Monatsarchive: März 2016

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Planetary Heart Synchronized Meditation

March 11-13

This weekend 3.5 million people will gather in New Delhi, India to meditate and pray for humanity, and over 10 million people will join from around the world. Will you stop for 15 minutes at noon your local time and send your energy into the grid? We’ve seen what happens when millions of people join at the same moment and focus their energy on a given crisis or situation. This may be the most important focus of all – the Planetary Heart of our Mother.
Here’s What We Are Asking:
Whatever you are doing on these three days, take a break and center your prayers on the gathering in India, adding to the enormous energy being transmitted there. By doing this at noon in every time zone we create a wave of energy that washes over the planet throughout the entire weekend. Join millions of people in this worldwide meditation.

Levitating the US Presidential Election

Amazing Worldwide Attention

Several days ago we sent out information on a very unusual peace action focused on AMPLIFYING compassion in the US Presidential election. The response has been overwhelming in many different ways. Of course the vast majority of the emails we’ve received have been positive and extremely grateful. Nearly everyone is happy about giving humanity a peaceful and prayerful way to shift the energy that is so prevalent in this election. But we’ve also been contacted by many people who feel it is wrong to use prayer to increase compassion in an election. Regardless of which candidate you support (or if you are not even from the US) it’s hard to imagine that increasing peace and compassion is a bad thing. 


So…here’s what we’re going to do ~ We’re doubling down in our effort. We want groups of people going to EVERY rally wearing T-shirts that say “Meditating For Peace,” and no matter what happens – respond only with love. Can you think of a better way to shift the energy???




You can either make a T-shirt yourself or buy one we’ve designed. Either way – PLEASE consider going to the rally when one of the Presidential candidates come to your area. We’ll even send an email to nearly 100,000 people letting their know where you’ll be and asking them to join you energetically. If we can get dozens of groups attending Donald Trump, or Hillary Clinton, Or Bernie Sanders, or any other rally, then we’ll make a strong impression on all those who are seeking to lift the vibration of this election.


Don’t Just Talk About The Election…

Join Us and Make A Difference.


To order a T-Shirt just go to our website. CLICK HERE. Help us mobilize a new kind of Prayerful Action. Our goal is to have thousands of people attending these rallies and sharing a new vision of humanity. PLEASE SPREAD THIS EMAIL TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW.



 10 Million People Have Already Registered
The Planetary Heart Meditation
If Planet Earth is our Mother,
India is her heart
On March 11, 12 and 13, James Twyman and will join 3.5 million people gathered in New Delhi, India during the World Culture Festival to focus one of the largest synchronized meditations in history. Our goal is 100 million people sending their healing energy to heal the planet. If Planet Earth is our mother, then India is her heart. The Planetary Heart Meditation is meant to radiate a pulse of light that is so powerful that Gaia Herself responds.



Last month James Twyman, members of the Abrahamic Reunion, and other dedicated pilgrims, were on the border of Syria while millions of people sent their energy to those suffering from terrorism and violence. Ten days later, after three and a half years of civil war, a cease fire was agreed to. Is it possible that massive numbers of people focusing their energy on a situation of world crisis actually helps shift the energy of that crisis? We believe it is, and we hope to prove it once again.


Our goal is to gather millions of people together who are ready at any given moment to meditate for peace when a world crisis arises. This is your chance to be part of a peace movement that does more than just hope for change. We CREATE IT. At noon for each local time zone, March 11, 12 and 13, we are asking people to stop and meditate for the healing of Mother Earth, sending your energy to Mother India. James and the millions gathered there will be like a lightning rod receiving the energy and sending it into the Earth.



Please Register at:


A Letter From Peace Troubadour James Twyman


The inspiration to focus a major worldwide synchronized meditation for Syria hit me like a bolt of lightning. I was driving near my home in Portland, Oregon, and when the inspiration hit, the jolt of energy nearly forced me to lose control of my car – literally.


You need to understand what led up to that moment to understand just how momentous it was.


Ten years earlier, almost to the day, my former wife Linda was murdered in Evanston, Illinois, just weeks before joining me and our daughter Angela in Oregon. It was the kind of emotional blow you wonder if you’ll ever recover from, and in many ways you never do. I had already focused many worldwide meditations from places like Bosnia, Iraq, Northern Ireland and South Africa, often while wars raged in those countries, but now everything was different. Though I felt protected on all of these peace missions, I always knew Linda would be there for our daughter is anything happened to me. Suddenly that wasn’t true. Weeks after her mother’s death, Angela asked me to stop traveling to such dangerous countries, and of course I agreed.


I hadn’t been to a country at war since Linda was killed, so when I felt the sudden overwhelming urge to travel to Syria and perform the Muslim, Jewish and Christian Peace Prayers within sight of an ISIS held village, it struck me as impossible. I had made a promise and I had to keep it, especially now that Angela made me a grandfather eight months earlier.


I wrestled with the inspiration for days, wondering if I should force it to the back of my mind or actually follow the direction it led, regardless of the cost. The harder I pushed the more determined the voice became. “This is what you were born to do, and it’s time to get back to work.” I spoke to Angela later that day and explained what I was feeling, and she immediately understood. I’m not saying she was in favor of the journey, but she knew how important it was for me to follow the path of The Peace Troubadour.


My original plan was to enter Syria through Turkey. The Kurdish region was the safest path for me if I wanted to get close to ISIS. Being allies of the US, I was relatively confident that I would be out of harm’s way, but there were no guarantees. That was about the time the story of my journey broke in the media. I was receiving interview requests every day from newspapers, television networks and even Fox News. One day a camera crew showed up at my daughter’s house, and that was when it became very real for her. Suddenly I was the subject of profound admiration, criticism and ridicule. Even Bill Maher took shots at me.


Suddenly everyone was talking about the power of prayer and meditation, especially when millions of people are focused on a single world crisis. Scientific studies had already proven that focused, affirmative prayer had the ability to shift crime rates, terrorist attacks and even wars. I had seen it many times before. In 1998 I was invited by Saddam Hussein to perform The Peace Concert in Iraq at the same time the US and its allies were preparing to resume military action against the government, and while millions of people focused their energy on a peaceful solution, an agreement was signed against all odds. It happened many times after that, and I soon realized that synchronized meditation and prayer are not only powerful, but perhaps the most powerful force on the planet.


The date of February 1st was chosen for the Syrian and ISIS meditation because it coincided with the United Nations Religious Harmony Week. Millions of people were already on board to join in meditation on that day, and we could feel the energy, and the pressure, building. I had received dozens of death threats, hundreds of violent emails, and several calls from the State Department. In fact, on nearly every flight I boarded or exited, I was greeted by very official looking federal officers who were more than curious about my journey. It felt like I was under a microscope, and considering the journey was less about me and more about the millions of people who were about to join me in prayer, I was happy to finally arrive in Israel.


Plans were shifting nearly every day. When I heard that a group of religious leaders from The Abrahamic Reunion, an organization run out of Jerusalem, was interested in joining me, we decided that instead of going directly into Syria, we would meet in a Syrian village controlled by Israel in the disputed Golan Heights. From there we would be able to literally look upon the battlefield while remaining beyond the range of terrorist weapons. I was joined by nine very brave people from around the world, all of whom where as committed to this vision as I was. Early in the morning on Monday, February 1 the group of pilgrims and religious leaders boarded the bus and we headed toward the Golan Heights.


The village of Majdal Shams is a Syrian village. During the 1967 war between Israel and other Arab countries, Israel captured and controlled the area, though it retained its ties to Syria. It was the perfect place for us to gather, on a hill overlooking an area under constant military threat. We arrived to the news that a battle had been raging all day, but had suddenly stopped before we arrived. We set up the peace pole that had been donated by the World Peace Prayer Society and gathered for the meditation. After the Jewish, Muslim and Christian leaders shared prayers and chants, the fifteen minutes of silence began. We knew that there were millions of people from around the world joining us, and it felt almost as if it was raining prayers of peace. The silence was overwhelming. I looked around at the one hundred or more that were gathered there and was filled with such a feeling of love. I could also feel Linda there with us, as if she was smiling on the whole journey. I knew that the inspiration I said YES to was bigger than anything I could understand with my mind, and yet my soul fully understood.


I was watching my phone and the instant the clock struck fifteen minutes something incredible happened. We had been told that there were several packs of wolves in the area, and when I heard the first howl it filled me with an energy I can’t explain. Then a second joined the first, and within seconds the entire pack, which couldn’t have been more than a few hundred feet away from us, lifted like a choir of cleansing light. It was as if they were witnessing a momentous and important moment in history – the moment we realized our collective power to create the world we have always envisioned. Millions of people were with us, and though we were the only ones who could hear the choir of wolves, we knew they were meant for all of humanity.


Ten days later in Munich, Germany, diplomats from the United States, Russia and other countries signed an agreement to cease the violence and allow humanitarian aid to flow to the starving people of Syria. Though the agreement is already being challenged, at least now we know that there is a solution that has nothing to do with governments or armies, but an Army of Light that is poised to assert the Power of Love. The moment has finally come for us to reclaim our Divine Inheritance.

 James Twyman





March 6-13, 2016

Beloved Ones,

The transformations continue as every cell in your body is upgraded and recalibrated. With this activity, your emotions also come up for review and acknowledgement as former frustrations and injustices that occurred in the past can be front and center in your focus during these times. It is important to find a new way to look at these unresolved issues in your lives. Ask your spiritual guides to show you a more enlightened way of looking at these situations from the higher perspective. It is time to consider viewpoints that are more in alignment with the higher version of yourselves that you are now entering into and aligning with them.

Know that distractions continue to take center stage in all facets of human life. At the same time, there are a lot of changes that are being contemplated and implemented. New rules are being written and applied. The wheels of progress turn slowly but inexorably and will continue to make improvements in all facets of human existence. There are a lot of creative and wonderful ideas being brought forward by the progressive thinkers of these times. Every day brings new revelations that keep people engaged in the continuing dramas that are unfolding at the same time as these wonderful new beginnings unfold.

Humanity is being exposed to the good, the bad, and the ugly and is daily being challenged to love it all into wholeness. It behooves each soul to maintain their integrity and high standards of conduct while watching others on the world scene show the evidence of the breakdown of the accepted norms of human interactions in current society. Employing the practice of constantly blessing all people and situations that tax one’s patience is a wonderful way to work on attaining your mastery over the denser vibrations that are rampant upon worldly affairs during these transformational times.

Love in all its expressions continues to provide the answers to the many perplexing challenges besetting humanity. We maintain that for every low vibrational act, there are at least a dozen that come from a place of love and the desire for peace and good will. The majority of humanity, in their heart of hearts, wants a world of harmonious and respectful solutions to the challenges that all of humanity is facing in their daily lives.

Continue to be the loving, aware and compassionate individuals who uphold the higher vision for your world. It is your love that enables the coming forth of higher solutions and resolutions. Those who participated in the focus for peace in Syria with James Twyman are now seeing a ceasefire in that area. It is a powerful and wonderful example of the power of people united and what they can accomplish. You are being strongly encouraged to add your energy and focus in the upcoming Planetary Heart Meditation on March 11th, 12th and 13th. You, in unity with millions of others, CAN love the world back to wholeness. Let us do this together!

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

Total Energy Clearing 

2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana

The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here  

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Danke, dass Sie den Kampf gegen Glyphosat mit uns bis hierher geführt haben! Wir können einen wichtigen Etappensieg feiern: Die EU-Komission hat die Glyphosat-Wiederzulassung gestern vorläufig vertagt. Weil keine Mehrheit für weitere 15 Jahre Roundup und Co. zustande gekommen wäre. Weil vier Länder dagegen gestimmt hätten. Und weil Deutschland sich enthalten hätte, wäre es zu einer Abstimmung gekommen.Wir dürfen jetzt nicht nachlassen, nur der öffentliche Druck der Zivilgesellschaft hat diesen Etappensieg möglich gemacht.Schicken Sie unseren Aufruf an Ihre FreundInnen und Bekannten!

Keine Wiederzulassung! Glyphosat verbieten!

Die Konzerne werden jetzt alles dafür tun, um ihre Interessen doch noch durchzusetzen. Die nächste offizielle Verhandlungsrunde in Brüssel könnte bereits im April stattfinden. Hinter den Kulissen geht es jetzt zur Sache.Lassen Sie uns deshalb dafür sorgen, dass die Welle des Protests nicht abreißt.
Schreiben Sie eine E-Mail an Ihre FreundInnen und bitten Sie sie um Unterstützung für unsere wichtige Aktion!Viele Grüße aus Berlin – und vielen Dank!
Ihr BUND e.V.PS: Sie können natürlich auch einfach diesen Text in eine E-Mail kopieren:

Hallo Freund,
ich habe an dem Protest gegen die Wiederzulassung von des gefährlichen Totalherbizids Glyphosat für weitere 15 Jahre teilgenommen:

Protestiere auch du!

Viele Grüße


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James Twyman Logo

Elevate The US Election

Synchronized Meditation

Whether you live in the US or another country, you are probably worried about the division, anger and hatred being expressed in many elections around the world. Here in the United States this division has been especially profound. It doesn’t matter who you support in the election for US President (this is not in any way intended to sway you one direction or another), but I’m sure you agree that promoting love over fear, and compassion over anger is of primary importance right now.


This is a MAJOR call to action – a way to peacefully and prayerfully encourage everyone running for US President to focus on bringing us closer together rather than pushing us further apart.

Interesting Image
Did You Watch The Video?

If so, then you know how serious we are about making a major difference in the world, not just politically, but as Divine Beings who believe in the power of prayer and meditation. After I sent the last email I received a number of emails saying to stay out of politics. Maybe I will stay out of expressing my political opinions, BUT I WILL NOT STAY OUT OF EXPRESSING LOVE in a situation that so desperately needs love. That’s what this campaign is all about.

There are four parts of this important Peace Action:

1. If you live in or near the US and feel called to express your energy peacefully and prayerfully at a political rally, please make or buy a T-shirt that says “Meditating For Peace,” then find a rally and attend with a group of others. (It doesn’t matter if it’s a Donald Trump rally, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, or any other candidate.) NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS do not respond with anything but peace. This is in direct imitation of the Gandhi’s “Ahimsa Movement,” one of the most liberating peace actions of our time. If you do decide to join a rally, LET US KNOW WHEN AND WHERE. We will publicize and mobilize our Synchronized Meditation Community to join you energetically. There will be hundreds and even thousands of people holding space while you sit in silence at the rally you choose. TO ORDER A T-SHIRT CLICK HERE.

2. We will forward lists of peace meditations that take place at various rallies, and we ask that you energetically join the people who are brave enough to be there physically. This is key to building the energy of this movement. It isn’t just about the people attending the rallies, but the thousands of people meditating behind them. This is what will bring about the Miracle.

3. I will be at a Donald Trump rally with a group of meditators on March 21st. As soon as we know exactly where we will send an alert. If you live in that area then we hope you will join us at the rally. If you do not, then we hope millions of people will join us on that day in prayerful meditation.

4. This is perhaps the most important on the list ~ SHARE THIS EMAIL AND VIDEO FAR AND WIDE. If we are to have the dramatic impact we hope to have, this needs to be a MOVEMENT, not a ripple. We hope that thousands of people show up at political rallies wearing the shirt and meditating, and not just in the US. Most countries today have politicians and elections that are revealing the dark underbelly of judgment and fear. We need to be as radical in our love as they are in their hatred.

Do You Believe in the Power of  Meditation and Prayer?

This is your chance to make a difference. I hear from people every day who are discouraged by the rhetoric taking place in the Presidential election, but most don’t feel there’s anything they can do to help. THIS IS IT! Whether you attend a rally yourself, or join in prayer when other people are physically present, your role is so important.

If you do decide to attend a particular rally with a group, please let us know right away so we can promote your gathering. Imagine how it will feel to know that you have an Army of Light behind you.

If you didn’t watch the video already, do it now. We want this video to go viral, and we need your help to do it. When we sent out the video about the Syrian Prayer Vigil it was seen by 400,000 people in the first week. We are hoping for the same results here.



James Twyman
Eckhart Tolle Now


The Arising of True Intelligence

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Kim Eng

During meditation I suddenly start moving. What is that?

Our bodies do what is necessary to return to wholeness.

Q and A

Why doesn’t God save itself all that time?

The focus of our spiritual practice is simply just this moment.

Q and A

How can one be a mother without the pain that goes with it?

Eckhart illuminates the essence of anxious thought and worry.

Q and A

Will you write another book that “vibrates”?

A look into the nature of spoken and written spiritual teachings.

Q and A

The Power of Surrender

Eckhart discusses the transformative power of acceptance and surrender.

The Path to Stillness

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Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

from Planetary Activation Organization

Your Agarthan family representatives and our liaisons are working diligently to assure that all happens as swiftly as possible…

As a people, you are moving toward your grand ascension in style. Those things that have created some last minute delays are done and gone. Our allies in Inner Earth, in Space and Heaven are with us. This is the start of a most glorious time for all humanity!


Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

4 Ben 6 Ceh, 12 Manik

Dratzo! Several indicators show us that the initial humanitarian funds have been distributed to the appropriate accounts in Europe and North America. These funds are the first bellwether to be presented to us. They demonstrate that the ability to pass large amounts of funds across these templates does in fact exist. We fully expect that these funds are to prove that the gauntlet of the dark cabal is successfully breached. The next thing to occur is the final distribution to a number of individual accounts. This is to be a signal to our allies to initiate the complex process of completing the prosperity fundings. These are to initiate the rise of NESARA, first in the USA, and eventually the implementation of GESARA globally. In Asia and Africa, a number of vital infrastructure projects are then to be funded and begun. This is to mark the start of a vast global set of projects to end concerns about pure water and proper sanitation in many rural areas. Your world needs moreover to set up the means to oversee these large financial projects. A network of smaller “community-grown” operators is to be fully utilized.

This “small is beautiful” approach is one that was proven effective over the past half decade in Africa and Asia as well as the Americas. This operation is to be expanded once the new financial system is fully operational. Our earthly allies have developed a means to easily distribute these vital projects throughout the so-called third world. It is this space, containing the majority of humanity, which requires the most attention. Thus, the major dilemma was how to begin to successfully transform what was a most neglected part of your globe. In addition, this region has traditionally been the place where a majority of the abuses of Gaia occurs. Once we are free to travel in your skies, we intend to correct this natural resources abuse with our technology. This combined region is the prime area for natural disasters that occur daily around your beautiful living world. Once these are corrected, the current extinction cycle can be formally corrected. At that time, the decreasing energies of your electrogravitic field can be redirected!


As you begin to emerge from literally millennia of debt slavery, Gaia can emerge as well from millennia of being exploited. Gaia, over a long period of time, has been a globe split between its inner and outer selves. Gaia wishes to accelerate the process of a great reunion between these two halves. Saint Germain and Quan Yin have provided the means for conscious growth with Heaven’s help. This inner growth has been combined with a series of modifications to your chakras and to your many nervous systems. These have been combined with a series of alterations to your reality. These numerous changes in turn are mirrored by what Gaia is now doing to this surface realm. In fact, the inner realm of Agartha expands beyond this surface realm. What is required is a vast upgrade in the frequencies of your realm. So as you grow in consciousness, Gaia simultaneously increases the vibrational rate of your reality. This has permitted you to grow and to accept things that previously were greatly discounted by this surface population. It has also allowed you to accept that we exist and that the Ascended Masters are indeed real.

All of these elements are the core of reality shifts that are to alter your world by bringing you abundance and new financial and governing alliances. These events are to forge the new reality, which is to create a new “You,” and are to position you within this new reality. Your Agarthan family representatives and our liaisons are working diligently to assure that all happens as swiftly as possible. This joint operation is now coming to a head as the ancient families and concerned royals work closely with their Ascended Master advisors. This sacred coalition has to battle a dark oligarchy that cannot truly visualize a world without power, wealth or prestige. Their dilemma has only slowed the inevitable. Thus, there was a series of initial delays, which compounded some worry and dread by the ancient families as new procedures were used to ensure that the large amount of funding is successfully carried out. Nevertheless, these elements of a new reality are now being put into place.

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Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Many of you do not look much beyond aging and death. We Masters have lived beyond these facts for millennia. Our primary task is simply to oversee humanity by the use of mercy and grace. This divine set of tasks keeps us constantly advising you on how your life is to be best lived. At present, Heaven and your many guardian angels also are altering you. This is readying you for your living ascension into again being physical Angels. Thus, our mission is to supervise these changes as well. You are doing well. Nevertheless these events are giving you some difficult moments. We ease this by intervening when necessary with the use of divine grace. Each of you possesses a number of ways by which your life can best work itself out. We take these prescribed alternatives and weave them into the heart of this life. By doing this, you are moving with minimum difficulty onto the verge of your promised return to physical Angelhood.

As you know by now, every Ascended Master is transitioned by use of a special ceremony presided over by Heaven. In fact, you are moving toward the same. Only in this case, it is to be a special Crystal Light Chamber. This is finally to reverse what the Atlanteans did to you nearly 13 millennia ago when you were cast forth from the labs that then secured you safely. This abrupt act left you open to severe manipulations by the Anunnaki. All of this madness is now being slowly reversed. We Ascended Masters are watching over these changes and assuring that the proper outcome, when so implied by your life contracts, can be successfully reached. You are to learn numerous facts and accomplish miracles as you near the sacred point in time for this grand transformation. Our Space families are ready to accept your full return to the Light and have new duties for you to accomplish!


These sacred tasks set up by these Space families and by Heaven are first to take you through an unraveling of your money and wealth paradigm and then to watch you return to a fully accomplished land guardianship. This divine process is to take place in many stages as it is a far cry from what you know. The purpose of this and other coming stages is to alter your inner core perceptions. What Heaven is doing is to move you away from limited consciousness and to prepare you to gladly receive a number of new mantles. So far, this operation is successful and you are beginning to take on a number of new conscious responsibilities. As you grow into these you are accepting a revised realm. This is part of your conversion ceremony. Each year brings you closer to those events that are destined to permit you to literally wear new and magnificent cloaks. You are progressing wondrously! Much Love and a grand Hallelujah to you all!!!

Today, much can be told and rejoiced over. As a people, you are moving toward your grand ascension in style. Those things that have created some last minute delays are done and gone. Our allies in Inner Earth, in space and Heaven are with us. This is the start of a most glorious time for all humanity! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

For more from the Galactic Federation, click here


Welcome to PAO’s Live Webinar for March ~

OUR FUTURE WORLD ~ Living in the New Paradigm

In this Webinar Sheldan expands upon his discussion of last month.

He will help us to better understand the process of transitioning from our 3D world to a 5D world of full consciousness.


Topics include…

From debt slavery to freedom

• How corporations will change: co-operation and collaboration with all employees
• Changing our perceptions of banks and their role in our lives
• Money has a consciousness: importance of shifting the meaning of money

Preparing for Contact

• Old paradigm melting: how do we transition to a new 5D world?
• How to manifest our deepest desires by stimulating our imaginations
• What fulfills us in life – Making a plan for our pursuit of happiness
• Selamat Ja! – Be in Joy. What does that mean to you?

Sunday, March 20, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, March 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California time)

After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

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©2016 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

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Initiating a Global Sisterhood… together

“The connections between and among women are the most feared, the most problematic, and the most potentially transforming force on the planet.”
– Adrienne Rich

It’s time for us to activate our Global Sisterhood and transform our world –

For International Women’s Day March 8th, we are unifying women around the world to come together in Sister Circles to:

  • Uplift and empower each other
  • Celebrate Global Sisterhood
  • Transform the jealousy, competition, comparison, blame, and insecurities that perpetuate separation between women

Since ancient times, women have been gathering in circle to heal themselves and heal their communities. These gatherings have strengthened bonds, empowered voices, and offered a space for women to transform together, and thus transform our world.

So far, more than 300 women around the world have signed up to serve and celebrate the Global Sisterhood by facilitating a sister circle in their community, and hundreds are looking for circles to join!

Join us! Go to where you can:

  • Find a Sister Circle in your community
  • Sign up to learn more about facilitating a Sister Circle (or aligning your current circle with us)
  • Receive nourishment, inspiration, and wisdom from our blog.
  • Join our Global Sisterhood community.
Men…. brothers, fathers, uncles, and friends, we need your support!“If there ever comes a time when the women of the world come together purely and simply for the benefit of mankind, it will be a force such as the world has never know.” – Matthew Arnold Men: Sign up to support the Global Sisterhood, by clicking here. Together, we are transforming the way women relate to themselves, each other, and the men of the world.~
Jess, Emma, Lauren  and your UNIFY Team
UNIFY’s mission is to galvanize the peace movement through global synchronized meditation and social action events.Want to learn more? Click here.
UNIFY is a 501c3.