Monatsarchive: Mai 2016

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Preparing for NESARA…

Webinar Archive “After Abundance” now ready for downloading…

In this Webinar archive, Sheldan, guided by the Galactic Federation, explains what is to happen to us, during and after funds are delivered, to prepare us for the coming changes.

We are on the brink of receiving prosperity funds as we unite in a great shift of our current debt slavery system.

Free Webinar Preview: End of Debt Slavery


Topics include…

Prosperity Funds:

Why must prosperity funds be delivered before Disclosure? 
How will First-World countries receive prosperity funds? Third-World countries?

Debt Forgiveness:

How will debt forgiveness serve to end our debt slavery? 
What will happen to the banks and bankers? To corporations and their shareholders?

New governance:

How will the new government be formed? 
What will happen to the people currently running our governments?

Release of new technologies:

What type of technologies will be released in conjunction with the prosperity funds. 
What type of technologies will be available after the landings?

Managing our funds:

What do we do with our new funds? How will our lifestyles change? 
How long after the abundance program will the landings arrive?

How will we be mentored?

After the landings, how long will it be until we are mentored?

To order Webinar 72 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.



from Selacia


The month of May can be a very potent time with Wesak season blessings in the air and more energetic support for connecting with spirit and your inner wisdom. Yes, we are in review mode because of both Mars and Mercury being retrograde. That review however can be just the catalyst needed to break free of longstanding limitations! In this article, I’ll outline a few ways you can use the May energies to accelerate your ascension, propelling your enlightenment to a whole new level.

Wesak Season Blessings

As a reminder, Wesak is an annual celebration of enlightenment. It’s your opportunity each year to connect with an expanded level of spiritual assistance made available when Masters like the Buddha, Jesus, and Kuan Yin interact with humanity in a more tangible way. The Masters who came before provided a template for enlightenment, reminding us that we have the same potential they did.

You carry seeds of this potential within your DNA, meaning it’s naturally within you. As part of the ascension process, more of this potential is cultivated and ripens. During the window of the annual Wesak season this can be accelerated as there are fewer veils between humanity and the spiritual dimensions. This helps facilitate an interchange of energies, blessings, and spiritual insights from the Masters.

For the most tangible experiences, be mindful of these energies and invite a personal connection. Specific examples include attending an actual Wesak meditation to connect with the Masters. Dream work can be very beneficial too. Even if you seldom remember your dreams, set intentions ahead of sleep to connect with helpful insights and energy clearings. Remember: blessings can come in many forms and when you least suspect. Be open-hearted and available.

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Slow Going – In Your Imagination or What?

Time warps may be common this month due to the retrograde cycle. Don’t be surprised if you mix up dates or forget some other detail involving timing. Your sense of time may simply be off, or you may become uncharacteristically spacey. Most likely your brain and memory are just fine, but the energies can throw you off. Allow for this and do your best to get and stay grounded.

Retrogrades can have you feeling like nothing is happening. Don’t allow your mind to go there. Plenty of progress can occur during a retrograde. Stay active and do your inner work and life retooling to set new more workable foundations. A life rework may not look like much while it’s under way, but it can be power-packed and juicy for your next steps. While your reworking is taking place, ask deeper questions and allow for regeneration. You want to have plenty of energy for what’s coming next! Meanwhile know you aren’t actually standing still, even if your mind perceives little movement.

Moon Watch

Watch for May 6 New Moon and May 21 Full Moon – two times of potential amplified blessings and a jump start for your life. The Full Moon lands on our Wesak Celebration with the Masters too, making it an extra special day and weekend.


3 Questions to Ask Now

Accelerate your ascension process by regularly asking yourself the following questions. You can ask them in a general way, as though directing them to the Universe for response, then paying attention to what shows up. You can ask them before sleep. You can include them in your regular daily inner work process, as a bonus tool for this year’s Wesak season. Asking sets in motion a response.

What am I not seeing that gets in the way of my spiritual progress?

What key pattern or approach needs to change before I can take my next big step?

How can I be more loving and kind – to myself and others?

Insights from these three key questions can open up a vast reservoir of positive energies. As you begin to act on them, amazing miracles can unfold.

Copyright 2016 by Selacia – author of Earth’s Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher All Rights Reserved * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article text.

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©2016 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

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Eckhart Tolle Now


The Great Potential in Loss

This month’s content is excerpted from a classic program with Eckhart recorded in 2001 while on retreat in India. Speaking on a breadth of topics of perennial relevance, Eckhart shares essential wisdom on realizing the truth of who we are in our deepest nature. As with any of Eckhart’s talks, we’re confident you’ll hear something new with each engagement.

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Awareness Meditation

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Q and A

Do I need self-esteem to love myself and others?

Eckhart discusses the uniquely human phenomenon of relating to oneself—and the possibility of transcending a mind-made self-image.

Q and A

I struggle surrendering to things like injustice.

Our identification with concepts leads to difficulty in accepting what is. Eckhart explains.

Q and A

As presence grows stronger my pain-body becomes more dramatic.

Eckhart discusses the challenge of a sabotaging pain-body and the witnessing presence that becomes our ally.

Q and A

What will dissolve the central core of self?

Surrender is the simplest answer.

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UPLIFT Weekly No. 23  April  29 – May 6  2016

What does it really mean to be Awake?
Can you be ‘spiritual’ and also be yourself?
How does Seratonin impact the flow of your life?

This week on UPLIFT we learn grounded tools to support loved ones with anxiety, a young comedian shares brave insight into depression and Charlie Chaplin teaches us about the power of Self Love.
Here are the top articles from this week. Visit for more!

Charlie Chaplin’s Incredible Poem on Self Love

Charlie Chaplin is known for his inimitable comedy, however there is more to him than meets the eye. Here is his advice on Self Love.

This is Your Brain on Serotonin

Serotonin is vital for your mood, dreams, appetite and even the flow of thoughts. But how does this mysterious neurotransmitter actually work?

Spiritual People Don’t say F**k

Do you feel you have to Play a Role in order to fit into Spiritual Circles? It’s time to Show All of Yourself and Risk Being You.

Eight Tools to Help Loved Ones with Anxiety

Are you watching a Loved One suffer from Anxiety? These grounded tools are designed to Help you Positively Support your friend, partner or family member.

Seven Signs You Are Truly Awake

Fall under the spell of the Present Moment and enter a whole new dimension of existence where Magic Happens. What does it really mean to be Awake?

Why we Need to Talk about Depression

A teenage comedian shares his moving story about living with depression and explains how, by talking about it, we can help stop this silent epidemic.

 Every single day on,

we publish a new article and every week, a new video.

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Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .

This message from Archangel Michael through Meredith Murphy had me pondering the concept of time ~ linear and non-sequential. Sheldan covered this subject in his last webinar. Here’s another viewpoint about how our evolution is unfolding.

I also wanted to let everyone know that we have been experiencing many computer type glitches over the past few days. It has been bizarre to say the least. All we can do is sit back, relax and tackle one issue at a time. They all solved easily once I got out of the way with my panic. lol

We appreciate your patience as orders were delayed a day or two. Also, once I get behind on emails, it is impossible to answer them all. Thank you…or as the Sirians say, ZaZuMa! (heartfelt gratitude).

Selamat Ja! 


One of PAO’s most popular webinars..

Webinar Archive “After Abundance” now ready for downloading…

We are on the brink of receiving prosperity funds as we unite in a great shift of our current debt slavery system.

Free Webinar Preview: End of Debt Slavery


In this live Webinar, Sheldan, guided by the Galactic Federation, explains what is to happen to us, during and after funds are delivered, to prepare us for the coming changes.

Topics include…

Prosperity Funds:

Why must prosperity funds be delivered before Disclosure? 
How will First-World countries receive prosperity funds? Third-World countries?

Debt Forgiveness:

How will debt forgiveness serve to end our debt slavery? 
What will happen to the banks and bankers? To corporations and their shareholders?

New governance:

How will the new government be formed? 
What will happen to the people currently running our governments?

Release of new technologies:

What type of technologies will be released in conjunction with the prosperity funds. 
What type of technologies will be available after the landings?

Managing our funds:

What do we do with our new funds? How will our lifestyles change? 
How long after the abundance program will the landings arrive?

How will we be mentored?

After the landings, how long will it be until we are mentored?

To order Webinar 72 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.


Resting in Universal Energies Accelerates Your Evolution

by Archangel Michael through Meredith Murphy


Greetings Divine Ones,

We speak to you today with tremendous love and appreciation.

It is easiest for you to hear us when you are in a state of spaciousness. Relaxation softens your field and opens up your energies to let more light enter your human energy system. So please, take a deep breath and close your eyes for a moment. Feel into your body and intend to relax and soften and open so that you might be nourished deeply from all that you are.

When you are making lots of changes in the material you often feel tired. In any given moment you can tap into a far more energized state of being by allowing yourself deep nourishment through the connection with your Soul-self. Right now we invite you to open and receive this renewing energy and to let yourself continue to be refreshed and renewed as we share with you, this communication.

Ascending humans are shifting onto a new playing field. The game has many layers and the layers are defined by dimensions. As you ascend you shift into different layers within the game because your baseline frequencies change. A great number of you are shifting onto a platform within the Earth-game which considers Soul-based embodiment the norm. You are not there yet in a stable and sustained way, but you are attuning to this time-space location within your own wholeness and are supported in this by future versions of you.

We speak of future versions of you and we want you to know that this has nothing to do with time. Future versions of you appear along the an evolutionary timeline, not a earth-based clock timeline. What we mean by this is that as you ascend you begin to shift beyond the limiting paradigms of 3d relationships to time and you begin to realize the journey of unfolding is not linear, it’s evolutionary.


You are experiencing the unfolding of your human life along a trajectory of becoming increasingly whole and soulful. Your human life is part of your Soul’s unfolding toward complete conscious reunion with all that is. This means all aspects within your field will come into conscious remembering of all that you are. The interesting thing about realizing that the journey is not time based, is evolutionary, is that you can turn to the past on Earth and access future aspects of you. For there are past civilizations and cultures that have ascended and they inform you in the presence, from a more whole and more coherent expression of humanity and for some, even your own embodied expressions.

As you let yourself realize that you may have ascended before, or you may tap into ascended Earth civilizations as a way of downloading the templates of coherence associated with these, you begin to think differently about your relationship to time-space. You feel less hemmed in by dates and things you feel must happen at a certain time and you start to realize that life and manifest experiences happen in waves and bursts like all natural cycles. That things can be explosively created and things can show up with seeming not a lot of lead time for shifts happen within and then tip the new energy state into a flow of form that is what you experience as manifest circumstances of situations or appearances of what you wished to connect with in your life.

The inner knowing you are living from will continue to open up in ways that astonish you as you become more resonant in stable ways with this Soul-based timeline. The release of all the ideas about yourself that you are not worthy and that you are not deserving of your own joyous desires coming true, will seem a thing of that past that is just a memory. Nothing saddening or disappointing. No grief about the time before, for in the present you will feel so capable and clear that the moment will be able to fulfill you. For you will be resonant with your Soul’s loving gaze upon you and in this state of spiritual alignment your light will shine forth and flow easily into form and provide you with the knowing and connection and clarity you all seek.

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Living within this realm of focus as an ascending being is starting to be more common. Although many might not use the words “ascension,” this does not change the fact that many human beings are welcoming the clarity of expanded consciousness. Many human beings are growing in their capacity to feel love for others and for themselves. This loving generosity is beginning, too, to be extended to other living creatures and the planet and this is making people even more conscious. It’s a gradual process that then snowballs with insights as energy in clarity accumulates and sweeps out limiting thought-forms and clears congested energy patterns.

This year’s Chinese New Year reflected the inner changes you are feeling, quite perfectly. The energy of this emerging year is a shift into action and higher energy states. You too will feel this, if you are not already. Trust yourself and do not push yourself, let the energy build and rise within you, while you lovingly attend to your needs and inspiration, trusting your Soul-self to lead you perfectly. Know that the planetary field too, is guiding you. As you let yourself feel an innate connectedness with the future you, a 5th dimensional you, living a 5th dimensional experience of Earth, you let yourself ride the ascending energy arc that your planet is allowing and emanating and this will make your experience not only graceful, but abundant. You only need to learn to let in, what you need, believing yourself as worthy of this and realizing that abundance is not based on doing things, or transactions, but on our inherent Oneness. Abundance is experienced based on your capacity to let more in and the easiest way to learn to let more in is to learn to see yourself and your life from your Soul’s viewpoint.


We’d like to offer a suggestion for how to cultivate that state of awareness and we want you to know it really can be this simple.

Close your eyes and open inward. Feel for the still point within your center and intend to open into your universal oneness and connect as Soul.

Let yourself feel the warmth and spaciousness of that opening.

Intend for that warmth and spaciousness to expand.

Enjoy the feeling of this.

Again, let yourself invite this feeling to expand, then spend time enjoying it.

Repeat this for as long as you like, but without effort. Softly and easily.

When you feel complete, have a sense of drawing all that energy you are connected with into your human energy system.

State you intention to ground this energy within your present state, empowering you to shift into a more universal soul-based state of being.

Renew yourself with Universal Soul-based communion. Realize that resting in Universal energy fields accelerates your evolution!

When you do this regularly you will find how much easier it is to be your Soul-self. If you do this without expectation and simply for the pleasure of it, and let it be pleasurable, create it in a way that feels good to you, you will be letting more in and this will translate into all areas of your life.

We know you are tired of all the integration you have been experiencing. We encourage you to rest deeply in the loving, nourishing, light-field field of your universal self, your Soul self and be renewed and refreshed.

There is time for everything you want to experience. Let yourself lighten up now and feel at ease.

I AM Archangel Michael

Copyright © 2009-2015, Meredith Murphy | Expect Wonderful by Meredith Murphy. All rights reserved.

If you feel inspired to reblog any of this material, I ask simply that you: use the article in full, no changes to text and no additions; and link back to If you do these two things, you don’t need to get permission first. Furthermore, I am most appreciative of you amplifying this work. Lots of love! Please note: this copyright, prohibits creating a audio or video version of this material; building upon any of this material; using it in printed materials; as well as it’s sale in any form except by the publisher without prior authorization.

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This is one of PAO’s most popular archives..

Webinar Archive “After Abundance” now ready for downloading…

We are on the brink of receiving prosperity funds as we unite in a great shift of our current debt slavery system.


In this live Webinar, Sheldan, guided by the Galactic Federation, explains what is to happen to us, during and after funds are delivered, to prepare us for the coming changes.

Free Webinar Preview: End of Debt Slavery

Topics include…

Prosperity Funds:

Why must prosperity funds be delivered before Disclosure? 
How will First-World countries receive prosperity funds? Third-World countries?

Debt Forgiveness:

How will debt forgiveness serve to end our debt slavery? 
What will happen to the banks and bankers? To corporations and their shareholders?

New governance:

How will the new government be formed? 
What will happen to the people currently running our governments?

Release of new technologies:

What type of technologies will be released in conjunction with the prosperity funds. 
What type of technologies will be available after the landings?

Managing our funds:

What do we do with our new funds? How will our lifestyles change? 
How long after the abundance program will the landings arrive?

How will we be mentored?

After the landings, how long will it be until we are mentored?

To order Webinar 72 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.


A Message from Jesus

from John Smallman

You who are reading or listening to this message are not doing so by chance, coincidence, or accident, but because you made the most compassionate and loving choice to be on Earth at this moment to assist in humanity’s awakening process, a process that includes and involves every sentient being who has ever experienced life on earth!

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Human consciousness is an ongoing spiritual evolutionary process that you collectively chose to undergo, and to which there are no limits. Limits are boundaries that you built around the illusory environment that you inhabit as human beings but which you are free, individually, to dismantle or move beyond. More and more of you are realizing this and choosing to move through them to an awareness of the limitless possibilities that creation offers you in every moment.

Those who do come to an awareness that in Truth you are completely free! As more of you open to this wondrous Truth and acknowledge it you enlarge the gaps in the field of limitations from small individual pathways to an immense and interconnected highway that all of humanity can and will use to depart the illusion 
Passing out of the limiting environment in which you have spent eons seemingly controlled and restricted by unseen forces of enormous power, you awaken into an infinite field of unimaginably unlimited possibilities. This is what humanity is in the process of doing right now.

The worldwide chaos and confusion that is presently arising, is identified by humanity as an endless and enormous theater of operations in which global warming, tectonic plate shifts, extreme weather systems, interminable wars, unconscionable corporate and political corruption and greed are seemingly leading to an inevitable global catastrophe that will destroy the environment and most if not all of the life forms present on Earth including, of course, humanity. The problems humanity is facing appear almost insoluble. 
This is not the case. What is happening is the removal of the blinders that hid from you the awareness of the interconnectedness of everything.

As you start to see the interconnectedness of absolutely everything you cannot help also seeing the insanity of the way in which you have been attempting to live your lives separated from one another. Modern psychology has shown you that most people live ego-driven, that is fear-driven, lives in which each one appears to be the center of his own tiny universe, a universe on which the universes of others impinge causing pain and suffering for all. And much of that suffering is in fact the result of denied feelings that give rise to powerful emotions that are then projected onto others from whom they are reflected back whence they came, onto oneself.

Awakening is an opening to the awareness that all those seeming individual universes that humans appear to inhabit is in fact one fully integrated part of the infinite field of divine Love which is All That Is. A sensed or known awareness that there is no separation, that all are indeed One. God is the infinite field in which all of creation has its eternal existence in perfect harmonious cooperation where each and everyone lovingly honors and respects every other. There are no divisions, disagreements or conflicts because all recognize one another as one and the same, even though individuated and expressing themselves in an entirely personal and unique fashion. The differences are embraced with intense joy because they add magnificently to the ongoing creative intent, God’s Divine Will.

As you have been told so often, there is only God. Within the illusion you are limited by words and language and so you have many words for God. I use the word God here because it is familiar and comfortable for the channel who grew up in a religious and cultural environment that used, and still uses that word. You have to remember that words are but pointers with no intrinsic meaning, they are convenient indicators but unreal. I will continue to use that word purely for convenience, along with Source, Love, Divine Will, and the pronouns Him and Her, interchangeably.


To continue, there is only God. That is NOT a limit. It means that all that exists exists within God, and God is infinite – without limits, without boundaries, without end, without time, without space, all of which are limits! As some of your sages and mystics have suggested – God Is. No other attempt at definition is necessary, or indeed meaningful.

God can only be experienced. To experience God, infinite Bliss, all that is not in perfect alignment with Her has to be discarded, abandoned, dissolved, released. Humanity is presently in the process of doing that, and it can be very messy! All attachments to unloving intentions, thoughts, words, or actions have to be let go. All judgments of self or others have to be let go. Your hearts are the physical manifestations of your Oneness with the Divine, the physical aspects representing the center of your eternal being, and into them you have loaded, over the eons, fear, hatred, anger, resentment, shame, judgment, bitterness, and worthlessness, among others, as aspects of yourselves that you have then disowned and projected onto others because they are far too painful to take within yourselves.

But, they are within yourselves because all are One. However, the self in which they reside is the ego. The ego is an apparently split off or separate part of your Self. Your Self is eternally One with God, and with all sentient beings, and can never be separated from Her. To separate would be to cease to exist, and that is impossible because what God creates is eternal. Your egos are the small selves that you imagined into being to enable you to play the game that is the illusion.

Modern psychology uses the term “the inner child” to refer to the part or aspect of a human that hides behind the mask that a person presents to the world. It hides because during its childhood it was severely hurt and it does not wish to be hurt again. However, it continues to be hurt because it feels vulnerable and insecure having never grown to maturity, to real adulthood. Its scholastic, academic, and physical talents and skills allow it to present a mask of confidence to the world, but behind that mask a small and frightened child still resides.

Psychotherapy in many forms is used to help that inner child gain confidence and self-acceptance by enabling it to see that all its negative self-judgments are utterly invalid. The effectiveness of the efforts of competent and compassionate psychotherapists depends on the suffering the child has had to endure.

However, every human is offered, through life lessons of many kinds, the opportunities necessary to heal the inner child, and each of you has at least one spiritual guide who accompanies you at all times to assist you with this demanding process.

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Over the eons there have been many lives, many experiences, much pain and suffering that has not been healed, and so in this period of humanity’s evolution, which is always ongoing and always spiritual, many have volunteered to incarnate solely in order to assist humanity in the release of this enormous residue of buried, denied, or unacknowledged suffering. It is most certainly far too painful for just one human to deal with.

Enormous sharing of suffering is occurring, allowing it to be released in amounts that individuals can deal with when they are supported both in the physical realms by loving friends and wise and compassionate therapists, as well as by those of us in the spiritual realms who are also nudging you toward self-acceptance, and self-forgiveness.

Very many of you have buried or denied pain, pain you feel at some level you either deserve, or that, being mature adults, you should be strong enough to rise above. But on this painful and horrifying battleground, which is intensely real and physical for some, from which you are picking yourselves up, you need enormous amounts of help. You cannot arise from it alone. Attempting to do so is to remain in the unreal state of separation from which there seems to be no means of escape. Often intense shame deters people from seeking help; shame disguised as anger, which is then projected outwards causing further damage. It is from states like this that the decision to take one’s own life is frequently made. But when that happens it does not resolve the issues from which the person is fleeing.

You who are reading or listening to this message are not doing so by chance, coincidence, or accident, but because you made the most compassionate and loving choice to be on Earth at this moment to assist in humanity’s awakening process, a process that includes and involves every sentient being who has ever experienced life on earth! You are here to help the multitudes who still remain utterly unaware that they are spiritual beings having a temporary human experience.

As you have been so often told each one of you, being in truth One with Source, are beings of enormous power, infinite power, because that is how you were created. That power is with you in every moment and for all eternity. Your physical forms are temporary vehicles composed from your energy fields of Love, and your earthly task is to hold the intent to be loving in every moment and in every situation. That intent is extremely powerful and it is an irreplaceable and essential aspect of humanity’s awakening process.

You cannot awake alone! Why? Because all are One! You could perhaps imagine yourselves as forming the channel that is guiding the separated energy fields of humanity back to Oneness with Source. Separation has never occurred, and could never occur, but because of the power you were given when God so lovingly created you you were able to establish a very real seeming physical environment in which to play your games, and eventually become frighteningly lost. 
Know that you are most highly honored here in the spiritual realms, to which you will shortly return, for making the most wondrous and compassionate choice to incarnate at this moment in Earth’s history to assist in this mighty heavenly project whose success is divinely assured.

Your loving brother, Jesus.


YOUR GALACTIC NEIGHBORS ~ Now Available as an E-Book

Your Galactic Neighbor’s will implode all of your previous notions about extraterrestrial Beings. It will acquaint you with the compassionate and sentient entities with whom we share this universe. Read it, and prepare yourself to become a true citizen of the Milky Way Galaxy!

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Your Galactic Neighbors is a handbook for the future. This invaluable work will introduce you to some of the host of benevolent star-nations that populate this universe.

Sheldan Nidle is the author of Your First Contact and You Are Becoming a Galactic Human. Since childhood, he has received information about Earth’s hidden history and on planetary science, culture and spirituality in face-to-face contacts with galactic entities. Now, in this paradigm-shattering volume, he reveals that knowledge to you.

In it, you will find up-to-the-minute facts on 22 off-world civilizations that belong to the Galactic Federation of Light. He describes 8 human galactic societies and 14 non-human ones, and the reptilians, dinosaurians, amphibians, cetaceans and other mammalians that inhabit them. He outlines each star-nation’s history, chronicles its path through horrendous galactic wars to peaceful co-existence, and reveals its populations heartfelt desire to introduce themselves to us on Earth.

Whether you already have a basis of knowledge about extraterrestrial Beings, or you are just becoming aware of their existence, this book will add immeasurably to what you know.

You will learn about each galactic neighbors:


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Home worlds 

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Physical appearance 

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May 1-8, 2016


Beloved Ones,

Many of you have been experiencing the feeling of sadness and observing these old emotional patterns from moments of time in your past life experience and it is good to see that you are becoming more proficient at just noting and releasing these moments as something of the past instead of dwelling in those old energies yet again. Bravo! You are regaining the mastery of your emotions! You may also have noted that these memories are those that have been buried deeply in your consciousness which go back further to more youthful experiences. This means that the cleansing of your cells is working more deeply than ever before. Let it through and intend to replace these with the pure white Light of the Christ energy.

We see that you are tired and long for this process to come to a conclusion and the fact that old feelings from times of youth are surfacing means that this cleansing process is almost complete. Picture brilliant little suns shining and spinning in each of your 7 major chakras and hold this image for a few moments several times each day. This accelerates the cleansing process and will keep reminding you that you are a shining Light in this world! You are moving into the higher realms of consciousness, the true source of your personal power and into a deeper understanding of your eternal identity. There are some moments when this connection leads you to important revelations regarding your purpose for incarnating during these times.

Be at peace, Dear Ones, live, laugh and love with gusto! Life in a human body is meant to be tasted, embraced and experienced! It is therefore necessary to be a part of all that is in your immediate environment, to be in the moment of each experience with mindfulness. Do not put off and wait for another day to have your new beginning, for it is happening at this very moment. You are participating in the most miraculous times of massive transformation and this is a rare opportunity to bask in the moment to moment fluctuations as they occur. Wonderful possibilities and directions for your life experience exist and your clarity of understanding is leading you to direct your own destiny into a shining reality.

These are exciting times with many opportunities that are coming into each individual’s field of dreams. As the ‘clutter’ is cleansed from within and replaced with a greater Light of understanding, some of the desires from earlier times that each person held as their dream are being presented as a direction that one may focus upon and bring into realization and manifestation. These are the dreams that can bring you great joy and happiness as you seek to bring them forward into the current experience.

As each person manifests that which brings them fulfillment, the positive energy that is created helps the collective field of consciousness move towards expanding horizons for all. That which seemed impossible in days gone by will now be easily manifested by many people. This state of being is being supported by the influx of new energies as humanity realizes that they can create happy outcomes for themselves and that their soul wants to experience more of these moments. This is the natural state of being for each soul upon the planet.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

Total energy clearing

2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana

The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here  

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Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .

We enjoyed a powerful webinar for April ~ Trusting Divine Timing. Here’s what some people reported:

Hi there, Sheldan and Colleen, All I can say is to shout out a very big WOW!!!! This webinar was, by far, the most enlightening, powerful, inspirational and informative webinar ever given either by Sheldan, or anywhere else on the internet. Howard



Must have for your library~~

Webinar Archive “After Abundance” now ready for downloading…

We are on the brink of receiving prosperity funds as we unite in a great shift of our current debt slavery system.


In this live Webinar, Sheldan, guided by the Galactic Federation, explains what is to happen to us, during and after funds are delivered, to prepare us for the coming changes.

Free Webinar Preview: End of Debt Slavery

Topics include…

Prosperity Funds:

Why must prosperity funds be delivered before Disclosure? 
How will First-World countries receive prosperity funds? Third-World countries?

Debt Forgiveness:

How will debt forgiveness serve to end our debt slavery? 
What will happen to the banks and bankers? To corporations and their shareholders?

New governance:

How will the new government be formed? 
What will happen to the people currently running our governments?

Release of new technologies:

What type of technologies will be released in conjunction with the prosperity funds. 
What type of technologies will be available after the landings?

Managing our funds:

What do we do with our new funds? How will our lifestyles change? 
How long after the abundance program will the landings arrive?

How will we be mentored?

After the landings, how long will it be until we are mentored?

To order Webinar 72 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.


Note from Galactic Heart…

I woke up this morning with a clear message to use Selenite. When I first woke up (20 years ago) to the amazing energies of crystals, I relied on them for healing but have not for quite some time. I was told by Saint Germain that I was to put the crystals down and remember that I am the crystal. So I stopped depending on the crystals. This was good for my spiritual evolution at the time. However, today I will be spending time with my Selenite crystal. I feel the Love already. Enjoy learning about Selenite. Use your own discernment if this is right for you.

Selenite Crystals…Connect To Divine Light For Personal Transformation

Source: Healing Crystals for You


White Selenite

Selenite crystals work to help you to bring light down from the higher realms into the physical body, to create personal transformation.

The white or transparent crystals have a strong vibration that may open the crown chakra and the soul star chakra.

This will assist you to contact the Divine Mind and to access the Angelic realm.

These are high vibration crystals, that also deliver clarity of mind, by cleansing the aura of negative energy build up, both within the physical and the etheric body.

Using White Selenite can be powerful for activating dormant abilities from past lives. It has the capacity to take you to the higher realms, which often happens quickly.

Where Does It Come From… Selenite Meaning

Selenite has been found in a large number of locations, including Mexico, Russia, Morocco, Greece, Poland, Germany, France, England, Australia and the USA.

Its color may be pure white, transparent, orange, peach, grey-blue, green, brown and bright golden yellow, like the cluster shown in the image above.

The meaning of the name Selenite comes from the Greek word meaning “moon”. This related to the way that there was a reflection of color within the first stones being looked at, and this was the color of the moon.


Green Selenite

Beautiful white non-transparent Gypsum selenite crystals, as well as the partly transparent stones commonly come from Mexico. These are popular as they can be shaped into many uses for metaphysical purposes.

Wonderful flat pieces of optical selenite can be easily bought, and many of these are made into long flat and rounded wands.

A lovely but less common color is the Green Selenite, which is very unusual, and mainly comes from Australia.

They occur as clusters of crystals and they are very fragile. They are fine needle-like green crystals, with some white and brown color towards the base of them.

Another very beautiful formation that is becoming more sought after is the formation known as Fishtail Selenite or Angel Wing Selenite.

This formation and the beautiful Golden Selenite, are powerful crystals to use for metaphysical purposes.

Desert Rose Selenite is a quite beautiful peachy brown rose shaped type that occurs naturally in Morocco.

It is a very helpful stone to use to strengthen the power of positive affirmations. Golden Ray Selenite is another beautiful high vibration type that has come to light and is powerful to have in a healing environment.


Angel Wing Selenite

Why Would You Use It

Selenite crystals are high vibration stones that will move your spiritual growth forward quickly. They are a stone of the third eye chakra, the crown chakra and the soul star chakra.

By opening the crown chakra, this stone allows you to access the transpersonal chakras, from the eighth chakra through to the fourteenth chakra.

Use this stone at the heart chakra or third eye first, and you may find that you will feel the energy moving through the crown chakra.

Once it clears any negativity or distortions from the crown chakra, the energy is then free to flow via the stellar gateway to the soul star chakra.

Many of you that have incarnated at this time have been spiritually active in past lives, and developed gifts and talents that your higher self still remembers.

Using Selenite may help you to learn how to be psychic, as it has a strong vibration. This stone may act as a conduit to other dimensions, as you remember your past lives in different places.

How To Use It

Many people own Selenite Crystals yet have not used them. Once you make contact with the energy of your stone, you may find out the best way to use it, to benefit you personally.

It is now coming to a time on this earth, as the vibration of the planet is rising, that many of you who own one of these, may wonder the best way to use it.

Using a piece of Fishtail Selenite like the one shown below, which is also known as Angel Wing Selenite, may help you.

Selenite crystals can be held at the heart as you are meditating, and this can be beneficial to help to relieve any stress or anxiety you may be feeling.

The Angel Wing formation is very special. Using one of these might help you to begin connecting with angels, and they may also assist your psychic communication abilities.

It can be beneficial to keep a piece on your body and Selenite crystals can also be used to grid the home to aid the removal of negativity.

Just as long as you keep in mind that it should be kept dry. Begin by using a piece of Selenite in your daily meditation.

You may choose to use them at the third eye chakra. The energy will move up to the crown chakra and the soul star chakra, and into the higher transpersonal chakras.


Using Selenite for Healing

Selenite wands like the lovely one in the photo on the right are wonderful healing tools.

You can get wands that are made from the white Gypsum Selenite variety, which is known as satin spar.

You can also use a natural golden selenite wand, as these occur naturally in a perfect shape to use for healing… see image of one below this.

When you hold a piece of this stone in your hand, particularly a wand shaped piece, and you should be able to quite quickly feel the energy within it.

The vibration of a piece of Selenite crystal often sets in to train the birth of the psychic power of mental telepathy.

These lovely stones are very beautiful, and look quite different to the translucent Selenite, which is often called optical selenite.

Satin spar Selenite Crystals may have vertical lines running down the length of the stone, and this is usually in the direction of the point of the wand.

Crystals shaped like this may be referred to as light wands, as these wands are quite reflective of light. They make marvelous healing tools, as they will channel energy through them, and this energy can be directed by the healer.

Wonder How to Use the Light Wands

So how do you use them, you may wonder?

If you have a wand shaped piece of this stone, you can gently squeeze it to activate it, then hold it to any area of the body where you feel you might need help.

A healer, or anyone who wishes to use them for healing, can also use them to sense where the health problem is located in the body.

This is useful if you are unsure of exactly where in the body the problem originates.

The way that you discover where the problem might be, is by gently squeezing the wand and moving it.

When you recognize that you are feeling a change in the energy flow, this tells you that the energy in this area is not flowing as it should be. The healer would also activate their wands to use them for healing, by gently squeezing them.

You then point them towards the specific problem area that you have become aware of, when you previously used them to locate the health issue.

The vibration of these wands is powerful, as once activated they will cleanse the etheric field of the body of any negativity.

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Who Should Use It

The best way to begin using your Selenite crystals is in meditation. Start by going deeply into relaxed inner awareness and allow yourself to feel and experience what the vibration of your particular stone has to offer you.

Using one of the crystal skulls made from this gorgeous white stone is very powerful.

They may help you to make connections with specific spirit guides that are waiting to work with you, via the energy of the skull formation.

Selenite is a link to the Lightbody, and helps to bring through new codes to assist in its anchoring.

Using this crystal may allow you to gain access to your past memories and gifts, and make major changes in your current life, in line with your soul’s purpose.

It aids you to break through illusion, so you may see yourself as you truly are, from a spiritual perspective. As you make contact with the higher realms, it is common to find that you will see quite strong colors, including lovely golden light.

They are on the zodiac birthstone list, and Selenite crystals are easy to buy. It is possible to obtain these lovely stones in a variety of different formations quite easily.

These crystals are often very beautiful, so it is common for people to be drawn to one of these stones, and have no idea why.

These lovely stones have been designated as a Taurus birthstone, so if this is your sign you may particularly benefit by using them.

How Will It Help You

These lovely crystals have many wonderful qualities, and are positive stones for opening up of gifts that you had not been aware of. As you use them to make contact with your guides and open yourself to spirit, many interesting possibilities may emerge.

Using them can be very beneficial, as using one of these crystals is also one of the methods to relieve stress. These crystals embody a helpful energy to relieve anxiety, and using this crystal instills deep peace.

Selenite crystals dissolve in water readily, so if you think about this fact, you may not be surprised to learn that they will aid the kidneys. This is one interesting area that they will help, but they may improve many other places in the body as well.

Overall they are positive stones, and may assist the movement of your spirituality and health in a positive direction. You may like to use a long flat selenite wand to create a multi-crystal wands, as this is one common way they are used.

But the possibilities are many and varied. This will depend on exactly what healing outcome you desire to achieve. Although it is important to cleanse crystals regularly, Selenite is a stone that you need to take a degree of care with when cleansing it.


Moldavite crystal

Combining It With Other Stones

If you want your spiritual path to accelerate, use this stone in combination with other sixth, seventh or eighth chakra stones or crystals. By the use of regular daily meditations you can expect to move your spiritual growth forward quite quickly.

There are many stones that are common to all three higher chakra groups, and combined with Selenite they make a powerful meditation experience.

Some specific ones that you might consider would be Herderite, Danburite, Tiffany Stone aka Bertrandite, Moldavite, Natrolite, Yttrium Fluorite and Phenacite, as well as Pink Petalite and Clear Quartz Crystals.

Meditation with Selenite alone or combined with any of these stones may open and activate the soul star chakra, via the crown chakra. The soul star chakra is sometimes called the Seat of the Soul.

These lovely crystals are among the group of powerful high crystal energy stones.

To decide which of the stones to combine with it, read the articles on each of the high vibration stones, as they have quite different outcomes.

Pink Petalite is one of my favorites to use to get started with, as this may take you to the higher realms to contact angelic beings, who may aid your search for enlightenment.

Clear Apophyllite and Angel Phantom Quartz aka Amphibole Quartz crystals are also good to combine with Selenite to aid contact with angels.

Beautiful crystal jewelry made from any of the high vibration stones may move you forward more quickly on your personal journey.

Use these while doing a meditation to boost psychic abilities, as any of these crystals also have the potential to develop psychic abilities.

The development of telepathy, clairaudience and clairvoyance, or having psychic visions is possible once you begin to use the high vibration stones like Selenite.

If you’d like to boost the possibility of developing telepathic gifts, you may like to combine this crystal with stones that help you to develop this capacity.

This includes stones such as Petalite, Apophyllite, Phenacite, Natrolite, Muscovite, Ulexite, Labradorite Crystal, Eudialyte, Blue Kyanite and Blue Calcite.


Pink Petalite

When you buy a new stone or crystal, it is advantageous to use it on its own first. Once you are fully aware of its energy, you may choose to combine it with other stones. Knowing how you can combine various stones may be helpful, as this allows you to get the most from your crystals, and may help you to solve specific problems in your life.

Cleansing Selenite

Note: DO NOT WET your Selenite Crystals, as they may dissolve in water. Alternatively they may not actually dissolve but may discolor or pit. This may vary according to the specific variety. 
Even sealed pieces that have been fashioned into pendants or made into hearts or other shapes may lose their lovely sheen. In some cases, depending on the type, thin slices may come away.

Contact with water is not recommended for any variety of Selenite. When cleansing these stones, use other methods of cleansing your crystals.

Don’t Know Which Crystal Book To Buy? Read our Reviews Here

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©2016 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762