Merlin on Your Creative Power
from Alison James
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How often have you heard it said, “As above, so below”? And yet have you truly believed that your petition to the Universe will bring fulfillment to your command? This phrase is not just a tenet to live by. Creation is a living, breathing “word” and “logos” that is forever pulsing to move from nothing to something. Creation is the law of the universe.

Behold the torus, the doughnut-like form of the universe: it breathes in and breathes out in a continuous flow, moving from one polarity to the other, creating a flow of energies that may be shaped and reshaped, taken in and sent out again. It performs cosmic recycling, there is nothing new under the sun. The desire of your heart, your intentional focus, and the infusion of your love are the fuel that will bring your cake to fruition. If you can perceive of a thing, you can create it. A word from your spirit can be made flesh, so to speak; this is a gift to you from the Creator of the universe.
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If a dream, vision or idea comes to you, who are you not to birth it? It has been dropped into your consciousness. Since the time before clocks, powerful forces have been at work to enable you to matriculate from Earth’s university and to be a loving Co-Creator within the universe. Try it on for size, for heaven’s sake.

It is important to learn to control one’s negative thinking and to imagine how you would like the dross in your life to become gold. Nothing goes to waste with the Creator. Focus on the outcome, not the income. Remember that Creation is a natural force that is not new to you. You are already experienced at fulfilling your needs and desires. It is simply that you forget to recognize the truth of who you are, and to love and appreciate yourself. You are a Co-Creator in the universe, guided and led by your God Self. It’s simply a matter of applying oneself to the task, seeing the end from the beginning. Believing brings seeing. Practice, practice, practice while you’re on planet Earth. You might surprise yourself!

Your transformative magic lies within your heart and I am ready to assist you.

Your Obedient Servant Merlin

by Alison James
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