Excerpt from Dr. Greer’s Crossing Point of Light workshop * COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS –
JOIN DR. GREER IN LOS ANGELES for an in-depth discovery of the nature of Consciousness, Cosmic Awareness and Cosmic Cultures.
Dr. Greer will share:
> How to experience the quiet unbounded aspect of Awareness through mediation- an ancient Zen Buddhist breathing technique will be taught to the audience;
> Why Consciousness is the key to universal Contact and communication with Interstellar Civilizations and how your own mind is the key to discovery;
>How the experience of Cosmic Consciousness and other higher states of consciousness will provide the foundation for peace on Earth and Universal Peace;
>Outline the higher states of Consciousness, how they evolve and how eventually Celestial perception and other innate powers like remote viewing unfold and Consciousness develops;
> How ET Civilizations utilize Consciousness Assisted Technologies and Technology Assisted Consciousness to interact with humans, earth and one another, and how YOU can become an Ambassador from Earth to those civilizations;
>Why it is essential for critical mass of many of us to become Spirit warriors to effect change and overcome the current suppression of ET contact, free energy technologies and create a
new Universal Peaceful Civilization on Earth in our lifetime!
Make sure you have a seat!
Dr. Greer in person:
Live at Conscious Living Expo – LAX Hilton – Sunday February 21, 2016 – 6 – 8 pm
click here for tickets. (You must also purchase a ticket to the Expo to attend the lecture.)
Webinar – watch on Sunday February 21, 2016 – 6- 8 pm or at your convenience.
click here for the webinar.
* Crossing Point of Light workshop.
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In 2016 all the major causes of human misery will end
January 10, 2016 by John Smallman
Jesus Audio Blog for Sunday January 10th
The New Year of 2016 has started well. Much of importance is happening in preparation for the events ahead, which will unfold quite dramatically and spontaneously as the Love that so many are now holding and extending to all of humanity brings about the enormous changes necessary for the endemic suffering and poverty of the vast majority on earth to be fully relieved. In 2016 all the major causes of human misery will end. The New Golden Age for humanity has arrived and the first signs, like the first green shoots signaling the arrival of spring after a harsh winter, are about to appear.
Do not allow the negative energies that arise when you see and hear news of intense suffering to drain and exhaust you as you offer love and compassion to those so effected. This occurs whenever you choose to enter into their pain. Why would you choose to enter into another’s pain? Perhaps because you feel somewhat responsible for it? Every human on Earth is following a path chosen with great wisdom and foresight before incarnating. Every single human is precisely where they intended to be as a result of pre-natal choices.
Obviously, for many, these choices have led to intense pain and suffering, but what they are doing, what they have chosen to do – even though awareness of that choice has for the most part been forgotten – is assisting in humanity’s awakening by helping to clear the deep negativity that has built up over the eons so that Love may flow in and bring Light to the dark that has become heavily established in various areas of the world.
In time, in the illusion, there have, over the eons, been many technologically advanced societies on Earth, societies that became so ego-driven and power hungry that they totally forgot their divine origins – all sentient beings were created in Love by God, and so Love remains their true nature – as they played the game of separation from God. As humans, severely limited by the “rules of the game,” they allowed their hearts to close thus hiding from themselves their true nature, and instead developed great (within the pre-set limitations of their human bodies) intelligence that they further developed in order to “win” the game of separation from other like-minded humans. This intelligence – more really a set of very limiting but powerful skills – was used to build nations, cultures, armies, and the necessary weapons to enable them to impose their will on others, by focusing intently on the “so-called” dark or shadow side of their human natures.
Humanity is now collectively working to reach a balance between the dark and the enlightened sides of its nature so that the two sides may become integrated, whereupon the heart will open, or the veil that has hidden the Light will dissolve and the creative abilities of the dark side, overwhelmed and unconditionally accepted by Love, will cease playing the unreal game of separation.
When the game is terminated by humanity’s collective choice, and the opposing sides of your individual human natures combine and integrate, enormous creative abilities and competences will arise enabling you to cooperate in a wondrous state of harmony and very quickly heal all the damage that has occurred over the eons.
Separation is a state of disharmony where the yin and yang have moved away from their state of union, have become extremely confused, and have then chosen to see each other as ferocious enemies. This has been pointed out by many sages and wise ones over the eons, and finally the realization of what this means is becoming apparent as the human collective seeks to move lovingly together as recognition of the Oneness of all becomes inescapably apparent.
The divine Reality is the state of Oneness in which all that God creates has its endless and eternal existence. There is no alternate reality or place where, for instance, evil exists. There is only God.
Evil is unreal. However, in the illusion you are playing a game with many facets, and evil is one of those facets. It seems very powerful, but that is only because you fear it. When you open your hearts to the divine field of Love in which you are eternally enveloped fear dissolves. When fear dissolves so does conflict which is but a reaction to fear. It is like waking from a nightmare which is unreal, while in the moment it seems very real, and recognizing it for what it was, whereupon it dissolves and fades from memory (unless you write it down immediately) along with the fear that it engendered.
Humanity’s awakening is the same but on an extremely large scale, and when it is complete there will be no more nightmares to frighten you. The Reality of Love will envelop you in overwhelming joy and the unreality of all your worries, anxieties, and fears then becomes unmistakable as they all fade and are forever lost because they never were.
You are eternal divine beings, infinitely loved by God, the Source of All, and you live – now, in this only moment – in permanent joy. However, by choosing to build and engage with the illusion to attempt to experience a reality separate from Source, you shut out Love by veiling yourselves in an unreal state of darkness and fear. It could best be likened to a small child hiding in a dark closet and terrifying itself even though there is nothing terrifying in there with it. All that frightens you is unreal!
It is unreal because it was unreal when you made it. You made it to play a temporary but frightening game of being separate from Source. But you can never be separate from Source. That is impossible because Source is All that exists.
However over the illusory eons that you have been playing this game its apparent reality has intensified right up until this moment in humanity’s spiritual evolution – where spiritual evolution is merely your path to awakening – where you find yourselves no longer willing to undergo the pain and suffering that the game continuously provides. Thus you have, finally, chosen collectively to awaken.
All you need do is open to whatever arises in your lives and realize that that is the path you have chosen to follow to your awakening, and that because your awakening is both your will and God’s then your resounding success is divinely guaranteed and consequently absolutely inevitable. Go within daily, to your holy and sacred altar where the Light of God’s Love burns constantly, and ask for help to awaken, and you will be inundated with help instantly. If you allow it, then you will feel that divine field of Love enveloping and embracing you.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
The review of 2015 and ignition of 2016

Credit: artist unknow
Precious hearts and Love Tribe,
It has been a powerful year of change, transformation and release. The month of December alone implied the most intense and profound process of release so far, especially on the emotional level.
I, personally, have seen many things erupting from my subconscious levels to present themselves onto my current reality. And they have been powerful and clear to say the least! Things I thought that I had released and healed a long time ago came up again which made me think that this is a repetitive cycle. The first reaction initially was to push these away and say: “no, not again! This has been done ages ago.” But as persisting as these emotions were, it became clear to me very quickly that I had to take a closer look and embrace them to be able and release some more.
As this has been going on for over 3 weeks now and is still going on at present I have quickly understood that these were parts and bits coming from the subconscious mind that I was not aware of they were still lingering there at all. And furthermore, they needed to be reviewed, embraced and released for good. This is what this emotional shift was all about in the month of December: to release deeper embedded layers of the old you. As a matter of fact I personally felt this to be a final cleansing of ALL old parts of SELF. I instinctively knew and felt, right from the start, that I will not be the same person anymore than I was before. I mean, this goes so deep that nothing of the old will remain present. It feels to me like a resurrection into a whole other level of being and frequency while burning all bridges behind me. There is no way of going back and continue holding certain views and parts of the Self.
I am currently experiencing this shift of emotional release non stop without a breather. I would go to bed and ask every night to release a set of old layers and parts that I am not conscious of. And so every night 3 parts were being revealed to me during my dream state. I could remember them all in the morning and so during the day I would start working on releasing these consciously. Always by recognizing and acknowledging these first to have been a part of me in order to release. Release can only be done through unity and not through separation. So instead of pushing these away, we embrace them in unity and oneness, recognizing it is yourself into a form of perception or a feeling to then experience the merging of this in Love and Unity which is setting this free on itself.
Layers after layers have been released for weeks now in my fields, without a breather, which left my body tired to process this all. Emotions are present all around, I can assure you of that! I am sure many of you will recognize yourselves in this. Fears popped up out of nowhere and they were very profound once they found their way to the surface! A true re-living of them as an experience but very quickly understood as a remembrance and not a true current existence. That is the pitfall in this all: it is very easy to be blown away by these erupting feelings and fears leading you to believing they are real. They are not, they are just a part of you that once was and is now leaving your fields as a remembrance. To take these remembrances for real will actualize them as such in your reality. It is to understand the process of release and how it works and usually we re-live these facets as a kind of instant pop-up because they are leaving our vibrational fields. This is conscious release which is more challenging that processing all of this in the subconscious mind and during our sleep.
On the other hand just because we are becoming the Masters that we are, this more and more each moment and day, we will experience all things on a conscious level for that is what Mastery is all about: to BE conscious.
Balance and FOCUS are once more key to be able and function as the conduit that you are. Our vessels are the Temples to pass through all the Love, Light and Truth one is and this through the levels of what One CAN BE at this time in this reality. What you are able to hold as Light and information is what you are in consciousness and as a level of vibration.
This is what we all have been preparing for: the true resurrection phase! And it has begun NOW. The proof lies in the process of throwing everything out of your fields this precise moment. We are resurrecting and unfolding into a beautiful new way and order of Light Being.
2015 has proven to have been a challenging year for many, this especially on the emotional and relationship levels. Another year of preparation and change to bring us all into a higher octave and vibrational expansion. Our Solar system is ready for the big change and shift and therefore Earth and all of us must participate in this Grand changeover and do our work on personal and collective levels to facilitate this all and steer things in the right direction. Ascension is the Key in this all and so we contribute each in our own unique way and level of understanding.
2016 will be a year of completion in the sense that 2016 will finish and close off what we have instigated and marked on December 21st 2012. A 3 year cycle of preparation will be closed and finished during the year 2016. On December 26th, 2016 another 3 level cycle will be completed which implies the energies that were instigated on the equinox of March 2015. Many thought, including myself, that the final Blood Moon in September 2015 would be the closure/completion of the equinox March 2015 energies but I was shown by AA Michael that this was not the case. I could not share this yet as this information would not have been welcomed, I feel now it will. He explained and showed me very clearly the date 12/26/2016 which kept on emphasizing the closure of something to bring forth the new into the physical realms. Those who know me well know that I do not work with dates (I do not like that nor trust dates at all) but since it is repeatedly being shown to me by AA Michael, I shared this info with my dear brother Bill Ballard and siSTAR Sandra Walter during one of our skype talks. Since they were feeling and receiving other but rather similar information that was pointing out to this time frame (December Solstice), I felt strong enough to share this now with you all. But again: NEVER relate on time for all are opportunities and time frames where energies are being presented to us all which can play out and come about in ways depending on the collective consciousness.
During the spring equinox on March 2015 there were Solar Christed energies anchored here on Earth. A 6 month period of time was given to integrate these through all the multidimensional bodies, spheres and Temples on Earth. We as Gatekeepers, way showers and light workers had to first integrate these levels within ourselves to be able and anchor these on Earth. The final Blood moon (last one of four in a row) anchored these energies that were instigated during the March equinox of 2015. This was the second level of a 3 level cycle and thus activated the Solar Christ within all to be anchored. This is what is currently happening and taking place within all.
I was shown that during a time frame around December 26th 2016 the completion of this will be activated and anchored for the entire world, marking a completion of a cycle which will instigate a portal activation in 2017 to be able and experience/BE the full conscious Solar Christ on certain levels that are available for each man, woman and child on this Earth through their own vibrational fields and inner Christed child. Those who will be able to hold higher levels shall then have a greater experience of this opportunity and be able to embody certain higher levels within the Solar Christed form.
I personally feel that from that point on things will become more tangible on the Earth realms like fruits harvested from a hard labor during several years of preparation. Although 2016 has already given me a super powerful nudge to start co-creating with others by means of collectively coming together and bringing our knowledge and creativity to the table. I am being guided to bring out some entirely new information and to co-create such creations with others as well because I have seen many receiving the same inner nudge and all of us have already started to create some new things that are available to be accessed.
I and others that I am aware of have been (and still are) collecting new information which we are clueless of what to do with quite yet. So 2016 for me will be around focusing on the inner journey and preparing to bring these out at the right and most appropriate time when the collective is more open for it. It is all in the making and this will be brought out in time when we receive the nudge to share. In the meantime invite yourselves to access your inner knowledge as well to help build and create these beautiful new opportunities through your own Beingness. No other Being is going to do this for us, we are all responsible for our own outcome and disclosure. Waiting for it has no use! Take matters into your own hands and realise that everything is already dwelling within you as the Universe that you represent and ARE.
I am currently working on some VERY interesting and a whole new kind of information which has been coming in since May 2015. It is of such a new extended viewpoint that it comes in slowly whenever I AM ready enough and in resonance with this frequency to receive. This means that I have to throw away all of my insights, perceptions, feelings and gained teachings on a regular base to be able and receive new info. A whole process it is indeed and I am already so exited to bring this all out in the open to you in a format that assists all for their highest good. But all in Divine timing, I continue collecting it all and when I receive the nudge to share you will see it appear! I have to say it is fantastic, mind-blowing information that is very new and a unique event for this Solar system. So more about this later on..
I want to take this opportunity to thank ALL of you for your lovely hearts and Presences as for without you we would never be were we are in this NOW. Know that each and everyone of you is unique in your own way and the way you represent yourself in this lifetime matters. You all matter and you all are here to assist in your own way.
I have received so much support, love and understanding! Your donations, your friendships and your support have given me the strength to continue my spiritual work, for which I AM grateful! All the time and energy spent in blogging other’s work, writing, channeling, making videos and music meditations has become a large part of my life. To see all your support by reading it, sharing it and exchanging it has been greatly appreciated over the years! Thank you! Together we create a balance to be able and continue to give free work and tools as well.
My best wishes to all of you, precious hearts. Have a beautiful new year and wave of integration/activation/resurrection … wherever phase you may linger in! Your hearts are the most beautiful gifts there are, stay in touch with it and be open.
Love, eternal Grace and gratitude
In love and Light
Méline Portia Lafont
Do not forget to check out the specials which are offered at discount rates! Gift yourself and/or your loved ones with a magnificent gift from my webshop if you feel this is something of true value! Most products are now available at special rates: especially the channeling or “connecting to Self” course is at a low rate!
Universal created gift 2012-2015. We co-create together and share with Love. All Rights to share, blog and use excerpts are permitted by Universal law provided the content is copied unaltered, is distributed freely, and the author + website is mentioned. Méline Portia Lafont www.melinelafont.com
Forgiveness is release!
01/12/2016 by John Smallman
The world, the illusory world in which humanity is dreaming a story that no longer appeals to it, appears to be descending into chaos. What is happening is that you are becoming aware of the insanity of your so-called civilized lives as you burn through the planets non-renewable energy resources at a speed that is terrifying. Your life styles, while seemingly moderate in their needs and expenditures, are at risk, and the chances that your children and grand children will be able to enjoy anything like a similar standard of living look increasingly unlikely. You appear to be caught between a rock and a hard place as you so often euphemistically describe what appear to be insurmountable difficulties.
Maybe you comfort yourselves with the thoughts and the hopes that advances and new discoveries in technology will provide solutions to your innumerable problems. And yet your doubts and anxieties at times overwhelm you, as you remember that historically empires and civilizations have always collapsed, even as you hope that this one will, at worst, just gently decay, allowing a new and improved social, political, and business environment to seamlessly replace the present unsustainable one relatively painlessly.
The bad news is that the old order, the old harshly competitive dog eat dog way of life, is on the verge of collapse. However, the good news is that humanity is waking up to the unsustainability of constant conflict and planetary despoiliation, and in many places people are rising up to the challenge and taking the necessary steps to resolve conflict and reverse planetary damage through wise and thoughtful negotiation. As a result those callous military leaders who have for eons chosen to engage in preemptive wars, and their counterparts in business and politics, and even some religious leaders, no longer have a following of admiring disciples ready to continue engaging in policies that can clearly be seen to be at best unwise and at worst totally insane.
Truly a sea change is underway as younger people, mostly aged forty or less, with what seems like extraordinarily wise heads on their seemingly young shoulders move into positions of power and influence.
Many of you have for decades been holding the Light and living kindly and compassionately, while forgiving those who have hurt or damaged you and holding the intent to refrain from judgment. This has fortified your personal energy fields, the fields of Love in which every human is enfolded, and the upshot of those long held intentions is humanity’s collective decision to awaken. It has probably seemed at times that your loving intentions were having very little effect, but in fact it is because of those constantly held intentions through the decades, without any positive feedback apart from your own inner knowing, that has brought you so close to your inevitable awakening.
Those of you over sixty years old, when you look back to your youth and the cultural environment in which you grew up, can see that enormous strides that have been made in reaching out to and assisting those in need. There is still quite a way to go, but progress to end poverty and all its associated ills is accelerating. Very few now blame the impoverished for being impoverished, whereas previously it was common to blame the poor while assuming they were lazy, lacked determination, and therefore deserved to be living in straitened circumstances. So, really, much has changed for the better in humanity’s attitudes towards one another, and awareness is growing that your survival on Earth depends on your willingness to support each other instead of imperiously judging and finding fault with each other.
The decision to awaken is solely humanity’s. Many wise ones have incarnated over the eons to bring this fact to your attention, and they have succeeded. You were created free, and our loving Source will never override your freedom. However, as long as you chose to play your game of separation and attack others who you saw as wrong or different, you were effectively closing your hearts and hiding from the infinite Love that is constantly offering you the solace and comfort from within the center of your being that so many seek outside themselves.
Going within, quieting your mind, and intending to feel God’s Love for you is the way forward along your individual paths of spiritual evolution. When you allowyourselves to know that you are divinely loved you enable yourselves to cease self-judgment, which is endemic, and start to forgive yourselves for all your faults and errors. As you do so you quickly realize that there is nothing to forgive, that you were just unaware and that your seeming misbehaviors were but misguided attempts to find your way Home.
When you truly forgive yourselves, having looked at all the issues that were causing you so much pain, you will be able to accept what arises in your daily lives without fear or anxiety, and you will find yourselves easily forgiving those whom you have judged as wrong or who have hurt you. You will recognize in them the pain you experienced yourselves and understand that they too are just seeking the way Home.
Forgiveness is release! Forgiveness dissolves grudges and resentments and brings you peace, a peace you could not imagine achieving while holding on to grudges and resentments. More and more of you are engaging with it and as you do so you are releasing humanity – one another – from the prison that not forgiving builds around you, a prison in which you were hiding in fear of freedom! When you find yourselves free you forgive, and when you forgive you find that fear has dissolved and that you are truly at peace.
Go within daily to engage with the Love that dwells there in every moment. The Love that you are seeking so desperately can only be found within. That is where It resides waiting for you to acknowledge It and allow It to embrace you and fill you with joy and peace. You know It is there but you have become fearful because you have judged yourselves harshly and feel unworthy and undeserving of Its warm embrace. Dismiss those judgments. I assure you that God’s Love for you remains undiminished, and that there is nothing you can do to change that. All you can do is refuse to accept what is offered, and why would you do that when your acceptance will bring you only peace and joy.
With so very much love, Saul.
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