Monatsarchive: Januar 2016

    HILARION 2016



Note from the Scribe: The following words from Hilarion came through a trance channelled reading done for me personally when I employed Edwin Courtenay to do one for me…Hilarion has asked me to share these words with the world. This is part 1 and part 2 will be next week. I will be putting these words as a preface in The Hilarion Connection©, Book Two but felt they are important to get out to as many people as possible at the beginning of this year, to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear the import of this message. It is one I am hearing through other channels also — so let us listen and ponder and act on this concern that is being brought forward from the higher realms of Light.

January 3, 2016

Beloved Ones,

It is in love and light and truth that I, the Ascended Master Hilarion, step forward at this time in order to provide you with guidance and understanding. Open then yourself to me, hear my words, hear my wisdom, let my truth surround you, flow through you, aid you, that you might use it for yourself and others, that you might take it forward at this time, that you might benefit all those that have eyes and ears to see, recognize and know the truth, that it might grace the minds and hearts of those who are in most desperate need. In love, in light, in truth, I speak the words that the world needs to hear.

The world begins with each person, with each individual, and so the words that I might offer you and for all those other individuals whom you might share this understanding with, is that there is a need now for cleansing – for cleansing on the quantum level, for transmutation of the microscopic energy that lies between the atoms and the molecules of the mind, heart, spirit and soul. These forces are so minute that we might forget that they exist, that we might believe them to be nothing of concern, nothing at all; forces that surround us at all times constantly, working their way in to our feelings, our life, our being.

The energies of the radio and the microwave, of the blue tooth and the wi-fi – the invisible forces of light and life, energy and power that would do us harm; they clog the flow and grace of our life and being. They hinder us and harm us and we must not fall into the trap of thinking that they are insignificant and not worthy of our attention because they are. Call upon the powers of Oustacarti, the Angel of Quantum Cleansing, call upon the powers of the Unicorn whose fine light can clear and transform. Call upon the magic of the unseen and let it lift and clear and free you from harm.

I have spoken about the importance of quantum clearing. I realize this must seem a thousand miles away from the problems of your world and yet, people do not fully comprehend the true potential danger of how insidious this energy is, of how harmful this energy can be, of how it affects us and how it damages us, of how it weighs upon the nervous system and threatens to influence our thoughts and feelings detrimentally.

There is a tendency you see, to look to the larger causes, to look to the problems in the world which seem big and overwhelming, to content ourselves with feeling that there is nothing that we can do about these things, that we are too small, when in truth, some of the problem lies not in the macrocosm but in the microcosm and how it affects the greater world, how it affects the consciousness of the people, damaging the thread of Light that binds us all together, damaging the energy that holds all as One, breaking down communication, making it impossible for people to hear each other and know the Truth.

(Note from Scribe: I have been hearing so many stories of our younger generations who seem addicted to their cell phones, to texting, to playing games on them constantly, to the point that they do not know how to interact with real people and this is creating a gap in the human web of life, I feel, for we need to connect with each other through our personal attention, interacting and sharing our energy with each other through our hearts and our minds.)

Balance is also key, the need to balance the heart and mind, the left and the right brain, the need to balance action and inaction, the need to know when and what must be done and how. It is not easy, but balance helps. Balance can restore truth and peace and a deeper sense of oneness. You must look then to the path of alchemy for some solution, for in the mystic marriage there is hope, you see. In the mystic marriage and its union and its promise of union, there is hope. When the inner masculine and feminine co-join and combine as one, peace flourishes.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here  

Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her. The Reason: Master Hilarion has indicated that the Scribe/Channel is a direct conduit for his energies as she speaks through the words and these energies go to all who are in need of them as they listen to the words and/or read the text message received by her.

Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe’s credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

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The Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence: A path to personal, social and global coherence

The Spiritual Heart — is in a way a little like a smart phone, invisibly connecting us to a large network of information. It is through an unseen energy that the heart emits that humans are profoundly connected to all living things. The energy of the heart literally links us to each other. Every person’s heart contributes to a ‘collective field environment.’ This short video explains the importance of this connection and how we each add to this collective energy field. The energetic field of the heart even connects us with the earth itself.

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Whether personal relationships, social connections, or even the global community – we are all connected through a field of electromagnetic energy. Increasing individual awareness of what we bring to this field environment could be the key to creating a sustainable future, a future that we can be proud to have helped create. To learn more about this research please visit HeartMath


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In this extra special Update Webinar, Sheldan explains what is happening to Gaia and all of us right now!

Webinar Preview: Our Shifting Reality


Topics include…

• How the Galactic Core Energies are affecting us
• Gaia’s current ascension symptoms – mini-Earth changes
• How the reality shift is affecting us
• The Galactic option – the New You and prosperity
• NESARA: how we will celebrate our new freedom
• Our actions can help (the Universe rewards action!)

To order your copy, click HERE



from Ann Albers

angelslookingleft bluegold

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Happy New Year! Although we live in a timeless, eternal series of present moments, we know that all of you upon the earth love to celebrate the passing of time. You love to have your “landmark days,” those moments when you can say, “Finally, it is time for a fresh start!” Today I will begin anew!

So dear ones, what would you like to see different in this upcoming year? What would you like to create? What would you like to change? Instead of making the traditional resolutions, ask yourself instead, a few different questions: “Who would I like to be, by the end of this year?” “How would that person act?” “What needs to change in my life to become that person?”

Would you like to be with the love of your life? How would you act if you were already there? How would you treat yourself differently? How would you change your home? Would you like to be a person without debt, feeling very abundant? How would that person act? How would that person manage their money? How would that person speak and think about money? Would you like to be a more loving person? Starting now, how would that person treat yourself? How would you treat others.


Dear ones, do a simple exercise –

Imagine you are already in the life you want. Instead of imagining all the external circumstances, imagine how you would feel, how you would think, how you would speak and act and treat yourself. Then begin to feel, think speak, and act that way now. If you want love, speak lovingly about yourself and others. If you want more abundance, speak abundantly. If you want a happier reality, eliminate negative speaking and self-defeating actions. Be the person you want to be now. Then your life will shift accordingly.

You can be abundant in your soul now. You can treat yourself with love now. You can acknowledge, validate, and celebrate yourself now. You do not have to wait for your external life to change. It is in your power to shift your energy, and therefore to shift your life. You can change yourself inwardly first, then watch the outer reflection begin to shift.

Dear ones, Happy New Year. Happy New You. Happy whomever you would like to become, starting right here and right now, in this very moment.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

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Dear Thrive Movement,
Grassroots movements keep winning victories, raising awareness and changing lives in every part of the world.
Foster’s latest blog is a reminder to all of you who are out there creating solutions for GMOs, geo-engineering, pesticides, fluoridated water, toxic vaccines and pharmaceuticals, financial frauds, banking schemes, unwarranted surveillance and hundreds of other destructive and unjust police state measures… to carry on and never give up!
Together, we can create a world where everyone has the chance to thrive.
Join us in the ThriveTogether think tank on January 9th, 2016 for our next live event, an intimate Q&A session with Foster. Be sure to bring bring your insights, questions and predictions. Find out more HERE.
Toward a thriving world,
Foster, Kimberly and The THRIVE Team 
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Die CDU droht uns wegen der TTIP-Kampagne mit dem Entzug der Gemeinnützigkeit. Wir lassen uns aber nicht den Mund verbieten, sondern wollen unsere Aktivitäten in 2016 intensivieren. Unsere Mail dazu habe ich Ihnen unten nochmal angehängt. Tausende Campact-Aktive haben daraufhin bereits ihre Unterstützung für diesen Kurs zugesagt. Bitte stärken auch Sie uns den Rücken!
Klicken Sie hier und fördern Sie Campact!
HerzlichFelix Kolb, Campact-Vorstand

Liebe Cornelia Dix-Kühn,

„Empörungsmaschine“ (Cicero), „Alle-sind-dagegen-AG“ (Wirtschaftswoche), „Pegida von links“ (Zeit Online). Noch nie habe ich es erlebt, dass unsere Bürgerbewegung – und damit Sie und die über 1.700.000 anderen Campact-Aktiven – so verunglimpft, verspottet und verleumdet wurde wie in den vergangenen drei Monaten. Dazu möchte ich Ihnen gratulieren! Sie sagen: Wie bitte? Wie kann man sich freuen, wenn man beschimpft wird? Aber seit Gandhi wissen wir, dass es ein gutes Zeichen ist, wenn die Gegner Nerven zeigen: „Zuerst ignorieren sie dich, dann lachen sie über dich, dann bekämpfen sie dich und dann gewinnst du.“

Als wir Ende 2013 unsere Kampagne gegen TTIP starteten, wurden wir ignoriert. Es dauerte Monate, bis EU-Parlamentspräsident Martin Schulz unsere 600.000 Unterschriften entgegennahm. Auf dem letzten Weltwirtschafts-Forum machte sich Sigmar Gabriel noch über uns lustig: Wir TTIP-Kritiker/innen seien „reich und hysterisch“. Doch beides half nicht. Unsere Bewegung wurde noch stärker: Am 10. Oktober in Berlin demonstrierten unglaubliche 250.000 Menschen gegen TTIP und CETA.Dieser Protest aus der Mitte der Gesellschaft macht den TTIP-Befürworter/innen Angst. So ist es kein Wunder, dass rund um die Demonstration die Angriffe auf uns den vorläufigen Höhepunkt erreichten. Wir aber sind dem Ziel, TTIP und CETA zu stoppen, dennoch nahe. Und 2016 nehmen wir die Abkommen weiter in die Zange:

  • Die fünf Landtagswahlen nutzen wir, um so viele Bundesländer wie möglich auf eine Ablehnung festzulegen, so dass die Abkommen im Bundesrat gestoppt werden.
  • Der SPD-Basis zeigen wir, dass der von Gabriel vorgeschlagene Investitionsgerichtshof nicht weniger schlimm ist als Schiedsgerichte.
  • Und der CSU-Basis machen wir klar, welche fatalen Folgen TTIP und CETA für die bäuerliche Landwirtschaft und die Gestaltungshoheit der Kommunen hätte.
Wenn wir das alles schaffen, können wir gewinnen. Doch dafür brauchen wir Sie und Ihre Unterstützung: Bitte werden Sie Campact-Förderer/in! Schon mit 5 Euro im Monat helfen Sie enorm.
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Es kann sein, dass uns nächstes Jahr mehr als nur verbale Angriffe erwarten. Ein Vorgeschmack darauf war am 10. Dezember ein Artikel in den Stuttgarter Nachrichten. Dort forderte der Bundestagsabgeordnete Joachim Pfeiffer, wirtschaftspolitischer Sprecher der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion, Campact die Gemeinnützigkeit zu entziehen. Und zwar, weil wir zu aktuellen Themen wie TTIP, Fracking oder Gentechnik Kampagnen organisieren.Dass Pfeiffer mit keinem Wort die Gemeinnützigkeit von industrienahen Organisationen in Frage stellt, sagt alles. So tarnt sich seit Jahren das „Who is who“ der deutschen Rüstungsindustrie über gemeinnützige Vereine wie etwa die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Wehrtechnik (DWT) oder den Förderkreis Deutsches Heer (FKH). Unternehmen können ihre Lobby-Ausgaben sogar komplett als Betriebsausgaben geltend machen, was ihre Steuerzahlungen mindert. 

Das Szenario scheint absurd: Campact verliert die Gemeinnützigkeit, weil Sie und die anderen Campact-Aktiven erfolgreich unsere Demokratie vor privaten Hinterzimmer-Schiedsgerichten verteidigen. Dass solche Drohungen ernst gemeint sind, mussten die Globalisierungskritiker von Attac erleben. Das Finanzamt Frankfurt hält Attac für zu politisch und entzog dem Verein dieses Jahr kurzerhand die Gemeinnützigkeit. Anfang 2016 steht die Überprüfung der Gemeinnützigkeit des Campact e.V. an. Ich weiß nicht, ob die CDU versuchen wird, Einfluss auf die Berliner Finanzverwaltung zu nehmen. Und ich weiß nicht, ob das Finanzamt der verqueren Logik eines Herrn Pfeiffer folgen würde.

Fest steht nur eines: Solange die überwältigende Mehrheit der Campact-Aktiven es will, wird Campact mit seinen Partnern die Arbeit gegen CETA und TTIP fortsetzen. Wir lassen uns nicht den Mund verbieten! Und für diesen Kurs hoffe ich auf Ihre Unterstützung: Wenn es Ihnen finanziell möglich ist, würde es uns enorm den Rücken stärken, wenn Sie ab heute Campact fördern. Schon mit 5 Euro im Monat bringen Sie uns nach vorne.
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Die regelmäßigen Beiträge der Campact-Förderer bilden das finanzielle Rückgrat unserer Arbeit. Als Campact-Förderer/in werden Sie zum jährlichen Förderertreffen eingeladen und erhalten mehrmals im Jahr spezielle Förderer-Informationen per E-Mail. Ihre Unterstützung können Sie jederzeit formlos kündigen.Vielen Dank für Ihr Engagement und herzliche Grüße
Felix Kolb, Campact-Vorstand
PS: Wenn Sie bis zum 11.01.2016 Förderer/in werden, senden wir Ihnen zu Ihrer argumentativen Stärkung und als Dankeschön das Buch „Der Unfreihandel – Die heimliche Herrschaft von Konzernen und Kanzleien“ der Journalistin Petra Pinzler.
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Falls Sie einen Brief oder das Fax bevorzugen, einfach unser Förderer-PDF ausdrucken und an Campact senden.
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Source: Awakening Galactic Culture

In honor of the “2016” New Year, let us contemplate how this “Gregorian” calendar system may affect us personally and planetarily ~

Believe it or not – calendars affect our minds, and therefore our lives…

Calendars are the central instruments of cultural programs.


The Gregorian calendar became the world standard in 1582. Before this point, there were many more cultural calendar traditions than are in use today. Generally speaking, these calendrical lineages were nature-based, highlighting the changing seasons of one’s local lands. Also, these maps of time connected people to their sacred relationship to time, elucidating cycles that united the microcosm of one’s life with the macrocosm of the Universe.

Nowadays, it seems that our sense of time is largely divorced from a connection to Nature’s cycles, and that in many ways we have lost touch with the sacred and magical dimension of time. For the most part, we have been conditioned with a linear sense of time, and have come to accept the emptiness of the 12 Gregorian Calendar months which do little to inspire our connection to the larger Universe.

Where does the Gregorian Calendar come from? What historical programs might be inscribed in it? Is this the best calendar choice for our world? Is this calendar helping us prioritize our human roles as shepherds of the planet? Are its cycles inspiring the awakening of our human potential? Or is it reinforcing that we keep our focus on working, shopping, and paying our bills?

The Gregorian Calendar is sourced in the Vatican Catholic Church, Pope Gregory the 13th, and the earlier calendars of Caesar and the Roman Empire. The mathematical structure of the 12-month calendar does not accurately reflect nature’s harmony, as seen in the erratically numbered 28, 29, 30, 31 day months that normalize irregularity. Likewise, in Gregorian time, we are disassociated from the archaic, sacred meanings of the 7 days of the week, and we blindly accept the misnamed 12 months of the year: Sept = 7 and is the 9th month, Oct = 8 and is the 10th month, Nov = 9 and is the 11th month, Dec = 10 and is the 12th month.

Straddling the globe, everywhere we look – from our cellphones, computers, daytimers, TV, doctor’s offices, prisons, presidential offices, banks, supermarkets, elementary schools – we are all told the day’s “date” in Gregorian terms, “Friday, January 1, 2016,” – but what does that mean? Is it possible there is more to Time than this empty shell?


I have come to the understanding that the Gregorian calendar is simply a socially accepted version of time, one that has become the world standard as a result of violent imposition, Christian colonialism, and historical atrocities. Beyond that, it is obscuring our conscious connection to the higher dimensional order of Time in which ALL is synchronized, including the real time of our own natural rhythms, and the natural rhythms of the Earth we live upon and Universe we dream within.

The ultimate role of a sacred calendar is to guide us with knowledge of the cycles we live amidst, thus illuminating our relationships with all of life, and the inner workings of our human journeys. In this capacity, our modern calendar does not serve us at all. Rather than helping us attune our lives, Dr. Jose Arguelles’ research reveals that the 12-month Gregorian calendar works in conjunction with the 60-minute mechanical clock to generate the “12:60 artificial timing frequency.”

In the artificial time paradigm there is a vibration of scarcity as though we are perpetually in danger of running out of time. Our minutes seem to all be owned by some obligation, some past regret, or future stress… The clock ticks relentlessly, entraining us into the mechanical pulse of the machine. Dr. Jose Arguelles summarized that the essence of the 12:60 timing frequency is the concept: “Time is Money.” This mentality carries an often unconscious vibration of survival fear, and its strategy and mode is to separate and compartmentalize. This mind-set can allow the biosphere’s resources – as well as our own human bodies and life-force – to be perceived solely as material worth to be potentially exploited, rather than respected as interconnected sentient beingness.

This materialist relationship to time imbedded in the 12-month calendar and clock is contrary to the dimension of Natural Time in which all of life – all moments, all beings, all circumstances, are inherently interwoven and synchronized. Natural Time is non-linear and now-centered. Time is understood as an organic symphony of living rhythms; energy; consciousness; infinite possibilities of the unfolding art of beingness; synchronic patterns of fractal aesthetics


In Natural Time, we come to understand the simple yet complex mathematical order that underlies Nature’s cycles, and we gradually re-connect with our inherent, internal sense of timing, grounded in our own terrestrial and cosmic wholeness. We say “Time is Art ~ Life is Art.” We are all here to beautify our shared planet as a living work of Art!

In these unprecedented moments on Earth, we live in a time of great mystery and unknown. We are all called to open to the guidance of Nature and to attune to our deepest center; our internal spiritual guidance; our heart-knowing. In this light,

I propose a 2015 New Time Resolution to practice all year long:

“Transcend the linear confines of mechanical time and free your heart & mind into natural time!”

Living in natural time is a personal study that can be accessed by tracking nature-based calendars, as well as by cultivating a connection to one’s natural, internal rhythms. Likewise, we all have dormant telepathic capacities waiting to be activated. The process of awakening our telepathy is greatly supported by taking one’s attention off the idea of time being located outside of oneself (mistaking “time” for the numbers on a clock or a computer screen) and truly awakening to the understanding that We are the Pulse of Time; Natural Time is a living force within us, its sacred order governs our unfolding as creatures in this Grand Creation. The more we put our attention on following our spirit’s guidance, our heart’s inspiration, and our body’s rhythms, the more we can find we are In The Flow with our own center and in harmony with our web of responsibilities and relations; In Sync…

Ultimately, my intention for this message is to inspire an expanded context in which to perceive the Gregorian calendar and the affects of its time prescription. Rather than giving the 12 month calendar the power of our un-examined allegiance, let us empower ourselves with our sovereign connection to Natural Time which always lives within us as our deepest intuition, and remember that there are countless sacred ways to track and designate the rhythms of our lives.

All of this is not to say one should not celebrate “2016.” The idea of a “New Year” brings an innocent and welcome sense of renewal, something we all seek instinctively – to start again, fresh.

Let us be re-born every day by finding renewed courage to live from our Hearts. May we connect ever more intimately with the sacred dimension of time as the magical synchronizer. As a global culture, may we find pathways to hear and honor the wisdom and clarity of Nature’s rhythms, that we may elevate our human species into harmony with the One Web of Life.



Embracing the Flow of Life

Galactic energy flows continuously, assisting in raising our vibrations. It is a gift that intensifies our potential for more synchronistic moments.

Video Preview: Serendipity


In this Webinar Sheldan explains how we can use this heightened energy to prepare us for full consciousness.

Topics include…

• Awakening to our new energy systems
• Importance of connecting with your I AM Presence
• Adjusting to new perceptions ~ Tuning into the flow of life
• Heart Logic~Honing your intuition
• What the Indigos are teaching us
• Intersecting our human energy with divine energy

Webinar Archive ready for downloading ~ Click HERE




Excerpt from Sheldan Nidle’s book, Your First Contact


Time is meant to embody the very essence of being. It reflects your life energy’s harmonics as well as your individual patterns of work and relaxation.

To explain to your the many intricacies of galactic time, we are pleased to be hosted by Xochtilan (pronounced Shok-tee-lan), a renowned Arcturian timekeeper who last incinerated on your world in the Fourth century A.D. during the classical Mayan civilization. Without further delay, here is Xochtilan.

Thank you, Sandara, for your very kind words.

Time, my dear Lights, is more than the measuring of a day, a month, or a year. It is a sacred cycle of your holy Mother Earth and of you, her sacred caretakers. It is also a tool by which you can follow time’s divine behavior ~~ one that attunes each of you to the great unfolding of physical Creation. All sentient societies in this galaxy have instituted calendars to measure the natural cycles of this galaxy and of our home worlds. They are the measure of our home-worlds’ essence and of how the Creator has expressed it to us.

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The traditional Mayan calendar was a modified form of galactic calendar that ancient Arcturian timekeepers originally assigned to this solar system during the first days of Lemuria. The Atlanteans modified it for their own despicable purposes. More than three millennia ago, galactic Mayan timekeepers from the star system Maya in the Pleiades resorted this calendar to its magnificence. Your galactic society will employ a slightly adjusted version of that calendar.

This modified galactic calendar is a special earthly time device based on the traditional Mayan Haab or solar year calendar. It has eighteen months of twenty days each plus an additional ending period of five days. The change in this calendar is repressed by a unique k’in count and a first (or New Year’s) day that your present Gregorian calendar expresses as July 26th. Within this calendar is the Tzolk’in (the sacred calendar of the ancient Maya)….

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…. As previously noted, the starting point of the galactic Haab (solar day calendar) is New year’s Day, your July 26th. It honors the star that represents the Sirians who originally guided you to Earth. On galactic New Year’s Day, the star Sirius greets the Lord Sun as he begins a new day, rising above the Pyramid of the serpent, at Chichen Itza.

This act commemorates the sacred inception of you galactic culture in the now lost lands of Lemuria. It also represents the beginning that many celestial Beings gave to the destroyed cultures of Earth after Atlantis’ destruction. Additionally, July 26th symbolizes Sirius’ encounter with the rising Sun over Mount Haleakala on Maui (‘the Hour os the Sun’ in Hawaiian). In this fashion, the sacred links among past, present, and future in your historical process are duly noted and graciously acknowledged. ……

…. More than a mere measuring device, time (in and of itself) is a precious key to the vast creation that is the physical universe. Therefore, one of the major sectors that watch over the physical universe is the local Orders of Tim Lord. The Orders of Time Lorad are so called because time, as we see it, is one the ‘secrets’ of Physical Creation. It is the vast, endless pulse that has made all things possible. According to an ancient Arcturian proverb about Creation,

“The Orders of Time Lord created the great pulse of time. From this great pulse came Light. From this great Light came Love, the Creation energy of Light. Out of this Light of Love came all of Creation.”

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©2016 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

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“Your inner journey only has one: the step you are taking right now. As you become more deeply aware of this one step, you realize that it already contains within itself all the other steps as well as the destination. This one step then becomes transformed into an expression of perfection, an act of great beauty and quality. It will have taken you into Being, and the light of Being will shine through it. This is both the purpose and the fulfillment of your inner journey, the journey into yourself.” – Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now
“It is our purpose and destiny to bring a new dimension into this world by living in conscious oneness with the totality and conscious alignment with universal intelligence.”
– Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth
The Eckhart Tolle Now team is delighted to wish you and your loved ones a presence-filled New Year that is rich in purpose, joy and love.

…keep in mind that everything we encounter reflects in this moment something which goes on inside of us…and by receiving this fact we provide us with the opportunity to make a new choice…a choice of what we prefere as our reality to live in. So powerful we are !!! Take back your power !!! Arya












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