
Connecting Consciousness To join Connecting Consciousness:

In this video Simon is sharing some interesting details how the Corona Virus could appear in public and other important details…

If you don’t realize that we’re living in what are overtly challenging times, then you’re probably not paying attention. In the micro sense, it seems everybody I know is going through something on a personal level. In the macro sense, these personal journeys are being exacerbated by threats of nuclear attacks, political breakdowns, financial crises, racial tension, mass shootings, devastating earthquakes, erupting volcanoes, merciless wildfires, storm-of-the-century hurricanes, and more. It is indeed a sign of the times…but I’m not playing the game, and I invite you to do the same.

If you believe your thoughts and feelings have an effect on your reality, the moment you react to these external events with survival emotions, you begin putting more of your attention on them, and if you’re putting your attention on these event (events over which you have no control), you’re giving away your power to them. Every time you react with fear and anxiety, because fear and anxiety are emotions and emotions are energy, they only serve to feed the next moment of unrest. What we need to learn how to do in this moment of history is to be in the stillness—to become the eye of the hurricane. The eye of a hurricane is a place of calm, around which spins the storm. We become the eye when we pull ourselves out of the chaos and into the present moment. This is, after all, why we do all the training we do—because it’s in the eternal present moment where all of creation is engendered. By regulating internal emotions independent of external conditions, this is how we begin to master our environment.

Humanity is in the throes of a push and pull whereby there’s an ever-growing collective consciousness that wants to evolve, yet old ways of being and outdated modes of consciousness are struggling to hold on to the known. Depending on the lens through which you view this idea, these struggles could range anywhere from the world’s power structures all the way down to our individual egos. The more you react to your outer world and keep your attention on emotionally charged issues, the more you feed the problems because it’s your energy that keeps them alive. Multiply that by a million, or a billion, and it seems obvious why things might seem like they are getting worse. The stronger your emotional reaction to external events, the more you’re displacing your energy in the opposite direction of creation—creative energy that you could turn inward and use for creating a better life, healing your body, or empowering your energy into a new experience, to name but a few.

While we need to be cognizant and vigilant of injustices in our society, I would encourage you from time to time to disconnect from the news, and if all you see is tragedy and negativity in your social-media news feeds, perhaps disconnect from them as well. If you don’t want to completely disconnect, then be a force for adding light and love to those social feeds. Better yet, in your day-to-day life, perform a random act of kindness for a stranger, call someone you haven’t talked to in a long time, forgive someone or forgive yourself for something you’ve been holding on to. At the very least, be loving and kind to yourself and those around you, because everyone is going through their own challenges.

Remember—fear and anxiety result from anticipation of events that have not yet happened, and as we know, we are the creators of our reality. If you find yourself spinning out in your mind into an unknown future or regretting about the past, just pull yourself back into the present moment. Why? Because when you change your energy in the present moment, you change your future.  That’s being the best example of change—changing your choice—in a world that looks like it might be falling apart.

It’s human to react to these global events, so if you do, just don’t spend a lot of time there. Just get over it. Don’t talk about them, give them energy, give them life, or make them something else. Don’t propagate them, because when you begin to tell stories about the events, you feed them.

Now is not a time to contract. Now is a time to expand into love, after all, love conquers fear.

von Dawson Church, PhD

Das größte Problem ist die Angst selbst – und die kannst du lösen!

Angst vor dem Coronavirus? Dem Börsencrash? Oder anderen Auswirkungen? Das größte Problem dabei ist die Angst selbst – und die kannst du lösen!

Im Januar habe ich einen Online-Workshop für Menschen in China geleitet, der durch den Ausbruch des Coronavirus unterbrochen wurde. Mittlerweile geraten die Menschen weltweit in Panik und gerade da ist es besonders wichtig sich daran zu erinnern, welche wichtige Rolle unser Immunsystem spielt, ob wir uns mit einer Krankheit infizieren oder nicht.

Ich habe eine Reihe von klinischen Studien durchgeführt, in denen die Konzentration von Immunglobulinen gemessen wurde. Immunglobuline sind im Blut und in den Schleimhäuten zu finden (z. B. Nase und Mund) und schützen uns vor eindringenden Organismen wie Viren und Bakterien. Die Forschungsergebnisse zeigen, dass positive Emotionen den Immunglobulinspiegel erhöhen, während negative Emotionen ihn senken.

In einer Studie führte eine Kombination der EcoMeditation mit der EFT-Klopftechnik dazu, dass sich die Zahl der Immunglobuline innerhalb einer Woche um 113% erhöht hatte (Groesbeck et al., 2019).

Deshalb habe ich eine Meditation erstellt („Auflösung von Angst vor Infektionskrankheiten“), die beide Methoden beinhaltet. Auch wenn der Fokus für viele Menschen aktuell auf der Angst vor diesen Infektionskrankheiten liegt, ist die Meditation so gestaltet, dass sie auch bei beliebigen anderen Ängsten erfolgreich verwendet werden kann.

Wir stellen dir diese Meditation kostenfrei zur Verfügung und versenden diese Nachricht an Millionen von Menschen. Lasst uns gemeinsam den Fokus wieder auf das Positive legen. Mach einfach mit – du kannst sie für dich selbst verwenden und gerne auch an deine Freunde weiterleiten!

Dawson Church, PhD & das Team von Dawson Church Deutschland

Einführung & Meditation

EcoMeditation zur Auflösung von Angst vor Infektionskrankheiten

(Download und englische Version findest du weiter unten)

Deutsche Meditation herunterladen:

MP3 Einführung Deutsch MP3 Meditation Deutsch

Englische Meditation herunterladen:

MP3 Englisch

Hinweis: Aktuell steht uns auf Englisch nur diese Roh-Fassung ohne Hintergrundmusik zur Verfügung. Selbst wenn du üblicherweise lieber die Original-Meditationen machst, glauben wir, dass dir die deutsche Meditation gefallen wird. Teste sie gerne einmal!

EFT-Klopftechnik in Kürze:

PDF herunterladen

Über diese Art der Meditation

Dawson Church hat diese spezielle Art der Meditation entwickelt, um in möglichst kurzer Zeit besonders viel zu erreichen. Er bringt dazu die Vorteile von Achtsamkeit, Herzkohärenz, Neurofeedback und Akkupressur zusammen und unterstützt uns so dabei unser Energiefeld und damit unseren Körper in sehr kurzer Zeit von meist nur 15-20 Minuten neu auszurichten.

Wenn dir diese Art der Meditation zusagt und du gerne mehr entdecken möchtest, dann schau dir gerne „Die 7 Meditationen für einen kohärenten Geist“ von Dawson Church an. Teilnehmer berichten uns von wundervollen Erfahrungen mit diesen Meditationen.Die 7 Meditationen für einen kohärenten Geist

„Mit steigender persönlicher Kohärenz tragen wir unseren Teil zur Gesamtkohärenz bei … Auf diese Weise spielen wir eine kleine, aber wichtige Rolle, wenn es darum geht, den ganzen Planeten zum Blühen zu bringen.“

Menschen mit großer Kohärenz können Außergewöhnliches tun und bewirken. Ein kohärenter Geist kann im wahrsten Sinn des Wortes die Grundkräfte des materiellen Universums beugen.“Dawson Church, PhD

Ascenson Timeline / End of Coronavirus activation videos have been created in more than 30 languages. Make them viral, spread them through your networks to assist in reaching the critical mass!
Chinese (simplified):
Chinese (traditional):

Video playlists in many languages have been created by We Love Mass Meditation, our official Youtube channel: By Age of Aquarius:
And by TruthEarthOrg:
Facebook event page has been created in English:
And in French:
My announcement of this mass meditation has provoked many strong reactions, and they have been addressed brilliantly with this article:
People having questions about the situation can send them to, and many of them will be answered in a new Cobra interview which will be posted on my blog as soon as possible, most likely by the end of next week.
Until then, an open letter full of inspiration:
Victory of the Light! Cobra at 5:08 PMShare

The Portal

The Intelligence Hub for the Victory of Light

deutscher Link


It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long, and the current timeline is not going in the best direction. Here is our chance to collectively shift the timeline back into our optimal timeline for planetary liberation. Therefore we are using the opportunity of the massive astrological configuration of Jupiter Pluto conjunction on April 4th/5th to create a portal through which we will unify our consciousness and trigger the process that will solidify the optimal Ascension timeline for the planet.
Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Post it on your websites and blogs! If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook event for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.
However, this time, only people following my blog will not be enough. We need a more worldwide cooperation with more large influencers involved.
This activation is a test for the surface population whether it will be able to manifest unity or not. The Light Forces will be monitoring the level of cooperation and will use that as one of the determining factors for the immediate future plans for the Event.
There are many spiritual leaders with large following and I sincerely hope they would like the coronavirus to be erased and that they would like the planet to shift into the most positive timeline. If they wish to join this meditation, they can contact .

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations and activations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this activation can actually help bringing the Age of Aquarius closer to us:
This activation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to completely remove the coronavirus, to help removing all the fear this epidemic has created, to counteract all plans dark forces had with triggering this epidemic, and to help shifting the planetary evolution back into the most positive Ascension timeline that will lead us into the Age of Aquarius.
Number of people doing that activation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up this process.
We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this activation! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide.
We will be doing this meditation in the exact moment of Jupiter Pluto conjunction on April 4th/5th which will be the first moment when a truly powerful energy of Age of Aquarius will hit the surface of the planet: 

We will be doing this meditation at 10:45 pm EDT on April 4th in New York. This equals 9:45 pm CDT in Chicago, 8:45 pm MDT in Denver and 7:45 pm PDT in Los Angeles. Europe and Asia will already have April 5th at the moment of the activation, which will be 3:45 am BST in London, 4:45 am CEST in Paris, 4:45 am EET in Cairo, 10:45 am CST in Taipei and Beijing, 11:45 am JST in Tokyo and 12:45 pm AEST in Sydney.
You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:

1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to shift the planet into the most optimal timeline and as a tool to completely remove the coronavirus.
3. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.
4. Visualize this Light transmuting all remaining coronavirus on Earth, disinfecting all infected areas on the planet, healing all patients, removing all fear associated with this epidemic and restoring stability.
5. Visualize the course of events on planet Earth shifting into the most positive timeline possible, shifting away from all epidemics, away from all wars, away from all global domination. Visualize white, pink, blue and golden Light healing all inequalities, erasing all poverty and bringing abundance to all humanity. Visualize a new grand cosmic cycle of the Age of Aquarius beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all beings on Earth.
Suggested time for our meditation is 20 minutes.

Updates about the Ascension Timeline Meditation:

Cobra at 3:32 PMShare

An Arcturian Message

by Marilyn Raffaele

The Arcturian Group welcomes you once again to messages presented with love for the purpose of helping all who choose to attain a higher understanding of who they are and what is taking place on planet earth at this time.

The increasingly intense frequencies of Light now pouring to earth are assisting all who are spiritually prepared to achieve a new and higher state of consciousness but many are not consciously aware of their readiness and so continue to resist change, allowing themselves only to open to if forced through painful three dimensional experiences rather than from gentle ways of non-resistance.

Never doubt that every individual is aware of what they are entering into before incarnation because they themselves chose it. Everyone works with Guides, teachers, and members of their soul group to choose the parents and life situations that will best help them move beyond old programing and resolve karmic situations from past lifetimes in awaken into a higher level of awareness.

In three dimensional energy all this is forgotten because plans were made in a higher dimension and the individual is no longer able to align with those frequencies. Children often remember past lives and what life was like on the other side until they are three dimensionally taught by adults who tell them they are wrong.

Energetically sensitive young children often have a difficult time adjusting to the lower resonating energies of the third dimension. Never force a child into a situation that may seem ordinary to adult thinking but is causing them to experience fear or resistance. Even situations that seem ordinary like a large birthday party or loud music concert can overwhelm a young child or even an adult who is energetically sensitive.

Duality and separation beliefs that remain alive and well in individual consciousness will always express themselves in forms of good or bad because there is NO UNEXPRESSED CONSCIOUSNESS and even the smallest bit of old energy can manifest. The un-awakened do not understand this and so continue to create and further expand their three dimensional experiences with three dimensional solutions.

You have all lived many lifetimes during which you have had experiences of good, bad, and very bad. You have worn every color of skin and have been male/female/and both genders. Some of these lives were very short and some were very long. You have have lived mentally handicapped and extremely intelligent. You have been warriors and killers as well as peacemakers, and you have both hated and loved.

When you observe these things in the world around you, remember that there is a bigger plan than what meets the human eye, a plan in which each soul hopes to learn what he needs in order to awaken to his next level of awareness.

Once a person awakens to the deeper truths, he begins to stop thinking of himself as just a human who is subject to all the creations of duality and separation. Fear begins to lessen and life automatically becomes healthier and longer (unless the person chooses to leave) because their cells have begun to hold more of the body’s Divine Blueprint and fewer three dimensional beliefs about body. Physical living becomes less at the mercy of “fate” and more in the hands of the individual.

Allow Light to flood the cells of your physical body and speak to them. Give them permission to release all the old programing still being held from this and past lives and then avoid reprogramming them again through fear.

If God did not form ITself as…, then whatever it is has no law to maintain or sustain it. If God ever expressed ITself as disease, there would be no person, no mantra, no medical procedure, and no effort that could ever remove it because the creations of God are held forever in place by Divine Law.

It is a new time dear ones, one in which many commonly accepted beliefs are quickly dissolving. Each day more awaken in response to the intense waves of higher dimensional energy pouring to earth. Gaia who is a living soul and not a piece of dirt to be used and abused has had enough. She is shifting to her higher dimensional self and allowing her inhabitants to come with her if they choose.

Be prepared for more earth events, for the clash of differing levels of energy can and often does result in chaos. The old versus the new will express in whatever way it is able. All is proceeding according to plan and all is exactly where it needs to be so take your focus off of appearances and put it within where the answers lie.

It is commonly stated that a problem cannot be solved on the level of the problem but this is exactly what the world continues to do. Begin to meet the issues in your lives with truth and not with solutions wholly based in a belief system that is fast becoming obsolete. This does not mean you cannot see a doctor if you are guided to, or see a lawyer for advice but it means that you take your higher awareness with you, letting yourself be intuitively guided as well as being advised.

Stop analyzing everything according three dimensional concepts of how things should or must be.

Depending on old solutions and programs to bring about permanent and peaceful resolutions between people or situations will never be permanent and will always be subject to change because they are formed of duality and separation. Many know this but are afraid to rely on it.

Omnipresent Divine Consciousness is infinitely expressing ITself. Mind interprets the One Divine Consciousness according to whatever conditioned beliefs a person has accepted in his or her personal expression of the One Consciousness.

Learn to trust your intuition, seeking answers about anything and everything from within rather than from the level of the question. All answers lie within you because your true essence is Omniscient Divine Consciousness. The unconditioned mind of a person who has attained a consciousness of oneness is able to translate the events of the person’s life from a higher level and into forms of completeness and wholeness that are personal to the individual.

For example; A self realized surgeon will get new ideas about surgery if needed and a self realized mechanic will find himself knowing how to fix a complicated auto problem. Neither will get the other’s information unless they need it. It is unconditioned consciousness translated by an unconditioned mind into individual understandable form.

Learn to think of yourselves as spiritual beings, not so much as one with God, but actually being God and thus embodying all that constitutes Divine Consciousness–I AM wholeness, abundance, safety and security, harmony, completeness etc. etc. now. ONE can never be in conflict with or separated from ITself. Separation is the myth of humanhood.

You are in charge of you–always have been and always will be but you have not known this. No priest, guru, class, crystal, rule, or mantra has the power to make you more than you already are. A realized consciousness of Oneness is the key that opens all doors. When you first know, accept, begin to live from, and then allow oneness to become your state of consciousness, you open the door to its expression in even the smallest of ways.

Let go of beliefs about what you need or must have in order to be happy for they represent nothing more than majority concepts about happiness. To continue holding on to them only serves to block something higher, better, and yet unknown just waiting to express.

Trust, Trust, Trust. Your higher self knows where you belong and how to get you there. Get out of your own way dear ones, and allow your already fully present Divine Consciousness to express.

The Arcturian Group






Newsletter September 2019

Dear brothers and sisters of the Tribe of Many Colors,

For eleven years I have taught and repeated the phrase “We are the strongest of the strong. We are the prophesied tribe of people who will ban together to stand for something great and move humanity into a new era! We are the rainbow tribe. We are those who are willing to stand next to our brothers and sisters from every background, every race, religion, culture, and nation with love in our hearts and the willingness to create change, hope and healing for our Mother Earth and each other.” This has never been said on a whim or as something nice to make you feel special but as a wake-up call.  A wake-up call to your own power and greatness in a time when Mother Earth would need the strongest of souls to gather together with one powerful mission to move humanity back into the circle of life.
Our world is changing rapidly brothers and sisters. Global warming threatens every eco-system on our planet and with it every species that lives here. Our beloved earth has gone through many climate changes throughout the 4 billion years she has existed but please understand, these climate changes are due to very small variations in Earth’s orbit that change the amount of solar energy our planet receives and on average have taken hundreds of thousands of years to change. The current and extreme climate change we are facing today is the result of human activity since around the 1950s. This change in climate is not a gradual thing taking hundreds of thousands of years, it has taken less than 100. We are living through the greatest planetary change in human history and not one of us will go unaffected by the global temperature rise. We are literally standing on a knifes edge… and it’s time for us to act! I believe in humanity, I believe in the good and with that good, I believe that human beings working together can make a great change. But if we want to see that change we ALL must do something. Eat less meat, or better yet stop eating meat altogether if you can. Refuse single-use plastics, support the children marching for a better future around the world, make your voices heard, sign petitions, put pressure on your governments to refuse goods from countries like Brazil whose leaders are burning the Rainforest for profit. Pick up trash where you see it in the water or on the ground, consume responsibly, and most importantly Be Love. While our world faces great and difficult changes we cannot allow ourselves to sink into the depression and sadness of what surrounds us, but rather let it light a fire in your bones to be the Strongest of the Strong! Let it empower you to stand for something and to act. More than ever we need to create a deep and personal relationship with our Mother Earth and understand the web of life. We are those who must make a stand and protect the health and happiness of our world and the generations to come after us. It’s time to be the Strongest of the Strong!

I will be focusing my lectures, workshops and ceremonies on how to empower the people! It is time for us to remember who we are and take our place as the great warriors and protectors of our Mother Earth!

It is time to become empowered!
It is time to move into the Sacred!
It is time for ceremony!

Love Little Grandmother

Upcoming Events 2019-202021-22 September: Shamanic Journey in Bern (Switzerland)
28-29 September: Shamanic Journey in Austria (FULL)
13 October: Creating a Sacred Circle and Crystal Ceremony IJssel (NL) (Part of Proceeds go to protect Brasilian Rainforest)
26 October: Creating a Sacred Circle Frankfurt
2-3 November: shamanic Journey (FULL)
1 Dec: Event with Maori Elder Toroa & Little Grandmother Kiesha “Praying for Mother Earth!”
1-2 February: Shamanic Journey in Dalfsen (NL)

More info and registration:
or email Joyce,

I love you dearest Tribe of Many Colors.

Little Grandmother, Kiesha Crowther

To learn more or purchase the book, go to 


EVENTS in 2019-2020 with Little Grandmother, Kiesha Crowther

Upcoming Events 2019-2020

21-22 September: Shamanic Journey in Bern (Switzerland)
28-29 September: Shamanic Journey in Austria (FULL)
13 October: Creating a Sacred Circle and Crystal Ceremony IJssel (NL)
26 October: Creating a Sacred Circle Frankfurt
2-3 November: shamanic Journey (FULL)
1 Dec: Event with Maori Elder Toroa
1-2 February: Shamanic Journey in Dalfsen (NL)

More info and registration:
or email Joyce,

BIG EVENT 1st December 2019


Maori Elder Toroa & Little Grandmother Kiesha

Praying for Mother Earth! (NL)

Warriors for Mother Earth

Join me & Toroa in this year’s big event to pray, sing, and dance for the healing of Mother Earth!
We will be focussing our prayers and energies for the rains to fall upon the thousands of fires burning all over the world. For the protection of the animal kingdom whom many face extinction at this time, and for the indigenous peoples and their sacred lands! Join me and my honored guest, Maori Elder Toroa Aperahama for a powerful Haka and an evening of united prayer for change and protection of our Beloved Mother Earth!

Our world is on fire and its time for us to become the warriors and protectors Mother Earth needs us to be!

Bring your drums, bring your rattles and crystals, bring your hearts filled with passions and your voices ready to sing!

Love Little Grandmother

Place: Oudhoornsekerk Alphen aan de Rijn

Date and Time: 1st December Sunday afternoon at 14:00 – 17:00

Price: 35 euros

Buy ticket:
Bank transfer: NL52 TRIO 0197840205, Name: Little Grandmother

As soon as the payment is received we will send the ticket to your email address. (please write the email in the bank transfer) For more info and any questions: email Joyce,

Creating Sacred Circle & Crystal Ceremony River IJssel

Sunday 13 October in Zutphen (NL)
Part of Proceeds go to protect the Rainforest in the Amazon

Afternoon dedicated to the Healing of Mother Earth
Workshop in Zutphen (NL)

A part of the proceeds will go to a non-profit foundation that protects parts of the Amazon Forest in Brasil. 

This event will be dedicated to connecting ourselves to Mother Earth and offering her prayers of healing. We will be spending time in ceremony at the water’s edge of the river IJssel.

We will be creating a sacred circle and offering prayers to the four directions, the four elements, and our elders.

If you have a drum please bring it with you. If you have any crystals you would like to offer to the water, please bring it with you ass well.

In this workshop you will learn and experience in-depth:

– a deeper understanding of the four directions on this planet and in you
– a deeper understanding of the medicine wheel and how to make one
– a deeper understanding of sacred ceremony and conducting one
– working with crystals
– working with the elements and four directions in your everyday life
– How to connect to Mother Earth
– Guided Meditations

Place: Vrije School de Berkel, Henri Dunantweg 4, Zutphen
(15 min lopen vanaf het station, Parkeren Houtwal is 4 min lopen (op zondag gratis), Parkeren Polsbroek is 12 min lopen (op zondag gratis)

Time: 13:00 – 17:00

Price: 50 euros

A part of the proceeds: A part of the proceeds will go to the non-profit foundation “Stichting t.b.v. Bewustwording en Natuurbehoud”

This foundation is going to protect 150 soccer fields (1.000.000 m2) of ancient Brasilian Amazonian forest in de province of Acre, close to the border with Bolivia.

The foundation has contact with locals and will donate the money to a community that is deeply connected to Nature and Indigenous people, as the Huni Kuin Indians.

Every euro counts to protect and preserve a piece of land, so indigenous people can keep living on their rightful land, preserve their wisdom and guarantee the protection of their forest. More info about this initiative:, created by Ray Frenzel.

Buy ticket:
Bank transfer: NL52TRIO0197840205, Name: Little Grandmother

More info: Joyce,

Animal Totem reading by Little Grandmother

Your Animal Totem          

Animal totems, why do we have them and what do they mean?

Since I was eight years old, I could see a particular animal in the center of each person’s chest. The animal totem is there to teach you and guide you throughout your life.

When you know what your animal totem is, you can become more aware of its presence. You can be grateful for the animal totem being with you and grateful for its guidance and its blessings in your life. When you know what your animal totem is, you must learn all you can about this animal. What are its abilities? What are its strengths and weaknesses? Knowing these things you can learn so much more about yourself. You can also learn about what elements can help you. If your animal totem is a water animal, water is very powerful for you. It can be calming and energy empowering. If you have an earth animal like the badger or an armadillo who burrow into the ground, your strongest element would be the soil. This will help ground you and center your energy and bring you peace of mind and heart.

Read more about your Animal Totem, and how to receive it:


Dear Unify Family,

I’m sure you’ve heard of the forest fires raging in the Amazon.
As the lungs of our Earth are burning you may be feeling the outrage and the pain of this whole situation.We are too. Could this be our opportunity to Unify?

Maybe you are asking yourself “What can we actually do to save the Rainforest?”

The situation almost seems hopeless and it is multi-faceted.

We put our hearts and minds together and this is what we are going to do together:


  1. Coordinate an international response of skilled Wildland Firefighters from regions around the world that know how to address fires at this scale – They will be creating cut lines and water bombing the fires in shifts. Our partners, Flashover Disaster Management and Global Empowerment Mission will be helping us create the strategy and implement it with resources already on the ground.


  1. Work together with all the heroic organizations and the Indigenous Tribes that are on the front lines and unify a movement to protect the rainforest and create international pressure on the President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro to do right by humanity – Amazon Watch, Extinction Rebellion,, Greenpeace, Avaaz, etc.


  1. Work with regenerative agriculture specialists who can restore the most bio-diverse eco-system on the planet and protect them by putting acres into Land Trusts. Our partners at Rainforest Trust buy acres of devastated land in the Amazon and re-forest them.


  1. Orchestrate a synchronized prayer and meditation vigil for rain in the Amazon. This is all a symptom of humanity being out of alignment with the natural forces. Let’s restore that balance and make peace with Pachamama.
Please donate here to these organizations and we will make sure they are supported with what they need to do play their critical roles in this crisis.
Join us on International Amazon Day, September 5th at 11am PDT
for a livestream @
Including a Synchronized Guided Meditation @ 12 pm PDT.
We will be joined on the Livestream by:
  • Elders from the 13 International Indigenous Grandmothers
    • Grandmother Mona Polacca of the Hopi/Havasupai/Tewa
    • Grandmother Flordemayo of the Maya
  • Chief Phil Lane
  • Leaders from tribes in the Amazon
  • Atossa Soltani from Amazon Watch
  • Leaders from the Global Empowerment Mission and Flashover Disaster Management
  • and other special guests
Protecting the Amazon is the greatest act of peace we can make together.
We look forward to sharing hearts and empowering the noble missions underway.
These are some of the organizations we are working hand in hand with:
– sent with the deepest love and gratitude for you from the entire UNIFY family
At UNIFY, we conduct Global Synchronized Meditations and Collective Social Impact Campaigns to contribute to the growing field of peace on earth. We unite communities to elevate consciousness on Peace Day, Yoga Day, Water Day, Earth Day, and more. If you’ve read this far, please know we love you!




Blessing of the Energy Centers Live Stream Presented by Dr. Joe Dispenza
Bless Your Energy Centers To Download New Frequencies From The Quantum Field
September 18th | 6:00am EST

“When that energy begins to come out, there’s a pattern in the field that begins to open up.”

– Dr Joe Dispenza
For Live Stream translations into german and spanish language go to  and
Why Your Perception Of Reality Is Holding You Back From Infinite Possibilities

The more you define reality with your senses and focus primarily on the physical, you cannot sense the invisible field of frequencies, information and infinite possibilities.

If you are unaware of these frequencies, they do not exist to you, and you will never experience a reality full of infinite possibilities. Until you become aware of your body’s energy field, you will be stuck in a reality that looks like this…
  • Always preparing for the worst case scenario as your body is taken over by the hormones of stress
  • Trying to control or force outcomes in your life resulting in the creation of repeated negative experiences
  • Obsessing about your problems and giving all of your attention to what is wrong in your life
  • ​​​Being confused and helpless because your brain is sending incoherent messages to your body
  • ​​Feeling anxious and unworthy to create a better circumstance for yourself
During the Blessing of the Energy Centers live stream meditation, you are going to send and receive frequencies that:
Opens you up to insights, epiphanies, and creative downloads of frequency and information from the quantum field
Creates an overwhelming feeling of gratitude and worthiness to receive blessings in your life
Epigenetically changes the expression of your DNA to biologically upgrade your body
Creates syntropy in your body so you can become more coherent, orderly, and healthy
Ascends energy from your heart directly to your brain, creating a new consciousness of wholeness
Tune into a new level of light and information that you can use to influence and affect matter
Changes In Energy From The Blessing of the Energy Centers Meditation
In our retreats, we use a gas discharge visualization machine that measures the ambient electromagnetic field of our students to see how their energy changes after the Blessing of the Energy Centers meditation.
The images show GDV measurements of students’ energy centers before and after the Blessing of the Energy Centers meditation. Notice the difference in the size and the alignment of each center.
These GDV measurements show the radical change in our participants electromagnetic field and energy before and after our Blessing of the Energy Centers meditation that you will experience on the live stream.
The Pineal Gland Explained By Science
As you connect to deeper levels of the unified field, the brain is activated by a greater energy that carries specific information in the form of thoughts and imagery. In that moment, the increased energy in the form of a profoundly powerful emotion captures all the mind’s attention.
The Pineal Gland Releases Its Metabolites

Cerebrospinal fluid moves through a closed system called the ventricular system. When you inhale and follow your breath to the top of your head and then hold your breath and squeeze up and in, you are accelerating the cerebrospinal fluid.

On the surface of the pineal gland are tiny hairs called cilia. The accelerated fluid moving faster than normal tickles the tiny hairs, which overstimulates the pineal gland. The overstimulation combined with the electrical activation created by an increase in intrathecal pressure, causes the gland to ejaculate some very profound, upgraded metabolites of melatonin into the brain.
Deliver Energy Directly To The Brain

As energy is released from the body to the brain, it passes by each spinal nerve exiting between each vertebra. The excitation of this system further switches on the peripheral nerves, which then transfer more energy to different tissues and organs in the body.

As a result, more energy is delivered throughout the body. In a sense, you become more conscious and awakened.

Create an Electromagnetic Field Around Your Body

As you accelerate the movement of cerebrospinal fluid, you create an electromagnetic field around your body. When the torus field is moving up, out, and around your body, and when the pineal gland becomes activated, a reverse torus field of electromagnetic energy is drawing energy into your body through the top of your head.

Since all frequency carries information, now your pineal gland is receiving information from beyond the visible light field. You’ve now created an antenna in your brain, and this antenna is picking up information from the quantum field.
Everything You Need To Know About Your Energy Centers
The Light Spectrum of Electromagnetic Frequencies
This figure represents the entire spectrum of electromagnetic frequencies from the zero-point field slowing down in frequency all the way to matter. In the middle, labeled visible light, is the only spectrum of reality we perceive.
The Energy Centers
Each energy center has its own specific energy that carries its own frequency carrying a certain message. Think of these individual clusters of neurological networks as mini-brains.
The Flow of Creative Energy In The Body
As we evolve our creative energy, it can be channeled from the first center all the way up to the brain and beyond. Once we feel enlightened energy, we begin to truly feel worthy and the energy can finally rise to activate the eighth center, where we receive visions, insights, and manifestations, that come from a greater power in and around us.
How Your Energy Gets Stuck
When energy becomes stuck in our body, it cannot flow to the higher centers, and we cannot evolve. Getting that circuit flowing the way it was designed to do is the whole point of doing the Blessing of the Energy Centers meditation—we bless each of these centers so we can get stuck energy flowing again.




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