Dear Arya,
An epoch shift is emerging, one that will change the face of business as we know it. The old business model that focused just on profit, is breathing its last breath. It has not served humanity and the Earth. A new business standard is surfacing, one that embraces our most cherished and sacred values, one that nurtures humanity and the Earth. It is the conscious business paradigm. It infuses our most sacred and cherished ideals in our local and global economy. This shift will enable Business to become the most powerful force for creating a world that works for all.Conscious business embraces the foundational truth: We Are One with humanity and all of life. Business and all institutions of the human community are integral parts of a single reality – interrelated, interconnected and interdependent. There is more, much more. You can read the full conscious business declaration created by Humanity’s Team, The Club of Budapest, The Goi Peace Foundation and The Fowler Center for Business as an Agent of Public Benefit out of Case Western University here: http://www. In the months and years just ahead humanity will insist that we infuse our most revered values in our economy. A business that adheres to this paradigm will flourish. Those who ignore this movement will do so at their risk. We believe these businesses will perish. A flourishing and thriving economy are just around the corner. Innovative new conscious business models that create profit by nurturing humanity and all life on Earth will lead this movement. Do you see yourself as a leader in this? Are you a change-maker, coach, trainer, consultant, entrepreneur or intrapreneur who will be part of the vanguard? If yes, we invite you to join with us! Sign the Conscious Business Declaration and join our free webinar series that talks about Conscious Business. Ken Wilber will be the featured guest during the April 18th webinar, andRinaldo Brutoco, Lance Secretan and Alan Watkins will join John Thomas and me for other webinars planned that week. Don’t be left behind; come to the front and lead! You can register for the complimentary Conscious Business webinars here: It is time for a new standard for business in the 21st Century! Join us and join the revolution! In Oneness, Steve Farrell |
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© 2016, Humanity’s Team®. All rights reserved. The Humanity’s Team name is a registered trademark of Humanity’s Team, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has~Margaret Mead
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When we, in North America, woke up Tuesday morning to hear about yet another attack, this time in Brussels, Belgium, we all felt like someone punched us in the stomach. Again?Every Tuesday morning (stateside) a dozen or so Humanity’s Team (HT) global leaders gather from around the world to share the progress on our work to help keep HT running smoothly. We talk about our global outreach including upcoming summits, book club programs, the Conscious Business launch, our new web site, power of prayer calls and more.
After we posted a request on our Worldwide Facebook page for everyone to send healing thoughts to Belgium, our weekly meeting was set to begin. We’d all dialed into our conference line and talked about our emotions regarding the Belgium bombing. We all expressed sorrow and heartbreak. One of our leaders read the Prayer of St. Francis (Lord Make Me an Instrument of Thy Peace). We experienced the shared pain of the event and gratitude that we had each other. Moments later, Steve Farrell our Worldwide Executive Director of HT, suggested we might not want to do business as usual. For the rest of the hour we didn’t mention the business of HT. We spoke from our hearts, read several inspirational pieces, had quiet moments with no talking and came to a place where we didn’t feel so alone and helpless. We believe it is important to embrace the despair. We are one body and it is important to feel into the sadness when parts of the body are harmed. Then, naturally, very spontaneously, we called in a healing circle with each other, all those who were hurt, the Belgium people, the perpetrators and the Divine. We envisioned God and all Her Angels and Archangels embracing our circle. We could feel healing and peace. We breathed easier… Collectively, we decided to share with everyone the blessing Pierre Pradervand gave shortly after the attack in Paris. The blessing was truly out of this world. Pierre touched us deeply. We feel this blessing can offer some solace at this time. To find out more about the Community Circle go to: Since Paris, there have been hundreds of terrorist attacks – many that have gone unnoticed. We wish healing and peace to each of you and everyone on our dear planet. In Oneness, love and hope, Everyone in Humanity’s Team P.S. Please sign our pledge to end violence, especially in the name of God. |
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We have volunteer opportunities for you!
© 2016, Humanity’s Team®. All rights reserved. The Humanity’s Team name is a registered trademark of Humanity’s Team, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has~Margaret Mead
Special Appearance by Dr. Greer
at this very special conference.
Saturday November 12, 2016 – 1pm – 3pm
“Cosmic Consciousness – Cosmic Cultures and the Coming New Era of Universal Peace”
Early Bird Registration goes until June 1
For more information go to conference website:
– Why Consciousness is the key to universal Contact and communication with Interstellar Civilizations and how your own mind is the key to discovery;
-How the experience of Cosmic Consciousness and other higher states of consciousness will provide the foundation for peace on Earth and Universal Peace;
-Outline the higher states of Consciousness, how they evolve and how eventually Celestial perception and other innate powers like remote viewing unfold and Consciousness develops;
– How ET Civilizations utilize Consciousness Assisted Technologies and Technology Assisted Consciousness to interact with humans, earth and one another, and how YOU can become an Ambassador from Earth to those civilizations;
-Why it is essential for critical mass of many of us to become Spirit warriors to effect change and overcome the current suppression of ET contact, free energy technologies and create a new Universal Peaceful Civilization on Earth in our lifetime!
Disclosure: Ending Illegal UFO Secrecy and Creating a New Civilization on Earth
April 29 – 5 – 7 pm
From the Father of the Global Disclosure Movement learn:
– Why are UFOs above top secret? And who is keeping the truth from us?
– Beyond Silicon Valley: Zero-point energy and anti-gravity. How UFOs actually work – and why power elites don’t want you to know.
– Disclosure and Implications: Mass action to create a new civilization free from war, pollution and poverty, now !
– Our interstellar future: Universal peace and the coming interplanetary society of Earth.
ET Contact: The Science of Consciousness and our Interstellar Future
Sunday May 1 – noon – 2pm
– Why Consciousness is the key to universal Contact and communication with Interstellar Civilizations and how your own mind is the key to discovery;
-How the experience of Cosmic Consciousness and other higher states of consciousness will provide the foundation for peace on Earth and Universal Peace;
– Outline of the higher states of Consciousness, how they evolve and how eventually Celestial perception and other innate powers like remote viewing unfold and how Consciousness develops;
-How ET Civilizations utilize Consciousness Assisted Technologies and Technology Assisted Consciousness to interact with humans, earth and one another, and how YOU can become an Ambassador from Earth to those civilizations;
-Why it is essential for a critical mass of many of us to become Spirit warriors to effect change and overcome the current suppression of ET contact, free energy technologies and create a
new Universal Peaceful Civilization on Earth in our lifetime!
Sirius Technology Advanced Research LLC – PO Box 265 – Crozet, VA 22932 |
Neuigkeit zur Petition
Das Café Leo ist gerettet!
22. Mär. 2016 — Das beliebte Café Leo auf dem Weddinger Leopoldplatz ist gerettet. In der heutigen Jurysitzung haben sich die Mitglieder für einen Fortbestand des seit vier Jahren existierenden Cafés ausgesprochen. Ursprünglich hatte Bezirksstadtrat Carsten Spallek dem Betreiber zum 31. Mai gekündigt.
Die Bewohner des Weddings haben nun ein Umdenken erzwungen. Im Vorfeld der Jurysitzung wurden auf einer Protestkundgebung über 15.000 Unterschriften übergeben, mit denen die Anwohner ihre Unterstützung für Hüseyin Ünlüs Café Leo zum Ausdruck gebracht haben. Durch den großen öffentlichen Druck im Vorfeld der Jurysitzung haben von ursprünglich 11 Bewerbern neun ihre Bewerbungen zurückgezogen.
Das ist ein guter Tag für den Wedding! Herr Ünlü leistet seit 4 Jahren hervorragende Arbeit auf dem Leopoldplatz. Das Café Leo ist mehr als Gastronomie – es ist gelebte Sozialarbeit. Mit über 15.000 Unterstützerunterschriften haben wir deutlich gemacht, dass der Kiez voll und ganz hinter Herrn Ünlü steht! Allen Unterstützerinnen und Unterstützern herzlichen Dank!
Café Leo ist gerettet