A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom KenyonDestabilizationYour world is entering a period of immense destabilization.In past messages we have referred to Chaotic Nodes as unexpected catalytic and chaotic changes. We have also noted in past communications that multiple Chaotic Nodes are emerging, and their interaction is what we are referring in this message as destabilization. (see a previous Hathor message titled Escalation of Chaotic Nodes and the Dismantling of 3-D Reality). This destabilization of your world is occurring at the ecological, social and individual levels of existence. Let’s begin with the ecological issues. Your planetary environment is, essentially, being poisoned. The acidification of your oceans, the overuse of pesticides, chemical agents and fossil fuels are all interacting to create an ecological Chaotic Node of immense proportions. Indeed, a growing number of your scientists are saying that your Earth is entering the beginning stages of a “6th mass extinction.” We will turn our attention to the ramifications of these issues in a moment but let us address the other two levels first. At a social level your world is entering a highly volatile and destabilizing state. This is a complex situation but addressing the most rudimentary levels we would say you are witnessing a clash of cultural values as well as the impact of both climate change and war on migrations of human populations, some of which are being caused by circumstances and some of which are being manipulated by power brokers behind the scenes. The third level is the individual—you—the one reading this message. This is also a complex situation and there are several levels involved. One of these levels has to do with the poisoning of your planet’s environment that we mentioned earlier. And as a result of climate change and deforestation, new forms of bacteria and viruses are being spread globally. These microforms of life are not inert. They are living intelligences that evolve, and they are evolving very rapidly in ways that will make your current medical methodologies for dealing with them ineffective. A second challenge to your individual stability has to do with the magnetic shifts and dimensional alterations that are unfolding on your planet. Because your nervous system operates according to the principles of bio-electromagnetism, the neural networks in your nervous systems are being challenged by these shifts and alterations. Some of you, especially those who are energetically sensitive, will be prone to this more than others. But increasingly, no one will be exempt. Communications between human beings will get more challenging—to be gracious about it. What may surprise you is that some of these challenges will arise in close friendships and intimate relationships. You may find that seemingly insignificant external events can set off tsunamis of emotional responses. There are two primary reasons for this phenomenon. The first has to do with the destabilization of your nervous system making it more prone to losing its center. And the second level has to do with the process of catalytic evolution that you are undergoing as a human being at this point in time. What we mean by this is what has been hidden is being revealed. The deepest catacombs of your subconscious are being turned over like a plow cutting through a field. This is essentially a very disturbing state to deal with especially for those of you who think of yourselves as spiritual beings. If you are of the opinion that being a spiritual being requires that you always be in a state of bliss and happiness then you will find this purification process deeply disturbing, but it is—quite frankly—required for individual evolution and liberation from the restrictions imposed by your religions and confining histories. It is also necessary for humanity, as a whole, to face and transform its own shadow material (i.e., unresolved emotional issues and destructive belief patterns) if humankind is to survive. In past messages we have said that a course of action could be changed in the 11th hour. By this we were referring to a metaphor meaning that in the last hour before an irrevocable shift occurs it is possible to change an outcome. We are still of this opinion, but you are well past the 11th hour. You are at one minute before midnight, metaphorically speaking, of course. What this means is that massive changes will have to occur in a very short period of time if you are collectively to avoid the 6th mass extinction. As the ecological and social aspects of this destabilization process are so complex, we wish to confine our comments to practical suggestions for you. One marker, evolutionarily speaking for transition states between dimensions as a human being, is the growing perception that life is a dream. If this occurs for you, you will experience your life and the events of your life as having a dreamlike insubstantial quality. You will still have to deal with the realities of your physical existence, but there will be an increasing sense that your physical existence has an unreal quality about it. We do realize that in many of our messages we have sounded like a broken record, repeating ourselves again and again especially when referring to coherent states of emotion like happiness, joy and/or appreciation. This has to do with physics and neuropsychology. Coherent states of emotion are an antidote to the destabilization of your nervous system caused by the various factors that we mentioned previously. There are many ways to accomplish this task of bringing coherency to your nervous system. For one, we suggest you work with the sound meditation A Bridge Between the Worlds (see Tom’s comments below) on a regular basis as a means to introduce this type of coherent emotion into your nervous system. Another way to create more coherency is to introduce more joy into your life, which is indeed paradoxical for many of you. Very few cultures underwrite the necessity for joy as a value. Sacrifice, martyrdom and self-forgetting are what seem to be valued most in many societies, but from our perspective these are the greatest errors, at least from the perspective of spiritual evolution. We are very sensitive to the fact that many of you reading this message may be dealing with this paradox (i.e., how to create more joy your life) in very direct and challenging ways. Our advice, like all advice, should be “taken with a grain of salt.” This is simply our perspective on this particular challenge. Having stated this caveat, our suggestion is to cleave away from your life the thought forms of self-sacrifice and martyrdom. Find more ways to discover joy even in the smallest things. It does not matter how small they are. And finally, find the courage to speak your truth to those closest to you. This type of truth speaking and self-revealing is, in our opinion, critical for your successful transition through the current and on-going period of global destabilization. The Hathors
Tom’s Thoughts and ObservationsFirst of all I don’t think the first portion of this message should come as a surprise to anyone who has managed to avoid being duped by the hypnotic spell of our mass media and taken a close look at the course of recent world events. For those readers not familiar with the concept of the 6th mass extinction of life on this planet, below is a link to a class handout I gave participants at a past workshop called The Biophotonic Human. It contains both scientific and layperson friendly sources regarding the growing evidence that we are at the cusp of or have actually entered the 6th mass extinction. http://tomkenyon.com/the- My reason for sharing this information is to introduce what I consider to be a vital concept in a way that is balanced and forthright—meaning without sensationalism—and grounded in scientific credibility. What you decide to do or not do with this information is in your domain of choice, not mine. While this is a relatively brief message it has levels of information encoded within it. One of the levels I found intriguing was the statement regarding the perception of life as a dream. This is a very complex topic but in its simplest form, the Hathors are saying that as we move upward in consciousness there is often a growing perception that life is dreamlike. We begin to see through “the illusions” of this world to sense the underlying reality that we are creating our own unique perception of “reality.” Furthermore, we begin to sense more clearly that our embodied existence is just one dimension within a vast interdimensional realm of consciousness. The perception of life as a dreamlike mirage addressed by the Hathors has a comforting and interconnected quality to it. In other words, when this state of perception arises you feel enigmatically deeply connected to yourself at a deeper level than is normally experienced. At the same time, you deal with the physical realities of your existence and do not try to avoid them. This leads to a type of amusement at being both localized in time and space while recognizing that some part of you (i.e., your multidimensional reality) transcends time and space as well as all the phenomena (i.e., situations, persons and places) that comprise your life. I think it would behoove us here to make a distinction between what the Hathors are referring to as the dream-like nature of life from the perspective of higher dimensions of consciousness and dissociation from life, which is a mental aberration. If you are sensing a dissociation or disconnection from life that leaves you feeling less connected to yourself, and if you are feeling emotional states that are discomforting rather than comforting, then I would say you are not experiencing the type of upward movement the Hathors are talking about in this message. Rather you might be experiencing the effects of stress taking a toll on your emotional wellbeing. This is why the Hathors keep discussing coherent emotions attained either through meditation and/or listening to sound pieces that are nurturing and calming like A Bridge Between the Worlds(see the link to this sound meditation below), as well as through the cultivation of coherent emotions such as—but certainly not limited to—joy, happiness and/or appreciation. In the last the very last paragraph of this message they said:
While working on my section I asked them what they meant by this, and they said that authentic spiritual evolution and freedom depend upon the two pillars of speaking your truth to others and revealing yourself in ways that open internal pathways (within you) and outer pathways (in those around you) for change to occur. If you keep your light hidden from yourself and others, the world will not be liberated by your innate luminosity. At the same time, if you repress and keep your distress and negative responses to what is happening around you hidden from yourself and others (by perpetuating self-forgetting and distraction) you will create a shadow realm that will preclude and eclipse any true spiritual light that might emanate from your being. Tom Kenyon Click here to listen to and/or download A Bridge Between the Worlds. This will take you to the Listening section of the website (www.tomkenyon.com). After agreeing to the Terms and Conditions you will find a host of sound meditations and lectures, all of which you can listen to and/or download for your own personal use. To find the sound meditation, just scroll down until you find the title: A Bridge Between the Worlds. Information Not Directly Related To This Message:My current 2016 Calendar is now posted on our website. Click here to view it online or visit our website www.tomkenyon.com. A new sound meditation titled Kuan Yin’s Enlightenment Sound Meditation is now posted in the Listening section of the website. This highly unusual sound meditation is based on Kuan Yin’s self-reported path for reaching Enlightenment. You can listen to the sound meditation by clicking on the title above or going to the Listening section. After agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, you will have access to all the lectures, music and sound meditations in this section. You can listen to and/or download any of these audio files for your personal use. Fake Hathor MessagesIt has recently come to my attention that someone, apparently in the Netherlands, has written and circulated a Hathor message attributing it to me. I find this type of outlandish behavior irritating and unethical—not to mention illegal. While people are certainly free to channel whomever or whatever they wish, they do not have the right to use my name or associate their creations with me in any manner. If you ever receive a forwarded Hathor message supposedly from me, I would suggest you go to our website and see if it appears in the Hathor archives. If you do not see it there, I had nothing to do it. If you value receiving Hathor messages from me and encounter a fake message, like the one currently being forwarded out of Holland, please let the people in your network know about the situation and encourage them to verify the authenticity of a message by going to the Hathor Archives atwww.tomkenyon.com
©2016 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved www.tomkenyon.com You may make copies of this message and distribute it any media you wish so long as you do not charge for it, do not alter it in any way, credit the author and include this entire copyright notice. While the text of this message may be shared, no audio files including lectures, music and/or sound meditations may be posted on any site for any reason without the author’s written permission. |
You are receiving this email because you opted in at our Web site or asked to be added to the list via email or at a workshop.Forward to a friend |Our mailing address is:
Tom Kenyon
PO Box 98
Orcas, WA 98280 Copyright (C) 2016 Tom Kenyon All rights reserved. |
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Hi Arya,
zu Hause rumsitzen und nichts machen ist dir zu langweilig? Du möchtest dich aktiv für die großen Probleme dieser Welt engagieren oder deinen Bürgermeister davon überzeugen, endlich Fairtrade-Kaffee im Rathaus auszuschenken? Dann haben wir was für dich! Unsere Freunde vom Campaign Bootcamp organisieren ein einjähriges Programm, bei dem du alles Wissenswerte über Kampagnen und Aktionen lernen und viele andere spannende Aktivisten treffen kannst. |
Zum Auftakt kommen alle Teilnehmer für eine Woche in London zusammen und nehmen an einem Workshop über Strategieplanung, Spendensammeln, Pressearbeit und vielem mehr teil. Danach stehen dir die Kampagnen-Experten ein ganzes Jahr lang mit Rat und Tat zur Seite.
Wär schön, aber gerade knapp bei Kasse? Kein Problem. Das Campaign Bootcamp vergibt Voll- und Teilstipendien an Interessierte, die sich im Kampf gegen extreme Armut einsetzen wollen. Bewirb dich bis zum 29. März bis um 10 Uhr unter:http://www.campaignbootcamp. Falls du irgendwelche Fragen hast, kannst du dich an diese Adresse wenden:hello@campaignbootcamp.org Viel Erfolg und viel Spaß, Anne |
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3 Subjects Schools Should Teach To Improve The World
Children spend a vast portion of their lives inside educational institutions. From a very young age, we are put into schools and told how the world works, learning to absorb information rather than question it over the course of many years. We memorize enormous amounts of information, much of it irrelevant to our future lives, with the goal of acquiring the credentials necessary for us to find our place in this world. All of this, quite often, leaves us incapable of thinking critically, and while there are admittedly many positive aspects of modern day education, the drawbacks do appear to outnumber the benefits (at least in my opinion). I believe it is these issues within the education system which are inspiring more and more parents to choose alternative forms of school for their children.
One of the main issues with the education system is its lack of relevancy and real-world practicality. Children are rarely taught the kinds of skills which will most benefit them in their adult lives, and accordingly feel lost after they emerge from the education system, paper diploma in hand. It would be great to see schools begin to implement other subjects into the curriculum beyond those most commonly found in academia — subjects which help the child deal with and develop their inner selves rather than smother them with pharmaceuticals. Children have become a massive source of profit for the pharmaceutical industry, and we need to start addressing this issue at the root, treating the causes of children’s distress and not the effects.
Below are three subjects which should be included in every curriculum.
This one really is a no brainer, and it should be implemented into school curriculums for various reasons. One of those reasons is health, and the benefits in this area are well established in scientific literature. An eight week study conducted by Harvard researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), for example, recently determined that the brain will literally begin to rebuild itself in just 8 weeks. It’s the very first study to document that meditation produces changes over time in the brain’s grey matter, and you can access that study and read more about it here.
Another example comes from a study conducted by researchers at John Hopkins. They found that just eight weeks of meditation training was as effective as medication in treating anxiety, depression, and pain.
According to The Art of Living, which is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives, these techniques could improve intuition, enhance sensory abilities, improve awareness and foresight, increase confidence, remove the fear of the unknown, and increase creativity and intelligence. They’ve seen this through their own experience, and through the immense success of their program, which could easily be replicated by schools.
Dealing With Emotions
Our emotions are a constant presence, and dealing with them appropriately is essential to success in everyday life. Managing our emotions is not, however, something we are taught in school as children. Humans are complex animals, but mainstream education ignores much of that complexity, instead focusing on learning and regurgitating information in order to get good grades and find a job. Because of this, children miss out on important developmental growth, which is why many adults today also lack such skills. Meditation can be a great tool for dealing with one’s emotions, and it’s important for schools to reflect a need for this kind of personal development in their curricula. If these faculties of a child’s physiology are left unchecked, it can lead to a host of developmental and behavioural problems within the classroom.
It can also lead to physiological problems as well. Scientists over at the HeartMath institute have studied how different emotions create physiological benefits in your body. Did you know, for example, that you can boost your immune system by conjuring up positive emotions? Or that negative emotions can create nervous system chaos, and that positive emotions do the complete opposite? They’ve shown that the heart can actually send signals to the brain, the nature of which depends on the person’s emotional state; they can both help or hinder our nervous system. The heart beats out the largest electromagnetic field in the body, and information is encoded into this electromagnetic field depending on how we feel. This can affect the people around us as well. This research demonstrates just a few of many reasons why managing our emotions is essential to our health and happiness.
Another predicament that plagues mainstream education is its insistence on directing children rather than letting them direct themselves. Children are often unable to discover their interests and don’t have enough time outside of school and homework to engage them once they have determined what they are. This also creates a host of emotional issues, as many children are forced into career paths which do not excite them. The very act of being in school prevents many from even knowing what they are passionate about. Dr. Kelly M. Flanagan, a clinical psychologist, explains just how detrimental this enforced obedience can be:

Inspiration and all our best content, straight to your inbox.
When we can’t say ‘No,’ we become a sponge for the feelings of everyone around us and we eventually become saturated by the needs of everyone else while our own hearts wilt and die. We begin to live our lives according to the forceful should of others, rather than the whispered, passionate want of our own hearts. We let everyone else tell us what story to live and we cease to be the author of our own lives. We lose our voice — we lose the desire planted in our souls and the very unique way in which we might live out that desire in the world. We get used by the world instead of being useful in the world. (source)
We seem to have created one of the worst possible environments for our children. They spend most of their childhood lives in educational institutions, for hours every day, being told what to do, how to do it, and, occasionally, why it needs to be done. Then they do the same thing in post-secondary education, and again in the workplace. Children may be learning some things of value, but they are also learning something highly concerning — obedience and conformity. While children are busy growing up and trying to find their place in the world, they do so with the knowledge that they will have to find a job and ‘conform’ in some way, shape, or form. As a result, many of us fail to listen to our own intuition and desires. We become deeply unhappy.
Implementing strategies or even full courses on how children can learn to deal with their emotions will be a crucial step for mainstream education to take if it wants to move forward, see improvement, and help children develop into complete, functioning, and happy human beings.
Proper Nutrition
This is a big one, especially since food today faces many issues which were absent just one or two generations ago. Today much of our food is genetically modified and sprayed with harmful pesticides. While countries in Europe are banning as well as publishing studies showing the potential negative health/environmental effects of GMOs, North America is teaching children that GMOs are necessary to combat climate change and global hunger. (For more info, read “Why 19 countries in Europe just Banned GMOs.”)
The GMO debate aside, schools are littered with processed, unhealthy foods, featuring vending machines filled with disease-causing sugar and cafeterias filled with junk food. This not only contributes to the epidemics of obesity and disease which plague the Western world, the United States in particular, but also sets children up for a lifetime of nutritional deficiencies and poor eating habits. Classes about proper nutrition and global food issues are woefully lacking in the education system. Even when they do exist — and are not mandatory, which they should be — they rely food guides released by the government, which have been paid for by the food industry and whose recommendations have been proven to be problematic.
Proper nutrition is obviously vital for children’s mental stamina and focus and their emotional and physiological health. The bottom line is, school lunches today are setting kids up for a wide range of diseases as they enter into adulthood. We as a society are then paying both the literal and figurative costs of this neglect.
Get A FREE Jar Of Avocado Mayo
What would tuna salad be without mayo? Or even a great vegetable sandwich?! Healthy fats are finally the talk of health professionals again as the benefits are being realized.
We hooked up with Thrive Market to bring CE readers a chance to get a free jar of their GMO free Avocado Mayo. You also get to check out the future of buying healthy organic food for the cheapest prices around.
To get your free jar and check out Thrive Market, click here!P.S. The jar is worth $20!
About the author
Arjun Walia
This free occasional newsletter is published by EMR Aware, a group of concerned citizens based in Northern NSW Australia. It is intended to help provide the latest information on the health, environmental and social impacts of modern electro-technologies. This is done in the pubic interest to encourage a fair and balanced assessment of the topics at hand. Particular attention is given to content that may not otherwise be made available or openly acknowledged by industry and their government regulators.
We invite you to consider the mounting evidence and trending expert opinion on this page, and throughout our prior editions. How much more information do the authorities need to urgently adopt more stringent safety standards? There is little doubt a tobacco-style coverup of known adverse effects is presently underway. You can be part of the solution by forwarding a link to this web page to as many concerned persons and organisations as possible. Thank you for visiting.
Mobile and Cordless Phones
And the addicted shall inherit the Earth.
44 Reasons to Believe Cell Phones Can Cause Cancer. http://www.globalresearch.ca/44-reasons-to-believe-cell-phones-can-cause-cancer/5420118
Long term Use of Mobile Phones May Be Linked to Cancer.http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/mobile-phones/6420093/Long-term-use-of-mobile-phones-may-be-linked-to-cancer.html
Brain Tumours Now the Most Frequent Form of Cancer in U.S. Adolescents: Ground-breaking American Study.
Are Worst Fears about Mobile Phones Being Realized?http://www.preventcancernow.ca/brain-tumours-now-leading-form-of-cancer-in-adolescentsData on Cell Phones and cancer – The Spin Begins.http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/59262/title/Interphone%E2%80%99s_data_on_cell_phones_and_cancer_The_spin_begins
Mobile Phone Researchers Disagree About Cancer Findings.http://www.wddty.com/mobile-phone-researchers-disagree-about-cancer-findings.html
Mobile Phones Are “Cooking” Men’s Sperm.http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/news/12167957/Mobile-phones-are-cooking-mens-sperm.html
The Effects of Mobile Phone Electromagnetic Fields on Brain Electrical Activity: A Critical Review. http://andrewamarino.com/PDFs/CellphoneEMFs-Review.pdf
Does Short-term Exposure to Mobile Phone radiation Affect the Blood?http://www.westonaprice.org/modern-diseases/does-short-term-exposure-to-cell-phone-radiation-affect-the-blood/
A reference of manufacturers safety warnings for various phones. Show Us the Fine Print. http://www.showthefineprint.org/see-the-fine-print
Growing Media Exposure
Download this ABC Catalyst TV program: 2016 – Episode 03. Dr Maryanne Demasi takes a closer look at the link between mobile phones and brain cancer and explores whether our wireless devices could be putting our health at risk. Since airing, the reporter and her sources have been subjected to an orchestrated campaign of abuse on the online forums. Someone is obviously very worried about the whole truth getting out.http://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/vodcast_mp4.xml
Here is the reporter’s response at one online venue. Sometimes Asking Questions Provides You With Answers That May Be Uncomfortable.http://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/maryanne-demasi/sometimes-asking-questions-provides-you-with-answers-that-may-be-uncomfortable_b_9267642.html
Dr. Devra Davis appeared on the above program. Here is her lecture at the University of Melbourne December 2015. http://ehtrust.org/. The Truth About Mobile Phone and Wireless Radiation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwyDCHf5iCY
Recent TED Talk by Jeremy Johnson. Wireless Wake-up Call.https://www.emfanalysis.com/tedx-wireless-wake-up-call/
Mobilize: A Documentary on the Dangers of Cell Phone Usage by Children and Adults.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaaHf15MjoM&feature=youtu.be
The trance-formation of America. According to the US National Safety Council, most emergency room visits for falls are now caused by people distracted with their mobile devices.
Instagram Husband. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=fFzKi-o4rHw
How I Quit My Smartphone Addiction and Really Started Living.http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/feb/11/smartphone-technology-addiction-facebook-twitter
Gwyneth Paltrow Warns of the Dangers of Cell Phone Use and WiFi Radiation.http://www.naturalhealth365.com/radiation-wifi-cell-phone-1729.html
Microwave Towers
Phone, National Broadband, Emergency Networks, Radio, TV
NSW MP Attacks Telstra Over Mobile Tower Proposal.http://www.itnews.com.au/news/nsw-mp-attacks-telstra-over-mobile-tower-proposal-357387
A landmark heath-based decision. War on the Phone Masts.http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-29346/War-phone-masts.html
In Australia, section 4 of ACMA code 554-2011 places limitations on locating towers next to schools. Is this guideline being diligently applied in all cases?
Industry reps sometimes use the argument that signal levels from commerical radio and TV exceed that of mobile phone towers. While this may apply in isolated instances, it is not the general rule as indicated by the spectrum plot above of a typical suburb in Sydney.
Settlement Road NBN Tower
Nearby residents have been campaigning to have NBN provide a fibre optic or satellite connection instead of wireless internet. Questions remain unanswered regarding the ability of the proposed tower to service all nearby dwellings, due to the mountainous terrain, or transmit data at the speed claimed. The landowner who had comtemplated hosting the tower recently advised by email that he requested NBN to delete it from the RFNSA webiste while the aforementioned options are being investigated. Byron Shire Council has confimed that it will require a Development Application for a tower on that site. It lies within a protected scenic escarpment upon which a telecommunications tower appears not to be a permitted use. While the SEPP takes precedence over the LEP, the former states in Clause 20B(2)(b) that any development must “be permissible, with consent, in the land use zone in which it is carried out”.
Typical 30 metre tall NBN wireless internet tower.
Sunshine Coast
Readers in this area of QLD concerned about NBN microwave towers may wish to consider connecting with this well-coordinated group. Their next public meeting is at the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre 10AM to 12PM on 16 March. Agenda items will include an update on existing known NBN sites: Witta, Eudlo, Montville, Bald Knob, Beerwah (objections close 18 March), Glasshouse Mountains (objections close 24 March), Peachester and Conondale, as well as planning for actions relating to new sites: Sinclairs Lane, Witta Road and Burgess Avenue.
The inherent inefficiency of a multi-technology approach. Understanding the NBN: What is the Multi-technology mix?http://www.pcauthority.com.au/Feature/413232%2Cunderstanding-the-nbn-what-is-the-multi-technology-mix.aspx
An unprecedented waste of taxpayers’ money? Analysis: The Destruction of the NBN.http://www.pcauthority.com.au/Feature/412733%2Canalysis-the-destruction-of-the-nbn.aspx
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
Home, Business, Hotspots
Insightful Israeli newscast: “Invisible Danger” (with English subtitles).https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjk5VSrAySw
Another successful replication of Wi-Fi affecting plants. Effect of Man-made Electromagnetic Fields on Common Brassicaceae Lepidium Sativum (Cress d’Alinois) Seed Germination: A Preliminary Replication Study.https://elettrosensibili.wordpress.com/2015/12/29/effect-of-man-made-electromagnetic-fields-on-common-brassicaceae-lepidium-sativum-cress-dalinois-seed-germination-a-preliminary-replication-study-efecto-de-campos-magneticos-artificiales/
Why does industry want to saturate the environment with wireless signals? Perhaps so they can harvest the resulting high levels of EMR to power yet more devices. EnOcean Alliance Brings Battery-Less Communication to an Interoperable Internet of Things at CES 2016. http://www.marketwired.com/press-release/enocean-alliance-brings-battery-less-communication-interoperable-internet-things-ces-2085192.htm
Children and Schools
Public Talk in Mullumbimby
Presentation by Dr. Priyanka Bandara at Shearwater Steiner School, Mullumbimby NSW, 22 March 2016 6:30pm, $10. Education, Health and Wellbeing of Children in the Wireless Age. http://wirelessradiation.weebly.com/
Massachusetts Public School District Reduces Wireless Radiation In Schools With Mobile Device Best Practices.http://safetechforschoolsmaryland.blogspot.ca/2015/12/massachusetts-public-school-district.html
Telecom Funded Review on Children and Cell Phone Radiation Should Be Retracted.http://eht.elevadev.org/telecom-funded-review-on-children-and-cell-phone-radiation-should-be-retracted-according-to-independent-scientists-of-the-environmental-health-trust-2/
“Reduce childrens’ exposure to wireless.” Advice of The Cyprus National Committee on Environment and Children’s Health. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H43IKNjTvRM&feature=youtu.be
Scientist Tells Schools, Libraries to Ditch Wi-Fi.http://www.odwyerpr.com/story/public/6405/2016-02-26/scientist-tells-libraries-schools-ditch-wi-fi.html
FOX 5 News: Parents Concerned About WiFi in MCPS Schools.http://safetechforschoolsmaryland.blogspot.com.au/2016/02/fox-5-news-parents-concerned-about-wifi.html
Expert Docs Urge U.S. Secretary of Education: Play It Safe with Kids – Go Wired Not WiFi. http://www.releasewire.com/press-releases/expert-docs-urge-us-secretary-of-education-play-it-safe-with-kids-go-wired-not-wifi-633283.htm
Message to Dads About Wireless Exposure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcY0uvVmdjQ
Finnish Education Professors Warning Wireless Technology in Schools May Lead to a Global Epidemic of Brain Damages. http://www.emfacts.com/2015/12/finnish-education-professors-warning-wireless-technology-in-schools-may-lead-to-a-global-epidemic-of-brain-damages/
Wi-Fi Lawsuit Against Southboro’s Fay School is Headed to Trial.http://www.telegram.com/article/20160118/NEWS/160119173
If you are on Facebook – Autism and EMR group. https://www.facebook.com/login.php?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fgroups%2FAutismEMF%2F
Smart Grid
Electricity, Water and Gas Meters, AMI, HAN
Notice: Smart Meters Coming to NSW and SA
Judging by revelations from AGL, there will now be a concerted roll-out of smart meters within NSW. However, according to the company’s website, and recently posted letters of notification, it is possible to opt out by contacting them prior to 21 March 2016. This number has been provided for further information: 1300 669 245. Here is the AGL opt out page. https://refer.agl.com.au/forms/digital-metering/
Q: Can I choose not to get a new meter? And how?
A: Yes. While we think you could benefit from a new digital meter being installed, the choice is yours and you can choose not to.A Rapid Smart Meter Rollout in NSW and the Greens Support It!http://www.emfacts.com/2016/03/a-rapid-smart-meter-rollout-in-nsw-and-the-greens-support-it/
Anyone in NSW or SA who is not serviced by AGL and wishes to refuse a smart meter, may find it timely to submit a formal refusal to the head office of their own electricity provider. Otherwise, installation could proceed based upon the prinicple of “implied consent”. Take the initiative. In certain areas of Sydney, smart meters were reportedly deployed without any advance notice given to occupants.
Additional to the above, the NSW Solar Bonus Scheme ends in 2016. This means that the 20,000 or so homes particpatiing will be required to install a “net meter”. The model most often mentioned is the iCredit 500B, which is a wireless-capable smart meter. Concerned persons might consider taking their solar system off-grid, or seeking advice on alternative meters which do not emit microwaves.
Inusrers are begining to deny homeowners coverage or compensation for damage caused by smart meters. Changes Are Coming to Your Insurance Policy.http://www.examiner.com/article/changes-are-coming-to-your-insurance-policy
Stop Smart Meters Australia. http://stopsmartmeters.com.au
Stop Smart Meters New Zealand. http://www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz
350 wireless parking meters were recently installed throughout the seaside town of Byron Bay NSW. Peak field intensity at a distance of 1 metre was recently measured at 1mW/m2. Thanks to two large phone towers and the endless proliferation of Wi-Fi hotspots, background levels of RF within the CBD are now hundreds of times higher than in most nearby residential areas.
Mount Alexander Council Requests Smart Meters Health Safety Guarantee.http://stopsmartmeters.com.au/2012/08/20/mount-alexander-council-requests-smart-meters-health-safety-guarantee/
Smart Meters and Public Acceptance: Comparative Analysis and Governance Implications.http://www.davidjhess.org/uploads/3/5/1/3/3513369/healthrisksociety.finaldraft.pdf
B.C. Hydro Must Remove More Than 88,000 Smart Meters.http://www.theprovince.com/health/hydro+must+remove+faulty+smart+meters/11660282/story.html
Smart Meters Are a “Costly Mistake” That’ll Add Billions to Energy Bills.http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/03/30/smart_meters_costly_mistake_add_billions_to_energy_bills/. Perhaps the word “mistake” should be replaced with “conspiracy”.
A “stakeholders” forum on smart metering was held by Standards Australia in Sydney on 3 March, perhaps to paper over health and billing complaints in preparation for a nationwide grid. Why has our Government charged an industry-friendly NGO to decide what is safe and fair practice? Roadmap for Advanced Metering Standards.http://www.standards.org.au/Documents/E-1095%20Advanced%20Metering%20invite.pdf
“Smart” Meters Represent Industrial Profiteering and Government Sanctioned Surveillance, New Study Says. http://smartgridawareness.org/2016/01/11/industrial-profiteering-and-government-sanctioned-surveillance/
The UK plans to roll-out 26,000,000 smart meters by 2020. The push is on. Energy regulator OFGEM reportedly ordered energy supplier E.ON to pay a fine of GBP 7 million for failing to meet a deployment target of 20,000 smart meters to its business customers. Smart Meter Risks in 2016: The Global Rollout Continues.http://anhinternational.org/2016/01/06/smart-meter-risk-in-2016/
Members of the Maine Coalition outside the Supreme Court.
After a two year campaign of opposition, the Maine Coalition Against Smart Meters received ruling on 27 January in favour of electricity supplier Central Maine Power and the PUC. In spite of acknowledging evidence of harm from EMR, the Court relied upon FCC regulations, and invoked a convoluted form of risk assessment stating, “It’s one thing to make a finding that evidence is credible regarding potential harm and quite another to find there is a legally credible threat of harm that a credible threat of harm is in fact credible: likely and probable to result in harm.” Where vested interests are involved, it apparently all comes down to obscure language not reality. You can read the entire ruling here.http://www.courts.maine.gov/opinions_orders/supreme/lawcourt/2016/16me19fr.pdf
“The electromagnetic radiation standards used by the FCC continue to be based on thermal heating, a criterion now nearly 30 years out of date and inapplicable today.” – U.S. Dept. of Interior, 2014
Wearable Tech
Biometrics, Implants, Artificial Intelligence
School children holding mobile phones near their head to experience virtual reality.
Google’s Global Expeditions Pioneer Program. Stop Untested Microwave Radiation of Children’s Brains and Eyes EHT Scientists Urge Google. http://ehtrust.org/stop-untested-microwave-radiation-of-childrens-brains-and-eyes-eht-scientists-urge-google/
RedTacton Near-body Electric-field Communications Technology and Its Applications.https://www.ntt-review.jp/archive/ntttechnical.php?contents=ntr201003sf1.pdf&mode=show_pdf
A new benchmark in techno-inspired human degradation.Turning humans into batteries to run electronic profitable gadgets. Self Sufficient Wireless Transmitter Powered by Foot-pumped Urine Operating Wearable MFC.http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-3190/11/1/016001/pdf
Mains Radiation, ELF
Powerlines, Wiring, Appliances
The Gibbs Report, Inquiry into Community Needs and High Voltage Transmission Line Development, was commissioned by the NSW Government and was completed in 1991. In a classic example of doublespeak it concluded, “It has not been established that electric fields or magnetic fields of power frequency are harmful to human health, but since there is some evidence that they may do harm, a policy of prudent avoidance is recommended.”
Power-Frequency EMFs Promote Cancer in Massive Animal Study.http://microwavenews.com/news-center/ramazzini-animal-study
Life-span Exposure to Sinusoidal-50Hz Magnetic Field and Acute Low-dose Y Radiation Induce Carcinogenic effects in Sprague-Dawley Rats.http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3109/09553002.2016.1144942?journalCode=irab20
A typical Ultrasonic Pest Repeller emits ultrasound and injects signals into household wiring.
Soon to appear in buses, trains, airport lounges, hotels and other places already saturated with microwaves. How “Qi” Wireless Battery Charging Could Help People Ditch the Cords. http://www.csmonitor.com/Technology/2015/1216/How-Qi-wireless-battery-charging-could-help-people-ditch-the-cords
Transport, Aerospace
Motor Vehicles, Aircraft, Satellites
Enjoy your new 100% microwaved planet.
The following list of satellite internet projects was provided by Global Union Against Radiation Deployment From Space (GUARDS). http://www.stopglobalwifi.org/
- SpaceX: 4,000 satellites, altitude 390 miles. Testing to begin in
2016.- OneWeb: 2,400 satellites (648 satellites initially), altitude 500-590
miles. Target start-up date, 2018-2019.- Facebook: Satellites, drones, and lasers.
- Google: 200,000(?) high altitude balloons (at 62,500 feet) (“Project
Loon”)- Samsung: 4,600 satellites, altitude 930 miles.
- Iridium Next: 66 satellites, altitude 483 miles. Iridium’s satellite
hotspot, called “Iridium GO,” providing slow speeds, has been
available for purchase since January 2014. Launching of the “next
generation” (higher speed) satellites is scheduled to begin in October
2015 and to be completed by 2017.- Globalstar: 24 satellites, altitude 880 miles. Also slow speed, and
also already in operation. As an incentive to buy its “Sat-Fi” access
points, Globalstar is offering free satellite phones until September
30, 2015.- Outernet: 200 nanosatellites (4-inch cubes), altitude 560 miles.
Target start-up date, 2019.Google’s “SkyBender” Project Plans to Beam 5G Internet From Solar Drones.http://mashable.com/2016/01/31/google-skybender/#u6.rpkbiYSqN
International Coalition Objects to Project Loon. http://www.bna.com/international-coalition-objects-b57982065969/
Environment, Wildlife
Impacts of Radio-frequency Electromagnetic Field (RF-EMF) from Cell Phone Towers and Wireless Devices on Biosystem and Ecosystem. http://www.omicsonline.com/open-access/impacts-of-radiofrequency-electromagnetic-field-rfemf-from-cell-phone-towers-and-wireless-devices-on-biosystem-and-ecosystem-a-review-0974-8369-4-179.pdf?aid=12830
Can insects or plants be wrong?
In his 2009 study, Dr. Favre placed cell phones in hives and observed what happened. The bees exposed to ringing or active phones became confused and signaled each other to leave the hive. The effect lasted for 12 hours after the stimulus was removed.
Changes in Honeybee Behaviour and Biology Under the Influence of Cellphone Radiations. http://www.stralingsarmvlaanderen.org/resources/Ved-Parkash-Sharma_a49823b5aa.pdf
Mobile Phones Responsible for Disappearance of the Honey Bee.http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/wildlife/7778401/Mobile-phones-responsible-for-disappearance-of-honey-bee.html
Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) Clashes with Honeybees.http://www.ipublishing.co.in/jesvol1no12010/EIJES2044.pdf
Ants Can Be Used as Bio-indicators to Reveal Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Waves from Some Wireless Apparatus.http://www.eloverkanslig.se/pdfer/myror_2013.pdf
Cell Phone Radiation Affects Plants, Vegetables: Research.http://www.hindustantimes.com/india/cell-phone-radiation-affects-plants-vegetables-research/story-tWhZEXYsxutPOJN4KqJqpJ.html
High Frequency (900 MHz) Low Amplitude (5 V/m) Electromagnetic Field: A Genuine Environmental Stimulus That Affects Transcription, Translation, Calcium and Energy Charge in Tomato. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18026987
Adverse Influence of Radio Frequency Background on Trembling Aspen Seedlings: Preliminary Observations. http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijfr/2010/836278/
EMF Radiations (1800 MHz)-Inhibited Early Seedling Growth of Maize (Zea mays) Involves Alterations in Starch and Sucrose Metabolism.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26277350
Low-amplitude, High-frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure Causes Delayed and Reduced Growth in Rosa Hybrida. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26643955
Body Scanners, Surveillance, Non-lethal Weapons
Samsung Warns Customers Not to Discuss Personal Information in Front of Smart TV’s.http://theweek.com/speedreads/538379/samsung-warns-customers-not-discuss-personal-information-front-smart-tvs
Microchipping of humans is a feared enslavement scenario. But essentially the same thing can be done by microchiping everything we handle. In 20 Years Every Physical Item Will Have a Chip Implanted in It.http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/internet/12050185/Marc-Andreessen-In-20-years-every-physical-item-will-have-a-chip-implanted-in-it.html
US Intelligence Chief: We Might Use the Internet of Things to Spy on You. http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/feb/09/internet-of-things-smart-home-devices-government-surveillance-james-clapper?CMP=share_btn_link
How Cities Can Track Your Last 1,000 Locations Through Your Smartphone.http://www.offthegridnews.com/privacy/how-cities-can-track-your-last-1000-locations-through-your-smartphone/
Will machines soon monitor your emotional state? Mapping Emotions in the Body Yields Consistent Global Results. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/270738.php
Voice Recognition Software in “Hello Barbie” Doll Concerns Parents, Privacy Groups.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBIpzik2VsM&feature=youtu.be
Barbie also exudes Wi-Fi radiation, as shown measured here. Hello Barbie’s Radiation Exposure to Children From WiFi a Big Concern. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jUiMpufpqE
Light bulbs that listen. Linux Light Bulbs Allow Devices to talk to Each Other.http://techcrunch.com/2015/09/14/linux-light-bulbs-allow-devices-to-talk-to-each-other-with-flashes-of-brilliance/#.awg8y01:8Y1n
The perils of LED Streetlights. http://emfsafetynetwork.org/the-perils-of-led-streetlights/
Electro-sensitivity (EHS)
Electromagnetic Biological Response
Limbic Kindling: Hard Wiring the Brain for Hypersensitivity and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. http://www.cortjohnson.org/blog/2014/05/17/limbic-kindling-hard-wiring-brain-hypersensitives-chronic-fatigue-syndrome/
Reliable Disease Biomarkers Characterizing and Identifying Electrohypersensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity as Two Etiopathogenic Aspects of a Unique Pathological Disorder. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26613326
Brian Stein: Electromagnetic Sensitivity – Full Lecture.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4DKNs0G2kU&feature=youtu.be
National Geographic – Taboo EHS High Frequency Electromagnetic Field Sensitive People – WiFi GSM. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKekrESXssM
Mountains provide natural shielding from RF microwave networks (colour overlay).
Environmental Refugees: Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) Sufferers.http://www.activistpost.com/2016/01/environmental-refugees-electromagnetic-hypersensitivity-ehs-sufferers.html?utm_source=Activist+Post+Subscribers&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=8a78bf5cd9-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_term=0_b0c7fb76bd-8a78bf5cd9-387745290
Do a title search and download this paper, presented at UNESCO Chair in Bioethics 10th World Conference, 6-8 Jan 2015 by Dr. Yael Stein MD, Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine Hebrew-University, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel. “Electrohypersensitive Individuals (EHS) in the Digital World – A Disabled Population, Deprived of Home, Work and Basic Rights.”
Prostituting Science: The Psychologisation of MCS, CFS and EHS for Political Gain.http://vitalitymagazine.com/book-reviews/review/prostituting-science-the-psychologisation-of-mcs-cfs-and-ehs-for-political-/#sthash.m8CGUfFE.dpuf
Note: EMR Aware does not endorse the terms “Electro-hypersensitivity” or “EHS”. They incorrectly imply that the adverse biological effects of EMR are confined to an abnormal segment of the population. This has several prejudicial consequences. By definition, EHS personalises the disorder instead of treating it as the result of environmental toxicity. Sufferers may thus be conveniently denied a reasonable expectation of health. Additional to this, the legal remedy of “private nuisance” is untenable when the Claimant is deemed to be over-sensitive. Such presumptions allow the proponents of electrotechnologies to sidestep the human cost of their agenda.
“It is impossible to prove electrohypersensitivity to be a disease since the sick and ill ‘patient’ with the ‘disease’ is the environment, not the person.” – Prof. Olle Johansson
Biological Mechanisms
What me worry?
Summary of nearly 1,200 studies which demonstrate adverse effects of EMR exposure.http://www.justproveit.net/studies
The internet information platform EMF-Portal of the RWTH Aachen University summarizes systematically scientific research data on the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF). Nearly 30,000 scientific papers referenced. EMF Portal. http://www.emf-portal.de/?l=e
Association of Exposure to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Radiation (RF-EMFR) Generated by Mobile Phone Base Stations with Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. http://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/12/11/14519
Anthropogenic Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Elicit Neuropathic Pain in an Amputation Model. http://www.plosone.org/article/fetchObject.action?uri=info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0144268&representation=PDF
Historical Perspective
1981 – NASA publication. Electromagnetic Field Interactions with the Human Body: Observed Effects and Theories.http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19810017132.pdf
1994 – US Air Force material Command. Radiofrequency Microwave radiation Biological Effects and Safety Standards: A Review. http://www.stopthecrime.net/docs/RF-Microwave-Radiation-Biological-Effects%20Rome%20Labs.pdf
Neurological Effects
Associations Between Specific Technologies and Adolescent Sleep Quantity, Sleep Quality, and Parasomnias. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24394730?dopt=Abstract
Technology Use and Sleep Quality in Preadolescence and Adolescence.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26235161
Charging bull restrained by radiofrequency stimulated brain implant.
Physical Control of the Mind – Toward a Psychocivilized Society – Dr. Jose Delgado.https://www.freedomfchs.com/pdfs/pcofthemindbydrjosed.pdf
And then he moved on to humans.
“The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electronically control the brain.” – Dr. Jose Delgado
Scientists Use Brain Stimulation to “Make You Stop Believing in God”.
http://truthstreammedia.com/2015/10/14/scientists-use-transcranial-magnetic-stimulation-to-make-you-stop-believing-in-god/Donate your brain to the phone company. This type of intervention used to be called a medical procedure. Are we being conditioned to accept technology that routinely alters our brain waves? Zap Out of It! $299 Headband Can Change Your Mood Using Electrical Pulses. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3107913/Zap-299-headband-change-mood-using-electrical-pulses.html
Safety Standards
Regulations, Bans and Warnings
What two things are wrong with this picture? Where is the public education?
Compilation with Information About Measures and Recommendations by International Organisations and Governments About Application of Electromagnetic (EM) Radiation from Wireless Communications (smartphones, WiFi, etc.)http://www.stopumts.nl/pdf/Compilation-RF-radiation-Jan-2016.pdf
New York Times’ Exposé of CDC’s Retraction of Warnings about Cell Phone Radiation.http://www.saferemr.com/2016/01/new-york-times-expose-of-cdcs.html
New York Times Looks Behind CDC Reversal on Cell Phone Risks.http://www.microwavenews.com/short-takes-archive/nyt-cdc#.VogEBvZbzX0.linkedin
Radiating Corruption? The Frightening Science and Politics of Cell Phone Safety.http://www.theecologist.org/News/news_analysis/2986953/radiating_corruption_the_frightening_science_and_politics_of_cell_phone_safety.html
Judge Lets Berkeley Warn About Cellphones.http://www.courthousenews.com/2016/01/28/judge-lets-berkeley-warn-about-cellphones.htm. Below is the prudent point of sale warning industry group CTIA sought to have quashed. It simply advises phone purchasers to read the manual.
“To assure safety, the Federal Government requires that cell phones meet radio frequency (RF) exposure guidelines. If you carry or use your phone in a pants or shirt pocket or tucked into a bra when the phone is ON and connected to a wireless network, you may exceed the federal guidelines for exposure to RF radiation. Refer to the instructions in your phone or user manual for information about how to use your phone safely.”
According to the CA Brain Tumor Association, the CTIA did not successfully defeat a similar law in San Francisco. In fact, the city attorney handling the case coerced the Board of Supervisors to repeal the law. A few weeks later he was made a Federal judge by President Obama. Coincidence?
No room for “precaution” in the corporate sector. NCRP Pressured CDC To Remove Cell Phone Safety Advice. http://microwavenews.com/news-center/caution-vs-precaution
Question: When is a fact not a fact? Answer: When they are deleted from ARPANSA’s official EMR Fact Sheets. Number 11, entitled “Mobile Phones and Children” contained the following precautionary message. It now seems to have been deleted from their website.
“It is recommended that, due to the lack of any data relating to children and their long term use of mobile phones, parents encourage their children to limit their exposure by reducing call time, by making calls where reception is good, by using hands-free devices or speaker options, or by texting.”
Conflict of Interest?
The ACMA determines and enforces “safe” EMR levels for public and occupational exposure. Yet they are funded by selling spectrum allocations to the very telcos and industries they are tasked with regulating. 1800 MHz Band Auction Strong Result Reveals High Demand for Regional Spectrum. http://acma.gov.au/Industry/Spectrum/Spectrum-projects/1800-MHz-band/1800-mhz-band-auction-strong-result-reveals-high-demand-for-regional-spectrum
In 2013 they earned a total of nearly 2 billion dollars.http://www.acma.gov.au/Industry/Spectrum/Digital-Dividend-700MHz-and-25Gz-Auction/Reallocation/digital-dividend-auction-results
Radiating Corruption? The Frightening Science and Politics of Cell Phone Safety.http://www.theecologist.org/News/news_analysis/2986953/radiating_corruption_the_frightening_science_and_politics_of_cell_phone_safety.html
Industry Watch
Product Defense, Liability and Legal Action
Astroturf and the Manipulation of Media Messages. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bYAQ-ZZtEU
The UK’s Science Media Centre Model of Science Communication: An Uncensored History. http://www.emfacts.com/2016/02/the-uks-science-media-centre-model-of-science-communication-an-uncensored-history/
EMR Countermeasures
Personal Precautions and Monitoring
Digital detox: Australians Seek Out Nature Properties to Overcome Technology Burnout.http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-12-19/australians-seek-out-nature-retreats-for-digital-detox/7041902
Inbuilt feature tells you when your phone is too close to the head. Mobile Device Proximity Sensor Manages RF Exposure While Maintaining Network Connectivity.http://www.edn.com/design/analog/4441005/Mobile-device-proximity-sensor-manages-RF-exposure-while-maintaining-network-connectivity-?_mc=NL_EDN_EDT_EDN_analog_20151217&cid=NL_EDN_EDT_EDN_analog_20151217&elq=fee6ba108b5d404880430d405b3a7818&elqCampaignId=26204&elqaid=29946&elqat=1&elqTrackId=068fa04921544e41b98b287fee5ad5af
EMR Santuaries
Due to the increasing number of related inquiries, we are presently compiling a list of not-for-profit EMR retreats or sanctuaries. These are generally soft technology-based communities situated in geographical areas well removed from the commercial power, wireless phone and internet networks. If you know of any such accommodation currently operating, or in the advanced stages of planning, please email their details tocontact@emraware.com. The inclusion of any listing here is for informational purposes only and does not constitute or imply an endorsement. As with any lifestyle change or major investment, the reader is advised to rely upon their own inquiries.
A committed group based in the Brunswick Valley NSW is presently considering a number of options for an EMR free haven. Newsletter and details are available. Ph: 02 66 84 5384.
Etherion Intentional Community near Guyra NSW (1700+ acres). Websites with photos.http://www.magpiehouse.com.au/EcoVillage.htm, http://www.ic.org/directory/etherion-ringing-cedars-intentional-community/
General Events & Networking
Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association (ORSAA)
This recently formed group of academics and scientists is seeking to provide balanced and fact-based information of the effects of all forms of electromagnetic radiation. They are currently developing a searchable database of peer-reviewed science. A variety of memberships are available for those wishing to share in or support their work. For further information, email: info@orsaa.org
Visit the new website for Dr. Devra Davis’ Environmental Health Trust. Extensive educational material on all aspects of EMR. http://eht.elevadev.org/
Petitions You can Sign
Reduce Microwave Radiation Exposure Limits by a Factor of 100. Reduce Microwave Radiation (Antenna Towers, Wi-Fi, mobile devices) Exposure Limits by a Factor of 100. https://www.change.org/p/prof-brian-owler-president-australian-medical-association-reduce-microwave-radiation-antenna-tower-exposure-limits-by-a-factor-of-100?recruiter=9152430&utm_campaign=signature_receipt&utm_medium=email&utm_source=share_petition
Stop the proposed Vodafone and Optus Mobile Phone Tower at 92-96 Merthyr Road, New Farm, 160m from Holy Spirit School! https://www.change.org/p/vodafone-and-optus-stop-the-proposed-vodafone-and-optus-mobile-phone-tower-at-92-96-merthyr-road-new-farm-less-than-170m-from-holy-spirit-school?tk=6UuRNAJdWogGGpIUxJy3P4DXCUbDkY3uBjIQTiocKzo&utm_source=petition_update&utm_medium=email
Free DVD – Read the Science
In response to persons who requested an educational DVD dedicated entirely to peer-reviewed science, we have just released this compilation of over 1200 articles and abstracts in PDF. This should be enough to convince anyone who is skeptical regarding the adverse biological effects of EMR. As part of our service, the DVD is available by request to be posted free of charge to any address within Australia.
If you are an employee or agent of a public or private corporation that deals with electrotechnology and/or policy related to same, please be advised that the EMR Aware Newsletter and linked documents are deemed to constitute duly served Legal Notice upon you of health and safety matters pertaining to human exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR), and additionally that you are hereby requested to peruse said Newsletter and documents, and exercise in accord with the content of same the utmost due diligence and duty of care.
Psychic Energy Report
We Have Entered A New Timeline Through The Eclipse Energy
Welcome Beloved Light Beings,
The Eclipse on March 8/9 was one of the most powerful eclipses I can remember. The energy started coming in a full week before and has continued through today March 12. I am finally getting some relief today from the energy surges that just keep on coming. Many have experienced one day of fatigue and then the next day, a day of being wired up. A feeling like electricity is running through their veins. I have experienced this same thing and more so, the wired up feeling for days on end. I was able to get some sleep last night but this entire week I got little more than a few hours each night. We had some times of complete helplessness as the energies flowed in. It may compare to restless leg syndrome as the energies ran through the body with lightening speed. The vibration of the planet has now lifted. We are the conduits for this energy to flow. I am grateful for all the service from others in this Ascension process.
This ecslipe has caused a huge upgrade in our light bodies and with that taking place our bodies may have run out of gas on many levels on many days. Please check your intake of vitamins and minerals during this time, including adding superfoods to your diet. This would be foods that have a super punch of natural healthy energy for the body with combing many vitamins and minerals in the same food. Make sure your levels are up to speed on Calcium, Iron, Vit D and Magnesium. I recently gave up regular dairy for alternatives and it has been my own adventure to replace the needed vitamins and minerals.
Our LIGHT BODY went through major changes in this time line and we have started to come out on the other side. The DNA changes to the light body can be rough and we can experience times where we need to regroup and make sure all of our 3D aspects are being taken care of to make the light body process as smooth as we can.
The eclipse carried so many upgrades and new insights with it just as I talked about in my article before the eclipse. We have NOW emerged a brand new being of light in a new timeline.
Do you notice yourself thinking: Why did I do this ( Insert your own experience) in the past when I should have just done this, it would have been more self loving and so much easier. This is the new timeline we have stepped into. We now have a much larger 5D and above reality to be able to see all the aspects to a situation that we were unable to see before.
The first wavers have had this especially difficult as we are the path forgers of the new light that is coming in. We are the first to see new things and to be able to connect the dots to what it all means. Keep working this through, you will see the connections and this is the level and pathway to the higher realms.
We will now be seeing more transparency in all things. We can now see the reasons others behave and act the way they do. We can see the motivations and agendas behind what they do and what they say. This is a very important psychic aspect that should not be overlooked. For our own self love, it is vital that we are aware of what is going on with others we let into our circle.
Staying in your heart base it is easy to see between what someone says and who they really are. The goal is to tap into your heart during every encounter, so you can pick up more psychic information about the person. This will give you insight into who they really are. But with that we also need to set boundaries, our circle may become smaller and that is ok, like minded others are the key to keeping vibrations high.
You can now tap into your own authentic soul essence, this is what the light body is. The light body hides nothing from anyone, all that is true is revealed. This is the true way of being in the higher realms. This transparency is now being delivered to each one of us as we move more fully into the light body design.
Now more than EVER before we move into our Pure authentic soul self, the one that we have spent many lifetimes with before, the one that knows much more than we do and the one who loves us unconditionally. To love ourselves in this reality is the work of authentic spiritual masters.
As we head into the next energy waves of the Equinox on March 20th and the Lunar Eclipse on March 23, we must be aware we are already integrating the HUGE light body surges we have just gone through.
If you can clear your calendar at all for those days, it would be a self loving thing to soak in the energies and spend time aligning with the Universe on these sacred days approaching. Meditation, light foods, grounding and aligning chakras are good practices to get into, especially during times of high upgrades. March will be a month of HIGH Energy and many surges. We must acknowledge this energy and welcome the upgrades as they come in. There are other things that help, I will talk about this later:)
We now can look at all beings compassionately, for they are trying to make their way just as everyone else is. The difference between a fear based life and a self loving based life is miles apart. The fear based being seeks to control and have power over others, the self loving master seeks to understand others unique essence and appreciate each person for their contribution to this beautiful Universe we inhabit.
It is only a matter of time until these energies hit everyone on the planet and they have no choice but to integrate them into their lives. We will see this first hand and it will be a time of rejoicing. Great changes are just ahead.
I love you all ! In service and Love
Diane Canfield
Ascension Teacher- Psychic Medium-Star Races Contactee-Wave Expert
Copyright © 2016 by Diane Canfield. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material as long the full article itself is included.
Follow me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/diane.canfield1
Sound familiar?Well this short 10 minute TED talk by psychologist Alison Ledgerwood will explain why this is the case. She says at the 6:21 mark that “our view of the world tilts towards the negative”. She goes on to say “that it is very easy to go from good to bad, but we have to work far harder to go from bad to good with our perspective.”
The good news is there is a way to overcome this, although admittedly it will require some daily work. Check this short clip out to find out how to think more positively and as a result, live a more positive life.
Enjoy and have an amazingly positive day! 🙂
PS. If you would like some assistance redirecting your mind into positive thinking you might like to check out The Empowerment Series. This is 3 x 1 hour audios on Finding Love, Manifesting Abundance and Living A Life Of Purpose. Click here to find out more.
“I wanted to express my gratitude to you as you have open a door to something I have been trying to reach for a long time: Myself, my inner strength. Your Empowerment Series talked straight to my heart and inspired me to be love. So thank you, thank you, thank you for all your hard work and for putting all that knowledge in such a beautiful and simple way.” – Susana V.
11 Ahau, 13 Ceh, 12 Manik
Selamat Jalwa! The progress toward a mass global success moves ahead! Despite a series of procedural adjustments last week, the needed movement of funds continued. At present, the special historic bonds have been moved and accounted for. The world is ready for a new currency that is much more fairly accounted for and truly represents the real value of each nation’s economy. Added to this, there is the final worldwide movement of gold into secure depositories that makes it easy for every nation’s currency to be gold-backed. This operation was somewhat held up as numerous security procedures had to be met and the gold properly secured. The Ancient Families and Royals demanded that special operations agreed upon earlier were carried out as directed. These things are currently being done and special measures timing is in effect. This means that deliveries are in process and soon funds are to be in accounts of those who were previously scheduled to receive these monies at the start of the various humanitarian projects. When this is accomplished, a number of other resources are also to be put into play. These fundings are to be the harbinger of new governance and with that comes into view the end of the decades-long UFO cover-up.
As these events move forward, the mass arrests of bankers and their political cronies are to vastly accelerate. The rise of NESARA in America is to shortly signal the growth of similar governance in Europe, Asia and the Americas. This is to be what we call “GESARA”. In other words, new governance is spreading across this globe. Thus, the G.C.R. is to be worldwide in scope and, added to this, is to be the radical shift in banking to form a new financial system. This system is to foster an end to debt slavery and the start of a growing global prosperity. In addition, there are to be the lessons of the Ascended Masters while our present contact with surface humanity is to increase. You are growing in consciousness and becoming more aware of how this new realm is to formally function. You have a very important role to play in its success. It is vital that you use your growing time to become a key watchdog of what is happening all around you. It is your worldwide cooperation that is to be a substantial element in how this new realm operates. This reality is extremely interactive and exceptionally fragile. This realm needs your full assistance.
This changing consciousness is of course the work of Heaven and your guardian Angels. Humanity cannot exist in the same reality that it easily lived in at the start of the Twentieth Century. The world is no longer one worked so expertly by the Anunnaki and its grand councils. The minions as well found themselves at a loss to maintain their power and wealth. The treaty of Anchara had in an instant altered the landscape of your section of this galaxy. Earth and its Sun were now being readied for a new destiny and the many who had enjoyed great power were to be removed from what they thought was an invincible position. This last decade has seen the rise of a series of various enlightened groups who are on the verge of great success. This success is to put each of you on the very precipice of a new reality. This reality is to permit you to meet your off-world ancestors and to finally complete a rebellion that started over 13 millennia ago during the last days of Atlantis. This rebellion is destined to restore you to the honored status of physical Angel.
We have watched this long struggle as impartial witnesses of Heaven. Hence, we kept our interaction with you to a prescribed minimum. You are most ingenious and learned how best to obey and when to resist your acquired masters. Eventually, out of this controlled resistance a band of wise ones emerged whom you call your “Ascended Masters.” Heaven sponsored this selected group of Souls to care for and advise humanity. We have learned much about you from them. Their wisdom is immense and has become the playbook for our actions on your behalf. These sacred ones deeply Love you. Their grace and mercy knows no bounds. They have told us how their many Light-empowered sacred secret groups are readying this world for its new reality. These divine strategies are to bring you to the very edge of transformation. The final steps are to be handled by a joint partnership between the Agarthans, the Ascended Masters and us. To this end, a vast set of Crystal Light Chambers has been constructed throughout Agartha. A series of most amazing things are now on the verge of happening to you!
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Long ago, humanity was suddenly reduced to limited consciousness by a group of dastardly, dark Atlanteans. When Atlantis sank, humanity was left at the mercy of their predecessors, the Anunnaki. Being a rather rebellious group, humanity has “lost” a number of golden ages and endured a long period of persecution. We Masters joined you as sharers in this strange process. Heaven, which deeply Loves you, created us over time to oversee and protect you during this truly dark period for humanity. Thus, our primary tasks from the beginning were to protect you, provide mercy when necessary and closely follow the grace-filled edicts from Heaven. This divine duty leads us now to the sacred point when Heaven’s great decrees are to manifest. These are to permit those much-needed alterations to this reality to take effect. In truth, a series of great consciousness and reality shifts are in effect. It is this operation that is changing this realm for the better.
Our present task is to prepare you for the final aspects of the ascension process. At present, you have completed over one-half of what is needed. Due to various accelerations from Heaven in the past year, the coming months promise to see a vast increase in “ascension symptoms” among you. The most concentrated signs are to be found in your head, neck and upper chest. These things are being done to move your consciousness up a few giant pegs. The heart’s nervous system needs to be readied for its alterations to come while you are in your crystal chamber. The brain requires a series of adjustments to not only bring in new chakras but to increase as well its open communications with your greatly modified heart. These modifications can at times be quite painful. All of us are ready to aid and advise you on these matters. A time of wondrous change is ahead of you! Hosanna! Hosanna!
As noted, these changes are part of those numerous events that are required by Heaven. You are being returned to a gracious state of Being. Each master had to complete a number of special acts over many lifetimes before Heaven provided us with our Ascension ceremony. This is a mass ascension, which is quite rare and comes after a long period of abuses and retributions from the dark and its Anunnaki allies. These horrors are currently being reversed. What is additionally needed is your own participation in these acts of mercy and grace. Once done, you are to be ascended in joy by the special crystal chambers. When achieved, you are to bask in a Light that you can barely imagine! Our divine task is to carefully watch over you and specially bless each of you. Do not be hesitant! Heaven has readied a new reality for all and your children’s children to reside in. This kingdom (Star Nation) of the new Earth is your reward for what these coming aches and pains bring you. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Today we are near a special point in this grand march from slavery to freedom! This movement signals that you are at last in a great time of meaningful transition. Know this and stay positive and able to pass this growing inner joy onto others that you daily encounter! This reality is truly changing and it is becoming the lamp of divine Light that it formerly embodied! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
As we approach Spring Equinox on Saturday March 19th (building to World Water Day), we invite you to join us and hundreds of other events around the Planet in a Global Synchronized Meditation and Water Blessing.At 5pm Pacific/ 12am GMT the #BlessTheWater campaign will culminate in a global event anchored on the the banks of the Ganges River in Rishikesh, India and the free online premiere of the new UPLIFT film ‘Water is Sacred’.
Water is Sacred’ – features author of ‘The Biology of Belief’, world famous biologist Dr Bruce Lipton and the extraordinary ‘poet of consciousness’ Prince Ea travelling to the Ganges in India to explore how water is sacred. The film also features women from the Islands of Vanuatu doing water ceremony, interviews of the Kichwa people in Ecuador, indigenous water blessings in Australia, Sages and Swamis from Rishikesh in India, faith leaders from the Middle East and much, much more. Studies have shown that water may be able to carry our intentions. This suggest that when we bless water, our gratitude is carried by that water in its journey through all the water courses and life systems of the world. By restoring our right relationship with water, we can begin to see that access to water is a universal human right and that Water everywhere must be protected and preserved. Find out more at: blessthewater.com Water is truly the source of life and it’s vital that we all grow in our appreciation for this sacred blessing.
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Stop TTIP, Mr. President!Wenn Barack Obama mit Angela Merkel in Hannover über TTIP verhandelt, wollen wir zusammen mit unseren Partnern eine riesige Demo entstehen lassen. Jetzt brauchen wir Sie, um tausende Menschen für die Demo gegen TTIP und CETA zu begeistern. |
Liebe Cornelia Dix-Kühn, was könnten das für kraftvolle Tage des Widerstands werden: Abgeschirmt von der Öffentlichkeit feilschen am letzten April-Wochenende Angela Merkel und US-Präsident Barack Obama am Rande von Hannover um das TTIP-Abkommen. Doch die Straßen sind gefüllt mit zehntausenden Menschen, die Demokratie leben und sich dem Konzern-Abkommen entgegenstellen. Damit sich wirklich Zehntausende auf den Weg machen und am Samstag, den 23. April eine Großdemo in Hannover entstehen lassen, müssen wir uns jetzt gemeinsam richtig reinhängen. Tausende Campact-Aktive haben mit ihren Spenden dafür gesorgt, dass wir im Bündnis ganze Berge von Plakaten und Flugblättern, die Großbühne und die Lautsprecheranlage mitfinanzieren können. Jetzt müssen wir gemeinsam den nächsten Schritt gehen und möglichst viele Menschen für die Demo begeistern. Damit dies gelingt, brauchen wir Sie! Machen Sie die Demo jetzt bundesweit bekannt, verteilen Sie Flyer und Plakate im Freundeskreis oder legen Sie diese an öffentlichen Orten aus: |
Und laden Sie Freund/innen ein, ebenfalls zur Demo zu kommen:
Mit unserem gemeinsamen Protest am 23. April kommen wir genau zur richtigen Zeit. Denn wohl schon ab Juni wird der EU-Ministerrat über das Handelsabkommen CETA mit Kanada beraten. Unsere Chance: Wenn wir jetzt CETA kippen, ist TTIP so gut wie tot.Ob CETA im Ministerrat durchkommt, hängt vor allem von Wirtschaftsminister und SPD-Vorsitzenden Sigmar Gabriel ab. Und wie der abstimmt, das entscheidet wiederum der Kleine Parteitag der SPD Anfang Juni. Eigentlich sollte der Fall für die Delegierten klar sein. Der Vertragstext erfüllt nicht die Anforderungen, die die Sozialdemokraten an CETA gestellt haben: Sonderklagerechte für Konzerne sind weiter enthalten und die Gestaltungshoheit der Kommunen würde massiv eingeschränkt.Doch die Delegierten werden sich eine Ablehnung nur trauen, wenn ihnen zuvor zehntausende Bürger/innen den Rücken stärken und auf den Straßen Hannovers Nein zu CETA und TTIP sagen. Damit uns ein so kraftvolles Signal gelingt, brauchen wir jetzt Ihre Unterstützung: Bitte begeistern Sie viele Menschen für die Groß-Demo gegen TTIP und CETA!
Machen Sie jetzt mit, indem Sie Flyer und Plakate im Freundeskreis verteilen oder an öffentlichen Orten auslegen: |
Und laden Sie Freund/innen ein, ebenfalls zur Demo zu kommen:
Mit herzlichen GrüßenIhr Christoph Bautz, Geschäftsführer CampactPS: Unser Protest findet statt, wenn Obama nach Hannover kommt. Doch er wendet sich nicht gegen ihn persönlich oder die USA. Vielmehr zeigen wir: Auf beiden Seiten des Atlantiks protestieren Menschen gemeinsam gegen Abkommen, die primär den Interessen transnationaler Konzerne dienen.
Mail-Text zum Weiterleiten: — Hallo, US-Präsident Barack Obama eröffnet am 24. April 2016 die Hannover-Messe. Doch der eigentliche Grund für seinen Besuch ist ein anderer: Zusammen mit Angela Merkel will er die feststeckenden TTIP-Verhandlungen wieder voranbringen – damit der Vertrag Ende des Jahres steht. Diese Pläne wollen wir durchkreuzen. Zehntausende Menschen werden am Samstag, den 23. April in Hannover gegen TTIP auf die Straße gehen. Gemeinsam zeigen wir Obama und Merkel: Die breite Mehrheit der Bevölkerung will kein Abkommen, das unsere Demokratie und unseren Rechtsstaat gefährdet. Demonstriere Du auch mit – alle Infos findest Du hier: Beste Grüße Ein/e Freund/in — |
Kampagnen | Über Campact | Spenden | Kontakt Klicken Sie hier, um den Newsletter abzubestellen Campact e.V. | Artilleriestraße 6 | 27283 Verden |