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Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple.
With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the ‘new you’ is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.
Topics include…
• How the “New You” is altering your perceptions
• Developing a new consciousness
• How the concept of transparency is changing your world
• What once was acceptable is no longer good enough
• A new science is transforming our world
• Prosperity, ETs and new governance
• Relearning how we perceive ourselves
To order Webinar 67 Archive: Click Here
Price: $13.95 U.S.
Golden Age Messages from the Masters
through the founders of the Ascended Masters Mystery School
Living as the Integrated Self
Part 1 ~ November, 2015
The excitement in our realm is mounting as so many awakening Lightworkers on Earth are beginning to remember who they truly are, and with this remembrance the overall consciousness of your world is accelerating into new heights. Your God Presence is your fully integrated Master Self and it is presently assisting you in opening the ancient crystalline strands of your DNA. For millions of years these luminous fibers have been sustaining your expanded, pre-separation capacities to live, love and create AS your Presence. In the Ascended realms you have always been recognized and supported as your immortal Presence.
~ Sanat Kumara, an ancient master who came to Earth millions of years ago to expand the love vibration within the hearts of humanity
All sentient beings are first and foremost great spiritual beings and in their hearts they know that the God Spark within them is changeless and that life is eternal and perfect in every way. Living day in and day out in divine, unconditional love is the key to living on Earth as your fully integrated Master Self. Mother/Father God created your Presence and you are not only eternally one with Them, you are also their embodied co-creators and now is your time to create a world that is founded in divine, unconditional love.
The world and all of life is profoundly benefited when you make a deep heart-felt agreement to ONLY think, feel and create what will support the original spark of God’s Love and Light that is encoded within every heart. This agreement will greatly assist in expanding humanity’s potential to ascend into Unity or Christ Consciousness, which is the foundational consciousness of your new Golden Age.
Keep expanding your God Consciousness by integrating the qualities of your Presence ~ such as peace, harmony, patience, gratitude and joy ~ so no matter what is taking place in your life, in your family, in any of your relationships or in the world around you, you are able to maintain your Oneness with the Creator.
Living a fully integrated life ensures that there are no loose ends, no unfinished business from the past, no judgments of the self or others, and no desire other than to be all that you came to be and to serve in ways that are totally satisfying to your heart and soul. This integration gives you the wisdom to transform any so-called difficulties. Your conviction to live as your God Presence can and will simply continue to open up new and better ways to live and to love others and all of life.
A truly victorious person knows that his or her ideas and directions only come from the Creator and that their own God Presence is always there to direct and support them in doing whatever will bring about the highest outcome for all. Everyone has access to all of the creative powers of their Presence and to all of the unlimited powers that have created every world.
You are truly unlimited beings who simply chose to live in the 3rd dimension to see if you could master living in that density. Yet now your options have greatly expanded and it is time to align yourselves with completely new possibilities and to stay alert to opportunities that are coming forward to assist you in moving into a completely new dimension of your own unlimited consciousness.
One who achieves victory by living as the fully integrated self brings ongoing love and harmony into all of their activities and relationships. They remain filled with the kind of joy that comes from doing what they know they came to do and in making others happy by always extending kindness, peace and a helping hand. Give to the world the best you have until it becomes an endless circle of divine love and compassion that extends around the world.
The expansion of consciousness that is spreading through every nation around your globe is being supported by all of the cosmic downpouring of energy that has recently taken place in, on and around your planet. And this will continue to keep supporting your ascension into the freedom that comes from living in God Consciousness. These releases of energy are literally increasing the internal pulse rate of your planet. And to accommodate these increases within your own body, you are all in the process of expanding the energy within each of your spiritual centers so they can assist you in moving through these new phases successfully.
thru Kamala Everett and Sharon Rose
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