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A short update on the energies
February 21, 2015 in Channelings
As many of you have noticed, this ongoing merger of the inner layers that is taking place now will have many of you sitting up to take notice of the effects this will induce upon your system, and rightly so. For as we have already told you, this period will be one of massive transformation, one where these incoming missiles of energy will interact in a most profound way with your own energetic setup, and as such, the collapse of internal division into a coherent and far more fluid system than the former fragmented one is now finally on its way. So you see, this at times churning sea of chaotic tendencies towards misrepresentation of the actual events is not one that is entirely unfounded, for even if you are all well versed in these recurring periods of energetic upheavals, this will still be considered as one out of the ordinary, if ordinary is indeed a word that can be taken into use for any of these occasions. For as you all know more than well by this stage, every step you take is one that will break through the boundaries set by the previous ones, and as such, let us simply say that even in this long line of extraordinary events, this one will certainly stand out in the crowd.
So again we say know that all is well, even if so much within you may be screaming out in protestation, and even if you may at times feel more than a little alienated from your own being, let alone the world around you. For as these emissaries of light continue to converse with those centres within you that governs these highly complex processes, it will be as if your entire circuit board will be wiped clean more than once, and as such, the sense of being untethered in a very tangible way may become prevalent on more than one occasion for you all. Be that as it may, we still venture to guess that you will find yourself literally bouncing back into full clarity from one moment to the next, when it will be as if the internal fog may dissipate sufficiently for you to get at least a tiny glimpse of the greatness that is now becoming fully unveiled. And when we speak of greatness, it is none other than the very essence of you, the Grand Master that has been hidden away inside of this seemingly inconspicuous fleshy vehicle that from the outside still very much defines you as a human. But now, a true revolution is taking place literally under the very surface of this vehicle, for by now, your sense of being human will be literally only skin deep.
For from now on, little by little, or rather, at a tempo that is fully in compliance with your own inner workings, these inner secrets will be revealed to you all. And as this process of unveiling will continue to expand at an increasing rate, you will find those former fragments of your inner self beginning to fuse together into one coherent fully operational set, a complex structure that will begin to run at full speed as soon as you are ready to take that full step across the old divide that still separates you from your own inner values.
Again, we speak in convoluted terms, but what we are trying to convey is simply this: what you are becoming now is what has been heralded for eons, for you are finally beginning to finalize the process of unification, the process that has been oft prophesied, but will now finally become reality. And so, as piece after piece is being fused together to that supporting structure that can for the first time become fully operational, you might feel the tugging from something deep within you beginning to stir. For now, what has been lying dormant will indeed begin to make you take notice of it – or rather, of YOU. For everything that is beginning to come alive now, are parts of you, there is nothing within you that is foreign in any way, as everything you will come into contact with is simply a vital piece of the huge conglomerate that is you in your entirety.
So let yourself come alive by allowing the old divisions to melt away, and do not try to hold on to any semblance of the known, for that is merely a futile attempt to stem the flow of evolution that is taking place within the confines of your physical body as well as within your mind. For that is where the old ideas of identity still prefer to linger, but you are no longer to linger within these small and cramped rooms of limitation. Instead, you need to give yourself permission to throw away any and all ideas of who you really are, and to allow the magic that is really you to come out into the open. It may seem to be more than a little daunting for some of you, for the concept of your own greatness is one thing, coming literally face to face with it may seem to be a task that will bring many of you to literally stop in your tracks in hesitation.
For what you will see will truly be beyond description, and as such that human mind will still want to protest and balk at the very idea of embracing something that is so far removed from what it still looks upon as the very ideal of existence. But as that is an existence based upon the small list of acceptables that are still being used to define mankind, this will literally blow the doors off to something that is so far from being the norm, it will take some hard work for many of you to step past that old demarcation line of what you think is real or not even plausible.
So again we say know that the only way to step across that line once and for all is to truly allow yourself to do so. And in order to find the courage to do just that, you need to be able to fully connect with that inner sanctum of your being who will tell you beyond any shadow of any doubts you might care to conjure up that there is no way that this will not be fully sanctioned by YOU, the one and only voice of reason that is applicable on this journey. For the answer to this quest for reason is one that will only be found within you, it is not something that you need to be given permission to experience by anyone else, nor can anyone but you allow YOU to take this step. For this step must be taken, but it can only be taken if you say YES with all of your heart. For once taken, there is no going back, and as such, the one you used to be will no longer be available to you. And so, the inner resistance from those parts of you that know they will become obsolete the moment this decision is finally taken will still try to persuade you to hold off making that choice, or to deny yourself even the possibility to do so. And no wonder, as these parts of you have been there as a sort of “life saver” in many a previous incarnation, when the call to step more fully into the light would mean almost certain extinction by the forces still set on keeping mankind fully out of the know from their own greatness.
But now, the time has come for all of you to open as wide as you can for you, and to allow the full unfolding of your inner greatness to take place. And as such, there will be no room for hesitation, only for allowance to let YOU take all the place you really need in order to fulfill this quest for total transformation of this entire planet. For some, this may sound as a recipe for disaster, as for them, this will sound like an invitation to allow your ego to balloon into such proportions, there will be little or no room for others, and all this will imply, is a planet where a small number of people will usurp the space from everyone else. But that is not the case here, for when we talk about taking up space, it will not be at the expense of others. Rather, this is to imply that only by allowing yourself to fully embody the light that you already carry within you can you help others to see the way forwards. In other words, in order for all of you to become the shining examples that will help to show the rest of mankind the only feasible way out of the detrimental chaos they have all been a part of creating, you can no longer hold yourself back. For only when you allow that inner greatness to step out from the small container it has been compressed within can the release of your light help to set free so many others as well.
So again we say allow yourself to become the YOU you are here to BE, and only by letting that inner greatness come to the fore, will this completion become complete. And now, you will all be put before that very decision; are your ready to go up in full bloom, or are you still more set on staying dormant a little bit longer, hidden away in that dark loam where you have been patiently waiting to come fully alive for such a long time? The decision is all yours, but once it is taken, it is one that will affect ALL. So once again we say know that you are not a small and insignificant speck of dust in the vastness of Creation, you are in fact the one that everything hinges on. For you are all the changemakers, the ones that came to this planet in order to make everything NEW again after a long, long detour into the old and dense corners of darkness. So allow the light that is within you help you to decide, for again, it is only you who can say yes to YOU. The rest of Creation has already embraced the magnificence that is the true you, and there is nothing we would want more than for you to be able to do the same.
by Lee Harris
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Get Ready For The Jubilation – Saint Germain
channeled by James McConnell
(Note: these messages were given during our weekly Prepare For Change group in Glendale, AZ on February 15, 2015)
St Germain
This is “St. Germain”. The one known to you as such. It is my great pleasure to be with you once again.
These are indeed, times for jubilation! For so many of the things that we have spoken of in the past are now ready to manifest in your world. And it is not just the treasures and the monetary goodness that everyone has waited for. It is so much more than that. Those in this group who have been working so diligently around the planet as well in this room and in your own private lives have waited for the treasures but you have also invested the time and diligence to work on your own growth and your own preparedness.
The funds that will be released and are, at this present time, being released are meant to be no more than a transition. For so much of what you have been indoctrinated into for thousands of years upon this planet is this concept of “work for money”. Work for those things you need, to be provided for you in this dimension.
What you will be moving into initially will be seeing a freedom for all people upon the planet. Freedom from not having to work for your existence any longer. And in that transition you will be taught and you will come to know that you do work out of service, out of joy. Your work might be writing poetry or it may be doing grand works of artwork. It may be singing songs. It may be teaching children the new ways. Your work will be a service you love and it will not be work, it will be joy. That is a huge shift for this planet. For the concept of working for living is no longer going to be appropriate as you move forward in this consciousness shift.
So many things that have been drivers for the economy upon this planet that are pure distractions from what will bring you true joy will also shift. They may not totally go away initially but things such as sporting events, which are no more than evolved gladiator games from the Roman eras, will fall into disfavor. Sporting events have grown into a huge opportunity for those that have been in charge to increase their revenue and to keep you distracted.
Those that have been celebrating the lives of celebrities, those who have lived their lives after others and trying to be like others will discover that this effort gives them no sense of their selves. For empowerment is what we are bringing to you. Self-empowerment and an understanding that everyone will be able to do exactly what they choose to do.
The world will work in a totally different way. And I know there are naysayers who say, “How can this happen?” And yet we bring you the word today to say it IS happening! That is what the celebration is about. While those who have clung to the distractions to keep you from the truth of your own power and to keep you too busy to learn about the world as it should be, as it may be, as it could be, as those are removed and have removed themselves from the picture their energies will no longer be distracting you. And this is what we promised!
You will know how to manifest because it will become a part of your life. Not immediately but not in that long a term either. The money that comes is, yes, to be used for humanitarian purposes however even those are shifting away quickly. For as all upon the planet are gifted and all of that which has been hidden is come to you.
You will know that the New World is going to be exciting and challenging and fun. And the fear will disappear because the energy continues to rise. And fear is only present when one is concerned about their existence, from being harmed, from not having enough and from not having a roof over their heads. All of these things shall disappear.
This has been a very long time in coming. It started to surface several times but did not make it in the dimension in which you live. But no longer is that the situation. Now the Golden Age is in place. You will not go back! Do not pay heed to those messages of scarcity for some period of time or worrying about things. That is old programming. We want to share the Celebration with you! The Jubilee with you! We want you to hold to the pictures of abundance for all. And not just of abundance of money, my friends. Abundance as sands upon the ocean’s shores. Abundance of the rain, of droplets in the lakes and the water. Abundance that you are! YOU ARE!
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What you will see as you come to understand true abundance is that those things in this world that have made this world operate will be null and void. They will be gone. The transition will be as smooth as the rain that comes on a Spring morning to wash and to lift all in a higher place of vibration. The instant of understanding will bring an instant understanding of manifestation in truth. Yes, (a member of the group) had a wonderful experience of this yesterday and it is perfect timing to share this with the group today! (The member had a crystal heart manifest for her on Valentine’s Day. She said, “Miracles do happen!”)
All of these things are synchronicities for we have been visiting with all of you this week. We dropped those thoughts into your discussion today that you might touch on these things that are so important to understand.
It is hard to think in your minds that this can all transform in a blink of an eye. Some would say that this is allegorical and really pertains to all of creation and so 50 years would be a blink of an eye but I tell you that is not, that is not what we share. We tell you a blink of an eye because as you are lifted from this role in this world that you have been trained to believe in and even for those who believe that they are awake and aware, those too, even you, will be so surprised how many things are just beneath the surface to be discovered. The beneath the surface is that veil being lifted and the energies flowing at a higher resonance so your frequencies can rise and you can, see, hear, speak things that you do not know at this instant in your chairs.
Yes, I am excited. We are excited. All of these things are coming. They are coming but they’ve already been here. It is that shift in your perception, that shift in your understanding and yes, we know that you feel that you need to see it in your 3D world to really know it but you have been trained in this group that knowing is not as important as believing. And in believing and having this in your heart and your internal being releases you to know and to see it in your world.
We would share again, as the monies that have been promised unfold for you in this world and are in the process of doing so now, that you remember that this is only a transitional period and you as an “Inside Group”, you will know how to continue to lead others upon the path of expectation.
That is my message today. I bid you adieu and I thank you for all of your work, all of that which do. Please know it is your’s to take this message to the world. Take it to heart.
My love to you always and forever.
“St. Germain”
Ancient-Awakenings blog site
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Auf der Website von Marlene Swetlishoff können die Texte in mehreren Sprachen eingestellt werden. Ich kann sie wärmstens empfehlen. Sie ist ein sehr guter Kanal. ACHTEN SIE AUF IHRE GEDANKEN und denken Sie daran…
February 22-29, 2015
Beloved Ones,
As you sit at the crossroads wondering which way humanity will choose to go, know that you are not helpless ones – you have ability to effect changes to the morphogenetic fields (fields which influence the pattern or form of things) that surround all situations. These are fields of habitual patterns that link all people, fields which influence and are influenced by, the habits of all people, whether of knowledge, perception or behaviour. It is a field that exists where each individual inherits a collective memory from past members of the species, and one which also contributes to the collective memory which affects other members of the species in the future. (See links below.) This is why we tell you that you are more powerful than you know and why mindfulness in your thoughts, words and deeds is so very important. It is through your focused intention, your love, your intuitive clarity and your light that changes to the current patterns in these fields take place. You are the ones that affect them!
It is all a matter of perspective as you work through these fields. Making an assessment of each situation encountered and learning everything about it that you can, looking at all the advantages and disadvantages to decide which road to take that is offered to you, you then choose the best option for you. Trust yourself, make that decision and believe that you are choosing the best option at the current point in time. Perhaps the passage of time will show you that it was not the best way to go, if that is the case, be prepared to face the consequences and make adjustments as necessary and learn from the experience. Life is all about living it instead of remaining a bystander or a passive observer to your own life. Too many people have been conditioned to wait for another person to do what needs to be done. This conditioning must now be changed. It requires your determination and awareness for this to occur. You can do it.
As the energies upon the planet increase, there is more fluidity in all things and so your ability to affect the morphogenetic field is greatly amplified. Caution is required in your daily thoughts and activities. Begin your day by aligning with your divine essence and stay true to this alignment through all activities throughout your day. Repeat powerful affirmations that reinforce your highest vision and highest outcome, not only for yourselves and those you love but for everyone upon your planet. See yourselves as the powerful and wise beings that you truly are and step intothose shoes! Become those powerful beings who wield their power for good to manifest into their world. You have come this far because of your strong will and determination to be here during these times and it is not the time to allow all that hard work and effort to fall by the wayside.
Continue in your efforts and in your allowance to release and clear the energies that are still coming to the surface and remember that they are not always because of anything that you have personally endured and experienced and are personally responsible for. Many times, it is a clearing that is occurring for the entire collective morphogenetic field that greatly influences and affects all life. You are playing a part that was agreed to be played before your current incarnation. It is a time of major release for everyone and everything that has previously been conditioned and affected by the old paradigm systems and as you do this work, keep yourselves as energetically clear as possible. You are one of many major lightworkers for your planet and everything you are currently experiencing is for the greater good of all, even though it may not feel like it in the moment.
You have great ability to transmute the denser energies that are keeping humanity from greater awareness of the true nature of their lives upon this planet. Allow your light to shine like a blazing sun and radiate this light from your heart chakra to everyone and everything that surrounds you. As ambassadors of light and love for the Creator, your actual presence does and will continue to make a difference. You are assisting in bringing ancient knowledge and wisdom into the modern world in a way that is appropriate for the current civilization to absorb and ponder upon and learn from, linking the past with the future. You are the anchors and the conduits, the beautiful rainbow bridges of love and full spectrum light, that diamond light, truly making its presence felt upon your planet.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
Morphic Resonance and the Collective Unconscious – Part I –Society, Spirit & Ritual:http://www.sheldrake.org/files/pdfs/papers/morphic1_paper.pdf
Morphic Resonance and the Collective Unconscious – Part II –Extended Mind, Power, & Prayer:http://www.sheldrake.org/files/pdfs/papers/morphic2_paper.pdf
Morphic Resonance and the Collective Unconscious – PartIII http://www.sheldrake.org/files/pdfs/papers/morphic3_paper.pdf
©2008-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way, no fees are charged to read it, and Scribe’s credit, copyright and websites are included.
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Welcome to PAO’s Live Webinar for February…Our webinars are designed to trigger memories buried deep in your DNA. They are designed to bring them into your awareness for healing….bringing them into wholeness. DNA works like our subconscious mind; it hold stories, emotions, and beliefs that we do not recall in our conscious mind. In order to restore a gene to its healthy state, we have to access the underlying emotions and belief systems that originally created the defect in the gene.Our genetic codes are flexible, not fixed. We can reset our genetic codes and with them the stories of the past….both personal and collective. This webinar is designed to trigger some of your “stories” of the past and bring them up for healing. This helps us to remember who we truly are and justhow powerful divine Love is.Divine Love, Light & Creation
Merlin on Your Creative Power
from Alison James
How often have you heard it said, “As above, so below”? And yet have you truly believed that your petition to the Universe will bring fulfillment to your command? This phrase is not just a tenet to live by. Creation is a living, breathing “word” and “logos” that is forever pulsing to move from nothing to something. Creation is the law of the universe.
Behold the torus, the doughnut-like form of the universe: it breathes in and breathes out in a continuous flow, moving from one polarity to the other, creating a flow of energies that may be shaped and reshaped, taken in and sent out again. It performs cosmic recycling, there is nothing new under the sun. The desire of your heart, your intentional focus, and the infusion of your love are the fuel that will bring your cake to fruition. If you can perceive of a thing, you can create it. A word from your spirit can be made flesh, so to speak; this is a gift to you from the Creator of the universe.
If a dream, vision or idea comes to you, who are you not to birth it? It has been dropped into your consciousness. Since the time before clocks, powerful forces have been at work to enable you to matriculate from Earth’s university and to be a loving Co-Creator within the universe. Try it on for size, for heaven’s sake.
It is important to learn to control one’s negative thinking and to imagine how you would like the dross in your life to become gold. Nothing goes to waste with the Creator. Focus on the outcome, not the income. Remember that Creation is a natural force that is not new to you. You are already experienced at fulfilling your needs and desires. It is simply that you forget to recognize the truth of who you are, and to love and appreciate yourself. You are a Co-Creator in the universe, guided and led by your God Self. It’s simply a matter of applying oneself to the task, seeing the end from the beginning. Believing brings seeing. Practice, practice, practice while you’re on planet Earth. You might surprise yourself!
Your transformative magic lies within your heart and I am ready to assist you.
Your Obedient Servant Merlin
There are none among you who do not want peace.
February 14, 2015 by John Smallman
As many are now aware, humanity is in a moment of enormous change, a moment that has been divinely planned – in human terms – for a very long time, and that moment will neither wait, be diverted, nor avoided. It is the most essential and most keenly anticipated moment in all of humanity’s long history. To be incarnate now is a magnificent honor. The chaos you see “out there” is truly “within” – as within so without – and realization of that truth is dawning on all.
You do create your own reality, and you are aware of that because you often see people in situations that each of them experiences differently. For instance, two people are stuck in traffic or in a queue to pay for groceries, one person will notice the golden light shining though the leaves of a magnificent tree or the kindly patience of a cashier with an elderly customer and feel a warm glow, Love flowing freely; the other will just be irritated by the unforeseen delay to the activities in which they are engaged and blast their horn or be rude to the cashier. Same situation, totally different perceptions, and therefore different responses.
As awareness of this spreads throughout humanity, throughout the world, people feel encouraged to respond lovingly instead of angrily to minor issues and problems that occur during the day, their stress levels then reduce, and they end the day feeling relaxed and content. You talk of “going with the flow,” “of accepting what is,” and when you actually do that you do feel much happier and more content with your lot regardless of the issues with which you have to deal.
Life is for living, in the now moment, as it happens; when you move out of the “now” moment your awareness breaks down, the stories in your head – the past, the future, but never now – demand your attention, and life passes you by! Getting caught up in the stories, your life stories – “what happened to me” – takes your focus, your attention away from life, yet life is all that you have, and you do need to attend to it.
If that is difficult for you to get a handle on it is because you are unfocused. For much of your lives in the illusion it appears that nothing much is happening, and you become bored and search intently for something to distract you i.e. for something to excite or interest you and take you further into the illusion that is humanity’s main life experience. And that always disappoints you eventually, even if in the moment it seems to provide a rush, a close encounter with death for instance which, through your skill, you defeat.
The illusion is in fact very boring because it seems to separate you from the Source, God, the loving Unity in which you were created and where you experience eternal ecstasy. That is what you are forever seeking, and within the illusion that experience is unavailable because ecstasy is part of Reality, and the illusion is unreal. When you decided to immerse yourselves in the illusion you chose to separate yourselves from all that could give you joy – ecstasy! To be in the divine Presence is to be in eternal ecstasy, and you shut yourselves off from that wondrous state to prove to yourselves that you could live happily without It. And yet that state of holy ecstasy is ALL that you need or desire, ever.
When you awaken into that divine and holy state of existence, as you will, because it is inevitable and unavoidable because it is All That Is, you will return to a state of incomparable joy, and all in the heavenly realms, the spiritual realms will rejoice with God at the “return of the prodigal son!”
Let’s not get into “what about daughters,” there is only God, the divine Source in which all that is created exists, and that Oneness includes every possible shape and form that you can conceive of. To argue about male and female, female and male, sexism, is to distract you from awakening. To awaken you need to release from within you any belief or perception that is not in alignment with Love. That is anything that divides and separates you – race, color, creed, religious persuasion, sexual identity or preference, political alignment – because to take sides is to judge and to condemn, and therefore to attack, and to attack is always to attack yourself, because there is only the One.
Separation, attack, division, denial, exclusion, judgment, and condemnation are the defining characteristics of the illusion. They are all around you from the most discrete forms of exclusion to the most blatant. To exclude is to judge as unacceptable, to attack, and because there is only the One, it is to do it to Oneself, and that clearly is utterly insane.
The collective decision has been made by humanity to awaken from the illusion, and the effects of that momentous decision are readily visible all over the world as judgment of others and of their “strange” life styles becomes increasingly unacceptable. Yes, those judgments are still occurring, but awareness of the unconscionable nature of such judgments is growing rapidly, especially among the young.
You can only be free if you allow others to be free. The truth of that statement is reverberating around the world as people choose to be free and in doing so allow others to be free. You were created free by God because He freely gave you everything that He had out of the infinite Love in which He embraced and created every single one of you. You then chose to experience separation from Him, you split from the One into numberless billions, and ever since then each one of those billions has been engaged in the most insane competitive attempts to prove to Him that he or she is better than all the others. Your egos, your little separated minds, control you and war erupts, unless you refuse to allow them to.
Modern psychology has brought to the attention of many of you the danger of egos run wild. In previous times egos were honored and feted as the strong defeated and destroyed the weak, unaware that it was in fact a most self-destructive form of behavior in which they were all engaged. And the destruction continued and was celebrated for eons. Modern science and technology, and the weapons it made it possible for you to construct and deploy, has forcefully brought to your attention the ongoing insanity of such behavior. That is why, finally, so many are praying and meditating for world peace. The tipping point has indeed been reached, humans are sufficiently tired, nay exhausted by conflicts and wars on all scales, and are now ready to lay down their arms.
Encouragement is needed because trust has been betrayed so frequently in the past, and so all you Light bearers, Light holders, and wayshowers continue to be a most essential part of the awakening process. When arms are laid down the opposing sides attempt to lay blame on each other, and as has been so clearly demonstrated over the eons of human existence, blaming only encourages a resumption of hostilities.
Your task therefore remains – Hold your Light on High – refrain from judgment and from taking sides, even silently within the privacy of your own individual minds, and open up in trust and love to assist those hurt and damaged ones to come together without preconceptions about the outcome, so that divine Grace can flow easily between them to help them resolve their issues. Infinite assistance is available, if you will allow and encourage it to flow easily and sweetly between all the parties to conflict all over the world.
There are none among you who do not want peace. However, the fear that has been engendered by eons of betrayal requires an enormous amount of loving patience to be soothed and dissolved, and that is your task. Just by sitting quietly at home, praying and meditating silently for world peace will bring it about. The power of your loving intentions is astronomical, do not allow yourselves to underestimate that power. The fact that you can not feel it flowing through you must not discourage you. You incarnated to do this, now is your moment, and know that failure is unimaginable, inconceivable, and out of the question. The power of the Divine, God, your Source is empowering you limitlessly in every moment. Success is yours, divinely guaranteed and assured, so keep on keeping on with your loving prayers, intentions and meditations, and prepare to reap the rewards of your shatterproof persistence.
Your loving brother, Jesus.