Monatsarchive: Dezember 2015

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When you order Sheldan’s “YOUR GALACTIC NEIGHBORS” book ~~ You receive a free Webinar Archive

In the past few months Sheldan has presented live Webinars about key Galactic Federation Members. The Sirians, Pleiadeans and Andromedans.


Your Galactic Neighbors is a handbook for the future. This invaluable work will introduce you to more of the most benevolent star-nations that populate this universe.

As a special holiday offer if you order the book Your Galactic Neighbors … we will send you 
the Webinar 33 Galactic Federation Members archive download … for FREE.

(This offer is good until Dec. 31, 2015)

Click Here to order Your Galactic Neighbors

FREE BONUS WEBINAR ARCHIVE DOWNLOAD (when you order Your Galactic Neighbors)

Webinar 33 Galactic Federation Members

Sheldan answers your many questions about Galactic Federation Members


Topics include…

• Why have so many GF members come to earth?
• What are they doing to assist us?
• Human Members: What are they like?
• Non-human Members: What are they like?
• Who will meet us first when the landings come?
• Which GF members will mentor us?
• Will some GF members stay here after we are fully conscious?
• What will happen to the dark cabals?
• Gaia becomes pristine again

To order the book, Your Galactic Neighbors, and receive your free bonus Webinar ~ Galactic Federation Members: CLICK HERE

©2015 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

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Eckhart’s teachings explain that the primary purpose of your life is to bring conscious awareness to each moment. During this holiday season of giving and receiving, perhaps the most valuable gift you can give to others, the world and yourself, is the light of your conscious awareness — the joy of Being.

“The joy of Being, which is the only true happiness, cannot come to you through any form, possession, achievement, person, or event—through anything that happens. That joy cannot come to you—ever. It emanates from the formless dimension within you, from consciousness itself and thus is one with who you are.” – Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth

Throughout this holiday season, “Accept the present moment and find the perfection that is deeper than any form and untouched by time.” Allow the joy of Being to emanate from within you; this is how a new earth will arise.

Eckhart Tolle Now is dedicated to providing you with the resources to put Eckhart’s teachings into practice everyday to transform your life, which ultimately transforms the world.

2016 … A Year of Awakening

We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge your role in shifting the consciousness around the world. On behalf of the Eckhart Tolle Now team we wish you and your loved ones during your holidays and the coming year much presence, love and awakening.

Wir sind das Zünglein an der Waage

von  | Dez 24, 2015 | BewusstseinRealitätsformung


zuenglein-an-der-waage-gross-dieter-broers-deÖffnen wir die Augen

Liebe Freunde,

sicherlich kennt Ihr das Zitat von Robert Anton Wilson1 „Menschen sind Riesen, denen man eingeredet hat, dass sie Zwerge sind“. Nun haben wir etliche Jahrzehnte hinter uns, in denen uns scheinbar grenzenlose Möglichkeiten vorgegaukelt wurden und die künstlichen Begrenzungen unserer Fähigkeiten immer subtiler wurden. Bei all den Technologien, die wir inzwischen „nutzen“, um uns selbst die einfachsten Dinge abzunehmen zu lassen, nehmen unsere Bequemlichkeiten noch zu und wir können kaum noch merken, wie unsere Gewohnheiten dazu führen, dass viele unserer Fähigkeiten nicht mehr zum Einsatz kommen. Am Ende kann diese Entwicklung dazu führen, dass wir meinen, ohne Technologie unvollkommen und völlig hilflos zu sein (die Natur kommt bekanntlich ohne Technik aus). Wenn wir diesem Empfinden Glauben schenken und uns nicht mehr an die in uns angelegten naturgemäßen Fähigkeiten erinnern können, haben wir uns selbst am Ende unserer Macht beraubt.

Damit wir alle unsere natürlichen Fähigkeiten in vollem Umfang nutzen und weiterentwickeln können, müssen bestimmte Voraussetzungen gegeben sein. Dazu brauchen wir als Menschheit eine fundamentale VeränderungAuf individueller Ebene steht an, uns unserer Aufgabe zu stellen, die widernatürlichen Strukturen unseres Egos zu erkennen und uns von ihnen nicht weiter beherrschen zu lassen, sondern mehr aus unserem Herzen zu agieren und in Ehrfurcht vor der Schöpfung Brüderlichkeit zu leben. Auf politischer Ebene das Prinzip der Unterstützung ohne Vereinnahmungsabsicht, auf wirtschaftlicher Ebene die Abkehr vom Heuschreckenkapitalismus und auf globaler Ebene eine grundlegende Umkehr im Umgang mit unseren Lebensgrundlagen.

Dazu müssen wir uns kollektiv von Unterdrückung und Manipulation befreien und von unseren Rechten und Möglichkeiten Gebrauch machen. In einer Wissensgesellschaft, in der Information alles ist, ist Aufklärung eine Frage der Verbreitung wahrer Informationen. Bei der Verbreitung so vieler Unwahrheiten, wie wir sie heute erleben, wird es zunehmend wichtiger, genau darauf zu schauen, welchen Wahrheitsgehalt die Dinge tatsächlich haben, die wir als richtig anerkennen. Die öffentlichen Medien sind zunehmend weniger Lieferanten zuverlässiger Informationen. Es liegt in unserer Macht, eine andere unmanipulierten Öffentlichkeit zu schaffen, uns zu vernetzen und dabei auf nichts blind zu vertrauen. Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass der Menschheit die Kehrtwende gelingen wird, aber ich weiß auch, dass es mehr denn je darauf ankommt, dass jeder Einzelne von uns in dem, was der denkt, tut und sagt, von dem Bewusstsein um die Maximen eines wahrhaft sozialen Wesens getragen ist. Denn es geht dabei nicht nur um individuelle Qualitäten, sondern auch um den Aspekt der Quantität, der Menge an so orientierten Individuen, um den kritischen Schwellenwert2. Jeder Einzelne könnte das Zünglein an der Waage sein und ausschlaggebend dafür, in welche Richtung das System kippt.

Mit Zünglein an der Waage bezeichnet man bildhaft einen ausschlaggebenden Umstand oder eine entscheidende Person in einer ansonsten ausgewogenen Situation, besonders in einer Pattsituation. Die metaphorische Redewendung will deutlich machen, dass eine kleine Ursache in bestimmten Situationen große Wirkung haben kann. Es geht um Alles oder Nichts. Um unsere Freiheit oder um unsere Versklavung. Das Alles-oder-nichts-Gesetz bezeichnet das Phänomen, dass eine Reaktion auf einen Reiz entweder vollständig oder überhaupt nicht ausgelöst wird. Es gibt also einen Schwellenwert, der überschritten werden muss, um die Reaktion auszulösen.

Lebendige Systemen sind nur kurzfristig im Gleichgewicht. Verkürzt gesagt, naturgemäß geht der Entwicklung zu einer höheren Ordnung immer Chaos voraus. Einer der ersten Forscher, der sich mit diesem Phänomen auseinander setzte, war der russische Nobelpreisträger Ilja Prigogine. Der Physikochemiker und Philosoph richtete seine Aufmerksamkeit auf sogenannte dissipative Strukturen. Sie entstehen in komplexen Systemen, die nicht statisch sind, sondern sich unaufhörlich verändern. Man spricht auch von nicht-linearen Systemen.

Wie hat man sich das vorzustellen? Ein lineares System ist überschaubar. Wenn ich einen Topf mit Wasser auf den Herd stelle und die Herdplatte einschalte, wird das Wasser irgendwann zu kochen anfangen. Die Hitze im Wasser erhöht sich gleichmäßig, das heißt: linear, bis das Wasser den Siedepunkt erreicht und verdampft. Die einfache Regel eines linearen Systems heißt: Wenige berechenbare Faktoren erzeugen ein berechenbares Ergebnis. Denn je mehr Wärme ich zuführe, desto schneller erhitzt sich das Wasser. Anders nicht-lineare Systeme. Im Beispiel könnten nun viele andere Faktoren hinzukommen. Durch Aus- und Anschalten der Herdplatte ist die Energiezufuhr unregelmäßig. Jemand wirft Eiswürfel ins Wasser das sich daraufhin kurzzeitig abkühlt. Die Gravitation ändert sich. Und schon haben wir ein nicht-lineares System. Es ist komplex, weil viele unberechenbare Faktoren im Spiel sind. Und das System kann plötzlich „umkippen“: An einem nicht berechenbaren Zeitpunkt fängt das Wasser an zu kochen.

Noch deutlicher wird dieser Vorgang beim Wetter. Es unterliegt den verschiedensten Einflüssen, etwa dem warmen Golfstrom oder lokalen Stürmen. All das wirkt sich auf das Weltwetter aus. Sogar winzigste Veränderungen können das gesamte System beeinflussen. Der Wetterforscher Ed Lorentz prägte dafür den populären Begriff SchmetterlingseffektSchon der Flügelschlag eines Schmetterlings in Südamerika könne in China einen Hurrikan auslösen. Wer denkt da nicht an Gandhis Satz: Sei selbst die Veränderung, die du dir von der Welt wünschst?

Wer hätte schon gedacht, dass ein einfacher Wanderprediger wie Jesus von Nazareth eine Weltreligion stiften würde, die gewaltige, kulturelle und politische Folgen haben würde? Jeder Einzelne von uns könne der Schmetterling sein, der das Gesamtsystem zum Kippen bringt. Zunächst könnte es allerdings so aussehen, dass wir nur alles durcheinanderbringen. Haben wir etwas falsch gemacht? Nein, denn dieses Kippen und Chaos ist unausweichlich.

Der Systemtheoretiker Ilja Prigogine fragte sich: Was passiert, wenn sich Strukturen höherer Ordnung entwickeln? Er fand heraus, dass dabei Übergangsstadien entstehen, die konfus und desorganisiert wirken. Erst mit den modernen Methoden der computergestützten Visualisierung von großen Datenmengen wurde zweierlei sichtbar: Die scheinbare Unordnung hatte sehr wohl eine Struktur, wenn auch keine, die der klassischen Geometrie entspricht. Statt regelmäßiger Formen wie Dreiecke oder Vierecke bilden sich sogenannte Fraktale, gezackte, gebogene Gebilde. Optisch ähneln sie zuweilen Seesternen oder zerklüfteten Küstenlinien. Sie markieren einen Zwischenzustand, aus dem sich später eine höhere, geordnete Struktur ergibt.

Insofern ist jede Krise ein Signal dafür, dass sich eine neue Ordnung bildet. Die gesamte Menschheitsgeschichte ist ein Auf und Ab von Kampf und Blüte, von Aufbau und Zerstörung. Von einem Gleichgewicht ist sie weit entfernt, so wie auch biologische Systeme niemals im Gleichgewicht sind. Dennoch bin ich sicher, dass der momentane Evolutionsschritt der Menschheit langfristig eine stabile Ordnung hervorbringen wird. Diesmal ist es anders als sonst. Diesmal haben wir die Chance, auf einem nie erreichten Bewusstseinsstand Veränderungen zu bewirken.

solar-revolution-cover-dvd-frontIn ihrem Interview für SOLAR REVOLUTION zitierte die Physikerin Elisabeth Rauscher Margaret Mead3, „Es braucht nur ein paar gute Leute mit einer ähnlichen Vision, um das Modell an das die Menschen glauben, zu ändern.“ Und fügte hinzu „Und ich glaube nicht einmal, dass es so viele dafür braucht, aber sie müssen kohärent sein.“
In diesem Sinne wünsche ich Euch allen für die kommenden Festtage viele lichtvolle Momente und einen erfreulichen Jahreswechsel.

Me Agape


Dieter Broers


1Robert Anton Wilson war ein US-amerikanischer Bestsellerautor und Philosoph. Berühmt wurde er unter anderem durch seine Romantrilogie Illuminatus!.

2 Die Begriffe Schwellenwert und Schwellenwerterniedrigung entstammen der Instinkttheorie, die der Verhaltensforscher und Nobelpreisträger Konrad Lorenz in den 1930er-Jahren formuliert hat und die später von anderen Forschern wie zum Beispiel von seinem Schüler Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt übernommen wurde. Diese Instinkttheorie unterstellt, dass jede Verhaltensweise („Instinktbewegung“) durch eine aktionsspezifische Erregung angetrieben und von einem Schlüsselreiz ausgelöst wird, sofern ein Schwellenwert überschritten wird.

Während der Initiationsphase muss durch einen Reiz das Membranpotential zunehmen, bis die Depolarisation einen bestimmten Schwellenwert erreicht. Das kann durch die Öffnung von postsynaptischen Ionenkanälen (Na+, Ca2+) oder durch ein elektrotonisch weitergeleitetes (Aktions)potential aus einer benachbarten Membranregion geschehen.

3Margaret Mead war eine US-amerikanische Ethnologin (cultural anthropologist). Sie gilt als eine der entschiedensten Vertreterinnen des Kulturrelativismus im 20. Jahrhundert.

Moderatorin Dr. med. Sabine Helmbold im Gespräch mit dem bekannten Biophysiker Dieter Broers:

Wir leben in einer Zeit, die große Herausforderungen für uns bereithält. Bezogen auf die Medizin, hier vor allem die so genannte westlich orientierte Schulmedizin könnte dies einen tief greifenden Wandel bedeuten. Immer mehr chronisch kranke Patienten, die oft lebenslang auf Medikamente eingestellt werden, eine überwiegend auf Symptome ausgerichtete Behandlung. An die eigentlichen Ursachen im geistigen und seelischen Bereich wird dabei häufig erst gar nicht gedacht. Die Ganzheit von Seele, Geist und Körper wird allzu oft vernachlässigt. Ist so Heilung überhaupt möglich?

Moderatorin Dr. med. Sabine Helmbold im Gespräch mit dem bekannten Biophysiker Dieter Broers. Seine wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse aus der Quantenphysik fordern zu einem fundamentalen Umdenken, einer Neuorientierung in der Medizin regelrecht auf.

Hier das Video zum Gespräch:

Whatever will show up on the outside during this coming year 2016, hold on to the most positive vision for yourselves, humanity, the earth and all living beings on her, and act on your visions. It may seem like never ending dust swirling around, when the veils of illusion start to lift more and more, but under the dust will emerge the beauty of who we really are, beings of love, joy, compassion and courage, who are able to create together heaven of earth.
I wish you all a peaceful Christmas time and a deep breath of strenght and courage for 2016. With love, Arya

unnamed (17)




This month on Eckhart Tolle Now
In this month’s featured video, Eckhart describes the reciprocal transformation that can unfold when we truly commune with nature, and teaches us that being in nature can nourish and heal the soul, helping you to realign yourself with stillness. Kim guides us through a meditation for experiencing our life force energy through the inner body…WATCH
The Top 10 Pass it On Videos of 2015!
What do a dog, karma, the ego and the secret of life have in common? Find out in the Top 10 Most Watched Pass it On videos of 2015…View more
Balancing Form and
Essence Identity
Can you speak about reactivity?
Eckhart talks about the essential identity that we all share, how realizing this… Counsel in making the choice to react or allow.
Science & Consciousness Vigilance
Eckhart speaks with scientist and author Lothar Schäfer An inspirational talk on the faculty that Eckhart calls vigilance…
Divine Dissatisfaction
By Steve Taylor
In his book, The Calm Center, Steve Taylor’s powerful meditations and poetic reflections will comfort and inspire. His piece, Divine Dissatisfaction, is one of his more meaningful works that will gently lead you towards the joy of your true, essential, and authentic selfs…View more
Pass it on Community Clips
Eckhart Tolle Now allows members to create and share Eckhart video clips. Each month we share new Community Clips.
Pass it on December’s Pick
Description: Eckhart explains how we can practice presence and stay present during conversations with other people. Can we listen without thinking from an aware space of consciousness? We may talk less, and listen more.
There is Only One Teaching
Sarah has listened to many spiritual teachers, and she has found, as Eckhart says, that there is only one teaching. His words resonated with her, even in her darkest moments. When her freelance rollercoaster went into freefall, his teachings became more important than ever to Sarah. This is her story…Read more
Kim in Practice: The Peace in Presence
In exploring how to find the wonderful experience of peace, it often is necessary to step away from the thinking mind. This month, Kim Eng teaches us about how she connects to stillness by letting go of the need to talk… Read more
The Peace That Passes All Understanding
By Eckhart Tolle
Suddenly and inexplicably, anguish fear can give way to a sacred sense of Presence, a deep peace and serenity and complete freedom from fear. How can we feel such peace…Read More
Eckhart Tolle
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Webinar Preview: Our Shifting Reality

In this extra special Update Webinar, Sheldan explains what is happening to Gaia and all of us right now!

The Galactic Federation Med Teams and our Ascended Masters are here to help. They provide an energy transmission to balance your fields so you can begin living at your optimal potential. The purpose of this energy transmission connects you with your inner guidance and strengthens your connection with the Divine Plan that is unfolding before our very eyes.


Topics include…

• How the Galactic Core Energies are affecting us
• Gaia’s current ascension symptoms – mini-Earth changes
• How the reality shift is affecting us
• The Galactic option – the New You and prosperity
• NESARA: how we will celebrate our new freedom
• Our actions can help (the Universe rewards action!)

To order Webinar 68 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.


The Transmutation of Separation

by Aluna Joy Yaxkin – SOLSTICE – Dec 21, 2015

Could current horrific events finally flush to the surface the insanity of separation once and for all? Can we co-exist?


I had the blessed opportunity to sit with the Buddha Relicsrecently. I cried in the presence of such great unconditional love. I searched for answers to the building fear, pain and separation in our world. The answer I received was in a vision. I saw these dedicated ones, that go all the way back to a time before Christ. They were continually holding the space of loving kindness, knowing they would never see the result of their life’s work. And when I asked what gave them the strength to do this their entire life, they showed me that there has always been separation, hate, anger and unthinkable barbaric acts in the human family. Then I asked how they endured such atrocities, and they showed me that they were holding a great light upon Earth so those who come after them could finally anchor it for all time. They didn’t worry about how much time this would take, or who would actually finally get the job done. Now that is dedication, trust, and pure unconditional love. They held tight to a bigger picture. And the question arose in me…. “Are WE those who will complete this job?”

“You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

As I sat there in front of the energy of holy greatness, I watched a lot of things that washed across my consciousness. It reminded me of who I have always been at the core, and what I came here for. Even as a child, I knew this was the life that big things would take place. I know many of you who read this feel this too.

I continued to sit with the Buddha, and as I watched their responsibility being passed on to us (and to those reading this), I began to feel the weight, grief and frustration in our current world situation. I also felt the power of great love to endure it and maybe even cure it once and for all. This is our work now. There is no path to follow, because we are now the path. The path we create now can end separation and bring peace that will last for a generations to come.

(I have to say that I have re-written this message over and over trying to get it just right. My lifelong guides (the Star Elders) let me know when it is conveyed just right, so it will be heard by the hearts of those reading this. They already know who this message is meant for and who will read it. So I asked the Star Elders for help.)


The Star Elders say… “A wall of fear and anger is being aggressively built on the Earth at this time by the ones who would like to see you not complete your ascension. It will take some great activity of light to penetrate this energy field that is pitting one people against another; one religion against another; one race against another; one country against another, etc…. The biggest wall at this time that keeps humanity from becoming ONE, united and peaceful is the separation created by prejudice.”

As a child, people that were different than me were the most fascinating people to me. Racist or prejudiced thoughts never entered my mind. When I became more aware of others opinions, I was stunned, shocked and surprised by people’s judgements and fears of those that are different than they were.

By the time I was in 5th grade, I was a little and annoying human rights activist. I had a friend in the same grade as me named Stanley. Let’s say he was intellectually challenged, but I didn’t care. I loved how he saw the world and how he didn’t have judgements or anger; he had love. Most kids didn’t like him, because he was different. One day we were out on the play ground, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a group of kids gathering and one kid was about to throw a ball at Stanley. As the ball flew, I leaped up and stopped the impact to Stanley’s head. My wrist snapped. The next day I was waving my cast around the playground preaching about being nice to each other. The offending kids were sheepish and embarrassed and of course didn’t like me much for making them face their bully mentality. I guess I missed my calling as a gospel preacher. The message is this … Do I remember the kid who threw the ball? Nope! Do I remember the kid that I saved from a possible concussion? Oh yes. And most of all, was the price I paid worth it? It certainly was!

Then there was my Grandfather. He was an amazing man, and I was fascinated by his grace and nobleness. My grandmother was an amazing person as well. But before I was born, they were forced to join the KKK in their small town in the mid-west, otherwise no one would come to my grandfather’s barber shop, and he would be ostracized from the community. They were forced to take sides even though it was not true to their hearts. I learned from this story to never let anyone (like current corrupted mass media and Internet) turn us against another innocent human being. We are all children of God.

Are we being brain washed by the mass media’s tainted agendas about politics, world affairs … infused with fear regarding a multitude of things including concerns about groups of radicalized crazy people? I think it was Mahatma Gandhi that said We can’t fight a sane war with an insane opponent. So let us, humanely immobilize these insane ones, the few monsters that have lost all sight of all their humanity and are making our whole world blind to our humane-ity; thus building this wall of fear that is keeping us from manifesting our divinity.

When I took my first trip to Egypt, I purposely didn’t study anything as I wanted to enter the sites as a little child… innocent. It is the best way to take a sacred journey. I had no preconceived notions about the history or the current culture. But neither did I understand the impact that other religions had on this area a long time ago. As I walked through temple after temple, I began to notice many of the faces of the various Gods that had been chiseled off. I asked my local guide about this, and she said without prejudice, anger or judgment, “Oh…. the Christians did that when they came here.” Just so you know, she is Muslim, and I was raised Christian. I was ashamed and wanted to learn more!

Most people do not understand … that the Quran was also studied by early Christians and Jews, before it was standardized. The Quran recounts stories of many of the people and events recounted in Jewish and Christian sacred books, although it differs in some details. Adam, Enoch, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Solomon, Elijah, Jonah, Moses, Zechariah, John the Baptist and even Jesus (among many others) are mentioned in the Quran as prophets of God. In fact, Jesus is mentioned more often in the Quran than Muhammad, and Mary is mentioned in the Quran more than the New Testament. (from Our linages do come from the same source.

“God has no religion.”~ Mahatma Gandhi

What breaks my heart is that after 2000 years, we are still fighting the same holy wars with those whose roots are the same as ours. We all agree … radicalism and extremism in any form is out of balance. It is an extreme form of separation and is certainly not based in love. No good comes from hate and anger; nor does judgement and prejudice. These emotions separate us. Separation is painful to the soul, and what is separated and is out of balance for a long time eventually becomes angry and insane. Terrorism and war is insane and is an extreme form of separation. This angry monster labeled terrorism goes way beyond any religious boundary, color of our skin, social status or educational level. There are good people everywhere. We must only look to each one’s heart to know who they really are. We are one, humanity.


But this is the world we are in now. We created this separation, so we must fix it. Yet we can not take insane action and expect a sane result! There is no more important time than NOW. The world and all of humanity needs our love. It is time to feel, act and live from LOVE at all cost. Throw up your hands to stop bombs of all kinds that hurt innocent people! Is it worth it to you?

“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”~ Mahatma GandhI

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it – always.”~ Mahatma Gandhi

It makes me wonder, what if my grandfather had stood up and said being prejudiced was not God like? Would his actions have caused the separation to narrow a bit in his day? And how many people would have joined him if he took a stand? Who knows what kind of wave he/they would have created.

Well, I am praying for a big wave of love that puts an end to the insanity of separation and prejudice. In fact, I AM asking for a tsunami! And I am asking you to join me. Because if we don’t work to anchor love over fear, then we have to ask ourselves what is the point in our beliefs? If we don’t move beyond mere positive attention and begin to take physical action out in the world, then what manifests next will be something that we participated in by default.

I send you blessings for this powerful solstice, and I now place out in the world the strong intentions for a peaceful 2016. The ancient ones hope you heard this message ~ Aluna Joy

Inspiration from Dr. Martin Luther King:
* “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

* “There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.”

* “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

Copyright © 1995-2015 Aluna Joy Yaxkin – We are happy to give permission to share this message as long as this message remains complete, un-edited and shared freely.

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        HILARION 2015


December 20-27, 2015

Season’s Greetings!

REPOST from December 7-14, 2014

 With the addition of the following announcement from the Scribe. “The Hilarion Connection©, Book One” is now completed!!! This would make a great gift to give yourself and others! It is a gift that keeps on giving and is energized by the Master Hilarion.

It is available at this link for the printed book:

and as a Kindle download at: 

Hilarion has stated his desire to see his words compiled into book format to spread across the world (see Preface) and I am honored to fulfill that request! Watch for “The Hilarion Connection©, Book Two” coming soon! May each of you be blessed beyond measure in all ways in 2016!

Beloved Ones,

It is important that you make time each day to be still so that you can go within. During this time of the year, one’s schedule can become full of activities that you feel must be done, with family, friends and your community and this is wonderful as long as you do not over extend yourselves. Too often there is a tendency to place too much importance on the pleasing of others rather than on one’s own needs. As in all things, there must be a balance so that your equilibrium is maintained and sustained. It might require a rethinking of priorities or of lowering your own expectations and looking at alternative options. Many times, it is one’s own expectations of how things should be that create stress in one’s life. Your loved ones are willing to help and are willing to adjust to new ways of doing things and to experiencing new ways to celebrate the season.

If one is relaxed and feeling peace within themselves, they do not leak impatient energies to those around them. Each person must realize that they are part of a greater whole and that their energies affect those around them, so it is important to look at themselves as having more power than previously contemplated. Many are feeling stressed, rushed and angry during these times and those who are extremely sensitive pick up this energy automatically and then wonder why they are feeling such feelings when they were feeling happy and peaceful before. Some of you are like sponges, absorbing the emotive fiery energies from all the people in your sphere of influence. When this happens, one needs to realize what has occurred and then counteract by finding a quiet space, finding time to soak in a tub of very warm and soothing water, perhaps perfumed with an essential oil of your choice and with some sea salt added to purify your auric field and clear all that is not conducive to who you really are. Listening to relaxing music is also very helpful.

When one’s emotions include the feeling of gratitude, the universe rushes in to provide its counterpart in your life. At this time of the year, it is important to cultivate the feelings of the heart that open your heart centre to its radiant golden glow so that it has the opportunity to expand into greater Christ consciousness. This consciousness is freely available to everyone and requires an openness and willingness to receive. This loving energy is non-denominational and is to be received and integrated by everyone. It is especially more potent as the world moves into the solstice in each hemisphere on your planet. Working with these potent energies helps to move you forward to the greater expansion of your inherent potentials. As you move through each day, use that extra power to bless everyone and everything around you. Bless every person you meet, bless the trees, the birds, the flowers, bless all the beauty that you see. Give thanks to God for everything. When you do this consistently, the angels, your guides, the ascended masters and your higher self will work in spirit so that it is accomplished.

When you bless everything, it is by cosmic law that what goes out from you will come back to you so be prepared for many blessings in your life. Better yet, become all blessings of God by making this a daily practice and this will automatically spread all blessings to the world around you. As you daily raise your consciousness and your vibrational frequency, you are also raising your higher self to a higher level. The higher your higher self rises, the higher you are lifted up. As people raise their consciousness, their light spreads out for many miles like a blanket of pink light which assists others to open their heart and consciousness and their awareness starts to expand. This pink light expands out to encompass all who are within its field. This is why it is most important to purify one’ thoughts as you expand in your power to manifest your reality by your thoughts. It is important to train your mind and watch all your thoughts to see if they reflect the God that you are.

Each and every one of you is learning to wield greater power in the world around you and this requires self discipline and self control. There are many examples of the misuse of power in the world and that is not what you are here to do. You are here to create positive and benevolent changes in the collective consciousness of the planet. You must continue to be the love and the light that you innately are. And with each passing day, we see more of you shine your brilliant light and we rejoice!

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

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 Mike Quinsey channelling his High Self

The festive season is bringing about a release from the more uninviting things happening on Earth. Regardless as to what is taking place in the outside world, people are determined to relax and enjoy themselves. It creates an energy that brings out the best in people, and gives them an opportunity to be giving and forgiving where relationships have been marred or even destroyed. For some it is a time for renewing acquaintances with those who have lost touch, and all over the world happiness is being recreated. Man was never intended to be alone, but most people are of course tied in with each other through karma, that can of course be viewed as either good or bad as you understand it. Whatever way you look at it life on Earth is a continual challenge that you do not always understand. However they are all part of your life plan to help you continue evolving.

 The lives of many people are intertwined with others, and each in turn is guided to ensure that they follow their life plan. Sometimes you are hurt emotionally by your experiences, but be aware that all happens with your approval. Before you incarnate you speak with Higher Beings who discuss the details with you, and you inevitably agree with your life plan. You know that the sooner you clear any outstanding karma the better, as it will otherwise hold your advancement back. Karma sounds like punishment, but that is far from the truth as it is simply allowing you an opportunity to evolve where perhaps you have failed in the past. Furthermore, as you are at the end of this cycle it must be cleared if you are to progress. So it is very important that you take matters seriously if you desire to move out of the lower dimension.

 The Earth is in upheaval and Mother Earth is now forging ahead with the changes that are long overdue. She has patiently waited for Man to cease destroying the environment, but too little avail. The result is that changes are now being experienced all around that to some may seem destructive, but they are all part of the necessary cleansing so that the New Age can get underway. Do not worry about the outcome as you are assured of beneficial changes that shall restore peace on Earth. It will akin to the Golden Age but realise that it only comes when the vibrations have reached the necessary level. You have everything to look forward to even though you look around now and see so much turmoil. You will achieve your goals with the help of others who will make themselves known to you at the appropriate time.

 In the present time you are going to be hard pressed to understand why so much is changing around you. It will be difficult to determine what exactly is working for the good of all, so your intuition comes into play. You know the background to what is happening but just now there is no certainty as to how things will play out. Freewill is still the prerogative of all souls and as a collective it is you in great part who determine the way the future unfolds. The greater plan will in any event come to pass but whether it is a smooth passage is down to you. Whatever happens, Ascension will take place and in the near future.

 You will be able to identify those of the Light who are engaged in work for the enlightenment of others. However, not all of them as some take a path that avoids publicity, and quietly but efficiently carry out their work. You can often sense the higher energy around such a person and that is a most reliable way to know that they are of the Light. Your intuitive powers will help you know when you meet them, and experience their whole demeanour. It should be easy for those who are evolved to identify those souls who pretend to be enlightened, yet are following a path that is not fully connected to the Light.

 You should by now be aware that many of your friends who are of the Light, are from the higher realms and work with the Galactic Forces, They have done so for eons of time and guided Humanity to keep their feet firmly on their path. Most souls have little if any understanding of the way in which Spirit works with them. It would however work much better if they understood how to relate to their Guides. They are there to help you evolve, and where possible ensure you keep to your commitments. You need never feel alone and can call upon your Guides at any time for help.

 Love is the greatest and most powerful energy there is, but at your comparatively low vibration it is not easy to use it to bring about miracles. You can however give successful healing as many of your healers already do. Even a few kind words spoken with love and feeling can lift up a soul in need. You may already know that the power is much stronger where you are in a group, and much more can be achieved in this way. Ultimately you will be able to heal instantaneously but it should be noted that healing is unnecessary in the higher dimensions.

 Some souls cannot understand why they have accepted such a challenging life on Earth. That is possibly because they have forgotten why they volunteered to drop down the dimensions. You almost certainly felt compassion for those souls trapped in the lower vibrations, and were amongst a band of volunteers who elected to help them return to the Light. You did so having been given an assurance that you would always be accompanied by Light Beings. In other words, you would be guided and helped through your mission to ensure you safely returned to the Light. Everything that happens around you is part of your experience, and as more of you return to the Light so the need for more extensive lessons becomes unnecessary.

 You may continue to be kept in the dark as far as what is happening on Earth, and it will remain that way until the dark Ones are prevented from interfering. It should change over a period of time, as some brave souls ignore their threats and go ahead with their plans to enlighten the people. So many people have lost their lives attempting to bring out the truth, so care must be taken until it is safe to do so. Some souls who are prominent amongst the leading “Lights” are protected because their work is so vital and important. You will no doubt identify with them, and their messages bring you up to date information. Much is happening behind the scenes and the overall position is now very encouraging.

 I am Mike Quinsey and bring these messages through my Higher Self. It will be the last one until Friday the 1st January 2016. It promises to be an exciting year and I believe that much progress will be made. Disclosure will most likely take place and once that occurs it will signal the release of much information that has had to be held back.

 I wish you all a happy time whatever celebrations you are used to enjoying at this time. It is a great opportunity to get together and bring happiness and love into the world.

 In Love and Light. Mike Quinsey.

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