Are You Available? Augmenting Access to the Akasha Dimension

You know how it is. There is so much noise, so much going on, you can’t even hear yourself think!
If only everyone would stop rushing around for a moment so you can just collect your thoughts. All you need is a moment. It happens to everyone, and more so in the contemporary urban and industrial environments in which more and more of humanity lives. How often do you find yourself thinking, “I’ve just got to get away from it all… away from this mad rush of things, to slow down and just reconnect with myself, reconnect with life”? This need to find places and situations where you can be calm and clear is a fundamental need of all life. In fact, it is a requirement not only of life, but of everything that exists and transforms in relation to its environment — in other words, of everything!
In the previous two blog postings in this Akashic Think A-team series (“Be Supercoherent: Tune In to Your Consciousness” and “We Have Lost Something Important and We Must Absolutely Regain It — But What?”) we explored how the condition of super-coherence is responsible for all the phenomena in the world around us that we might describe as miraculous, awesome, or amazingly-attuned. We considered how important it is, especially in this day and age, to curate states of super-coherence in connection with all the people, places, and practices that define our lives. Now, in this blog posting, my son Alexander Laszlo and our A-team look at what this means and how you can establish a clear link with the pulse of life itself.
Studies in macro-cellular biology have discovered that if you place two living heart cells next to each other — not touching, but just a short distance apart — they very quickly begin to beat in unison. [1] They start off each contracting, pulsing, at their own rhythm, and very soon they are doing it at the same time, even though they aren’t touching! But if there are disturbances in the environment, such as electric impulses or swirls of ionized water flowing around them, they won’t sync up. So what is it that connects them? Clearly, they somehow tune to each other, but how?
This is where the Akasha Dimension comes in. Since the Akasha Dimension is omnipresent and ever-present, it surrounds and flows through everything. And everything flows through it, but not just metaphorically. This means that things — stars, atoms, you and me — continually flow into existence through the information-binding action of the Akasha Dimension that embeds all of existence by “in-forming” — literally, putting form into — phenomena and events. What we do, who we are, and how we are is directly correlated with how well and how deeply we access the Akasha Dimension.
Patterns of social grouping behavior in animals often demonstrate remarkable levels of coherence. A school of herring, a flock of starlings, a herd of zebra — all can act as one, with such coordination of volition and such unison of movement that the group often seems like one being. How do these animals synchronize with each other with such coordination? In our highly-rational world of practicality and common sense, for us humans to approach similarly tightly-choreographed performances we have come to think that we must train as highly-skilled artists and athletes for many years.
But now we are finding out that it is possible to tune in and flow with such grace and ease without having to train for the synchronized swimming event of the Olympics. And in fact, that type of synchronization is so highly choreographed that it breaks down immediately if the team is asked to engage in free-form synchronization or in response to unforeseen changes in the environment. But once we learn to let go of seeking to control all that is happening within us and around us, once we are able to “fall into” the Akasha Dimension, then anything is possible!
More specifically, what ends up being possible are dynamics of coherence and, when groups of us are coherently aligned with each other, we can even experience the phenomenon of super-coherence described in blog posting number three, the one before last in this series. It is all a matter of becoming available to the information flows of the Akasha Dimension. Just like you can’t hear a message from someone if there’s a lot of shouting going on around you, you won’t be able to tune in and flow in creative or effective harmony with your environment if you’re too distracted. You’ve got to make yourself available.
So how do you make yourself available to the in-forming flows from the Akasha Dimension? The good news is that there are many ways. The bad news is that it won’t happen just by wishing it would. It is both the simplest and most natural thing in the world and at the same time requires focus, attention, and above all, practice. And no, you don’t have to become a yogi to master this — after all, the fish and the starlings already know how. It’s just that our mind won’t shut off, something the bird brains don’t have to worry about. We’re constantly cluttering our consciousness with a stream of commentary about what is going on in our lives, moment by moment. As soon as we reflect on what is going on or think about it in any way, we are no longer in tune, no longer living in the moment. We are thinking about what just happened, distilling it into words and freezing the moment so that we can reflect on it. This lands us just behind the present, always catching up to it, thinking about everything that just happened as it is just happening.
But if you can turn off what psychologists call “the monkey mind” — that part of your consciousness that keeps up the constant chatter in your head, commenting on everything — then you start to make yourself more available to the information flows from the Akasha Dimension. Quieting the monkey mind, releasing into the moment (without the need to “do anything” with it, just being present — fully present), and then allowing your perceptions to flow with whatever arises in your field of awareness… this is the practice. Three simple steps that you can spend a lifetime cultivating. The end result is greater flow with what’s going on in your life, greater coherence with yourself, with others, with nature, and even with your ancestors and those who will come after you.
Imagine you are a heart cell, beating out the rhythm of your life. You are aware of all the other cells around you, beating out their rhythms too. And what if you knew that something as fantastic and amazing as a heart were possible — something that could pump massive amounts of blood and animate an entire body — if only you would beat as one? That type of super-coherence is possible for us as a species — not only possible, but vitally necessary if we are to shift out of our disconnected, dispirited, and destructive mode of strident individualism.
The question is, are you available?
What practices do you have that bring you into the non-reflective moment in which you are truly present to yourself, to others, to nature, and to past and future generations of all beings? Share your insights, your experiences, your connections with us!
1. Cf. Dongming, Cai, Winslow, Raimond, and Noble, Denis. “Effects of Gap Junction Conductance on Dynamics of Sinoatrial Node Cells: Two-Cell and Large-Scale Network Models” in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 3, March 1994.
For more by Ervin Laszlo, click here
For more on consciousness, click here
Your A-team
Charlie Stuart Gay, Györgyi Szabo, Kingsley Dennis, Alexander Laszlo, and Ibolya Kapta
Akashic Think… World Changing
“You can’t solve the significant problems of our time with the same kind of thinking that gave rise to the problems.” — Albert Einstein
Click Here to Read all AKASHIC THINK blogs.
Ervin Laszlo is the author of 89 books published in 24 languages, including his bestselling Science and the Akashic Field. His latest book isThe Akasha Paradigm, just released on the Internet:
Follow Ervin Laszlo on Twitter:
PotentialConsciousnessAkasha ConsciousnessAkashaAkasha PrinciplesAkasha ThinkSupercoherenceSupercoherentAkashic ThinkAkasha Dimension
June 14-21, 2015
Beloved Ones,
Each of you is stretching for the potential that rests within. This potential beckons you onward, poignant in its endless possibilities and its creative energies help open the flow to needed movement and direction. These are creating inner growth and are not outwardly seen but inwardly felt. Follow your heart in all things. Former ways of doing things are now evolving as you follow your inner direction with faith and determination. Your trust in your intuition is becoming more developed and the insight provided into your own inner workings provides a greater awareness of the people and situations that surround you. As you practice being still and quiet, an inner knowingness comes, a spiritual energy that focuses on understandings that come from a place beyond one’s reason. As you give your inner guidance from the higher aspects of yourself the opportunity to manifest, your own intuition becomes a reality in its operation in your daily life. The key is to take the time to be still and know that you are on the right track.
The creativity you hold within you unfolds now and you find new levels of expression for it as you reach for ever greater expansion in finding ways to share your richness and goodness with the world. This opens you to the abundance of the universe and the greater gifts that you have acquired throughout time and the evolution of your inner growth begins to find physical expression. Your belief in your self and your value and worth intensifies as you further align to this higher inner direction. You realize that the only limitations you experience are those that you put on yourself and you seek to break those crystallized forms so that you can further expand into areas that uncover ever greater potential. As the limits of your conscious mind are removed, you raise your energy level and your frequency to the next step in your ongoing evolution of consciousness.
As you give ever greater focus to the spiritual values, your heart opens and you become more aware of the intensity of the spirit within which seeks ever greater manifestation in your reality. You are entering into a new phase of inner and outer development. This development comes in ebbs and flows, sometimes the inner guidance encourages withdrawal from the world around you, and this inner growth then seeks manifestation in the outer world. It is important to be yourself, to know who you are and stay grounded in that knowing. There are new beginnings that are coming forward and previously hidden facets of your self coming into expression. Allowing this new direction to take shape brings new perspectives and a new level of your inner truth comes forward to be acknowledged and fully integrated. This will open you to an ever greater understanding and expansion of yourself.
Allow this new level of truth to touch into all aspects of your life. Personal wisdom is gained through experience and is guiding and opening you to the greater mysteries of the universe. It lightens your spirit and brings you to a greater awareness that you have the freedom to be or do whatever you want; all you have to do is claim the right to do so. The choices before you are limitless and all you have to do is take the action necessary to claim them as yours. To be abundant in your world is to experience the joy of creation. What you set in motion returns to you. You are in control of each situation that you encounter by what you choose to empower. The universal energy of creation is always present and this cosmic balance and perfection is reflected within you, recognize this and come into the rhythm with creation.
There must be a balance between the spiritual and the physical. There is always a pattern, an order and a system that is in operation to every creation that manifests. There is a constant flow of energy which comes from different realms that gifts the seeds of wisdom that is required for your ongoing evolution and enlightenment. This wisdom puts you in touch with the light that illuminates your connection with the infinite. Your personal star is waiting to shine in your life.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.
Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.
…have fun with it :)))
And let’s be real here – the point of this isn’t wether or not any of this happened or wether Jesus actually existed. This goes beyond religion, this goes beyond our dimension, and our 3D consciousness entirely. These images are incredibly interesting and they are all real.
We need to shift our understanding of the concept of real. Everything is real, everything exists and is ever evolving, it is the eternal energy of Christ Consciousness. Jesus embodied Christ Consciousness, the all knowing energy of unity, understanding and love.He was the incarnation of love.
To answer if all this really happened – know that everything exists. There are parallel realities where the story unfolding on Earth is completely different, down to every little detail.
Source – the spark of initial creation of all, exists beyond the idea of concrete, hard science. It can contradict itself, be paradoxically impossible and make absolutely no sense – because it is beyond sense.
Yes all these ‘fictional’ events and ‘physically impossible’ happenings really did take place.
They also didn’t.
To anyone who is actually looking, putting the puzzle pieces together and seeing how it all fits – it’s obvious there is a real interaction going on. The earliest works of art – cave paintings, prehistoric art depicts the interaction with ‘beings’.
Throughout history, art has been used to tell a story that we are choosing to ignore and deem as simply imagination or representation. No doubt, SO much is representation, exaggeration and artistic freedom, but that doesn’t mean all of it has to be.
I’m focusing on the renaissance period because of the level of consciousness at the time. There was an interesting way the collective consciousness interacted with reality during this time period. Everyone’s belief system was much more open. The idea of superstition, the supernatural and unexplainable seemed to happen a lot more.
Our minds project reality – we are not subject to it. The occurrences of the bizarre happened more because it existed in the realm of possibility for them.
Seeing isn’t believing; believing allows us to see.
So, straight up, why would the painter include that in the sky? This is one of the more intriguing paintings, named The Madonna with Saint Giovannino. It was painted in the 15th century by Domenico Ghirlandaio. He was an Italian Renaissance painter from Florence who lead a workshop which the infamous Michelangelo apprenticed at.
Now, what is the purpose of adding that thing in the sky? It’s not the sun, it’s not a cloud or anything like that – what is it?! The explanation everyone seems to fall back on is that it’s a representation of biblical script – but what exactly is this representing? There is a man in the background curiously watching this flying craft in the sky and it seems to have absolutely no connection to the contents in the foreground. What do you think?
A dutch artist named Aert De Gelder painted this, labelled The Baptism of Christ. Made in 1710, this image is depicting a ceremony of baptizing with a strange twist. When debunking this image, it’s said that the circle in the sky is nothing more than the representation from the scriptures that ‘The light of Christ descends like a dove from the sky’.
When you understand how strange the history of our planet actually is, the idea of this circle being something extraterrestrial isn’t outlandish. Aliens have been interacting with humans – essentially since the beginning of our planet’s creation, this is not a new phenomenon.
These pieces are from a fresco painting in the Visoki Decani Monastery, in the western part of the Serbian province of Kosovo. Within the Monastery are several famous scenes described in the Bible painted on the walls.
These images are from the depiction of The Crucifixtion of Christ and what’s so interesting about these images specifically is that there are angels in the picture that look nothing like this. This is not a depiction of angels or any type of celestial being, but as a sort of craft to travel in.
The picture on the top completely looks like a spaceship – are these artists representation skills just out of whack? The eye of the artist was so refined back then, paintings took years to finish and were completed with astounding detail. Why are these paintings filled with “representations” that are blatantly created on purpose as literal images.
This fresco is similar, within the 11th century Svetitskhoveli Cathedral is another depiction of the Crucifixion of Jesus.
This Byzantine style painting has more aircraft type images just like the one’s in the pictures above. What are these flying ship type images? There’s no doubt all of this could be complete representation, interpretation and imagination but there seems to be an underlying consistency to all of this art created around the world throughout history.
Why are artists painting the same images from half way around the world? Was there a mass hallucination happening where everyone saw the same thing? There’s so much more going on that we don’t want to accept because it keeps life simple – and it keeps us from the truth.

There Is No “They”

By Peter Joseph /
I get a lot of emails as to why I do not bring up notions such as the “New World Order”, “Illuminati”, “Zionism”, “Secret Societies” and other popular occult/conspiracy concepts which are very topical in this day and age. While I, of course, acknowledge the “men behind the curtain” and the various levels of manipulation and corruption of the ruling class, it must be understood that I do not differentiate between the high level, elitist criminal- and the commonplace, petty criminal.
They are both different extremes of the same sickness. On one side of the spectrum, you have the wealthy elite who maintain a compulsive addiction to power, control and material wealth. This is due to a constant, endless need for more and more self-preservation, which is derived from the psychological impressions of “Scarcity”.
On the other side you have poor people, living clearly within scarcity, who are without options for survival, and are forced into corrupt behavior in order to stay alive.
Sadly, the idea of “corruption” has become highly stylized today, and Hollywood and Tv constantly reinforce the excitement of this so called ‘criminal’ behavior and this perpetuates the sickness to new levels.
Now, for many, the above distinctions are likely too general. Some would say things like “what about the columbine massacre… they were middle class kids from decent families.”
Aberrant, seemingly irrational, violent behavior comes from a low self-sufficiency. This is the result of an up bringing which does not intelligently cater to the needs of a growing mind, nor giving him or her the tools to understand the world around them. Mental Distortion comes from Social Distortion and if we ever want to see a world without the constant manipulative, violent abuses, we have to do what has never been done in any real way:
Examine the social system and the bio-social pressures it perpetuates inherently.
Now, I’m not going to go into all of the elements required to fully explain how sick our society is and how the religious systems and profit systems have twisted the general human mind into a perverse, selfish, divisive mentality.
However, what I will say is that to be “Normal” in our world, actually means “Screwed up”.
Now, coming back to my original point – I want everyone to understand that putting the blame on the “globalists” or the “new world order” crowd is a cop-out. These people are manifestations of the system and even if you imprisoned all the elite at the top, a new set of corrupt people would take their place overnight. This means that it isn’t “groups” we should be concerned with… it is the environment.
There is No “They”
It’s time we grow out of the “us against them” mentality. This isn’t to say we shouldn’t be activists against the constant social corruption. We have to do that. But, we must stop this nonsense that we are “at war” with something. This is an illusion. Martin Luther King Jr. had it right. The most powerful weapon you can have is unconditional love.
Now, we must think about what is truly important for Change.
Is researching and understanding the nuances of the Bavarian Illuminati and all its symbols going to help bring change to the world?
No, it isn’t.
While social history might be important to understand, we must get our priorities straight. The fact is, “exposing the criminal elite” along with things like 9/11 is only half the game. True change will come not from an angry group of abused people. It will come from a positive awareness of what humanity ‘could be’, if we all wake up and realize our possibilities. Once the species understands that there IS enough go around, that we are One, and that our integrity is only as good as the integrity of the rest of the planet…then a new focus will emerge, and all the “secret societies” and the like will lose all power.
All the “New World Order” is is a hard up group of damaged human beings who think world domination is a rewarding goal. They are no different that the ignorant frat-boys of Skull and Bones and any other childish group elitism. They are just sad, and it’s time we stop all the pontification about their infamous “power.”
The power elite are only as powerful as we allow them to be.
Welcome to “Messages from the Angels.” Search for a topic by using the white box at the top left, or pick a message out of the archives at random to see what your angels want to tell you. You can also subscribe to my newsletter to have weekly “Messages from Ann & the Angels” emailed directly to you.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Divine Synchronization
The entire universe is designed to operate in a harmonious dance of divine synchronization. If you listen to your heart’s guidance, you will find yourself easily drawn to those you can assist or uplift and as well those dear souls who can assist and uplift you.You are never alone and there is never a time when your needs are ignored. Look at all of creation! Ecosystems operate in a delicate and beautiful balance. Planets revolve precisely around stars which revolve in a graceful dance in the galaxies. Everything and every being in the natural universe is guided, cared for, and cherished in the heavens.
The human mind, however, loves to think of itself as separate. It is like a computer – a beautiful, amazing computer that you were gifted with upon your incarnation into this earthly life. It is a tool to be used, but not ever intended to be an authority over your heart.
So when you have a need or desire, before you even try to “figure out” how to handle or create it, stop and sit quietly. Breathe and focus on what it is you wish to create – perhaps a problem being solved, a challenge overcome, or an dream you would love to see manifest in your life. Place your attention there first. Then say a little prayer… “Dear God, Dear Angels, I love this reality I wish to create. I would like your help. Please guide me. Let me know the next step.” Then sit and breathe and see if anything comes to mind. It might be a quick thought, words in your head, a feeling, or just a knowing. If nothing comes to your awareness, relax, there is nothing to do at this time. Enjoy your day! Give us your worries! The Divine will let you know when it is time to act. We will guide you and help you understand any energies you need to shift within your heart and soul to allow for this good to flow into your lives.
Dear ones you are an integral part of creation. Your needs matter. Your desires are born from the heart of God. And this same creator wants very much to help and assist you with the live you are being guided to live. In very human terminology… Stop stressing, start asking for more help from the heavens, and trust that you are loved and guided beyond anything you could possibly imagine.
Selamat Ja!
Note: Here’s the link to the recent Tazz & Paula interview with Sheldan. Several people have reported that the link doesn’t work. Try again, it is working perfect now. Enjoy the interview ~ click here. or cut and paste:
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SYNCHRONICITY ~~~~Embracing the Flow of LifeGalactic energy flows continuously, assisting in raising our vibrations. It is a gift that intensifies our potential for more synchronistic moments. Sheldan prepares us to effectively use this energy. |
In this Webinar Sheldan will explain how we can use this heightened energy to prepare us for full consciousness.Topics include… • Awakening to our new energy systems Sunday, June 21, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDTand/or Thursday, June 25, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California Time)Talk to Sheldan Live … simply by using your home computer Seats are Limited… Register Now!To register make payment: Click here Cost: $15.00 U.S. |
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Divine SynchronizationMessage from the Angels by Ann Albers |
The entire universe is designed to operate in a harmonious dance of divine synchronization. If you listen to your heart’s guidance, you will find yourself easily drawn to those you can assist or uplift and as well those dear souls who can assist and uplift you. You are never alone and there is never a time when your needs are ignored. Look at all of creation! Ecosystems operate in a delicate and beautiful balance. Planets revolve precisely around stars which revolve in a graceful dance in the galaxies. Everything and every being in the natural universe is guided, cared for, and cherished in the heavens. The human mind, however, loves to think of itself as separate. It is like a computer – a beautiful, amazing computer that you were gifted with upon your incarnation into this earthly life. It is a tool to be used, but not ever intended to be an authority over your heart. |
So when you have a need or desire, before you even try to “figure out” how to handle or create it, stop and sit quietly. Breathe and focus on what it is you wish to create – perhaps a problem being solved, a challenge overcome, or an dream you would love to see manifest in your life. Place your attention there first. Then say a little prayer… “Dear God, Dear Angels, I love this reality I wish to create. I would like your help. Please guide me. Let me know the next step.” Then sit and breathe and see if anything comes to mind. It might be a quick thought, words in your head, a feeling, or just a knowing. If nothing comes to your awareness, relax, there is nothing to do at this time. Enjoy your day! Give us your worries! The Divine will let you know when it is time to act. We will guide you and help you understand any energies you need to shift within your heart and soul to allow for this good to flow into your lives. Dear ones you are an integral part of creation. Your needs matter. Your desires are born from the heart of God. And this same creator wants very much to help and assist you with the live you are being guided to live. In very human terminology… Stop stressing, start asking for more help from the heavens, and trust that you are loved and guided beyond anything you could possibly imagine. |
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Everyone in the World Could Soon
Be Debt Free

Payment Order 1-11
With the launch of the Program Payment Order 1-11 INDONESIA WORLD LIGHTHOUSE ” DECLARATION OF TRANSACTION ” N0.A5.AAAAA -303-333-742-42 International Institution Transaction World Bank 1997 for 2014 :
Exhibits AB
Owner and Control Consortium Internationality
Z1 Financial Accounts
March 11, 2014 is the all- important moment for the world and the entire universe and it’s creatures and a new history of a long journey in the archipelago, the historical beginning of the end and changes in real rebirth of a new world global order system. A positive system originally created for the betterment of humanity in 1960, later hijacked by stealth and adopted through the United Nations by the banking families for malicious intent. The tables have now been turned once again and the true positive intent of this system has been taken back by the implementation of Payment Order 1-11.
Payment Order 1-11 is the gate implementation of the entire financial system to the new Global Government order. Payment Moment 1-11 is a symbol of change all over the world legal order in the basic concepts of the main points of UN – ORBIT INTERNATIONAL TRUST WORLD SWISSINDO to the universal concept of NEO THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GOD SKY EARTH.
With the main program :
1 . Master Plan
2 . Key Master Plan
3 . Human Obligations
4 . Quota Payment for 253 Countries World.
5 . State Debt Elimination.
6 . Debt Elimination each person.
Moment March 11, 2014 was a very important moment for humanity and for the happiness in the world. This moment abolished human enslavement and liberated basic human rights. This is the realization of the promise of God as the almighty creator. Being compassionate to honor and glory to his fellow man.
Welcome to the new world order in the UN – SWISSINDO Being NEO THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GOD SKY EARTH.
We are all one….we are all the same…we are brothers and sisters as God’s precious creatures.
The History behind the signing
Dan Lutz
For further informations look into the newsletter archives from Sheldon Nidle and into the webinar archives for webinar 62 about “Abundance”, coming out soon
Scientific Proof Thoughts And Intentions Can Alter The World Around Us!
Dr. Masaru Emoto, a researcher and alternative healer from Japan has given the world a good deal of evidence of the magic of positive thinking. He became famous when his water molecule experiments featured in the 2004 film, What The Bleep Do We Know? His experiments demonstrate that human thoughts and intentions can alter physical reality, such as the molecular structure of water. Given that humans are comprised of at least 60% water, his discovery has far reaching implications… can anyone really afford to have negative thoughts or intentions?
The studies
A group of approximately 2,000 people in Tokyo focused positive intentions toward water samples located inside an electromagnetically shielded room in California. That group was unaware of similar water samples set aside in a different location as controls. Ice crystals formed in both sets of water samples, yet only certain kinds of formations were present within the water they were concentrating on. That group was unaware of similar water samples set aside in a different location as controls.
Ice crystals formed from both sets of water samples were blindly identified and photographed by an analyst, and the resulting images were blindly assessed for aesthetic appeal by 100 independent judges. In conclusion, the present pilot results are consistent with a number of previous studies suggesting that intention may be able to influence the structure of water. Here is a photo of the effects direct states of conscious intention had on the structure of water.
The rice experiment
The rice experiment is another famous Emoto demonstration of the power of negative thinking (and conversely, the power of positive thinking.) Dr Emoto placed portions of cooked rice into two containers. On one container he wrote “thank you” and on the other “you fool”. He then instructed school children to say the labels on the jars out loud everyday when they passed them by. After 30 days, the rice in the container with positive thoughts had barely changed, while the other was moldy and rotten. Here is a video demonstrating this:
Sources :
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