This month on Eckhart Tolle TV |
Being, Doing, and Transcendence:
The Essence of Awakening |
This month, Eckhart teaches us that as human consciousness continues to evolve, our shared destiny will be the capacity to live as an expression of Being even as we take action in the world of form. As Eckhart suggests, our practices and the challenges we face in everyday life are the very things that force us into awakening. There is a connection between doing and Being that lends itself to awareness. As we move towards consciousness, Eckhart says, we are no longer controlled by the ego and its desires and we can become empowered with the essence of our spirituality…WATCH |
The Epiphany of Eckhart’s Teachings:
Karen’s Story |
Karen Mayo is an artist from Melbourne, Australia, who has completed a Master’s degree in Art in Public Space, and who is currently studying to be a secondary school arts teacher at the University of Melbourne. This is the story behind the picture she took for our photography contest, and how she has been inspired by Eckhart’s work… MORE |
London, UK
September 5, Workshop with Kim Eng
September 7, An evening with Eckhart Tolle
Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK
September 12, Afternoon Workshop with Kim Eng,
and An Evening with Eckhart Tolle
Stokke, Norway
September 16 to 20
A Four Day Retreat with Eckhart Tolle and Kim Eng
Germany and other countries to be announced soon!
Community Clips |
In this video Eckhart discusses the inner workings of the voice in our heads. He points out that no matter where we go, the voice in our head goes with us, constantly commenting on everything and everyone. The voice is the conditioned ‘me’ entity — our personality — that was formed from our environment, family, culture and upbringing. |
February’s pick
Bring Awareness to the Present Moment: In this this month’s community clip, Eckhart explains that an underlying pattern of the mind is dissatisfaction with the present moment. The mind tells us there is something missing or wrong in the moment; looking for things to be unhappy about…WATCH
The Joy of Being is the Joy of Being Conscious |
By Eckhart Tolle |
Our spiritual practices can bring empowerment and creative expansion into our lives,and this can occur even during our most mundane tasks. Read an excerpt from A New Earth that reflects on Eckhart’s new teachings this month on how our shared destiny is linked to our capacity to live as an expression of Being, even as we take action in the world of form… MORE |