Monatsarchive: Februar 2017

A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon


In February of last year, we gave a message entitled Destabilization. As you enter 2017 the global destabilization we discussed in that communication is accelerating at a much more rapid rate.

The focus of this message, however, is not on the destabilization process but rather a new sound meditation that we wish to impart to you. It is an energetic antidote that can help you to counter the negative consequences of destabilization on your body/mind and spirit.

This new sound meditation is called Restoration. It is, in fact, a celestial chorus from the higher realms of light that can impart to you deeply nourishing and restorative energies.

In order for you to derive the greatest benefit from Restoration, we wish to discuss briefly the holographic nature of your universe, including your physical body.

From our perspective the entire physical universe is illusory in nature, a holographic projection of light.

Your physical body is also a holographic projection and is part and parcel of a greater hologram you call the cosmos. Thus, there are strings of energy that connect you to the universe as well as to the highest realms of light. These connections between you, the cosmos and the realms of light are part of your innate nature.

When you attain higher states of consciousness the illusory nature of physical existence and your reality as a being of light becomes more clear. But as an embodied being your consciousness is anchored in sensory perception. Thus you live in two worlds simultaneously—a world of exquisite freedom, unbounded by time or space and your embodied existence that binds you to Earth.

As your Earth morphs into new realities and enters more chaotic states your body/mind complex is being deeply challenged.

Even those of you who are clearly on the upward path to higher states of consciousness may, at times, find the challenges of global destabilization difficult to contend with.

The Restoration sound meditation can help you restore yourself in the face of personal and global challenges. But for you to benefit more deeply from this sound meditation we wish to elaborate on what is occurring when you listen.

The sounds that comprise this meditation are codes. They pulsate with vitality from the higher realms of light. And if you listen to the sound meditation properly the vitality of these sound codes will be transferred into your physical body—into the very cellular matrix itself.

We suggest three different ways of listening. Each subsequent listening level will unveil to you the deeper magic and power of this sound meditation. Start with the level that feels most comfortable to you and as you progress you can experiment with the next level.

The Basic Level

We strongly suggest you listen to this with stereo headphones or earbuds so that the sound codes are the primary auditory input. We also suggest you listen to this with your eyes closed so that the music becomes your primary sensory experience.

With a relaxed focus of attention, enter into the architecture of the sounds. Follow the progression of the vibratory energies and sense how they are affecting you. In this method your entire focus of attention is on thesoundscape. When your mind wanders simply bring it back to the sounds.

The Intermediate Level

In this way of listening your focus is still on the soundscape but your focus includes your physical body. It’s as if your entire body is listening to the sound codes and the celestial chorus. When you listen to the sound meditation in this way, the transfer of vitality and restoration will move deeper into your body.

Those of you who have a developed kinesthetic sense will intuitively know how to do this. For those of you less familiar with bodily awareness, we have a few suggestions.

Act as if your physical body is actually hearing the sounds. Even though you know that the sounds are being received through your ears and the auditory pathways of your brain, imagine and sense that your body is also hearing the sounds.

Sense how the sound codes vibrate and resonate different areas of your body. For some of you these sound codes will also vibrate your energy field, what the ancients referred to as the aura.

The Advanced Level

In this way of listening you sense your body as a galaxy of stars.

Each cell of your body is a star, which emits light. This type of biologically-based light has been identified as Biophotons in the new science of Biophotonics. This is not a metaphor. It is a physical reality of your bodily nature.

Just as with the previous ways of listening, your focus is on the soundscape and your physical body. You are simply adding one more element—the clear impression that your body is a galaxy of stars.

As you attain this sense of your body as a galaxy of light, each star or cell of your body will receive the pulsating vitality from the sound codes at a much deeper level.

Understand clearly that this sound meditation is a gift from the celestial worlds. The celestial chorus and all the voices combine together to create pulsating vortices of energy.

The sounds you hear are analogs to vibrational shifts in the light realms.

When you listen to the sound meditation in the manner just described, the cellular matrix of your body will enter into a high state of vibrational receptivity.

To the extent that you are able to enter into this state of mental and bodily awareness the sound meditation can impart to you extraordinary restorative energies.

The meditation is about nine minutes in length. Hopefully this will allow those of you with a very busy schedule to set aside this brief period of time for personal restoration.

If you have the grace of extra time we suggest experimenting with listening to the sound meditation several times in one listening session. This will reveal to you deeper levels of nourishment and restoration that reside in the sound codes.

As the world enters into further destabilization and chaotic states it is our hope that this sound meditation will prove to be a means for you to navigate through the treacherous waters of global change.

We send to you from the deepest place within our Collective Heart the impulse for new creation in the very midst of destruction.

The Hathors
February 18, 2017

Tom’s Thoughts and Observations

There is true transformational magic in this sonic meditation, but it will most likely only reveal itself to you if you make it the sole focus of your mental attention. In other words, don’t multi-task.

The Hathors created this sound meditation for the sole purpose of bringing restorative energies to your body/mind and spirit.

I feel compelled to say, in the context of this meditation, that the word “spirit” does not have a religious connotation. Rather it is more related to its Latin origins as in the word spiritus. Like many words from ancient languages, the word spiritus has multiple meanings including, in this case, breath, courage and vigor. When we feel inspired by something, we often spontaneously take a deep breath—a physiological expression of the relationship between our breath and powerful emotions.

The Hathors mentioned a very interesting and profound relationship between this sound meditation and the body’s Biophotonic network of light. For those of you unfamiliar with the science of Biophotonics, I would refer you to the work of Alfred Popp. You can also find further information about Biophotonics, including links to other source materials by going to the Articles section of our website ( and clicking on Biophotonics-Class Handout.

Recently I was hiking through Runyan Canyon in Los Angeles and snapped this picture. Given the grave state of world affairs, I think this photo speaks most eloquently to how I feel about this latest Hathor sound mediation and our human family.

(c)2016 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved

The burst of sunlight through the tree is like the restorative energies that are available to us from the celestial worlds—but only if we choose to partake from them.

Walking up the hill to the light of Restoration are a handful of people. A lone figure to the far right is looking out to the vistas that are clearly revealed to him or her having been psycho-spiritually renewed through the grace of Restoration.

When I decided to post this photo in my comments, I thought about removing the fence to the left of the tree for aesthetics’ sake. But then I realized that it was a perfect metaphor for our predicament.

There are many fences that would separate us from the grace of Restoration. Some of them are social conventions and beliefs, some are a result of social stress created by the current rise of political polarization, some are hidden in the cloak of religious or spiritual dogma and some of them are internal inhibitors that keep us from receiving the grace of Restoration that flows from our own inner natures.

Part of the task for receiving true Restoration is to find our way around those external and internal fences that have been erected to separate us from the grace of renewal.

There are indeed many ways to find true Restoration. This latest Hathor sound meditation is just one of them. If it resonates with you, I think you will be blessed by its effectiveness.

And if you choose some other way, it does not matter so long as you find some means to psycho-spiritually restore yourself in these increasingly challenging times.

Whatever path to Restoration you take, may it be swift and may it be a blessing to you, your loved ones and to all sentient beings.

Tom Kenyon

Note: This Restoration Sound Meditation is actually an edited excerpt from a Star Song that the Hathors sang through me during a Hathor Intensive in 2015 called The Sprial of Ascension.  The base recording for that Hathor sound meditation was an earlier song I recorded called The Voices of Iona that appears in a CD called Voices from Other Worlds.

The Restoration Sound Meditation

After you click on the link below, you will be taken to the Listening Section’s Terms and Agreements. After you agree to the Listening terms, you will be given free access to a large number of sound meditations, lectures and videos. Please note that these audio and video files are for your personal use only.  They are copyrighted intellectual property and may not be posted or mixed into other creations.

Click here to listen to and/or download the Restoration Sound Meditation.

©2017 Tom Kenyon   All Rights Reserved
You may share copies of this message so long as you do not alter it any way, do not post it on video sites such as You Tube, do not charge for it and include this entire copyright notice. Please note that this permission does not apply to the sound meditation, Restoration or any of the content on our website.

Information Not Directly Related to this Message

Tom will be teaching only two workshops this year: a one-day Sound Immersion Intensive in New York, New York on May 27th and a two-day Hathor Intensive called Dendera: Entering the Inner Temple in Seattle, Washington September 30 – October 1. For more information about these workshops, click here or go to the Calendar section of the website.

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Our mailing address is:

Tom Kenyon

PO Box 98

Orcas, WA 98280

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Copyright (C) 2017 Tom Kenyon All rights reserved.

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Greetings from Galactic Heart. 

Yesterday’s webinar was powerful. Love. The most powerful, creative force. When we come together in Love, we can move mountains ~ or catapult a broken 3D reality into a thriving 5D reality. Truly, Together we are Victorious!

During our webinars, Sheldan’s presentations are designed to awaken your suppressed DNA. AND, we, as a collective, take the opportunity to create a tapestry of Light and flood our beloved planet with Starseed LOVE.

Here’s a few comments from webinar attendees:

Hi Sheldan and Colleen, Today’s webinar was powerful beyond mere words. It so beautifully took what we have been told and experienced and merged fear into Love giving us the Knowing we need to be our most effective self is this fast-approaching time. It made me aware that we all have the credentials to step forward and expertly assume the roles our missions call for. Thank you for providing this amazing experience. Jan D

Many thanks for this amazing webinar…I can’t imagine going through these awakening times without your support, information, & love. With heart felt gratitude Di K (Canada)

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Spreading Love Not Fear ~~~

How We Can Shift Our Fear to Love

Feeling overwhelmed by today’s constant barrage of fear?

The power of Love can free us to prepare for announcements and our shift to full consciousness.


Topics include…

• Dark Cabal’s agenda to manipulate us with fear 
• How our 3D system is built around fear 
• The Galactics: benevolent beings of Love 
• How the Galactics will mentor us to awaken our Love 
• How our love can overpower fear and move us toward 5D

Thursday, February 23, 6 to 7:30 p.m. PST

Talk to Sheldan Live…simply by using your home computer 
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.



by Morag, Guest writer,


Stargates and portals are opening more and more frequently. The return of the divine feminine spreading her wings, activating upgrades in our heart, solar plexus and throat chakras. Creating the desired energetic space for quantum realignment. More of us coming online with Gaia’s transition to higher frequencies.

People are waking up everywhere, everyday. At an accelerating rate. The internet, a big player in this evolution of consciousness, restores a village, tribal culture to a disparate, captive and lost civilisation. Like minded people can find each other, resources can be exchanged fairly. We can communicate without a middle man. A greedy man. A deceptive man.

Common courtesy, dignity and respect can be restored. The fifth dimension on Gaia will be tribal space age. It will be cleaning our seas, restoring our land, redesigning our cities. Bringing the mind body spirit system back online, interconnected with Gaia.

The surge in awakening energy emanating from people is fusing with the cosmic waves of awakening from the universe. Combined with Gaia’s own transition to higher frequencies, we are surfing some truly stormy seas!

Our guides and higher selves, the Intergalactic community, are watching us closely. No nuclear weapons can be detonated, direct intervention has been cleared for some decades on that one. The rest however is up to us. How we steer our own little ships in the greater global seas of change will determine our own and the planet’s future.

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A rich and glorious planet like this, fertile, abundant and beautiful is rarer than we think. Most planets are inhabited inside rather than on the crust. There is more than enough for everyone. Greed is the core enemy of this planet and her people. Erase greed and we erase poverty. We erase environmental destruction, we learn to live in tandem with Gaia. We produce the right food in the right places. We work with the seasons, the land, the seas to achieve equilibrium with our environment.

It has taken 70 years to accelerate destruction in the guise of capitalist economic profiteering. We can begin to restore her grace in less time with careful planning, coordination and commitment. Using Gaia’s gifts to heal us, nourish us and grow us.

Trump is an Age of Aquarius catalyst, a necessary evil. To have Clinton would be to still exist in the matrix illusion. No change for the elite, business as usual. Trump literally is the trump card, the wild card, the joker in the pack.

Already uniting millions against the corrupt, fascist, capitalist system he represents with all its inherent evils. He doesn’t play the game, their game, anyone’s game. A catalyst for change needs to be disruptive.

We watch agog as the Trumpocalypse wave rolls on. But we mobilise as well.

Waking up needs a trigger. Unplugging requires a radical stimulus. Unplug from mainstream media. Open our eyes and see truth. Meditate! Wake up our chakras, take care of ourselves. These tumultuous energies are ultimately going to pull us into alignment. Chakra clearing, strengthening and balancing.

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Trump is one catalyst on the world stage, there will also be Trump moments in our own lives, catalysts for change. Wake up triggers. Boom. You start to see. Clarity. Awakening. And then the real work begins. Sleep is easy. Awake is where the real fun lies. The challenges, the highs, the lows, the thrills and the bliss of love frequency.

As this transition builds momentum many of us are feeling a wish to escape, release our spirit, free ourselves from the routines and responsibilities, the stresses and pressures of third dimensional living. Now is the time we most need to anchor our light, ground ourselves and be present.

This is a balancing act between fifth dimensional frequency alignment and this reality. We are being pulled in different directions. The fears and pressures of the matrix draw our vibrations down, escaping through meditation and retreat can elevate us away up through our crown chakra.

We should focus on our solar plexus to build and anchor strength in this core power chakra. Centering us, grounded and elevated simultaneously. This is the beginning of quantum existence.

When the matrix drags you down the rabbit hole of darkness, meditate and breathe. Ask for help from your guides, then listen. If you’re caught up in drama, someone else’s or your own, try and stop time for just a moment. Regroup, rebalance and calm down. Breathe, three times, throat chest stomach. Ask for your aura and each chakra to be cleared, strengthened and balanced.

There is a lot of anger in the atmosphere, real authentic rightful anger. Each section or group of society that has been treated poorly by the elite is waking up and they are angry. The injustices of this planet are astounding. To live with the anger is tough. To try and release it, transmute it, exhale it is a relentless challenge in this lifetime. Anger corrodes the soul. It breaks it down, poisons it with denser frequency and makes it gritty and dirty. Yet if you wake up and don’t feel angry well…you’ve not really woken up.

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The straight white male, the ideal in this patriarchal matrix, has been short-changed as well. Boxed in and labelled with structured expectations and punished with harsh consequences if he doesn’t conform. No one is safe, as they awaken, from anger. Some may feel survivors guilt or somehow complicit. It is all programming, the enforced disconnection of our mind body and soul system.

Manifestation means if we sit in this anger too long it becomes our ongoing reality. After time it hardens into bitterness, taking root in our physical bodies as illness.

Anger comes out when you least expect it. It can upset you more than many other emotions. It can leave you feeling ashamed, guilty, obstinate and moody. This is bad juju and it can affect those around us badly. A self fulfilling prophecy, a karmic wheel of anger.

So how do we step out of a dense emotion like anger, transmute and release it without harming ourselves or others in the process?

Finding a balance between the multi worlds of higher frequency existence and third dimension life is the key. Knowing when to engage and when to release. Listening to our intuition, our instincts, our guides, our higher self, our wisdom is key. Stabiity comes from awareness, reflection and learning, not stewing in the darkness of negative emotions.

Climbing out of that dark pit. Hauling ourselves back up over the edge into sunlight. It takes work. Effort. Energy. And focus. This is not a lifetime to coast, this is a lifetime of accelerated growth, fast, hard lessons and steep learning curves.

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Taking time to process such an immense cosmic rollercoaster of a ride is essential to maintain some kind of equilibrium between being too third dimensional and too crown chakra floaty.

Core strength through self care, cleansing our minds of toxins, staying connected to our bodies will help. Let the love light energy build inside you, from the core out. Breathe into your solar plexus for strength and stillness. Reach inside yourself for gratitude, see and feel the good things in your life. Connect to those emotions and embrace the rush of love that will flow through your system.

We are in rough energetic seas friends, ride them in solidarity and support and release the depths of the anger to the universe, let her deal with it. If we are in the End Times then we are also in the Beginning Times. Embrace the transition by lightening our emotional energetic loads. Cleanse and clear, balance and strengthen, love and be loved. Together we can manifest growth, grace and gratitude in our own lives and on Gaia.

Mantra: I am a loving, fluid, beautiful being.


About the author: Born and raised in Glasgow I graduated with an MA in English & Politics, then spent time traveling in Australia. I came home to study, graduating with an MSC in Business Marketing Management. I followed this with a PGCE in English and taught for a year in Glasgow before moving to East London where I taught English and worked as a Head of Year for 14 years. After the birth of my second daughter I left teaching and have been a stay at home mum for three years. During this time I have led guided meditation groups, retrained as a reiki healer. I am clairvoyant and clairaudient; I’ve been reading tarot for 25 years. I have always instinctively understood that this world was being run by a small group of men. A recovering Catholic, I experienced my spiritual awakening after breaking my leg three years ago. The realization that quantum mechanics is oneness changed my life. I now write, work as a spiritual healer using reiki, crystals and Starseed Tarot Cards and take part in local healing festivals.

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This week's present moment reminder.

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Greetings, Beloved One!The breath. One of life’s greatest informants. It signals to us whether we are stressed or relaxed.
If shallow or fast, we know that is a signal to slow and deepen the breath as a gift to the (sometimes) overstimulated nervous system.Can we breathe slowly and more peacefully and let the world empath us, instead of waiting for the world to become peaceful first?

Let us anchor a deep breath of “All is Well” and let the world feel what that feels like.

Please join us in breathing, loving, and blessing all beings everywhere for the benefit of all hearts in existence.Love & blessings,



Cari Murphy’s “Straight Talk for the Soul” Interview with Matt

Mon. February 20, 11am-12:30pm Pacific

Mark your calendar, set your Zen chime reminder on your phone — Monday’s live call with Cari and Matt will be filled with love and unexpected surprises! We cherish these dialogues, and welcome your presence for the journey. Please join us.






February 20 Cari Murphy Straight Talk for the Soul Masterclass Series Interview with Matt Kahn Cari is such a sweetheart. We love it when she dialogues with Matt and the unexpected arises. Please join the call LIVE on Monday!


March 1-5 A 5-Day Heart Opening Soul Convergence – Portland, OR – Just 19 spaces left for those destined to be there! Feeling spontaneous? Feeling the energy of it already like we are? You are invited for the trip of a lifetime. This is our most favorite way to offer the fullest visceral experience of the teachings and energies. The videos are only a 1/3 of the full experience. Welcome.





Yes, indeed, it is. “Let your breath tell you what’s true about life,” not your TV. Wise words from Matt on navigating a world of radical change.

Are you the announcer of “All is Well” for the well-being and evolution of this planet? Our BRAND NEW video answers a lot of questions so many of you have had lately. Please subscribe to our YouTube channel, and share these healing videos far and wide with friends and family. The Love Revolution continues!


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This is it! The next phase of our Love (R)evolution

What beyond belief times we live in.
As every day the frequency on mother earth is growing exponentially, all that is not in alignment with the highest light will come to the surface to be healed and transformed into its divine nature. That is why on a collective and individual level we are being challenged as never before, to awaken our compassionate hearts, our wise minds, our miraculous bodies and our highest potential to serve the wellbeing of all.
You are needed as never before to no longer hide any gifts you already carry inside and to shine your light in your powerfully unique way.
You are essential in this Love (R)evolution we are in, if this wasn’t so you would not be here.
All of existence no matter how it may feel or look is a perfect creation that is beyond all ideas of good and evil. Evil is only that which has forgotten the goodness that it really is. We are not here to fight evil we are here to liberate it as only the goodness that you are can.
You are much more amazing and powerful then you may believe.
You may say what can this ‘little person’ that I am do, when all sorts of grand wars and evils are raging over the planet. Well you come from the source of all that is and are an embodiment of source energy. Therefore you have the creative force of source at your disposal when you affirm this to be so.
The darkness may seem bigger and stronger than you but only when you believe it to be so. In reality when you would align by being in a state of relaxation, your source power and all the gifts you carry inside would switch on and transform all darkness.
This may sound too easy for you to transform all darkness. You may think that complex challenges need complex solutions, but the opposite has over and over again turned to be true for me.
I share with you a simple principle that when you really apply and master it, it will blow you to pieces and reshape your being in the kickass master you really are. I invite you to try it out by yourself, to see what happens when you relax your breathing and body even in the most daring circumstances. That is what you are here to remember to master relaxation.
Speaking from experience the principle may be simple to implement, the mastering of it can be excruciating challenging. I have come a very long way in mastering it in comparison to the extremely stressed being that I was for many years. Also only the last two years I have started to realize that this is what I was here to most of all remember and master, as it is the basis of awakening your highest potential. When you master this all other things you are here to develop will develop effortlessly and miraculously.
I have for 2 weeks or so been on hiatus from social media as I have been challenged to awaken at an even more radical pace than I already was. I discern per moment what choices are in alignment and so far it still feels like the right thing to do, to be on hiatus. I was just called to deliver this message and so I did.
I wish you a joyous, abundant and miraculous celebration of your home coming because that is what the Love (R)evolution essentially is.
Every moment how terrifying and awful it may look and feel, it is source calling you back to the home you never really left, because you are It!
Namasté and many blessings to you dear friends and fellow kickass masters,
Jonathan Geesing
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Welcome to PAO’s Live Webinar for February…

Feeling overwhelmed by today’s constant barrage of fear?

The power of Love can free us to prepare for announcements and our shift to full consciousness.

Spreading Love Not Fear ~~~

How We Can Shift Our Fear to Love


Topics include…

• Dark Cabal’s agenda to manipulate us with fear 
• How our 3D system is built around fear 
• The Galactics: benevolent beings of Love 
• How the Galactics will mentor us to awaken our Love 
• How our love can overpower fear and move us toward 5D

Sunday, February 19, 12 to 1:30 p.m. PST


Thursday, February 23, 6 to 7:30 p.m. PST

Talk to Sheldan Live…simply by using your home computer 
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.


Golden Age Messages from the Masters

through the founders of the Ascended Masters Mystery School

A New Point of No Return ~~

Part I, February 2017

Along every path, there comes a point that, when crossed, marks the place where a new and higher awareness arises regarding your higher purpose and the reasons that you chose the path you did. At this point there frequently arises an awareness that the worst or most difficult part of your journey is behind you, and from then on the path will provide you with increasing opportunities to practice your mastery and your living as the Presence of God embodied.

~ Jeshua the Christ


The more you align with this new point of no return, the more you move into new awarenesses with such presence, that you will never again choose to live in a limited state of being. It will seem as though you are on a completely new path and you will experience ongoing feelings of lightness as you continue to move into uncharted territories. The newness you will be feeling is simply reflected in part, by the vacuum left behind by your no longer practicing the old paradigms or ways of so-called thinking. Their absence initially created an energetic space for the new or higher awareness to begin taking its place in the vacuum, and demonstrate that this new awareness is fully capable of picking up where the old left off, and of going beyond where the old paradigm could not go. With the proving to the self that the new or higher awareness really is suited to do what needs be done in your every day, will come the feeling of true and real comfort, that this new and seeming un-charted territory is a happy place to be, and the desire to find out all that it has to offer grows.

It is no fluke that this new point of no return has been crossed, and like stepping gingerly into a beautiful lake, first with just the toes to sense the waters temperature, there comes now the great desire to immerse completely as the warmth of the water has been sensed to be just perfect. This is the joyous and thrilling replacement for all the times spent earlier in the muddied and fouled waters of false or un-real thinking. This new point of no return represents the time of true return to real thinking, or God-thinking. The muddied and fouled waters always represented the time of limited ego personality beliefs, or thinking outside of God and the Presence of God within you. The soul has moved you to and through this new point of no return, for it has communicated successfully to you that all of the experiences you have asked for in separation consciousness have been fulfilled and no more new experiences of limitation are needed in any way.


Now spend your time getting used to listening, and trusting that what is heard is really to be acted upon. This is a time for far more happy and accurate discernment, as it becomes daily more and more easy to choose the new awareness, leaving the old paradigms alone and un-touched. There has already come the happy awareness that the old paradigms always bark the loudest and have been first to come up in the mind for attention and selection. At the same time has also come the new awareness that selection of those old paradigms will not and cannot produce the higher results now needed. The awareness has come that those old paradigms simply were not able to do what is now needed, yet served a purpose for an earlier time to produce certain specified results, and only those. And now, that no more of those limited kinds of results are needed or wanted, those old paradigms can rest in peace, and be sent back to the energies from where they were originally created, to be re-created by God and the Presence of God within you to produce a far higher, beneficial result.

This is the happy practice of crossing this new point of no return, and going on. This is what everyone has come for in their choice to return to Oneness, and ending the ideas of limitation and separation. This is the happy practice of becoming a listener for the real thinking of God to fill the consciousness, instead of engaging in the old practice of listening to the ideas of the limited ego personality self, which never provided lasting fulfillment. The crossing of this new point of no return shows, with ever greater frequency, that ideas practiced in the clear waters of God-thinking always provide complete and lasting fulfillment to the soul, are happy ideas that serve family, community, Gaia and more. The idea to even think of returning to old ways before this new point of no return was crossed, have become either reprehensible or no longer exist.

The reflection back into earlier phases of life experiences will always reveal where the point of no return has been crossed every time, and simultaneously, reveals where a new or higher learning begins to take place. Only where that line has not been crossed, or pulled back from in fear, would also simultaneously reveal where life became more difficult or arduous, and pain levels, whether emotional, mental, or physical, became more intense. This would also point to the time shortly afterwards, and where perhaps a new opportunity arose and the point of no return was crossed successfully. Each time the point of no return has been successfully crossed, it has become easier to welcome in a new and higher way of thinking and being, which also reflects a happier and healthier life from that point on. We invite you to step into these new uncharted waters that hold the magic and majesty of everything you desire.


Walk the Earth as a Living Master offers Courses

Ascension Coaching Certification Training

A 3-Month Online Program 
For more information, go to:

Private Mentoring with the Masters

A Year-Long Program 
For more information, go to:

The Courses to Walk the Earth as a Living Master have been designed by the Ascended Masters to assist you in embodying the Presence and living in freedom and abundance. To learn more about the other Courses and Teachers Trainings, go to: and click on the Menu.

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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .


February is know as the month of Love because of the celebrated Valentine’s Day. It provides an opportunity for Starseeds and Lightworkers to use the collective Love energies, adding to your own, and create magic! You are the alchemists in action. Join us this month as Sheldan shares a galactic perspective on how to shift our fear to Love.


Welcome to PAO’s Live Webinar for February…

Spreading Love Not Fear ~~~

How We Can Shift Our Fear to Love

Feeling overwhelmed by today’s constant barrage of fear?

The power of Love can free us to prepare for announcements and our shift to full consciousness.


Topics include…

• Dark Cabal’s agenda to manipulate us with fear 
• How our 3D system is built around fear 
• The Galactics: benevolent beings of Love 
• How the Galactics will mentor us to awaken our Love 
• How our love can overpower fear and move us toward 5D

Sunday, February 19, 12 to 1:30 p.m. PST


Thursday, February 23, 6 to 7:30 p.m. PST

Talk to Sheldan Live…simply by using your home computer 
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

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by Patricia Cota-Robles

February 1, 2017


When we see the many challenging things taking place around the World, it is obvious that this is a very confusing and sometimes frightening time. In many instances it looks and feels like no matter how hard we try things seem to be getting worse. I know that is very disheartening and many people feel hopeless and helpless when confronted with all of the adversity occurring on this planet. But the good news is in spite of outer appearances things are NOT getting worse, quite the contrary.

This phenomenon is happening because there is an unprecedented Awakening taking place within the hearts and minds of Humanity. People everywhere are beginning to remember that they are not just their fragmented and fear-based human ego. They are a beloved Son or Daughter of God who is on Earth during this auspicious time for a reason.

There is a powerful stirring taking place within the Divinity of every person’s heart. This is causing people to remember that they have an important mission to fulfill and that they have come to Earth to accomplish a critical facet of their own, and Humanity’s, unfolding Divine Plan. Some of the people may not yet remember the specifics of their mission on a conscious level, but the prompting in their heart is causing them to go within and to seek answers.

When we go within to seek answers, the floodgates of Heaven open in response to our questions and our heartfelt pleas. Sometimes we do not realize this because we fail to take the time to listen for answers to the questions we are asking. Nevertheless, our prayers are always heard and they are always answered. Every single day, the Awakening taking place at this time is inspiring literally BILLIONS of people to go within and to reach out to God or a Higher Power in one way or another.


With every request, the Light of God flows through the Divinity within the heart of the person making the request and floods into the person, place, condition or thing the person is asking God to help. The Light of God penetrates into everything that conflicts with that Light and pushes it to the surface to be healed and transmuted back into its original perfection. This is why it appears as though things are getting worse. But once that negativity has been healed and transmuted, the Light of God will then fulfill the highest good of whatever the person is requesting.

Things only seem to be getting worse because we look at the outer world and we can easily see the horrific negativity being pushed to the surface at a mind boggling pace. What we do not see, however, is the incredible Light of God that is pushing those confusing and painful things to the surface. The important thing for us to KNOW is that this greatly intensified purging would not be occurring if it were going to cause more harm than good. This accelerated purging is happening because Awakened Humanity is remembering that WE ARE THE ONES who have either deliberately or inadvertently miscreated these painful things sometime during our Earthly sojourns. And we realize that WE ARE THE ONES who are responsible for transmuting these gross mutations back into Light before we can cocreate the lives we have been longing for since our fall into separation and duality aeons ago.

Within the embrace of God’s Divine Grace and the intervention of our I AM Presence, we have all agreed to experience the intensity of this purging process, because we know that the faster the negativity surfaces the sooner we will be able to transmute it back into Light. Then the way will be cleared, so that we can cocreate the patterns of perfection for the New Earth tangibly in our lives. Those are the exquisite patterns of Divine Love, Oneness, Reverence for ALL Life, Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance.



The wonderful thing is that this greatly accelerated influx of Divine Light is also raising Humanity’s vibrations. This is helping people to raise their heads above the negativity surfacing to be healed. Once we get our heads above the mud puddle of our painful human miscreations, our I AM Presence is able to easily communicate with us and will motivate us into action.

Millions of people are now listening to their Heart’s Call and taking action. They are no longer willing to just stand by or to be silent in the face of adversity. Awakened people no longer feel helpless or hopeless. They realize that they are not just the victims of circumstance; they are the cocreators of their lives. They feel empowered and they KNOW that when they join with other people their ability to change the course of history is limitless.

Evidence of this Truth is the fact that women, men and children around the World are taking to the streets and to social media to protest the abhorrent things that our leaders, our corporations, and people in general are doing to one another that do not reflect the fact that WE ARE ONE and there is no separation. This means quite literally that there is no such thing as “us and them.” What we do to harm one part of Life harms ALL Life. What we do to enhance and bless one part of Life enhances all Life. The time for us to REMEMBER that profound Truth and to act from that knowing is NOW!

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As the negativity is pushed to the surface and transmuted back into Light, we must replace those discordant human miscreations with patterns of perfection from the New Earth that will enhance all life. The Beings of Light from the Realms of Illumined Truth have revealed that the patterns from the New Earth that will have the greatest impact in transforming this planet from the illusion of duality and separation into the reality of Divine Love, Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life are the inseparable patterns of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance.

According to the Company of Heaven, the greatest need of the hour is for Awakened Humanity to magnetize these patterns from the Realms of Cause where they are pulsating in all of their resplendent glory, and anchor them into the physical plane of Earth so they can tangibly manifest in every person’s life. This is a critical facet of the unfolding Divine Plan for 2017.

In response to the heartfelt pleas of millions of people, the Company of Heaven has given us a powerful Activity of Light that will empower each of us to magnetize the patterns of Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance from the Realms of Cause into the physical plane of Earth.

To begin to fathom how important this phase of the Divine Plan is, just imagine what the outer world will be like once Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance are tangible realities in every person’s life.

We are powerful beyond our knowing. Together we have the ability to manifest these patterns in what will be perceived as “the twinkling of an eye” compared to the aeons of time we have been miscreating the illusions of separation and duality.

Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance tangibly in our lives.To help us accomplish this facet of the Divine Plan for 2017, I have produced a YouTube video that will allow all of us to easily participate in the Activity of Light that has been given to Humanity by the Company of Heaven with the Divine Intent of guiding us through the process of anchoring the patterns of Co-creating eternal peace and God’s Infinite Abundance.

A YouTube Video

Cocreating Eternal Peace and God’s Infinite Abundance

by Patricia Cota-Robles

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Patricia Cota-Robles 
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose 
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

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