Monatsarchive: März 2016

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Martin Schulz hat, Cecilia Malmström hat auch – Angela Merkel hat nicht. Sie will auch nicht. 1,6 Millionen Unterschriften sind deutschlandweit gegen CETA und TTIP gesammelt worden. Aber: kein Termin im Kanzleramt, kein Gehör. Deshalb fordern wir die Einführung des bundesweiten Volksentscheids. Hätten wir auch auf Bundesebene die direkte Demokratie, könnte Merkel den Bürgerwillen nicht mehr „so mir nichts dir nichts“ ignorieren.Gerade die Auseinandersetzungen um die Freihandelsabkommen zeigen: Der Volksentscheid muss her – das wollen wir unmissverständlich klar machen.Das ist das erste von drei Eisen, die wir ins Feuer legen. Wir wollen bundesweite Aktivenkreise aufbauen. Die werden bei jeder Veranstaltung, jedem Podium, jeder Demo die direkte Demokratie auf Bundesebene fordern. Das geht uns alle an. Noch im Frühjahr wollen wir loslegen und schon in zwei Wochen auf der Hannover Messe demonstrieren. Obama wird dort sein, Merkel auch. An unserer Forderung sollen sie nicht mehr vorbeikommen.Gerade haben wir mit einem Aufruf die Kampagne „TTIP? CETA? – Volksentscheid!“ gestartet. Wir wollen die Forderung nach mehr direkter Demokratie in die Gesellschaft tragen. Allein für dieses erste Eisen brauchen wir 132.000 Euro. 93.000 sind bereits gespendet worden, 39.000 Euro fehlen noch. Bitte helfen Sie, diese Lücke zu schließen. Schon 10 Euro helfen eine Menge. Zeigen wir Merkel, dass wir dran bleiben. Bürgerrechte werden uns nicht geschenkt, wir müssen Sie uns erkämpfen.Bitte helfen Sie uns mit einer Spende, dieses Eisen zu schmieden…Eisen 2 legen wir in Karlsruhe in die Glut: Wir bereiten eine Verfassungsbeschwerde gegen CETA vor. Hier haben wir Erfahrung. Unsere ESM-Bürgerklage war die bis dahin größte in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik. Wir wollen vom Bundesverfassungsgericht überprüfen lassen, ob die umstrittenen Schiedsgerichte und die so genannte regulatorische Kooperation mit den Prinzipien von Demokratie und Rechtsstaat vereinbar sind.

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Eisen 3 könnte ein Knüller werden: Alle EU-Mitgliedstaaten müssen dem Abkommen zustimmen. Steigt ein Land aus, „dann war’s das“. In den Niederlanden bereitet sich eine Initiative auf ein Volksbegehren vor… Das wäre nicht nur ein Knüppelchen, sondern eine Brechstange, mit der sich TTIP & Co. aushebeln ließe. Niesco Dubbelboer, einen der beiden Köpfe der Initiative, wollen wir zur Demo nach Hannover holen.Wir haben viel vor in diesem Jahr. Ohne Sie, ohne Menschen, die uns mit Spenden helfen, werden wir die Eisen kaum schmieden können. Schon 10 Euro bringen uns weiter.
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Ich zähle auf Sie!Mit besten Wünschen und herzlichem Gruß
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Ralf-Uwe Beck
BundesvorstandssprecherP.S.: 70 Prozent der Bevölkerung sprechen sich laut einer Umfrage der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung dafür aus, dass die Bürger/innen bei europapolitischen Fragen per Volksabstimmung mitentscheiden können. Es gibt also eine breite Unterstützung für unsere Forderung. Die Bürger/innen müssen selbst über Themen wie TTIP oder CETA entscheiden können, wenn sie sich nicht durch die Politik vertreten fühlen!Bitte spenden Sie für „TTIP? CETA? – Volksentscheid!“…
Mehr Demokratie e.V. unterstützen!
Direkt abstimmen über wichtige Zukunftsfragen – von der regionalen bis auf die internationale Ebene. Mit einem fairen Wahlrecht mehr Einfluss auf die parlamentarische Demokratie nehmen. Schleichenden Demokratieabbau durch Lobbyismus, intransparente Entscheidungsstrukturen und Machtkonzentration bei wenigen verhindern. Dafür kämpfen wir. Wir bewegen viel, könnten aber noch viel mehr bewegen – mit Ihrer Unterstützung!
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Life is Difficult
The Most Direct Spiritual Practice



March 20-27, 2016

Beloved Ones,

We from the ascended realms of Light have been asked for a message specifically to the people of Turkey who have been experiencing frightening horrors through the events occurring in their country for the past eight months. Many souls in Turkey have been holding the Light of the higher vision of peace for their country and for the world and have been and continue to, earnestly pray for this to come into their daily living experience. They are finding it difficult to remain detached from the fear and anger that permeates the hearts of the people and the environment that they have no choice but to be a part of in their country.

There is at this time, a focus on this country by the world’s powers. There are moves and counter moves that are being played out in the political arenas. Each politician is making moves to hold on to their waning powers and this has been demonstrated in Turkey through the betrayal of their own people as these powers seek to regain control of their authority. On the higher levels, what is seen is the crumbling and decaying of the old regimes as the systems they created fall into disrepair and decay, and this is reflected outwardly in the world as chaos and destruction, as heaps of rubble and ruin.

It is so very difficult to maintain the energies of love, hope and forgiveness when this is occurring in one’s country and to one’s people. Yet this is what is asked of those who have held the space of a better life and a better way for all. Difficult as your lives are in this moment, know that sustaining and maintaining your beliefs in a higher power, a benevolent power, is what is most important to maintain. Give assistance to your sisters and brothers when you are able and pray without ceasing for a peaceful end to the violence that is so relentless in its activities. Your prayers are powerful and potent and doing more good than you can possibly know during these times.

There are many old energies coming up within people and nations that are karmic in nature, not only in Turkey, but in every country throughout the world. Before a better world for everyone can manifest, all the age old hatreds and judgements from the past must be balanced by the intent of their people as they hold love, peace, harmony and goodness within their hearts no matter what happens. This desire for peace and harmony must be the focus and intent no matter what is taking place within one’s personal world, one’s country or upon the world stage. This, Dear Ones, is why you have chosen to be in your country during these times. You have the training and the ability to maintain the higher vision. You serve a greater function that you are aware of at this time.

And so it is that you are asked to be of a forgiving heart, to be the calm in the storm of violent change as it sweeps across your land and in every nation across the planet. It is a great price that is being asked of the Lighted ones throughout the planet, sometimes requiring sacrifices that are beyond bearing. Call upon us, no matter what name you call the Creator in your lands, know that you are supported and loved by all in the higher realms where we all live, breathe and have our being in the Source of All That Is. You are not alone in your spiritual journey and growth. We ask the Lightworkers throughout the world to daily send the people and country ofTurkey and all the other hot spots around the world, the cooling Violet Flame of transmutation. Together we are creating a better world for all.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana

The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here  

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Important articles from sources across a full spectrum of world views, curated by Foster Gamble
Hi folks — Foster here.

New things are happening at Thrive.

Kimberly is now focusing full time on ThriveConnect, and I am offering these new curated news selections we are calling “Spotlight” and at last writing my book!

What is “Spotlight?” It’s a way to save you time and support critical thinking. Out of the hundreds of articles and videos I read and view every week, I will assemble a list of some of the best for everyone on our mailing list. I hope you find them useful and I welcome your comments at

What is “ThriveConnect?” It’s a cosmic dating service between breakthrough innovations and the funding and support they need to get safely and successfully out to the world. Kimberly will no longer be engaged in social media, blogs and other outreach in order to work with a few of these projects to create the model that we can then apply to all the others. (We have been contacted by over 1000 inventors and innovators from around the world who are working on technical, environmental, social and economic breakthroughs.)

To give us the time we need, we are suspending the ThriveTogether think tank on-line events for now. I will still be offering blogs, Facebook posts and these curated article collections as time allows while consulting on ThriveConnect and writing my book about how restoring the wholeness of natural systems and the liberty perspective are combining to solve virtually every issue in the way of humanity thriving.

Thanks in advance for your understanding and your ongoing alliance in our shared quest for peace, prosperity and justice on our treasured planet and beyond.

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May 20, 2016
Two Upcoming Events
March 20th
Regardless of where we live on the planet, the outcome of the US elections is likely to affect us all, given the influence of the U.S. on world affairs. This year, it is very evident that extreme and unpredictable elements are at play in the U.S. political environment. Although this chaos presents undeniable dangers, it also creates an unusual opportunity for a significant positive shift to occur in the U.S. political system in service to our collective evolution.
Internet Prayer Marathon
March 20th at 04:30 UTC
  Celebrate by Joining
Vernal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere
Autumnal Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere
24 Hour Internet PRAYER Marathon


World Peace Prayer Ceremony
March 20th Internet Marathon 
Peace Pals International to host Oneness and Diversity Theme
Peace Pals International Art Exhibition and Awards invites children between the ages of 5 and 16 around the world to submit artwork in the spirit of the universal message of peace, May Peace Prevail On Earth. Since then, tens of thousands of artwork have been collected from every continent celebrating the visions of peace held within the hearts of youth.
For the 19th annual Peace Pals Awards program the theme, Oneness and Diversity, will be highlighted along with the Fuji Declaration. Thousands of artwork will be collected from youth of every continent sharing their visions of hope. Award winners in each of the age categories will be announced on September 21st, the International Day of Peace proclaimed by the United Nations. read more
Diversity with Oneness in Action

Join thousands of individuals and organizations who are
committed to bringing about a more peaceful, compassionate,
and flourishing planetary civilization.
Sign The Fuji Declaration
Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.
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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

To all that showered me with Love and healing blessings, I thank you….ZaZuMa!

When I logged on today after two days away from the computer, I received a staggering 561 emails from one email address and 392 from another email address. This is too much to catch up with. Thank you for understanding.

Enjoy this inspiring message by Suzanne Lie from The Arcturians and Suzille. It raised my vibrations…Joy, the doorway to Ascension.

Selamat Ja! 


Welcome to PAO’s Live Webinar for March

Our Future World ~ Living in the New Paradigm

In this Webinar Sheldan expands upon his discussion of last month.

He will help us to better understand the process of transitioning from our 3D world to a 5D world of full consciousness.


Topics include…

From debt slavery to freedom

• How corporations will change: co-operation and collaboration with all employees 
• Changing our perceptions of banks and their role in our lives 
• Money has a consciousness: importance of shifting the meaning of money

Preparing for Contact

• Old paradigm melting: how do we transition to a new 5D world? 
• How to manifest our deepest desires by stimulating our imaginations 
• What fulfills us in life – Making a plan for our pursuit of happiness 
• Selamat Ja! – Be in Joy. What does that mean to you?

Sunday, March 20, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, March 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

*To make payment and register: Click Here*

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

NOTE: We offer the SAME presentation on two dates and times to cover as many time zones as possible. It is your choice which day you attend. Thank you.


Joy Is The Harbinger of Ascension ~

Message from Suzille and The Arcturians

by Suzanne Lie

doors wide open

Joy is the Harbinger of Ascension. This Joy can begin by flowing through the sky, a leaf, an animal or a human. Joy is not just an energy field. Joy is the doorway to open into your reality of fifth dimensional New Earth.

Unconditional Love allows you to feel Joy and Joy is the inter-dimensional portal to New Earth. There is the Joy of a new-born child, the healing of a beloved person, a successful and fulfilling project, and an important contribution to planetary Ascension.

Remember, Ascension is not a place. Ascension is a transmutation. Transmutation is when the frequency rate of a person, place, situation, thing, or planet shifts into a higher frequency of reality.

If you allow your higher self to speak with you, your fifth dimensional expression of SELF will give you a great deal of information about the path that you have chosen before you took this form, but you forgot.

Fortunately, the highest light has attracted your attention back into the fifth dimension and into the fifth dimensional expression of the “you”, who is over-lighting its fragment of the “you” who volunteered to wear a third/fourth dimensional Earth Vessel.

This Earth Vessel, however, is becoming far too small. This dynamic is occurring because your Multidimensional Mind, your Third Eye, and your High Heart are awakening and opening. This opening best occurs when you remain grounded in the planetary body of Gaia.

Once you are grounded in Gaia, your inter-dimensional portal will open and you will feel the connection in-between the core of Gaia and the portal of your own Higher Self. You will also feel the “you” that resides in-between the earthly and higher dimensional opening of your portal.

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This “you” can perceive all the frequencies of all the portals that are within your Earth Vessel. Some of these portals are grounding portals, and need to be channeled through your third dimensional physical vessel, as well as your fourth dimensional astral vessel.

This version of YOU is the planetary “you” because you are wearing a garment of the same elements and elementals as Earth. This is likely the version of you who will experience a sense of “ascension.” In other words, this is your inter-dimensional self.

The form you that represents the entire planet, as well as all the frequency from the core of the Earth, Air, Fire and Water that Gaia has shared with you so that you could wear an earth vessel.

The dark ones did not want to share. They want to steal all that they can from Gaia and from all Her beings. These dark ones had the “assignment” of creating the downfall of the “third dimensional expression of Gaia.” But all nature must die to be re-born and that is the NOW of the New Dawn.

To assist in this rebirth, you must LET GO of the third/fourth dimensional versions of reality into which you bi-located. You released your primary attachment to your lives of comfort, purpose and Joy on the higher dimensions, so that you could inhabit a physical body to more fully assist Gaia.

None of you realized that life on the third dimension could be so difficult, as you all volunteered from your Galactic societies within the Now of the fifth dimensional One and far, far beyond. Third dimensional life was much more difficult than you ever imagined and many of you got lost in the myriad 3D illusions.

At least that is how you judged yourself. The truth is that all of you are doing everything that you can within the circumstances, the body, the times, the cultures, the economic spectrum, and the challenges that the particular Earth Vessel you are wearing is now facing.

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Therefore, all of you are among the ones that will ride the huge tides of change, as well as all the waves of change that have been moving through the everyday life of third dimensional Gaia’s shores.

These tides of change, winds of change and inner expressions of change, have merged with the skies of change, the consciousness of change, the thoughts of change and the emotions of change and the fluidity of change.

These great changes are all happening around your Earth Vessel and deeply within your Earth Vessel. Fortunately, many of you have remembered the healing power of Unconditional Love and the trans-mutational ability of the Violet Fire.

With the memory of your SELF you can say, “I refuse to participate in “that” reality—and I send it unconditional love and Violet Fire!” transmute that which is stuck in the darkness into the Light. That Light is dawning brighter and brighter each day.

It is only by holding true to your own higher expressions of self that you can remember to re-member the decree of:

“I AM a Multidimensional Being who has chosen to take an earth vessel on physical Earth.

“I AM a Multidimensional Being who came here NOW to assist with the Ascension of Gaia. 
“I AM wearing an earth vessel to share my higher frequencies of SELF with all life on Earth.

I AM that I AM. 
I AM my Personal Self. 
I AM my Planetary Self and

I AM Here NOW to assist with the Planetary Ascension.

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Welcome to PAO’s Live Webinar for March

Our Future World ~ Living in the New Paradigm

In this Webinar Sheldan expands upon his discussion of last month.

He will help us to better understand the process of transitioning from our 3D world to a 5D world of full consciousness.


Topics include…

From debt slavery to freedom

• How corporations will change: co-operation and collaboration with all employees 
• Changing our perceptions of banks and their role in our lives 
• Money has a consciousness: importance of shifting the meaning of money

Preparing for Contact

• Old paradigm melting: how do we transition to a new 5D world? 
• How to manifest our deepest desires by stimulating our imaginations 
• What fulfills us in life – Making a plan for our pursuit of happiness 
• Selamat Ja! – Be in Joy. What does that mean to you?

Sunday, March 20, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, March 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

*To make payment and register: Click Here*

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

NOTE: We offer the SAME presentation on two dates and times to cover as many time zones as possible. It is your choice which day you attend. Thank you.


Consciousness — 5 Steps To Open The Floodgates And Expand It

Source: DreamCatcherReality


Individualism, consumerism, and progressive success have constrained us to lower consciousness, but we yearn to ascend and expand it.

When our consciousness expands, even momentarily, we see the world very differently — as a place where people suffer because their inner child is lost and is running amok with their emotions.

Hence, a world where people are always trying to be heard but fail to communicate, because they’re not in sync with their higher self and, consequently, they begin lashing out against one another.

At times, we realize that we can be one of these people as well. And so, we yearn for a place where we rise above all the misunderstanding, to a place where we can see beyond their vulnerability and their broken inner child, without judgment.

And try to reach them, talk to them and understand them.

If you have been yearning to consciously expand your consciousness into its higher states, then here is your first short guide to achieving that.

BUT REMEMBER, the shift towards a higher consciousness is often dramatic. It forces us to re-order and re-prioritize our psyche.

It is laborious.

But it is what is needed to break free from the constrains of lower consciousness.

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How Do You Expand Your Consciousness?

Do the following five things to expand your consciousness:

Don’t be afraid of feeling
Trust your intuition 

Re-assign meaning 

Keep your ego in check
Don’t be Afraid of Feeling

We have become afraid of our own feelings.

We fight them, because we have never been educated to understand them and learn valuable lessons from doing so. As a result, they keep coming back to us, draining us of our energy, which is wasted in fight and flight decisions.

It is true that no feeling will last, however, when left unchecked, they always return as long as you reflect on them and learn from them.

Be mindful of your feelings. When you experience them, allow them in and contemplate, so you understand what they are communicating you.

By allowing your feelings to be fully expressed within you, you nurture your inner child, empowering it to communicate what it naturally feels wrong — whether it’s about an action you have committed (and you feel guilty about it) or you have seen others do (and you feel anger, frustration, and a sense of “wrongness”).

You cannot gain the answers unless you allow those feelings to manifest themselves, raising questions about yourself, so you can reflect upon.

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Trust Your Intuition

We often suppress our inner voice or intuition in favor of our more logical and reasonable mind. As a result, we suppress it instead of accepting it.

So next time, if you hear a voice inside your head telling you to do something when your logical mind is bent on going the other way, give it some room. Pause it, contemplate it and do what it says.

Start by pondering over it, then allowing it more weight in assessing your priorities and direction. Over time, you will see your intuition build and grow into a deep and resounding knowing, instead of the little nagging voice you have been suppressing.

Keep Your Ego in Check

Ego is a malady that infects our inner child and blocks our journey towards our higher consciousness. It is a result of our failings as a parent for our inner child. But it can be cured through mindfulness of our actions.

So, whenever you are about to make a decision, simply ask yourself: who is making this decision? You, your personal biases, or your ego?

Re-Assign Meaning

Happiness is not an object that you can achieve and then hoard. It is simply a feeling that moves within you. By externalizing it as an object you seek, you unmake it.

Start realizing the moments when you assign meaning to some external object (tangible or not), and un-assign it. Tell yourself that meaning emerges from you, and is a projection of your person on other things, instead of the other way around.

Over time you will find that you will be left with less external objects and more contentment deep within, allowing you to freely move to the expanded consciousness and embrace others.


“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against It.” — Rumi

Be unconditionally loving and kind to yourself and those around you. It is both the key to open the flood gates of higher consciousness and its very content.

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Help Shift the Energy of the US Election


If you live in the US, or if you pay attention at all, you’re probably asking yourself the same question I am – “What in the world is going on?” I’ve never seen such division and inappropriate behavior, and the fact that much of it is coming from individuals who want to lead one of the most important countries in the world makes me VERY nervous.


What can you do to shift this?


Starting next week hundreds of people will attend political rallies wearing a T-shirt that says: “Meditating For Peace.” No matter what happens, their role is to sit in their seats in silence, anchoring the prayerful energy of many thousands more who will be meditating from their homes at the same time. THIS IS A WORLDWIDE MOVEMENT! I will be attending a Donald Trump rally, and we hope you will organize your friends to attend political rallies in your area. (It doesn’t matter who the candidate is. We are not supporting anyone, just sending peace into the confusion and chaos.)

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We Need Your Help
Let us know if you plan to attend a rally and we will give you all the support you need. We will send out an email to tens of thousands of people asking them to pray with you. We will also send an email as soon as we know where I will be this coming week. (It will not be March 21st as originally planned since there is no rally on that day.) Most of all, please share this information so we can start a movement of peace that will overcome the energy of hatred and mistrust that currently fills the US election for President. Many have said that we should not be involved in politics. I say that if we can’t demonstrate the power of prayer and meditation here, then where???
You can make your own T-shirt that says “Meditating For Peace” or buy one byCLICKING HERE.
If you haven’t seen the video we made for this movement CLICK HERE.
The Academy of Soul Manifestation
Do you want to be a Soul Coach and help hundreds of people awaken to the I AM Presence within? We start the new two-year Academy on April 1st, so this is the last chance you’ll get to register. Many of those who have gone through the program are already serving in a wide variety of ways. If you feel called to dive deeper into your soul then ever before, and to help others do the same, visit our site right away. There are only a few days left. CLICK HERE for more info.