Coming to Your Sense: How to Stop Your Negative Thinking
Watch the video on:
https://www.eckharttolletv. com/huffpost/6ghsx8/ss12dlj
Coming to Your Sense: How to Stop Your Negative Thinking Eckhart talks about the present moment as a portal to eliminate our negative thinking. He says as soon as you realize you are entering a non-harmonious state of mind, such as: worry, anxiety, anger, or unhappiness in any form, you’ve lost track of the present moment; you believe something else is more important. Unknowingly, many people live in an unhappy state, but aren’t aware of it. Eckhart likens this to a noisy refrigerator running in the background that you don’t hear any longer because you’ve become accustomed to it. Suddenly, the refrigerator breaks down and we notice the silence, and then we become aware there was a noisy refrigerator in the background. Your negative thoughts are the noisy refrigerator. Present moment awareness is the conscious redirecting of one’s thinking mind into the direct perception of the present moment; Eckhart refers to it as literally coming to your senses. Be silent, look around and listen, become aware of your breathing. Be here now. There is nothing more important than the present moment. As you consciously enter the present moment the thinking mind with its negative thoughts recedes, and you wake up from being immersed in the voice in your head.
Why Steve Jobs Didn’t Let His Kids Use Ipads, And Why You Shouldn’t Either
Inspired by an article seen on NextShark|
If you fall within the Gen-Y era like us, chances are you’ve given a bunch of thought as to how you would raise your own children in this day and age (assuming you don’t have children already). Especially with the rise of technology, so much has changed since our childhoods in the 80s and 90s. Do we really need all of the latest gadgets and devices? Will we allow of children to be consumed by new technologies like the iPad?
Steve Jobs wouldn’t, and for good reason too. Even the founder of Apple knows when to drawn the line. Without a doubt, technology can enhance our lives. But when it is abused, it can become a destructive addiction. According to a study done in 2013, 38% of children in the United States under the age of 2 have used an iPhone or an iPad. In other words, babies are now becoming familiar with gadgets before they are familiar with forming proper sentences.
About 1/3rd of children between the ages of 8 and 10 have their own cellphones. Is this really necessary? In a Sunday article, New York Times reporter Nick Bilton said he once assumingly asked Jobs, “So your kids must love the iPad?”. Of course, the owner of Apple would make sure his kids had all of the top of the line devices, right?
Steve Jobs responded:
“They haven’t used it. We limit how much technology our kids use at home.”
Especially in Silicon Valley, there is actually a trend of tech execs and engineers who shield their kids from technology. They even send their kids to non-tech schools like the Waldorf School in Los Altos, where computers aren’t found anywhere because they only focus on hands-on learning.
There is a quote that was highlighted in The Times by Chris Anderson, CEO of 3D Robotics and a father of five. He explains what drives those who work in tech to keep it from their kids.
“My kids accuse me and my wife of being fascists and overly concerned about tech, and they say that none of their friends have the same rules… That’s because we have seen the dangers of technology firsthand. I’ve seen it in myself, I don’t want to see that happen to my kids.”
If our current addictions to our iPhones and other types of tech is any indication, we may be setting up our children for incomplete, handicapped lives devoid of imagination, creativity, social intelligence, and wonder when we hook them onto technology at an early age. We were the last generation to play outside precisely because we didn’t have smartphones and laptops. We learned from movement, hands-on interaction, and we absorbed information through books and socialization with other humans as opposed to a Google search.
Should we raise our children on technology?
So, should we be more worried that we are robbing our children of the ability to Snapchat and play“Candy Crush” all day if we don’t hand them a smartphone? Or should we more worried that we would be robbing them of a healthy personal development if we do hand them a smartphone? I think Steve Jobs had it right in regard to his kids.
Overuse of technology have been known to cause high temper, decreased patience, decreased writing skills, and has even been linked to things like ADHD, obesity, and brain tumors.
So the next time you think about how you will raise your kids, you may want to (highly) consider not giving them whatever fancy technology available as they are growing up. Play outside with them and surround them with nature. They might hate you, but they will absolutely thank you for it later.
Here’s to everyone whose childhood is filled with memories of playing outside, instead of memories of having their faces glued to a screen.
Credits: SFGate, Next Shark,
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Evolving Beyond the Fear of Love ~ Channeled April 30, 2015
Archangel Gabriel
Greetings, Dear Ones, how pleased we are to be in your presence today. We honour you for making the commitment to come and anchor the energies of the group and, of course, when we say group, we mean not only those who are in the room at this time, but also those of you who will be experiencing this transmission on your internet, at a later time.
We commend you for your bravery, for your good spirits, for your wonderful senses of humour, for your tenacity, for your generous, loving, and hopeful hearts, as you continue to move forward during these amazing times. We wish to tell you, yet again, that you are doing an absolutely magnificent job.
You are learning to honour yourselves, you are learning to balance your divinity and your humanity. You are learning to grow and evolve and move and release and integrate, and you are learning how to do it with far greater grace and ease than ever before. You have learned much over the last few years of your linear time. You have shifted profoundly and you are behaving and navigating your lives in ways that are supporting you, and honouring you, like never before.
But what we are finding with a great number of human beings, is that as you are letting go of your old belief systems that no longer honour you, many of you are experiencing a residual leftover fear of love, and that is what we wish to address for you today.
As you move forward on your ascension path – as you continue to release and integrate higher vibrating energies – you are stripping away everything that is other than the love that you are. Dear Ones, hear us when we say that you are born from unconditional love. There is no point on your journey when you are not unconditionally loved from Source. That is the truth of your being. You are beings of love. That is your operating system. So all of this growth, all of this shifting that you have been doing, is to get back to the love that you are. To put it clearer, you are moving from a false conditional love model into the true unconditional love that you are.
Almost all of you have been raised in a conditional love model. You have been taught that love is like a treat that is doled out to you if you behave well enough. If you are perfect enough, if you are kind enough, if you are enough, you will earn the reward of love. And because of this, you have had love and power all mixed up. Those in power over you will love and approve of you if you are good enough, and if you are not, you will be rejected.
This has caused tremendous problems for you! It has come from your theology – you must be good to gain favour from God. It has spread into your families – to receive love from your parents, you must be good. And now you have placed this model upon yourself – you must be good according to your own impossible standards for you to love yourself. This is a pattern that has been perpetuated and infiltrated your life in all areas.
And yet, here you are releasing and letting go of so many old beliefs to find yourself, surprisingly, to be a being of unconditional love! What does that mean? How can I be a being of unconditional love when I am afraid of being judged, when I am afraid of being rejected, when what has been sold to me as love has not felt good at all? How can you feel safe to be
unconditionally loving when the vast majority of what you have experienced so far in your earthly life expression has been some form of conditional love?
This has caused a great deal of confusion, being told something was love and then having it used as a tool to hurt and control you. It is like somebody offered you ice cream. You heard ice cream was wonderful so you wanted it. But what you really got was radishes and it turns out you don’t like radishes, at all. Hear us when we say that much of what you have been sold as being love has not been love at all! But just like as you figure out what ice cream really is (and isn’t), you can whole-heartedly enjoy it without fear, so it is with love.
So now is your opportunity to change, now that your belief systems about love are evolving. It is time for you to finally accept yourselves as the beings of love that you truly are. It is time to embrace love as your truth. If you are being completely honest, for most people their first instinct in any situation is to be loving yet they stop themselves because they are afraid that it will be foolish, or that it will backfire on them, or hurt them in some way. You must learn how to move beyond what love is not, so that you can move into what it is.
So we would say to you that all of the things that have hurt you – the betrayal, the abandonment, the pain that has been sold to you as being love, hasn’t been love at all. It has been the absence of love that has hurt you, and you are right in wanting to avoid the absence of love! You are absolutely justified in wanting to avoid the pain that comes from the absence of love. Do you see? You were right! So if you know what you do not want, which is conditional love or the absence of love, we encourage you to move into what you do want, which is unconditional, accepting, safe, delicious, wonderful love. To heal beyond the absence of love, you must embrace the presence of love.
“How do we do that?” will be the next question. It must begin within. You must begin to see yourself as the being of love that you are. You came from Source, Dear Ones! You came from unconditional love. How could you be anything other than that? It is time for you to embrace your own divinity, your own truth, and to stop beating yourself up, and abandoning yourself, and putting conditional love models upon yourself.
As you learn to love, honour and nurture yourself, you will be healing into an energetic space that can only draw to you more unconditional love. As you stop trying to eradicate your ego selves, and rather become your own loving guide, your own loving parent, your own superhero… as you go find your wounded inner child and give it the love that it was always looking for, you will settle into a much calmer space about love, because you will not be navigating from a place of fear and separation. You will be integrating, healing, unifying, and embodying what you wish to experience more of.
As you accept your divinity, you will be moving into an alignment with Source that allows love to flow to you, and through you. It will allow you to be so aligned that there will be so much love flooding through you, that it can’t help but spill out all over the place. You will start to feel the abundance of unconditional love that exists for you rather than trying to put a limited mindset upon it.
Love is not a limited commodity. There is more than enough for everyone! It is your essence. And as you start to become that safe, loving model of unconditional love for yourself, you will be so whole, and so healed, and feeling just so joyous, that it can’t help but spill out into all areas of your life.
When your expectation is love, that is what you will get. So we ask you to ask yourself a very simple question. How much more would you love if there was a guarantee that you would not get hurt? If it is a lot more than you are loving right now, it is a good indicator to you how much you need to shift your beliefs about love. It lets you know whether you are in alignment with the unconditional love that you are, or not.
Dear Ones, let go of the idea that to love wholly and completely is stupid or foolhardy. How can you expect to have the full experience if you are only willing to stick your big toe in the water? You cannot. You must BE it. You must let go of the illusions, the old stories that are just no longer valid, and embody your truth to be all of the things that you wish to experience.
Safely moving into love means that you love yourself enough to have healthy boundaries. It means that the love that you give and accept is empowering to all, not just one. So many of you have come in on service contracts and had love relationships that were built upon you “saving” another, knowing more than another, being the healer, the fixer, the rescuer. While your tender hearts were in the right place, that is not empowering love.
Love encourages others to find their own source of love, their own divinity, and to shine their brightest light. When you are rescuing, you are perpetuating victim consciousness. You are, in effect, saying, “I don’t trust you to get it right”, which is very disempowering. It feeds dependency rather than supporting empowerment.
It also leaves you out of the equation. Many of you who are on service contracts have a lot of trouble accepting love. You are here to give and to serve, so you find it difficult to accept love. Dear Ones, you must move into that stream of love in order to be everything that you can be, for yourself, and for others. Do you see? It means fairness and balance. It means that love must be served to everybody involved, in copious amounts, including yourself.
Unconditional love means that you see people for who they are and you believe them. It means that you love them enough to be wherever they are and you allow them to have their own experiences, to find their own light, and to move into the knowingness of unconditional love for themselves.
When you are unconditionally loving to yourself, you let the safe people into your inner circle. You know who that is! You know the people of equal integrity, acceptance, divinity, transparency, truth. You know people who are consistently loving to you are safe in your inner circle.
If people have not yet moved into the ability to be that unconditionally loving person for you, it doesn’t mean you should withdraw your love for them. It simply means that you honour them for where they are, but you recognize they are not a safe person to have in your innermost circle. When you become discerning and love yourself enough to choose to put only safe people in your inner circle, there is no longer a reason to fear love.
Many of you will say, “Well Gabriel, I thought this person was safe so I let them in my inner circle and they weren’t safe for me at all!” Dear Ones, if you are completely honest with yourselves, you will have to admit that there were warning signs from the people who have hurt you. Most people will show you exactly who they are very early on. On the rare occasion that you are completely surprised by another, accept the truth that they are not safe for you and act accordingly. If someone behaved in a manner that was cruel and unpredictable to a beloved child, would you not immediately step in to protect the child? We urge you to give that same tender care to yourselves.
Do you see? You can all do this! You are all so ready for this. Moving into navigating your life through unconditional love is the next frontier for you. This is the next amazing thing for you to experience. This will continue to drive this grand shift that you are such a pivotal part of. You will be the models of what to be, of how to connect with your truth. You will be the shining teachers by example.
You will be embodying how true, unconditional love does not hurt. It uplifts, it encourages, it expands and grows, it supports everyone, it heals. It is not something to be afraid of, it is what you have been seeking all along. Love yourselves enough to be the love that you are. Love yourselves enough to wholeheartedly express and draw to you the love that you deserve. This is what we wished to share with you today. It has been our great pleasure.
Archangel Gabriel thru Shelley Young
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What is Spiritual Activism?
Spiritual activism refers to working with the inner dimensions for societal change. This activity places great emphasis on the unifying influence of group coherence as a means to initiate positive transformation on mass scale.
Our team comes together in massive demonstrations of global meditation and remote energy transference, while invoking the best possible outcome in situations of world crisis according to the highest benefit of all.
Why is it necessary?
While this type of activity does not have the same outwardly visible effect as front-line activism, its results are equally as tangible and play a VITAL role in catalyzing incredible changes in a highly polarized world.
All of the dramatic outplay we see on the planet today is a direct reflection of the thoughts held in the mass consciousness. Until we, as a global community, shift the way we think, we will not realize the more beautiful world we know is possible.
This is why our work in spiritual activism is so important as it can inspire the emergence of new, more loving perceptions in the global mind, helping to shift the reflection of separation we currently see.
How does it work?
A plethora of scientific studies have been conducted to prove the positive effect of group meditation on places of trauma, war and unrest.
Building upon the natural coherence existing within our collective grouping, we use this transformational energy field to send intentional waves of thought and feeling to a targeted area. This is accomplished through the Unity Matrix, a complex grid-like pathway or matrix of high-frequency energy transference that is part of the Earth’s energy field.
Through this field of unified awareness, spiritual activism has the potential to impact MILLIONS of lives, reaching into the higher consciousness of the entire human race to uplift, transform and inspire.
To amplify our positive influence, we invoke the immeasurable and invincible support from the subtle spiritual realms, which guarantees that all unfolds in accordance with the highest benefit of all.
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Children Of The Sun Foundation
Supporting the Movement of a New Humanity
We are a non-profit educational platform assisting global transformation through activities that build self empowerment through the knowledge of our innate divine nature and its invincible potential. Our presence as a global campaigner promotes unity-building programs that engage group energy transference on mass scale.
We are ALL Children of the Sun, brilliant divine beings of love’s magnificence!
Are you ready to be unshackled?
Our Mission is Spiritual Activism to Evolve Consciousness
Our Impact Transforms Souls
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