Monatsarchive: Mai 2017















A Possible Solution Explained By Jeff Berwick / Dollar Vigilante


…still something unclear ? :)….time to wake up !!!!


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Have you ever wondered why:

* the cabals hide the existence of ETs from us?

* the cabals classify ET spacecraft as UFOs?

* those who come forward to describe sightings are mocked, even arrested as crazies?

* most movies about ETs and spacecraft are fear-based, depicting the conquest or destruction of our world?

* we have not as yet been invaded by those the cabals call ‘aliens’?

* ETs are rarely portrayed as benevolent?

Join us at PAO’s live May Webinar to discover the answers to these and many more questions.

This is one Webinar you simply won’t want to miss!!!


In this Webinar, Sheldan provides an overview of UFO history on our planet and explains how we are headed toward disclosure and landings … the key to our galactic future.

Topics include…

• UFOs: a brief planetary history 
• Cover-ups: Conspiracy Theories and Ridicule 
• Fearmongering: Creating Xenophobia 
• Sightings 
 • Disclosure 
• Landings: the key to our Galactic future

Sunday, May 21, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, May 25, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live…simply by using your home computer 
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.



Source: Lisa Renee – 5-18-17

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Neuroplasticity, also known as brain plasticity (flexibility), is an umbrella term that encompasses both synaptic flexibility (the connection of neurons) and non-synaptic flexibility (modification of action potential) to strengthen or change neuron synaptic signaling. Plasticity or flexibility in the brain affects the strength and action of neural connections and pathways. Synaptic flexibility plays a large role in a person’s ability to activate higher learning and access memory functions in the brain.

This also refers to changes made in neural pathways and synapses due to changes in a person’s behavior, environment, neural processes, thinking, emotions, as well as changes resulting from shifts in consciousness. Substantial changes made in thinking and in responding to various forms of stimuli can profoundly alter the pattern of neuronal activation in response to the way a person experiences or perceives reality.

This means that our direct experiences do change both the brain’s physical structure (anatomy) and functional organization (physiology).


The brain can and does change or strengthen in response to the variety of levels we choose to perceive and think about in our experiences and other types of perceptions. If we grow mentally rigid, this leads to hardening our heart and becoming extremely inflexible in our thinking, especially as we grow older. The structure of our brains can be changed by what we focus our attention upon and what we choose to give value to as priority.

Thus, our brain learns by experience and is fully capable of re-programming itself to turn on synapses and increase neuronal activity, by strengthening the brain flexibility through open mindedness.

Being open-minded means being receptive to new ideas, knowledge and being adaptable to change. Open-mindedness also relates to the way in which people approach the views and knowledge of others. When we are open-minded we know that others should be free to express their views and that the value of others knowledge should be recognized. When we are not threatened or scared by others point of view, our body and brain stays open, receptive and relaxed. We seek to have dialogues and maintain a free information society that shares knowledge with humanitarian goals.

Our goal is to stay mentally open and mentally flexible with an empathic, loving and compassionate heart, and to allow other people to speak what they believe without instigating or condoning violence. Here are some suggestions on keeping an open and flexible mind, which is crucial to keep ones heart open. Remember an open mind equals an open heart.

Prayer and Meditation

Prayer and Meditation connect us to higher intelligence and have positive impacts on calming our mind. Prayer focuses on positive emotions like love, gratitude and Compassion, which allow goodness in our lives and the lives of those we pray for. Meditation reduces anxiety, stress, and depression, which helps us to find and connect to peaceful states. Being mindful improves our mental flexibility, brain elasticity and keeps neurons active. Spiritually centering ourselves on peace, prayer and contemplation of God/Universe, helps us maintain our trust in life, faith, and relaxes every part of the body.


Keep reinforcing the positive things that you have in your life right now. Feel and express gratitude for the people, things, and experiences that are positive or have a silver lining for higher learning. Reinforce one’s commitment to expressing love, goodness and gratitude, and to behave as ethically as Christ would.


Better Understand other People

It may be helpful to practice listening to perspectives different from our own, and to allow other people to challenge and stimulate our ways of thinking. We have an incredible array of languages, cultures, and belief systems that define a variety of viewpoints on the earth. When we are able to understand other people through their viewpoint, we are more empathic to them. We can understand how they may feel. This helps us to have compassion for people and not group them into statistics, countries, religions or some other classification system. When we classify people, we start to disassociate from the fact they are human beings, our brothers and sisters that have a right to live upon this earth peacefully.

Learn Something New

Learn how to think and explore your own learning patterns by giving yourself time and space for reflection. Notice how we are constantly bombarded by external forms of distraction. Our creative minds may need to stay sequestered from the formulas given by society, and to seek answers in the most unpredictable places, or within the silence of meditation. Do not be afraid to learn something new that requires concentration or be afraid of deeper knowledge of one’s own consciousness. Stay informed and awake, be willing to see the things going on around you. Being interested in higher learning expands one’s mind and consciousness.

Trust Yourself

Be aware that poor Self Esteem and lack of trust in our own abilities to learn and problem solve, will close our mind and harden our heart. Do not feel intimidated by knowledge, competence or other people that criticize to shut you down. Knowing that you are a worthy, valued and loved person, stay strong to build core self-esteem and self-efficiency, knowing that you can depend on yourself if the going gets rough. Most of the fears we dwell on never come to pass. As you focus on building the right relationship to self-acceptance and self-love, this builds trust and confidence in oneself. Building trust in oneself and building trust with God are the only two relationships that we really need! With those two relationships and ego surrender, all else will fall into place.


To forgive another person or circumstances is the most generous thing one can do for oneself. When we forgive others for perceived transgressions it frees us from the bonds, entanglements and cords, which manifest painful patterns such as judgments, resentments, and anger. When we are angry it is a very destructive emotion that increases anxiety, harms our brain and closes our heart. Forgiving yourself from being angry is the most important action one can take in clearing self-sabotaging bonds of victimhood. Understanding the importance of forgiveness is that it brings you to the current state of now, rather than dwelling on past hurts and pain. This is incredibly positive for reaching states of open mindedness and freer thinking to progress forward.

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Stay Aware of Balance

Know that you are a multidimensional spiritual being with a body, mind, emotions and spirit. What areas of your multidimensional being require more attention? Keeping an open mind requires that we keep growing our self-awareness and consciousness, keep developing new interests, and remain receptive to new activities and ideas. Yet, there are times we require rest, relaxation and have to let it all go in mental stillness. Thus, as a balanced and healthy person we must try to move in and out of each state of rest and activity, in order to receive the positive benefits of both.

Sovereignty of Brain and Nervous System

Open your 12D Shield. Stabilize in your core and open a vortex field if that is part of your practice. Feel free to call upon Krystal Star Guardians or guiding beings allied with your Divine Purpose. Once your shield and core feel as stabilized as you can get them, speak to your body, brain and nervous system these words: My body, I speak to you as an intelligence and I speak to you with Love. I am in charge of our God Sovereign Freedom and nothing will compromise this. I will take care of you with all of my heart! (Take a moment to feel this connection come alive. Then say the following.)

I now command my Brain and Central Nervous System:

▪ I Accept only messages that are truthful and organic to my highest consciousness in Christ.
▪ I Accept only messages that support my higher good and Divine Blueprint in God Sovereign Freedom.
▪ I Permit only that which supports my highest good and Divine Sovereign Purpose to Serve my God-Self.
▪ I eliminate all messages that are inorganic or are harmful artificial intelligence, now.
▪ Any inorganic intrusive or artificial messages, scripts or impulses are evicted and forbidden now.

As I am God Sovereign and Free, this I decree with all of my heart, mind and might to serve my God Self. Beloved Body, thank you and so IT IS. I seal and end my connection with love and gratitude. Thank you!

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Was ist NESARA?

N.E.S.A.R.A steht für: National Economic Security and Reformation Act = Nationales Wirtschafts- Sicherheits- und Reformierungs- Gesetz

Die meisten unter uns können sich möglicherweise erinnern, dass Willie Nelson „Farm Aid“- („Farm-Hilfe“) -Konzerte veranstaltete, um Landwirten damit zu helfen, ihre Betriebe zu retten. Willie Nelson startete diese „Farm Aid“-Konzerte, um Geld für die bäuerlichen Familien zu sammeln, die ihre Farmen in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren verloren hatten.

In den 1990er Jahren übernahmen einige Landwirte in den USA Aktionen, die bereits einige Jahre zuvor in Gang gesetzt worden waren, um US-Banker dafür zu verklagen, dass sie ihr Farmeigentum illegal zwangsversteigert hatten. Diese Farmer erkannten, nachdem sie umfangreiche Nachforschungen angestrengt hatten, dass viele Farmer durch illegale Tricks der US-Banker von diesen Zwangsvollstreckungen betroffen waren. In Anklageverfahren wurden Absprachen korrupter US-Regierungsbeamter mit den unseriösen Bankern aufgedeckt. Eine ganze Ansammlung von Anklage-Schriften der Landwirte durchlief die Staatsgerichte, Bundesgerichte und den obersten US-Bundesgerichtshof. Und der Oberste US-Gerichtshof stellte fest, dass die Petitionen der Landwirte rechtens waren.

Der Oberste Gerichtshof bestätigte die Anträge der Landwirte auf Entschädigung (Rückerstattung) seitens der US-Bundesregierung an die Landwirte. Im Zuge dieses massiven staatlichen Betrugs erhob sich die weitere Forderung, dass auch anderen Amerikanern die Möglichkeit gegeben werden sollte, Wiedergutmachung der Schäden zu erhalten, die ihnen durch die Bundesregierung zugefügt worden waren. Die sich daraus ergebenden historisch bedeutsamen Gerichtsentscheidungen bildeten die Grundlage für den Prozess, in dessen Zuge Farmer und Bank-Geschädigte aus allen 50 Staaten der Vereinigten Staaten Rückerstattungs-Ansprüche unterbreiteten für die Schäden, die ihnen durch die Bundesregierung zugefügt worden waren. Wir alle verdanken diesen mutigen Bauern, Anwälten und Richtern des Obersten US-Gerichtshofs, dass sie mit dieser Prozessreihe in Sachen „Farm Claims“ die Bundesregierung und die Banker in die Pflicht genommen und ihnen dadurch zugleich ihre Korruption und ihre illegale Tricks nachgewiesen haben.

Neben der Anerkennung der finanziellen Schäden stellte der Oberste US-Gerichtshof fest, dass auch die seitens der Landwirte erhobene Anklage wegen Betrugs der Bundesregierung an ihnen zu Recht bestand. Daher forderte der Oberste Gerichtshof der USA, dass mit der Rückzahlung in Sachen „Farm Claims“ zugleich auch große Reformen innerhalb der Regierung durchgeführt werden müssen. Die Aufdeckung des Betrugs, die dem Obersten Gerichtshof der USA aufgrund der „Farm Claims“ -Klagen gelang, bildet eine der rechtlichen Grundlagen, die zu dem N.E.S.A.R.A -Gesetzentwurf führten. Es wurde aber angeordnet, dass all diese ‚Meilensteine‘ von Gerichtsurteilen zunächst geheim gehalten werden sollten, bis die Regierungs- und Banken-Reformen für eine öffentliche Bekanntmachung bereitgestellt werden können, und die Fonds für die Rückzahlungen in den mit „Farm Claims“ bezeichneten Angelegenheiten zur Auszahlung bereitstehen.

Im Juni 2000 zog nun jenes zunächst geheime Gesetz (N.E.S.A.R.A), das zuvor schon im März 2000 den US-Kongress durchlaufen hatte, die Aufmerksamkeit einiger Bürger auf sich. Dieses Gesetz wurde zwar verfassungsrechtlich ‚verabschiedet‘, enthielt aber ein Redeverbot, (Knebel-Verordnung) mit Androhung der Todesstrafe, falls offiziell beteiligte Personen vor der offiziellen Bekanntmachung öffentlich darüber diskutieren sollten. In diesem selben Monat (Juni 2000) berichtete ein Informant aus dem militärischen Geheimdienst (aus der Gruppe der so genannten „Weißen Ritter“ dass dieses geheime Gesetz:

… die IRS (Internal Revenue Service – US-Steuer-Eintreibungsbehörde) abgeschafft wird;

… bewirkt, dass ein gewisser Schuldenerlass für die Menschen in den USA in Kraft tritt;

… ein neues US-Banken- und Währungssystem eingeführt wird, mit

… anhand einer durch Edelmetalle gedeckten Währung.

… die Federal Reserve Bank unter die Aufsicht des US-Finanzministerium kommt;

… unsere persönliche Freiheit wiederherstellt

… und massive Verbesserungen in der Bundesregierung einführt.

Mitte Oktober 2000, berichtete einer dieser militärischen Geheimdienst- Kontaktler („Weißer Ritter“), dass dieses geheime Gesetz von Präsident Bill Clinton am 10. Oktober 2000 unterzeichnet worden war, und ein paar Tage später wurde die Abkürzung für diesen „National Economic Security And Reformation Act“ = N.E.S.A.R.A. bekannt.

Aufgrund der Forderung des Obersten US-Gerichtshofs, diese Gesetzesvorlage vorerst noch geheim zu halten, wurden alle offiziellen Verlautbarungen über N.E.S.A.R.A. so lange untersagt, bis die Korrekturen am Regierungswesen, die Verbesserungen im Bankenwesen und die Wohlstands- Programme zur Umsetzung bereit waren. Deshalb hat die breite Öffentlichkeit noch nie etwas über diese wegweisenden Entscheidungen gehört. Und deshalb ist das erste offizielle Startsignal für die ausstehende öffentliche Bekanntgabe des N.E.S.A.R.A.- Programms für gesamte Menschheit immer noch in der Schwebe. Es ist eine immense Anzahl von Schritten und Verfahren notwendig, um das alles – einschließlich der über 70 Wohlstandsprogramme – für seine weltweite Einführung vorzubereiten, damit es einheitlich vorankommt.

Die Weißen Ritter benötigen die Zustimmung der US-Regierung, um alle diese lang ersehnten Wohlstands-Programme zur gleichen Zeit wie die Verbesserungen des neuen Banken- und Regierungswesens umzusetzen. Rechtsverbindliche „Abkommen“ („Accords“) wurden von verschiedenen führenden Köpfen der Bundesregierung in den vergangenen Jahren unterzeichnet, die die Voraussetzungen dafür darlegten, wie all dies geschehen würde, und die die Finanzierung der Wohlstands-Programme garantierten. Diese „Abkommen“ sind die rechtlich verbindlichen Instrumente, die angewendet werden, um diese umwälzenden Banken-, Regierungs- und Wohlstands-Aktivitäten zu installieren.

Diejenigen, die innerhalb des Bankwesens, der Regierung, dem Militär und dem juristischen Bereich gegen diese Veränderungen waren, haben jeden möglichen Trick während der Verhandlungen genutzt, um die Fertigstellung der Tausende von Schritten bei der Abgleichung all dieser Programme, der Verbesserung der weltweiten Banken- und Währungssysteme und der Reformen in der US-Regierung zu verzögern Reformen. Sie wissen, dass bei Umsetzung all dieser Erfordernisse des NESARA-Gesetzes ihre Macht und ihre Kontrollmöglichkeiten enden würden. Deshalb vergaben diese Opponenten Aufträge für Anschläge auf das World Trade Center, auf das Pentagon und in Pennsylvania am 11. September 2001. Sie wussten, dass bereits letzte Anordnung herausgegeben worden war, die (elektronischen) Netzwerke darüber zu informieren, sich für die Bekanntmachung und Verbreitung des NESARA-Programms bereit zu halten.

Wir treten in eine neue Ära des Friedens, des Wohlstands, der Harmonie und der Lebensfreude auf dem Planeten Erde („Shan“). Damit alles erfolgreich ausgeführt werden konnte, musste leider zunächst Vieles geheim gehalten werden, um diese großartigen Verbesserungen bereitstellen zu können. Die Zeit ist gekommen, dass dies alles stattfinden muss, womit sich dann die Pläne erfüllen werden, die unsere tapferen amerikanischen Reformer vor fünfzig Jahren entworfen hatten.



What is NESARA?

by Steve Beckow

Since NESARA has been mentioned several times recently, please allow me to give a short summary of what NESARA comprises.

The acronym NESARA stands for “National Economic Security and Reformation Act.” The Act was passed by the American Congress in the year 2000 and never proclaimed, for reasons we will touch upon shortly.

As a program, NESARA can be viewed from several perspectives.

As a spiritually-directed financial program, it traces back to the work of St.Germain and three other ascended masters. That work began in the Fifteenth Century and was designed to provide a new economic system for the world during the present time of transition.

Sheldan Nidle’s Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation describe the masters’ work and its development over the centuries. I cite that passage at length:

“This time will … be heralded by an infusion of great abundance. This prosperity will be due largely to the endurance of our Earthly Allies and the brilliant strategies set in motion, many centuries ago, by the Ascended Masters Count St Germain, Master Hilarion, Seraphis Bey and Saint Paul the Venetian.

“These Holy Beings were able to bring to this realm a financial and monetary plan whose secret purpose is to enable great abundance to rain down at the appropriate time. Although St Germain is ultimately responsible for its success, each of the Ascended Masters we have mentioned has played a significant role in its present-day preparation.

“Briefly, … the Ottoman Turks, the Hapsburgs of Austria, the Bourbons of France and the Holy See conspired in the past to create a system of banking and trust that has lasted until this day. …
“The origins of their created Fractional Banking System are revealed in the ancient treasuries of Rome, Persia, India and China, and in the many empires of the New World. …

“By Europe’s Middle Ages, control of this system had passed to the Pope and a series of allied Monarchs. This group was grievously threatened by the rise of the Ottomans in the Middle East, and by their capture of Constantinople. New arrangements were needed.

“St Paul the Venetian and Seraphis Bey were leaders in negotiating the new Secret Treaties, but only to prepare the way for the final phase of their strategy. St. Germain carried this out beautifully, with help from the Master Hilarion. The outcome was a World Trust for this realm’s Light Workers.

“Funds were to be disbursed with the advent of Christendom’s Second Millennium. As that time approached, however, it became increasingly clear that the Cabals who control your world wished to avoid this payout.

“Therefore, a number of former members who left these groups and secretly supported Count St Germain’s original intention, devised a way to defeat the secret manipulations of their former dark Cabals.

“This resulted in the rise of our Earthly Allies and an exceedingly complex strategy that took decades to bring to fruition. The process began as a way to ensure that the abundance promised by Count St Germain was actually made available to Earth’s Light Workers.

“At first, this amounted to a number of Trusts whose true purpose was kept secret. A few decades later, it concerned the bringing to light of a humanitarian project approved by the IMF. Over time, this led to the emergence of a number of governmental, economic and political coalitions, which were protected by the Ascended Masters.

“They also encouraged Divine intervention by the Galactic Federation of Light. This First Contact mission would be allied, eventually, with those who so courageously had encouraged the disclosure of Count St Germain’s World Trust. In 1998, this measure was officially carried into effect by a series of secret agreements promising that the UFO cover-up would cease when these funds were disbursed.

“The outcome of almost a decade of secret conflict waged between this global coalition and Earth’s many dark Cabals culminated in the latter part of 2000. The remaining Dark Cabal realized that it was imperative for them to seize the leadership of Earth’s last superpower.

“Thus, they developed a policy that resembled a scheme they had employed in Germany during the 1930s [i.e., 9/11, designed to imitate the consequences of the Reichstag Fire]. They hoped that this policy would enable them to block the disbursement of funds. They also hungered to engage in a perpetual war that would allow them to complete the dismantling of this superpower’s Bill of Rights.

“At first, their policy seemed to succeed. However, their spitefulness resulted in a violent reaction that increased our Earthly Allies’ ability to counterbalance the power amassed by these last Cabals. Now, this Coalition has used your Planet’s most recent, illegal war in Iraq as the intolerable, final act that will break this last Cabal’s hold on the reins of power.” (1)

Viewed as a modern development, the roots of NESARA can be found in the response by the Supreme Court to banking foreclosures against farm property which the Court found to be illegal.

In the course of reviewing these practices, the Court went further and ruled that many other contemporary banking, taxation and governance arrangements were unconstitutional. For that, James Rink’s article appears to be a good source. (2)

As a legislative initiative, it took its name from the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, passed by Congress in 2000, as implied in Matthew Ward’s comments:

“The NESARA legislation is being processed within the laws of the God-inspired original US constitution.” (3)

“Because the United States determines to such a large extent what happens in your world, NESARA was devised in accordance with US laws rather than any other country’s.” (4)

NESARA was due to be announced on Sept. 11, 2001 at 10:00 am, but the cabal blew up the World Trade Center buildings at 9:00 amto prevent it, as Matthew briefly alludes to.

“The dark forces are fighting tooth and nail to prevent even the awareness of NESARA, much less its implementation, and, at this point, delaying the announcement that must by law precede enactment of the widespread provisions is the only weapon left to them.

“They have been successful thus far in achieving delays by many means: assassinations of influential people who favor initiating the provisions without delay as well as others actively working toward this end; death threats to the families of light workers and to the workers themselves; double-agents within the ranks of the light workers; and terrorist assaults. The US internal terrorist act of September 11, 2001, was the most dramatic of these tactics.” (5)

The gold which backed the new currency was stored in the WTC towers and stolen by the cabal. Building 7 was the center of operations for 9/11 and was destroyed after the operation was complete.

Viewed from the widest possible angle, NESARA is a spiritually-inspired and -guided arrangement, as Matthew indicates.

“NESARA is legislation of the United States government that was designed by high light beings in conjunction with spiritual beings on the planet as the LEGAL means to usher in the era of peace, love and harmony on Earth.” (6)

“Some consider NESARA to be political and economic in nature while others view it as spiritual because of the high-level light beings affiliated with it. NESARA is both. When people are severely oppressed by political and economic conditions that foster impoverished living circumstances, lack of health care and education, monopoly of natural resources, slave labor, unjust laws and courts, starvation, and tyrannical regimes, offering ‘soul food’ isn’t enough.

“When people are preoccupied with mere survival requirements, giving them only spiritual messages is not going to bring about the global reforms they need to rise out of their misery. That is why the provisions of NESARA are monumental in scope, embodying sweeping reforms for Earth that will begin as soon as the legislation is officially announced. When people become aware of the reforms, they will be motivated to participate according to their capabilities.

“As in all other aspects of polarity still existing on Earth, NESARA is at one extreme and the dark forces that … the members themselves call the Illuminati are at the other.” (7)

NESARA is designed to erase poverty and all its attendant ills from Earth during a transitional period preceding Ascension so that the planet’s sovereign citizens can focus their attention on planetary transformation, as SaLuSa indicates.

“The changes will not be imposed for the sake of it, but are part of our plan to bring you the comforts and protection, that will lift your experiences to a new level and bring you joy and happiness. Following that you will be in the right frame of mind to apply yourselves to the business of preparing for Ascension. That is the ultimate goal.” (8)

After, Ascension, this planet is destined to be weaned from the use of money, as SaLuSa points out: “Ultimately you [will] reach a stage where money has no place in a society that is founded upon sharing.” (9) Matthew confirms that the time will come after Ascension to drop the use of money:

“In Earth’s Golden Age, the trend will be away from money and toward systems of sharing and bartering—the light intensity in souls will let those means of remuneration for services and conduct of commerce become as satisfying between nations as between individuals.” (10)

It was felt that there was no sense in implementing NESARA before the dark forces had been removed from power. Otherwise they would use their control of government to seize people’s funds.

According to Matthew, the dark forces tenaciously held onto control of the top rungs of all human institutions.

“[The Illuminati’s] tentacles reach the highest levels of governments; banking establishments; all media outlets; churches; multinational corporations; royal families; educational, medical and drug, law and justice systems – NOTHING of influential nature on your planet is free of Illuminati control.” (11)

Matthew describes their stake in the matter:

“This powerful cabal has long recognized that to retain their control of Earth’s people, they must keep them in ignorance and fear and for millennia that has worked well for those currently in power and their dark predecessors. Now they are realizing that it cannot work for them much longer, and they are sparing no tactic to hold onto their fast-ebbing control.

“They rightly see NESARA as their total uprooting, because once the program’s reforms are implemented, the control of the darkness will crumble totally.” (12)

Many people wonder why the galactic and spirit coalition do not force the cabal to accept NESARA. They may not appreciate the requirement imposed on the coalition that it respect free will.

According to God’s laws, the coalition is bound, until the arrival of a divine deadline, to allow even the Illuminati to exercise their free will, including in respect to NESARA, as Matthew explains.

“By Creator’s law, souls’ free will must be respected except in the case of nuclear detonations in space. That includes the free-will choices made by members of the dark forces to hold up and weaken—preferably doom—NESARA.” (13)

Another source of confusion arises from our belief that the coalition’s plans are predestined and therefore fixed. But Kryon informs us, “there are things that we call wild cards. That is to say, potentials that nobody thought about.” (14) Matthew describes the situation facing the coalition:

“We can tell you what is fomenting behind the scenes regarding the truth about the global economy, but because Earth’s energy field of potential is in such wild commotion, we cannot discern what information will emerge first or the order in which other facts will follow.” (15)

The coalition must allow for free-will choices; therefore their plans must respond to our actions, which means that they must be changeable, as SaLuSa tells us: “We continually adjust our plans according to the changes on Earth.”(16) “On a week-to-week basis so much could happen, and it is why we are unable to be more precise about the coming months.” (17)

However, SaLuSa does make one prediction regarding timing. On Jan. 1, 2010, he said that “if we were to anticipate where you might be by the end of this year, we would expect to have seen governmental changes and the first signs of the abundance program taking place.” (18)

Prior to 2001, it was planned to announce NESARA before disclosure. But by 2010, the order had been reversed, as SaLuSa indicates: “Disclosure … must [now] precede the Abundance programs.” (19) My understanding is that the galactics had underestimated the degree of the Illuminati’s intransigence. Persuasion has consistently failed and the galactics have finally determined that they might have to “force the issue.” Says SaLuSa:

“[The Illuminati’s] capitulation would be welcomed, but they are not of the nature to admit defeat. In the end we may therefore have to force the issue, as our mission must soon start in earnest. Force is not a word we like, but it does not mean the use of physical force but rather like your chess game, it will be checkmate.” (20)

We have seen that NESARA can be described from several different vantage points and its exact date of implementation remains unknown. As an economic measure, it is intended to be temporary and transitional. As a spiritual measure, it is intended to inspire Earth’s population with what is possible, which Ascension will fully reveal. Once NESARA comes, it will relieve Earth’s population of poverty and toil and allow them to devote themselves fully to the ultimate task of planetary transformation.


(1) Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation, April 15, 2003, Galactic Federation of Light: Updates Archive 1997-2007, at

SaLuSa also gives a very short version of the same history:

“The changes to ensure your promised future will be the fulfilment of all that has been planned, and are overseen by St. Germain and a host of heavenly Beings. It has been brought into place over millennia of time, in anticipation of the end times. It was foreseen that the low vibrations on Earth would attract the dark Ones, and what would result from it. Therefore plans were made to remove them as soon as the Light became the dominant energy and when their power was diminishing.

“That time has arrived and with the levels of human consciousness increasing so quickly, there is now a higher vibration that is awakening people to the truth. St. Germain is the Founder of a world trust fund that was set up a long time ago. It will be able to support a new financial system and enable a fair distribution of wealth. St. Germain’s message is that you should let Love and Light be your guide as you take your path to freedom, and know that the heavenly hosts are with you all of the time.” (SaLuSa, Aug. 30, 2010, at

(2) James Rink, “Partial History of the True National Economic Security and Reformation Act,” at

(3) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 7, 2003, at

(4) Matthew’s Message, Nov. 10, 2003.

(5) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 7, 2003.

(6) Matthew’s Message, Nov. 10, 2003.

(7) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 7, 2003.

(8) SaLuSa, May 7, 2010.

(9) SaLuSa, June 29, 2009.

(10) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 14, 2010.

(11) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 7, 2003.

(12) Loc. cit.

(13) Loc. cit.

(14) Kryon, “The Shift is Here,” Oct. 20, 2008, at

(15) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 14, 2010.

(16) SaLuSa, May 28, 2010.

(17) SaLuSa, Jan. 27, 2010.

(18) SaLuSa, Jan. 1, 2010.

(19) SaLuSa, Jan. 27, 2010.

(20) SaLuSa, Jan. 27, 2010.

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….eine sehr schöne Dokumentation der Fahrt, die das Herz tief berührt. Macht euch auf eventuelle Tränchen gefasst, wenn es euch so geht wie mir…. 🙂 Mit riesigem, herzlichen Dank an alle Organisatoren und Teilnehmen, Arya.





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Als wir vor anderthalb Jahren WeMove gründeten, hatten wir ein Ziel vor Augen: Wir mobilisieren Bürgerinnen und Bürger, gemeinsam auf die Straße zu gehen. Letzten Samstag war es zum ersten Mal soweit. Tausende von uns demonstrierten überall in Europa ihren Widerstand gegen Monsanto.

Europaweit haben wir über 100.000 Unterschriften gegen das Ackergift Glyphosat gesammelt. Das sind zehn Prozent von der Million, die wir für unsere Europäische Bürgerinitiative brauchen. Zehn Prozent an nur einem Tag!

Wir sammeln dabei nicht nur Unterschriften, wir informieren viele Leute aus der Nachbarschaft, am Arbeitsplatz, in der Familie oder Fremde auf der Straße, die sonst nicht auf die drohende Gefahr aufmerksam werden würden. Mit uns sammelte Michel am Place de la République in Paris. Er ist 83 Jahre alt und erklärt seine Motivation so: “Es geht mir nicht um mich selbst, dafür bin ich zu alt. Aber ich will, dass meine Kinder und Enkel in einem besseren Europa aufwachsen.” Michel ist nicht mal unser Ältester, in Bologna legte gar eine Hundertjährige Hand an.

Dieser Erfolg ist UNSER Erfolg!

Michel, 83 Jahre, Place de la République, Paris

In Madrid schlossen sich etliche Aktive unserem Protest an und sprachen mit Passanten über die Gesundheitsrisiken des giftigen Pestizids. Auch in Rom wurden eifrig Unterschriften gesammelt. Eine Schülerin half, weil sie in der Schule von Glyphosat und seiner Gefährlichkeit erfahren hatte. Daraufhin hatte sie sogar ihre Eltern zum Sammeln mobilisiert.

Die große Beteiligung hat uns überwältigt. In wenigen Tagen verschickten wir 5.500 Aktionspakete. Etliche tausend wurden in den letzten Tagen von unserer Webseite herunter geladen. Gestern haben wir uns beraten, mit welcher Aktion wir im Juni unsere Unterschriften in Brüssel übergeben. Wir wollen Aufsehen erregen und darauf hinweisen, wie eine pestizidfreie Welt aussehen kann.

Eine solche Aktion braucht Koordination, Kommunikation und technische Entwicklung. Wir müssen Flugblätter übersetzen und drucken. Gerade stellen uns die vielen Unterschriftenlisten vor eine echte Herausforderung und wir haben im Berliner Büro Hilfskräfte eingestellt, die unsere Unterschriftenlisten so vorbereiten, dass die Zählung durch die EU-Mitgliedsländer möglichst rasch geht. Klar, das kostet alles, aber wenn wir alle nur ein paar Euro pro Woche beisteuern, müssen uns die Kosten nicht abhalten, das richtige zu tun. Bitte unterstützen Sie uns mit einer regelmäßigen Spende.

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WeMove Mitglied protestiert gegen Glyphosat © Naguib-Michel Sidhom

Der Erfolg von Samstag gibt uns Rückenwind. Mit aller Entschlossenheit kämpfen wir für unsere Forderungen: Glyphosat muss verboten und die Zulassungsverfahren für Pestizide in Europa müssen reformiert werden, damit Chemiekonzerne uns nicht mehr mit ihren krebserregenden Mitteln vergiften. Das wird nur gelingen, wenn wir wie am Samstag gemeinsam gegen Glyphosat aufstehen.

Paris gegen Glyphosat!

In Paris kamen Umweltaktivist/innen, besorgte Großeltern, im Ausland lebende Europäer/innen und ein Vater mit seinem Sohn zusammen – alle sind überzeugt, dass unser Einsatz für eine bessere europäische Zukunft absolut wichtig ist.

Familien aus Madrid gegen Monsanto!

Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO hat Glyphosat schon 2015 als wahrscheinlich krebserregend eingestuft. Doch die EU hat das Ackergift noch immer nicht von unseren Feldern und Tellern verbannt. Es ist ein langer und schwerer Kampf. Wenn wir eine Million Unterschriften aus ganz Europa für unsere Europäische Bürgerinitiative sammeln, können wir die EU-Kommission auffordern, giftige Pestizide wie Glyphosat ein für allemal zu verbieten. Unsere Europäische Bürgerinitiative ist schon jetzt die schnellste und erfolgreichste Bürgerinitiative aller Zeiten. In nur drei Monaten haben wir gemeinsam mit Ihnen und unseren Partnern mehr als 750.000 Unterschriften gesammelt.

Doch Monsanto und die EU wollen die Zulassung von Glyphosat schon bald erneut verlängern. Um das Ackergift zu stoppen, brauchen wir bis spätestens Ende Juni 1.000.000 Unterschriften! Das sind nur noch sechs Wochen, um die restlichen 250.000 Unterschriften zusammen zu bekommen. Das klingt nach sehr viel. Doch erinnern wir uns: In nur einem einzigen Tag haben wir mehr als 100.000 gesammelt. Wir können es also schaffen!

Wir haben Monsanto gezeigt, was Bürgermacht heißt, und es ist diese Macht, die ihre Pläne durchkreuzen und sie besiegen wird. Wir sind ganz nah dran, die Million-Marke zu knacken und unsere Unterschriften der EU-Kommission zu übergeben, bevor sie die neue Lizenz für Glyphosat erteilt. Wir brauchen Ihre Hilfe, um noch eine Schippe drauf zu legen! Arya Dix-Kühn, mit nur ein paar Euro pro Woche unterstützen Sie uns bei dieser Auseinandersetzung – und bei den Aktionen, die noch kommen werden.

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Ein Sieg gegen Glyphosat wäre unbezahlbar wertvoll. Wir bekommen ihn aber nicht kostenlos. Viele WeMove-Aktive haben ihre Zeit und ihre Energie investiert, damit unser Aktionstag ein Erfolg wird. Sie haben Unterschriften gesammelt oder mit einer Spende die Kosten für ein Aktionspaket übernommen. Wir freuen uns darauf, noch viele solcher Aktionstage mit Ihnen zusammen zu organisieren!

Wir grüßen herzlich aus vielen Ländern Europas

Jörg Rohwedder (Lübeck)
Virginia López Calvo (Madrid)
Martin Caldwell (Berlin)
Julia Krzyszkowska (Warschau)
Olga Vuković (Bologna)
Marine Gauthier (Paris)
für das gesamte WeMove.EU-Team


PS: Aktionen zu organisieren, die vor Ort in mehreren Ländern und Sprachen stattfinden, kostet viel Geld. Aber so zeigen wir den Verantwortlichen in der Politik, dass wir da sind, dass wir echt sind und genau aufpassen. Helfen Sie uns mit einer wöchentlichen Spende, solche Aktionen auch in Zukunft auf die Beine zu stellen!


WeMove.EU ist eine Bürgerbewegung, die sich für ein besseres Europa einsetzt; für eine Europäische Union, die sozialer Gerechtigkeit verpflichtet ist; die für ökologische Nachhaltigkeit und bürgernahe Demokratie steht. Wir sind Menschen unterschiedlicher Lebensläufe, Kulturen und Religionen, die Europa ihr Zuhause nennen – egal, ob wir in Europa geboren wurden oder anderswo. Wenn Sie sich aus unserem Verteiler austragen möchten, klicken Sie bitte hier.

WeMove.EU finanziert sich aus Spenden unserer Unterstützer aus ganz Europa. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie unsere unabhängige Arbeit mit einer regelmäßigen Spende finanzieren helfen. Spenden

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Spread the Word Banner

In PAO’s May Webinar, Sheldan Nidle shares his unique understanding of the history of UFOs with his listeners.

If you sense that friends, family members and/or associates may be curious to learn about “Gaia and the History of UFOs”, we invite you to send them a “Live Webinar” registration link.

By pooling our collective energies during a live Webinar, we can be partners with the Galactic Federation and greatly accelerate the timeline for announcements, abundance and disclosure.

Help us spread the word: send our registration link to at least 3 people who are new to, or unfamiliar with, galactic information.

To get your registration link: Click Here


What is a Live Webinar?

A PAO Webinar is a live Internet broadcast in which Sheldan discusses galactic topics and then answers your questions, like in a chat room. You hear Sheldan speak, and see pictures and charts illustrating his discussion topics. Each Webinar lasts between 1 and 1½ hours, the final ½ hour being devoted to your questions.

Does anything special happen to me while I attend a live Webinar?

Yes, you will:

feel yourself being activated through heightened energy fields by a connection to the Galactic Federation.
be attended to by Galactic Federation medical teams. 

* be part of the collective energy from fellow attendees and the Galactic Federation.

How do I join a Webinar?

It’s easy to join a Webinar on either a PC or Mac® computer. Just click the registration link, fill in your information and then click on the “Register Now” button. You will automatically be directed to PAO’s secure shopping cart where you can make your registration payment.

Initially, you will get an e-mail receipt showing that PAO received your payment. Within 48 hours, you will receive your confirmation e-mail to “Join a Webinar”. This is your personal link to PAO’s Webinar.

You will receive 2 e-mail “Reminders”, 1 day before, and 1 hour prior to, the scheduled Webinar.

To participate in PAO’s Webinar, click the “Join the Webinar” button or the link in your confirmation e-mail. We ask you to join the Webinar 5-10 minutes prior to its starting time so you won’t miss a minute!

Please Note: PAO offers two Webinar dates to accommodate different time zones. Your registration fee allows you to attend both days.

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