Monatsarchive: Dezember 2015

Kundalini Point of Perception by The Arcturians AND Veil Five–The Illusion of Love


The Kundalini Point of Perception
by The Arcturians
Just as your third dimensional self enjoys traveling from one location to another, your Higher SELF enjoys traveling from one frequency to another. It is easy and enjoyable to travel from one physical place to another because you can enjoy your favorite locations that you have visited for many years.
In the same manner, your inter-dimensional travels are fulfilling and a lot of fun because you are reuniting with your favorite higher dimensional places and beings. We remind you to remember to expand your multidimensional perspectives so that your physical self can consciously enjoy this “inner travels.”
Your physical expression loves visiting your favorite, physical places, and your Multidimensional SELF appreciates visiting your many lives on different dimensions. However, what is occurring within this NOW is unique.
Within this NOW, as your Multidimensional SELF travels through all the countless timelines, frequencies, and dimensions that YOU have created, you are asking all versions of your SELF to join you in your present incarnation.
Hence, as you continue with your multidimensional journey, you will connect with all the version of your SELF in all the dimensions and sub-dimensions in which you have taken a form. Therefore, all the members of all your alternate and parallel realities have their bags packed and are ready to join you as soon as you consciously perceive them.
The catch is that, just as you must “feel it to heal it,” you must “perceive it to collect it” into the sum/total of your Multidimensional SELF.
Because your consciousness is expanding into the fifth dimension, you are on the cusp of consciously perceiving the inter-dimensional event in which you consciously return to your Multidimensional SELF. What a grand reunion you will have once your multidimensional consciousness is fully restored.
As your daily consciousness expands into the fifth dimensional NOW, you will consciously perceive your journey through the Astral Plane. At first this journey will appear slow, but it picks up quickly as you enter the higher sub-planes of the fourth dimensional astral realities.
Then, as you travel closer and closer to the threshold between the fourth and fifth dimension, time—actually the concept of time—begins to waver in and out of your consciousness. As your consciousness enters this crossroad, your physical body begins to shift in strange and unfamiliar ways.
This “shift” is because your Kundalini will begin to awaken as a result of your higher states of consciousness. Your Kundalini is your innate Lightbody that has lain in waiting until the NOW of your fifth-dimensional frequency of consciousness.
While consciously experiencing the gamma brainwaves of your fifth dimensional consciousness, that which once appeared solid begins to waver in and out. Actually, it is your fifth dimensional consciousness that is wavering in and out.
Thus your fifth dimensional perceptions are wavering in and out, as well. As your 5D gamma brainwaves arise and fall, you open and close your conscious perceptions of the realities of the “NOW of the Here” and the “ONE of the multidimensional light.”
“What is that?” you ask with a tinge of fear. However, just a tinge of fear is enough to send you packing back into the familiarity of your third dimensional world.
“NO!” you cry, “Not again!” Why does this always happen just when I feel the Kundalini starting up my spine?
When you feel the Kundalini raising, you may feel as if you are not in control of your life. NOT “being in control of your life” actually means not being in control of your third dimensional life. Feeling at the helm of your physical life is empowering and often important.
However, once the Kundalini begins it’s awaking, your perceptions begin to recalibrate to include the conscious perceptions of fifth dimensional, gamma wave information. Just a quick peak of your 3D reality from a fifth dimensional point of perception is enough to remind you that the 3D Game is ending!
That “game” is ending because you have NOW reached the threshold to the reality of your fifth dimensional Lightbody.” This reality can be briefly visited by your multidimensional consciousness, but once the Kundalini rises, your third dimensional reality will never be the same again.
The reason for this shift is that instead of being a third dimensional human visiting the fifth dimension, you will become a fifth dimensional (in and out of Lightbody) visiting the third dimension.
With the awareness of your Lightbody SELF, you consciously become a fifth dimensional and beyond being who has volunteered to visit the third-dimension. In other words, your perceived roles are reversed. At first you were a physical person who has an inner (often hidden) Lightbody SELF.
With the rising of your Kundalini you enter into the identity of being a multidimensional being of Light who is wearing a physical body. Just as you can take off certain garments and store them until you wear them again, your Lightbody can “take off and store” your physical body until it wishes to wear it again.
Furthermore, in this great era that will eternally be remembered, you are not here on Earth for your self. You are here on Earth for Gaia. Your Lightbody knows that you already inhabit many forms in higher dimensions, and that you have taken an earth vessel to assist Gaia with Her planetary ascension.
Once your Kundalini begins to rise up your spine, you experience a “perceptual shift.” YOU are no longer your physical self who has an inner Kundalini that will someday rise. YOU become the Lightbody that is wearing a physical earth vessel in order to log into the third dimension.
Instead of experiencing your Kundalini rising up your physical spine—you experience your Kundalini as your Lightbody. As you can see, your reality shifts greatly according to your point of perception.
In your third dimensional reality, your point of perceptions was that all third dimensional life was outside of YOU. The transition into the higher dimensions begins by your human self gradually and continually experiencing all life aswithin YOU.
Your dreams, meditation, and higher states of consciousness are the Portal to your SELF. These Portals can only fully open once your earth vessel is consciously grounded in to the body of Gaia.
It was always within the Divine Plane of your Multidimensional SELF that you had to “feel it to heal it.” In the fifth dimension and beyond, you perceive your self in oneness with all life that is within the reality that you all share.
Thus, you are within the reality that is within you. This concept is very confusing to your third dimensional thinking where everything is outside of you except the many organs and components of your physical body.
In the fifth dimension, your body is made of multidimensional light. There are no inner organs, bones, or blood. YOU are Light, and your Light intermingles with all the Light that flows over, under, around, and through you.
Because the fifth dimension is so very different from the physical reality, in order to assist humans to release their shackles of imprisonment to the their physical illusions of reality, you had to actually enter a third dimensional human being.
Then YOU, the representative of your Multidimensional SELF, volunteered to:
·      Remember who YOU are…
·      Consciously experience the higher dimensional expressions of your SELF—while wearing your 3D earth vessel…
·      Gain an ever-present conscious contact with this higher dimensional aspect of your SELF…
·     Allow your Higher SELF to transport you back and forth to your higher dimensional life…
·      Remember these excursions while you are still wearing your earth vessel…
·      Share all that you have gained on these excursions with others…
·      Open Portals for others to experience…
·      Teach others how to open portals of light…
But how can you possibly remember all of this in just one lifetime. You don’t, but you remember to gather with others so that the “sum/total” of that group can share their own “puzzle pieces” to create a “group picture” of the reality that they are creating by going into the ONE individually and as a group.
There is no right or wrong way to create these groups. When it is the NOW for the creation of these groups, all the ones who resonate to a similar frequency pattern of expression and interest will come together. These “random groups” are likely friends and family in the higher planes.
When it is the NOW, they will unite to teach/remind each other why they have placed their multidimensional consciousness into their current earth vessel. As they create a safety net of love and support for each other and for themselves, they move into the next phase of their Mission.
Different groups will unite for different version of the same mission. This mission is to assist Gaia and Her myriad life forms to “Return Home” to their higher dimensional expressions of SELF.
Once through the collective portal created by the group consciousness, some of the members will remain within the group consciousness and others will travel into different versions of the same frequency of that reality.
Most important, ALL of them are creating the reality of NEW EARTH.
Within the united goal of creating fifth-dimensional New Earth, all those within all the groups begin to understand how their state of consciousness creates the frequency of their reality.
First, they will remember that All versions of reality on Earth are simultaneously occurring within the NOW of the ONE of the fifth dimension and beyond. It is only within the third and fourth dimensions that any form of separation is perceived. In fact, even the first and second dimensional realities experience unity with all.
Every drop of water IS the ocean, the rivers, the lakes, and the rain.
Every molecule of air IS the sky, the clouds, the wind, the sunrise and the sunset.
Every ray of light IS the sky, lights the ground and penetrates the water.
Every patch of earth IS the body of Gaia
All the elements that create the planetary body also create your human earth vessel. “Primitive peoples” know that they are ONE with all the life thatsurrounds them. Only the “civilized” humans have been taught to believe that all life is separate from them.
These “modern, civilized humans” have been trained over millennia to forget what they have always known within their Lightbody, which is safely snuggled inside of their Kundalini. They have forgotten that the Sleeping Serpent of the force of Kundalini is waiting at the base of their spine to be awakened.
But what exactly is the Kundalini? We will slowly share the answer to this question. Why do we share it slowly? Because this information was implanted in your consciousness as your escape hatch, parachute, and launching pad when you had completed ALL your Missions to Earth.
We also share this information bit-bit-bit to encourage you to REMEMBER. Whatever you remember about your SELF is much more powerful than what you are taught. It may be too difficult to understand what you are taught, and you may easily forget it.
On the other hand, that which we can assist you to remember inside your own self, can more simply and completely be expressed within your daily life. We need you, our away team to Earth, to remember your true Multidimenisonal SELF.
We need you to remember all the multidimensional traits of your SELF, not just within your meditations or while you are attending a class. We need you to remember your SELF in your DAILY LIFE.
We need you to remember within your daily life because it is within your third dimensional life that this transmutation will begin. No longer are you protected by your personal Guru, or by living in a Temple at the peak of a remote mountain.
In this important incarnation of planetary ascension, WE—your higher expressions of SELF—need for you to assist people while they live their daily lives, raise their children, work their jobs, pay their bills and pretend to be “just humans.”
WE—your higher dimensional expressions of SELF are entering your daily life, your daily routines, and daily responsibilities. As we have often said, we the Galactics and Celestials, are YOU.
It is through the awakening of your own, personal force of Kundalini that you will return to, transmute into, and daily be the YOU that you have always been—but forgot!
            The Arcturians and your Galactic and Celestial Families
“The Illusion of Human Love”
Where am I?  I think I am in bed.  No, I am awake.  No, I am asleep.   I am very confused.  However, I see the gold all about me.  From where do I remember this gold light?  Oh, yes, the circle—the circle behind the golden door and Lady Astrea.  “Hello,” I hear a loving voice.  “You see you are beginning to remember.  Remain calm in this remembering and it shall grow. But now come, my one, it is your turn.”
  As my mind clears, I see the circle plainly and see the Ladies coming towards me as I enter it.  The veil falls off almost on it’s own, and as it does so I hear the familiar voice of Lady Leto, “Dear one, the veil that is lifted this evening is the ‘Illusion of Human Love.’
As this veil is lifted, many feelings and age-old yearnings will rise within you.  Human love is the reason that humanity wishes to stay Earth-bound.  It is the seventh initiation and the most difficult test one must face before ascension.  Therefore, it is important that all Illusion be lifted from this concept so that one can see this test in the clear light.  Remember, my one, as the illusions lift, all dramas associated with them seek their final act.
“Human love has been humanity’s substitute for divine love throughout the ages.  It appeared easier to achieve and easier to maintain.  Therefore, this illusion has been called the ‘Grand Illusion.’  As you feel this veil slip from your face, my one, realize now how you have worn it as a mask.  Realize how it has served to separate and to guard your ‘self.’
While you are immersed in human love, your consciousness is centered in the human existence, needs, and yearnings.  Since human love can turn on you like a tamed lion can, you must constantly be watchful.  This watchfulness keeps you so busy in your mind and distracted in your heart that you separate yourself from the divine love.”
As the Brother takes the veil, Hilarion speaks: “The energy field of human love is somewhat like the mineral, mercury.  It cannot be held in your hand, but slips around, escaping wherever possible.  It appears to rise and fall of its own Will and is very temperamental to heat.  Human love is also used as a unit of measurement.  ‘Do you love me this much, or this much?’
“Human love has been used as a weapon, a badge, and a shield.  But always, human love slips around of its own volition.  This fact, of course, is because human love is an Illusion and an Illusion once made lives its own life.  The more thought and feeling that is fed to it, the more independence it gains from its creator.
The only way to transcend the illusion of human love is to perceive it from the eyes of the divine.  From this perspective, the energy can be viewed through an objective heart.  However, in order to do this, you need to allow the acceptance of divine love into your life.  This may be a very difficult act indeed, for human love is the lower octave of the divine.  Human love is how humans learn the impact of their power on those around them.”
As the veil is passed, I hear Apollo, “I can see the anguish that arises in your field with this issue.  You have suffered much with this human love and have caused much suffering in return.  I hear you screaming in your heart, ‘How can I transcend to the divine, if I can’t even understand the human?’ Why, my love, the answer is that you don’t.
You don’t need to understand human love, because it is based on logic far below your ultimate goal.  All you need to understand is yourself.  When you understand yourself, you will see how you use human love, and how it uses you.  When you are able to see this, call all that is divine in your heart to transmute this energy.
“Begin to see the energy field of human love.  How does it feel in your aura and in your body as it approaches?  Feel how it permeates your being and reminds you of the divine.  Cling to the aspect of clarity to raise the energy into total clarity.
Feel all disillusionment and climb it like stairs to find the Light.  Know, my one, that humanity is God in infancy.  Just as the mother lovingly smiles at the babe who stumbles as he tries to walk, God smiles at you as you try to love.  Just as the mother has utmost confidence that the child will someday walk and run, God has utmost confidence that someday you will love as He loves.  Forgive yourself, my dear, and then you will be able to forgive the world.”
I am stunned and awed.  I understand and I know.  Please “High Self,” whoever and whatever you are, help me to remember this, at least this Illusion.  Please help me to…

Eine schriftliche deutsche Übersetzung des Forecast gibt es hier:

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 a short ten minute film from UPLIFT with Dr. Mithu Storoni

The neuroscience behind Yoga can help explain why regular Yoga is so effective in reducing stress in the body. This understanding can help you deepen your Yoga practice and increase focus on elements that you might otherwise overlook.

Dr. Mithu Storoni, a medical doctor, neuroscientist, and yoga teacher, explains the fundamental principles of the Science behind Yoga and Stress in a straightforward and easy to understand way. There is something in this for everybody, from the dedicated Yogi or Yogini, to the casual practitioner. ‘The Science behind Yoga And Stress’ covers the basics of making your Yoga practice work for your brain, so your brain can work better for you.

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Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

from Planetary Activation Organization

There is a global reset that is to appear and trigger a rise of precious metal currencies. At present, the revaluations are on the horizon. Along with this, there is to be the start of an operation to free you from your debt and to reorder and make completely transparent a new international banking system.


Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

10 Men, 8 Yaxk’in, 12 Manik

Selamat Balik! Every day we move closer to the start of a new era of Light on surface Gaia. A grand deliverance of humanity from the dark cabal is here! The time finally arrives to see the redistribution of wealth and the rise of true value in the world. There is a global reset that is to appear and trigger a rise of precious metal currencies. At present, the revaluations are on the horizon. Along with this, there is to be the start of an operation to free you from your debt and to reorder and make completely transparent a new international banking system. This process begins in earnest as the last month of this Gregorian year manifests. The dark spent a long time forcing us into a security, which has denied them the victory that they long sought. As this grand last straw of the dark is played out, rejoice in the fact that their beguiling of our final goal was futile. You are to live in the moment when Heaven triumphed and you received your freedom. Take into account all that was needed to assure this victory. Remember the fallen and realize the price paid by many for this glorious outcome!

You are the result of a general watching by the Sirians and their allies. We have made sure that even though you endured many dark times, you were never allowed to become extinct nor made into experiments of the most immoral and beastly kind. The dark was tempted by the influence given by it to its cause. As Heaven’s watchers, we prevented such genetic silliness from ever happening. It is a very strange set of events, which the Anunnaki and their minions put you through. Many times in the last century, you were nearly annihilated by war, pestilence or nuclear disaster. In several instances, your Sun was attacked and nearly destroyed. These brushes with disaster were ones where several S&E fleets (Science & Exploration fleets) were forced to intervene and work diligently with those watchers on Earth assignment. These near disasters forced the Galactic Federation to assign a special fleet that our watchers had available as a viable reserve. Thus, there are stories that we intend to relate to you in the future.

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You are a special type of human. Millions of years ago, humanity on Vega was a primitive aquatic primate whose greatest skill was to be a fisherman. We were only able to maintain a very simple society and were constantly worried because a number of fierce predators constantly harassed us. Into this realm came the galactic cetaceans. Collectively, they had spent nearly 10,000 lifetimes looking for a Being who was able to become a true land guardian. These brave ones saw us and began a process to make us more than we were. They saw in us an answer to their long intergalactic quest. These magnificent ones asked the galactic Spiritual Hierarchy to move us into full consciousness. After a long series of discussions, the Spiritual Hierarchy relented. The Vegan primates were to be given a special genesis story and told that it was necessary at the right divine time to colonize this solar system. Earth was to be the sacred center of this new star-nation. Gaia had within her the spark that had forged this wondrous galaxy.

It is this grand story that is the foundation of our Beingness. Our scientists as well as our spiritual counselors have long proved the validity of this grand tale. As we spread out from what you call the Lyra constellation, we have never forgotten our humble origins. We learned from the beginning to respect all life forms and to see this vast universe as a special holographic Creation inspired by our Creator, the Supreme Creative Force, or in Sirian, “JaTa” (the Joy of Heaven). We have come together in many previous unions that are in total over six million years old. The present is, of course, the Galactic Federation of Light. We are anxious to meet you and when you are ready, to prepare you for completing the final stage of your return to being fellow galactic humans. This time in your history is a transition period between what you know and what you are to become. Those who were allowed to put you into darkness are gone. What is left is a vile group of minions whose time to depart has arrived. A most glorious future awaits!


Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come on this day to welcome you to a new spiritual time for humanity. You have been trained by the dark and its negative perceptions to doubt yourselves. This inner self-doubt can constantly tear at you. It robs you of your spiritual powers to manifest and frustrates you constantly. Each one living at this time has in fact been given the ability by the Creator to manifest a successful life. The key words are positive focus. Go within and dismiss the nagging naysaying of your dark perceptions. Parents who did not know better engendered them. Substitute these thoughts with focused positive ones. At first, this can seem difficult. Nevertheless, be patient and envision what you asked for. Over time, this practice can start to bear fruit. Your tiny focused victories can then be expanded to larger and larger ones.

As you begin to learn of these powerful abilities to succeed, your focus grows and your first successes can lead to other more detailed desires. You are gradually replacing the negative beliefs erroneously given you when you were young. When you learn the efficacy of this, you can further expand it by doing this as a collective exercise. When you do this as a group, you are literally adding the vast power of the Creator to your efforts. You have increased the success of these efforts by an infinite amount. Success can then inevitably follow. The vital element is focus. Your smaller successes that taught you individual focus now require group focus. The key is to relax. Learn to let go. Give them up easily to Heaven. Let Heaven use its mighty powers to manifest this at a right divine time. Be comfortable with this and go about with your business.


You can then discover the power of intention. Heaven wants you to be truly successful. Heaven goes through these intentions and determines how best to carry these out for you. At this divine moment, Heaven grants this desire to you. The key then is to let this desire go and not let frustration enter this picture of success. Hence, remain confident. Know that your true wishes are indeed to be successful. We, Masters, inwardly know this and note that those who truly follow this wisdom, lead a powerful life! It is easy at first to let frustration overtake you. Learn to live a really successful life by sweeping away your crippling self-doubt. It takes practice and a deep belief in its inherent power. Thus, be ready to vanquish self-doubt and move toward the power of focused positive intention. Remember, dear Hearts, the key is to truly let go of your intention and give it freely to Heaven!


Today, we covered what is happening in this reality. We as well covered some important background needed for you to better know about the origins of what is now occurring. The Masters reiterated how best to practice the art of positive intentions and how to end negative frustrations. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

For more from the Galactic Federation


Want to know more about the Origins of Humans?

Today’s update talks about Human’s origins and why we were selected as Gaia’s guardians. PAO’s webinar archive, Galactic Prophecy for Humanity, provides more detailed information on this fascinating subject.

Webinar Preview: We are Galactic Beings


Topics include…
• Why humans were selected
as Gaia’s guardians. 
• Battle between Atlantis and Lemuria.
• Why were we created?
• How were we created?
• Rise of the Anunnaki.
• How the legacy of the past
affects our present.
• Realizing the heavenly 
prophecy of Michael.
• 2015 and beyond ~ a new
epoch for humanity.

To order ~ Click HERE

Price: $13.95 US


OUR CHANGING PERCEPTIONS ~ Are Transforming Reality

Webinar Preview: Divine Reality & Prosperity

Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple.


With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the ‘new you’ is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.

Topics include…
• How the “New You” is altering your perceptions
• Developing a new consciousness
• How the concept of transparency is changing your world
• What once was acceptable is no longer good enough
• A new science is transforming our world
• Prosperity, ETs and new governance
• Relearning how we perceive ourselves

To order Webinar 67 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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Transforming Our Reality by Changing Our Perceptions

WEBINAR PREVIEW: Divine Reality & Prosperity


Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple.

With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the ‘new you’ is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.

Topics include…
• How the “New You” is altering your perceptions
• Developing a new consciousness
• How the concept of transparency is changing your world
• What once was acceptable is no longer good enough
• A new science is transforming our world
• Prosperity, ETs and new governance
• Relearning how we perceive ourselves

To order Webinar 67 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.


Golden Age Messages from the Masters

through the founders of the Ascended Masters Mystery School

Living as the Integrated Self

Part 1 ~ November, 2015

The excitement in our realm is mounting as so many awakening Lightworkers on Earth are beginning to remember who they truly are, and with this remembrance the overall consciousness of your world is accelerating into new heights. Your God Presence is your fully integrated Master Self and it is presently assisting you in opening the ancient crystalline strands of your DNA. For millions of years these luminous fibers have been sustaining your expanded, pre-separation capacities to live, love and create AS your Presence. In the Ascended realms you have always been recognized and supported as your immortal Presence.

Sanat Kumara, an ancient master who came to Earth millions of years ago to expand the love vibration within the hearts of humanity


All sentient beings are first and foremost great spiritual beings and in their hearts they know that the God Spark within them is changeless and that life is eternal and perfect in every way. Living day in and day out in divine, unconditional love is the key to living on Earth as your fully integrated Master Self. Mother/Father God created your Presence and you are not only eternally one with Them, you are also their embodied co-creators and now is your time to create a world that is founded in divine, unconditional love.

The world and all of life is profoundly benefited when you make a deep heart-felt agreement to ONLY think, feel and create what will support the original spark of God’s Love and Light that is encoded within every heart. This agreement will greatly assist in expanding humanity’s potential to ascend into Unity or Christ Consciousness, which is the foundational consciousness of your new Golden Age.


Keep expanding your God Consciousness by integrating the qualities of your Presence ~ such as peace, harmony, patience, gratitude and joy ~ so no matter what is taking place in your life, in your family, in any of your relationships or in the world around you, you are able to maintain your Oneness with the Creator.

Living a fully integrated life ensures that there are no loose ends, no unfinished business from the past, no judgments of the self or others, and no desire other than to be all that you came to be and to serve in ways that are totally satisfying to your heart and soul. This integration gives you the wisdom to transform any so-called difficulties. Your conviction to live as your God Presence can and will simply continue to open up new and better ways to live and to love others and all of life.

A truly victorious person knows that his or her ideas and directions only come from the Creator and that their own God Presence is always there to direct and support them in doing whatever will bring about the highest outcome for all. Everyone has access to all of the creative powers of their Presence and to all of the unlimited powers that have created every world.


You are truly unlimited beings who simply chose to live in the 3rd dimension to see if you could master living in that density. Yet now your options have greatly expanded and it is time to align yourselves with completely new possibilities and to stay alert to opportunities that are coming forward to assist you in moving into a completely new dimension of your own unlimited consciousness.

One who achieves victory by living as the fully integrated self brings ongoing love and harmony into all of their activities and relationships. They remain filled with the kind of joy that comes from doing what they know they came to do and in making others happy by always extending kindness, peace and a helping hand. Give to the world the best you have until it becomes an endless circle of divine love and compassion that extends around the world.

The expansion of consciousness that is spreading through every nation around your globe is being supported by all of the cosmic downpouring of energy that has recently taken place in, on and around your planet. And this will continue to keep supporting your ascension into the freedom that comes from living in God Consciousness. These releases of energy are literally increasing the internal pulse rate of your planet. And to accommodate these increases within your own body, you are all in the process of expanding the energy within each of your spiritual centers so they can assist you in moving through these new phases successfully.

thru Kamala Everett and Sharon Rose

BE THE CHANGE! ~~ Step into Your Mastery

Be the Master You Came to be ~ in Your Life and in Your World

Online Worldwide Class ~ For information, Click Here

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Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Unterstützerinnen und Unterstützer von,
eineinhalb Jahre haben wir auf diesen Moment hingearbeitet. Nun können wir sagen: Unser Ziel ist erreicht!Foto LobbylisteHeute präsentieren wir Ihnen die komplette Liste der Lobbyisten, denen CDU/CSU, SPD, Grüne und Linke Zugang zum Bundestag verschafft haben! (zur Hausausweis-Liste)

Es ist eine schier unglaubliche Zahl: 1.111 Interessenvertreter konnten jahrelang unentdeckt in den Abgeordnetenbüros ein und aus gehen, im Bundestagsrestaurant, den Fraktionsbüros. Bis zuletzt wollten Bundestagsverwaltung und CDU/CSU unbedingt verhindern, dass wir die Namen dieser Lobbyisten erfahren. Doch nach einer Eilentscheidung des Oberverwaltungsgerichts Berlin-Brandenburg vom vorletzten Freitag auf eine Tagesspiegel-Klage konnten sie die Liste nicht länger geheim halten.

Nun wird deutlich, warum sich die Union als einzige Fraktion beharrlich gegen die Veröffentlichung ihrer Lobbykontakte gewehrt hat. Denn CDU und CSU öffneten u.a. den folgenden Interessenvertretern die (Hinter)tür zum Bundestag:

  • Rüstungskonzernen wie EADS, Krauss-Maffei Wegmann und Diehl Defence, die ihre Waffen mit Bewilligung der Bundesregierung u.a. in Konfliktregionen wie den Nahen Osten verkaufen dürfen.
  • der Frackinglobby um ExxonMobil, Wintershall und Shell, die hinter den Kulissen einen Gesetzentwurf für ein totales Frackingverbot entschärft hat.
  • Lobbyagenturen wie die EUTOP International GmbH, deren Geschäftsmodell es ist, zahlungswilligen Unternehmen einen Zugang zu Politikern zu vermitteln.
  • den Stromkonzernen E.ON, EnBW, RWE, Vattenfall u.a., die Subventionen für ihre Kraftwerke durchgesetzt haben und nun die Energiewende verzögern.
  • Großverlagen wie Axel Springer und Bertelsmann, die dank intensiver Lobbyarbeit das umstrittene Leistungsschutzrecht durchsetzen konnten.

Diese und andere Lobbyisten haben in den vergangenen Jahren unerkannt politische Entscheidungen in ihrem Sinne beeinflussen können – auf Einladung aller Fraktionen. Dies ist derart skandalös, dass es nun dringend Konsequenzen geben muss. Wir versprechen Ihnen: Mit dem heutigen Tag ist unsere Arbeit nicht beendet, sondern im Gegenteil: Wir werden nun erst recht dafür sorgen, dass ein verpflichtendes und öffentliches Lobbyregister eingeführt wird, in das sich Lobbyisten mit Angaben zu ihren Auftraggebern, ihren Lobbybudgets und den Treffen mit Abgeordneten eintragen müssen. Und mit Ihrer Unterstützung werden wir auch dies schaffen!

Bitte unterstützen Sie uns dabei und werden Sie Förderin/Förderer von, dies geht schon ab 5 Euro im Monat.

Lobbyismus im Verborgenen gefährdet unsere Demokratie! Das werden wir nicht zulassen.

Spenden und Förderbeiträge für
sind steuerlich absetzbar
Mit herzlichen Grüßen von
Gregor Hackmack
Boris Hekele
… und dem gesamten
Petition gegen Lobbyistenspenden an Parteien unterzeichnen!

Parlamentwatch e.V., Mittelweg 12, 20148 Hamburg
Telefon: 040 – 317 69 10 – 26

Parlamentwatch e.V. hat seinen Sitz in Hamburg, eingetragen beim Amtsgericht Hamburg VR 19479, vertretungsberechtigte Vorstandsmitglieder sind Boris Hekele und Gregor Hackmack.

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Liebe unglaubliche Avaazer!

Wir haben es geschafft! Der Global Climate March dieses Wochenende hat den Rekord für diegrößte Klima-Mobilisierung aller Zeiten gebrochen – und das obwohl unser Hauptevent in Paris abgesagt werden musste! Von São Paulo bis Sydney haben über 785.000 von uns mit über 2.300 Events in 175 Ländern die Erde zum Beben gebracht. Mit vereinten Stimmen sind wir aufgestanden – für eine Zukunft mit 100% sauberer Energie und für alles, was uns am Herzen liegt. Wir haben weltweit für Schlagzeilen gesorgt und unsere Wirkung ist auf dem Gipfel in Paris bereits zu spüren.

Die Menschlichkeit, mit der wir gestern auf wunderschöne und vielfältige Weise die Straßen geflutet haben, lässt sich nur schwer in Worte fassen. Doch diese Bilder vermitteln einen Eindruck davon:

London, Großbritannien

Dies ist die Bewegung, auf die unsere Welt gewartet hat. Für viele Länder – von Bangladesch bis Irland – war es die größte Klimamobilisierung, die sie je erlebt hatten. In Australien sind 120.000 Menschen auf die Straße gegangen. In Indien über 100.000. In Städten rund um den Globus haben sich kleine Gruppen zusammengefunden und wunderschöne Events vor Ort organisiert. In Sanaa im Jemen haben die Organisatoren ihr Event sogar abgehalten, obwohl in der Nähe Bomben gefallen sind!

Im Uhrzeigersinn von links oben nach rechts unten: Melbourne, Helsinki, Berlin, Amsterdam, Bogotá, Jakarta

In Frankreich, wo riesige Demonstrationen mit über 500.000 angemeldeten Teilnehmern aus Sicherheitsgründen abgesagt wurden, haben Avaazer über 20.000 Schuhe von Menschen gesammelt, die beim Climate March mitmachen wollten — darunter auch die Schuhe des Papstes und die des UN-Generalsekretärs! Die Schuhe wurden vor den Klimaverhandlungen am Place de la République aufgereiht:

Der Global Climate March wurde von großen Medien hundertfach aufgegriffen und war sogar auf den Titelseiten zu sehen — sei es bei Al Jazeera oder den New York Times. 

Der Gesandte von Papst Franziskus fand folgende Worte für unsere Mobilisierung: „Der Papst ist heute im Geiste bei Hunderttausenden von Menschen, Hand in Hand mit den Armen und denen, die Klimagerechtigkeit suchen.“

In seiner Eröffnungsrede an Politiker aus aller Welt betonte UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-moon heute: „Die Menschen dieser Welt sind ebenfalls in Bewegung. Sie sind auf die Straßen gegangen, in Städten und Dörfern auf der ganzen Welt, in einer riesigen Mobilisierung für Veränderungen… Sie erwarten von jeder und jedem einzelnen von Ihnen, dass sie genauso viel Initiative beweisen. Die Geschichte ruft.“

Und die UN-Klimachefin Christiana Figueres hat uns allen gedankt und angekündigt: „Ich arbeite mit Avaaz daran, einen großen Bildschirm zu installieren, damit Ihre Stimmen gehört werden. So können alle Delegierten sehen, dass Sie ein starkes Klimaabkommen unterstützen, das unser gemeinsames Zuhause schützt.”

Klickt hier, um weitere Bilder des Tages und Nachrichten von Teilnehmern zu sehen

Heute starten die entscheidenden Klimaverhandlungen. Jahrelang haben uns Politiker gesagt „Zeigt uns, dass es den Menschen wichtig ist, und dann handeln wir.” Dieses Wochenende haben wir ihnen gezeigt, dass die ganze Welt ein Abkommen über 100% saubere Energie will. Und in diesem Moment wird ein Video, auf dem wir genau das fordern, über den Köpfen der Politiker abgespielt, während sie den Konferenzsaal betreten. Sie können uns nicht übersehen. Und sie können unseren Aufruf nicht überhören — die erfahrensten Avaaz-Mitarbeiter sind direkt beim Gipfeltreffen dabei und werden die Verhandlungsführer jedes Mal an unsere Stimmen erinnern, wenn sie das Abkommen zu verwässern versuchen.

Unsere Bewegung hat dieses Wochenende neue Höhen erreicht. Bleiben wir in den nächsten zwei Wochen dran, immer wieder, um unsere Flamme der Hoffnung zu erhalten und diese Verhandlungen so lange aufzurütteln bis wir ein Abkommen haben, das unsere Zukunft sichert.

Voller Dankbarkeit und Entschlossenheit,

Emma, Alice, Luis, Ricken, Ben, Mais, Dan und das ganze Avaaz-Team

P.S. Hier findet ihr einen Meinungsartikel von unserem Geschäftsführer Ricken zu diesem Moment, der die Menschheit auf die Probe gestellt hat.

Tausende von Avaazern haben tollen Fotos und Videos der Events aus aller Welt durchgesendet. In den nächsten zwei Wochen werden diese auf einem großen Bildschirm beim Gipfeltreffen übertragen — dort sind sie für Politiker und Verhandlungsführer sichtbar, wenn sie den Raum betreten und verlassen. ist ein weltweites Kampagnennetzwerk mit 41 Millionen Mitgliedern,
 das sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, den Einfluss der Ansichten und Wertvorstellungen aller Menschen auf wichtige globale Entscheidungen durchzusetzen. (“Avaaz” bedeutet “Stimme” oder “Lied” in vielen Sprachen). Avaaz Mitglieder gibt es in jedem Land dieser Erde; unser Team verteilt sich über 18 Länder und 6 Kontinente und arbeitet in 17 verschiedenen Sprachen. Erfahren Sie hier, etwas über einige der größten Aktionen von Avaaz oder folgen Sie uns auf Facebook oder Twitter.

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