
Published on Apr 1, 2018

Können wir den Medien vertrauen? Diese Frage stellte der Schweizer Historiker und Friedensforscher Dr. Daniele Ganser in seinem 60 Minuten langen Vortrag in Basel am 3. März 2018. Ganser betont, dass es sehr wohl gute Journalisten gibt. Es gibt keinen Grund umfassend allen Medienberichten zu misstrauen. Aber die Zeit, in der man den Medien blind vertraute, sei vorbei, so Ganser. Denn es gibt immer wieder Manipulationen, Verdrehungen, Lügen und Kriegspropaganda in den Medien. Ganser rät beim Medienkonsum wachsam zu sein und stets die eigenen Gedanken und Gefühle zu beobachten. Was wird auf der Ebene der Gedanken und Gefühle ausgelöst, wenn ich dieses lese oder jenes sehe? Daniele Ganser präsentiert im Vortrag konkret 11 Mediengeschichten und fordert jedesmal das Publikum dazu auf, den Blick nach innen zu richten, um zu erkennen, was die Geschichten für eine Wirkung haben.
Dies sind die elf Geschichten: 1) In Frankreich hat 2007 die Zeitung “Paris Match” das Bild von Präsident Sarkozy im Kanu manipuliert. 2) In Grossbritannien hat 1997 die Zeitung “Mirror” das Diana-Bild manipuliert, um einen Kuss mit Dodi vorzutäuschen. 3) In der Schweiz hat 1997 die Zeitung “Blick” das Bild zum Luxor-Terroranschlag manipuliert und eine Wasserlache rot eingefärbt, so dass diese wie Blut aussah. 4) In den USA hat 2015 die Zeitung “New York Times” das Bild der Politiker, welche nach dem Pariser Terroranschlag auf einer Seitenstrasse demonstrierten, unfair geschnitten, so dass es aussah, als ob die Spitzenpolitiker sich unter das Volk gemischt hätten. 5) In Israel hat 2015 die Zeitung “HaMevaser” Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel aus dem Paris-Bild geschnitten. 6) In Deutschland hat 2012 das ZDF das Homs-Video falsch zugeordnet. 7) Weltweit hat Facebook 2016, während dem US Wahlkampf, die falsche Geschichte verbreitet der Papst unterstütze Präsident Trump. 8) In Deutschland hat 2003 die Zeitung “Bild” im Vorfeld des Irakkrieges behauptet, Saddam Hussein habe ABC Waffen, was falsch war. 9) In Grossbritannien hat 2003 die Zeitung “Sun” behauptet, dass Bin Laden mit Saddam Hussein kooperiere, was gelogen war. 10) In Grossbritannien berichtete BBC am 11. September 2001, während den Terroranschlägen, zu früh über den Einsturz von WTC7. 11) In der Schweiz hat 2018 die “Aargauer Zeitung” unfair über diese Tagung im Scala Basel berichtet, noch bevor die Veranstaltung überhaupt begann.
Am Schluss bedankt sich Daniele Ganser noch bei dem deutschen Journalisten Ken Jebsen (vom Presseportal KenFM) und dem Geographen Rainer Rothfuss für ihren Mut und die gute Zusammenarbeit und bittet beide auf die Bühne. Alle drei blicken mit Freude zurück auf den Tübinger Vortrag “Medial vermittelte Feindbilder und die Anschläge vom 11. September 2001 – Vortrag von Daniele Ganser”, der auf YouTube inzwischen die 1Millionen-Views-Grenze überschritten hat. Daniele Ganser:

Published on Sep 4, 2019

Tagesschau macht Außenpolitik! Weit ab vom Staatsvertrag der ARD. Im Staatsvertrag des ARD-Senders, der die Tagesschau produziert, ist auch der Programmauftrag formuliert. Demnach hat auch die Tagesschau den “Rundfunkteilnehmern und Rundfunkteilnehmerinnen einen objektiven und umfassenden Überblick über das internationale, europäische, nationale und länderbezogene Geschehen in allen wesentlichen Lebensbereichen zu geben.” Soweit die gesetzliche Grundlage und der Auftrag. Die MACHT-UM-ACHT untersucht die Wirklichkeit, die Praxis der wichtigsten Nachrichtensendung Deutschlands. Unter der Überschrift “Nahe Biarritz – Gewalt und Festnahmen bei G7-Protest” macht die Tagesschau aus der Alternative zum G7-Gipfel eine Krawall-Nummer. Kein Wort von den Inhalten der Protestierenden. Andere Medien können es zeitgleich besser. Zum Beispiel “euronews”, ein Kanal der NBC Universal. Dort wusste man von Umweltaktivisten und von den Autonomie-Bestrebungen der Basken zu berichten. Man ließ sogar Teilnehmer der Proteste zu Wort kommen. Der deutsche Sender stellte sich mal wieder tot. Objektive und umfassende Überblicke? Fehlanzeige.
Mit der Überschrift “Israel greift Syrien an – Bombardements gegen ‘Killerdrohnen‘” übernimmt die ARD schlicht die Sprachregelung des israelischen Militärs. Natürlich ohne die Frage nach dem Völkerrecht aufzuwerfen oder den wichtigen Hintergrund der andauernden widerrechtlichen Besetzung der syrischen Golan-Hohen durch Israel auch nur zu erwähnen. Stattdessen dieser Rechtfertigungssatz der Hamburger Redaktion: “Israel hatte in der Vergangenheit mehrfach betont, dass der Iran nicht dauerhaft Militär in Syrien stationieren dürfe.” Dass ein souveräner Staat wie Syrien auf seinem Gebiet Militär jeglicher Art stationieren kann, ist den “Außenpolitikern” der Tagesschau offenkundig unbekannt. Man hat in der Redaktion eindeutig die Haltung der Kanzlerin zu Israel, die das Netanyahu-Regime in die deutsche Staatsräson einbezieht, völlig verinnerlicht. Ein Höhepunkt falscher Außenpolitik ist diese Überschrift zur Vorbereitung der Landtagswahlen: “Brandenburg und Sachsen – Viele fühlen sich als Bürger zweiter Klasse”. Fühlen? Das meint offensichtlich, die Brandenburger und Sachsen hätten bloß so ein Gefühl. Die harten Fakten, die dem “Gefühl” zugrunde liegen, will die Tagesschau einfach nicht erzählen:
– 95 Prozent des volkseigenen Wirtschaftsvermögens gingen in westliche Hände über. – die Bevölkerungszahl in Ostdeutschland entspricht heute der von 1905, ist also vorindustriell. – die Zahl der bundesdeutschen Millionäre verdoppelte sich mit der Wende auf über eine Million. – im Osten stieg mit der D-Mark die Zahl der Arbeitslosen von null auf vier Millionen. – die Ost-Eliten wurde mit der Wende fast komplett gegen Funktionäre aus dem Westen ausgewechselt. Gefühl? Die Bürger der ehemaligen DDR wurden in die Zweit- und Drittklassigkeit gestoßen. Der Hamburger Sender zelebriert mit dem Begriff “Gefühl” eine Art West-Außenpolitik gegenüber dem Osten der Bundesrepublik: Arrogant oder blöde oder beides? Ganz sicher ist die Meldung weder objektiv noch umfassend.
Diese und andere Produkte der Tagesschau-Redaktion zeichnet die MACHT-UM-ACHT-Redaktion, die Alternative zur Tagesschau, mit einem Warndreieck aus. “Denn kaputte Nachrichten”, so Uli Gellermann, “machen Köpfe kaputt. Davor warnen wir.” Bei dieser Aktion helfen die Zuschauer der MACHT-UM-ACHT mit ihren Mails. Unter der folgenden Mailadresse DIE-MACHT-UM-ACHT@KENFM.DE können die Zuschauer weitere Vorschläge für Warndreiecke einsenden. Dafür bedanken wir uns herzlich. Der Journalist und Filmemacher Uli Gellermann beschäftigt sich seit Jahren mit der Dauermanipulation der Tagesschau. Gemeinsam mit den Co-Autoren, Volker Bräutigam und Friedhelm Klinkhammer, schrieb er das Buch „Die Macht um Acht: der Faktor Tagesschau“. Eine herausragende Lektüre über die tägliche Nachrichtensendung der ARD. Bei KenFM nimmt er mit dem gleichnamigen Format die subtile Gehirnwäsche der Tagesschau alle zwei Wochen unter die Lupe. +++ Abonniere jetzt den KenFM-Newsletter: +++
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Published on Aug 21, 2019

I have been a part of a lot of great podcasts. I have learned so much from my guests and their experiences. That said, I am confident that this interview with Dr. Joe Dispenza just might have the biggest impact. Bestselling author of my favorite books You Are the Placebo and Becoming Supernatural, Dr. Joe Dispenza scientifically breaks down the literal impact our mindset has on our biology and energetic fingerprint. Dispenza has the data, and can deconstruct the mystical in such a rational and scientific way that it makes it hard to remain a skeptic. So jump in with me and open your mind to what is possible. Last but not least, please help support the podcast by checking out our sponsors. Of course, the day 1, my company Onnit, and our new sponsor Truff hot sauce, which is like heaven in a bottle. It’s truffles. It’s hot sauce. It’s insane. Head to or use code word AUBREY for 15% off.
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Published on Sep 3, 2019

Hello everyone! Several big themes came up in the September Energy Update: GRIEF leading into transformation and POWER – the integration of power, the healing around power and new levels of power hitting you in your life. Also, HEART RESONANCE and HEART ENERGY are going to be our lighthouses this month. We are learning to listen to our hearts, listen to our bodies, listen to our senses at an all NEW LEVEL for us, and it isn’t how most of us were trained, but it’s beginning to become the norm. So when you ask your heart how you’re doing and what you should do next, it’s going to invite you often to REST, to PAUSE, to have a moment of PRESENCE to remind you that it’s all okay. So it’s a paradigm shift for sure. The one other piece to look out for this month (and this really relates to heart energy too), you might find that you’re HEALING some old power abuses or reactions. Because as we enter this new phase of authentic power, we look at power from all sides – the lighter and brighter sides and the shadow sides. So there’s a lot going on – integration, power and heart – a bit of a triad. Take care everyone, Lee
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Published on Sep 1, 2019

Mit freundlicher Erlaubnis vom J. Kamphausen Verlag Die 2 für mich wertvollsten Bücher und Kinderbücher, die ich je gelesen habe Eckhart Tolle Jetzt! Die Kraft der Gegenwart: Eine neue Erde: 2 Kinderbücher (auch für Erwachsene geeignet): Tolles Tierleben: und Miltons Geheimnis: Hier noch zwei weitere Meisterwerke von Eckhart Tolle: Stille spricht: Leben im Jetzt:


Published on Aug 28, 2019

In ihrer neuen Gesprächsreihe “Die Lust am Leben – Über die Kunst ein erfülltes Leben zu führen” spricht Simone Langendörfer mit der Bestseller Autorin Anke Evertz. Simone Langendörfer ist Achtsamkeits-Expertin. Mit ihrem innovativen Mentaltraining Self-fulfilling Management® positionierte sie sich als Beraterin in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Sie ist erfolgreiche Buchautorin und regelmäßig in unterschiedlichen TV-Formaten zu Gast.
Ihr Gast heute ist Anke Evertz mit der sie sich darüber unterhält, was es bedarf um ein glückliches und erfülltes Leben zu führen. Im September 2009 erlitt sie einen schweren Brandunfall. Daraufhin befand sie sich neun Tage im Koma und erfuhr in dieser Zeit eine Nahtoderfahrung. Hier wurden ihr die Gesetzmäßigkeiten der geistigen Welt erklärt. Sie traf auf ihren “geistigen Lehrer”, der sie mit der Wirkung ihrer Gedanken konfrontierte. Sie sah ihren Lebensfilm. Während der Zeit des Komas besuchte sie immer wieder ihren Körper, der einbandagiert mit Verbrennungen im Gesicht und der Hände auf der Intensivstation im Krankenhaus von den Ärzten versorgt wurde. Es war ihr freier Wille schließlich wieder in ihr irdisches Leben zurück zu kommen. Die Erinnerungen ihrer beeindruckenden “Reise in höhere Dimensionen” brachte sie mit. Auch ihr Leben veränderte sich in allen Bereichen: Sie konnte und wollte nicht mehr in ihrer begrenzten und begrenzenden Verstandeswelt leben. Sie “bewohnt” seither ihren Körper liebevoll und achtsam. Sie fühlt sich eins mit der Quelle und steht nach wie vor mit ihr in Resonanz. Nach neun Jahren beschloss Anke Evertz ein Buch über ihre Erfahrungen zu schreiben, die wirklich einzigartig sind. Heute hält sie Vorträge und Seminare und teilt ihren wertvollen Wissensschatz mit den Menschen. Erfahren Sie hier mehr über Anke Evertz: Das Buch “Neun Tage Unendlichkeit” von Anke Evertz finden Sie hier:

Dear Beautiful,

Whether it’s noticed as a rumbling of deeply buried emotions, the sense that everyone around you is on edge and about to explode, or just a feeling off from your known sensations of alignment, there is no doubt that something big is going down on planet Earth. At this moment, the majority of energies that create feelings of being off kilter is the gravitational force of our planet literally shifting into 5D consciousness.

While many people have grandiose notions of what life will be like on a 5D Earth, many overlook the sacred milestones that let us know that such a shift is underway.

No matter how hard you work to stay positive, remain centered, or be as present as possible, such activities employ the ego to do the busy work, while often perceiving moments of ‘feeling off’ as some sort of punishment or indication that enough work has yet to be done. This is why in the new spiritual paradigm, endless spiritual busy work is replaced with authentic self-care. Such self-care won’t guarantee specific outcomes, but it will transform your daily experiences — out of the brink of despair and into the light of true emotional freedom.

In understanding the inner workings of alchemy, feelings of displacement indicate movement, whether occurring on a physical, emotional, or energetic level. Movement, whether the movement of thought, the changing of your emotions, or even the birth and death of each passing moment acts as the evidence of change in motion. If run by a spiritual ego, you are likely to perceive the alchemical movements of change in action as proof of feeling off. Once defined as a problem or a less than desirable experience, your ego will work hard to change your experience, even though that may not be anything close to what you need to face, heal, and process in any given moment. Then, when the ego cannot decisively shift your experience out of the ‘offness’ you perceive, it creates a bigger enemy out of what is merely the evidence of your highest evolution in progress.

While your ego has the right to dislike any way in which this process unfolds, it doesn’t mean your energy field has malfunctioned or is less aligned with the Universe.

It’s simply a matter of undergoing a radical awakening process, where your ego is being stripped of its imagined sense of control, while it works diligently to control the nature of your experience. As we learn to relax our nervous system through extensive breath work, authentic self love, daily entries in a gratitude journal, along with many other facets of self-care, we are able to cultivate a vibration of consciousness that allows the nervous system to remain relaxed, even when the tumultuous terrain of change is occurring. As your nervous system learns to welcome change and even be excited about change, instead of intimidated by it, there become fewer and fewer messages sent to your ego asking it to save you from what is truly your highest expansion under way.

The ego is often a forgetful homeowner, who chases construction workers off its property, forgetting the crew was hired to rebuild the home that once dwelled on a plot of land. In the same way, your ego attempts to undo all the healing underway, just so you can feel more immediate relief, even though it truly plays no part in how, why, and what you manifest. Gone are the days where you needed to live every moment in some fantasy of alignment, as if the Universe is waiting for your most incredible spiritual performance before giving you the things that are already destined to be.

When not blinded by the ego’s insistence on what should happen, when it should happen, and why, you are able to see high vibration as an awareness of this process, which makes it so much easier and far more magical to get through. Whereas, in a low vibration, there is less awareness of a divine plan, which makes it nearly instinctive to believe in perceptions of fear, struggle, doubt, scarcity, and separation.

The more we allow ‘feeling off’ to be the vital proof that we are expanding into 5D consciousness, the less controlling the ego tends to be, as your nervous system relaxes in the presence of existential progress. When ‘feeling off’ can be a tangible sign of huge energetic processes being worked out in you and throughout the planet, you are able to see through the veil of fear and step beyond the threshold of superstition once and for all.

When ‘feeling off’ doesn’t remind you of how misaligned you are, but simply reflects how much self care is needed to support the huge leaps in consciousness being made on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis, you will have outsmarted even the spiritual ego with the wisdom that only unconditional love may know.

You may not like how it feels and you may not know where any of this is headed, but you most certainly couldn’t ever be off course, unless your personal agenda differs from the divine plan of Universal will. It’s not wrong to’ feel off’. It’s a sign of massive expansions under way. The question is, can you allow yourself to relax and welcome in this depth of healing, even when it doesn’t feel the way you desire?

These feelings won’t last forever. Life most certainly will get better and will most likely begin to shift once ‘feeling off’, triggered, resistant, defensive or shut down is not wrong to experience in any way. Once its not against the spiritual law to feel exactly as you do, you will have created the proper space and perspective to tune into your needs and assist in the healing progress — now that any part of your healing is no longer being judged.

May the love of Source carry you forward and walk you home through the loving presence I transmit — from my heart to yours.

All For Love,


So many of us yearn to answer the call by being the change we wish to see, but how do we actually do that in a way that makes sense to the details and demands of our everyday lives?

This is why Matt created Project Resolution: a free monthly call series to unite our intentions, align our vibrations and aim our desires for a heart-centered society– to create tangible change from an energetic and emotional perspective.

You’ve heard of the power of prayer circles. You’ve seen the effects of group meditation. Now we take things a step further by gathering on a monthly basis to receive guidance channeled from Spirit, and implement the exact action steps that complement the Divine Plan already under way.

Please join Matt & people from all across the globe THIS THURSDAY, 9/5
for our next Project Resolution call!


First Thursday of each month at 11:11 am (Pacific)



Saturday, Sept. 7, 2019

Community Fitness

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Friday, Sept. 13: The Heart of Awakening (evening event)

Saturday, September 14: Ultimate Liberation (all-day event)

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Creating A New Consciousness

9-week series begins Sept. 24

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Friday, Oct. 11: The Language of Love (evening event)

Saturday, Oct. 12: Total Living Embodiment (all-day event)

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October 5, 2019

Houston, TX

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This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends! We are very glad to have this time to speak with you today.

We are seeing that many of you are doing two things simultaneously.

You are celebrating the beginnings of the New Earth, integrating the powerful Light coming to your planet now, and starting to view yourselves as Light Beings in physical bodies, rather than simply as humans on a spiritual path.

You are welcoming in the intergalactic presence of Earth in intergalactic councils, meetings, gatherings, and intercultural connections, all of which is a beautiful form of realizing that Earth is opening up once again to new avenues of existence that She and humanity have not known for millennia.

The other area of interest is far more grounded in what many call 3D reality.

Many Light Bringers are now heavily engaged in what is happening on the Earth in political and social terms, viewing situations of government and finance and eco concerns with a perspective that takes in outer events without always weighing them against the inner reality of Earth’s forward movement.

So that many are reacting to what they see happening around them with a frequency of anger, resistance, sometimes fear and anxiety, as they take in the “reality” of how certain populations are being treated, restricted, deported, or imprisoned in unjust ways.

We understand your consternation and disapproval of these actions, taken by governments and para-governmental groups that have presumed to have the authority to override human rights on many levels, in many places.

We would say, that these behaviors are nothing new, and that if you were to read history, for example, you would see them enacted many times over, over thousands of years.

What is confusing and vexing to you now, is that you see within your sights the kind of freedom of expression, co-creation, and daily living that humanity has not held as a group vision for many thousands of years.

Photo by Jennifer Scalia

And yet in the context of that beautiful moment, terrible things are being done in the name of “democracy” and other political structures, which are only interested in overt forms of power, and in selling aspects of humanity and the Earth that are sacred, and cannot really be “sold” to anyone.

Yet as you live with the appearance of such, it taunts you to lower your vibration to a place where you live not in Joy and freedom, but in rage and resistance.

We have explained previously that this is not an accident, and has been carefully planned by those opposing humanity’s Ascension on every level.

Yet still you wait for a political solution rather than an energetic form of renewal. And how do we know that?

Because it is the political situation you push against.

That is the narrow, highly manipulated arena you step into when you judge a situation as bad or unreal or unjust.

We agree entirely that there are crimes being committed against the Earth and against humanity that have no place in a fifth dimensional culture, and a fifth dimensional reality.

What we would suggest, to improve the overall quality of your life and emotional vibration, if nothing else, is that you refuse to be discouraged by what you see on your news networks and social media, as if those messages were the last word on any of these issues, because we assure you, it is not.

You are not now in the position to await starships landing and rescuing everyone, usurping your freedom of choice as so many others have done in the past.

You are in fact in the position of shifting Earth life through your own vibration and forms of knowing, wisdom, realization.

You are perfectly poised to lift and broaden your perspective to where you understand that you do not wage an Earth-based war against all you feel is unfair and unjust. You wage a galactic one.

And what we mean by that, is that there are those amongst the powerful clans and societies on Earth, who have ruled your planet with an iron fist for so long, who stand to lose galactic and intergalactic forms of wealth, power, and mobility, should the current structures weaken and fall to the ground.

Photo by Michelle Kidd

And yet you see them weakening! You see them falling.

Great change does not only come as a result of an election, or an outer event such as the start of a war or the end of one, or the landing of a mother ship.

Step outside of the Hollywood film paradigm for a moment, and go to the inner center of Earth’s intentions.

She is, in Her way, facing down those whose old forms of protection are daily crumbling beneath them, as your own luminosity is increasing every moment.

We speak not only of the old power crowd’s hideouts in inner Earth and in space stations and other installations in your galaxy and elsewhere becoming entirely inadequate to hide them and their behaviors.

We speak of the emergence of that which no one can imprison or entrain once you have declared it your new reality, your new expression of Life on this planet.

That can only come with your evolving into a being that is not manipulated in vibration with the wave of a media announcement wand or other forms of entrainment.

(And note how close the word “entrainment” is to the word “entertainment.”)

We ask, on behalf of those assisting Earth and each of you galactically, etherically, and otherwise, that you awaken to these forms of weaponry, for they are nothing less, and stop engaging with them as if they represented the bottom line Truth of what is happening on your planet.

For we daily see so many Light Beings coming into Earth to assist you, their soul family members, as your and Earth’s vibrations reach levels at which these beautiful beings can sustain themselves on Earth without harm to their molecular/etheric structure.

We hourly see higher beings moving into the Earth plane via a walk-in, physical birth, temporary visitation, or etheric presence, to assist in the migration of Earth thoughtforms and emotional resonance, lifting your inner vision to a level of renewal not seen by you since the fall of Atlantis and similar civilizations.

None of that assistance could reach you if you had not already made your commitment to rise higher than your human training has permitted for many centuries.

Photo by Renee Turcotte

And so we ask that as you stand on the cusp of so much change that in the past would have been called revolutionary, you remember that you are not small, not contained, not merely recipients of stimuli, trained to respond as programmed.

You are as broad and deep and high as this Universe, in capability and outlook. 

And that capability awaits you now, as do other planets who are watching and following your example.

You may have your moment when you feel helpless, disarmed, or astounded.

Allow this—bow to your human aspect and experience—then call to your higher self to step into your energies, to receive and process the experience on your behalf.

Require that your team of Angels, guides, and higher self assist you in moving through emotional reaction, and in returning to a calm and centered awareness of your interconnection to all living things.

As that vibration is reached in your morning meditation time, you are able far more easily to return to it as your set point throughout the day.

Remember at all times that your soul family are willing and able to assist you in all areas—in your visions of an improved world, in energetic shifts to higher forms of living, and in the healing of all areas of your life that cry out to you now to be heard, to be loved, to finally be seen and accepted.

This too is your path, friends.

It is not all bright Light and rainbows, though yes—you move toward those more fully at every moment.

Namaste, dear ones! You are never alone, in this or any time or place.

We are with you, always.


Copyright 2019, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post. Thank you.

About Caroline Oceana Ryan

Caroline Oceana Ryan is an author, speaker, and channneler, and host of “The Empowered Lightworker.” She currently channels the higher wisdom and guidance of the Collective, a group of higher beings assisting humanity as we Ascend into fifth dimensional life.

Published on Aug 23, 2019

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Published on Aug 24, 2019

“I’m in the grip of intense fear and anxiety” In today’s teachings from Eckhart he discusses the nature of anxiety and fear and what we can do to identify and overcome it. Learn practical guidance on the awareness and acceptance of fear. Subscribe for more official Eckhart Tolle teachings: Want to watch and hear more of Eckhart’s Teachings? Become a member today and join our growing community! Interested in diving deeper into Eckhart Tolle’s work? Enjoy a FREE 10-DAY TRIAL to Eckhart Tolle Now: Check out some of our other playlist: Meditation – Our True Identity – Supporting Awakening – Daily Life – Conversations with Guests –
Connect with us elsewhere: Eckhart Tolle is widely recognized as one of the most original and inspiring spiritual teachers of our time. He travels and teaches throughout the world. Eckhart is not aligned with any particular religion or tradition, but excludes none. His profound yet simple and practical teachings have helped thousands of people find inner peace, healing and greater fulfillment in their lives. At the core of his teachings lies the transformation of individual and collective human consciousness – a global spiritual awakening. Eckhart Tolle is the author of The Power of Now, a #1 New York Times Bestseller, which has been translated into 32 languages and become one of the most influential spiritual books of our time. In his most recent book, A New Earth, he shows how transcending our ego-based state of consciousness is not only essential to personal happiness, but also the key to ending conflict and suffering throughout the world.