to get free 48 hour replays click here:http://livinginone.com/ |