Be prepared for some businesses to close regardless of tactics used to remain successful. Those based in energies of self- service over service to others will be unable to align with the higher frequencies of fifth dimensional energy. Businesses based in the spiritual principles of love and gratitude that are the foundation of all business– (I give to you this product or service that is right for you, and you give me money as gratitude)–will expand and remain successful.
It is important to resist expectations of what changes will be or must look like because expectations based in three dimensional thinking are very limited and consist of what is already known. Simply remain open to whatever ways change may present itself and know that there will be times when you may not like what you are seeing.
In third dimensional energy where time still exists, there must always be a process, an unfolding versus the immediate. Much that is coming is not yet a part of the collective consciousness.
You are now aware that in order for interactions of any kind to work harmoniously, there must be an energetic alignment. As personal and global energies expand, many are finding themselves no longer in alignment with what has always been familiar and comfortable, be it relationships or ideas.
Trust your intuition in all things. If something no longer feels right to you, trust this. Intuition works softly and silently and will not be heard by anyone choosing to stay plugged in 24/7. Allow yourself to let go of the things in your life that no longer work for you as they once did. This need not be a huge effort or struggle and can be as simple as eliminating certain foods. Anyone choosing to evolve must be open change.
Those refusing change, standing firm in obsolete three dimensional ideas– ( “This is the way we have always done it! This is the only right way! This is the real truth. Government knows best. That is woman’s work. That is a sin!” ) –are in for many surprises and will soon find themselves to be in the minority, much like someone on a deserted island shouting into the air.
The sense of isolation that may result from refusing change or compromise can be an important spiritual tool for those continuing to hold rigid three dimensional beliefs. The experience may cause them to question whether their belief system really is correct, is simply what they have been told, or is just ego desiring to be right.
Everyone’s “stuff” is rising to the surface in order to be looked at and this can be very stressful. Never lose sight of the fact that you wanted and chose to be on earth at this intense and powerful time or you would not be here. Problems arise because the majority as of yet does not consciously know this.
There remain many who still believe that everyone lives only one life after which they go to either heaven or hell depending on how well they followed the “rules” during that one life. This false belief is what causes some to do whatever it takes get everything they desire in this one life regardless of the consequences to others.
Once you realize and integrate the realization that God is all there is, you understand as well that there is a Divine plan of unification (Oneness) forever held in place by Divine Law. Some third dimensional issues that previously caused problems now begin to lose their seeming power because you are no longer in alignment with that particular energy.