Monatsarchive: April 2016

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Greetings from Galactic Heart…

There is a process of living in this 3D world – contrary to so many aspects of our present, 3D life, nothing is instant. And yet modern culture has taught us to expect just that, and nothing less. We have learned to be impatient.


Trusting Divine Timing

But beneath the artificially fast current of 21st Century there is a flow of life that cannot be hurried, that goes its own way at its own time. We see it in nature, in trees blossoming and flowers blooming, we see it in babies becoming toddlers becoming children, we see it in the passing seasons. No matter how impatient we are, the natural flow of life continues, without our intervention, at its own speed.

So, too, is divine timing, the universal clock, of which we and our planet are all a part. It cannot be hurried, and we must trust it.

Many of us are noticing a positive energy shift in the world. All is unfolding before our very eyes. Add your positive energy to the vision and tapestry of Light we create during every webinar. This is how we can gracefully help to manifest the changes we so desire.

Selamat Ja! 


Welcome to PAO’s Live Webinar for April


Divine timing is the universal clock, of which we and our planet are a part. It cannot be hurried, and we must trust it.

Live Webinars give us the opportunity to work together. With positive intent, we can collectively help to change this reality.


Topics include…

• Understanding the nature of 3D vs 5D time 
• Enduring frequent time delays: Learning to trust the process 
• Understanding the Divine Order: 
Divine Time for… Announcements – Disclosure – Landings – Mentoring 
• Doing our part: Working together to prepare ourselves as we await our reality shift.

Sunday, April 24, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, April 28, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California time)

After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions

Seats are Limited…Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.


What Aloe Vera Does in Your Body: Why Egyptians Called It thePlant of Immortality



Known to the Egyptians as the plant of immortality and to Native Americans as the wand of heaven, aloe vera comes with a wide array of amazing healing properties — some of which you may already be aware. You might even have your own aloe vera plant in your home for those small emergencies like scrapes, cuts, and burns, but did you know that aloe vera is not only limited to topical use and is actually even more beneficial to your body when taken internally?

Aloe vera contains over 200 biologically active, naturally occurring constituents which include polysaccharides, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, and minerals that promote nutrient absorption.

According to The Journal of Environmental Science and Health, aloe vera also possesses anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties that assist the immune system in cleansing the body of toxins and invading pathogens. But that isn’t all aloe vera juice/gel has to offer.



Aloe vera has loads of minerals including calcium, magnesium, zinc, chromium, selenium, sodium, iron, potassium, copper, and manganese. These minerals work together to boost metabolic pathways.


Aloe Vera contains important enzymes like amylase and lipase which can aid in digestion by breaking down fat and sugar molecules. One molecule in particular, Bradykinase, helps to reduce inflammation.


One study showed that aloe vera actually contains vitamin B12, which is required for the production of red blood cells. That would be great news for vegetarians and vegans in particular, who often do not get adequate amounts of B12 through their regular diet. Keep in mind however, that was just one instance and you shouldn’t rely on aloe alone for your daily requirements of b12. Other studies have shown that taking aloe can assist with the bioavailability of vitamin B12, meaning the body can more easily absorb and utilize it which can prevent deficiency. Aloe vera is also a source of vitamins A, C,E, folic acid, choline, B1, B2, B3 (niacin), and B6.

Amino Acids

Aloe vera contains 20 of the 22 essential amino acids that are required by the human body. It also contains salicylic acid, which fights inflammation and bacteria.


Other Uses For Aloe

Aside from being an excellent body cleanser, removing toxic matter from the stomach, kidneys, spleen, bladder, liver, and colon, aloe can also offer effective relief from more immediate ailments, such as indigestion, upset stomach, ulcers, and inflammation in the gut. It also strengthens the digestive tract and alleviates joint inflammation, making it a great option for arthritis sufferers.

One study found that aloe vera juice, when taken the same way as a mouthwash, was just as effective at removing plaque as the common mouthwash and its active ingredient, chlorhexidine. This is a much better alternative because it is all-natural, unlike the typical chemical-laden options found in stores.

Aloe vera gel has also been found to effectively heal mouth ulcers, which are more commonly known as canker sores.

How To Take Aloe?

Aloe can be consumed straight from the plant, but the easiest and most palatable option is probably aloe juice, which you can find in most health food stores. You can also buy the leaves from many common grocery stores, or harvest your own, and juice them yourself.

You can buy the juice and mix it into your juices and smoothies or just drink it straight up. Make sure you are buying pure aloe juice/gel which is either of the whole leaf or just the inner filet. It does have a somewhat bitter taste though, so you may want to include other things. On the bottle you can find specific dosing instructions, but it would be wise to talk to a natural health expert or do some research into the matter to find instructions on specific dosing.


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Eckhart Tolle Now


Discovering Your True Self

Eckhart discusses the process of awakening to who we are beyond form and the essential and ongoing practice of rising above thinking.

Eckhart Tolle Now  |  10 Days for $1.00Discover full retreats, monthly live meditations, an iPhone/iPad App for streaming audio and video, and more as a member of Eckhart Tolle NowTRY ECKHART TOLLE NOW FOR ONLY $1.00

Kim Eng

How do you avoid getting stuck mentally amidst spiritual experiences?

Guidance on maintaining a balanced approach to practice.

Q and A

I don’t know if I can continue being a psychotherapist.

Counsel for the counselor in navigating the challenges of therapy.

Q and A

How can we collectively deal with traumatic situations?

Helpful words on the “growing pains” of human evolution.

Q and A

How can I honor my purpose in a challenging work environment?

Advice on handling dissatisfaction and embracing the unknown.

Q and A

How can I help both the company I work for and our clients?

Do not compromise when it comes to honoring a calling.

Eckhart TeachingsPresents Eckhart Tolle Now  

Over 300 hours of Eckhart Tolle teachings, including full retreats
iPhone and iPad friendly App to stream Eckhart Tolle
Live Meditation every month
No contract and you may cancel at any time


Eckhart Teachings  |  413 S. Arthur Ave Louisville, CO  80027
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Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

from Planetary Activation Organization

Those events long promised by the Light are finally to start to appear around you. See these only as the initial confirmation of a new amazing, free and prosperous new realm.


Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

13 Muluc, 1 Kank’in, 12 Manik

Selamat Jalwa! Much continues to happen around your world! The globe is caught in a strange conundrum. On one hand it is able to openly say that the monies needed to begin both the numerous humanitarian programs and the final stages of the prosperity packages have been approved for fund transfers. Yet the recent coming and going of the business world’s first quarter have created a situation that led to another week’s delay in the transfer operations. These conditions are totally unacceptable. This worldwide process cannot be hindered by old-time business practices of either the banks or the many allied financial corporations. Despite these same old forms of delay, the required monies are ultimately to be transferred. There is now a series of alternatives that can be applied to resolve any future difficulties of this sort. We look to our earthly allies to use this new system to quickly permit these large sums to be successfully moved from Asia to any other continents as required. Therefore, the things so far encountered are to be put aside and the much-needed wealth sent on its way. The start of this process is now underway!


As you receive your first funds, be ready to spring into action. Within your community, there are those who deeply wish for you to succeed. Contact these individuals and see how your plans interface with theirs. The purpose of these funds is to help you and your community to achieve goals. Never forget this. You are working with others to create healing centers; to forge mutually acceptable means to move your community forward and to demonstrate how, together, you are forging a new reality. As all of this occurs, you are readying the infrastructure to better your community and indirectly prepare it for first contact with us. Our mentors are to finish the task of letting each of you obtain a better understanding of your personal path to full consciousness. This procedure, when looked at with the broader view in mind, paints a picture of how you are to be readied for your final necessary steps to full consciousness. These things help us to realize how your due diligence is finally to make possible what Heaven is now so graciously accomplishing!


This heavenly movement is so perfectly timed that you can easily observe how each of you is moving forward with a wondrous rhythm. Not only are you doing so, but the same is true for each ecosystem so beautifully maintained by Gaia. We have daily observed how you are changing and can also see similar patterns within the diverse biosphere of Mother Earth. The dark cabal has so far just dented this diverse set of ecosystems. Gaia, with our assistance, has kept even the most devastated system working. Here, your help combines with our more indirect assistance to keep Life on your world moving forward. What is needed is for you to vastly increase your more direct aid to these varied ecosystems. What you are doing is helping both these numerous “life zones” and your fellow humans. These projects allow Gaia to work at a pace that mirrors your progress to full consciousness. Thus, this realm is changing at the pace set by Heaven to introduce a new realm. This new realm can, at the appropriate moment, merge into the higher one found in Inner Earth.

These changes thus have a divine timetable that is set daily by Heaven. We are made aware of these daily resets and use our medical and geological teams to verify what is actually happening. As this Gregorian year moves forward, we check its progress against charts that we have compiled since we first arrived en masse at the start of the decade of the 1990s. Heaven has set a series of rhythms that are still mirroring each other. We are watching one of these, which we first chose after the time of 9/11. It has consistently shown us insights to move this surface realm toward a time when the needed merger of inner and surface worlds can truly happen. This is to occur after you have travelled with our help to Agartha and been put in your personalized Crystal Light Chamber. This time is only to be revealed to you as it happens. We are closely observing how Heaven is moving this grand set of patterns with a very gracious hand. Our task is simply to follow this grand pattern and act upon certain items designated by Heaven’s numerous Grand Councils.


Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! What is happening on your realm is a great shift from the dark reality of the cabal to the new Light realm of Heaven. We feel blessed, after millennia, to finally participate in the great reordering of your consciousness. Atlantis deeply desired to turn its former dissidents into docile servants of the ruling oligarchy. Instead, these newly-minted humans were thrust into a world largely devoid of its former inhabitants. Therefore for 13 millennia we all suffered under the harsh rule of the Anunnaki and their chosen minions. Now, in this time, you are starting to escape the fate long considered inevitable by the dark. Instead, you are being liberated and are shortly to be thrust back into full consciousness. We are part of the operations that are initially to prepare you for this wondrous journey by teaching lessons on your true history and off-world origins. These are to be combined with some deep mentoring by your off-world cousins.

There is, moreover, a need to learn about your many responsibilities and duties to Gaia and her numerous life zones. Here, we as a group intend to teach you many things. You first need to understand what all of this is intended to mean to your companions and, especially, to your wondrous Soul. Heaven is moving this reality toward a state where this can be greatly altered. As you are moved upward in consciousness, you begin to notice quick flashes from your future realm. This is all a test created to slowly make you aware of how swiftly you are being changed. It has to be done at a rate by which those things happening to you are not undertaken either too quickly or too slowly. Each of you has a natural rhythm that needs to be honored. We Masters play a part by assisting each of you during this transitory time. This requires the proper amount of grace applied and mercy added to what can surely transpire.


This deep concern is part of a sacred process that contains elements of prayer and sacred rites. The overall degree of change is immense. We are given the sacred responsibility to shepherd you and permit you to “make it” to the last step. This requires that we seek operational procedures from our sacred guides in Heaven and confer with our gracious hosts the Agarthans. This is what we do daily along with prayers and sacred ceremonies. We Masters are determined to see all of you fulfill your life contracts and become fully conscious Beings again. The moments lived in this present reality are a great degradation, as well as a great hall of lessons. It is time to rise up a new reality! It is time to see the fruits of your new growth and to witness how you are to forge the way to this new reality! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today, we again reported on what is occurring around your world. Those events long promised by the Light are finally to start to appear around you. See these only as the initial confirmation of a new amazing, free and prosperous new realm. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

For more from Galactic Federation

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Welcome to PAO’s Live Webinar for April


Divine timing is the universal clock, of which we and our planet are a part. It cannot be hurried, and we must trust it.

Live Webinars give us the opportunity to work together. With positive intent, we can collectively help to change this reality.


Topics include…

• Understanding the nature of 3D vs 5D time 
• Enduring frequent time delays: Learning to trust the process 
• Understanding the Divine Order: 
Divine Time for… Announcements – Disclosure – Landings – Mentoring 
• Doing our part: Working together to prepare ourselves as we await our reality shift.

Sunday, April 24, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, April 28, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California time)

After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions

Seats are Limited…Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

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©2016 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

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Welcome to PAO’s Live Webinar for April


Divine timing is the universal clock, of which we and our planet are a part. It cannot be hurried, and we must trust it.

Live Webinars give us the opportunity to work together. With positive intent, we can collectively help to change this reality.


Topics include…

• Understanding the nature of 3D vs 5D time 
• Enduring frequent time delays: Learning to trust the process 
• Understanding the Divine Order: 
Divine Time for… Announcements – Disclosure – Landings – Mentoring 
• Doing our part: Working together to prepare ourselves as we await our reality shift.

Sunday, April 24, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, April 28, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California time)

After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions

Seats are Limited…Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here


Plant Kingdom Transformation to Aid Your Ascension

by Galactic Logos Melchior

Channelled through Natalie Glasson ~ Original Source:Sacred School of OmNa

The soul has the purpose upon the Earth in bringing the light, love and consciousness of the Creator into manifestation. This symbolises that the purpose of your soul in this moment of ascension is to bring the gifts of the Creator into manifestation so that all may recognise their personal divinity and their collective divinity.


There are numerous opportunities of transformation available to humanity and Mother Earth at this time of ascension. Each opportunity of transformation is born from the inner planes and beings who inhabit the inner planes with the purpose of creating the divine upon the Earth. Gifts of evolution extend like breathes of light and consciousness from the Creator received by aspects of the Creator in existence on the inner planes. Every person on the Earth has a soul or essence which is connected to the inner planes and the Creator, therefore receives each breath of light and consciousness from the Creator. The soul has the purpose upon the Earth in bringing the light, love and consciousness of the Creator into manifestation. This symbolises that the purpose of your soul in this moment of ascension is to bring the gifts of the Creator into manifestation so that all may recognise their personal divinity and their collective divinity. Every part of ascension at this moment is concerned with the embodiment of divinity, which can be experienced through opening and expanding your awareness of the divine within you.

To be present is to allow yourself to be consciously aware of the divine love, light and consciousness of the Creator moving through you and all. When this awareness dawns you allow yourself to become available to receive opportunities of transformation which are beyond the process of ascension and obtaining enlightenment. You allow yourself to connect with the opportunities of synthesis and merging with the divine Creator in order to bring the reality of the Creator into manifestation for self and all. With the conscious focus of being aware of and embodying the divine you open yourself up to the new waves of transformation being gifted at this time to support ascension beyond the previous limitations of ascension.

Many plants at this time upon the Earth whether they are grown by hand, in the wilderness, for food or other reasons are ready and waiting for a download of energy, light, DNA and consciousness from the Creator which will change their entire physical structure. They will be consumed by light which will allow them to embody the divine, they will hold new energetic light codes, they may even appear to be more luminous and vibrant as well as holding new nourishment which will be ready for the new light physical bodies humanity are absorbing and embodying. In truth the plants upon the Earth are waiting to ascend so that they may hold a new level of light, consciousness and nourishment which will serve humanity and animals as well as offering light enhanced nourishment to Mother Earth. Your DNA is also shifting with the supreme waves of light anchoring into the Earth now, especially from the planet Venus who is pouring love into the Earth throughout 2016. Your chakras and auric field as well as your mind and emotions are evolving to create a new physical and energetic body which will allow your soul to further embody your physical body and reality. The same is occurring for the plant kingdom. The minerals and vitamins of plant food will be transformed to sustain human bodies of higher vibration holding greater volumes of light. The plants which are not for consuming will be able to emanate more light into the atmosphere and the soil of the Earth. This means that with the transformation of trees so the oxygen human beings inhale will be more suitable for higher vibrational living.

love-your-mother-earth design

When you evolve and ascend as a soul in a human body you encourage everything around you to achieve the same.

Unfortunately, there are circumstances which are hindering the ascension of the plant kingdom so that they can sustain the new higher vibrational human bodies. Due to abuse towards the plant kingdom such as harmful chemicals, the removal of large areas of nature, rubbish, pollution and even the lack of respect or understanding, the vibrations of the plant kingdom is being lowered. In order for the plant kingdom to receive the download from the Creator there is a need for many areas of the plant kingdom to be raised in energetic vibration. The removal of harmful chemicals, the planting of new plants and the removal of rubbish will support the plant kingdom in raising their energetic vibration. However, the respect, love and understanding of humanity for the plant kingdom will cause the most significant change and transformation allowing the plant kingdom to be supported as they raise in vibration and receive the download of the Creator causing divine evolution within the core of their beings and species.

Respect and understanding for the plant kingdom is to be conscious of their divinity. It is to be grateful for their presence, to understand their needs and to connect energetically and consciously with the plant beings. Sending healing and love to the plant kingdom as a whole or aspects of the plant kingdom local to you will support the rise in their energy vibration. Taking time to connect with the nature kingdom as a whole or an aspect of the nature kingdom, while existing in a space of listening will allow you to access the voice of nature. This way you will be able to sense the guidance that they share with you to encourage you to help them raise their light frequency. The plant kingdom has a voice, consciousness, they know how to ascend there is simply a need for humanity to listen, to accept and act upon the consciousness the plant kingdom share. The plant kingdom in many ways is not wishing you to support their ascension for their own benefits it is predominantly to continue the ascension of Mother Earth and humanity so that an Era of Love may be achieved. The ascension of the plant kingdom is selfless; they work to aid the evolution of all even those upon the inner planes

As more people realise the beauty of the plant kingdom and wish to share their time, energy, love and awareness with the plant kingdom so the plants will reach a state of light vibration. The Creator will then download more intensely into their core creating powerful shifts of transformation which will impact all upon the Earth. The result will be that when human beings eat or even exist with plants around them they will benefit from the new level of nutrients within the plants which will sustain and enhance the light within their human bodies. As humans transform all aspects of their physical bodies the food and drink which nourished them in the past will not have the same sustaining influence upon their bodies and could cause depletion of the human body. It can also be said that the vibration of the water upon the Earth requires to be raised in energetic frequency in order to continue to sustain human beings as well as the nature and animal kingdom. While the animal kingdoms are experiencing energetic shifts of ascension their ascension is more for their own evolution and soul’s growth, because the human bodies of the Era of Love will not require meat or animal products to sustain health and vitality. It will be the light frequencies held within the plant kingdom, water and even the oxygen which will support the continued health and strength of the new human bodies.

To support the transformation of your own physical body into an Era of Love human body there is a need to focus upon receiving into your entire being the love expressed from the Planet Venus at this time. Your body will transform naturally, all that is required is for you to be alert, aware and to listen to your body as it guides you. Your body will share with you all the wisdom you require in order to support the shifts of your physical body into higher light and love frequencies. It will share with you the healing it requires and the release of habits it needs assistance with. Working with, sending light and listening to the plant kingdom will also support the transformations of your physical body and the Earth.


It is important to remember that Mother Earth is also experiencing transformations within her body which are bringing new light to the Earth you call your life.

It is the Galactic Level Light which is assisting the plant kingdom at this time of ascension. I, Melchior wish to guide you to support the plant kingdom by using the Galactic light of a silver golden colour.

I, Melchior invite you to breathe deeply and to allow your conscious awareness to be within your heart chakra. Your heart chakra is a source of nourishment and deep profound love.

Imagine that within your heart is the most beautiful garden or nature land. It is filled with so many different species of plants. Allow yourself to observe the garden or nature land.

Activate your soul light, imagine, sense or acknowledge that your soul light merges with the soil which each plant is embedded into. Your soul light is acting as a loving foundation to the plants while also gifting nourishment.

Call upon my energy, Melchior, to anchor and shower the Galactic silver golden light through your crown chakra and chakras leading to your heart chakra. Feel or acknowledge the Galactic light showering over and through your heart chakra like droplets of rain upon the garden or nature area within your heart chakra. Each droplet of silver golden light holds new light, DNA and consciousness to transform the plants into their new energetic and physical bodies of light and high vibration. Imagine, sense or acknowledge each plant transforming exuding light and a new form of nourishment. You may also feel your own body reacting to the light and nourishment the plants within your heart are exuding. You may feel healthier in your body, as the nourishment of these plants will be compatible for your body.

Then simply send the energy within your heart to all of the plant kingdom upon the Earth.

Ground and centre your being as you enter back into your reality.

In your daily life when you become aware of an area of nature which is not thriving you may achieve this meditation, imagining the area of nature within your heart chakra and beginning the transformational process.

With respect and love,

Melchior, Galactic Logos

For the audio, click here

mother earth

The Amazing Secret Intelligence of Plants

By: Michelle Schoffro Cook


When I walk into my garden, I am always amazed at the beauty and bounty supplied by the vegetables, berries, herbs, fruits and flowers. Outward appearance and taste are easily appreciated, but I also admire the unquestionable intelligence at work in my garden and in the forests where I live. Plants communicate, adapt to their environments, defend themselves and build intricate internal and external systems to ensure their survival. They are also some of the smartest friends we have.

Many plants find innovative and stealthy ways to protect themselves in their natural environment. In a recent peer-reviewed article in the Ecological Society of America’s journal Ecology, researchers found that sand entrapment, a common trait in which plants produce a glue-like substance to attract sand, is an effective deterrent against predators. The researchers investigated whether this sand coating physically protected the plant from herbivores or increased crypsis, a fancy term that means the plant blends in better with its environment and is less apparent to hungry herbivores.

The experiment revealed that plants supplemented with additional sand or soil above naturally occurring levels were less damaged (by herbivore chewing) than plants in which entrapped sand was removed from stems, petioles and leaves. Equally interesting, plant stems coated in either brown sand (to match the background) or green-colored sand (to match the stem) were eaten less than plants in which entrapped sand had been removed. The researchers concluded that the camouflage effect is not the driving defense mechanism.


Many plants allow certain fungi to colonize on their roots to provide nutrients in exchange for carbon. In research reported in Ecology Letters, these same fungi, known as mycorrhizal mycelia, also serve as a conduit for signalling between plants, acting as an early warning system for herbivore attack. The researchers concluded that the fungi provide an underground messaging system that allows neighboring plants to invoke herbivore defenses prior to an attack.

We benefit from the intelligence of plants as well. Although they have been traditionally viewed as “lower life forms” below even the simplest of animals, plants contain complex compounds that can outsmart many pathogens that easily kill humans and other animals. Take viruses and bacteria, for example, which can easily become resistant to, or essentially outsmart, the drugs pharmaceutical companies create to fight disease. It may take many generations of bacteria to crack the drug, but some bacteria species create a new generation every 20 minutes. They learn, adapt and become drug resistant. Drug companies cannot keep up and most are not even trying since it’s more profitable to develop drugs for long-term diseases than it is to develop new antibiotics for example.

In contrast, plant compounds that have been proven effective against certain pathogens are a complex puzzle that most bugs and superbugs cannot solve. In that way, they are smarter than both the pathogens and the human-made antibiotics, antivirals and other drugs created to fight the pathogens. Manufactured drugs frequently contain a single constituent intended to combat a specific infection. This single constituent tries to attack a pathogen in a couple of ways and eventually the pathogen figures this out, adapts and overcomes.

Plants also contain substances called phytonutrients (which means plant nutrients) that essentially form the immune system of the plant. Science has revealed about 2000 phytonutrients, but more are being discovered every year. A single plant may contain over 100 different phytonutrients that protect and heal the plant while it’s alive. When you consume any edible plant, many of those phytonutrients go to work protecting and healing you. The compounds are akin to a battalion of soldiers rather than a single warrior. They attack on many fronts—systematically and with more sophistication that drugs. You won’t find that in a pork chop.

The next time you are tending your garden, taking a stroll through the park or hiking in the forest, enjoy the scenery and tip your hat to the “smarty plants” that surround you.

Dr. Michelle Schoffro Cook, PhD, DNM is a certified herbalist and international best-selling and 19-time published book author whose works include: Be Your Own Herbalist: Essential Herbs for Health, Beauty, and Cooking (New World Library, 2016).

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A Five-Day Retreat in Costa Rica with Eckhart and Kim—October 23–28View Online Eckhart Teachings

Announcing Eckhart Tolle in Costa Rica
Announcing Eckhart Tolle in Costa Rica! 

Deepening Presence 
A Five-Day Retreat in Costa Rica with Eckhart and Kim 

Dear Friend:

On behalf of Eckhart Tolle and Kim Eng, we warmly invite you to join us in beautiful Costa Rica for Deepening Presence, a five-day retreat at the all-inclusive Westin Playa Conchal resort—beginning October 23, 2016.

Eckhart often reminds us of the unique power of the natural world to provide an entryway into stillness and the felt sense of our inseparability from life.

The paradise country of Costa Rica—with its 20,000 square miles of pristine forest, volcanic beaches, and rich biodiversity—is at once a prime destination for rest and relaxation and a compelling “portal to presence.”

Over the course of five full days, you will accompany Eckhart, Kim, and fellow participants from around the world to explore the arising and the deepening of presence. Free from the usual distractions, here you will be at liberty to take things at a slower pace and make being your top priority.

Whether you’re enjoying a solitary walk along the beach or gathered for a special meal with friends, everything about the Westin Playa Conchal makes it an ideal venue for a spiritual retreat. The all-inclusive experience puts everything right at your fingertips so you can focus on the fullness of your experience in the moment. And for the more adventurous, test your “presence practice” while ziplining, kayaking, horseback riding, or enjoying any number of exciting activities that will be available.

We hope to see you at this rare event with Eckhart and Kim.

Eckhart’s retreats sell out very quickly so we encourage you to register early!

Your Friends at Sounds True and Eckhart Teachings

Join Us

October 23–28

Westin Resort
Playa Conchal, Costa Rica

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Announcing Eckhart Tolle in Costa Rica
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Sounds True Office  |  413 S. Arthur Ave Louisville, CO  80027 

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Liebe Freunde,
Gesteigerte Zirbeldrüsenaktivität durch Veränderungen des Erdmagnetfeldes?

mein heutiger Beitrag über das dritte Auge – wie die Zirbeldrüse auch genannt wird – soll über seine Funktion und Wirkungen in besonderer Weise aufklären. Keiner meiner bisherigen Berichte bewirkte bei Euch eine so große Resonanz wie die Artikel über unsereZirbeldrüse. Allein die Live-TV Sendung über „Die Macht der Zirbeldrüse (drittes Auge) wurde in einem Jahr 238.000 mal aufgerufen. Obwohl wir über das Potenzial unseres 6. Chakras bereits sehr viel erfahren konnten, scheint das Interesse über dieses sonderbare Organ zuzunehmen. Sein Ruf als „das dritte Auge“ weist auf seine Fähigkeiten zu unsichtbaren Quellen (Feldern) hin. Im Sanskrit trägt dieses Chakra den Namen Ajnawas Wahrnehmen bedeutet. Der Überlieferung nach ist „das dritte Auge“unsere Verbindung zur geistigen Energie der Weisheit und Erkenntnis. Zu den Eigenschaften, die mit dem dritten Auge in Verbindung stehen zählen: starke Intuition, gute Menschenkenntnis (insbesondere Lügen anderer Menschen erkennen), erhöhte geistige Fähigkeiten (z.B. Konzentration, Gedächtnis, Klarheit), starke Visualisierungsfähigkeit, erhöhte Gedankenkraft und übersinnliche Wahrnehmungen. Ist das dritte Auge „geöffnet“ sollen Intuition, innere Führung, göttliche Inspiration, Präsenz, Klarheit, Hellsicht, Vorstellungskraft und Telepathie aktiviert sein.
Tatsächlich konnten fast all diese besonderen Phänomene von der Naturwissenschaft bestätigt werden. Entscheidend hierfür ist allerdings eine intakte Zirbeldrüsenaktivität. Mit anderen Worten, all diese Prozesse kommen nur zustande, wenn die Zirbeldrüse selber aktiv ist und die Inhibitoren außer Kraft sind!Ein Inhibitor ist ein Hemmstoff, beispielsweise ein Enzym, der eine oder mehrere Reaktionen – chemischer, biologischer oder physikalischer Natur – so beeinflusst, dass diese verlangsamt, gehemmt oder verhindert werden. All diese Eigenschaften kommen natürlich nur durch eine grundsätzliche Funktionsfähigkeit der Zirbeldrüse zustande(über dieses Thema habe ich bereits ausführlich in meinen Artikeln berichtet). Nur wenn die Zirbeldrüse in ihrer Grundfunktion intakt ist und einwandfrei funktioniert, sind die oben aufgeführten bewusstseinserweiternden Eigenschaften, denen sie den Beinamen „das dritte Auge“ verdankt, überhaupt erst möglich.
Da nun die zunehmend abschwächenden Erdmagnetfelder mit bewusstseinsverändernden Zirbeldrüsenfunktionen einhergehen, solle diesem Aspekt mehr Aufmerksamkeit beigemessen werden. Wenn also Professor Michael Persinger hervorhebt, dass in der Evolutionsgeschichte der Menschheit das Erdmagnetfeld für die großen Entwicklungssprünge verantwortlich waren (Punktmutation), dann können wir davon ausgehen, dass die Zirbeldrüse hierfür das primäre Empfangsorgan hierfür ist:
Ich halte es für hochwahrscheinlich, dass es mit der Abnahme der Feldstärke des Erdmagnetfeldes, wenn ein bestimmter Schwellenwert erreicht ist, eine Kaskade von biologischen Reaktionen ausgelöst wird, die, wie Prof. Michael Persinger es in meinemFilm SOLAR REVOLUTION ausdrückte, zu einer „Punktmutation“ der Menschheit führt. Mit dem Begriff „Punktmutation“ ist eine innerhalb sehr kurzer Zeit eintretende globale Veränderung der menschlichen Fähigkeiten gemeint.“ 
Bekanntlich reagiert die Zirbeldrüse – das dritte Auge – außerordentlich empfindlich auf die Erdmagnetfelder, wobei besonders schwache Feldstärken des Erdmagnetfeldes die Reserven unserer geistigen Fähigkeiten freizuschalten scheinen. Einer der großen Pioniere in diesem Forschungsbereich ist Prof. Alexander Trofimov. Der Forschungsschwerpunkt seines Teams liegt im Bereich der Untersuchungen von Menschen unter sehr stark abgeschwächten Erdmagnetfeldern. Einer seiner Aussagen hierzu:
Wenn wir nach einem längeren Aufenthalt im Inneren des Abschirmapparates – also in einem Raum praktisch ohne Magnetismus – dieselben Experimente wiederholen, sehen wir ein drastisch anderes Bild. Wir sehen, dass die zusätzlichen Reserven unseres Geistes und unserer Fähigkeiten aktiviert sind.“
Liebe Freunde,
mit dem Kongress ’Chaos & Ordnung’ möchte ich eine breite Öffentlichkeit über diese Zusammenhänge informieren und werde dabei von den führenden Forschern auf diesem Gebiet unterstützt. Gemeinsam werden wir auch die Zusammenhänge in verständlicher Art und Weise vermitteln, die bisher nur von gut informierten Experten nachvollzogen werden konnten. Die Wissenschaftler, die bei diesem Kongress weltweit zum ersten Mal zusammenkommen, ergänzen sich in ihren Erkenntnissen auf eine einmalige Weise – hierdurch ergibt sich ein Gesamtbild, wie es bisher in dieser Klarheit und Einfachheit noch nicht vermittelt wurde. Ich freue mich sehr, dass sie meine Einladung angenommen und sich dazu bereit erklärt haben, ihre Erkenntnisse in einer Weise zu vermitteln, die auch Nicht-Experten nachvollziehen können. Dazu werden alle Vorträge von erfahrenen Übersetzern simultan übersetzt.

Man sollte eigentlich erwarten, dass spektakuläre Erkenntnisse wie diese bei den Medien auf entsprechende Aufmerksamkeit stoßen, aber leider ist das Gegenteil der Fall.

Es scheint, als ob viele dieser Medien über die bedeutenden Phänomene der schwachen Felder und ihre Zusammenhänge mit unserer psychischen Verfassung und unseren mentalen Fähigkeiten nicht berichten können. Die wichtigsten Vermittler und Hersteller von Öffentlichkeit sind daher wir selbst und darin liegt eine große Aufgabe, bei der ich Euch um Eure Unterstützung bitte. Immerhin geht es um nicht weniger als um unsere Zukunft. An dessen Gestaltung wir erheblich mehr Einfluss haben, als wir bisher dachten!

Anmeldung weiter unten und ich werde Euch in Kürze über das umfangreiche Programm der beiden Kongresstage (17. und 18. September 2016) in Wien informieren.

Me Agape, Dieter Broers

Die Kosten für die Kongressteilnahme betragen
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Plätze mit festgelegten Platznummern in den ersten Reihen: 399,99 € (bis 30.04.)*
*Für diese Teilnehmer besteht auch die Option, am Referenten-Bankett teilzunehmen
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Dieter Broers, Unterlembach 67, 3962, Unterlembach, Österreich
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
liebe Freundinnen und Freunde des spirituellen Films,
liebes Publikum!
Nun ist es endlich soweit: Das Programm unseres 8. Festivals des spirituellen Films Berlin steht fest. Statt einer pdf-Datei senden wir Ihnen diesmal einen Link zu unserer neuen Webseite. Hier finden Sie nicht nur das komplette Programm, sondern haben auch die Möglichkeit, Eintrittskarten vorab online zu bestellen:www.festival-des-spirituellen-films.deBitte beachten Sie, dass wir mit dem Festival umgezogen sind. Es findet in diesem Jahr zum ersten Mal im “City Kino Wedding” statt, Müllerstraße 74, U6 Rehberge.Zugegeben: ‘Rehberge’ hört sich an, als sei das jwd. Doch braucht die U6 von der Friedrichstraße aus gerade einmal 10 Minuten dorthin. Und wenn Sie vom U-Bahnhof aus noch ein paar Minuten Richtung Norden gehen, sehen Sie schon bald auf der rechten Seite den kleinen Eifelturm des “Centre Français de Berlin”, unserem neuen Kooperationspartner.Wir persönlich sind sehr glücklich mit der neuen Lage.
Denn das “City Kino Wedding” ist in der Tat nur einen Steinwurf weit entfernt von dem wunder­schönen, weitläufigen und freundlichen Volkspark Reh­berge, der sich ideal anbietet für er­­­fri­schen­de Spaziergänge vor oder nach unseren Filmen.

Außerdem haben wir an unserem neuen Stand­ort jetzt so viel Platz, dass es endlich auch wieder Stände geben wird. Also nicht nur wie immer einen DVD-Tisch mit (fast) allen Filmen des Festivals und allen Titeln von “Nirwana Vision”, sondern auch Infotische und – passend zu einem der dies­­jährigen Festival-Schwer­punkte – Stände mit indischen Köstlichkeiten.

Darüber hinaus möchten wir Sie auf eine weitere Veranstaltung von uns hinweisen: den ehb.filmtag, eine Kooperation mit der EHB, der Evangelischen Hochschule Berlin in Zehlendorf.

Am Freitag, 15. April 2016 um 17:00 Uhr zeigen wir dort auf dem Campus, im zauberhaft holzvertäfelten und sehenswerten Audimax den Mitschnitt des Vortrags von Gerald Hüther “Das Geheimnis des Gelingens”, den er vor einigen Jahren in der Neuen Nazarethkirche bei uns im Wedding gehalten hat.

Als Gast für das Nachgespräch haben wir die Autorin, Journalistin und Filmemacherin Christa Spannbauer gewinnen können, die gemeinsam mit Gerald Hüther das Buch “Connectedness. Warum wir ein neues Weltbild brauchen” herausgegeben hat. Der Eintritt zu dieser Veranstaltung ist frei. Alle weiteren wichtigen Infos finden Sie hier.

Ob in der EHB, ob im “City Kino Wedding”:
Wir freuen uns sehr auf Ihren Besuch,
auf’s Wiedersehen oder Kennenlernen!

Herzlich grüßen bis dahin
Usch Schmitz & Kraft Wetzel


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Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

from Planetary Activation Organization

It is vital that you see yourself as a vision and energy center. Know deep in your Heart that your plan is to succeed and that once the funding begins, you are to find those who are to aid you in this grand effort. Do not hesitate once all this detailed planning is in place. You are to show everyone the efficacy and the purpose for what you are to do.


Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

6 Imix, 14 Mac, 12 Manik

Dratzo! In our last report, we briefly mentioned one of the eight sideshows being used by the dark cabal to maintain a degree of chaos in your realm. These dire sets of circumstances all have solutions, which many on your world are busily pursuing. The dark is watching as those who intend to move this globe into a much safer and sane reality work their magic on each of Gaia’s six major continents. These numerous “heroes” are paving the way for a whole series of policies, which are eventually to bring together your surface world’s people. Adding to this set of emerging programs is the rise of a new banking and financial system. When the new prosperity is added to this, a bright future begins to emerge. The dark cabal is in virtual panic about its fizzling well-laid plans. The dark had wished to spring a series of small violent incidents that were to be expanded into a number of growing wars. This as you know has not happened. Instead, the dark sees that their delays were only a small hindrance to what is currently happening. In a short time, a new reality is poised to manifest, which is the transition to your move to full consciousness.

We are very proud of how you are accepting the vast changes that are at present barely appearing around you. Soon, the many funding programs that are to change your world are set to emerge. At the end of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, a number of incredible inventions started to appear and were ridiculed by the dark’s newspapers and magazines. Shortly after that, these initial discoveries disappeared. During the course of the twentieth century, many such devices were likewise “stolen” and then sequestered by the cabal. A gradual reversal of this process is now ready to occur. Already a number of people have come forward with “rediscoveries”. These devices are a precursor to what is to come. In your world there are many remarkable individuals who are slowly creating the basis for a new science founded upon the advanced consciousness that is quickly altering your physical selves. These changes and their resultant realities are allowing you to witness this new renaissance and to see how miraculous your future truly is!

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Taken from a Slide from PAO’s webinar ~ After Abundance

The dark cabal was adamant in continuing to delay the advent of NESARA. Yet even as the foundation of a new financial system and the global reform of its currency moved forward, it was becoming clear that the present de facto USA regime was pursuing policies that were openly opposed to what these various reforms intended to achieve. In addition, this criminal organization was funding the operations and the arming of terrorist gangs such as Al Qaeda and ISIS and illegally assisting a number of drug- running cartels. These actions were some of the corruption and derelictions that this “government” was secretly accomplishing. It was therefore essential that this illegal organization be quickly put out of business. Thus, a series of special organization-changing discussions were begun in the early spring of 2016. It was intended to replace this illegal regime before late spring arrived. A scenario to achieve this much-needed result was agreed upon and a plan was put into action by a special military/civilian taskforce.

We are most grateful for the coalition of the Light and what it has so far accomplished. The new financial system is in the final stages of replacing the very corrupt SWIFT system and can now allow large amounts of funds to be safely transferred from one continent to another. Currencies have been adjusted so that new precious metal-backed monies can be internationally introduced. A new financial system is coming together. To complete this process clearly requires that NESARA be implemented in the US, and this structure extended to a number of equally corrupt regimes across this globe. In the near future, you are to truly witness the rise of a whole host of new governance. This can greatly aid the worldwide end to the UFO cover-up. This operation can help us to be properly revealed to you. At that time, we can aid those involved in clearing your world of radiation and various types of industrial pollution. This can allow Gaia’s many habitats to return to a near pristine condition. You are to be free, prosperous and a guardian of Gaia! Hallelujah!

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Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! The past year has been noted for its grand delays and for the fact, my Dear ones, that funding designated for you has continued to be delayed. This horrible time is nearly over! What remains necessary is a positive focus. Use these moments to visualize a plan for the use of these monies. Proclaim deep in your hearts that this is exactly how it all is to transpire. Be prepared to work with others to create communities for healing and applying the visions that you see for these funds. Be ready to act in a quick yet well thought out manner. It is vital that you see yourself as a vision and energy center. Know deep in your Heart that your plan is to succeed and that once the funding begins, you are to find those who are to aid you in this grand effort. Do not hesitate once all this detailed planning is in place. You are to show everyone the efficacy and the purpose for what you are to do. Hosanna! Hosanna!

As we move toward final agreements, it is important to ask all of you to remain positive and focused on our final victory. A most complex set of negotiations is currently taking place between various aspects of our global Light forces. These talks are setting up protocols that are vital for the ways in which the new banking and financial system is to manifest. The first part of this involves how we are to implement the funds transfer process and what each bank needs to do to easily permit this new system to replace the US-controlled SWIFT operation. Then there is the matter of how banking regulations are to be enforced internationally. These are only two of many things that still need more detailed clarification. As you can see, my Children, these things need to be quickly advanced by your prayer and visualizations. We greatly appreciate all the assistance you have given. Great Blessings To You All!


One of the most powerful spiritual items that you possess is your power of positive visualization. As stated, we ask you to continue to use this to empower the victory that is finally close at hand. Together, let us use this spiritual force as a moral weapon for our triumph. When humanity was so rudely cast upon the Earth by the sudden sinking of Atlantis, humanity was at the mercy of the darker elements of this surface world. You were manipulated and lied to for nearly 13 millennia. Now is the time to turn the tables on this charade and let only the great energy of the Light shine brightly upon this globe. It is time to acknowledge and permit the cleansing of this darkness by Heaven. We Masters consider ourselves most privileged to have such a fine group of souls to work with. We bless you and know that very shortly we are to meet and celebrate this great victory! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today, we have discussed what is transpiring across this globe to ensure your most well deserved victory! Many things are ready to occur, and these are to bring you joy, prosperity and much Love! These times are to bring you an end to a long period of frustration. The future promises you success and wonders that are never to cease. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

For more from the Galactic Federation


Welcome to PAO’s Live Webinar for April


Divine timing is the universal clock, of which we and our planet are a part. It cannot be hurried, and we must trust it.

Live Webinars give us the opportunity to work together. With positive intent, we can collectively help to change this reality.


Topics include…

• Understanding the nature of 3D vs 5D time 
• Enduring frequent time delays: Learning to trust the process 
• Understanding the Divine Order: 
Divine Time for… Announcements – Disclosure – Landings – Mentoring 
• Doing our part: Working together to prepare ourselves as we await our reality shift.

Sunday, April 17, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, April 21, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California time)

After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions

Seats are Limited…Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

NOTE: We offer the SAME presentation on two dates and times to cover as many time zones around the world. It is your choice which day you attend. Thank you.

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©2016 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

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Webinar Archive: Cetaceans…now ready for downloading

Free Youtube Preview: Aquatic Cetaceans

The Cetaceans are fully conscious beings.

They are in touch with their divine selves, and communicate with the Spiritual Hierarchies and the Galactic Federation of Light.


In this Webinar, you will learn where they come from and their special purpose for inhabiting Gaia.

Topics include…

• Their origins 
• Types of Cetaceans 
• How they came to Gaia 
• Where else they exist other than Gaia 
• Their mission on Earth 
• Cetaceans and their connection with humans 
• What happens to Cetaceans after the landings

To order Webinar 71 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.


Hilarion’s Weekly Message

through Marlene Swetlishoff ~ April 3-10, 2016


Beloved Ones,

The new beginning that everyone has been waiting for has quietly arrived, without bells, whistles or trumpet blares. It comes as a quiet, peaceful feeling within the depths of one’s being and gently takes root within the garden of one’s soul. Peace within, at last! Let it slowly and gently unfold and blossom, allowing its gifts to be seen and felt. The stillness of the universe waits poignantly for the petals within each soul to unfurl, the radiance within to shine through to work its magic in the world!

The cup of Life in all its glory and majesty beckons one to partake of the elixir of knowingness, in full participation of the celebration of its diverse creation. What glory exuberantly makes its presence known! The beauty of the world waits for each soul to discover in moments of peaceful stillness. Each is a miracle and a blessing to the one who beholds it if they but pause to recognize and savour it. As the sacred scriptures of the last era recorded in psalms 46:10, “be still and know that I am God”, this is what is now required of humanity, to connect with the sacred divinity within them.


Inner reflections will continue to bring forth revelations that aid in moving you forward on your path through Earthly life. It is a time of inner growth and transformation on a more profound and more manifest visible level. All that was in your life to the present moment is coming back once more for you to reflect on how much you have grown in your perceptions and understanding, your sense of empathy and compassion, your innate goodness and innocence and in your experience of wielding your power to choose your response to all of it. No matter how painful, you were willing to face the truths revealed to you with a loving and caring heart.

Now, as these things pass through you, you see the value that each experience has brought to you. You learned the value of courage and bravery in the face of the risk of losing all that was dear to you and was willing to let it all go, if that was what was required in your soul plan. You learned to look beyond the appearance of a situation and see the bigger picture. You tried to step into the shoes of the ‘other’, to feel what they felt. You learned the value to yourself of observing yourself in all kinds of situations. This, Dear Ones, was for the purpose of adding these spiritual qualities and attributes to your eternal soul’s empowerment, understanding and experience of life in the physical dimension while there was yet the opportunity.


You also learned that honouring and acknowledging self was a priority to your ongoing soul progression. You learned the best ways to nurture not only your spirit, but your human self. You learned when this nurturance was required and you now follow through as a natural course of action. Now a new horizon appears, a new and fresh start is presenting itself to you as you salute and wave goodbye to the past and set sail on a new course of becoming the conscious wielder and manifestor, always seeking the most effortless path to your destiny in a natural, effortless unfolding of your life in a way that moves you toward wholeness and harmony in all things. Focus each day on doing the things that bring you joy; live an inspired life where every day opens the door to a new exciting adventure.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana

The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here

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Ready for downloading~PAO webinar archive..


Ever Wonder which Ascended Masters are most involved with assisting us with our Ascension? This webinar is for you.


Topics include….

• Who are the Ascended Masters? 
• How are they assisting the Galactic Federation? 
• Ascended Masters and our Spiritual Destiny: 
How they are bringing our compass back to its true direction 
• Fulfilling Our Roles in Gaia’s Spiritual Revolution

To view YouTube Preview: 
Ascended Masters

To order Webinar #42, CLICK HERE

WBA-42 $13.95 U.S.

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©2016 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

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