Dr. Steven Greer – Nov. 21, 2015 – How the Secret Government Works: The Most Explosive Expose
During the first 20 minutes, Dr. Greer presents a set of documents that show what caused the Roswell UFO crash and the fact that there were actually three crashed UFO’s recovered which were used for reverse engineering. The UFO’s were monitoring the activity of the only bomber squadron in the world that had atomic weapons, located at Roswell. This description of the 1945 – 1956 era is of critical importance because that was the breakaway period for a number of autonomous unaccounted for black op projects.
▪ At 18:22, Dr. Greer describes Scalar Longitudinal Electromagnetic Systems THAT CAUSE PULSES TO TRAVEL FASTER THAN LIGHT. Apparently Tesla helped to engineer them. These are the weapons that took down the Roswell UFOs.
▪ At approximately 21 minutes, he introduces a document that seems innocuous but is the cornerstone of a major hoax being foisted on the world for the purpose of bringing about WW3. (Several motivations for that are described in the last half our of the presentation.)
▪ At 24 minutes, he describes when the US mastered anti-gravity devices. He then goes on to describe how knowledge from Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists was combined with the likes of Tesla and Einstein, in combination with reverse engineered UFO craft. This technological knowledge was shunted away into labyrinths of Black Budget operations.
▪ At 34 minutes, he describes the pivotal reorganization of the US security and intelligence forces by the Rockefeller Commission. This provided the basis for loss of control of the oversight of several Black Op projects. This took place during the Eisenhower administration. Eisenhower was hoodwinked and became bitter over his loss of control, which amounted to treachery by those he trusted. Corporations working with Unacknowledged Special Access Projects are subsequently identified as the real culprits of those days. Unfortunately those projects have careened off into the hands of elitists who are not inclined toward peace.
▪ At 39 minutes, he describes a rather poignant conversation between Jack Kennedy and one of his aides, shortly before his death. Kennedy said the whole matter of UFO investigations was “out of his hands” and he didn’t know why. Then he began to cry.
▪ At 41 minutes, he introduces the Marilyn Monroe smoking gun document.
▪ At 51 minutes, he describes how the Marilyn Monroe murder caused even higher government secrecy provisions, to avoid further bloodshed that could be required in order to prevent leaks. He goes on to elaborate on how Unacknowledged Special Access Projects are kept secret from Congress and the President. On internal documents, the key elitist group is called “MAJIC” (the majority intelligence committee – which still exists).
▪ At 59 minutes, he describes how Nixon planned to blow the lid off the secrecy and that was the reason he was taken down via Watergate. Nixon, however had a staff member who was a member of MAJIC by the name of (CIA director) Bill Colby. Dr. Greer describes Colby’s murder, one week before he was to meet with Dr. Greer to reveal the full MAJIC agenda. Colby was replaced with George H W Bush.
▪ At 1:05, he describes the energy technology that has been hidden by these corporations from the human race for 75 years that we desperately need.
▪ At 1:08, the official role of ridicule.
▪ At 1:12, he describes a meeting in 1993 with the CIA Director, R. James Woolsey where he debriefs the Director and explains why he has been blocked from awareness of MAJIC.
▪ At 1:18, he describes the method used to determine who is “read-in” to the inner circle and who is not. He also describes Jimmy Carter’s frustration over being blocked, and the termination of a Carter White House study on the matter of UFOs.
▪ At 1:23, he describes how the Reagan Star Wars agenda was a cover for US defense against possible ET attacks – part of the hoax presently being perpetrated upon us. He also lists many government officials and celebrities who have expressed frustration over being specifically blocked.
▪ At 1:40+, he introduces a list of corporate facilities where this research is taking place.
▪ At 1:58, (After the break). Greer describes how the media and scientific community are restricted by the MAJIC community.
▪ At 2:17, he describes how $8.5 trillion of Black Ops are funded.
▪ At 2:27, he describes a sheep ranch encounter with Black Op drug smuggling in conjunction with UFO-style vehicles.
▪ At 2:29+, he describes a meeting with international interested parties who bemoaned the fact that these technologies had fallen into the hands of people outside of MAJIC. So MAJIC has been kept from the public and from the established government, and some of these technologies have escaped from MAJICs purview.
▪ At 2:32, he makes the important observation that there may be recourse for us in the courts because of the illegal nature of these operations. The really significant aspect is that whistleblowers get a percentage of the illegal funds recovered.
▪ At 2:34, he begins the story of meeting with the Crown Prince of Liechtenstein, where he describes a meeting in the fall of 1989 with President Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev, UN Secretary General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, and others to plan how to reveal the UFO reality to the world. After the planning session, at 3 AM Pérez de Cuéllar was returning from the meeting when he was abducted (apparently) by Extra Terrestrials and warned not to go through with the plans. That thwarted the intentions of the world leaders at the time. Dr. Greer states that this was clearly NOT done by ETs but was done by US Black Operations and was highly successful.
▪ At 2:42, he describes the motivations of some world leaders who confess that they are convinced of the danger to humanity of interstellar war and others who want to see Armageddon happen so the return of Jesus Christ would be ushered in.
▪ At 2:46, he provides strong evidence
that the CIA has been the perpetrator of the abductions where implants have been inserted into those abducted. He also states that cattle mutilations were also the work of US Black Ops for 2 purposes: 1) create the impression that ETs are ruthless and we need to fear them, and 2) provide biological material for Black Op cloning and GE experiments. He goes on to describe his thesis, which is that public perception of UFOs is being carefully manipulated to prepare us for a planned but unnecessary interstellar war. He says that Wernher von Braun warned of this on his deathbed that the overarching plan was to first develop terrorism to create general fear and then to move public perception into support of interstellar war.
▪ At 3:21, he encourages the movement toward peaceful ET contact. There apparently is a consciousness movement that is starting to be coordinated with cell phone apps toward peaceful contact. He states that the thing that will thwart these hoaxed WW3 plans is actual peaceful ET contact because then society won’t fall for the fear-laden hoax. He also calls for use of the Whistleblower Act to fund legal recourse against these illegal operations by corporations. He points out the legal safety concerns of those who want to come forward with testimony, due to the illegal nature of these operations.
▪ At 3:30, Greer starts taking questions. He answers questions such as why established government officials such as Congressmen are not more involved in the issue.
▪ At 3:35, he explains what the agendas are of the people who are operating the Black Ops. This is a very informative and useful discussion.
▪ At 3:46, he comments on 9/11.
▪ At 3:49, he makes an interesting comment about the ET perspective of our human-created dilemma.