Monatsarchive: Dezember 2015

You know those moments when time stands still?

Perhaps you’ve felt it, maybe during meditation, or in a trance, or when you lose yourself in service to a cause much greater than yourself. These are magical moments, the kind we all live for.

This solstice, we will be joining together to celebrate World Spirit Day on December 21st. Join us and we will show the world that love is greater than fear. Sign up here and we will unify together in moment of global synchronized meditation.
And, after our global synchronized meditation, we invite you to continue the journey. Night time dreaming is one of our most potent resources for inspiration and growth. UNIFY is excited to collaborate with Anthony Colombo at Dreamspace for the first ever Vibrant Planet Global Dream In. Join the livestream and learn tools to help you access deeper levels of your inner wisdom and to bring your personal intentions to life. Invite your friends and join us by clicking here.
At UNIFY, we believe those moments of transcendence- through meditation and social action- can transform our world. And the rest of the world is seeing this, too.
As you know, the recent Paris Climate talks reached a historic agreement, with 196 countries joining together and heeding our unified global call for 100% renewable energy. A great victory, yes, but our work is still not done. On December 19th (#D19), our brothers and sisters in world change are helping to organize the Billion Person March. Wherever you are in the world, you can participate on #D19; whether you want to hand out flowers in the center of your city or organize a meditation in your home or nearby park. When a billion people come together to stand for a new compassionate world, anything can happen. Join the Billion Person March by clicking here.
Unified, we are changing the world.
Thank you for being in our tribe.














Dear Thrive Movement,
According to physics, our thoughts and actions are all recorded in the energetic field that connects our entire universe.
Nassim Haramein explains how this works in a short clip from a recent and lively ThriveTogether event.

Check it out and feel the power of your connection.

Join us in the ThriveTogether think tank on January 9th, 2016 for our next live event, an intimate Q&A session with Foster. Be sure to bring bring your insights, questions and predictions. Find out more HERE.
Toward a thriving world,
Foster, Kimberly and The THRIVE Team 
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Humanity's Team

As you know, there is increasing violence in the name of God. We are seeing it in Paris, across Europe, in the Middle East and in the United States, most recently in Colorado Springs and in San Bernardino, California.
We believe it is time to take a stand to end the violence, especially violence in the name of God. Will you partner with us in a grassroots initiative? We are asking people of every faith tradition including Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Jews and those who are atheist and agnostic to end violence in the name of God.
In the name of humanity we are asking everyone to become involved.

We’ve created a very simple campaign and pledge. You can read about the campaign and the pledge here: This campaign invites each of us to take the pledge and become ambassadors for life, for peace, for hope and for the future.

If you feel this grassroots campaign can help end the violence, please take the pledge and help us spread the word on social media. Below is material so you can easily become involved.

Thank you for doing what you can.

Yours in Oneness,

Everyone in Humanity’s Team

P.S. In this critical time, the voice of Humanity’s Team is filled with joy, hope & passion. This is exactly what we need to turn the tide. We cannot do this without you.  Please make a generous year end donation to Humanity’s Team. Gratitude in advance.


To share the material that you are supporting this cause (for your own Facebook page):

Hello everyone.

I just wanted to let you know that I’m partnering and supporting Humanity’s Team cause about ending violence, especially violence in the name of God.

Humanity’s Team has created a very simple campaign and pledge. You can read about the campaign and the pledge here: This campaign invites each of us to take the pledge and become ambassadors for life, for peace, for hope and for the future.

If you feel this grassroots campaign can help end the violence, please take the pledge and help spread the word on social media.

Please use this in post >> #EndViolence

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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. 
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has~Margaret Mead
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FKTV.IS – Alexandra Bruce – December 11, 2015


A few weeks ago, a ticket to this live event cost $75 and tickets to the Live Streaming event on the Internet cost $39. Right now, you can watch it for free!

This is arguably the most important talk ever to be given. The truth about UFOs and the suppression of this truth touches not only into how the Secret Government works but also on covert aspects of the banking sector, as well as on the global kingpins of the biggest criminal cartel in the world, who are involved with the illicit drug trade, which he says generates more money than the global oil business. The latter group is a rogue, compartmented operation, populated by ruthless people who will kill their own Special Forces personnel, if there is the barest whiff of a security breech in their lock on their vast and extremely profitable illegal drug trade. (Which is the reason why he says such drugs will never be decriminalized – this would move in on their “action”).

Greer says that such a group could legally be challenged and sued, based on the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). However, he doubts that there are any attorneys who would have the courage (and the security detail) necessary to fight what he describes as this “Neo-Fascist Transnational Security State”. Like author/researcher, Jim Marrs, Greer describes the US’ Secret Government (which is the defacto, true government of of this country, who rule behind the scenes) as “the Fourth Reich.”

Greer also suggests that a new wave of disclosure would be welcomed. He says people could defect from this massive criminal organization of Unacknowledged Special Access Projects and not be liable for any breech of their National Security Oaths, because the projects are entirely unconstitutional and completely illegal, in and of themselves.

This talk, in which many of his most salient points are backed by official documents, is quite long – although, never in the least bit boring, quite the opposite. However, It took me several days to find the time to view it, in its entirety but it was more than worth it and I’ve re-viewed several sections. Many jaw-dropping details are revealed, ranging from geopolitics to abductions. This is completely Earth-shattering material and not to be missed.


During the first 20 minutes, Dr. Greer presents a set of documents that show what caused the Roswell UFO crash and the fact that there were actually three crashed UFO’s recovered which were used for reverse engineering. The UFO’s were monitoring the activity of the only bomber squadron in the world that had atomic weapons, located at Roswell. This description of the 1945 – 1956 era is of critical importance because that was the breakaway period for a number of autonomous unaccounted for black op projects.

– At 18:22, Dr. Greer describes Scalar Longitudinal Electromagnetic Systems THAT CAUSE PULSES TO TRAVEL FASTER THAN LIGHT. Apparently Tesla helped to engineer them. These are the weapons that took down the Roswell UFOs.

– At approximately 21 minutes, he introduces a document that seems innocuous but is the cornerstone of a major hoax being foisted on the world for the purpose of bringing about WW3. (Several motivations for that are described in the last half our of the presentation.)

– At 24 minutes, he describes when the US mastered anti-gravity devices. He then goes on to describe how knowledge from Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists was combined with the likes of Tesla and Einstein, in combination with reverse engineered UFO craft. This technological knowledge was shunted away into labyrinths of Black Budget operations.

– At 34 minutes, he describes the pivotal reorganization of the US security and intelligence forces by the Rockefeller Commission. This provided the basis for loss of control of the oversight of several Black Op projects. This took place during the Eisenhower administration. Eisenhower was hoodwinked and became bitter over his loss of control, which amounted to treachery by those he trusted. Corporations working with Unacknowledged Special Access Projects are subsequently identified as the real culprits of those days. Unfortunately those projects have careened off into the hands of elitists who are not inclined toward peace.

– At 39 minutes, he describes a rather poignant conversation between Jack Kennedy and one of his aides, shortly before his death. Kennedy said the whole matter of UFO investigations was “out of his hands” and he didn’t know why. Then he began to cry.

– At 41 minutes, he introduces the Marilyn Monroe smoking gun document.

– At 51 minutes, he describes how the Marilyn Monroe murder caused even higher government secrecy provisions, to avoid further bloodshed that could be required in order to prevent leaks. He goes on to elaborate on how Unacknowledged Special Access Projects are kept secret from Congress and the President. On internal documents, the key elitist group is called “MAJIC” (the majority intelligence committee – which still exists).

– At 59 minutes, he describes how Nixon planned to blow the lid off the secrecy and that was the reason he was taken down via Watergate. Nixon, however had a staff member who was a member of MAJIC by the name of (CIA director) Bill Colby. Dr. Greer describes Colby’s murder, one week before he was to meet with Dr. Greer to reveal the full MAJIC agenda. Colby was replaced with George H W Bush.

– At 1:05, he describes the energy technology that has been hidden by these corporations from the human race for 75 years that we desperately need.

– At 1:08, the official role of ridicule.

– At 1:12, he describes a meeting in 1993 with the CIA Director, R. James Woolsey where he debriefs the Director and explains why he has been blocked from awareness of MAJIC.

– At 1:18, he describes the method used to determine who is “read-in” to the inner circle and who is not. He also describes Jimmy Carter’s frustration over being blocked, and the termination of a Carter White House study on the matter of UFOs.

– At 1:23, he describes how the Reagan Star Wars agenda was a cover for US defense against possible ET attacks – part of the hoax presently being perpetrated upon us. He also lists many government officials and celebrities who have expressed frustration over being specifically blocked.

– At 1:40+, he introduces a list of corporate facilities where this research is taking place.

– At 1:58, (After the break). Greer describes how the media and scientific community are restricted by the MAJIC community.

– At 2:17, he describes how $8.5 trillion of Black Ops are funded.

– At 2:27, he describes a sheep ranch encounter with Black Op drug smuggling in conjunction with UFO-style vehicles.

– At 2:29+, he describes a meeting with international interested parties who bemoaned the fact that these technologies had fallen into the hands of people outside of MAJIC. So MAJIC has been kept from the public and from the established government, and some of these technologies have escaped from MAJICs purview.

– At 2:32, he makes the important observation that there may be recourse for us in the courts because of the illegal nature of these operations. The really significant aspect is that whistleblowers get a percentage of the illegal funds recovered.

– At 2:34, he begins the story of meeting with the Crown Prince of Liechtenstein, where he describes a meeting in the fall of 1989 with President Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev, UN Secretary General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, and others to plan how to reveal the UFO reality to the world. After the planning session, at 3 AM Pérez de Cuéllar was returning from the meeting when he was abducted (apparently) by Extra Terrestrials and warned not to go through with the plans. That thwarted the intentions of the world leaders at the time. Dr. Greer states that this was clearly NOT done by ETs but was done by US Black Operations and was highly successful.

– At 2:42, he describes the motivations of some world leaders who confess that they are convinced of the danger to humanity of interstellar war and others who want to see Armageddon happen so the return of Jesus Christ would be ushered in.

– At 2:46, he provides strong evidence
that the CIA has been the perpetrator of the abductions where implants have been inserted into those abducted. He also states that cattle mutilations were also the work of US Black Ops for 2 purposes: 1) create the impression that ETs are ruthless and we need to fear them, and 2) provide biological material for Black Op cloning and GE experiments. He goes on to describe his thesis, which is that public perception of UFOs is being carefully manipulated to prepare us for a planned but unnecessary interstellar war. He says that Wernher von Braun warned of this on his deathbed that the overarching plan was to first develop terrorism to create general fear and then to move public perception into support of interstellar war.

– At 3:21, he encourages the movement toward peaceful ET contact. There apparently is a consciousness movement that is starting to be coordinated with cell phone apps toward peaceful contact. He states that the thing that will thwart these hoaxed WW3 plans is actual peaceful ET contact because then society won’t fall for the fear-laden hoax. He also calls for use of the Whistleblower Act to fund legal recourse against these illegal operations by corporations. He points out the legal safety concerns of those who want to come forward with testimony, due to the illegal nature of these operations.

– At 3:30, Greer starts taking questions. He answers questions such as why established government officials such as Congressmen are not more involved in the issue.

– At 3:35, he explains what the agendas are of the people who are operating the Black Ops. This is a very informative and useful discussion.

– At 3:46, he comments on 9/11.

– At 3:49, he makes an interesting comment about the ET perspective of our human-created dilemma.

We are excited to let you know about the release of a stunning new online subscription service called Eckhart Tolle Now. This new service will replace Eckhart Tolle TV with some significant improvements.

We listened to the insightful feedback from our existing community members and made it even better — giving everyone access to the entire library of content for no additional charge.

We would like everyone to be able to try this exciting new service (especially if you’ve tried Eckhart Tolle TV subscription previously).

Try it out for only $1
What’s New
Here is a summary of the changes and overview of the Eckhart Tolle Now Subscription:

ALL ACCESS ALL THE TIME: Your new ET Now service includes unlimited streaming access to the entire library (for no additional cost).

MORE DOWNLOADS: You will receive 3.0 hours of downloads per month. And you can also download anything from the entire library of over 300 hours of video & audio!

NEW CONTENT EACH AND EVERY MONTH: Instead of presenting new content in “issues” like an online magazine, you’ll see the new content each month in the “Recently Added” row.

ACCESS TO OVER 6-YEARS OF CONTENT: Watch any video in all categories including thousands of member created community clips.

WATCH COMPLETE VIDEOS FROM RETREATS: Now you can watch the retreats from the comfort of your home. Included are the retreats from locations at Asilomar, Omega Institute, Australia, Assisi, and more.

NEW MOBILE iOS APP: This iOS app makes it easier than ever to watch or listen to Eckhart.  Stream or download on the app and take it anywhere with you.
72 MEDITATIONS: In addition to Eckhart continuing to give a Live Meditation to members each month, you will have access to 72 previous meditations that are now located in one easy to find place on the new dashboard.
Try it out for only $1
Eckhart Tolle Now is dedicated to providing members with exceptional service and functionality to deliver Eckhart Tolle’s teachings to enable the transformation of human consciousness.

We look forward to seeing you on the inside!

With warmth,

The Eckhart Tolle Now Team

P.S. We welcome any feedback or questions about the new subscription. Please contact us

Birthing New Earth Part 2–Suzanne Lie and The Arcturians


Birthing New Earth
Part 2
Suzanne Lie and the Arcturians
Within this NOW, multidimensional light is traveling from the fifth-dimension seeking to share itself with all life. Hence, every being – planetary, galactic, universal – and, yes, even human – is consciously or unconsciously experiencing this light.
Before, we only experienced the fragmentations of the third and fourth dimensional light, but now the light is coming into us without that fragmentation into the seven different octaves. A chorus of unconditional love and violet fire accompany this multidimensional light.
The beings of Gaia, meaning not just the humans, but also the cetaceans and the members of the animal and plant kingdoms, are consistently creating tunnels ofLight. These tunnels of light are also tunnels of hope and unconditional love.
Unconditional love is the antidote to fear and darkness.
As these light tunnels open up from the body of Gaia and journey far beyond the third dimension to collect the fifth-dimensional light and love, they also serve to create a healing force against the fear that is forever trying to increase its impact.
Hence, these frequencies of fear are beginning to dissolve under the impact of the multidimensional Light. Those that have lived in, and ruled by, darkness are afraid of this light, as they fear it may end their life.
Because they have not meditated and because they have not allowed themselves to remember their dreams, they do not have any awareness of the light and love that is just beyond the fourth-dimensional Lower Astral Plane in the Land of Faerie and beyond.
Therefore, these lost ones think that they can only live within the third-dimensional reality and fear that it is coming to its conclusion. Actually, tunnels of light surround them, but their frequency is so low that they cannot perceive them.
These tunnels of light have been opened by the members of Gaia to welcome in the wholeness and oneness of unconditional love and light. This multidimensional light and love is first moving into the areas that have opened the portals.
As that multidimensional light moves through the portals into the core of Earth, Gaia accepts and amplifies it so that She can emanate out to the surface of ALL of Her planetary areas. In this manner, Gaia can share Her expanded light with ALL the beings on ALL of Her surface.
Since this higher light emanates, not just from the higher dimensions, but also from the core of Gaia, beings that have not been fortunate enough to be in an area in which there are opened portals, can also experience the higher light.
In this manner, everyone can experience the higher light that has been so generously shared with Gaia via the myriad open portals. As the awakening ones begin to remember their multidimensional selves, they are able to call in their higher expressions of SELF within the Angelic and the Galactic worlds.
In fact, many are asking for, and welcoming, the assistance that the Arcturians, Pleiadians, Sirians, Antareans, and Andromedens are sending to all the members of Earth and to the Mother Gaia, as well.
Because Gaia is a “cause and effect” planet, the process of transmutation of darkness into light needs to be initiated by the beings that first sent out the darkness.
These beings are only within the humanoid kingdom, as the animal, plant and etheric kingdoms live within the oneness of love for their planet. Thus, those wearing earth vessels are needed to send out the antidote. It is for this reason that many higher beings took a human form to assist Earth.
Even though many of those wearing an earth vessel may not have been the ones to send out the darkness, they who took an earth vessel in order to help the planet.
Gaia is also a cause and effect planet, so the dark ones who have put fear into Gaia’s reality must receive that fear and transmute it by unconditionally loving and forgiving themselves, as well as others.
If they are able to do this, if they are able to accept the effects of their cause and transmute those effects with their own unconditional love, they too will be able to join the great event of planetary transmutation. No one is too dark to be forgiven or too fearful to live in love.
Those who use their free will to choose to assist the planet with Her transmutation will greatly expand their consciousness. This expansion of consciousness is because they chose to contribute in the great event of planetary ascension.
Therefore, they have set out the cause of “we are creating planetary ascension,”which brings back the effect of being “a member of planetary consciousness.” Within this expanded consciousness they can create portals that will open wider and move into higher and higher frequencies and dimensions.
These portals of light will be able to accept more and more multi-dimensional light and unconditional love. In fact, these expanded streams of light can more efficiently move:
Down into the Gaia’s core crystals
Then emanate out of from core and onto Gaia’s entire surface
Into Gaia’s aura/atmosphere
Beyond Gaia’s aura
And into and through the fourth-dimension
When this higher light moves into the core of Gaia, then out into the third and fourth dimensional time-bound realities, the NOW of this light releases the concepts of “past and future,” as well as the separation and limitation created by third/fourth dimensional time.
With the release of the concept of separation, the third and fourth dimensions blend into the NOW of Gaia’s process of transmutation into a fifth dimensional planet of higher light and unconditional love.
In this manner, the illusion of separation between life, which was perceived as living on a physical world, and death, which was perceived as living on a fourth-dimensional astral world, is released.
As these illusions are released, they are replaced with the knowing that “Life” is eternal and DEATH is a third dimensional illusion. Even the fourth-dimension isnot ruled by the illusion of death, for that is where people go when they have “died” to their third-dimensional reality.
However, once in the fourth dimension, they discover that they are not dead. It is then that they realize that life continues far beyond that of their physical embodiment.
As Gaia expands more and more into fifth-dimensional consciousness, those who go back into incarnation will realize that there is NO separation between life and death. They will remember that there is no separation between the third-dimension and the fourth-dimension.
With that memory, they will realize that all separation is an illusion of the third and lower fourth dimension. They will remember that they are not separate from other people, and they are not separate from the planet.
Then, even those who initially took an incarnation on Earth as beings of darkness to hold a pattern of power over others learn that there are NO patterns of power over others, as there are no others.
Also, as Gaia resonates faster and faster into the fifth-dimension, any of those of “dark persuasion” will not longer be able to send out any damaging, fearful, harmful thoughts, because these thoughts will immediately come right back to the sender.
Then the sender of fear and darkness will say, “Wait, I can’t do that anymore. I can’t send out darkness because it comes right back to me. However, someone sent that darkness into me.”
Then they might say, “Wait, if I cannot send out darkness, then that darkness that was sent into me can now be released.”
Can you imagine, in fact please DO, imagine a reality in which all those who have ever suffered darkness which tainted them to become members of the darkness, were spontaneously healed of that which first created that darkness within them.
Remember that all of Gaia, all of life on Gaia, all of life on all of the planets, on all of the third-dimension came from the higher frequencies of light that were put through filters to be divided into different octaves.
Then these octaves were perceived as separate. These octaves were even perceived as some being better and some being worse. Then that perception, which was really a judgment, went into people.
In this manner, some people were good and some people were bad. Then the bad people made other people feel bad. But what if the good people realized that they were not separate from the bad people?
What if the “good people” realized that they are the beloved people who have somehow remembered that they are ONE with Light and ONE with Love?
What if they were to share their Light and Love with ALL the people that have formerly identified as bad?
What if there was no separation?
What if those who have defined themselves as bad were somehow able to release that programming and accept the light of unconditional love so that they could unconditionally forgive and unconditionally accept themselves?
Then, would they remember that they are ONE with ALL life? What a glorious healing! What if all of humanity was healed in the Light, and all the darkness was released?
It is you, the members of Gaia, who have the ability to create this reality with your own unconditional love, unconditional forgiveness, and the power of your own transmutation via the Violet Fire.
We send you all, good, bad, in-between and whatever labels you have unfortunately attached to your awareness of self…
We send you ALL unconditional love as we Blaze, Blaze, Blaze the Violet Fire.
Blessings, we are the ONE – which the many Awakening Ones have are creating.
Within that ONE, New Earth is born.
Dear Readers, at some point in this article the Sue, who wrote the beginning, became the blend of Sue and the Arcturians, to conclude the message as The Arcturians.
Blessings from us all


“The Illusion of Self”
It worked. It worked.  I thought of Earth and then I was there.  I woke up in my bed.  But now, awakening has a new meaning.  When I come here, I feel like I have awakened.  Yet I know I must be asleep before I can get here.  Then, it is like falling asleep when I leave here, and I must wake up before I can know I have returned.  I wonder if all this is less confusing when one is in “I AM” consciousness.
“In ‘I AM’, my dear, there is no confusion, only enlightenment.”
“Oh, Lady Astrea, I am so glad to see you again.  I miss you when I am on Earth.”
“But, my dear,” she replies, “I am not far from you when you are on Earth.  If ever you want me, just think of me and I shall hear you and travel along your beam of thought to answer you.  But come now, my dear, it is your time to enter the circle.”
Why is it that she brings me to the circle just as I wish to ask a question?  Oh, yes, I remember, questions are merely a form of doubt.  The circle glistens around me as the Ladies approach.  I do know that I no longer doubt this experience.  I may not understand it, but I no longer question it. As the Ladies take the veil I hear Lady Leto saying, “Dear one, the string that ties the veil of illusions is emotion.  Know the emotion that you feel now. Allow it to communicate with you and give you the information you need, then release it so that you may continue with your work.
“The veil that is lifted this evening is ‘The Illusion of Self.’  Within this illusion, personal importance is a source of external reward and success.  The ‘self’ is not the same as the ‘Self’, for many ‘selves’ make up the ‘Self’ and many of those ‘selves’ are not even of one lifetime.  However, humanity has put such effort into establishing the little ‘self’ that humans begin to believe that that is all they are.  They begin to believe that they are the body and that they are ruled by the ego.  As an infant and a small child, one knows that there is no separation and that all on Earth are one.  Infants and small children ‘know’ that a body holds their essence and they are actually much more than just a physical form.  Since the world into which they are born is not yet ready for this concept, the children are taught to become their body, to focus all awareness on the physical form and to become a ‘self.’
“With the release of this veil, you will begin to know and understand all the desires, goals, needs and rewards of this small ‘self.’  Watch each one of these through the eyes of the ‘Self’ and release them all as particles of an illusion.”
And now the mighty Hilarion speaks: “To be able to become one with the High Self is a vast and awesome task.  I can remember how I suffered in my Earth lives to accomplish this task.  My ego was strong and resented its death.  You, my one, have striven first to establish a sense of ‘self’ so that you could better relate to the world that always felt like a foreign planet to you.  Therefore, it may be difficult indeed to give up that which you have searched so hard to find.
“Release now the illusion that this small, lonely ‘self’ is all of you. Surrender instead to the Higher Self that you have always felt in the close distance.  Fear not the ramifications.  I know the reasons for building the illusion of ‘self’ and it is necessary while one is learning one’s Earthly lessons.  However, when one moves to the state of teacher, one carries the answers within.
“Release that small role with all its haunting emotions and Earthly strife.  You no longer need to suffer to learn, for now you can learn through teaching.  Feel the presence of the masters in your physical vehicle.  Watch as all that was ‘real’ fades into a symbol.  Know the Earth as it truly is—a schoolroom for human evolution.  Collect your degrees now and leave your desks.  Step up to the podium and allow your Higher Self to inhabit the vehicle that you have worked so long to prepare.”
Although I can barely understand what Hilarion has just said, Apollo now adds, “I see how this is a difficult task for you to comprehend, and I know that it will take all the courage that you possess.  To deny the suffering that told you you were alive is to truly face death.  Die now, my one.  Die to hardships, die to restraint, die to criticism, and die to human love.  See your Angels of Resurrection and feel the divine detachment as you are united with your Higher Self.  Give away each emotion as it signifies a reaction to your third-dimensional life.  Instead listen, observe, and understand the message passed from the third dimension to your Higher Self.  Look down into all Illusions that hold the ‘self’ in sorrow and reward.  To know the death of ‘self’ is to feel and be everlasting life.”
As the masters finish speaking, my mind is in a whirl.  How can they know so much about me personally?  Although I don’t yet remember my Earth life too well, I’m sure it was nothing significant.  How can they know or even care about one small person such as my ‘self’?
“Because you have called us.” I hear the loving voice of Lady Astrea answer my thought.  I realize now that somehow I have traveled outside of the circle or, perhaps, it has left me.
“How do you hear my thoughts, Lady?” I finally ask the question.
“My one, it matters not to me which voice you use as I listen only to your heart.  We of the higher dimensions are only concerned with the issues of Earth that affect the true heart.  All else is merely a lesson being played and replayed.  The lives and thoughts of the human realm only concern us when humans have come to the point in their evolution where they call for divine intervention from their hearts and truly accept it.  It is not that we do not love all of humanity, but rather that they are unable to accept our assistance.  As long as beings have all their senses focused on the physical world, they are prisoners of that very world which they believe is all that exists.”
I can hardly hear her last words, as I know I am now leaving.  Oh, please, let me remember what I have learned here.  Oh, please, help me to be awake on Earth…


Birthing New Earth Part 1 & The Illusion of Constancy-Suzanne & The Arcturians

 What is New Earth? How do we create New Earth?  How do we live on New Earth?  These are questions that we are asking ourselves because we are feeling that something is very different. Simultaneously, there is much that is the same as it always was.  Unfortunately, some of that which is the same is darkness and indoctrination.
Fortunately, between that darkness and indoctrination, which is on the verge of ending, shines a light of that which is beginning. What is beginning is that our third and fourth dimensional earth is expanding into its expression of fifth-dimensional Lightbody Earth.
We, the members of humanity, are endeavoring to expand into our own fifth dimensional Lightbody so that we can become the population that inhabits this wonderful, revised, updated version of our beloved planet Gaia. However, before we move into the new, let’s take a moment and go back into how Gaia became a third-dimensional planet.
Just as the members of humanity are multidimensional beings, the planet on which we live is also a multidimensional being. Because many humans are recalibrating our consciousness to return to our fifth-dimensional self, we are assisting Gaia to return to Her lightbody planet.
As we assist Gaia, Gaia assists us.  In this manner, we are creating a mutual assistance of “persons assisting planet” and “planet assisting persons.” Because of this reciprocal assistance, we can merge our human experiences of transmutation into the fifth dimension with Gaia, and Gaia can share Her experiences with us. In this manner, people and planet work as a team to transmute our reality into the resonance of fifth-dimensional, lightbody humans sharing reality with a fifth-dimensional, lightbody planet.
Just as we, humans, are multi-dimensional beings who have stepped down our frequency to be our third-dimensional expression of SELF, as well as our fourth-dimensional astral body and aura, Gaia has done the same thing. In fact, fifth-dimensional Earth has always existed because it resonates beyond time and within the Now of the One.
All of us, the volunteers to third and fourth-dimensional earth, decided to lower our consciousness and send our perceptions into the projection of third and fourth-dimensional Earth. Third and fourth-dimensional Earth is much like a hologram.
The image of Gaia’s multidimensional light is filtered through a third-dimensional prism to create an illusion, a reality that is cast upon the ethers of life to create the third-dimensional planet called Earth. Actually, Earth is third-dimensional earth, air, fire, water, and fourth-dimensional ether.
Because we have taken so many incarnations to Earth’s reality system, we believe that we are ON Earth, rather than IN a holographic projection. Our myriad incarnations have also made us forget that, within our multidimensionality, we are infinitely ONE with Source.
While within our highest frequency of resonance, we chose to enter the illusion of the third/fourth dimensional Earth. To enter this illusion, we had to downgrade our consciousness so much that we forget that we ARE Source because Source is All in All. 
Hence, we cannot be from Source because we cannot leave Source. Leaving source is just a third-dimensional illusion. In reality, there is no separation from Source except on the holographic projection of a third-dimensional planet.
Earth, which has been so riddled with darkness and fear for so much of Her planetary time, that we, the guardians of Gaia, have forgotten that Gaia is of Source, we are of Source – All is of Source for All Is Source. We are Source for source is All in All.
However, the holographic projection of physical Earth is so engaging that we became indoctrinated into the concept that Earth is real and our imagination/memory of our higher realities is not real.
So let us now look at the concept of what is realReal is a third-dimensional term. Even the fourth-dimensional Astral Plane is aware that third-dimensional Earth is a projection. The members of the fourth dimension know this because they have “died” or meditated to enter into that fourth-dimensional reality.
Perhaps they have also entered during their dream state.  In all of these scenarios, they have expanded their consciousness beyond the illusion of Earth’s third-dimensional holographic projection to glimpse the real reality of unconditional love and multi-dimensional light.
From being within this unconditional love and multi-dimensional light, one can see, perceive and experience how the multidimensional light to Earth fragments into seven separate, different frequencies of colors/visual and tones/auditory. This separation begins once the higher light enters the highest fourth-dimensional sub-plane and increases as the light moves through the increasingly lower sub-planes.
When the higher light moves into the lower astral world, which is the lowest frequency fourth dimensional reality, the darkness of the fear from Earth’s long violent past blends into the lowest frequency of astral light.
On the threshold between the fourth-dimension and going into the third-dimension, there is what one might call a filter, which is actually a prism. This prism separates all the different frequencies of light so that it appears that there is a separation from one frequency of color/tone to the next frequency of color/tome.
An example of this would be if you carefully fill a strainer or a bowl with many small holes and fill it with sand. When you first fill the strainer, the sand might remain together within the unity of the sand.
However, if you were to lay down a towel or a sheet and shake the strainer, you would see how the different grains of sand would fall in a pattern thatappears to be separate. In the same manner, when multidimensional light of the One flows through the prism (strainer) into third dimensional Earth, the multidimensional light separates into seven different colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
Thus, as the Unity of the ONE multidimensional light flows through the prism (strainer) of the fourth dimension, it progressively separates from the multidimensional light into seven different octaves of reality that are then cast into the third-dimensional matrix of Gaia’s physical Earth, which is based on separation.
Your experience of being third dimensional is actually you going through the prism of the fourth-dimension to find yourself cast on to the illusion of a third-dimensional planet.  What is occurring within your Now is that this third-dimensional object of physical Earth is expanding its frequency into the fifth-dimension.
Earth is making this adjustment by releasing Her attachment to the third dimensional matrix, which is based on the illusions of separation from all life and, most important the Grand Illusion of separation from Source.
Because of Gaia’s uncountable years of attachment to the matrix of being a third-dimensional planet on which many beings have experienced a third-dimensional reality, it has been making Her planetary transition difficult.
Fortunately, within this NOW, the fourth-dimension is moving into the frequency of the fifth-dimension so it no longer serves as a strainer or a prism to separate the multi-dimensional life into the seven different octaves of a third-dimensional reality.
In fact, Gaia is increasingly recalibrating Her third dimensional expression into Her fourth and fifth-dimensional expression. However, to complete this recalibration, She must leave the 3D Matrix and transfer Her ever-expanding energy fields onto Her innate multidimensional energy field.
Gaia was always meant to have all her many frequencies of reality habitable to myriad versions of life. However, the fear that gathered on her planet so diminished her multidimensional light that She cannot complete her return to her multidimensional planet without assistance from her many inhabitants.
ALL of the plant and animal kingdom are assisting her, but they, too, are under the domination of the human kingdom. Fortunately, because the multidimensional light no longer moves through the filter the prism of her lower fourth-dimensional astral plane, it is coming into the third-dimension, not as separated into seven separate octaves, but as a stream of unified, multidimensional light.
This multidimensional light is entering the hearts and minds of humanity to free them from their long exile from their Multidimensional SELF. As humanity increasingly remembers their Multidimensional SELF, they, too, will join in to assist Gaia with Her planetary transmutation.
As the humans on Gaia who have remembered their true multidimensional self create portals of light, the darkness that has accumulated in Gaia’s aura can be transmuted by this multidimensional light that is streaming directly from the fifth-dimension.
Because the process of the higher light moving through that fourth-dimensional prism is beginning to shift, the third and fourth dimensional of Gaia are becoming ONE.
Hence, there is no longer that filter that divides the different frequencies of light. Within this NOW, multidimensional light is traveling from the fifth-dimension seeking to share itself with all life.
Conclusion of Part ONE
30 Veils of Illusion
                                                         VEIL SEVEN
“The Illusion of Constancy”
            “Lady Astrea, Lady Astrea.”
“Yes,” I suddenly hear a voice awakening me.  “I am here, my one, are you calling me?”
“Oh, yes,” I answer, “I suppose I am.  I didn’t know that I was, but I’m glad that you answered me.  Do you suppose that I remembered and called to you to help me return?”
“That could be, my dear.  But come, it is your turn for the circle.”
Again, I enter the familiar circle, and again, the Ladies move towards me to assist in removing yet another veil, and as before, I hear the voice of Lady Leto saying, “Dear one, the veil that is lifted this evening is the ‘Illusion of Constancy.’  On your Earthly planet, all seems to be constant.  The trees, the houses, the mountains, and the meadows all appear to be constant, unwavering forms of physical structure.
However, this is truly an illusion, for constancy is relative to your constancy of consciousness.  All that is perceived by the physical senses is relative to the state of consciousness at the time of perception.  What may appear to be a clear, empty sky in one state of consciousness may instead, in another state of consciousness, be full of the angelic and deva life. Consciousness also aids in determining one’s passage of time.
“While one is in human consciousness, time is constant and must be experienced in a linear fashion.  In the human consciousness, physical structures appear the most constant, as the time-boundary is ever present to stabilize and mask any changes that may be occurring beyond space and time. However, in “I AM” consciousness, time is no longer a factor that must be dealt with in a linear fashion.  Instead, time can be used as a compass to guide one’s conscious experience and perceptions to the desired focus of time and space.”
            Now the Brother takes the veil and Hilarion speaks, “Dear one, the only true constancy is I AM consciousness.  All perception is relative to one state of consciousness and, therefore, in order to control perception, one must be able to control their consciousness.  All other states of consciousness, save I AM consciousness, have a human component and, therefore, have an inherent flaw.  I AM consciousness is of the divine and is, therefore, perfect.
            “So, my one, in your search for constancy in Earth life, search instead for adequate knowledge of yourself so that you may maintain I AM consciousness at all times.  All the human issues that act as anchors to pull you down repeatedly threaten this high state of consciousness.
           Only when you are able to detach from these human anchors will you be able to maintain I AM consciousness.  As you have experienced, this is a difficult task indeed. However, the only anchors that can really pull you down are your own issues. Therefore, my love, learn to know yourself and love what you learn.  In doing this you can transcend into the constancy of your own higher dimensional self.”
          The other Brother now takes the veil and Apollo speaks, “The Sun is the most constant physical structure in your galaxy.  Of course, this too, is relative to one’s focus of consciousness.  While in human consciousness, the Sun appears to be a burning, fiery ball, unapproachable and uninhabitable by man. However, in a higher reality, it is a grand temple, teeming with life, both human and divine.  Of course, a human may not take his physical apparatus to this temple nor could he reach it in one lifetime if he were bound by a physical structure.
“Those bound by time and space are striving to tour the heavens in their constant physical structures, using their Earthbound sources of fuel.  Little do they know that, as they free themselves of the illusion of the physical realm, they can be transported anywhere that their minds can imagine.  The mind, free of the belief in limitation of the third dimension, can experience and travel throughout the universe at a speed faster than the speed of light, for the mind travels at the speed of thought.
“Each thought, then, is one’s personal spaceship.  Each thought can allow one to travel, become, experience, and know all that is possible or impossible. As you work through your physical anchors, determine each one that pulls heavily on your vehicle.  Learn to find the personal beliefs that bind this stop gate to your consciousness.  Fear not the passage of time in this process, as the few Earth moments spent on this endeavor can free you for an eternity of all Earthly structure of time.
“Know your anchors so that you can reel them in when you wish to be free and let them sink when you desire the illusion of constancy of experience.”
Oh, yes, now I remember how I first arrived in the forest and how I actually came to this place, I thought it and then I was here.  I wonder now if I think of Earth will I suddenly be…

Your comment is helpful to assist others to discover how they can 
“Birth New Earth”
These are wonderful times, indeed.
Thank you for all your support, readership and comments
Sue and the Arcturians
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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

We have been asked why we are featuring Galactic Federation members on our most recent webinars. As PAO’s messages along with other galactic and Ascended Master teachings, the new financial system and new transitional governments are ready to go ~ it is a done deal ~ we are just waiting for the right divine time for the “go” button to be pushed.

The next step our Galactic friends want us to focus on is preparing everyone for disclosure leading to First Contact (mass reunion). By sharing information about the major first contact teams and our prominent galactic family ties, we ignite your star memories hidden in your DNA.

Need help integrating the influx of energies?

The Andromedans, Master Spiritual Scientists and esteemed members of the GF medical teams are here to help. During this webinar, they will provide an energy transmission to balance your fields so you can begin living at your optimal potential. The porpose of this energy transmission will be to connect you with your inner guidance and strengthen your connection the Divine Plan that is unfolding before our very eyes.

Join us for this most powerful webinar energy transmission.

Selamat Ja!


THURSDAY IS WEBINAR TIME with Sheldan and The Andromedans

Comments from previous Webinar attendees:

What a wondrous Webinar today! I LOVED it – and I still LOVE the energies that are overfloading me! You have all my support and all my gratitude for what you do helping us to wide up our awareness and getting aknowledgement about who we truly are! Love, Julie from Vienna

Hi Sheldan, I just finished listening to your Sirian Seminar and am expereincing intense feelings and appreciation. Thank you for what feels like the unlocking of a chamber deep within. Dean

What a wonderful Webinar !! I loved all of it !! It really made me homesick! I loved learning about the Blue Lodge and how significant Sirius is in the Galaxy. And the energies were “out of the world” great! Andrea/US


Andromedans are known throughout the Galactic Federation as leading Spiritual Scientists and innovators/customizers for most Galactic Federation technology.

During this Webinar Sheldan will explain how the Andromedans will propel us towards our Galactic spiritual scientific future.

Topics include…

• Migration from Lyra: Largest Confederation in Galactic Federation.
• Known for their Racial Diversity ~ origins for Earth’s brown, yellow and red races
• Our Galaxy’s Leading Spiritual Scientists ~ Innovators for most GF Technology
• Architects of our Individual Crystal Light Chambers
• Introducing Andromedan Ships in the Fleet
• Buddha is an Andromedan Ascended Master
• Fourth Star of the “GREAT SQUARE OF WISDOM” in our Galaxy

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

Thursday, December 17, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST


Sunday, December 20, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST (California time)

Talk to Sheldan Live…simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.


How the Secret Government Works: The Most Explosive Expose from Dr. Steven Greer

Comments by Alexandra from Forbidden Knowledge TV

A few weeks ago, a ticket to this live event cost $75 and tickets to the Live Streaming event on the Internet cost $39. Right now, you can watch it for free!

This is arguably the most important talk ever to be given. The truth about UFOs and the suppression of this truth touch not only into how the Secret Government works but also on covert aspects of the banking sector, as well as on the global kingpins of the biggest criminal cartel in the world, who are involved with the illicit drug trade, which he says generates more money than the global oil business. The latter group is a rogue, compartmented operation, populated by ruthless people who will kill their own Special Forces personnel, if there is the barest whiff of a security breech in their lock on their vast and extremely profitable illegal drug trade. (Which is the reason why he says such drugs will never be decriminalized – it would move in on their “action”).

Greer says that such a group could legally be challenged and sued, based on the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). However, he doubts that there are any attorneys who would have the courage (and the security detail) necessary to fight what he describes as this “Neo-Fascist Transnational Security State”. Like author/researcher, Jim Marrs, Greer describes the US’ Secret Government (which is the defacto, true government of this country, who rule behind the scenes) as “the Fourth Reich.”

Greer also suggests that a new wave of disclosure would be welcome. He says people could defect from this massive criminal organization of unacknowledged Special Access Projects and not be liable for any breech of their National Security Oaths, because the projects are entirely unconstitutional and completely illegal, in and of themselves.

This talk, in which many of his most salient points are backed by official documents, is quite long – although, never in the least bit boring – quite the opposite. However, it took me several days to find the time to view it, in its entirety but it was more than worth it and I’ve re-viewed several sections. Many jaw-dropping details are revealed, ranging from geopolitics to abductions. This is completely Earth-shattering material and not to be missed.

Video: (230 mins)

▪ Alexandra

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Dr. Steven Greer – Nov. 21, 2015 – How the Secret Government Works: The Most Explosive Expose


During the first 20 minutes, Dr. Greer presents a set of documents that show what caused the Roswell UFO crash and the fact that there were actually three crashed UFO’s recovered which were used for reverse engineering. The UFO’s were monitoring the activity of the only bomber squadron in the world that had atomic weapons, located at Roswell. This description of the 1945 – 1956 era is of critical importance because that was the breakaway period for a number of autonomous unaccounted for black op projects.

▪ At 18:22, Dr. Greer describes Scalar Longitudinal Electromagnetic Systems THAT CAUSE PULSES TO TRAVEL FASTER THAN LIGHT. Apparently Tesla helped to engineer them. These are the weapons that took down the Roswell UFOs.

▪ At approximately 21 minutes, he introduces a document that seems innocuous but is the cornerstone of a major hoax being foisted on the world for the purpose of bringing about WW3. (Several motivations for that are described in the last half our of the presentation.)

▪ At 24 minutes, he describes when the US mastered anti-gravity devices. He then goes on to describe how knowledge from Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists was combined with the likes of Tesla and Einstein, in combination with reverse engineered UFO craft. This technological knowledge was shunted away into labyrinths of Black Budget operations.

▪ At 34 minutes, he describes the pivotal reorganization of the US security and intelligence forces by the Rockefeller Commission. This provided the basis for loss of control of the oversight of several Black Op projects. This took place during the Eisenhower administration. Eisenhower was hoodwinked and became bitter over his loss of control, which amounted to treachery by those he trusted. Corporations working with Unacknowledged Special Access Projects are subsequently identified as the real culprits of those days. Unfortunately those projects have careened off into the hands of elitists who are not inclined toward peace.

▪ At 39 minutes, he describes a rather poignant conversation between Jack Kennedy and one of his aides, shortly before his death. Kennedy said the whole matter of UFO investigations was “out of his hands” and he didn’t know why. Then he began to cry.

▪ At 41 minutes, he introduces the Marilyn Monroe smoking gun document.

▪ At 51 minutes, he describes how the Marilyn Monroe murder caused even higher government secrecy provisions, to avoid further bloodshed that could be required in order to prevent leaks. He goes on to elaborate on how Unacknowledged Special Access Projects are kept secret from Congress and the President. On internal documents, the key elitist group is called “MAJIC” (the majority intelligence committee – which still exists).

▪ At 59 minutes, he describes how Nixon planned to blow the lid off the secrecy and that was the reason he was taken down via Watergate. Nixon, however had a staff member who was a member of MAJIC by the name of (CIA director) Bill Colby. Dr. Greer describes Colby’s murder, one week before he was to meet with Dr. Greer to reveal the full MAJIC agenda. Colby was replaced with George H W Bush.

▪ At 1:05, he describes the energy technology that has been hidden by these corporations from the human race for 75 years that we desperately need.

▪ At 1:08, the official role of ridicule.

▪ At 1:12, he describes a meeting in 1993 with the CIA Director, R. James Woolsey where he debriefs the Director and explains why he has been blocked from awareness of MAJIC.

▪ At 1:18, he describes the method used to determine who is “read-in” to the inner circle and who is not. He also describes Jimmy Carter’s frustration over being blocked, and the termination of a Carter White House study on the matter of UFOs.

▪ At 1:23, he describes how the Reagan Star Wars agenda was a cover for US defense against possible ET attacks – part of the hoax presently being perpetrated upon us. He also lists many government officials and celebrities who have expressed frustration over being specifically blocked.

▪ At 1:40+, he introduces a list of corporate facilities where this research is taking place.

▪ At 1:58, (After the break). Greer describes how the media and scientific community are restricted by the MAJIC community.

▪ At 2:17, he describes how $8.5 trillion of Black Ops are funded.

▪ At 2:27, he describes a sheep ranch encounter with Black Op drug smuggling in conjunction with UFO-style vehicles.

▪ At 2:29+, he describes a meeting with international interested parties who bemoaned the fact that these technologies had fallen into the hands of people outside of MAJIC. So MAJIC has been kept from the public and from the established government, and some of these technologies have escaped from MAJICs purview.

▪ At 2:32, he makes the important observation that there may be recourse for us in the courts because of the illegal nature of these operations. The really significant aspect is that whistleblowers get a percentage of the illegal funds recovered.

▪ At 2:34, he begins the story of meeting with the Crown Prince of Liechtenstein, where he describes a meeting in the fall of 1989 with President Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev, UN Secretary General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, and others to plan how to reveal the UFO reality to the world. After the planning session, at 3 AM Pérez de Cuéllar was returning from the meeting when he was abducted (apparently) by Extra Terrestrials and warned not to go through with the plans. That thwarted the intentions of the world leaders at the time. Dr. Greer states that this was clearly NOT done by ETs but was done by US Black Operations and was highly successful.

▪ At 2:42, he describes the motivations of some world leaders who confess that they are convinced of the danger to humanity of interstellar war and others who want to see Armageddon happen so the return of Jesus Christ would be ushered in.

▪ At 2:46, he provides strong evidence
that the CIA has been the perpetrator of the abductions where implants have been inserted into those abducted. He also states that cattle mutilations were also the work of US Black Ops for 2 purposes: 1) create the impression that ETs are ruthless and we need to fear them, and 2) provide biological material for Black Op cloning and GE experiments. He goes on to describe his thesis, which is that public perception of UFOs is being carefully manipulated to prepare us for a planned but unnecessary interstellar war. He says that Wernher von Braun warned of this on his deathbed that the overarching plan was to first develop terrorism to create general fear and then to move public perception into support of interstellar war.

▪ At 3:21, he encourages the movement toward peaceful ET contact. There apparently is a consciousness movement that is starting to be coordinated with cell phone apps toward peaceful contact. He states that the thing that will thwart these hoaxed WW3 plans is actual peaceful ET contact because then society won’t fall for the fear-laden hoax. He also calls for use of the Whistleblower Act to fund legal recourse against these illegal operations by corporations. He points out the legal safety concerns of those who want to come forward with testimony, due to the illegal nature of these operations.

▪ At 3:30, Greer starts taking questions. He answers questions such as why established government officials such as Congressmen are not more involved in the issue.

▪ At 3:35, he explains what the agendas are of the people who are operating the Black Ops. This is a very informative and useful discussion.

▪ At 3:46, he comments on 9/11.

▪ At 3:49, he makes an interesting comment about the ET perspective of our human-created dilemma.


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Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

from Planetary Activation Organization

Procedures unlike any you have seen in your lifetime are getting ready to take place. Your purpose in these projects is to spiritually support and physically engender this new reality into its beingness.


Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

11 Muluk, 2 Mol, 12 Manik

Dratzo! Many good things are now happening in your realm. The funds that you have waited for in great frustration and worry are here! Their order of arrival is dependent upon a number of key factors. First there is the degree of overall security employed by the major groups involved. These first monies are to be the initial falling dominoes, which are to start the formal end of the global dark cabal rulership. This means the formal initiation of a whole host of new banking and financial procedures. Second, these monies are to signal the end of the fraud-laden privately owned “US Federal Reserve”. There is a major last-ditch struggle between those who are losing the battle to save this onerous institution and those who desire to bury it. Third, many who are to release these funds are as well fighting an inner struggle against doing so. Despite this, the funds are being released at the appointed time (NOW). We are urgently insisting upon this as the only remaining alternative. It has been sheer folly for all who somehow wish to delay the inevitable!!!

Long ago, this surface reality was captured by a group of dark rebels called, in ancient Sumerian, the Anunnaki, These denizens of your over-world ruled draconian-like for nearly 13 millennia. Their vile rule suddenly ended with the Treaty of Anchara over 20 years ago. Since then, a worldwide struggle has ensued over whether this edict was to be enforced here. We are pleased to inform you that this galactic edict rules here as well. We are to oversee your transition to a period first filled with truth, freedom and prosperity! This operation has currently passed into a new phase and certain deeds need to be done. One of these is to quickly destroy the political and financial system that has illicitly ruled over you. You are not financial fodder or debt slaves. Those who honor or seem to carry out this edict seem to be too slow in honoring Heaven’s wishes. Therefore, this time is one when a magic moment is to happen, which changes everything. Look to this time as this magic moment. Be brave and enjoy the last part of the ride!!!


Over the last two decades, we have watched how the forces of the Light and the major factions of the dark cabal have battled each other. Many friends who were aligned with the Light passed on as a series of nefarious actions took their lives. We are dedicated to completing the actions of our friends. The victory that is here is partly to honor them and to honor each of you who have remained strong in your belief about this grand change and about us. A great process is occurring to bring you in full contact with the Light. As representatives of this divine vision, we are bound by our truths to give you this sacred gift. We are therefore strongly asking for the swift and secure release of these funds. It is disheartening to see how the evil web of the dark still has even a minute say in what is happening. The Light needs to clear out those who in any way try to hinder this operation. This project is a humane one that is to bring all of you a freedom and means to change this world.

As you look back on all that is going on around this globe, you quickly see the degree of panic and the slight hesitation filling all involved. We realize that it is not easy to drastically change a world that has moved at a certain rhythm for millennia. We further realize just how immense the changes now contemplated are. These things need to be completed and a truly gigantic education project is then vital to success. You have in your hands the very tools required for this grand social media campaign. Several major governments after NESARA are to aid in this most needed campaign. Procedures unlike any you have seen in your lifetime are getting ready to take place. Your purpose in these projects is to spiritually support and physically engender this new reality into its beingness. Use your inner intuitive vision to bring all of this into a positive reality. Use this holiday season as a springboard for the wonders that are to manifest. What a wonderful world is now to be seen by all.


Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters!The truly glorious glow of the righteous Light of Heaven warms the cockles of humanity’s heart this morning. Great events are occurring as the numerous fundings of Heaven begin to shower this precious orb. Long ago, humanity was suddenly plunged into the darkness by the vile acts of an Atlantean ruling class. These acts are now to be graciously atoned for by the dark and its innumerable minions. This violent history is currently to end and be transformed into a vehicle for the Light and its inevitable time of triumph! We carry with us memories that are to be rekindled of how at one time we all travelled this pathway of finite darkness. Within these memories are examples of how we survived and gratefully sustained the Light in this land of suffering, woe and death. It is a story that all of your Masters desire to tell you.

Remain positive, my sisters and brothers. This long tale of the generations is to be transformed into one of joy, freedom and prosperity! Deep within you is the core of your Soul and it has always remembered this long tale of woe and readied each of you for this time of eternal victory. Hark, dear Ones, be ready for what is to follow! Heaven is starting to clear out the great miasma that covers us all. As you begin to emerge, take in all of this. Most of all, do not judge! Rather, be ready to embrace this in Love and Unity. Your liberation comes as a great gift, a sacred present, from Heaven. Time after time many of us have played either the pronouncer or the victim of the great injustice that was the sign of these ignorant times. We are all here to graciously put this away and, in the Creator’s mercy, to move on to full consciousness!


This present message comes as the forerunner of superb experiences, which you are to wondrously embrace. Heaven desires to teach and to explain what is to happen. Use these prompts as harbingers of what is to follow. Your realm is finally to transition and become something where you can easily move as we do from this glorious orb to the unimaginable glories of Heaven. This process is something to know and to be ready for in joy and in truth. It is a realm filled with things and events that at this time cannot yet be fully revealed. Just remain positive and supremely focused on those amazing things that Heaven is to shower you with! Hence, in joy and in victory, prepare yourselves for our appearance and that of our families from Spirit, space and the precious lands of Agartha. In this, I leave you! Hosanna! Hossana! Hosanna!

Today, we explored what is readying for its grand appearance! Be prepared for the next phase in your movement toward physical Angelness. This time has brought you much sorrow, joy and finally freedom. It has also tested you to the max! All of this is leading to your triumphant reunion with those who graciously love you! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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THURSDAY is PAO’s Live Webinar for December…

Learn how the ANDROMEDANS are assisting us with our Ascension ~ They are revered as Masters of Spiritual Science


Andromedans are known throughout the Galactic Federation as leading Spiritual Scientists and innovators/customizers for most Galactic Federation technology.

During this Webinar Sheldan will explain how the Andromedans will propel us towards our Galactic spiritual scientific future.

Topics include…

• Migration from Lyra: Largest Confederation in Galactic Federation.
• Known for their Racial Diversity ~ origins for Earth’s brown, yellow and red races
• Our Galaxy’s Leading Spiritual Scientists ~ Innovators for most GF Technology
• Architects of our Individual Crystal Light Chambers
• Introducing Andromedan Ships in the Fleet
• Buddha is an Andromedan Ascended Master
• Fourth Star of the “GREAT SQUARE OF WISDOM” in our Galaxy

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

Thursday, December 17, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST


Sunday, December 20, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST (California time)

Talk to Sheldan Live…simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

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Cost: $15.00 U.S.

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