Published on May 14, 2016
Published on Jul 16, 2016
A Message to Lightworkers – December 28, 2018
The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactic family members, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today.
And we see that for many, your energies are picking up a bit now, recuperating from the initial rush of the holiday season, and tapping into the anticipation that is building for the year of 2019.
And you are correct that this is a special, even an unusual year that you are headed into.
For one, since the fall of Atlantis, there has never been more open communication between those living upon the Earth and those living in ships surrounding Her, or living on (or inside of) other stars, planets, and space stations.
Your etheric connections and visits, telepathic conversations, and intuitive understanding and memory of these dear ones are growing daily.
You nightly visit those in your soul families and those with whom you are working diligently to create greater awareness on Earth of the Ascension path, as well as ongoing Disclosure of the existence of other (nonhuman) races on Earth, in the galaxy, and in the Universe.
We are aware that you feel disheartened at times as you look out onto the world.
It is so that there are numerous disinformation efforts afoot that are leading some astray, confusing many, and throwing into the mix of energies and emotions that are now flowing forth, some lower vibrations that you are better off moving away from and ignoring altogether.
We would say, do not be discouraged, angered, or fed up with these efforts, for they are short-lived and self-damaging at best.
Continue doing your own work—meditating, playing or creating high vibrational music or tonal frequencies, or creating art, dance, and other creative expressions that lift your and others’ energies, transmitting healing and empowering frequencies that lift the vibrations of others, and speaking those words that only encourage and celebrate your own and others’ lives.
These among other endeavors, areas of focus, and higher intentions are carrying you into the next year and the years that follow with exactly those frequencies that will most assist you at this time.
Photo by Renee Turcotte
We do not speak of being the one who is “right” regarding what is happening now in the world, and whom to trust and whom not to trust in terms of information.
We speak of establishing your own frequency of Joy, of Love for yourself and others, and anchoring that into all that you do, feel, say, and believe emotionally and spiritually.
And that you consider that your only reality now.
It has long been typical of human life, that you do as you are ordered, threatened, or programmed to do.
And we would say now, as we have said often, that those times are over.
It is well time that you regained your own autonomy, in the sense that you do not wait for one authority figure or another to tell you it is time to celebrate life, or NESARA law, or the liberation of the planet.
You are that very liberation that you seek. You are that very “authority.”
And it makes no sense that you would await some other outer presence, now or in any Earth calendar year, to free you to live the life you have so badly wanted for so long.
The reason you dream of free living—freedom of expression, of thought, of community and personal life, of Being—is that you were born into this particular Earth life for the very purpose of anchoring that reality into the Earth Herself, and to begin living it.
Though we have said this many times, we find that it takes on new meaning now, as you lean into the beginning of a year whose astrological alignments are made to upend old arrangements that have lived out their purpose, and old forms of thought and social management that no longer apply to Earth life.
Is everyone celebrating this? You are aware that the old power crowd are not only disturbed and unhappy about these developments, but seeking to hide from their logical conclusion.
And so they are seeking places to hide inside, on, or above the Earth where they think they will be happily sequestered until “all this blows over” and the old order is restored. Yet they fool themselves on that account.
You are aware that there is only one new order anchoring into Earth life now, and that is the structure of crystalline consciousness, of that higher Light that your own soul is made of, and the frequencies of evolvement that naturally come with it.
And so we would look upon this coming year, despite images on your screens of mishaps and disasters, understanding that there is far more at work now than you could possibly imagine or consciously grasp.
And that it is of such a high order in intention and integrity that there are no words in your language to express the powerful Light it holds, nor the Divine Love that has created it.
Photo by Angela Pereira
Go into this next year with the understanding that nothing is now as it has been, that you need not stress over this report or that, regarding which journalist or group is to be believed and which is to be disregarded.
What does your own intuition tell you?
What visions do you receive in your own quiet time, speaking with your Spirit team, or visiting the higher realms to learn more about your life mission—what do you sense and inwardly see is happening on the Earth now?
What are your own inner indications telling you?
Rely far more on these, and far less on devices and their outer transmissions, and you will find the Earth Herself singing her own song, and waiting and asking you to add your own voice to her beautiful vibration of freedom.
For this you came.
Namaste, dear ones! We are with you, always.
Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.
Living in 5D
While in a Crazy 3D World
2019 is promising to be a year of increasing chaos in the world.
This is especially true if the reports about thousands of sealed indictments, military tribunals, increasing numbers of migrants at the US borders, and ongoing battles in Washington DC about returning troops—and everything else—are accurate.
Even if none of these situations actually manifests or worsens, the geopolitical scene remains alarming on many fronts. It’s enough to keep you in a state of low-frequency anxiety about what may transpire in the days to come.
How then can we continue our journey into the Fifth Dimension amidst all this chaos and uncertainty? It’s not easy. But it’s truly possible. We simply need to focus on our own individual Ascension process and continue to raise our frequency in any way we can.
Be Careful about Believing the News
First, it’s important to really get that most of the alarming events that are apparently happening in the world may not even be actual. Remember that most of the news that is reported is only second-hand—at best. And it’s generally reported, either intentionally or unintentionally, with a particular polarizing bias.
If you simply believe something because it’s reported in the news—whether by the mainstream news or by independent journalists online—you may be making a mistake. The days of being able to trust the news we receive are truly over.
As is becoming all the more evident, fake news reigns across the board, and it’s difficult to know anything for sure, if you are not right there where an event is actually happening (and even then, you really can’t be positive about what you’re witnessing, because something may well be happening behind the scenes that is not apparent).
Are these Events Actually Impacting Your Life?
Secondly, it’s important to ask yourself if any of the events apparently occurring in the world are actually impacting you in your personal life. Usually, they are not. It is generally only what you think about the events that impacts you.
Now, you may believe that being worried or angry or aghast at terrible things you read or hear about in the world is a sign of a caring, ethical person—and, of course, you are right. And you know you are one of these people.
You care deeply about the suffering of others, you care about immoral, selfish decisions that are made by heads of state. You care about those who are attempting to create a better world. You are an empathic, spiritually-oriented person who feels pain when others suffer.
But the question is: Does your shifting into anger, blame, depression or fear when taking in the news actually serve you—or those who are suffering—in any way? If you can actually do something concrete to alleviate the suffering, of course, it’s important to do that. But most of these situations that are alarming are really out of your control.
It’s important to recognize the belief, often unconscious, that if you get upset about alarming news happening in the world, this confirms your belief that you’re a “good” person. In a way, it does—in that it indicates you have a healthy response of empathy, an important sign of spiritual awakening. But staying in that consciousness of upset and maintaining it by dwelling on it and communicating that upset to others is not a sign of higher consciousness.
As you surely know, all upset emotions, such as anger, fear, hatred and polarization are low-frequency. None of them assists you into 5D consciousness.
Focusing on your Own Ascension Process
So how can you maintain that higher consciousness amidst all the chaos and uncertainty happening in the world? By focusing on your own Ascension process — and staying loving, kind and joyful in your own life.
And—very importantly—by staying in trust: trust that there is a higher plan working out that is sometimes difficult to see but that you have recognized before when you’ve had experiences of higher consciousness.
You likely know well what the higher aspects of consciousness are: being centered, calm, loving, forgiving, joyful, peaceful, optimistic. This is essentially 5D consciousness. You’ve probably experienced it before, perhaps seemingly through nothing you’ve done; it just kind of happens from time to time. Or maybe that’s been your response when something wonderful happens in your life.
Now it is time to very consciously create and focus on these higher-frequency emotions and moods, whether there seems to be any reason for them or not.
Riding the 5D Waves of Energy
There is a lot of help now to do this. Powerful waves of 5D energy are flowing onto the Earth at this point—and are gathering strength. They are becoming more and more accessible to us. It doesn’t take much to tune into them, reach up into their energies. And when you do, you may find you can ride these waves and experience synchronicities that are off the charts and even witness small daily miracles.
You can decide to consciously trust what is occurring in your life, no matter how much change, loss or uncertainty is present—and wait to see how new, higher-frequency relationships, events and circumstances begin to flow into your life as you consciously let go of what is no longer working for you.
Living Your Life as if You’re Already in 5D
Another way to stay in 5D consciousness is to begin living your life in any way you can as if you are already living in a 5D world. Tune into your “ideal” life that you’ve dreamt about—one in which you imagine yourself to be free of stress, free of fear, free of the feeling of obligation or too much responsibility.
Envision a life that is perhaps filled with creativity and pleasure and joy. Or one in which you are successfully involved with your spiritual mission. In short, one in which you imagine yourself to be happy, fulfilled and free.
What would that look like? What would be you be doing? How would you spend your days? How would you feel?
At first, it might seem impossible to live this ideal life when the life you’re currently living is so different. But look more closely. There may be something you could do now that is a step in the right direction.
Perhaps it’s something small that might lead to a situation you’re dreaming of. Or there’s a way to begin doing something that can develop into something bigger and better. Maybe it’s a different way of achieving something than you’ve ever thought of before. Maybe you don’t need all that money you’ve thought you’ve needed to begin creating your dream.
Open Your Expectations and Beliefs

Photo by Alex Grey
The main thing is to become aware of your expectations and beliefs that have developed while living steeped in a limited 3D consciousness, and begin seeing how you’ve held yourself back with these old attitudes. Perhaps you’ve been laboring under a belief that you don’t “deserve” a happy, free life for some reason.
Or you have a programming about being “responsible” and having to work hard to prove yourself—and that you’re irresponsible if you want life to be easy and pleasurable.
Be aware that these kinds of beliefs are not truth; they’re simply cultural beliefs you’ve somehow been taught that are based on a belief in lack and limitation. And often on a belief that people are naturally lazy or selfish and they need to work hard in order to prove they’re not.
Of course, you want to be responsible for your actions; you don’t want to compel others to take care of you because you aren’t taking care of yourself. You have to tune into right action for yourself in every situation. But generally, you’ll probably discover that if you follow your inner guidance, you’ll find choices in which you will have your needs met in a responsible, rightful—and yet easeful—way. It doesn’t have to be hard.
Expect Miracles
In fact, see if you can begin expecting miracles. Realize there are possibilities now that didn’t exist before. Expect your limitations to fall away and to receive what is necessary for you to live the life you want—free of stress, anxiety or fear.
And then focus on the emotions you’d experience if you were already living in your 5D life. Feel these emotions deeply. Act as if it’s all already happening. Trust.
If you’ve been on a spiritual path for any length of time, you’ve likely heard all these encouragements before. Perhaps you’ve tried them with varying amounts of success. But realize that now, during these times as we shift ever-more-quickly toward the Fifth Dimension, these practices are all the more powerful. It’s easier to experience results; it takes a lot less effort.
As you do this, you’ll become all the more aware of the old limiting 3D beliefs and habit patterns you’re still holding onto and be able to let them go. We’re in the higher Fourth Dimension now where reality is much more fluid and open to miraculous events. Take advantage of this—and begin living your ideal 5D life now!
New In-Person Class :
Awakening to 5D with Ease and Confidence
ON JANUARY 20/21, 2019
It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of the total Lunar eclipse on January 20th/21st to create a portal through which we will unify our consciousness and enlighten the energy field around the planet.
Make this viral! Share it worldwide!
Please post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook event for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.
This meditation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to resolve the deadlock between the Light and the dark forces, finally setting humanity free. Number of people doing that meditation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up the process.
We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this meditation! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide. The Light forces will have their focus on the whole American continent (North and South America), which will be completely covered by the eclipse.
Astrological chart for our meditation shows a powerful Grand Square between Moon and Lunar node conjunct, opposing Sun and Mercury, and squaring Uranus, Eris and Pallas. Multiple planets in this chart are making numerous powerful aspects (around 20 aspects in total!) with the Galactic Center, Pleiades and Sirius. This powerful configuration creates a point of maximum tension which is released in a big cosmic breakthrough.
At that point, Cosmic Central Sun will send a huge pulse of Light throughout the whole Creation. This pulse will be a trigger for the beginning of the final removal of all darkness from the Creation and a trigger for the beginning of the preparations for the new cosmic cycle.
The Light Forces have a certain plan for that day and that plan will be revealed only after the meditation is completed.
The purpose of our meditation is to anchor as much Light as possible on the surface of the planet.
00:11 am EST in New York.
This equals:
2:11 pm JST in Tokyo,
1:11 pm CST in Taipei and Beijing,
7:11 am EET in Cairo,
6:11 am CET in Paris,
5:11 am GMT in London.
Central and western part of US will still have Sunday, January 20th, the timing will be:
11:11 pm CST in Chicago,
10:11 pm MST in Denver and
9:11 pm PST in Los Angeles.
You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone HERE.
1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.
2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to bring the Light to the surface of the planet.
3. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through Alcyone Pleiadian stargate, then going through the Sirius stargate, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.
5. Lift your hands above your head and begin to rotate your body clockwise.
6. While doing that, sing mantra iiii (pronounced ee-ee) so that it vibrates throughout your body and visualize your body morphing into a brilliant pillar of Light, with millions of rainbow colored stars scattered within that pillar of Light.
7. Keep singing the mantra and rotating. After a few minutes, drop your hands close to your body and continue rotating clockwise.
8. While doing that, start singing mantra eeeaaa (eee is pronounced as e in “America” and NOT as e in “Venus”, and a is pronounced as a in “America”) so that it vibrates through your body and visualize a rainbow vortex of Light expanding from your heart outwards throughout the whole planet.
This rainbow vortex calls upon the presence of your twin souls, soulmates, soul families, your spiritual guides, Ascended masters, Pleiadians, angels, dolphins, and other beings of Light. Visualize your twin souls, your soulmates and your soul families awakening and merging with you into One being in a mandala of Light.
Suggested time for our meditation is 20 minutes.
Goddess wants Light and Light it will be!
Please use social icons at the top right corner or copy a link to this page to share on social media and invite your friends to join us in this meditation.
Together we can make this information viral and create a huge positive impact!
Published on Jan 25, 2016
What keeps us happy and healthy as we go through life? If you think it’s fame and money, you’re not alone – but, according to psychiatrist Robert Waldinger, you’re mistaken. As the director of 75-year-old study on adult development, Waldinger has unprecedented access to data on true happiness and satisfaction. In this talk, he shares three important lessons learned from the study as well as some practical, old-as-the-hills wisdom on how to build a fulfilling, long life. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design — plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at Follow TED news on Twitter: Like TED on Facebook: Subscribe to our channel:…