Monatsarchive: Januar 2015

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Wir haben TTIP und CETA satt!

Am Samstag, 17. Januar 2015, gehen wir auf die Straße gegen TTIP und CETA. Beide Abkommen würden der Gentechnik in Europa den Weg ebnen. Mit einer Großdemonstration in Berlin setzen wir ein Zeichen gegen gefährliche Handelsabkommen – und für eine andere Agrarpolitik!

Demonstrieren Sie mit…

Was passiert wann und wo?

Ort: Berlin, Potsdamer Platz

Zeit: Samstag, 17. Januar 2015, 12.00 Uhr: Auftaktkundgebung, 12.30 Uhr: Demo zum Kanzleramt

Vor Beginn der Demo finden Sie uns auf dem Potsdamer Platz am Campact-Stand. Dort können Sie auch Demo-Fahnen mit Slogans bekommen.

Kommen Sie zum Campact-Wagen, sobald sich der Demozug nach der Auftaktkundgebung formiert. Dort möchten wir mit möglichst vielen Aktiven einen bunten Campact-Block bilden. Unser Motto: Wer TTIP sät, wird Gentechnik ernten. Als Hasen, Bienen und Schmetterlinge kostümierte Menschen werden von einem vier Meter hohen „Giftspritzen-Monster“ verfolgt, das Pestizide versprüht, die nur Gentech-Pflanzen überleben.



Aus vielen Orten Deutschlands fahren Busse und Fahrgemeinschaften zur Demonstration.

Demonstranten bei der Wir haben es satt Demo

Spenden Sie für die Demo!

Für Aktionsmaterial, Faltblätter, Plakate und gezielte Werbung müssen wir tausende Euro in die Hand nehmen. Noch haben wir die Demo nicht finanziert.

Menschen halten Schilder

Worum geht es bei der Demonstration?

Wer TTIP und CETA sät, wird Gentechnik ernten. Beide Abkommen könnten schon bald Monsanto und Co. den Weg auf Europas Feldern ebnen.

…es ist Zeit aufzuhören zu spotten. Fangen Sie an zu recherchieren und aufzuwachen…:) Ich wünsche Ihnen einen guten Tag.

Arya C. Dix-Kühn


Zur Erinnerung …Nachrichten aus dem multidimensionalen Raum sind gut und schön, doch für die Umsetzung der Inhalte brauchen Sie ein detailliertes Verständnis der metaphysischen Grundlagen zu Creation /Manifestation und konkrete Werkzeuge zur Umprogrammierung des illusionär geprägten Verstandes, sowie eines adäquaten Umgangs mit Gefühlen. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit und besuchen Sie einen Vortrag oder Workshop zu den TOOLS  OF  CONSCIOUSNESS. Hinweise dazu finden Sie unter Veranstaltungen und Terminen auf dieser Website. Herzliche Grüße,  Arya C.Dix-Kühn

January 9, 2015 | Author 


Part 6 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On November 16, 2014
At Unity of Sedona

Question: I have two questions about soul purpose. The first one is: Did you always know your soul purpose? The second one is: How do we know what our soul purpose is? I know there are signs and gifts that we receive, but I feel like I’m still in the waiting room.

Mary Magdalene: Relative to your first question, “always” is a very long time. (long space of silence) As far back as I can reach, I have known my soul purpose.

Relative to your second question, not knowing your soul purpose is a sign of not being in your heart. The foundation of not being in your heart is being divorced from your body, fundamentally, as well as your sexuality and your emotions. This is a very contemporary problem.

What will help you is to know yourself through these vehicles—through your body, through your sexuality and really your energy system, and through your emotions. And the thing that tells you more than anything is your passion. What do you have passionfor? This is a sign of your soul path, your soul purpose. It is a sad state that so many people are not in touch with their passion. It’s a sign that something has gotten shut down.

When you find your soul path, a team of wild horses couldn’t keep you from it. So look for the signs; look for the little corners. Look for something that gives you joy. Look for something that gives you energy. Look for something that you do even when you’re tired, even when you’re sick, even when you’re supposed to be doing something else. (She laughs gently.) Find your passion. And that will point you to your soul purpose.

Is that helpful?

Questioner: (emphatically) It is.


©2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit of authorship, this copyright notice, and Mercedes Kirkel’s website ( are included. To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and others, go to and sign up for the Into The Heart weekly newsletter.

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     ab 49:35 min


Im Andenken an meine liebe Mutter, die vor vielen Jahren nach einem langen, schmerzhaften Leidensweg an Krebs starb.

“Wo immer Du auch sein magst, ich hab Dich lieb.”

Arya C. Dix-Kühn

Hier ein paar Fakten über das Verhältnis zwischen ET´s und der Menscheit.




und hier die Gründe, warum es verschwiegen wird...        ab 20:00


Der Film von Foster Gamble (Proctor & Gamble) “The Movie” ist technisch wunderbar gemacht, dokumentarisch von Experten untermauert und kann jederzeit gestoppt werden. Beim nächsten Besuch geht es dann genau an der Stelle weiter.


Nehmen Sie sich die Zeit. Es lohnt sich !!!!

Herzliche Grüße, Arya C.Dix-Kühn

Extreme Zeiten erfordern spezifisches Wissen. Deshalb heute auch noch diese Übertragung:






It is reported that nearly on million have taken to the streets of Paris to support this beautiful nation’s values of equality and liberty and after terror riveted through its capital and most populous city. Our French family have been shaken, awakened and now boldly standing as one affirming the power of solidarity.

Now is a very ripe moment to come as one in group coherence to radiate the transforming power of love to all the people and when the collective heart is pumping strong. Let’s support this historical  moment of the divine plan unfolding.

For those desiring meditation support, you can download an audio here.
This was quickly assembled, not perfect, but but beautifully delivers the support intended.
(This is a transmission of love while invoking the universal light.)



MARCH WITH PARIS — The entire world will be watching what happens as people take to the streets in response to the brutal murder of twelve people on Wednesday.

On Sunday, marchers will be joined by French President Hollande, Germany’s Angela Merkel, the UK’s David Cameron, Spain’s Mariano Rajoy, and many others. But this isn’t just a moment for France or even just Europe. This is one of those moments when those of us who stand for tolerance and freedom of expression everywhere can raise our hands, our pens and our voices. Because the effects of violence like this ripples out, and threaten all of our freedoms.

We can’t all be in Paris, but if we all sign our names in support, we will be able to show over one million people stand in solidarity with those in the streets, an important message of global unity at a time when it is so desperately needed.

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PLEASE SUPPORT OUR FORWARD MOVEMENT. All of our programs are dependent upon public donations. Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation, Inc. is a non profit public charitable organization, operating number  #27-0315891. All contribution is tax deductible in the USA.

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© Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation, Inc. You have permission to share our free public information through any medium as long as it is offered at no cost, it is not altered, and the proper credit is given to the Foundation.  

Don't condemn yourself


Do you have an inner critic?
A poem by Steve Taylor

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Haben Sie sich schon mal gefragt, warum sich unsere Nachrichtenbeiträge in TV und Presse hauptsächlich um negative und Angst machende Ereignisse drehen ?…Das ist ganz simple, wer Angst hat ist leichter zu kontrollieren und in vorgegebene Bahnen zu lenken. Da kommt doch die Frage auf : “Sind sie ein Schaf oder ein Mensch, mit der Fähigkeit sein “Schicksal” nach eigenen Wünschen selbst zu gestalten ?”
Auf dieser Website   finden Sie die Antwort. Tun Sie nicht so, als wären sie machtlos! Sein Sie, wer Sie wirklich sind !

Hier einige Kurzvideos zu dem konstruktiven Umgang mit Angst von Bashar/Darry Anka

Zur Erinnerung …Nachrichten aus dem multidimensionalen Raum sind gut und schön, doch für die Umsetzung der Inhalte brauchen Sie ein detailliertes Verständnis der metaphysischen Grundlagen zu Creation /Manifestation und konkrete Werkzeuge zur Umprogrammierung des illusionär geprägten Verstandes, sowie eines adäquaten Umgangs mit Gefühlen. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit und besuchen Sie einen Vortrag oder Workshop zu den TOOLS  OF  CONSCIOUSNESS. Hinweise dazu finden Sie unter Veranstaltungen und Terminen auf dieser Website.


Now is the time to rejoice! Mother Earth is preparing Herself to move towards Her new destiny in the higher dimensions, and many of us who are joining Her in the course of Her ascension, are feeling the joy of this exciting event. I consider this space of information as sacred as it is dedicated to the Divine Beings Whose messages of Wisdom about this glorious process I am receiving and sharing here with you. May you be inspired and blessed! With much Love, Ute Posegga-Rudel


VIDEO (recommended) BELOVED ONES!

We come to lift your spirit, to fill you with joy and the love that pervades the universe.
You are to rejoice and hold your heart high to see and feel new beginnings at the horizon of your world arising.
We are the bringers of good news and it is up to you to receive them and allow them to rise your vibration and expand your consciousness.
What has been decreed by the Lightforces through the will of the Divine Supreme is being launched into your world, although into the subtle foundation of it, not yet visible in your 3dimensional world.
It is important to make contact and to connect with the unseen realities in order to know and in order to draw in and to manifest in a tangible way what has been given already to you by the Divine Heart.
Now you have been given a new opportunity to use your God-given power of creation, to draw the new reality of the subtle realms into your world.This is a glorious co-creative enterprise, one of the most beautiful, astounding and heart-fulfilling Divine Wonders, which enables you to awaken to your own full Divinity by using your creative Divine powers. While you have faith in your Divine heritage, while you draw on it, you move step by step into New Realities that reveal the Divine.
Because in your realm and reality it is the wonderful manifestation of the Dreams of God, with which you restore what you have once lost.
Yes, you have the opportunity to start resuming your original Divine State by participating in the New Creation! While you act, inspired by Divine Visions, your DNA is being sparkled and your light is expanding and intensifies. It fortifies the transformation of your world and ignites the hearts of those who still sleep.
Beloved Humanity, we desire seeing you standing up, reaching with your gifted vision and with the desire of your heart of love into God’s Creation in the realms of light, color and sound,  to manifest it in your world. This is the call of your creator now.
Please, dare to step out of what is familiar to you and reach to the stars. All is already there and ready! There is no delay necessary! But you delay when you hesitate and doubt yourself and what is possible, as you prefer the old ways to continue.
What would you manifest? It is not a question of grandiose and big. It is a question of innocence and love alone. In it  the Divine Creator dwells.
Beloveds, your gift is written in the heart of each single one of you! It is living there only waiting to be acknowledged and to be acted upon! Listen to the voice of joy, follow the path of love and when you do not know it yet, it will reveal itself to you!  Because now is the time when these seeds are ready to bring fruit. All the blessings are with you! The heavens are full of expectations, to see you, humanity, rise and sow deep into the earth the gifts with which you came to here. And indeed they are the gifts you desired to enrich your world with.
The Great Starting sign has been given, the doors are open. Currents and choirs of Divine Songs are now flooding to earth, not only to earth, but to your whole universe.
Can you hear it? Bring to here what is being poured into creation, to magnify, to deify, to make It visible in your world by your service to the Divine.
We are waiting for you!
With Joy and Love,
We are the Arcturians!
Message conveyed by Ute