Monatsarchive: Januar 2017


We are happy to announce the premiere of our Bashar documentary, “First Contact”! Zia Films and Bashar Communications are now working to bring this unique, groundbreaking film to a theater near you! First Contact, narrated by legendary actor James Woods, tells the true story of Darryl Anka’s UFO encounter that led him to channel an extraterrestrial entity called Bashar who delivers powerful messages to humanity. The film explores channeling and the potential positive impact of ET contact on our society.


01/11/2017 by John Smallman

Here in the spiritual we realms we continue to be in great joy as humanity’s awakening process accelerates and more and more humans start to become aware that something of major significance is happening in their individual lives and on Earth.  The energies enveloping the planet are strengthening and intensifying moment by moment, and you truly can have no idea of the affect that they are having everywhere – on nations, governments, religious organizations, multi-national corporations, political organizations, charitable organizations, indigenous peoples, military, police, intelligence agencies, and of course work places, families, and personal relationships – ENORMOUS changes are in progress right now!

AND, nearly everyone is feeling these amazing energies of change.  Most are confused, they think that there is something wrong with them and are afraid to mention it to anyone.  Therefore there are millions and millions of humans feeling these energies and who remain afraid to talk about them because they are sure they will be thought “weird” or “woo-woo.”  Consequently it is absolutely essential that you, the Light workers, the Light bearers, the Way-showers, and all who are aware that they are beginning to awaken, daily make and strengthen your intent to be only loving, and to be so in every moment.  Humanity and the planet needs the energy that you allow to flow through you, suffusing you utterly and completely as it goes on its way out into the wide world beyond you embracing and comforting all on Earth.

This is the time for which you incarnated, this is the time for awakening, and this is the time when it is going to happen.  REJOICE!!!

“God so Loved the World that he gave His only begotten Son.” (John 3.16)  Well He/She is YOU!  This is your time of resurrection, your time of awakening, of ascension.  It was foretold in the Bible – old and new testaments – so do not bury your heads in the sand and say “this can’t be happening” or “I must be imagining this.”  What you are “imagining” is the illusory world, the one that will fade from your memories as you awaken into the Light of God’s eternal Presence and know yourselves at last as who you truly are, One forever with Source.  REJOICE!

God’s Love for all His progeny is limitless, and humanity has finally collectively chosen to open its collective Heart to allow that Love to pour in abundantly, and that is what It is doing.  You are all feeling It.  It is impossible not to feel It, nevertheless, you can choose not to recognize It for what It is and decide that you need medication or a psychotherapist to “cure” you of these weird and strange sensations.

They are strange because you have for so long been closed to them, choosing to engage only with the world outside yourselves, the unreal world that you rebuild in every moment to prevent its collapse.  As you open your individual hearts to align with your collective Heart and allow Love to flow through you freely and abundantly, as is It’s intent when you permit It to do so, you will experience the knowing that Love is everything and all doubts about It will dissolve.

Love is your nature, you are One with It, and when you allow yourselves to accept and honor this divine Truth your lives will change, the sensations of strangeness will become sensations of pure Love filling your hearts, and you will know yourselves once more.  Doubt and anxiety will fall away because they cannot be present in those who know their Truth as you will do if you will allow yourselves to do so.  Who you are is constant and unchanging, unlike within the illusion where you have different personas or masks for different situations and relationships, and to be fully aware of who you are is a divine gift from God to you, given you at the moment of your creation and forever unalterable.  How could what is One, what is God, ever change?

All that changes is the illusion, and it changes because it is illusory, which is a state of constant change, constant in the sense that is changing and being rebuilt in every moment by your collective intent to maintain it.  When the collective chooses no longer to support it it will be gone.

Those who choose to no longer be part of the collective will go with it to a new illusory arena where they can continue to play their painful games of unreality for as long as they wish, harming only themselves, and inserting into it themselves as a new and much smaller collective.  Those who make that choice, which is a choice to remain asleep, will be unaware of the enormous changes that are taking place, and will continue to experience conflict, pain, suffering, and fear until they too finally make the choice to awaken.

All will make that choice quite freely and easily when they decide that they are ready, because they have, like all conscious beings, free will and the inalienable right to sleep indefinitely or to wake up.  However indefinitely is not forever.  The illusion is completely dependent on your support to maintain it, and when the numbers in the new collective diminish sufficiently that illusory environment will also collapse.  The last few will just sleep on quietly until they finally feel the nudge to awaken, when they too will return Home.

No one is ever abandoned, lost, or discarded, every divine creation is eternal and will return into the joy of God’s divine embrace. There is no need whatsoever to concern yourselves about the fate of loved ones who appear to be completely unaware of Reality, no harm can befall them because, like all of you, they are eternally supported by God’s Love for them, and it is This that will lead them safely Home.  Remember there is nowhere else!

With so very much love, Saul.

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Wir haben Gentechnik satt!Die Union will das Comeback der Gentechnik auf unseren Feldern – und so der Agrarindustrie enorme Marktmacht schenken. In der SPD gibt es Widerstand – das ist zwar ein Anfang, reicht aber nicht. Auf der „Wir haben es satt“-Demo am Samstag in einer Woche in Berlin mischen sich tausende Bürger/innen ein. Die Botschaft am 21. Januar ist klar: Nein zum neuen Gentechnik-Gesetz, Ja zur Agrarwende! Bitte sagen Sie uns jetzt, ob auch Sie dabei sind:
Ja, ich komme zur Demo
Nein, ich komme nicht

Dicke Luft im Bundestag: Die Große Koalition streitet über ein neues Gentechnik-Gesetz. Es droht, die Gentechnik zurück auf unsere Felder zu bringen.[1] CDU und CSU wollen die Neuregelung mit aller Macht durchboxen – für die Agrarkonzerne wie Bayer und Monsanto. Die SPD wehrt sich allerdings. Es ist eine der letzten großen Schlachten vor der Bundestagswahl. Am Samstag in einer Woche, den 21. Januar greifen tausende Bürgerinnen und Bürger ein: Dann ziehen wir mit der „Wir haben es satt“-Demo durchs Berliner Regierungsviertel.

Bunte Fahnen und Transparente, kreative Aktionsbilder, hundert Traktoren auf Berlins Straßen – solche Bilder in den Abendnachrichten zeigen: Die Bewegung für eine bäuerliche und ökologischere Landwirtschaft steht auch in 2017!

Lassen Sie uns am Samstag, den 21. Januar mit der „Wir haben es satt!“-Demo für einen riesigen Medienwirbel sorgen: Gentechnik gehört bundesweit verboten – endgültig! Für uns ist es wichtig, zu wissen, ob Sie dabei sind. Bitte sagen Sie es uns jetzt:

Ja, ich komme zur Demo
Nein, ich komme nicht
In 2017 geht es um viel: Die Agrarpolitik der nächsten Bundesregierung stellt die grundlegenden Weichen für die Landwirtschaft der kommenden Jahre.

  • Das neue Gentechnik-Gesetz von Agrarminister Christian Schmidt hat so viele Schlupflöcher, dass Monsanto und Co. uns bald gefährliche Gen-Manipulationen auftischen könnten. Das müssen wir verhindern!
  • Unser zäher Widerstand hat bewirkt, dass das Ackergift Glyphosat nur für wenige Monate erneut zugelassen wurde – nicht für weitere 15 Jahre. Aber schon in diesem Jahr entscheidet die EU-Kommission in Brüssel erneut, ob das Pestizid von Monsanto weiter in Europa eingesetzt werden darf. Wir wollen das Nein erreichen!
  • Immer mehr Megaställe mit hunderttausenden Schweinen, Hähnchen oder Rindern machen sich auf dem Land breit – viele Bauernhöfe müssen schließen. Wir wollen Tierleid und Bauernhofsterben zu einem zentralen Thema bei der kommenden Bundestagswahl machen. Immerhin streitet die Bundesregierung schon jetzt über mögliche Einschränkungen für Tierfabriken.[2]
  • Die EU schlägt Alarm und setzt die Bundesregierung unter Zugzwang: Deutschlands Trinkwasser wird durch Gülle und Überdüngung aus der Massentierhaltung immer mehr verunreinigt. Besonders erschreckend: Unser Grundwasser ist mit Nitrat verseucht.[3] Da gibt es akuten Handlungsbedarf!

Die „Wir haben es satt“-Demo 2017 ist bedeutend – denn die Agrarwende ist überfällig! Deswegen gehen am 21. Januar wieder viele tausende Menschen auf die Straße und sorgen für spektakuläre Bilder. In einem breiten Bündnis aus BUND, Attac, Germanwatch, Brot für die Welt, Oxfam und vielen weiteren machen wir gemeinsam mit Verbraucherinnen und Verbrauchern, Bäuerinnen und Bauern, Imkerinnen und Imkern, Gärtnerinnen und Gärtnern klar: Schluss mit Megakonzernen, Tierfabriken und Gentechnik!

Aber nur mit Ihnen wird unser Protest groß. Kommen Sie am 21. Januar nach Berlin auf die „Wir haben es satt“-Demo und streiten Sie für eine bäuerliche und ökologischere Landwirtschaft! Und sagen Sie uns bitte jetzt, ob wir mit Ihnen rechnen können:

Ja, ich komme zur Demo
Nein, ich komme nicht
Herzliche Grüße
Ihre Linda Neddermann, CampaigningPS: Nur vier Konzerne kontrollieren 70 Prozent des weltweiten Agrarhandels – damit ist die industrielle Landwirtschaft auf dem Vormarsch. Im aktuellen „Konzernatlas 2017“ warnen Expert/innen vor dieser Marktmacht.[4] Wir müssen verhindern, dass sich auf unseren Tellern Monopole bilden – und in einer großen Bürgerbewegung für eine andere Agrarpolitik streiten.
Ja, ich komme zur Demo
Nein, ich komme nicht
[1] „Kommt jetzt doch Genmais auf die Teller?“; Zeit Online, 2.11.2016
[2] „Umweltministerin Hendricks will große Mastanlagen bekämpfen“; Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 24.8.2016
[3] „Grundwasser durch Nitrat verseucht“; Spiegel Online, 3.1.2017
[4] „Daten und Fakten über die Agrar- und Lebensmittelindustrie“, Konzernatlas 2017
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Six new teachings recently added to Eckhart Tolle Now
Discussing happiness independent of active thought, Eckhart considers the purity of consciousness embodied in examples such as dogs and the classical idea of the holy fool.
Speaking with Authenticity
Kim shares a teaching on engaging the body in order to speak from a place of authenticity.
Life Is a Series of Challenges
Eckhart considers how the experience of difficulty, setback, and challenge is both unavoidable and an opportunity to deepen one’s consciousness.
Is there a limit to what stillness can do for the healing process?
Spontaneous healing within a state of Presence has been known to occur, but is not even remotely a guaranteed byproduct of stillness.
Do antidepressants interfere with the ability to be present?
Eckhart admits that he doesn’t have the experience to properly answer this question, engaging in conversation with questioner about the mutual experiences of substances getting in the way of presence.
Is there a way to be truly social without engaging in gossip?
Eckhart assures the questioner that it is indeed possible to be social without engaging in ego-motivated speech such as gossip (one can speak on shared interests and culture, for instance).
Eckhart Tolle Now  
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book by Sheldan Nidle

“Your First Contact” describes where we came from, why we’re here, and where we are going in this vast experiment in consciousness. Join our Sirian tour guides for the ultimate E-ticket ride of your life.


360 pages with illustrations, charts and glossary.

Since childhood, Sheldan Nidle (author of the bestselling, “You Are Becoming a Galactic Human”) has had access to vital information regarding Earth’s hidden history and amazing data on extraterrestrial science, culture and spirituality. Now, as the End Times for great changes approach, he is able to share this new knowledge with you for the first time. “Your First Contact” will take you on an amazing journey into Earth’s past, present and future. It will give you a comprehensive overview of your off-world origins, your true purpose and your spiritual destiny.

In these pages, you will discover:

How your First Contact will actually occur
Why your RNA/DNA is changing from 2 strands to 12 

What role Star Beings play in your evolution
How Earth and the solar system will evolve 

* Why your ascension into a fifth-dimensional being is at hand

To order your e-book or soft-cover book, CLICK HERE


The Celestial White Beings: Ascension Tools for 2017 and Beyond

Channeled by Natalie Glasson ~~ December 29


Transitions of any form require the embodiment and acceptance of love; the purest vibration of love from the Creator. The Creator’s love awakens your entire being, increasing the flow of the Creator’s universe through your being, releasing illusions and allowing true remembrance of the Creator to dawn.

Love of the purest vibration and intention is a tool to assisting you in aligning your entire being to all that is the Creator. It is, therefore, valuable at this time of ascension to encourage yourself to recognize the wealth of unconditional Creator love that exists within your being, emanating from your soul through your higher heart chakra and heart chakra, in truth every aspect of your being.

Recognizing the love present within your being now will support you in realizing that throughout 2016 you have been consciously or unconsciously absorbing love and aligning yourself with your inner love and Creator love. You will then be able to honour the love within your being and use it to aid the next stage of your ascension.

It is essential to take the time to consciously share your love energetically with your body, surroundings, loved ones, career and all you wish to manifest into your reality. In truth, everything within and around you. Consciously focus upon breathing love from your heart chakra into all aspects of your being and surroundings, let this love be so nourishing, illuminating and enlightening.

Let it cleanse all illusions, pain, suffering, and anything that is no longer needed. This is a simple and yet empowering practice to achieve at least once a day as we enter 2017 as well as throughout the year. It is a method of self-recognition and alignment with your soul, encouraging your soul and new aspects of your soul to ground more fully into your being and reality.

This simple practice will assist you in three ways. Firstly, it will allow your entire being and reality to be aligned with your soul. Secondly, it will assist you in accepting the love of the Creator, and thirdly, it will support you in creating the necessary shifts and experiences to aid your ascension throughout the year.


What Do You Choose to Align With?

At this stage of ascension, it is important to recognize what you are choosing to align with energetically, mentally and emotionally. Your alignment is your connection, what you choose to embody and what you believe in. Throughout 2017 it will be important to observe your thoughts, emotions, experiences and creations inviting yourself to examine what you are aligning with and how this alignment is of service to your spiritual evolution, wellbeing, and happiness.

It is valuable to ensure that your thoughts, emotions, experiences and what you choose to create in your reality are aligned with the love, wisdom, and power of the Creator which exists within your being. If your thoughts are negative, your emotions are harmful, and your experiences are limiting you, this shows there is an aspect of your being which is aligned with unhelpful energies or habits which require to be cleansed and healed.

Observing whether you choose to align yourself with the loving aspects of the Creator or the limiting aspects of your ego will allow you to embark on a deep journey of self-discovery. If your focus in 2016 was of absorbing love, then you may discover that this brings forth to you experiences of fulfilment because you have already aligned yourself with the love of the Creator and your being, so your experiences will manifest from these pure, abundant loving vibrations.

Tools to Aid Your Ascension

You may wish to meditate to ask your guides or your soul to share with you energies for you to consciously align with, to support and accelerate your ascension at this time.


In addition to your discoveries, we, the Celestial White Beings, wish to share with you energies we believe will be of service to you. You may wish to ask for your entire being to be aligned with:

Archangel Metatron, as he is anchoring and supporting the shifts or releasing of old energies, creations, and alignments which are no longer required within your being.

The Venus Beings, as they are bringing forth the second phase of their loving download of light and consciousness to the Earth and her humanity.

The Venus love is supporting your acceptance of the power and presence of love, especially at a mental level as well as encouraging a greater majority of your actions in your reality to be born from the love within your being.

The golden Christ Consciousness continues to awaken more fully upon the Earth and within humanity, sharing its pure original consciousness; the consciousness intended for humanity to embody and experience upon the Earth. The energy of the Christ Consciousness is important to support your remembrance of the Creator and aid the integration of your soul with your entire being at a physical level.

Higher Aspects of your Soul, wishing to synthesize with your physical being, therefore you can align with the wisdom, pure consciousness, love, peace, happiness, expansion, power and truth of your soul, enjoying the energies brought forth into your being because of your alignment.

The sacred union, integration and balance of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within you and within the Creator to assist this sacred balance and blend of the Creator’s energies in manifesting upon the Earth. With the purpose of recognizing the sacred balance of love, wisdom and power within each person’s soul, as well as realizing the presence of the Divine Masculine and Feminine within all, (the power of intention and embodiment to manifest creation.)

Your Soul Group, (even if you do not understand anything about your Soul Group.) As your soul merges with your being so the wisdom and abilities of your Soul Group become available to you. With alignment, this opportunity can be enhanced and experienced more fully.

Take time to connect with these energies individually or together with a simple intention, following your inner guidance.


Ground Your Truth

Allow yourself to hold the intention of grounding in order to further assist and support the downloading of new aspects of your soul in merging with your personality. Grounding at this time of ascension can be a tool to aid your deeper connection, observation, welcoming and acceptance of your soul as well as allowing the new perspective of your soul to form fully within your being, especially your mental body. Grounding can be used to accelerate the integration and embodiment of your soul.

Imagine first your soul star chakra above your head as a beacon of your soul light, holding the perspectives, consciousness, and energy of your soul. Let the light of your soul star chakra beam down upon you. Then imagine your earth star chakra below your feet, it is like a magnet drawing the light of your soul through your being. Observe as your earth star chakra fills with the light of your soul becoming a beacon of light which equals your soul star chakra.

Observe Your Perspective and Relationships

You are entering into a stage of transformation as you merge more fully with your soul, this will encourage transitions within your relationships and perspectives. You will be invited to question what you believe in, what is the truth of the Creator and what is an illusion. This will enhance your connection with your intuition as well as inviting you to let go of habits, limitations and illusions which hinder the expansion of your soul.

It is time to allow new perspectives, beliefs, opinions to form from the space of love and truth within you, which will mean that old perspectives, beliefs and opinions will need to fall away. Create intentions now that this will occur with ease and perfection for you and that you are able to make the transition into alignment with the perspectives of your soul joyfully.

Observe your relationships with yourself and others, recognize that each relationship allows you to enhance your relationship with the Creator. It is time to connect with those around you and yourself with greater truth, to ensure that all of your relationships are connections of unconditional Creator love. This process can begin by imagining that you send a beam of love from your heart to every person you meet or connect with.

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It also requires you to feel comfortable in your truth, self and to love yourself unconditionally, realizing that your love ensures you are safe, protected and healed at all times. When you develop your connection with yourself and those around you from a space of love you instantly feel a deeper bond and embodiment of the Creator in every moment of your reality.

Manifest Your Love Through Your Actions

Recognize now and throughout 2017 that it is through your actions on the Earth that you can experience the wealth of love within you, create and anchor love into the Earth, as well as support the manifestation of the Era of Love. Create an intention to ensure that you create at least three actions daily which are born from the Creator’s unconditional love within you. They can be small and simple actions that support yourself and others in connecting with the ever-growing presence of love within.

Celestial Support

We, the Celestial White Beings, are present to be of service to you and to anchor our vibrations of bliss into your being, spiritual evolution, and reality. Please call upon us to support any healing transitions or processes you wish to take place within you. Our healing vibrations are always available to you, simply call upon our energies, and we will assist you in a deep inner transformation which will emanate into your entire being and reality.

Our wisdom is always available to you as is our assistance for your soul integration. To connect with our energies simply repeat the affirmation, “I Am Bliss,” while focusing on our pure white light surrounding you and melting into your being.

It is time to create, embody and experience the love within you in creative, blissful and soul inspired ways.

“I am the Creation, Embodiment, and Experience of the Creator.”

With eternal bliss,

Celestial White Beings

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Have fun with Luke 🙂

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Welcome to PAO’s Live Webinar for January

Abundance & Announcements ~~ What’s Ahead?

2016 was a roller coaster of a year, with Brexit, the U.S. election, escalating wars, terrorist attacks and false flag events. More and more, humanity is being subjected to global turmoil.

In this Webinar, Sheldan will outline up-to-the-minute strategies on how the Galactic Federation, with our Earth Allies, is working toward reversing this chaotic trend.


Topics include…

The Latest Word On ~

• Abundance: Overcoming Security and Legal Issues 
• New Governance: The Revolutionary Team Working through an organic process 
• Announcements and Disclosure: Timing ~ Are we ready? How it will affect the awakened and unawakened. 
• Ascension: Update on Ascension Symptoms for both Gaia and humanity 
• What’s ahead in 2017

Sunday, January 22, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST


Thursday, January 26, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST

Talk to Sheldan Live…simply by using your home computer 
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.



By Kimberly Carter Gamble

Recently I was invited to talk about anything I wanted at the Architects of the New Paradigm Conference in Marin. It was a welcome opportunity to consider just what I had to say now, four years after the successful release of THRIVE, 63 years into my life.

Here is a bold look at how our daily decisions impact the world around us and why our passion matters… some simple down to earth ideas I decided would be worth your time, and mine, to consider….

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