Monatsarchive: September 2017

Our bodies are built upon a very specific mathematical and geometrical template which Da Vinci illustrated in his ‘Vitruvian Man’ drawing, which showed that a persons outstretched arm-span is exactly equal to that persons height to the atom.

We also have 12 strands of DNA, assuming you are carrying the original Angelic Human Coding, but due to a number of unfortunate events only 3 strands are operation as strand 3 is unable to plug into strand 4 due to missing sub frequency bands in strand 3….. This is what causes us to not be able to remember our dreams, be unable to perceive the Astral plane whilst fully conscious and awake, and is also responsible for our need to sleep. Sleep is what you think it is…..

We are told we like a battery… We wake up in the morning with a full charge and as we go about our day that charge decreases causing us to feel sleepy near the end of the day causing us to have to sleep to recharge our batteries….. This is totally false and not true at all.

All things in manifest creation, including Human Beings, accrete frequency into their templates and DNA as they move forwards through time….. This is the fundamental function of all things. This constant process of frequency accretion is designed to build our DNA strand by strand meaning once one strand is complete you will automatically move to the next…

Each strand is sub-divided in 12 sub frequency bands; thus 12 Strands = 144 sub-frequency bands… Our inactive stands 4-12 are referred to by our science as ‘junk DNA’ which is an inaccurate term as it just hasn’t activated yet…. Each band only comes into operation once the strand below has completed its frequency accretion cycle…..Some people refer to this process as ‘Spiritual Evolution’….

All things carry their own specific frequency…. Therefore if you are in the process of building strand 2 you will be interested in taking part in activities and experiences that carry that frequency…. Once you move onto strand 3 you will be most likely disinterested in activities that carry a lesser frequency as you’ve already filled in that strand so from a spiritual evolutionary standpoint its pointless and you will seek out activities in the area of the current sub-frequency band you are working on…. This is why people who are in the process of ‘spiritual awakening’ (to higher bands) suddenly lose interest in watching TV whilst those still working on lower bands are happy to sit there all day watching the X-Factor and soap operas……..

People working on building higher strands obviously no longer engage in the same activities as people working on lower strands and as all information and communication is carried on a frequency wave, this difference in frequency can create communication issues which is the fundamental reason for some couples splitting up when one chooses a spiritual path and the other does not.

Its a given fact that any person can only understand something from their current level of frequency….. Introduce them to information that carries a level of frequency that they are not yet ready to process and they will push that ‘thing’ away until they are ready to engage with that frequency in the future. This is why people who have not yet had a spiritual awakening find it so difficult to understand those who have…. Its all about processing waves of frequency….

If you Talk to your 80 year old Grandad about computer programming you will likely see his eyes glaze over and you may possibly fall asleep… This is because you are hitting him with a frequency wave to powerful for him to process so it overpowers his template and causes him to want to fall asleep… This is exactly the same process if a person of higher frequency attempts to explain concepts of much higher frequency to a person not yet to that level…. They will push that frequency wave away, possibly fall asleep, maybe run away, maybe insult you to get you to stop, maybe ask you for more…. I’ve had all of these any many more….

Why does a frequency wave cause you to fall asleep?
As mentioned earlier we have missing sub-frequency bands in DNA strand 3 which translates into our awake consciousness being unable to perceive anything occurring in the higher portion of your D3 consciousness (Dimension 3 Mental Body is your awake consciousness). Whilst awake we only have access to the lower part of our D3 consciousness….

This also means that the natural energetic circulation that travels though, and connects with, all the multiple layers of our 15-Dimensional Anatomy is unable to pass through these missing sub-frequency bands around the middle of D3 which not only causes a lack of multi-dimensional awareness to anything above this gap, but also another unfortunate side effect……

Why we sleep

As we accrete frequency throughout the day it builds up in our lower D3 field as it is unable to circulate though the missing gap layer. This causes us to energetically inflate like a balloon progressively during the day and when we approach our personal energy holding capacity we feel ‘tired’ which motivates us to want to fall asleep. Sleep is actually the need to release this frequency to begin circulating and integrating throughout the rest of our multi-dimensional anatomy.

What this means is tiredness is not a lack of energy as we are taught, but a huge abundance of frequency that is crying to be released…. When we fall asleep our point of awareness (consciousness jumps from the lower part of D3 to D4-D5 which most people simply call dreamland… This is actually the astral plane and is a far less dense reality field than here so our consciousness is able to shape the environment at will….. We don’t remember our dreams fully as the experiences we had in those higher bands are unable to get down to us here whilst awake thus blocking them from our waking conscious awareness…. As soon as we fall asleep and shift our consciousness out of D3 it unlocks all this built up frequency in our D3 field and it begins circulating through out our entire multi-dimensional anatomy structure. As long as we get a nice sleep and wake up naturally, all these flows, that function correctly whilst asleep, will have distributed the built up frequency where it needed to go thus giving us a nice normal D3 field to begin our day with….. Unfortunately upon waking the distortion kick in again causing the frequency you experience to begin inflating your lower D3 field again…. Let this bubble inflate too much and you will start to hallucinate because your D3 field is beginning to bulge into D4 (the Astral Plane).

How to accelerate our spiritual growth

Why are people at different levels of frequency accretion? How do we accelerate our frequency accretion faster than normal?

If taking on board frequency is how we build our DNA then why aren’t Doctors, who study for 10 years, not the most highly evolved spiritual beings on the planet due to amount of frequency they take on? …. This is because the information they are studying is all stuck at the same level. Unless they attempt to reach higher they won’t progress…. Unfortunately within the Fallen Angelically controlled medical Community, and all mainstream sciences, there is no higher frequency information…. It’s explicitly built this way to keep humanity spiritually locked down.

Why do you think our TV media is full of fear, sex, conflict, materialism? ….. Its all to keep us fed on a diet of lower frequency band information so we don’t Spiritually Progress forward and grow to new higher bands of consciousness…. All this is designed as an anchor to hinder of spiritual advancement by keeping us locked in a very specific lower band of frequencies. Once we move beyond these bands (mind control Net) they are increasingly unable to manipulate and control us as with higher frequency bands comes higher perceptual awareness….. Essentially spiritually awakened people get a fairly accurate BS detector as standard. Also, as explained, they are no longer interested in the diet of lower frequency band information served up by the fallen angelically controlled media as they have moved onto higher bands……. Thus the job of the media, and most elements of officialdom, is to keep this from happening for as long as possible as their entire system of control depends on it.

In order to advance spiritually faster than normal, you need to do what you are attracted to, do lots of it, sleep, do some more, sleep, and continually challenge yourself with information and concepts higher than where you currently are… Meditation is great as it partially opens the flows through the missing sub-frequency band layer allowing limited perception of higher bands and a partial release of built up frequency….. Of course the fastest way is to engage with the techniques and frequencies of the KDDL3 course by Arhayas Productions, as this assists you in rapid Spiritual Evoloution on Cosmic Steroids….Of course this is not for everyone.

Be aware there are agendas on this planet to keep you locked down in lower frequency bands so basically try to always aim higher…. Plonking yourself in front of mind numbing TV and media will simply serve to keep you locked down. Always aim higher than where you are as thats exactly what the forces running this planet don’t want… Enough people do this and the 100th Monkey effect kicks in meaning humanity will break free of these lower bands en-masse thus becoming free of control.




… auch wenn es sehr unbequem und empörend ist, ist es jetzt Zeit für Informationen darüber, was in und mit unserem Land eigentlich los ist. Die Folgenden Beiträge sind nur Denkanregungen, auf die ich gestoßen bin … machen Sie Ihre eigene Recherche und fangen Sie an sich GRÜNDLICH zu informieren. Es geht jetzt um ihre eigene Zukunft und die Ihrer Familie. Sie sind es Ihren Kindern und Enkelkindern schuldig sich zu informieren und klare Position zu beziehen !!! …. anstatt auf den Propaganda-Zug der Hexenjagd gegen die AfD aufzuspringen, sollten wir Ihnen vielleicht die Absicht einräumen zu unser aller Wohl genau diese Dinge aufzudecken, die Sie in den folgenden Beiträgen erfahren werden und Nachsicht zu üben mit den internen Querelen einer relativ neu gegründeten Partei, die jede Partei in Ihren Anfängen durchlaufen hat, sofern sie freiheitlich ausgerichtet ist. Lassen Sie sich nicht länger von der Medien Propaganda manipulieren und Übernehmen Sie die Verantwortung dafür Ihre Informationsquellen bewusst und kritisch selbst zu wählen !!! Vielen Dank.



































September 25, 2017

Benjamin Fulford







“Our Republic and its press will rise or fall together. An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can preserve that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a mockery. A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a people as base as itself. The power to mould the future of the Republic will be in the hands of the journalists of future generations.”    Joseph Pulitzer
Bassett Moscow Interview Airs in Russia
In May of 2017 PRG executive director Stephen Bassett gave an extensive interview in Moscow to Ren TV, one of the most watched networks in Russia with 500 stations and a viewer base of 120 million. The interview was conducted by journalist Natalia Pryguina and produced by Nikolay Subbotin.

Excerpts from that interview dubbed in Russian have now been aired on the program Most Shocking Hypotheses (самые шокирующие) hosted by Igor Prokopenko. The program presents high production value content on a range of alternative and exotic issues. Not surprisingly, extraterrestrial phenomena and their history are the most popular segments, and Mr. Prokopenko is a celebrity in Russia.

The program also includes excerpts from the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure as well as interviews with other researchers and witnesses, including John Greenewald and Donna Hare.
PRG would welcome summaries of this program from any of its Russian speaking supporters and will try to create an English captioned version, if possible.
In the full interview held at Ren TV’s studio Bassett covered a broad range of topics including various considerations that might prompt Russian President Vladimir Putin to make the first formal acknowledgment by a head of state regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. PRG believes this to be the first time anyone has made this argument on Russian media inside or outside Russia. It is not known if more of the interview will appear in future episodes of this program or on other programs. Further developments will be posted in future updates.
While in Moscow Bassett took meetings with a number of groups addressing the extraterrestrial phenomena issues in Russia. These groups included a number of former Soviet and Russian military and agency officials. There has always been a considerable, open engagement of extraterrestrial related phenomena within Russia and the Soviet Union by the public and the government.
[Note: PRG’s work and Bassett were also included in an earlier Most Shocking Hypotheses program on August 29 that did not draw upon the Moscow interview.]
Film Series Interview – Undisclosed Part 2
London film maker Phil Hardy interviewed PRG executive director Stephen Bassett in London on April 17, 2017 shortly before Bassett left for a week in Moscow addressing the Disclosure issues. The second of four parts of the extended interview has been released. The remaining segments will be released over the coming weeks.
Beyond Belief w/ George Norry
PRG executive director Stephen Bassett’s interview with George Noory on Beyond Belief has just been posted to the Gaia website.
Recognizing Rojas and Walia
Since 2006 PRG has been archiving links to articles in mainstream media relating to extraterrestrial phenomena and exopolitics. This archive, which recently passed 10,000 listings, does not include articles from non-mainstream, paranormal, UFO and direct media. These genre’s are easily searchable on the web, and PRG’s focus has always been on the mainstream political press.
There are, of course, a number of journalists writing in the specialized genres doing excellent work – two of which PRG would like to recognize and commend to you.
First is Alejandro Rojas writing for Open Minds Magazine and Website. For years he has been putting forth quality articles on very difficult subject matter – articles worthy of any mainstream magazine or newspaper.
The second journalist is Arjun Walia writing for a website titled Collective Evolution (CE). CE is a site of some substance addressing a range of alternative issues. Arjun has written extensive pieces relating to extraterrestrial phenomena and exopolitics.
They are an important resource with scores of archived articles well worth reviewing.
RVML Reopens at New Location
PRG is pleased to learn from long time supporter and friend, Jordan Pease, the Rogue Valley Metaphysical Library will reopen at a new location in Ashland, OR on Thursday, September 28. This is mentioned as the RVML has a substantial book/video collection relating to extraterrestrial phenomena.
An Important New Film Nears Completion
The long awaited film by Randy Nickerson about the September 16, 1994 encounter at the Ariel School in Ruwa, Zimbabwe and the investigation by Dr. John Mack is nearing completion. Its premiere will be a significant event, and PRG invites all to support this film in every way they can. Promote and share on social media, alert the press in your area, help with the completion funding. The legacy of Dr. Mack lives on.
PRG YouTube Channel
PRG’s YouTube Channel Playlists contain 351 video/audio clips on the politics of Disclosure, evidence, witnesses, conferences, and more – most directly or indirectly related to PRG’s advocacy work. Additional clips will be added soon.
October 21, 2017
Salem, MA
Mysteries of Space and Sky
October 21, 2017
Gambrills, MD
PA MUFON Philly Conference
October 27-28, 2017
Langhorne, PA
PA MUFON Pittsburgh Conference
November 4, 2017
Greensburg, PA
XCongress 2017
November 4-5, 2017
Naples, Italy
StarworksUSA Conference 2017
Nov 10-12, 2017
Laughlin, NV
Conscious Life Expo 2018
February 9-12, 2018
Los Angeles, CA
IUFOC 2018 Conference
February 14-18, 2018
Phoenix, AZ
Support PRG’s Disclosure Advocacy Work
IMPORTANT: PRG needs a major funder now to step forward and provide the resources to keep the pressure on the media and to reach out to other nations. Getting Disclosure done is now more important than ever. We must not let up during this time of political chaos. Contribute at GoFundMe or HERE.
PRG International Links
PRG International | 202-215-8344 | |
Like us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter
View our profile on LinkedIn
Paradigm Research Group, 4938 Hampden Lane, #161, Bethesda, MD 20814

Published on Sep 21, 2017

URGENT: A Compelling Message from Prime Creator, Love #5, Sector of Creation on September 21, 2017 ~This video has multiple healing frequencies from the love lineage, including Prime Creator, Love, Jesus, Sananda, Ashtar, Alcyone #1, Alcyone #3, and Alcyone #5, etc. ~You will receive healing every single time you play this video. ~Listening to this once will take ten days to process. ~It will continue to peel away the layers of density for all who listen. Alexandra: Good afternoon PC. I understand that this is your final message to the world in this virtual reality I should say. I would like to start out with that this is a very important and significant time for all of humanity. One of the greatest misunderstandings is how we got into this circumstance to begin with; of living a life of disharmony, brutality, war, unhappiness and bloodshed. So I would like you to provide a summarization of where you feel the history of our circumstances began. PC: I would love to Alexandra. Alexandra: Awesome! PC: Where do I begin with this subject matter? So many things have transpired. It has been such a long road. So many complicated things have occurred that are intertwined and intertangled with all things, with all of us, including the Love Lineage, all of our creations, and all of our children. It seems there was a miscommunication long ago between the Love Lineage and another lineage of beings regarding the subject of what could be taught and what could be not. This other lineage came out of no where, requesting our assistance to learn from us. Little was known about them. There was an understanding that these beings who were not from the Love Lineage desperately wanted to learn and experience the things those from Love could teach them. We were hounded and prodded frankly, even bullied until we caved in to agree to teach these beings some of the things we know. This was to be done within the strictest of rules and parameters. To our dismay, this initiated a chain of events that caused the literal destruction of some of our lineage, which I am unwilling to go into. The magnitude of its effects and the details of what has been done to us will not be revealed here today, for the horror would blow your minds and only cause unnecessary sadness and broken-hardheartedness. These horrific and unspeakable things happened as a result of our lineage agreeing to teach these other beings under duress. Understand that when we agree to teach various lineages, we will typically tour their home world to see how we can assist them. There must always be a beneficial exchange for the greater good of The All. When we toured this particular lineage’s home, we saw very old and outdated technologies which conflicted with reports of technologies that they had already actually created. It was determined that something was not adding up and we felt uneasy with the agreement to teach them. We reviewed the benefits of what would unfold millions of years into the future and received a strong message not to do the exchange with these beings. We then conveyed that we did not see this as an optimal exchange of learning, ending all possible trading with these beings. Our findings actually revealed more devastation than was originally seen. What we didn’t know is that they had deceived us through their presentation of what they truly desired from the Love Lineage. Read the rest of the Q&A at… FREE YOURSELF FROM QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT Essences… EGYPTIAN OILS…
Updates from the Field
October 2017
Phew! It’s been an intense ride this (northern hemisphere) summer! The solar eclipse in August was for many of us a major reset moment that allowed us an opportunity to re-evaluate relationships and commitments, and to make key decisions to let go of old forms and to embrace a fundamentally new direction. Thank you to the more than 4,000 people who participated in our Gaiafield meditation that day!
This past month has seemed to be about sorting through the debris of everything that was stirred up over the summer, deciding what is to be kept and what discarded from the energy surges we experienced in the previous months. How is your new life structure taking shape? Below are a number of resources that we hope can support you in this process of integration and re-configuration.
Recently we celebrated the International Day of Peace with our 6th annual BeThePeace Global Meditation. Many thanks to the thousands of people who participated in that event! If you would like to listen to the call recording of that meditation, you can do so here.
Blessings of Peace,
The Gaiafield Council.
Subtle Activism:
The Inner Dimension of
Social and Planetary Transformation

by David Nicol
Book Excerpt
Direct “Versus” Subtle Activism
One of the most exciting possibilities of subtle activism, in my view, is its potential integration with creative forms of social and political engagement. In my own work with the Gaiafield Project, our most compelling projects have been those that have connected the practice of subtle activism to social and political actions occurring in the world.
For example, our WiseUSA initiatives linked subtle activism with the US presidential elections in 2008 and 2012, our WiseClimate project focused on the Copenhagen climate change conference in 2009, and our Occupy Gaia series in 2011 supported the then burgeoning Occupy movement.
Yet, in my experience, the most strident opposition to the concept of subtle activism often comes from the ranks of traditional direct activists, particularly those on the political left.
The typical complaint is that subtle activism represents a kind of middle class or new age cop-out that diverts valuable energies from the less comfortable but more productive activities necessary to generate real change.
The unscrupulous powers that be, so this line of criticism goes, would like nothing more than for the people to believe that their salvation lies in meditation and prayer, as these practices could give people the feeling that they are making a difference while leaving the world open for continued exploitation.
Far from being seen as a revolutionary force, spirituality is considered from this perspective to be a pacifying agent that serves to maintain the status quo.
Seeds of Peace Meditation
for Personal and Ancestral Healing
Free call with David T. Nicol
Wednesday October 4, 12noon US Pacific
David will guide you through a process of co-creating seeds of peace and then planting them at deep levels of your personal and ancestral history, initiating a process of profound inner healing. This meditation builds directly on the seeds of peace practice we did in the BeThePeace Global Meditation on Peace Day.
This call will also serve as an introduction to the next Gaiafield Synergy 7-session course, beginning October 26.
Gaiafield Synergy: A 7-week Training for Building Profound Levels of Group Coherence
Next training starts October 26, 2017
The Gaiafield Synergy course is a 7-session live Tele-series with David Nicol.
This program offers a completely unique and original process for developing a profoundly coherent group field, leading to deep levels of personal healing, support for your mission in the world, and a sense of belonging to a beloved community of inspired change agents.
The results you can expect from the class:
  • Discover a method for building profound levels of group synergy you can apply to any group or organization
  • Develop a deep sense of belonging to an inspired community of subtle activists and change agents
  • Sharpen your capacities to perceive subtle dimensions of reality
  • Receive inspiration and support for your world-changing mission
  • Be personally uplifted, healed, and held by the group field
  • Develop new levels of hope for our world
The cost of the course is $147. However if you register by midnight October 22, US Pacific Time, the cost is only $97.
Free Public Events by Gaiafield
Sunday October 1 ~ 12noon US Pacific
Global Shift Meditation
One World Bearing Witness: Exploring the Frontiers of We Space
With Elizabeth Debold, Founder, One World in Dialogue

Please join us Sunday October 1 for our next Global Shift Meditation with Elizabeth Debold, for a fascinating exploration of a new potential of human togetherness.

One of the most exciting developments at the leading-edge of consciousness work today is a focus on emergent ‘we spaces’, where groups tap into a collective potential in which the whole becomes more than the sum of the parts. Elizabeth Debold has been working at the frontier of the ‘we space’ for over twenty years.
Along with sharing about the ideas behind her innovative work, Elizabeth will talk about One World Bearing Witness, a beautiful 24-hour global vigil for humanity taking place December 2-3, 2017. Elizabeth will then guide us in an Emerge Dialogue Process so that we can experience first hand the magic of co-creative emergence.

Thursday, October 5 ~ 6pm US Pacific
Full Moon Earth Treasure Vase Meditation with Cynthia Jurs
Moon in Aries

Since January, we have been building a strong and deep energy field through our monthly practice of the Earth Treasure Vase Global Meditation, in partnership with Cynthia Jurs.
We find it especially powerful to come together at the time of the full moon. Many traditions believe that our prayers and intentions are amplified exponentially at this time.
This month we will be joined by Dahr Jamail, who recently buried an Earth Treasure Vase in Alaska, dedicated to supporting responsible stewardship of Earth’s climate by human beings. Dahr will tell us the fascinating story of his pilgrimage, and then we will engage together in the ETV global meditation.
Please join us to weave together the threads of global community and to plant seeds of deep intention for the healing of our Earth.
Note: You do not have to register again if you already registered for a previous ETV full moon event.
Partner Offerings
In the spirit of collective empowerment, the Gaiafield Project shares inspired offerings from fellow thought leaders we have had the pleasure of working with in the fields of subtle and sacred activism. The teachers and organizations that we recommend have been a great source of inspiration to us and we sincerely hope they will be for you as well.
Evolutionary Relationships:
Unleashing the Power of Mutual Awakening
New Book by Patricia Albere
For millennia, spirituality has been a deeply personal pursuit – monks on mountaintops and yogis in caves. But the world is more social than ever, and interconnectedness is transforming everything, from our family lives to work. Today, we need a spirituality that focuses more on “we” than “me.” In Evolutionary Relationships, Patricia Albere draws on more than four decades of teaching work to introduce a new spirituality called “mutual awakening” that you can explore with a friend, lover, spouse, or partner. With practices to guide you and lessons to inspire you, this book helps you become more available to yourself, your partner, and our world. Patricia is offering the first three chapters of Evolutionary Relationships for free at the link below:

Global Oneness Day
Tuesday October 24
Gaiafield Project is proud to be a co-sponsor of the 8th annual Global Oneness Day on Tuesday October 24. This event has become a powerful focalizing point for our movement to call forth a shift toward unity consciousness on our planet. This year’s event features a dazzling array of consciousness leaders, including Michael Beckwith, Bruce Lipton, Matthew Fox, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Lynne Mctaggart, Andrew Harvey and others.

Healing America ~Peace Intention Experiment
September 30–October 5
Led by Lynne Mctaggart
Take part in one of the world’s largest experiments for peace and transform your life.
Join tens of thousands of like-minded souls from around the world for this free event, sending collective intention to reduce violence and heal America’s polarized society.



The Oneness Transmissions
Sunday, October 29
Next Focus: Elevating Humanity from the Shadows of Victim Consciousness
In response to building world crisis, Children of the Sun Foundation again launches its deeply impacting planetary transmission program.
“The Oneness Transmissions” deliver focused acts of energy transference, uniting and linking our awakened consciousness to become one purified, highly tuned vibrational field and sacred conduit for divine intervention.
Gaiafield Project ~
Subtle Activism Network, Lake Drive, Kensington, CA 94708

Published on Sep 22, 2017

August Eclipse trajectory into the September Equinox 2017. The secret of all things. The greatest alchemy. The second coming of Christ. Channelled, written and narrated by Magenta Pixie. Video compiled by Catzmagick using royalty free media. — Magenta Pixie Website: Magenta Pixie Products:





Hi Everyone

There is so much we can say about the times we live in that even picking a topic can feel overwhelming. Like many of you, I found myself heartbroken several times this past month when seeing/feeling/reading about the various challenges and events going on around the world. Then, I would feel heartened by the way we are showing up for each other and learning to adapt. These times are like a heart-roller-coaster if you’re letting yourself sense it all as you go (and not in one of the moments where you need to change focus in order to re-center or have a rest for a moment).

I notice myself living in my heart more than ever recently, and having a deeper more direct experience of what the vastness of Heart Energy means. It’s no surprise that more of us are feeling that way, at a time when a lack of heart and empathy is aggressively playing out in some areas of the world stage.

So, as my guides (the Z’s) would say – that experience of amplified heart puts me right on track with where I need to be right now, and with the growth that these current energy tornadoes on Earth are sponsoring in all of us. For that reason, and because I am a week away from having the October Energy Forecast ready, I created a short message for us from the Z’s (see below).

Speaking of Heart, my latest MP3 – Awaken Your Deep Heart, is a lovingly intense awakener for your heart. A deep soul journey from the Z’s with live sound healing – it was an energy (and information) that I have never brought through before. It’s free to Portal Members (during the month of September), or available in the store.

I look forward to exploring more of these themes with all of you in the Portal live Q+A broadcast on Saturday 23rd September (archived broadcast will be available from Monday 25th, so don’t worry if you miss it live!).

Big love everyone

I asked my guides, “What advice would you give for the OVERWHELM that hits us during these times?”. Here was the reply:

Find STEADY GROUND where and when you can.

Understand the need to do this regularly if you want to stay balanced and flow with these times.

Steady ground may be found in nature, peaceful places or healthy relationships. It may be in taking 5 minutes of silence to yourself regularly, if your situation is more limited where freedom of choice is concerned.

This is a time where you will be compelled to FIND STEADY GROUND and to disengage from situations or relationships where chaos or imbalance reign.

Emotions are running high on Earth which means that those of you with sensitive ears (emotional hearing) will find yourselves running out of energy/patience/grounding with greater regularity than before. Even if you feel clearer and more capable of loving relationships than ever, the intensity of emotion that many are purging can take a toll from time to time, or when experienced for long periods. Especially as many are unconscious of the level of emotion and energy they are running through their words and actions.

You are in a DEEP CHANGE PROCESS on Earth, where change is hitting you from all sides. This makes it feel as if everything is faster than ever.

SO this means that the challenges for maintaining your center are real. The center of the collective energy field is changing, so equally is your personal energy field. You have to re-find and rediscover the center of your personal energy field regularly. Try new things that you haven’t tried before, as much of the old won’t work any more. And more importantly, NEW DISCOVERIES is one of the benefits of this time, on personal and collective levels. This can look like new talents, abilities, passions, levels of relationship, becoming interested in areas of life you previously had no interest for. CHANGE IS HAPPENING and when you can embrace new change, it makes mourning or grieving for the past status quo less painful.

The energy level that creates new personal and social discoveries at this time is strong, and is like being carried on a wave, or a stormy sea. Think of it as a dance energetically – things in your life will tighten, then release, then expand. TIGHTEN, RELEASE, EXPAND. So you may find relationships, creative endeavours or tasks incredibly challenging or complicated in one moment, and then an hour later, a release will happen, and a new level of understanding or energy can occur. But diving into the complication may feel unpleasant, unsettling or unwanted.

“Stop the ride I want to get off” may be what many of you feel in the challenge moments of these fast times on Earth.

But seeing the challenge or difficulty through, one step and one breath at a time, will be the way to access the new height it presents.

SO, if you can redirect your focus toward “I allow the inner changes required for me to thrive. I allow the inner changes required to help me best serve these new times”, THEN the ‘compression’ times will move into expansions at far greater speed.

We send you love, and a reminder, that while what is going on around you can seem bewildering, at a soul level it was always known to you that this level of chaos and change would need to take place in order to purge more darkness from the Earth.

“THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!! I feel “solid” and the heart is BURNING with DEEP BLISS. My body is warm and alive. All of me is vibrating AND YET I am in the centre of it all… DEEP GRATITUDE, for this GIFT of guiding me towards the I am that I am!!!!!!!! LOVE and BLESSINGS to each heart!!!!!!!”  – Eva
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A weekend where inspiration, laughter, support, music, and the elevation of consciousness weave together to help you access your soul-self – the person you came here to be.
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Ich möchte nach zahlreichen Diskussionen mit ” eigentlich klugen Menschen” darauf hinweisen, das mir folgendes klar geworden ist: Bitte verstehen Sie, dass sie als Basis Ihrer Überlegungen nicht die manipulierten Märchen der Mainstream Medien benutzen können. Informationen werden hier aktuell leider manipulativ verzerrt, verschwiegen und teilweise erfunden. Wenn Sie sich für bestimmte Themen WIRKLICH interessieren und nicht nur “schnellen Informationstoff” für Gespräche mit Kollegen in der Kaffeepause suchen, dann erforschen sie parallel alternative Medien und Beiträge z.B. auf youtube, um sich ein umfassenderes Bild machen zu können…am Ende sollten Sie dann auch Ihren Intuitionsdetektor einschalten, der die Fähigkeit hat zu spüren, wo etwas wahr gesprochen wird und wo jemand manipulieren möchte. Vielen Dank. 





“Flüchtlingskosten sind ein deutsches Tabu Thema” schrieb die Züricher Zeitung …. kalkulierte Flüchtlingskosten für 2017 betragen ca. 55 Milliarden Euro, im Vergleich zu Investitionskosten aller Bundesländer und Gemeinden 2015, die 30 Milliarden Euro betrugen…Deutschland hat ein schlechteres LTE-Netz als Peru :), die Strompreise sind doppelt so hoch wie in Frankreich, in unseren Schulen fällt der Putz von den Wänden. Kleine bis mittelständische Unternehmen leiden unter der Wettbewerbsverzerrung aufgrund der Finanzpolitik der EZB und die Wohnungsnot für “bezahlbaren Wohnraum” ist gigantisch …. noch Fragen? … hören Sie Thorsten Schulte dazu im folgnden Beitrag >

Published on Sep 23, 2017

Seit dem 10.8.2017 ist das Buch “Kontrollverlust” ein Spiegel-Bestseller (am 9.9. und 16.9.2017 sogar auf Platz 2). Wir freuen uns sehr darüber und danken allen Käufern. ▶Alles zum Buch und die Bestellmöglichkeit:… ▶JournalistenWatch: “Kaufen Sie Kontrollverlust – unbedingt.”… Wichtig: Legt Amazon dem Buch bewusst Steine in den Weg? Lieferzeit am 8.8.2017: 2 bis 4 Wochen. Aktuell sind es 1 bis 3 Wochen. Amazon und andere Konzerne dominieren und diktieren. Sagen wir NEIN dazu. Bestellen Sie das Buch bitte über und der Verlag liefert es Ihnen direkt. Oder bestellen Sie es direkt auf der Seite des Verlags. Oder unterstützen Sie den Buchhandel und suchen das Buchgeschäft Ihres Vertrauens auf. Sie unterstützen so den Einzelhandel und Amazon hat dann das Nachsehen. Das neue Buch Kontrollverlust mit einem Vorwort von Willy Wimmer “Freiheit, die wir meinen”, der 33 Jahre für die CDU im Deutschen Bundestag saß, ist ab 26. Juli 2017 erhältlich. Willy Wimmer schreibt: “Freiheit wird verspielt und bewusst eingeschränkt – und Thorsten Schulte redet und schreibt dagegen an. Dazu braucht es Mut, und den hat Schulte…” Viele Informationen über das neue Buch erfahren Sie auf der Seite zum Video:… Thorsten Schulte ist Vorsitzender des gemeinnützigen Vereins “Pro Bargeld – Pro Freiheit e.V.”. Erfahren Sie mehr: ▶Pro Bargeld – Pro Freiheit: Unseren YouTube-Kanal abonnieren:… Besuchen Sie uns auf Facebook:… Wie hat Ihnen das Video zum Buch Kontrollverlust gefallen? Wir würden uns über einen Daumen nach oben, einen Kommentar oder ein Abo unseres Youtube-Kanals freuen. Vielen Dank und bis zum nächsten Video! ▶Besuchen Sie unsere Webseite: Kontrollverlust! Merkels Rechtsbrüche. Flüchtlinge, Bargeld, Freiheit, Euro. Was uns droht und wie wir uns schützen.










