Hi there, Sheldan and Colleen, All I can say is to shout out a very big WOW!!!! This webinar was, by far, the most enlightening, powerful, inspirational and informative webinar ever given either by Sheldan, or anywhere else on the internet. Howard
Get your Galactic Activation on Thursday
Divine timing is the universal clock, of which we and our planet are a part. It cannot be hurried, and we must trust it.
Live Webinars give us the opportunity to work together. With positive intent, we can collectively help to change this reality.
Topics include…
• Understanding the nature of 3D vs 5D time
• Enduring frequent time delays: Learning to trust the process
• Understanding the Divine Order:
Divine Time for… Announcements – Disclosure – Landings – Mentoring
• Doing our part: Working together to prepare ourselves as we await our reality shift.
Thursday, April 28, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California time)
After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions
To make payment and register: Click Here
Cost: $15.00 U.S.
A Message to All Innocent Hearts
from Matt Kahn – 4-13-16
The difference between a lightworker and a victim has nothing to do with the situations faced, but how one responds to the circumstances at hand.
A lightworker uses their world of experiences to become the change they wish to see, while a victim is hurt by the actions of a world, while waiting for the change they have yet to become. On a spiritual level, a victim is a lightworker in training.
Throughout each chapter of life, the inevitability of loss and the suchness of change are survived to bring forth a new consciousness for the benefit of all. This means victimhood is not a pitfall one escapes, but ongoing stages of spiritual growth and energetic expansion to call forward the lightworker in you.
Whether contracted in fear from the hostility between countries, heartbroken by the actions of terrorist attacks, at war with yourself in your own mind, disappointed by the behavior of others, or overwhelmed by the heaviness of the collective unconsciousness, each moment of victimhood acts as an invitation to step across the threshold of despair to become the lightworker you are destined to be.
No matter how promising or uncertain your world seems to be, I offer you the prayer of radical forgiveness, as a way of assisting our awakening humanity on an energetic level.
It is important to always remember, whether viewing circumstances on a personal or global level, even if you cannot change the situations you see, you can always change how you respond from the inside out. When internal changes are brought forth in the presence of hostility, sadness, despair, fear, or turmoil, your interconnection to the totality of light, as the one eternal soul, simultaneously plants seeds of expanded consciousness in every heart to manifest endless waves of blessings through the inspired actions of one.
As an awakening lightworker on the front lines of ushering humanity into a new paradigm of consciousness, please read the following prayer however many times a day you are either inspired to support in Earth’s evolution, or find yourself entrenched in the pain of human suffering.
In the blank space provided, you can include the name of an enemy, an adversary from the past, a family member connected to a wound you have yet to heal, a loved one struggling through their own healing journey, your full name, the name of a country at war, or even humanity at large:
“I allow the soul (s) of ______ to be pardoned and set free as I AM now.”
Please do not judge yourself for the amount of times per day you find yourself needing to repeat it. Instead, see yourself through the eyes of the Universe and rejoice in how often you are acting in accordance with your soul’s highest wisdom to transform reality for the liberation of all.
Through the prayer of radical forgiveness, may you step forward in faith and bring to life a unique frequency of light that you came here to ignite in every heart.
May your destiny be viewed not as a horizon of preferred circumstances, but as opportunities to act upon life’s most inspired choices that transforms your physical body into a living expression of divinity in action. One prayer of radical forgiveness or “I love you” at a time, the ascension of Earth that already occurred the moment life was created, actualizes into present moment time, so we can remember the Heaven that is already here – now and forever, together as One.
Many blessings to all. Om Shanti, Shanti OM
For more fromMatt Kahn
