Monatsarchive: September 2015

The Pope brought an important message with him when he traveled to the United States earlier this week.  He said people and life are more important than ideas.He said, “the most extraordinary scientific advances, the most amazing technical abilities, the most astonishing economic growth, unless they are accompanied by authentic social and moral progress, will definitively turn against man”.Pope Francis offered a solution that goes beyond merely treating symptoms, “if we feel intimately united with all that exists, then sobriety and care will well up spontaneously”. Then he said, “we must move forward as one, in a renewed spirit of fraternity and solidarity, cooperating generously for the common good.”

Global Oneness Day focuses on these themes precisely.  This year Stephen Dinan will moderate the Caring for our Earth Home panel and Andrew Harvey, James O’Dea, Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, Linda Bender and Roman Haniswill join him.

Over 40 world leaders are participating this year.  Click here to check out the program.  It is complimentary and if you miss any part of it you can listen-in at no charge for 48 hours. 

In Oneness,


Steve Farrell
Worldwide Coordinating Director
Humanity’s Team

P.S. If you are called to invest financially in the world-changing work of Humanity’s Team, ask us about becoming an advisor or sponsoring company supporting Global Oneness Day.  We’d love to be in touch with you.  Please email us

P.P.S.  Click here if you’d like information on Special Summit programs including Andrew Harvey’s Christ Path training, Kenji Kumara’s Heart of the Quantum series and Humanity’s Team’s Conscious Business Training and Certification.


Humanity’s Team is a global grassroots spiritual movement with over 100,000 members in over 150 countries.  We are a non-profit and provide all our programs free of charge so we might help people, families and the whole Earth awaken to Oneness.  On a very small budget we produce:  Global Oneness Day, The Living in Oneness Summit, our Spiritual leadership Awards, The Oneness Declaration, monthly Oneness in 12 Spheres of Life Calls and so much more.  We are almost all volunteer and appreciate so much your financial support.  You can join us at: and on Facebook under Humanity’s Team Worldwide  Gratitude in advance.

 Click here to get involved We have volunteer opportunities for you!

Top-rated Non-profit 2013Join us on Facebook and Twitter.

Please sign the Declaration of Oneness.

To DONATE now, click here.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has~Margaret Mead

© 2015, Humanity’s Team®. All rights reserved. The Humanity’s Team name is a registered trademark of Humanity’s Team, a charitable organization.

Humanity’s Team is an international spiritual movement whose purpose is to communicate and demonstrate the timeless truth that We Are All One, with God and life – caring for each other and the world we share – so that people’s actions reflect this profound understanding within a generation.  We believe that living this truth is essential to solving the most chronic and acute world problems and vital to creating a sustainable world of peace, harmony and happiness.

As a volunteer movement, we are funded entirely by freewill offerings. Our volunteer stewards in your country and around the world handle thousands of contacts with teammates and other individuals every month, as well as provide a growing number of outreach programs and services. THANKS for your support!

Please sign the Declaration of Oneness.

Jeff Lieberman, an MIT-trained artist, scientist and engineer, makes a scientific argument for mystical experience. He asks us to challenge our perception of what we are, our relationship to the universe, and our relationship to one another. Our minds are “thought-generating machines.” What we would happen if we could turn off the machine? If we could transcend our individual experience of the world?

Timely Message for September 27

by  on September 23, 2015 in Messages from Archangel Gabriel

The Waves of Awakening Light
and Your Emergence from the Chrysalis

Butterflies emergence

Dear Ones,

You came into this life with a longing for Home. Because of this inner longing of your soul, you may have spent all your life trying to fill the missing pieces. You hold an inner knowing deep within that there was something more, something more meaningful, a deeper connection with a part of your soul.

This activity of your inner spirit is evidence of the awakening at this time. Regardless of where you are on your journey, prepare yourself for a quickening. The energy coming with the eclipse and wave of Light is immense and a true blessing, although so much has been hyped about September 27 that you may be feeling frightened.

The Wave of Divine Love that will be pouring through the hearts of all humanity with the Full Moon Eclipse is the elixir that your soul has longed for, the spark that ignites the awakening consciousness of all those on the cusp of the first wave of ascension.

This is not the Mother Ship taking you away to somewhere else, but a divine experience in your physical form that awakens the deep codes of divinity within your DNA acting as a catalyst for change, new life, and awakening of your higher consciousness.

Stage fright may be the new normal

The most significant aspect of this timing is the large numbers of people that are ready for this powerful shift in consciousness that will occur with the full moon eclipse. Recognize that the feelings in your inner being that some label as fear and anxiety are actually the imaginal cells awakening perfect Divine timing, like the butterfly emerging from the chrysalis.

It is as if stage fright, that feeling of butterflies in your stomach, suddenly became the new normal.

Nothing is assured in this wave of awakening light. There will be some who may not notice the difference in their lives immediately. There will be others who can track the changes they are experiencing within. There may be some who have a radical spiritual experience of tremendous power as the wave of Divine Love permeates their being. No matter what your experience is, the illumination of your soul will be able to jump-start your life when you create your intention to work with this energy.

As you use the energy to create your highest good and bless all of humanity, it will calm the over-emotional responses that some are experiencing. Acting from neutrality and non-attachment to outcomes is the name of the game. What God has planned for all humanity is much grander than what can be imagined on a purely human level.

But imagine it anyway. Call forth the highest possible Joy, Love, Wisdom, Success and Abundance. Fill your life with Beauty. Offer your dreams to the forces of the Universe that await your direction, then come into the still point of centered awareness within your heart and let yourself become a vessel for awakening consciousness on Earth.

This activity is what your soul has longed for, for this activity of awakening consciousness you came to Earth in this incarnation. You are here as the bridge between Heaven and Earth. Your presence provides the fertile ground for those not yet aware of the Beauty and Potential of this time.

For those who have been called the first wave of ascension, the shift you will experience in your life will allow a realization that you are indeed a part of something momentous. As you let go of preconceived ideas, the 5th Dimensional energies will bring more magical occurrences into your life.

It is a time of simplicity and gentleness for yourself and all others. The love that is awakening in the hearts of humanity during this wave of Divine Light is unprecedented and will change the consciousness of those on the planet forever.

Along with the master teachers awakening in this new age, more life will be revealed and established as your cellular structure continues to evolve. Never before has the density been so fluid and changeable. You are being blessed in all you do.

As new points of Light are established by Light Bearers all over the world, new levels of being awaken in the hearts of those anchoring new consciousness on Earth. Joining the hearts of all humanity in a circle of Divine Light is not only relevant but potent with potential for new life.

The creation of new levels of consciousness is a process of divinity working in the density of physical reality. Making inroads for new pathways of Light requires Faith in the consciousness of God working in and through all humanity. Whenever one is changed by the Light, hundreds and thousandsfollow suit until a revelation of mass awakening occurs.

This is the situation breaking open on September 27.

The rewards are imminent. New Focus is revealed. The expansiveness of Divinity working in and through all that you have known is breaking down the walls erected from eons of old power structures. When these walls collapse, the ripple effect across the world will be felt by all humanity. A collective sigh of relief in the heart will be experienced once one has distanced oneself from the emotional upheaval of change.

When you can make friends with change, welcoming new experiences and opportunity, ever more joyous outcomes will prevail. Opening to the Light becomes the tool for transformation. Freedom is at hand. All life awaits the human experiment that is creating divinity in physical earth bodies. As you have moved deeper into the new life in 5D on Earth, profound change has taken place within the DNA of the human form. The so-called junk aspect of the DNA has reformed into the crystalline structures originally intended for people to experience their divinity.

The more we can relax into the flow of the energy of Divine Light, the easier it becomes to know what to do. Please remember that you are exactly where you are supposed to be at this holy moment. Allow yourself to be inspired and blessed and know you are profoundly guided through this process by a Love that never ends. And so it is.

Archangel Gabriel from
Shanta Gabriel
September 23, 2015


Für einen fairen Welthandel, gegen TTIP und CETA: Mit mehreren zehntausend Menschen wollen wir am 10.10. in Berlin bunt, kreativ und unüberhörbar laut demonstrieren. Wir brauchen Sie:

Seien auch Sie dabei!

Alle Infos hier!

Hallo und guten Tag ,

wir wollen bunt sein, kreativ – und unüberhörbar laut! Mit 30 anderen Organisationen ruft foodwatch zur bundesweiten Großdemonstration gegen die geplanten “Freihandelsabkommen” TTIP und CETA auf. In gut zwei Wochen ist es so weit: Am 10.10. werden mehrere zehntausend Menschen aus ganz Deutschland in Berlin zum bundesweiten Protest erwartet.

Gemeinsam mit Ihnen wollen wir ein starkes Zeichen setzen – eines für die Demokratie, für einen fairen Handel und deshalb gegen TTIP und CETA. Ein Zeichen, das niemand übersehen kann – bitte helfen auch Sie mit, die Straßen der Hauptstadt zu füllen mit unserem Protest! Alle Informationen zu den Orten und zum Ablauf der Demo finden Sie auf dieser Seite:

Der 10.10. wird ein Tag, wie ihn auch die Hauptstadt selten erlebt! Sonderzüge und hunderte von Bussen aus ganz Deutschland werden nach Berlin fahren. Wenn Sie noch Hilfe bei der Anreise brauchen – auf der Internetseite des Bündnisses werden Sie fündig! Über die Mitfahrbörse können Sie sich mit anderen zusammentun, die aus Ihrer Region nach Berlin reisen – alles zur Anreise finden Sie hier:

Rund 3 Millionen Unterschriften haben wir in einer selbstorganisierten Bürgerinitiative gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern in ganz Europa gegen die geplanten Freihandelsabkommen gesammelt. Kurz vor der Demo werden sie der Europäischen Kommission in Brüssel übergeben. Seien auch Sie dabei und helfen Sie mit, die 3 Millionen noch voll zu machen:

Bitte unterstützen Sie uns auch dabei, den Aktionstag am 10.10. zu einem echten Erfolg zu machen, an dem die EU-Kommission, Angela Merkel und Sigmar Gabriel nicht einfach vorbeiregieren können: Informieren Sie Ihre Freundinnen, Ihre Freunde und Bekannten über den 10.10. – und wenn Sie noch mehr tun wollen, können Sie sich hier kostenlos Plakate und Flyer bestellen (die auf der Seite angegebenen Preise werden nicht in Rechnung gestellt, sondern sind eine Information über die Kosten, die vom Demo-Bündnis getragen werden):

foodwatch-Mitarbeiter, -Mitarbeiterinnen und –Mitglieder werden den ganzen Samstag über auf der Demo unterwegs sein. Die zentrale Anlaufstelle ist ein großer Figurenwagen, den der Düsseldorfer Bildhauer Jacques Tilly eigens für uns baut – bekannt ist Tilly vor allem für seine politischen Karnevalswagen. Wir verraten nur so viel: Sie werden unseren Wagen finden! Kommen Sie doch einfach vorbei, sprechen Sie uns an – und wenn Sie mögen, helfen Sie mit: Sie können für uns Flyer verteilen, mit denen wir über die Gefahren von TTIP und CETA für unsere Demokratie informieren. Und natürlich Schilder und Transparente, die Sie sich einfach abholen können. Damit der 10.10. noch ein bisschen bunter wird.

Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Ihr foodwatch-Team

P.S.: Jahrelang wurden TTIP und CETA im stillen Kämmerlein vorbereitet. Endlich stehen die Verhandlungen unter der Beobachtung der Öffentlichkeit – doch um das Schlimmste zu verhindern, werden wir noch einen langen Atem brauchen. Die Großdemo ist noch lange nicht das Ende. Alle Aktivitäten kosten Geld, vor allem aber erfordern Sie die Unterstützung von möglichst Vielen. Helfen auch Sie mit: Werden Sie noch heute Förderer/in von foodwatch:

No Judgments: Why We Love Our Pets
Changing Your Destiny
Check out a few of the photos from
BeThePeace 2015 events! 
Click here for more.

Thank You Family!

We had a remarkable World Peace weekend. More than 10,000 people watched the world premiere of the stunning film “Inner Peace to World Peace” (click here to watch if you missed it). Almost 2,000 people were on the live webcast for a profound global meditation led by Thomas Hubl (click here to listen to the recording). There were more than 1,400 in-person meditation events listed on our map, and through social media, our message reached many many millions.
“Om the Dome” at the Texas State Capitol
All of those numbers are great, but remember that behind each one of those numbers or points of light on the map are real people.  If you haven’t already, please check out the photo album of your beautiful faces! What a gorgeous human family we have!
We invite you to continue to be the peace into the rest of your lives!  It is going to take all of our creativity together to create the world we know in our hearts is possible.
One way to continue with your practice is to join our BeThePeace co-founder, David Nicol, for a call at 5:30pm PT/8:30pm ET September 23rd (tonight!) called “The Power of Subtle Activism: How Leading-Edge Spiritual Practices Can Help Heal the World at a Distance.”

We love you all!

In deep gratitude and celebration,
The BeThePeace Team
Harare, Zimbabwe
  Like us on Facebook   Follow us on Twitter   View on Instagram


Dear Thrive Movement,
So many conflicting realities to navigate: US Elections – Interest Rates – China and Russian Currency Devaluations – World trade – Stock Market – North and South Korea. Join us live this Saturday to discuss these topics and more…


Toward a thriving world,
 Foster, Kimberly and The THRIVE Team 
      Like us on Facebook     Visit our blog     Follow us on Twitter
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Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .

WhooHoo! Hold on to your …. no actually …. get ready to e-x-p-a-n-d, let go and allow!


We have to see all the things that are now happening as very interconnected and quite representative of a profound holistic pattern that the Supreme Creator is weaving for us. This divine plan is being unraveled before us in a most incredible and wise way. Each move is being made like the moves of a most enlightened chess master. Each step has a meaning that exists on many levels at once. Every move is designed to impress each of us toward one wonderful goal — first contact with our ancestors and our galactic brothers and sisters ~ leading to our ascension.

This path leads toward a deep reflection into the true meanings of the human soul and how this truth forms the basis of who we truly are. For this underlying truth is the foundation for all knowledge. We are all seekers of what is real and of how this reality forms the basis for all things that exist in Creation. We all endeavor in some way to amalgamate our truths with the profound ways of the Supreme Creator. Now is the time when this wish shall be granted not just to a select few, but to all of us.

Selamat Ja!



IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are registering using Paypal, cutoff time is 4pm PDT. We suggest that you register early so we can ensure you receive your personal webinar link.

If you are registering using PAO’s secure shopping cart, you can register up until the time of the webinar. Again, we suggest registering early to ensure you receive your link.

Please be sure to enter your correct email address. We have experienced a large number of incorrect email addresses which means you do not receive your link. I know that some days I find it difficult to stay focused on details, even remembering how to spell simple words. Thank you for supporting PAO. ZaZuMa!


Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple.

With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the ‘new you’ is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.


How the “New You” is altering your perceptions
Developing a new consciousness
How the concept of transparency is changing your world
What once was acceptable is no longer good enough
A new science is transforming our world
Prosperity, ETs and new governance
* Relearning how we perceive ourselves

Thursday, September 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT


Sunday, September 27, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live…simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.



Enjoy this short video of Matt explaining why it is time to embrace the joy of being human. From this direct space of awareness, you will finally understand what every moment is asking of you, and how to enter into a truly harmonious relationship with reality.

Click on the image below to access the video. Blessings.

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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

WhooHoo! The influx of energies is expanding our minds, activating our DNA and assisting us to change our perceptions from a 3D mindset to a galactic 5D mindset. Many people get frustrated because they are expecting the September energies to instantaneously catapult them into the fifth dimension. I like what Patricia Cota-Robles said in her article (below):

The only variable is how long that process will take which is strictly up to you and me and the rest of Awakening Humanity, and how effectively we empower those patterns of perfection with our creative faculties of thought and feeling and our gift of free will.

The buzz is all about perception. Join us Thursday and/or Sunday as we collectively gather to anchor in the new transformative energies. The timing is perfect. Truly, Together we are Victorious!

Selamat Ja!



NOTE: We are offering this month’s webinar on Thursday first~~and the second webinar is on Sunday.

The immense influx of energies is assisting us to change our perspectives. What does this mean? We require help to relearn how to perceive ourselves.


With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the ‘new you’ is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.


How the “New You” is altering your perceptions
Developing a new consciousness
How the concept of transparency is changing your world
What once was acceptable is no longer good enough
A new science is transforming our world
Prosperity, ETs and new governance
* Relearning how we perceive ourselves

Thursday, September 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT


Sunday, September 27, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live…simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.



by Patricia Cota-Robles ~ September 20, 2015


This is an historical moment on Planet Earth. As usual, there are myriad predictions as to what we are going to physically experience and what these auspicious events will mean in all of our lives. As has happened over and over again throughout the various events involving Earth’s Ascension process, people are predicting the full gamut of possibilities. These predictions include everything from the end of the World to the instant manifestation of Heaven on Earth, neither of which is going to happen. That does not mean, however, that what we are in the midst of experiencing is not the most incredible and monumental opportunity we have ever had, because IT IS!

The reason people have been disappointed so many times is because they have erroneously expected for these shifts of energy, vibration, and consciousness to instantly manifest in the physical plane. People look at outer-world appearances and because they do not see any immediate changes, they feel that the events did not actually happen and that the information was just another “New Age hoax.” The reality is that the vast majority of events that have taken place over the past several decades not only happened, but according to the Company of Heaven, they succeed in accelerating Humanity’s and Mother Earth’s Ascension process beyond the greatest expectations of Heaven.

So that we will not miss this amazing opportunity by letting our distorted perceptions fool us again, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth want to reiterate how we will experience the colossal shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness we will receive through the upcoming Equinox, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, and influx of Gamma Rays from Wave X. They want us to remember that first and foremost, we are multidimensional Beings functioning in various dimensions simultaneously. The physical plane of Earth which we believe is so real is actually the least real of all of the dimensions we abide in and, it is the very last dimension to reflect the changes we are co-creating with our Father-Mother God in the Realms of Cause.


The reason we do not experience these monumental events instantaneously in the physical plane is because they are first created in the Realms of Cause where everything begins. Then, they are magnetized into the World of Effects, which is the physical plane, through the thoughts, words, feelings, beliefs, and actions of the Sons and Daughters of God abiding in the physical plane. The important thing to realize is that once something has been God Victoriously accomplished in the Realms of Cause NOTHING can prevent it from eventually manifesting in the World of Effects. The only variable is how long that process will take which is strictly up to you and me and the rest of Awakening Humanity, and how effectively we empower those patterns of perfection with our creative faculties of thought and feeling and our gift of free will.

I AM going to be discussing this information in detail in an online interview with Jacklyn Johnston during her wonderful You Awakening program. The interview will be live on Tuesday, September 22, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time (Los Angeles, California) or 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time (New York).

If you would like to join us for this FREE online broadcast you may do so by registering through the following

If you are not able to join us live the FREE REPLAY will be available after the original airing.

Because of the importance of the upcoming Equinox, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, and influx of Gamma Rays from Wave X, I would like to share the following information.



The Company of Heaven has revealed that shifts of energy, vibration, and consciousness unparalleled in the history of time have occurred since the Birth of the New Earth in December 2012. However, they are affirming now that those accomplishments will pale in comparison to the shifts we will experience in the month of September 2015.

Every conceivable assistance is being given to Humanity from On High to help us accomplish our Ascension process. One of the most astounding things is the influx of Gamma Rays we have received from what scientists say was one of the biggest and hottest explosions in the Universe. This monumental influx of Light reached the Earth in 2014, and it is daily and hourly affecting the re-calibration of our DNA. This powerful influx of Gamma Rays was the result of an explosion of a Star that took place more than 12.1 billion years ago. The Beings of Light confirmed that this Light reached Planet Earth in perfect Divine Timing. Just to give you an idea of how far away this Star was, it takes 8.17 minutes for Light from the surface of the Sun to reach the surface of the Earth.

Sometimes these astronomical numbers about time and space seem confusing to us, but we must remember that time and space only exist in the 3rd and 4th Dimensions. From the 5th Dimension and beyond there is no such thing as time or space. In the Higher Realms of Light everything occurs in the Eternal Moment of Now.

Gamma-ray bursts are not well understood by astronomers, but they realize that they are very important because they are the most powerful explosions in the Universe. These bursts release more energy in 10 seconds than Earth’s Sun will release during its entire expected lifespan of 10 billion years. Just imagine!


The Beings of Light have revealed that Gamma Rays are instrumental in re-calibrating Humanity’s DNA structures. Now that Humanity’s fragmented double helix DNA has been restored in the Realms of Cause to the 12 strands we originally had, and re-calibrated to the frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light, we are ready for the monumental events that will take place this month.

Now we are being told from On High that these events will catapult the Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her into the highest frequencies of the New Earth we have ever experienced. The anticipated influx of Gamma Rays we will receive from WAVE “X” will shift Humanity’s DNA in ways that will result in the most profound Awakening and return to Christ Consciousness that has ever been attempted in any System of Worlds.

Many are referring to this shift as the FIRST WAVE OF ASCENSION. I have been hearing this phrase for over 40 years. Each time it is used people expect that millions of people, and this time it is being said that 2.2 billion people, are going to just vanish from the face of the Earth. This is the way people have erroneously described the “Rapture” for centuries. As I mentioned previously, that is not the way our Ascension process is happening.

Once again, these monumental Activities of Light occur first in the Realms of Cause. Consequently, they are not usually obvious immediately in the physical plane. That certainly does not mean that they did not happen, it just means that in most instances we will not perceive the tangible results just yet. It is true that we are in uncharted waters and not even the Company of Heaven knows exactly how this influx of Light will affect Humanity en masse. Some people may have instantaneous results, but they are not going to disappear from the Earth. They will experience a profound Awakening and a dramatic shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness.

In all probability, this Awakening and shift of consciousness will occur within every man, woman, and child on Earth more gradually, but that does not mean it will take a long time. Without the interference of our fragmented and fear-based human ego, which is in the process of being Loved FREE by our I AM Presence, this Awakening will occur much more quickly than outer appearances indicate.


On September 22-23, 2015, which is the September Equinox, we will intensify the influx of Light from the New Moon Solar Eclipse which occurred on September 12-13, and secure it into the Core of Purity in every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth.

The effects of that Activity of Light will build in momentum until September 27-28, 2015, when we will experience not only an incredibly powerful influx of Light from a total Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, but a life-transforming influx of Light from a Celestial Event referred to as WAVE “X”, or The Event Horizon. This is a Celestial opportunity that we have not been able to benefit from since our fall from Grace.

On September 28, 2015, we will receive a crescendo of Gamma Ray Light from the Galactic Core. This is a rhythmic pulsation of Light that blesses our Solar System every 3,600 years with the Divine Intent of raising the consciousness of Sons and Daughters of God and accelerating the evolution of our Solar System. Even though this wondrous Gift of Light from On High has been available every 3,600 years, since our tragic fall from Grace the Earth and Humanity have been vibrating at a discordant frequency that was unable to receive or assimilate the benefits of these Gamma Rays. Now, however, EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED!

The Company of Heaven has confirmed that with the miraculous changes that have taken place at an atomic cellular level within Humanity and all Life on Earth since the Birth of the New Earth in December, 2012, Humanity is finally able to receive and assimilate these powerful Gamma Rays from the Galactic Core. For several weeks, the effects of these Gamma Rays have been gradually building in momentum.

This influx of Gamma Rays will reach their peak in the midst of a total Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. The influx of Light from the Full Moon Eclipse will stabilize the Water Element which composes 80% of the entire Elemental Kingdom and sustains the Emotional Bodies of Humanity. The Water Element is also the Divine Intelligence through which the Love Nature of our Mother God, the Holy Spirit, is tangibly manifest in the world of form.


In preparation for this Cosmic influx of Gamma Rays, the Company of Heaven wants us to grasp the magnitude of this opportunity by revealing the following information. Due to the life-transforming Activities of Light that have been successfully accomplished through the unified efforts of millions of Lightworkers around the World, the Earth and ALL her Life are now on the brink of a miraculous Transfiguration.

On September 27-28, 2015, through every person’s I AM Presence, Humanity en masse is going to receive the full power and might of the myriad Gamma Rays we have missed from this rhythmic 3,600 year Gift from On High, back to the initial impulse of the fall. This has never been done before and no one knows how it will manifest for each of us individually, but KNOW the results will ONLY enhance our lives and our Ascension process.

The Mighty Elohim, who are the Builders of Form, have assured us that the Earthly Bodies of ALL Humanity and the Bodies of Mother Earth are now vibrating at a frequency that is ready and able to withstand this influx of Gamma Rays and that this will occur in perfect Divine Order. This is a Cosmic Moment beyond anything that has ever occurred for the Sons and Daughters of God. Be at Peace and Be Here NOW!

Your I AM Presence knows exactly how you can best experience this wondrous opportunity. Go within, ask for guidance, and your I AM Presence will guide you unerringly through this process. I Love YOU more than you will ever know. God Bless You.

Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

FAX: 520-751-2981
Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.

©2015 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.

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Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

You, dear Children, are the Light of this world. You are the candle of the Light that no one can extinguish. Use this to bring the wonders of this time to swift fruition.

from Planetary Activation Organization


Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

5 Chicchan, 18 Zip, 12 Manik

Selamat Balik! Over the past few months, this world progressed from being one in which the dark cabal was still in charge to one where these scurrilous crooks are on the ropes. The various groups of our Earth allies are finally realizing how this world’s scenario needs to be accommodated. As consciousness rises in this realm, the financial system changes and the new prosperity require a reveal. We have asked that this set of precise procedures be done at a much quicker level. This advice, as said previously, was largely ignored. The time is now ripe for these changes to be manifested and explained to you. The coming prosperity is simply an instrument by which you can achieve your dreams. Use these symbols of power to remake your world into one that is peaceful and harmonious. Be aware of what you are doing. Let it all flow and use your synchronistic powers to alter things gracefully and divinely. This world needs to change and to alter how it perceives itself. The old violent ways require an ending. The diversity of culture requires an honoring. You need to reside in a wondrous land with technology to end poverty and hunger. The world needs to see itself as a big and glorious family!

As your realm moves toward its new reality, never forget who you are and that you are becoming one. Never before has Earth’s surface humanity had the ability to free itself of all the ills that have plagued it since the Great Flood of nearly 10 millennia ago. At that time, the Anunnaki, acting as your dark overlords, put into place a system that, in effect, caused everyone to suffer. You are at the point where this grand suffering is to be transformed. You are to enter a time where prosperity and new governance is to permit you to turn Gaia into a paradise. Humanity is no longer to need farming, mining and other things that harm your precious planet. You are to quickly develop a new perspective that can allow you to use your growing consciousness to alter every culture on the surface of Gaia. This new global mixture of humanity is to set the stage for our arrival. You can finally stop believing the cabal’s outright lies. Government can formally end the UFO cover-up and prepare you for our coming. This is to allow us to commence a number of broadcasts about our initial objectives.


The first objectives involve our mentors. All of you have lived in sublime ignorance since your birth. You have been fed a pile of pap, first conceived eons ago by the Anunnaki. These perceived realities need to be discarded and new perceptions acquired based on a new and more conscious set of realities. This old Anunnaki matrix made you more pliable and made it much easier for your governmental and other masters to manipulate and control you. These “control points” need to be replaced with free thinking and a newly acquired ability to again discern keys that can be employed to determine when you are being manipulated. This grand task is for your mentor to impart to you. It needs to be done subtly and included with a restoration of your ancient and modern history. This history is to be filled with a very important truth twist. Some of the truths behind your wars and how your economy is used as a pawn by the oligarchy will be most enlightening. You are getting ready to become a galactic human. The time spent over the last 13 millennia needs to be looked at and the logic behind Heaven’s decrees fully explained.

Another objective is to describe to you what being a galactic human is like. You have reacquired abilities that allow you to carry out the divine instructions of Heaven. You are, in effect, a physical Angel. This means you can do a whole host of things. The mentor’s job is not only to review your life, but as well to explicitly explain to you your coming life in full consciousness. Your science wonders what “full potentializing” implies. All of this is to be explored with you by the mentor. We have a long history with you. We are assisting your Ascended Masters in seeing that you are in a state where you can ask for heavenly assistance. This process, at present, is somewhat skewed by the matrix, which creates this present reality. This matrix is now being enormously weakened by the great waves of energy coming from your galactic core. These energy waves are significantly aiding what our Earth allies are achieving. This joint operation is at the verge of a wonderful success. It is to bring the new reality that is to reunite you with your Inner Earth, Spiritual and Space families! Hosanna!


Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come with grand tidings and marvelous news! The dark cabal is full of itself. It defies all that our earthly associates do and thus, the time comes for its power to perish. Gaia is merely its pawn and they use their horrible devices to make useless points to our various allies. The dark is now at the edge of its demise and our numerous allies are shortly to apply their own “coup de gras” to defeat these evil blunderers. Ahead of you, my Children, lies a most beautiful reality filled with joy, freedom, prosperity and new governance dedicated to your mutual happiness. The old is to be set aside and a new era of caring for Gaia is to be the start of your growing dedication to divine service. Together, we are to form a grand union of aid to all on Gaia’s surface. There is to be only peace, cooperation and a growing consciousness of service, to each other and to Gaia. You are to build a most beautiful realm. Heaven is to descend to Earth! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

This reality is in transition. It is blessed and ready to do Heaven’s bidding. Great waves of divine Love are increasing even as we speak to you. Be willing to listen and be moved by the passion of these wondrous sets of events. This realm is moving each of you into higher and higher consciousness. You are participating in a movement that encompasses all peoples and all nations. Our blessed task is to keep you guided toward the center of this most gracious and divine Light. As you are exposed, you become physically different. This difference is minute. Yet it is part of a process that is shifting this reality. We Masters are excited about the meaning of this great spiritual shift. It is causing many to become more spiritually oriented. Every day, we find Beings willing to ask for our help and we ask our numerous allegiances to provide that blessed help. You are very close to a most blessed new day!


This realm is now in transition from the horrors of the dark. Does that mean that all is to alter in a flash? Not really. What you need to do is remain positive. Be ready to receive. Be as well ready to use this positive energy to help this aid to manifest. Do so knowing how powerful you are and how much more positive you are to become. You, dear Children, are the Light of this world. You are the candle of the Light that no one can extinguish. Use this to bring the wonders of this time to swift fruition. Remember in all of this who you really are. Be strong and unflappable. Let the dark know that its day is truly coming to a sudden end. You are a set of magnificent Beings who have the privilege to see miracles, which are very soon to appear before you. Thus, be able to remain strong and positive. We are behind and ahead of you. We are to push and to guide you to a very deserving finish line!!

Today, we gave you a weekly report on what is happening around this globe. Spirit is constantly moving upon the waters of this realm and preparing this orb for its most grand shift into a new reality. This land is alive and ready to be filled with the miracles and divine actions of Heaven. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

For more from the Galactic Federation



Last month our webinar was about the Pleiadeans. Many reported feeling them or seeing balls of energy in their rooms and many enjoyed galactic dreams that night. The Pleiadeans promise to be with us again this month. Hooray!


Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple.

With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more. Discover how the ‘new you’ is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.


How the “New You” is altering your perceptions
Developing a new consciousness
How the concept of transparency is changing your world
What once was acceptable is no longer good enough
A new science is transforming our world
Prosperity, ETs and new governance
* Relearning how we perceive ourselves

Thursday, September 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT


Sunday, September 27, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Talk to Sheldan Live…simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

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Cost: $15.00 U.S.

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