Keep the peace alive in the world!
Jesus through John
Guidance from an elder brother
September 20, 2015 by John Smallman
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As you must know I most firmly believe in life after death and in an infinitely loving God, Presence, Source, but, like most humans, I have no idea what that really means. Reading accounts of people’s NDEs is uplifting and encouraging, but life here on Earth leaves much to be desired, especially for those in war zones, those fleeing war zones, and those suffering with floods, forest fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and various forms of ill-health.
So I feel I should not complain at all, BUT, as I experienced listening to Anita Moorjani’s interview with Brian Rose (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oz4NUe_hv2M), I do feel that something of ultimate importance is missing from my life, something I remember I had but can no longer remember, other than knowing that something important is missing. And of course all the inspiring messages from you and from Saul are about the fact that there is only Love, and the only concept of that that most of us can imagine is “falling in love” with another so that life can be lived in a loving, uplifting, and very satisfying relationship. However, very few of those seem to work long term – even though we are only here momentarily! – so I guess we are all really looking for what we lost when we chose to separate from God. And, having forgotten what it is that we lost, we have no real idea where to look, and where we do look does not reveal any satisfying answers. So, Dear Jesus, please respond with a message that uplifts and inspires me and our followers. We are in need of reassurance, reassurance that reinforces and strengthens our wavering faith so that we continue making our way very positively along the path to our inevitable awakening.
Jesus: Good evening John. The task we here in the spiritual realms have taken upon ourselves, and that you who have chosen to experience human lives at this point in humanity’s awakening process have also taken on, is to uplift and inspire humanity into awakening. We pass messages to you, they inspire you and strengthen your faith in God, and you then share them freely and indiscriminately so that all of humanity can become aware of and then choose to be part of this longed for process leading you to your inevitable awakening.
As we have said, humanity has made the collective decision to awaken, but the distractions and enticements with which the illusion seemingly presents you almost constantly keep drawing you back into it. This has been an ongoing struggle for you since the moment, just a moment ago, that you made the choice to build and enter into the illusion. The illusion is a very clever construct. Many of you have seen conjurers and magicians performing extraordinarily convincing magical tricks, so you understand the concept. But the illusion that the one Son of God built to attempt to separate Himself from His Father is way more convincing than anything that a human illusionist could possibly produce.
The saving grace is, of course, that time, like the illusion, is unreal, utterly unreal! Yes, to all of you apparently immersed in it, it seems totally real, but I assure you that it is not. Those of you who have had NDEs (many more of you than you might think) know this, and have shared that knowledge with all who wish to be informed. Throughout the eons mystics and enlightened ones have also been telling you this, but, as I said, the distractions and enticements of the illusion, like the tricks of conjurers and magicians, draw you in because they seem so real and entrancing to you.
Illusionists tricks and sleight of hand are always finally revealed for what they are, unreal, illusions, and the grand illusion in which you seem to be living, often very unhappily and unsatisfactorily, will also be shown to be unreal.
You are One with God. That is your state since the glorious moment of your creation, and it is an unchangeable state because God is changeless and so, therefore, are you. You were created absolutely perfect because, naturally, all that God creates is eternally perfect. That does not mean you are in a state of stagnancy, motionless. Creation, God, is eternally creative, and the potential for further creation is limitless. Unchanging does not mean a stationary or uncreative state, it means a state that is constantly and eternally extending Love, infinitely. This means that you, every sentient being, is forever expanding in Love and creativity . . . your potential to create like God is limitless.
This is your natural state, creating and expanding the field of Love that is God and in which He created you. What He creates He shares and extends without limit or restriction. Love is limitless and changeless, there is nowhere within It that anything unloving can be present, because there is nothing else, and there is no potential for anything that is unreal or unloving because Love fills the whole of Creation, being the whole of Creation.
When you awaken into Reality, your eternal Home, as you will when you release your fearful grasp on the illusion, your joy will be beyond, way beyond your wildest dreams. Keep renewing your intent to awaken and for humanity to awaken by daily, hourly, in fact moment to moment restating your intent to be only loving regardless of the situation in which you seem to be involved.
Love is All. Therefore, Love, when you embrace It, dissolves all that is not in perfect alignment with It. Fear, anger, jealousy, resentment, hatred, blame, condemnation, and judgment are absolutely UNREAL! Let them go, release your anxious grasp upon them and allow them to dissolve into the nothingness from which you imagined them into being. It is only your grip on them, your belief in them that appears to maintain them. Not one among you wants any of them, you only want Love, so open your hearts, as we keep advising you to do, and allow the Love that surrounds and envelops you in every moment to embrace you, waking you up into Reality, your eternal Home.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
A Hathor Message |
The Hathor Planetary Meditation: An UpdateThere were over 500 people gathered in the Peter Jay Sharpe Theatre at Symphony Space in New York to be the nexus point for the global meditation on Sept. 5th.
The meditation was recorded and you can listen and/or download it using the link at the bottom of this page. You are receiving this sound meditation because you received the Hathor postings. It is only being made available to people who receive the Hathor postings or joined us in New York. It will also be part of a workshop set when that is produced. This is copyrighted material. We ask that you not post it anywhere or use it in any way other than for your personal use. The Hathors have said that the meditation, which was joined by tens of thousands of people around the world, was successful, and we should see an increase of global awareness and action regarding our ecosystem within the next 9 – 12 months. Upon questioning them further, they said that this shift would come from grassroots organizations, the voices of children and international cooperation unimaginable at this point in time. I thought some of you might like to know my personal experience around the meditation. For days before the event I was resistant because I intuitively sensed how intense the planetary energetic was going to be and how it was going to affect me. During the meditation I was clairvoyantly catapulted into space and saw Earth being bathed in celestial light and healing energies by a cornucopia of benevolent beings from multiple dimensions. It was a mind-boggling experience to sense the depth and magnitude of celestial help that was being extended to our planet. This energetic was so strong I was profoundly altered for many hours. In point of fact, I experienced a rapid activation of my Biophotonic network, meaning that the cells of my body were emitting light at an accelerated rate. This was a psychic impression, mind you, and not something I was able to verify through any type of scientific measurement. But the impression of increased light persisted, and I experienced my energy body as a field of pure diamond lights for over twenty-four hours. Note: If you are new to the science of Biophotonics you can find a list of resources on the topic by going to the Articles section of the website (www.tomkenyon.com) and click on Biophotonics- Class Handout:http://tomkenyon.com/ While I was still receiving sensory input from my environment and body, it was periodically eclipsed by strong sensations of intense white light, and this phenomenon continued well into the night and into dreamtime. While my experience of this light-filled body was blissful and ecstatic, my personal reaction afterwards was not. What I mean by this is that when I enter high vibratory fields of energy during Intensives and workshops, there is often a temporary reaction from my egoic self, meaning my contracted level of self. And it often takes some time for me to come back to a state of personal balance, meaning my “normal” (and I do mean quote, unquote) state of being. Other psychonauts (explorers of consciousness) have also mentioned to me that they have experienced similar phenomena in their own explorations. In the case of the Sept 5th Hathor Global Meditation, it took me about 72 hours to come back to my usual sense of self, although I must say that there is now a higher energetic in my being as a result of joining all of you in this global meditation and for this I am truly appreciative. I am sharing this personal anecdote simply to indicate the potency and power of the energetic we all created together. And I am sharing this in case some of you had a similar post meditation reaction similar to mine. I wish to thank you from the deepest place in my heart for taking the time and energy to participate. Blessings to you and your loved ones, Tom http://tomkenyon.com/ |
SaLuSa 18 September 2015
You are getting proof of the changes that are in progress and although you have had your disappointments in the past, many of you are now feeling the benefits of them. By comparison you should now be able to feel the different energies that are around you that have been substantially lifted up. It has been a slow but positive build up over the last few years which is just about to peak, bringing with it a noticeable upliftment. The overall effect will be one that awakens more people to the truth, so that they can break away from the influence of the dark Ones. Dear Ones, the Light has achieved a victory over them and no longer can they enslave the Human Race. Changes will come quite quickly that will lead towards the establishment of a new era, when freedom will be restored and a quantum leap forward taken to introduce those benefits that have been denied you. It is all prepared and will be given to you as soon as circumstances permit. Have patience as some changes are monumental, and time has to be allowed for them to be introduced. The most important matter at present is to remove the dark Ones and so put a stop to their activities that deliberately interfere with your future.
One day when you are looking back you will realise that the lives you have had in duality have raised your level of consciousness in a profound way. You may have been severely tested in the fires of life, but you have risen again like the Phoenix. You are on the way to becoming the great Being that you were when you started your journey eons of time ago. It has been tough and even now some souls are still clearing old karma as they complete their journey home. Know that every one of you volunteered for the experience, so there should be no recriminations against the Hierarchy. They have in fact stood by you at all times, and have ensured that you were given every opportunity for success. You are loved beyond measure and are far greater than you could possibly imagine at present. So hold your heads up high and see out the last of the old energies with thanks for their place in your evolution.
As we have mentioned recently, as souls that have reached an advanced point of understanding you can do much work in helping those who are just awakening to the truth. They will hear of changes that are taking place, and some will be frightened by the prospect of things being taken away that are familiar to them. You can placate them and assure them that not only are the changes in the best interests of everyone, but will advance them very quickly to a more pleasurable and easy life. The Creator has acknowledged the hard work that has been put in to achieve success, and has promised that from hereon you shall enjoy the fruits of your labours.
Slowly but surely you shall learn of your true history and your exalted place in the Universe. The end times are being watched with admiration by many, many civilisations that are waiting to meet you and show their love, and give their thanks for your achievements. You have carried out a service that will benefit many souls and speed up their evolution. In time you will fully understand, but at present it would be too much to comprehend all at once. At all times “love” has been the key word to your success, and Universal Love is your ultimate gaol. Where possible rest easy now and take everything in your stride, and we know it is easier said than done. Your worries will soon be a thing of the past when you will be able to fully enjoy your life.
You may be sure that no intrusion or attempts by others to interfere with your progress will be allowed. As we have mentioned before, the Earth is quarantined but also being protected by many Starships, in such a manner that you are assured of completing your journey quite safely. The end times have already been decreed to be a success, so positive predictions for that period will come to fruition. At the right which is way off at present we will be able to safely land on Earth and start the celebrations that are already planned. By then you will be completely free from the attentions of the dark Ones or indeed any other uninvited visitors. There are great times ahead that will go some way as a “thank you” for your hard work and great achievements.
We know that some of you with children worry about their future, and we wish to assure you that they will be well looked after. Some have incarnated from the higher dimensions especially for the period that is coming up. They are advanced souls that have a lot to offer and will be of immense help when their knowledge is required. Indeed, some are born leaders and their psychic abilities and other qualities will be welcomed. As you move further into the New Age you too will start to develop and claim your special abilities, and as you evolve you will also extend your chakra system. Evolution never stops and so life progresses to better and better things. For example some of you are already telepathic, but in time that will become a normal feature for everyone.
Think big as the only thing that can now hold you back is yourself. You help create your future by your thoughts and desires, and by attracting them to yourself. So it is imperative that you do not dwell upon negative thoughts, as this way you can attract the very things you do not want. It will of course become easier as the vibrations rise up, until you reach the stage where you will not encounter negativity. For many souls, duality has honed your character and temperament to the point where you are in complete control. On Earth there has been so many challenges to overcome that it is not surprising that you have found it difficult to make progress. However, you are never alone and your Guides are continually by your side to give help. Call upon them when you need help and you will surely get a response. However, there are times when you need to go through experiences for karmic reasons when they have to stand back.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and feel quite close to you having “shared” your lives for some time now. I am not of course the only one around you and at times when you need special help, there are others to call upon. Be assured we are always just a call away and do receive your messages, and where possible let you have a response to them. When we can uncloak our craft you see them for a brief time and we know that many of you find that re-assuring. We enjoy our service to Humanity and get so much joy when we can see how well you are progressing, and especially at this time when you are so near to completing your journey. It is not long now before your travels on Earth will be over and the celebrations can begin, and that is a measure of how much you are respected and admired for your remarkable achievements over eons of time.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
NOTE: My apologies as my message of 11 September 2015 referred to the “Shelves” and should have read “Sphere Alliance
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