Mehr als ein unangenehmes Jucken auf der Haut: Das Handelsabkommen TTIP zwischen der EU und USA wird geheim verhandelt. Doch dessen Folgen betreffen uns alle: Es greift nachhaltig in Bereiche unseres täglichen Lebens ein. Diese 10 Fakten zeigen, wie gefährlich es ist:
Wenn TTIP in Kraft tritt, bekommen US-Unternehmen die Macht, unsere Regierung vor Investoren-Schiedsgerichten zu verklagen. Sie dürfen Schadensersatz verlangen, wenn sie ihre Profitchancen durch demokratische Entscheidungen für das Allgemeinwohl geschmälert sehen. Die Demokratie wird ausgehebelt.
#2 Eine Gefahr für die öffentlichen Dienstleistungen und die Daseinsvorsorge
TTIP führt zu weiterer Liberalisierung und Privatisierung, indem es Märkte für öffentliche Dienstleistungen schafft. Erweist sich dies als Fehlschlag, wird es sehr schwer, Dienste wie Wasser, Energie, Verkehr, Bildung, u.s.w. wieder unter öffentliche Kontrolle zu bringen.
#3 Eine Gefahr für die Lebensmittelsicherheit
Die Angleichung der Regeln zur Lebensmittelsicherheit bedeutet eine Absenkung der Vorschriften auf US-Niveau. Mehr giftige Pestizide, Gen-Food, hormonbehandeltes Fleisch würden auf unseren Tellern landen.
#4 Eine Gefahr für die Umwelt
TTIP würde EU-Umweltstandards auf US-Niveau senken und so zum Beispiel der umstrittenen Fracking-Gasfördermethode auch bei uns zum Durchbruch verhelfen.
#5 Eine Gefahr für das Klima
Regierungen können verklagt werden wenn sie entscheiden, fossile Brennstoffe im Boden zu belassen um das Klima zu retten. Denn TTIP stattet Öl-, Gas-, und Kohle-Konzerne mit exklusiven Klage-Rechten aus.
#6 Eine Gefahr für Arbeitnehmerrechte
Arbeitnehmerrechte gelten in den USA wenig. Mit TTIP könnten die Unternehmen ihre Standorte in Staaten mit den niedrigsten Löhnen und den schlechtesten Arbeitsbedingungen verlagern.
#7 Eine Gefahr für die Privatsphäre
TTIP gibt Konzernen das Recht, sensible Daten dort zu speichern wo das Datenschutzniveau niedrig ist. Es könnten sogar Teile von ACTA enthalten sein: Der Vertrag wurde vom Europäischen Parlament nach breiten Protesten abgelehnt, weil damit Internetprovider gezwungen worden wären, ihre Kunden auszuspionieren.
#8 Eine Gefahr für die Finanzkontrolle
TTIP ist darauf angelegt, viele der neuen Regulationen im Finanzsektor (z.B. Schutzmaßnahmen im Bankwesen) wieder abzuschaffen, die seit 2008 eingeführt wurden, um einen zukünftigen Finanzcrash zu verhindern.
#9 Geheime Verhandlungen
Lobbyisten spielen eine zentrale Rolle in den Verhandlungen – aber die Öffentlichkeit bleibt ausgeschlossen. Nicht einmal Parlamentarier dürfen die Vertragsentwürfe sehen! Sie und wir müssen auf Informationen aus zugespielten Dokumenten zurückgreifen.
#10 Eine gefährliche Blaupause für den Rest der Welt
Ärmere und sich entwickelnde Länder verlieren, wenn TTIP kommt. Die Businesslobby hat offen als Ziel ausgegeben, die Länder des globalen Südens mit TTIP unter Druck setzen zu wollen: Entweder sie passen ihre Standards TTIP an oder sie werden vom Handel mit uns ausgeschlossen. Mitreden dürfen sie dabei nicht.
Du hast schon unterzeichnet? Dann teile diesen Beitrag mit Deinen Freunden, per…
Don´t focus on the fear pushing news or the trend of superficiality in the media. Remain steadfast, focus the manifestation of your desired visions and act on them! You are the creator of your own reality – NEVER forget that !
PLEIADIAN MESSAGE for April 2015: Calling all Starseeds! NOW is the time! – By Jen Freer
April 5, 2015
Greetings dear Starseeds of all Leagues and Nations currently embodied as human beings on planet Earth. Allow me to identify myself, so you may know, through complete transparency, from who this message flows. Most modern-day awakened Starseeds working with the light would recognize me as Master Sarah, ascended master daughter born to Jesus (Sananda) and Mary Magdalene (Lady Nada), however, that is a “newer” version of me. More old-world-religion zealots know me as Brigid, the Celtic patroness of healing, poetry and smithcraft; Roman Celtics and Roman Catholics know me as St. Brigid. Some people who think they are channeling Master Sarah have said that I am also the goddess Kali. This is false information. My soul essence and origin is Pleiadian, as my light being and energetic consciousness is a fractal of the central sun (Alcyone) of the Pleiades star system. My Pleiadian light-being name is Peunice, however, I prefer the nickname Scarborough. My first human incarnations on Earth were primarily on the lands known as Ireland and Scotland/Britain, now known as the United Kingdom. These incarnations were during the late Neolithic, Iron and Bronze ages.
How I came to be “Master Sarah” is this: Sananda and Lady Nada approached me and asked if I would like to be the physical embodiment offspring of their physical embodiments (most commonly known as Jesus and Mary Magdalene) to quietly serve as the incarnated harmonic balance of their two energies, the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine, and to create a bloodline that would share this light quotient essence for our Pleiadian soul group to incarnate into as a means to continually serve our sacred Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants. Some of the elite/criminal cabalists are trying to claim this bloodline as their own. This is also false information. Their souls do not possess the proper vibration to incarnate into this bloodline. That is all I care to share at this time regarding my soul ties with this bloodline. More will be revealed in time, as the light quotient on Earth rises, and more and more human beings are ready for absolute truth. Until then, know that we are many, and we are undetected due to our “commonality” across the many societies and cultures that make up the rich heritage of Earth’s human family.
For now, too many are still too deeply rooted in the lower fear-based vibrations to accept the absolute truth. They still cling to the grand deception as the only truth, and they still fight for it with fervor. This is to be expected, and it is alright, for it is simply how things are for the moment, but, as many of you Indigo Starseeds are aware, and through some of your very good work, truths are being revealed and will eventually be accepted as such, for there is too much evidence to suggest otherwise.
Of course, more of you are now needed to step into your Divine Will missions and incarnated soul purposes as Starseeds, should you wish to do so. You all have free will, even once you commit to you Divine Will mission, for it is your gifts, talents and interests and passions that will determine HOW you fulfill your mission, through your creative heart, with love and light for planet Earth and all her inhabitants. We encourage you to realize and step into your personal power with unconditional self love. Many of you already know in your hearts that you have incarnated on Earth to do “something big.” And, of course, this is true. You all volunteered to incarnate on Earth as physical embodiments of your higher selves (light beings) to bring the peace and harmony to a planet saturated in chaos and turmoil. You incarnated to lead by example, in the 5D vibration of pure unconditional love and light, and to help the spiritually unawakened and downtrodden raise their own personal vibrations.
Some of you have been gifted with healing talents; some of you are physical healers, others are mental and emotional healers, and some of you possess both talents. You may have one or many methods that you use as healing tools, including crystal healing, energetic healing, massage, acupuncture, light healing, intuitive healing (psychic/medium, Akashic readings, psychometry), empathic energetic absorption and transmutation, alchemy, horticulture, naturopathy, yoga, spiritual psychology, shamanic journeying and more.
Many of you are artists, delivering messages, inspiring others, and swaying emotions or offering healing through your medium of choice, be it writing, poetry, song lyrics, music, sculpture, canvas, photography, graphic, culinary, or any other craft, such as architecture, metal or stone work, soap making, oil and tincture craft… the list goes on and on.
So many more of you are teachers and coaches of so many different kinds, be they spiritual or academic, and your methods are many, including everything mentioned above and more.
Some of you are advocates and diplomats for peace, creating organizations to advocate for the poor and marginalized as well as endangered and abused species while others are challenging the corrupt systems that hold power and control over the human race.
And many of you identify as all, or more than one of these. Know that, in time, you will ALL be masters and victors in ALL of these roles as your light quotient intake increases. As Starseeds, you all have the ability to help Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants and resources heal, and you all have a variety of gifts and talents to help you do just that.
As a collective, your combined light and talents are amazingly powerful; now is the time for you to begin to combine your collective consciousness efforts by moving into self empowerment through forgiveness and unconditional self love. As you forgive (others and yourself) and move into the vibration of unconditional self love, all your fears fade away.
As you move into your heart-centered vibration of unconditional love for yourself, you find it easier to love others with no need to judge, criticize, compare or fear. Your self-love and approval is all that you have needed all along, for this is the very vibration that empowers you to create, teach, heal and advocate for one another and your precious Mother Earth.
Do not look to anyone else but yourself for approval. Looking to others who do not love themselves for love or approval will only leave you feeling defeated. Looking to organized systems or institutions for love or approval will also leave you feeling inadequate, for many of these systems were created by those who wish to keep you in fear, confusion, self-deprecation or self-loathing for there is nothing they fear more than a unified front of self-loving, self approving, spiritually empowered human beings who adhere to nothing but their own love and respect for themselves and each other. Remember, you are fractals of Creator-source energy and consciousness. You are many fragments of the same loving energy. When you combine your collective energy and consciousness in love, light and harmony, you become Creator-source energy.
Now is the time for all Starseeds incarnated on Earth to empower themselves with unconditional self love and come together in a combined conscious effort to create the united front that will end all chaos and suffering and bring peace and harmony and healing to Mother Earth and all her inhabitants.
Now is the time to collaborate with your fellow Starseeds and create projects and organizations committed to teaching self-empowerment, healing, and peacemaking.
Now is the time to begin imagining and building a better Earth.
Now is the time to focus on creating the peace and harmony that will ensure freedom, prosperity and abundance for all Earth inhabitants.
How will you do it? How can you contribute your gifts and talents to begin the peacemaking process with yourself… your family… your friends… your peers… your neighbors… your community… your state/province… your country… your island/continent… your planet… your galaxy… your multiverse?
We’ll give you a hint… it all begins with the human-ego surrender to love and joy. And each and every one of you holds this vibration of love and joy in your heart. It is time to stop swimming against the current, dear ones, for there is no pain in love or joy… there is only the human-ego fear that the love and joy will end. Release this fear, and move into your true personal power of unconditional love, harmony, and oneness, for this is where you will find peace, freedom, prosperity and abundance as your creative gifts and talents begin to flow and increase.
For those of you still skeptical, let us ask you, how much are you rewarded for being fearful, doubtful, worrisome, angry, judgmental, critical, cynical, argumentative, negative, hateful, stubborn, envious, egocentric, manipulative, greedy or self-serving? These attitudes only hold you in fear and cyclical patterns that only lead to more of the same: unhappiness.
You DO have a choice. And you DO have the ability to raise your vibration by exercising this choice. And once you reach this vibration through your own self-empowerment and self-love, you DO have the ability to unconditionally love others and help bring peace and harmony to Earth through your gifts and talents and collaboration with other Starseeds. And now is the time. Your planet and her inhabitants need you to step into your personal power so you can begin your Starseed mission.
So rise, Starseeds, and let the collective conscious manifestation and collaboration for global peace and harmony begin! NOW is the time!!
© Jen Freer 2015| | Pleiadian Message Series | All rights reserved by the author, Jen Freer, who gives permission for this blog to be shared far and wide as long as a citation is included that links back to the author’s website,
Kommentar zu dem Video von Andreas Popp
Jahrhunderte träumte der Mensch davon, fliegen zu können. Dank aufwendiger Maschinen gelang ihm dieser Wunsch vor etwas über einem Jahrhundert.
Was jedoch ist mit Zeitreisen?
Diese sind, so wie man sie aus unzähligen Kinofilmen kennt, aktuell nicht möglich. In der Genforschung jedoch sind sie immerhin in eine Richtung möglich. In die Vergangenheit.
Die Evolution besitzt ein Gedächtnis, aus dem man ihre Vergangenheit abrufen und in die Gegenwart holen kann.
Was unglaublich klingt, ist die natürliche Form der Gentechnik.
Auch degeneriertes Erbgut kann sich wieder an seine ursprünglichen Fähigkeiten „erinnern”. Pflanzen und Tiere waren in der Vergangenheit deutlich resistenter und fruchtbarer und kamen ohne die Hilfen der Chemie aus. Dieser Ur-Zustand ist in einem elektrischen Magnetfeld wieder herstellbar!
KenFM sprach mir Daniel Ebner, der sich seit Jahrzehnten mit dieser Form der Bio-Genetik beschäftigt und sie erforscht. Er kann Ergebnisse vorweisen, die eine wissenschaftliche Sensation sind und bekannt sein sollten. Dass dem nicht so ist, hat mit den Saatgut- und Chemie-Multis zu tun. Sie verdienen mit GMO und Pestizid-Lizenzen Milliarden und haben kein Interesse an Ebners Forschungsergebnissen.
Fakt ist: Ebners Wissen ist den Konzernen ein Dorn im Auge. Es zu publizieren und zur Anwendung zu bringen, ist daher seit Jahren nur in Nischen möglich.
KenFM will das Thema Bio-Genetik endlich einer sehr breiten Öffentlichkeit näher bringen. Die Zukunft z.B. der Landwirtschaft liegt in der Vergangenheit. Lizenzfrei!
Lee Harris:
Recognize that ‘visions’ and ‘instincts’ are starting points that will evolve and grow as you manifest them in the physical. They will evolve as you start to create them in form – be in flow with that, rather than in resistance to it. Don’t hold onto “Well, the vision said it should be this way”. You ARE the vision, so move with it and recognize it will move as you create.
– From You As Creator
Learn more:

Ort und Anreise
In diesem Herbst geht die Auseinandersetzung um TTIP und CETA in die heiße Phase. Darum ruft ein breites Bündnis zu einer Großdemonstration auf. Protestieren Sie mit gegen die undemokratischen Handelsabkommen mit den USA und Kanada!
Ort: Vor dem Hauptbahnhof, Berlin
Zeit: Samstag, 10. Oktober 2015, 12 Uhr

Machen Sie die Demo bekannt
Um ein starkes Zeichen gegen TTIP und CETA zu setzen, müssen wir am 10. Oktober viele Zehntausende sein. Laden Sie daher Freunde und Bekannte ein, mit zur Großdemo zu kommen. Und bestellen Sie Flyer und Plakate.

Spenden Sie jetzt
Hundertausende Flyer und Plakate drucken, eine Großbühne und Lautsprecheranlagen mieten, alles gut vorbereiten: Eine bunte Demo kostet viel Geld. Stärken Sie unseren Protest mit einer Spende!

Senden Sie schon jetzt ein Signal
Zur Demo am 10. Oktober wollen wir noch mehr Menschen sein, die sich hinter die selbstorganisierte Europäische Bürgerinitiative gegen TTIP und CETA stellen. Fast 2,4 Millionen Menschen haben sie bereits unterschrieben. Unterzeichnen auch Sie!
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Geschäftsinhaber: Jochen Kopp | Einzelfirma, Sitz: Rottenburg a. N..| Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRA 390319 | UST Id-Nr.: DE156795168 | ||||||||||||||
Note from Arya: As there are coming in a lot of informations about a critical phase (also concerning politics, finance, economy and ecological system) starting in September 2015, I ask you to take part numerously and share this call for global meditation. Thank you.
A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom KenyonA Hathor Invitation |
On September 5th 2015 the Hathors are calling for a global sound meditation that will join many life-affirming beings including humans, angelics, interdimensional and intergalactic intelligences into an alliance for the protection of life and its elevation upon this planet.You can “tune in” and participate in this meditation wherever you may be in the world. Distance is not an obstacle at this level of consciousness.The meditation will take place from 5:30PM – 6:00PM EDT or 21:30PM – 22:00PM UTC. For the specific time in your area, you can use the World Clock Time Converter.During this thirty minute period it is suggested that you listen to the sound meditation, A Bridge Between the Worlds, which you can locate in the Listening section of our website ( Please download this to your computer before the event rather than using our server to listen to it during the global meditation.To read the complete Hathor message with more background and detail, click here.For information about the workshop In the Company of Angels at Symphony Space in New York click here or go to the Calendar at If you’d like to join us in person click here for a ticket. |
Our mailing address is: Copyright (C) 2015 Tom Kenyon All rights reserved. Extract from the message: Please read the whole text on |