Have you ever wondered why:
* the cabals hide the existence of ETs from us?
* the cabals classify ET spacecraft as UFOs?
* those who come forward to describe sightings are mocked, even arrested as crazies?
* most movies about ETs and spacecraft are fear-based, depicting the conquest or destruction of our world?
* we have not as yet been invaded by those the cabals call ‘aliens’?
* ETs are rarely portrayed as benevolent?
Join us at PAO’s live May Webinar to discover the answers to these and many more questions.
This is one Webinar you simply won’t want to miss!!!
In this Webinar, Sheldan provides an overview of UFO history on our planet and explains how we are headed toward disclosure and landings … the key to our galactic future.
Topics include…
• UFOs: a brief planetary history
• Cover-ups: Conspiracy Theories and Ridicule
• Fearmongering: Creating Xenophobia
• Sightings
• Disclosure
• Landings: the key to our Galactic future
Sunday, May 21, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Thursday, May 25, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT
Talk to Sheldan Live…simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
To make payment and register: Click Here
Cost: $15.00 U.S.
Neuroplasticity, also known as brain plasticity (flexibility), is an umbrella term that encompasses both synaptic flexibility (the connection of neurons) and non-synaptic flexibility (modification of action potential) to strengthen or change neuron synaptic signaling. Plasticity or flexibility in the brain affects the strength and action of neural connections and pathways. Synaptic flexibility plays a large role in a person’s ability to activate higher learning and access memory functions in the brain.
This also refers to changes made in neural pathways and synapses due to changes in a person’s behavior, environment, neural processes, thinking, emotions, as well as changes resulting from shifts in consciousness. Substantial changes made in thinking and in responding to various forms of stimuli can profoundly alter the pattern of neuronal activation in response to the way a person experiences or perceives reality.
This means that our direct experiences do change both the brain’s physical structure (anatomy) and functional organization (physiology).
The brain can and does change or strengthen in response to the variety of levels we choose to perceive and think about in our experiences and other types of perceptions. If we grow mentally rigid, this leads to hardening our heart and becoming extremely inflexible in our thinking, especially as we grow older. The structure of our brains can be changed by what we focus our attention upon and what we choose to give value to as priority.
Thus, our brain learns by experience and is fully capable of re-programming itself to turn on synapses and increase neuronal activity, by strengthening the brain flexibility through open mindedness.
Being open-minded means being receptive to new ideas, knowledge and being adaptable to change. Open-mindedness also relates to the way in which people approach the views and knowledge of others. When we are open-minded we know that others should be free to express their views and that the value of others knowledge should be recognized. When we are not threatened or scared by others point of view, our body and brain stays open, receptive and relaxed. We seek to have dialogues and maintain a free information society that shares knowledge with humanitarian goals.
Our goal is to stay mentally open and mentally flexible with an empathic, loving and compassionate heart, and to allow other people to speak what they believe without instigating or condoning violence. Here are some suggestions on keeping an open and flexible mind, which is crucial to keep ones heart open. Remember an open mind equals an open heart.
Prayer and Meditation
Prayer and Meditation connect us to higher intelligence and have positive impacts on calming our mind. Prayer focuses on positive emotions like love, gratitude and Compassion, which allow goodness in our lives and the lives of those we pray for. Meditation reduces anxiety, stress, and depression, which helps us to find and connect to peaceful states. Being mindful improves our mental flexibility, brain elasticity and keeps neurons active. Spiritually centering ourselves on peace, prayer and contemplation of God/Universe, helps us maintain our trust in life, faith, and relaxes every part of the body.
Keep reinforcing the positive things that you have in your life right now. Feel and express gratitude for the people, things, and experiences that are positive or have a silver lining for higher learning. Reinforce one’s commitment to expressing love, goodness and gratitude, and to behave as ethically as Christ would.
Better Understand other People
It may be helpful to practice listening to perspectives different from our own, and to allow other people to challenge and stimulate our ways of thinking. We have an incredible array of languages, cultures, and belief systems that define a variety of viewpoints on the earth. When we are able to understand other people through their viewpoint, we are more empathic to them. We can understand how they may feel. This helps us to have compassion for people and not group them into statistics, countries, religions or some other classification system. When we classify people, we start to disassociate from the fact they are human beings, our brothers and sisters that have a right to live upon this earth peacefully.
Learn Something New
Learn how to think and explore your own learning patterns by giving yourself time and space for reflection. Notice how we are constantly bombarded by external forms of distraction. Our creative minds may need to stay sequestered from the formulas given by society, and to seek answers in the most unpredictable places, or within the silence of meditation. Do not be afraid to learn something new that requires concentration or be afraid of deeper knowledge of one’s own consciousness. Stay informed and awake, be willing to see the things going on around you. Being interested in higher learning expands one’s mind and consciousness.
Trust Yourself
Be aware that poor Self Esteem and lack of trust in our own abilities to learn and problem solve, will close our mind and harden our heart. Do not feel intimidated by knowledge, competence or other people that criticize to shut you down. Knowing that you are a worthy, valued and loved person, stay strong to build core self-esteem and self-efficiency, knowing that you can depend on yourself if the going gets rough. Most of the fears we dwell on never come to pass. As you focus on building the right relationship to self-acceptance and self-love, this builds trust and confidence in oneself. Building trust in oneself and building trust with God are the only two relationships that we really need! With those two relationships and ego surrender, all else will fall into place.
To forgive another person or circumstances is the most generous thing one can do for oneself. When we forgive others for perceived transgressions it frees us from the bonds, entanglements and cords, which manifest painful patterns such as judgments, resentments, and anger. When we are angry it is a very destructive emotion that increases anxiety, harms our brain and closes our heart. Forgiving yourself from being angry is the most important action one can take in clearing self-sabotaging bonds of victimhood. Understanding the importance of forgiveness is that it brings you to the current state of now, rather than dwelling on past hurts and pain. This is incredibly positive for reaching states of open mindedness and freer thinking to progress forward.
Stay Aware of Balance
Know that you are a multidimensional spiritual being with a body, mind, emotions and spirit. What areas of your multidimensional being require more attention? Keeping an open mind requires that we keep growing our self-awareness and consciousness, keep developing new interests, and remain receptive to new activities and ideas. Yet, there are times we require rest, relaxation and have to let it all go in mental stillness. Thus, as a balanced and healthy person we must try to move in and out of each state of rest and activity, in order to receive the positive benefits of both.
Sovereignty of Brain and Nervous System
Open your 12D Shield. Stabilize in your core and open a vortex field if that is part of your practice. Feel free to call upon Krystal Star Guardians or guiding beings allied with your Divine Purpose. Once your shield and core feel as stabilized as you can get them, speak to your body, brain and nervous system these words: My body, I speak to you as an intelligence and I speak to you with Love. I am in charge of our God Sovereign Freedom and nothing will compromise this. I will take care of you with all of my heart! (Take a moment to feel this connection come alive. Then say the following.)
I now command my Brain and Central Nervous System:
▪ I Accept only messages that are truthful and organic to my highest consciousness in Christ.
▪ I Accept only messages that support my higher good and Divine Blueprint in God Sovereign Freedom.
▪ I Permit only that which supports my highest good and Divine Sovereign Purpose to Serve my God-Self.
▪ I eliminate all messages that are inorganic or are harmful artificial intelligence, now.
▪ Any inorganic intrusive or artificial messages, scripts or impulses are evicted and forbidden now.
As I am God Sovereign and Free, this I decree with all of my heart, mind and might to serve my God Self. Beloved Body, thank you and so IT IS. I seal and end my connection with love and gratitude. Thank you!
