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Help Shift the Energy of the US Election


If you live in the US, or if you pay attention at all, you’re probably asking yourself the same question I am – “What in the world is going on?” I’ve never seen such division and inappropriate behavior, and the fact that much of it is coming from individuals who want to lead one of the most important countries in the world makes me VERY nervous.


What can you do to shift this?


Starting next week hundreds of people will attend political rallies wearing a T-shirt that says: “Meditating For Peace.” No matter what happens, their role is to sit in their seats in silence, anchoring the prayerful energy of many thousands more who will be meditating from their homes at the same time. THIS IS A WORLDWIDE MOVEMENT! I will be attending a Donald Trump rally, and we hope you will organize your friends to attend political rallies in your area. (It doesn’t matter who the candidate is. We are not supporting anyone, just sending peace into the confusion and chaos.)

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We Need Your Help
Let us know if you plan to attend a rally and we will give you all the support you need. We will send out an email to tens of thousands of people asking them to pray with you. We will also send an email as soon as we know where I will be this coming week. (It will not be March 21st as originally planned since there is no rally on that day.) Most of all, please share this information so we can start a movement of peace that will overcome the energy of hatred and mistrust that currently fills the US election for President. Many have said that we should not be involved in politics. I say that if we can’t demonstrate the power of prayer and meditation here, then where???
You can make your own T-shirt that says “Meditating For Peace” or buy one byCLICKING HERE.
If you haven’t seen the video we made for this movement CLICK HERE.
The Academy of Soul Manifestation
Do you want to be a Soul Coach and help hundreds of people awaken to the I AM Presence within? We start the new two-year Academy on April 1st, so this is the last chance you’ll get to register. Many of those who have gone through the program are already serving in a wide variety of ways. If you feel called to dive deeper into your soul then ever before, and to help others do the same, visit our site right away. There are only a few days left. CLICK HERE for more info.

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