….das ist eine mögliche Zeitlinie, gemessen an den aktuellen Absichten der Weltbevölkerung. Voraussagen sind nicht in Stein gemeißelt, sondern abhängig von den global getroffenen Wahlen in Ihrer Mehrheit. Arya C.Dix-Kühn
Zur Erinnerung …Nachrichten aus dem multidimensionalen Raum sind gut und schön, doch für die Umsetzung der Inhalte brauchen Sie ein detailliertes Verständnis der metaphysischen Grundlagen zu Creation /Manifestation und konkrete Werkzeuge zur Umprogrammierung des illusionär geprägten Verstandes, sowie eines adäquaten Umgangs mit Gefühlen. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit und besuchen Sie einen Vortrag oder Workshop zu den TOOLS OF CONSCIOUSNESS. Hinweise dazu finden Sie unter Veranstaltungen und Terminen auf dieser Website. Herzliche Grüße, Arya C.Dix-Kühn
aus https://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com/
January 21, 2015 by John Smallman
Enormous changes are occurring worldwide as humanity moves out from under the weight of rules and regulations imposed by your authoritarian governments. Governments that mostly would attempt to persuade you that they are truly democratic institutions who have only your best interests at heart, when in fact they are mostly dishonest kakistocracies attempting to keep you permanently in subservience to them. Dishonest government on such a vast scale can no longer be maintained, the cracks in its foundations and in its various autocratic institutions are bringing it to its knees.
Unsupported by its citizens – the citizens of the world – as is now the case, it will continue to collapse into total disarray. Over the years it has often been referred to as “The Dark Cabal.” It is composed of and directed by hidden and secretive groups of influential and wealthy families all over the world who have for eons placed themselves above the law. As is becoming increasingly clear they have lost their grip and are reduced to fighting among themselves in desperate attempts, that ultimately will be unsuccessful, to maintain their power and influence.
You have entered a New Age, one in which Love is recognized as the power and the energy that gives you life and consciousness. Anything that is not of Love, not in total alignment or harmony with Love, always disintegrates into the nothingness or illusory realm from which it arose, because, as you know, there is only Love, there is nothing else.
Of course I need hardly remind you that Love is not a sentimental feeling for or attraction to another, but is the life force or energy field that is God, our eternal Source in which all that exists arises eternally in every moment. It is a constant state of arising into the ecstasy that is the Presence of God. It is what all of humanity seeks, but owing to its immersion into the depths of the illusion is unable to find. Reason and logic, which are, like time, aspects of the illusion, cannever lead you into the Presence of God because you are already eternally enveloped by the divine Presence. You are where you are so desperately seeking to be, but by the intensity of that seeking you are hiding from yourselves the divine Reality which contains and embraces you, constantly in every moment.
To return to Reality just surrender into the center of your being, that holy sanctuary within each one of you where the divine flame of God’s Love burns eternally. Truly you are already where you so desperately want to be, you have just blocked your awareness of your true state of existence by your choice to engage with the illusion, and with all the suffering, chaos, and mayhem with which it presents you continually.
When you allow yourself to relax into that inner sanctuary, accepting without judgment each now moment as it arises, and allowing all thoughts that float into your awareness to float away with the current of that now moment, you will find a level of peace that is otherwise totally absent when you are engaged with or occupied by the distractions of the illusion. Many of you have experienced moments of intense peace when meditating, then your egoic mind has rushed in to try and define and describe what happened, and that moment of peace is lost.
Peace cannot be found or achieved or reached, it is your natural state, the state of being in the now moment, accepting your Self, being fully aware of that Self now, and from which your ego tries to shield you by distracting you with thoughts thatappear to demand your immediate and undivided attention.
It often seems that you are your thoughts, but this is not the case. Thoughts appear and move on unless you choose to engage with them. In daily life you frequently do engage with them as you go about your chores because they are part of life in the illusion and in that context they do need your attention as you focus on your work, your employment, or your family – “I must not forget to complete that report by Friday. Whose turn is it to collect the children? I must arrange to get my hair done.” But you are not those thoughts, and although you may not be able stop the flow, you can choose not to engage with them when they are not serving you.
It has become an unconscious habit for many of you to think and think and think in an endless series of mind-numbing engagements with thoughts as each seemingly leads inevitably into the next. You need to say to yourself “Stop!” And then let go. At first just saying “Stop!” is likely to take you off along another string of thinking, but once you become aware that you are not your thoughts and that you can stop the flow, even if only momentarily, then you have broken their hold on you, you have become aware of your own ego and its apparent hold over you – you are all very well aware of everyone else’s egos! Once aware, you can practice disengagement, and when you do your stress reduces and you begin to access that inner state of peace that is always available to you.
Sometimes, when you go to your quiet and private inner space to relax, pray, or meditate, an incredibly intense flow of judgmental thoughts fills your mind, and then the time you set aside for that quiet moment is suddenly gone! You find that you now have to return to the “real” world and get back to work. Do not berate yourselves when this happens, and do not decide that taking time out is not worth the effort because you always get caught up in the inner war with which your thoughts invade your mind when you set the intent to be quiet and at peace for a few minutes. This is just an egoic ploy to persuade you that you are wasting your time, that meditation, prayer, or quiet contemplation are not for you. Do not be persuaded, that quiet “down time” is absolutely essential for your well being.
That intended quiet time is the time when you can, for a moment, dissolve the illusion, and be at peace. You do not have to try, just sit quietly and be aware of the stillness. Trying is an egoic distraction that cannot work, it is the opposite of relaxing, of allowing. Persist in your daily practice, discount all negative self-judgments, just make a point of siting quietly each day, regardless of how effective or ineffective it may feel.
In this New Age you are receiving enormous assistance from those of us in the spiritual realms whose task it is to watch over you and be there for you in every moment. The Tsunami of Love enveloping you all continues to intensify to encourage and ensure your awakening. You cannot fail to awaken because it is your divine destiny. You chose to incarnate at this moment in Earth’s history, at this point in the illusion, because you chose to come and assist the vast majority of humanity, that has remained asleep, to awaken from their slumber.
This is the time for humanity’s inevitable awakening from the illusion in which it has been submerged for so long. You who are reading this, and other similarly uplifting messages from your guides and mentors in the spiritual realms, are not here by chance. You chose to be here, and you are fully supported in every moment. Those slight intuitive feelings you get that lead you to behave more lovingly are part of your life plan.
You planned those intuitive feelings and insights as personal reminders because you knew that life in the illusion was going to be difficult because of your amnesic state, and so you planned to be reminded intuitively from time to time, and to receive wake up calls so that you would not lose your way. And you have not lost your way!
You are proceeding full speed ahead towards the moment of awakening, just as you planned, and nothing can prevent or derail that plan. Your awakening, humanity’s awakening, is divinely guaranteed, and therefore it will happen, you can count on it!
Your loving brother, Jesus.
aus http://info.kopp-verlag.de/hintergruende/deutschland/udo-ulfkotte/qualitaetsmedien-abgewatscht-fuer-manipulative-berichterstattung.html
Unlängst haben 60 Prominente einen Aufruf an deutsche Leitmedien gerichtet, in dem es hieß: »Wir appellieren an die Medien, ihrer Pflicht zur vorurteilsfreien Berichterstattung überzeugender nachzukommen als bisher. Leitartikler und Kommentatoren dämonisieren ganze Völker, ohne deren Geschichte ausreichend zu würdigen.”
aus http://www.zeit.de/politik/2014-12/aufruf-russland-dialog
“Wieder Krieg in Europa? Nicht in unserem Namen!”
Roman Herzog, Antje Vollmer, Wim Wenders, Gerhard Schröder und viele weitere fordern in einem Appell zum Dialog mit Russland auf. ZEIT ONLINE dokumentiert den Aufruf.
5. Dezember 2014 15:01 Uhr
Mehr als 60 Persönlichkeiten aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur und Medien warnen in einem Aufruf eindringlich vor einem Krieg mit Russland und fordern eine neue Entspannungspolitik für Europa. Ihren Appell richten sie an die Bundesregierung, die Bundestagsabgeordneten und die Medien.
Initiiert wurde der Aufruf vom früheren Kanzlerberater Horst Teltschik (CDU), dem ehemaligen Verteidigungsstaatssekretär Walther Stützle (SPD) und der früheren Bundestagsvizepräsidentin Antje Vollmer (Grüne). “Uns geht es um ein politisches Signal, dass die berechtigte Kritik an der russischen Ukraine-Politik nicht dazu führt, dass die Fortschritte, die wir in den vergangenen 25 Jahren in den Beziehungen mit Russland erreicht haben, aufgekündigt werden”, sagt Teltschik zur Motivation für den Appell.
Unterzeichnet haben den Text unter anderem die ehemaligen Regierungschefs von Berlin und Brandenburg, Eberhard Diepgen und Manfred Stolpe, der ehemalige SPD-Vorsitzende Hans-Jochen Vogel, Alt-Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder, Alt-Bundespräsident Roman Herzog und der Schauspieler Mario Adorf.
Der Aufruf im Wortlaut:
Wieder Krieg in Europa? Nicht in unserem Namen!
Niemand will Krieg. Aber Nordamerika, die Europäische Union und Russland treiben unausweichlich auf ihn zu, wenn sie der unheilvollen Spirale aus Drohung und Gegendrohung nicht endlich Einhalt gebieten. Alle Europäer, Russland eingeschlossen, tragen gemeinsam die Verantwortung für Frieden und Sicherheit. Nur wer dieses Ziel nicht aus den Augen verliert, vermeidet Irrwege.
Der Ukraine-Konflikt zeigt: Die Sucht nach Macht und Vorherrschaft ist nicht überwunden. 1990, am Ende des Kalten Krieges, durften wir alle darauf hoffen. Aber die Erfolge der Entspannungspolitik und der friedlichen Revolutionen haben schläfrig und unvorsichtig gemacht. In Ost und West gleichermaßen. Bei Amerikanern, Europäern und Russen ist der Leitgedanke, Krieg aus ihrem Verhältnis dauerhaft zu verbannen, verloren gegangen. Anders ist die für Russland bedrohlich wirkende Ausdehnung des Westens nach Osten ohne gleichzeitige Vertiefung der Zusammenarbeit mit Moskau, wie auch die völkerrechtswidrige Annexion der Krim durch Putin, nicht zu erklären.
In diesem Moment großer Gefahr für den Kontinent trägt Deutschland besondere Verantwortung für die Bewahrung des Friedens. Ohne die Versöhnungsbereitschaft der Menschen Russlands, ohne die Weitsicht von Michael Gorbatschow, ohne die Unterstützung unserer westlichen Verbündeten und ohne das umsichtige Handeln der damaligen Bundesregierung wäre die Spaltung Europas nicht überwunden worden. Die deutsche Einheit friedlich zu ermöglichen, war eine große, von Vernunft geprägte Geste der Siegermächte. Eine Entscheidung von historischer Dimension. Aus der überwundenen Teilung sollte eine tragfähige europäische Friedens- und Sicherheitsordnung von Vancouver bis Wladiwostok erwachsen, wie sie von allen 35 Staats- und Regierungschefs der KSZE-Mitgliedsstaaten im November 1990 in der “Pariser Charta für ein neues Europa” vereinbart worden war. Auf der Grundlage gemeinsam festgelegter Prinzipien und erster konkreter Maßnahmen sollte ein “Gemeinsames Europäisches Haus” errichtet werden, in dem alle beteiligten Staaten gleiche Sicherheit erfahren sollten. Dieses Ziel der Nachkriegspolitik ist bis heute nicht eingelöst. Die Menschen in Europa müssen wieder Angst haben.
Wir, die Unterzeichner, appellieren an die Bundesregierung, ihrer Verantwortung für den Frieden in Europa gerecht zu werden. Wir brauchen eine neue Entspannungspolitik für Europa. Das geht nur auf der Grundlage gleicher Sicherheit für alle und mit gleichberechtigten, gegenseitig geachteten Partnern. Die deutsche Regierung geht keinen Sonderweg, wenn sie in dieser verfahrenen Situation auch weiterhin zur Besonnenheit und zum Dialog mit Russland aufruft. Das Sicherheitsbedürfnis der Russen ist so legitim und ausgeprägt wie das der Deutschen, der Polen, der Balten und der Ukrainer.
Wir dürfen Russland nicht aus Europa hinausdrängen. Das wäre unhistorisch, unvernünftig und gefährlich für den Frieden. Seit dem Wiener Kongress 1814 gehört Russland zu den anerkannten Gestaltungsmächten Europas. Alle, die versucht haben, das gewaltsam zu ändern, sind blutig gescheitert – zuletzt das größenwahnsinnige Hitler-Deutschland, das 1941 mordend auszog, auch Russland zu unterwerfen.
Wir appellieren an die Abgeordneten des Deutschen Bundestages, als vom Volk beauftragte Politiker, dem Ernst der Situation gerecht zu werden und aufmerksam auch über die Friedenspflicht der Bundesregierung zu wachen. Wer nur Feindbilder aufbaut und mit einseitigen Schuldzuweisungen hantiert, verschärft die Spannungen in einer Zeit, in der die Signale auf Entspannung stehen müssten. Einbinden statt ausschließen muss das Leitmotiv deutscher Politiker sein.
Wir appellieren an die Medien, ihrer Pflicht zur vorurteilsfreien Berichterstattung überzeugender nachzukommen als bisher. Leitartikler und Kommentatoren dämonisieren ganze Völker, ohne deren Geschichte ausreichend zu würdigen. Jeder außenpolitisch versierte Journalist wird die Furcht der Russen verstehen, seit NATO-Mitglieder 2008 Georgien und die Ukraine einluden, Mitglieder im Bündnis zu werden. Es geht nicht um Putin. Staatenlenker kommen und gehen. Es geht um Europa. Es geht darum, den Menschen wieder die Angst vor Krieg zu nehmen. Dazu kann eine verantwortungsvolle, auf soliden Recherchen basierende Berichterstattung eine Menge beitragen.
Am 3. Oktober 1990, am Tag der Deutschen Einheit, sagte Bundespräsident Richard von Weizsäcker: “Der Kalte Krieg ist überwunden. Freiheit und Demokratie haben sich bald in allen Staaten durchgesetzt. … Nun können sie ihre Beziehungen so verdichten und institutionell absichern, dass daraus erstmals eine gemeinsame Lebens- und Friedensordnung werden kann. Für die Völker Europas beginnt damit ein grundlegend neues Kapitel in ihrer Geschichte. Sein Ziel ist eine gesamteuropäische Einigung. Es ist ein gewaltiges Ziel. Wir können es erreichen, aber wir können es auch verfehlen. Wir stehen vor der klaren Alternative, Europa zu einigen oder gemäß leidvollen historischen Beispielen wieder in nationalistische Gegensätze zurückzufallen.”
Bis zum Ukraine-Konflikt wähnten wir uns in Europa auf dem richtigen Weg. Richard von Weizsäckers Mahnung ist heute, ein Vierteljahrhundert später, aktueller denn je.
Die Unterzeichner
Mario Adorf, Schauspieler
Robert Antretter (Bundestagsabgeordneter a. D.)
Prof. Dr. Wilfried Bergmann (Vize – Präsident der Alma Mater Europaea)
Luitpold Prinz von Bayern (Königliche Holding und Lizenz KG)
Achim von Borries (Regisseur und Drehbuchautor)
Klaus Maria Brandauer (Schauspieler, Regisseur)
Dr. Eckhard Cordes (Vorsitzender Ost-Ausschuss der Deutschen Wirtschaft)
Prof. Dr. Herta Däubler-Gmelin (Bundesministerin der Justiz a.D.)
Eberhard Diepgen (ehemaliger Regierender Bürgermeister von Berlin)
Alexander van Dülmen (Vorstand A-Company Filmed Entertainment AG)
Stefan Dürr (Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter und CEO Ekosem-Agrar GmbH)
Dr. Erhard Eppler (Bundesminister für Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit a.D.)
Prof. Dr. Dr. Heino Falcke (Propst i.R.)
Prof. Hans-Joachim Frey (Vorstandsvorsitzender Semper Opernball Dresden)
Pater Anselm Grün (Pater)
Sibylle Havemann (Berlin)
Dr. Roman Herzog (Bundespräsident a.D.)
Christoph Hein (Schriftsteller)
Dr. Dr. h.c. Burkhard Hirsch (Bundestagsvizepräsident a.D.)
Volker Hörner (Akademiedirektor i.R.)
Josef Jacobi (Biobauer)
Dr. Sigmund Jähn (ehemaliger Raumfahrer)
Uli Jörges (Journalist)
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Margot Käßmann (ehemalige EKD Ratsvorsitzende und Bischöfin)
Dr. Andrea von Knoop (Moskau)
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Krone-Schmalz (ehemalige Korrespondentin der ARD in Moskau)
Friedrich Küppersbusch (Journalist)
Vera Gräfin von Lehndorff (Künstlerin)
Irina Liebmann (Schriftstellerin)
Dr. h.c. Lothar de Maizière (Ministerpräsident a.D.)
Stephan Märki (Intendant des Theaters Bern)
Prof. Dr. Klaus Mangold (Chairman Mangold Consulting GmbH)
Reinhard und Hella Mey (Liedermacher)
Ruth Misselwitz (evangelische Pfarrerin Pankow)
Klaus Prömpers (Journalist)
Prof. Dr. Konrad Raiser (eh. Generalsekretär des Ökumenischen Weltrates der Kirchen)
Jim Rakete (Fotograf)
Gerhard Rein (Journalist)
Michael Röskau (Ministerialdirigent a.D.)
Eugen Ruge (Schriftsteller)
Dr. h.c. Otto Schily (Bundesminister des Inneren a.D)
Dr. h.c. Friedrich Schorlemmer (ev. Theologe, Bürgerrechtler)
Georg Schramm (Kabarettist)
Gerhard Schröder (Bundeskanzler a.D.)
Philipp von Schulthess (Schauspieler)
Ingo Schulze (Schriftsteller)
Hanna Schygulla (Schauspielerin, Sängerin)
Dr. Dieter Spöri (Wirtschaftsminister a.D.)
Prof. Dr. Fulbert Steffensky (kath. Theologe)
Dr. Wolf-D. Stelzner (geschäftsführender Gesellschafter: WDS-Institut für Analysen in Kulturen mbH)
Dr. Manfred Stolpe (Ministerpräsident a.D.)
Dr. Ernst-Jörg von Studnitz (Botschafter a.D.)
Prof. Dr. Walther Stützle (Staatssekretär der Verteidigung a.D.)
Prof. Dr. Christian R. Supthut (Vorstandsmitglied a.D. )
Prof. Dr. h.c. Horst Teltschik (ehemaliger Berater im Bundeskanzleramt für Sicherheit und Außenpolitik)
Andres Veiel (Regisseur)
Dr. Hans-Jochen Vogel (Bundesminister der Justiz a.D.)
Dr. Antje Vollmer (Vizepräsidentin des Deutschen Bundestages a.D.)
Bärbel Wartenberg-Potter (Bischöfin Lübeck a.D.)
Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker (Wissenschaftler)
Wim Wenders (Regisseur)
Hans-Eckardt Wenzel (Liedermacher)
Gerhard Wolf (Schriftsteller, Verleger)
So etwas Großartiges kann Zusammenarbeit im Gegensatz zu der Illusion von Getrennt-Sein und Konkurrenz hervorbringen….:))) Kurzvideo unten unbedingt ansehen !
Let us all unite for creating a world we can enjoy !!!! YES, WE CAN….:))))
Comet Lovejoy and the Sirius/Pleiades Pertubation
Posted by Celia Fenn on 19 January 2015

This is the second in our series of Starseed Transmissions for 2015. At the moment we are feeling very strongly the influence of Comet Lovejoy passing through our part of the Galaxy, in the region of Orion, Sirius and the Pleiades. This part of the Galaxy has a strong connection with the Earth, with many Star Seeds coming from Sirius and the Pleiades, as well as many Cosmic Teachers who connect with the Earth to share information about the evolution of the Earth in relation to the Solar System and the Galaxy.
Obviously, the name of the Comet is interesting, for the combination of “love” and “joy” suggests that this particular comet has a specific role in its passage through our part of the cosmos. In our metaphysical understanding of the nature of celestial “events”, comets always represent an opportunity for significant change on the Earth and the arrival of new energies.
But, as I was tuning into the Starseed Transmission channel to see what I could learn about that event, I heard very clearly the word “pertubation”. Several times. I had no idea what it meant so I looked it up. It has several levels of meaning. One is part of a set of mathematical theories in Quantum Physics that was just too mathematical for me, but clearly it had something to do with shifts and changes within a system.
I found some more down to earth definitions that helped to clarify the meaning for me.
The first definition was “anxiety and mental uneasiness”. The second definition was “a deviation of a system, moving object, or process from its regular or normal state or path, caused by an outside influence.”
It was interesting to me the correlation between mental states of anxiety, and the results of an outside influence creating imbalance and change in a system.
Here is another definition: “Variation in a designated orbit, as of a planet, that results from the influence of one or more external bodies”. So a Comet could be an external body that causes temporary “pertubation” and effects or influences the orbit of a planet, like the Earth.
Yes, that makes sense!
The ancients knew well that the passage of a comet had big effects on the Earth, and the closer and more visible the Comet, the greater the changes that would come in its wake.
The Sirius, Pleaides and Orion Connection
The Comet is now moving through a part of our galaxy that puts it close to Orion, Sirius and the Pleiades, on its journey. It is acting as a temporary external object that creates a disturbance in the energy field. This disturbance has the ability to influence the gravitation and orbit of celestial bodies, as well as Timelines.
Yes, Timelines are anchored in electro-magnetic energies as well, and disturbances in the field can also create disturbances and shifts in Timelines.
In this case, the disturbances in the field create a potential for a new relationship and a new timeline with Sirius, Orion and the Pleiades that reflects Earth’s new status in the Galaxy as an ascending Multi-Dimensional Planet.
This means, as I am told in the transmissions, that the Earth will assume an honorary status on the Solar Council, and these other member bodies will be working in harmony and co-operation with the Earth Councils. It is no longer a matter of our Star Nation friends acting as evolutionary mentors and guides, but rather of them working with us as equals as we tell them what we need and how we would like their assistance in our work.
Sirius has functioned for thousands of years as a mentor and teacher energy, and people still journey to Egypt to connect with the “Sirian Star Gate” at Giza. The Pleiadeans have also invested much energy in the Terra/Earthprogram, and beings from Orion have had constant interest in matters of Earth evolution. But now it is time for a partnership rather than a mentorship relationship.
The New Earth is ready to stand up and be a responsible Planetary civilization. It may not feel like it as we go through the last stages of the disintegration of the “old” 3rd dimensional system, but there is a new way of life emerging that will be supported by our Star Nation friends as well as the Starseeds and Star Children on the Earth.
But this means that we have to stand up and be responsible for our Earth and for what we create on the Earth. Or at least, those of us who feel that we are here to assist with the Ascension of the Planet and her emergence as a Multi-dimensional Body in the Solar system. There are waves of incoming Diamond Light Souls who are incarnating as Diamond Crystal children who will assist with anchoring this new energy and helping us to step up to our new responsibilities.
The Physical Effects
So, right now, many of us are feeling the physical effects of this passage of Comet Lovejoy.
Initially, there has been an increase in anxiety levels with many people, as the ripples of energy on the Timelines creates a gravitational disturbance in their energy field.
Many people have reported issues with the digestive system, and pain and unease in the area of the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras.
This is because very old issues of mental and spiritual dependence on outside guides and teachers are coming to an end. We are exiting the “comfort zones” of spiritual “childhood and dependence” and emerging as “adults” who have our own relationships with the Galaxy and the Cosmos.
As we integrate this new energy, we are also releasing years and lifetimes of “religious” and “spiritual” abuse and domination that has been a negative side effect of some of our contacts with some of the Star Nations and with the darker and more unstable Star Gates in the Middle East. This release of old mental pain and anxiety is being felt in the physical body as pain, anxiety and discomfort. But it is coming up in order to be released and to allow for the activation of the Original Divine Template in the DNA, for Spiritual maturity, and for evolution according to the Human Divine Template.
We are releasing the fear of domination and control, the fear of abuse and the fear of lack and suffering. All of which were “seeded” on the Earth through our interactions with Star Nations prior to the fall of Atlantis. It is now time to finally release that fear and anxiety and enter into the Garden of Love and Joy. For that is the purpose of Comet Lovejoy, to assist us to remember the Garden and to once again make our Planetary Home into a Garden of Love and Joy!
Return to the Garden

If you would like to work with Comet Lovejoy and the incoming energies, you can follow this simple meditation. It will also help you to release any discomfort that you might be holding in the Solar Plexus and Heart areas of the body.
Begin by relaxing your body and breathing deeply. Follow the in breath and the out breath until your body feels relaxed.
Focus into your Heart Center and allow yourself to connect with the Divine Flame within your heart. Expand that Light into your Light Body and feel the expansion of Love, Light and Awareness.
Now focus for a minute on this image of the Comet.

After a while you will feel the energy activating the Heart Center and you will feel the rising of Love and Joy in your Being.
As you feel this rising energy, also allow yourself to release all old energies and patterns that relate to fear and abuse through religious control and old forms of abuse on the Earth. Just feel these old patterns melting away into the Light.
Now…focus on the Garden that the Earth is meant to be. Visualize the Earth becoming a Beautiful Garden once again, filled with Abundance and Love and Joy.
You may see the Waters of the Planet as fresh an clear an vibrant, dancing with elemental energy. You may see trees and forests, plants, herbs and flowers, animals, birds, insects and people, all living in harmony in the Garden of Earth, as it was originally meant to be. Clear Skies, rainbows, rainstorms, and the bright stars overhead. And the forests filled with unicorns, fairies, dragons and other magical beings!
And FEEL the LOVE and JOY!
If you would like you can also watch this video….the Return to Innocence by Enigma!
If you would like to learn more about the effects of the Atlantis Trauma on Human Consciousness and our transition into the New Reality and Higher Consciousness, you can explore Celia Fenn’s latest book “The Diamond Codes: Light Information for the New Reality”.
Click here to read more about the Diamond Codes Book
The book is available as an E-Book for Kindle or Mobile Devices, or as a Print Edition.
….jetzt verstehe ich, warum mir das Bloggen auf einmal soviel Spaß macht, und in meinem Kopf jede Menge kreativer Projekte umherschwirren :)))) …….nicht versäumen das Video zu dieser Transmission anzusehen ! Arya C. Dix-Kühn

In this year of 2015, Earth time, the Andromeda Galaxy will develop a closer connection with the Earth Family of LIght. Many of you are from the Andromedan Starseed Family, and you will feel very strongly the incoming cosmic waves of light.
The predominant frequency of Andromeda is the Gold Light,and the Light Codes activate the creation of Beauty and Harmony through Art, Music, Dance, Poetry, Architecture and Creative Writing.
The primary Andromeda Star Gate on Earth is located in the Aegean Sea area, between Greece and Turkey. It was reactivated and aligned with the New Earth grids in 2013 to provide the “Andromeda Key” or Light Codes for the experience of intense Joy and Creation with the Golden Light.
This newly aligned Star Gate is receiving and transmitting these frequencies into the Earth grids, where they can be received and integrated by those whose Light Bodies are resonant with the Golden Light. This means that the Soul Star Chakra, the Solar Chakra and the Galactic Chakra are activated and are working in harmony with the Heart Chakra and the Earth Star Chakra.
The Andromeda Transmissions
As these Light Codes are received on the Earth and integrated into the Higher Consciousness levels, they will assist you in the manifestation of the New Earth. You will begin to find it easier to achieve creative solutions and high frequency responses to any problems that may arise in your lives or in your environment. This will be achieved because you will have integrated the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness and will be able to balance all aspects of self in that Light.
The Andromedan Light transmissions come from the Heart of the Andromedan Galaxy, from the Andromedan Council of Light, whose task is to assist your Galaxy in its emergence into its new form as a Golden Spiral Galaxy called the “Golden Rose Galaxy”.
The Andromedan Energy reflects the Divine Masculine in its structures of order, harmony and beauty. But, it is also aligned with the emergence of the Divine Feminine or the Goddess energy, for the Golden Light reflects a perfect balance of the Divine Masculine with the Divine Feminine. The Andromeda Galaxy is in the process of merging with your Galaxy over long periods of your time, creating a Galactic Twin Flame Sacred Union. So it is, that those who feel the Golden Energy of Andromeda also feel the inner alignments of the Sacred Union within their Hearts and Souls.
This Sacred Union, experienced first as a union of Spirit and Matter, and then as the inner marriage of Divine Masculine and Feminine, can also be experienced now as a Sacred Relationship Union or Divine Marriage within the Golden Light.
But, the Golden Light also encourages creative expression through art and creativity. Within the New Earth communities, the urge to express the self and the higher self through creative expression will be felt intensely and in magical ways. The Golden Light Codes of Andromeda will fuse with the Diamond Light Codes from your own Galactic Center to create a most magical outpouring of creative energy.
This creative energy will work in harmony with the Earth and with Nature. It will strive for Beauty, Peace, Harmony, Grace and Serenity. It will be a true reflection of the consciousness of the Higher Dimensions of Light as they are grounded into the Earth Grids.
Starseed Activation : Andromeda
The Starseed Activations are designed to assist you to connect with the Starseed Energy. You can use the activations as meditations that will connect you with the incoming Light Codes.
The Andromeda Activation will allow you to focus on the incoming Golden Light and to integrate this into your Light Body. It will be an intense process that will accelerate the frequencies of the Light Body and incorporate more of the Golden Light. This will be especially beneficial for those who want to work with their Creativity or to experience the energy of Sacred Union and Divine Marriage in the Golden Light.
We begin the Activation experience by watching the video below. As you focus on the Andromeda Galaxy, the Light Codes will begin to activate and you will begin to feel the Golden Light entering your Crown Chakra and Pituitary Gland via the Soul Star Chakra, the Solar Chakra and the Galactic Chakra. It is important to ground these energies through the Base Chakra and into the Earth Star Chakra as you watch.
Now, breathe deeply and focus into your Heart. As you breathe connect with the Divine Flame within your Heart Center.
Close your eyes and feel waves and waves of Golden Light pouring into your Heart.
As you receive this Light, ensure that you are grounded through the Base Chakra and into the Earth Star Chakra. As you receive the Golden Light into your Heart and into your Light Body, you are transmitting into the Earth through the Earth Star Chakra and into the Heart of the Earth. You will feel these pulsations of Golden Light as the Earth Heart synchronizes with your Heart.
Now feel how the Crown Chakra is opening to receive the pulsations of Golden Light from the Andromeda transmissions. The Light Codes are received through the Galactic Chakra and the Solar Chakra and then transmitted into the Soul Star Chakra where it creates an explosion of Golden Light that moves through your Body and Light Body.
Feel this Light as BEAUTY and HARMONY. Feel the waves of light creating the frequency of Beauty and Harmony so that you can express this in your life.
As you listen, you hear waves of Divine MUSIC, the symphony of Angelic Song that fills the Cosmos. Feel how every atom in the Cosmos DANCES to this Music of the Light.
See the waves of RADIANT COLOR that surrounds you as the Golden Light opens out and becomes a RAINBOW of CREATIVE EXPRESSION in your life.
Feel how your HEART and SOUL and SPIRIT are moving into perfect Balance and Harmony. You are the DIVINE TWIN FLAME within and you express SACRED UNION in PERFECT LOVE. You are the DANCE of LIFE and the SACRED MARRIAGE.
Feel how every cell in your body is receiving these LIGHT CODES and moving into resonance with a Higher Consciousness and a Higher Reality. You are opening to a NEW PERCEPTION of Life in which you are a Perfect and Beautiful BEING of LIGHT. You are a CREATOR BEING and you are here to BE, to EXPERIENCE, to LOVE and to CREATE through CHOICE.
Now, breathe deeply and allow these Light Codes to integrate.
NOTE: This is a powerful activation, and you may feel tired in the next few days. Allow yourself to rest as you integrate the Andromedan Light Codes and the Andromeda Key to Higher Consciousness and Creativity.
TTIP 19.01.2015 – Abonnent/innen: 1.597.935 |
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Wir sind eine Bürgerbewegung gegen TTIP Bunt, kraftvoll, lebendig: Die erste Großdemo gegen TTIP und CETA am Samstag in Berlin wurde zum Massenprotest. 50.000 Menschen gingen auf die Straße. Das bringt die beiden Abkommen noch mehr ins Wanken.Schauen Sie unser Video zur Demo… |
Schauen Sie den Demo-Film…
Über 50.000 Menschen demonstrierten am 17. Januar 2015 gegen TTIP und CETA und für eine bäuerliche Landwirtschaft.
…und werden Sie Campact-Förderer!
Campact finanziert sich allein aus Spenden und regelmäßigen Förderbeiträgen. Förderbeiträge sichern unsere Unabhängigkeit und erweitern die Handlungsmöglichkeiten von Campact. Blitzschnell Kampagnen zu starten und längerfristig dran zu bleiben, schaffen wir nur mit Hilfe vieler Förderer/innen. Eine Campact-Förderung können Sie jederzeit auch wieder beenden.
….auch das ist eine zunehmende Realität in unserer innovativen Vorzeige-Hauptstadt. Vielleicht sollten wir mit Unterstützungsangeboten und ehrenhaftem Mitgefühl nicht nur immer ins ferne Ausland winken, sondern auch mal vor der eigenen Haustür nachsehen ?! (Das Foto ist aktuell von heute aus einem U-Bahnhof im Norden Berlins). Arya C. Dix-Kühn
Let´s all unite !!! – Blessings and love to you all – Arya
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