Enjoy a fascinating interview with Dr. Greer speaking about New Energy and its implications on Jill Blakeway’s podcast.
Dr. Greer at New Living Expo
April 29 & May 1, 2016
San Mateo Event Center
Disclosure: Ending Illegal UFO Secrecy and Creating a New Civilization on Earth
April 29 – 5 – 7 pm
From the Father of the Global Disclosure Movement learn:
– Why are UFOs above top secret? And who is keeping the truth from us?
– Beyond Silicon Valley: Zero-point energy and anti-gravity. How UFOs actually work – and why power elites don’t want you to know.
– Disclosure and Implications: Mass action to create a new civilization free from war, pollution and poverty, now !
– Our interstellar future: Universal peace and the coming interplanetary society of Earth.
ET Contact: The Science of Consciousness and our Interstellar Future
Sunday May 1 – noon – 2pm
– Why Consciousness is the key to universal Contact and communication with Interstellar Civilizations and how your own mind is the key to discovery;
-How the experience of Cosmic Consciousness and other higher states of consciousness will provide the foundation for peace on Earth and Universal Peace;
– Outline of the higher states of Consciousness, how they evolve and how eventually Celestial perception and other innate powers like remote viewing unfold and how Consciousness develops;
-How ET Civilizations utilize Consciousness Assisted Technologies and Technology Assisted Consciousness to interact with humans, earth and one another, and how YOU can become an Ambassador from Earth to those civilizations;
-Why it is essential for a critical mass of many of us to become Spirit warriors to effect change and overcome the current suppression of ET contact, free energy technologies and create a
new Universal Peaceful Civilization on Earth in our lifetime!
Enjoy a fascinating interview with Dr. Greer speaking about New Energy and its implications on Jill Blakeway’s podcast.
Visit our youtube channel for multiple interviews and videos.
And workshops with Dr. Greer on our vimeo channel.
For a video on Disclosure watch : Expose of the National Security State. For information about Contact: watch Crossing Point of Light.
You will not get the depth of information and insight anywhere else!
Sirius Technology Advanced Research LLC, PO Box 265, Crozet, VA 22932 |
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- Verschärfung des Asylrechts: So stimmten Ihre Wahlkreisabgeordneten
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Entzug des Hausausweises macht Lobbyisten nervös
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Verschärfung der Zugangsregeln für den Bundestag macht Lobbyisten nervös
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Doch mit der Verschärfung der Zugangsregeln ist das Problem natürlich nicht gelöst – wir brauchen jetzt den viel wichtigeren Schritt gegen Lobbyismus im Geheimen: Gemeinsam müssen wir Union und SPD dazu bringen, endlich ein wirksames Lobbyisten-Register einzuführen! Das wird nicht einfach. Deswegen unsere Bitte: Helfen Sie uns den Druck auf die Politik aufrechtzuerhalten und werden Sie Förderin/Förderer vonabgeordnetenwatch.de (schon ab 5 Euro im Monat).
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Neues Internetportal macht Gutachten zu TTIP, Lobbyismus und Nacktbaden durchsuchbar
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Neues Internetportal macht Gutachten zu TTIP, Lobbyismus und Nacktbaden durchsuchbar
Wie abgeordnetenwatch.de die Offenlegung der Bundestagsgutachten anstieß (Archiv)
Öko-Investor spendet 300.000 Euro an die Grünen
Kurz vor der Landtagswahl in Baden-Württemberg hat ein auf erneuerbare Energien spezialisierter Finanzinvestor 300.000 Euro an die Grünen gespendet. “Für mich ist entscheidend, dass die Grünen in Baden-Württemberg gewinnen”, begründete der Unternehmer Jochen Wermuth seine private Großspende in einem Interview.
abgeordnetenwatch.de setzt sich für eine Begrenzung der Spendenhöhe für Privatpersonen und ein Komplettverbot von Unternehmensspenden an Parteien ein. Unterzeichnen und verbreiten Sie unsere Petition“Lobbyistenspenden an Parteien verbieten!“
Bundestag prüft dubiose Wahlkampffinanzierung zugunsten der AfD
Zwölf “besorgte Bürgerinnen und Bürger” haben eine teure Wahlkampagne zugunsten der AfD finanziert, jetzt steht der Verdacht einer illegalen Parteispende im Raum. Die Bundestagsverwaltung prüft inzwischen, ob die Offenlegungspflichten für Großspenden umgangen wurden.
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Verschärfung des Asylrechts: So stimmten Ihre Wahlkreisabgeordneten
Der Bundestag hat kürzlich eine Verschärfung des Asylrechts beschlossen. Auf abgeordnetenwatch.de erfahren Sie, wie Ihre Wahlkreisabgeordneten beim sogenannten Asylpaket II gestimmt haben.
So stimmten Ihre Wahlkreisabgeordneten
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Landtagswahlen: So können Sie sich noch informieren
In Baden-Württemberg, Rheinland-Pfalz und Sachsen-Anhalt wird heute ein neuer Landtag gewählt. So können Sie sich vor dem Gang ins Wahllokal über Ihre Wahlkreiskandidierenden und die Parteien informieren:
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Fragen und Antworten des Monats
- “Glauben Sie wirklich, dass Indien die Bundesrepublik Deutschland überfällt und die Bevölkerung weitgehend ausrottet?”, schreibt der Bundestagsabgeordnete Ulrich Kelber (SPD) einem Fragesteller im Zusammenhang mit dem umstrittenen Tweet der CDU-Politikerin Erika Steinbach.
- Verschiedene sexuelle Orientierungen sollten “nicht als völlig gleichwertig” dargestellt werden, schreibt die FDP-Landtagskandidatin Stefanie Knecht im Zusammenhang mit dem umstrittenen Bildungsplan in Baden-Württemberg.
- “Manchmal, wenn ich zu wütend werde, versprühe ich tatsächlich Parfüm”: Befragt zum Thema Rauchverbot, nennt die rheinland-pfälzische Linken-Politikerin Barbara Seid ein eher ungewöhnliches Mittel der Notwehr.
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2016 – The Birth of Love Warrior Souls by Mother Mary
Channeled Message through Natalie Glasson- 11th March 2016 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Love exudes from my heart and soul into your being, I amMother Mary, I come forth with the Divine Mother consciousness, light and love to support humanity and the Earth at this time of Ascension. It is a time of tremendous transformation upon the Earth, some shifts may be subtle and unnoticed, yet they have been long awaited and will create the greatest impact upon the consciousness of humanity. Please value the subtle shifts taking place within the core of your being because they are opening you up to your truth to become a beacon of love. The consciousness of the Earth and humanity is shifting into a greater space of love which is preparing for present and future experiences of Creator love and enlightenment. This is making way for new opportunities for those upon the Earth and the inner planes.
The vibrations of pure love consciousness are extending with tremendous power from the planet and civilisation of Venus throughout 2016; this is creating a powerful healing within many as well as encouraging a purer perspective and recognition of love. Many people are feeling old energies, understandings and belief systems being dissolved as a powerful awakening of love forms within their beings. As the energy of Venus penetrates the Earth and her humanity with intense power, transforming the Earth into a Planet of Love this will influence the current and next generations being born upon the Earth.
Many of the souls born into the Earth and a physical body during 2016 will either be of the planet Venus, will have a powerful connection and resonance with Venus or will hold a potent high vibrational love frequency. Souls being born in 2016 and to some extent 2017 will be known as Love Warriors. The word ‘Warrior’ depicts soldiers, war and battles, however, these souls known as Love Warriors are coming to the Earth now to participate in love and to encourage others to participate in love. Even the birth of these souls will imprint love codes into the Earth and the consciousness of humanity to support the further manifestation of the Era of Love. Their birth alone will create further potent blossoming and recognition of love upon the Earth and most importantly within humanity.
Souls born with the purpose of being Love Warriors will have a strong awareness of love within their beings and around them. They will powerfully inspire many to recognise the Creator love within them while wishing to dissolve illusions which block each person’s natural recognition of love. This will be achieved subtly simply through the radiance of their light and consciousness when among others. Many Love Warriors will mature with the passion to make changes upon the Earth within society which seem impossible now, however due to their high and potent love held within their entire being such tasks will be effortless with very little negative impact upon humanity. They may challenge governments, manipulation, the creation of fear, poverty, suffering and everything that is required to be brought into a space of love to bring peace to the Earth and all souls. To many adults the passion and purpose of the Love Warriors will be inspirational, their trust in love and the action of love will demonstrate to many all over the world that love heals and dissolves all illusions.
The Love Warriors enter into the Earth now with a challenging purpose, to support all in further moving into an inner space and consciousness of love. However, they are well equipped because their power of love is beyond anything experienced upon the Earth at this time. The Love Warriors will also begin to reform energetically the sacred site, chakras and holy spaces of the Earth so that they are returned to their original use, thus increasing the love vibration of the Earth.
It is a time of tremendous celebration as we honour the souls becoming a part of humanity entering through the traditional human birthing process. Their presence symbolises that humanity has reached a time upon the Earth of high vibration ready to receive love. This symbolises that beautiful processes, downloading and anchoring of love are to follow. I share this information with you now because you are already consciously aware of the power, purpose and necessity for the love of the Creator to be recognised upon the Earth. Your dedication to the light is creating a pure energy upon the Earth which is allowing souls to incarnate holding higher frequencies of love and light. This does not mean that they are more evolved than you; they are equal to your own magnificent soul however you have prepared the energies of the Earth so that these souls may enter with greater remembrance. Rather than being born into illusion they are able to be born holding onto their pure soul consciousness, retaining this throughout their childhood into their adulthood.
How can you recognise the souls being born now who are Love Warriors? They will exude love and retain this powerful love radiance whatever occurs in their reality. They will easily be able to see through the illusions of the Earth wishing to cast the rules of the Earth aside. Their passion for the love of the Creator will be powerfully evident and inspirational. They will seek to create action which promotes inner recognition of love. They will also have strong connections to Venus frequencies.
How can you support and assist these souls? To be of service to the Earth, yourself, humanity and the Love Warrior Souls, there is a need to continue to focus upon love within your being. Continue to cleanse and purify your body, thoughts and emotions as this will clear all illusions held within the consciousness of humanity, making space for love consciousness, as well as continuing to raise the love quotient of the Earth. Be observant and allow yourself to recognise these Love Warrior Souls when they enter your reality, energetically share your love with them as a powerful source which will energise, magnify, support and propel them forward in their purpose. Know that you are also a Love Warrior, to radiate love and create actions of love upon the Earth is also your purpose. You may recognise yourself as an energetic guardian and protector for these souls whether they enter into your life or not. Your purpose is to encourage their purpose, to demonstrate the power of love and lovingly encourage them to realise their pathway. You may also feel inspired to transmit your love and healing to souls being born into the Earthly reality to welcome and support them throughout 2016.
Not all souls born during 2016 and 2017 will be Love Warriors. However, many will and they will be easily recognised. In 2017 and beyond many souls born will hold a different energy. These souls will hold a high vibrational pure love however their sensitivity will be more advanced. These souls will embody a powerful passion for love with advanced sensitivity giving them the opportunity to express and experience love at a greater scale though this may mean that they are highly sensitive to illusion and fear. These Sensitive Love Souls will appear to be very different from the Love Warrior Souls however both are required to support you and humanity in further creating the Era of Love. The Sensitive Love Souls may experience suffering due to aspects of the Earth that humanity takes for granted such as the power of fear within the consciousness of humanity, the vibration of technology, conventional medicine, harm to Mother Earth and education. While remaining deeply loving they will demonstrate and reinforce to the rest of humanity, especially those not yet spiritual awake, that changes are required to take place in order for the Era of Love to be fully experiences. Due to the presence of these Sensitive Love Souls, their advanced powers and their heightened sensitivity to their surroundings, they will act as the instigators for powerful and long awaited changes to take place upon the Earth to benefit all. They will not be able to tolerate illusions and low vibrations; this may create chaos especially within the families they are born into if their families are not ready to make shifts into a higher vibrational way of living. This will then filter into the rest of humanity. The sensitivity of these souls is not something to fear. Those who recognise the pure love held within the core of these souls will know exactly how to be of service and to make the necessary shifts which will alter humanity’s lifestyle in the coming 30 years.
The Love Warrior Souls will support light workers already on the Earth in creating impactful actions upon the Earth to create love. The Sensitive Love Souls will confirm that the impactful actions of love are needed and required as well as demonstrating where further growth, healing and love is required both within each person and in the Earthly reality. The Earth and her humanity are entering into a period of tremendous learning, growth and wisdom to further create the Era of Love.
Parents, grandparents, family members and friends of Love Warrior Souls and Sensitive Love Souls are already being prepared for their role. The guidance that is offered is to be willing to recognise the loving truth of the Creator within your own being as this will serve you in guiding theses souls entering the Earth. Please remember that they are not new soul, many have been upon the Earth before, they are souls being given the opportunity to manifest in a purer form.
Please known that I, Mother Mary and also the Beings of Venus, are supporting, loving and assisting all at this time, please call upon us to be of service to you. We are present to bring forth clear understanding, reassurance, healing and guidance.
With eternal love,
Mother Mary
March 13-20, 2016
Beloved Ones,
As you move through the powerful energies of these times, know that you are never truly alone or forgotten. Much that is within you is being transmuted and transformed into a higher version of your self. This can be uncomfortable at times. We advise rest and being good to self while this is happening. All lower vibrations are now exiting from your human operating system and while this occurs, it is important to accept and embrace them as part of your evolving humanity and just allow these experiences until they leave. Do not feed them or make yourself wrong because of this experience. You are not wrong to have this experience so do not negate self. In the higher perspective of these changing times, you are setting new guidelines for the highest vision of your own life in order to manifest it in your personal experience. You do not need to please others while this happens or seek their approval because you are a sovereign being as are they and have the gift of expressing free will.
In these times, there are many people who use the concept of unity consciousness to excuse their behaviour while not honoring the rights of others to be all that they can be. Each of you is here to bring your special and unique gifts to the world during these times and because they are gifts that you as an individual brings; you have the right to set the course of how you wish to present it to the world. No other has the right to make that choice for you. In time, when there are no longer any who would misuse another’s contribution for their own purposes, true unity will begin to take place. This is a state of being where each individual celebrates the flowering of higher potential in another which happens without the concern of being taken advantage of, for then a higher universal law will be in effect. It is good to use one’s discernment in these matters at this time and to set your own boundaries.
There are many people upon the planet who are seeking answers and these individuals will gravitate and be drawn to certain information because they resonate with the truth that is presented. There are many individuals who are presenting information which they offer in unison with us and it is they who should be acknowledged and sought for the value they are bringing forth in what they offer to these seeking ones. These ones who serve with us in this way are individuals whom we of the ascended realms work with and through, and we strive to present truth in its highest form for the learning, understanding and discernment of those who are seeking. All who do this work with us should be known as our chosen representatives and any sharing of the information that takes place should be credited back to the one who is in such service with us, for this is where our greatest influence to make positive effect takes place, through their physical beings orally or through the written or artistic works.
The individuals who serve with us and allow us to express our Light and wisdom in the world, have been sorely tested and tried through their path through life and have sacrificed much in order to do this work and have emerged worthy to be called our true representatives. They have much to give now and into the future, for they are our voice upon the planet. We endorse them and support them and this has always been the way to bring through eternal truths, even during previous golden ages upon the planet. They are our voices expressed orally and through the written word and through forms of art, music and technology and many others forms of expression. When one develops such Light upon the planet through diligent application and adherence to the highest spiritual principles, those of the higher realms are attracted to them and surround them, offering our love, support and protection. We know that all that they do is for the highest and greatest good of all upon the planet.
What we bring to the world through these representatives is knowledge and understanding that is needed by the world’s people and it is our hope that as these ones seek, they will find what they need to find without being further confused and diverted from their intensive searching for the truth and the answers that our representatives hold.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana
The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here
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Mike Quinsey Message, March 11, 2016 |
11th. March 2016. Mike Quinsey.
The events that will change the course of Human evolution are proceeding well, and are your assurance that Disclosure will take place. Many, many souls are working for the Light, and have the strength to overcome the interference from the dark Ones. They still try to take some advantage from the changes in hand, but the Light is strong and holding its position. It will grow even stronger as more souls awaken to the truth. It can therefore be said that all proceeds well and will fulfill expectations. The timing of these events is always uncertain, but suffice to say that the ultimate outcome will be Ascension. Regardless of what course events take your success is assured. So much is taking place that you will find it almost impossible to keep up with, and it will ensure that you quickly prepare to take your place as an ascended being. At the level where all is in the Now, it would seem that Ascension has already taken place. However, in your level of vibration events occur in a sequence, that is subject to the outworking of your freewill. It makes exact predictions more difficult to make, but it can be stated that your Ascension is assured. For some time now you have been given glimpses of the future that awaits you, and it is full of promises that will lift you into the New Age. As you will soon begin to realise, it is rapidly going to propel you into the higher dimensions. You will exist at a level where all is of the Light and Universal Love abounds. At present few of you know where you came from but in time you will learn the truth. You will renew friendships with your “family” who have patiently waited for your consciousness levels to return. Reunions will be joyful occasions where you will once again share your Love and Light with all other souls. If you so wish you will have no need to return to the lower levels, although some will do so in service to others. Rather than remain on your home planet, you may choose to join like-minded souls and operate as a group. You will have decided on your next course of action in the interests of furthering your evolution. It never stops until you finally achieve complete perfection and return to the Godhead. However, you have only just started your journey, and many wonderful and satisfying experiences will still be yours to enjoy. Many souls will be stuck with their beliefs, so much so that they will refuse to accept a greater view of what is needed to evolve. However, to be present on Earth at such a time means they cannot totally ignore what takes place, and their experiences will lay down the basis of a new understanding. Help is always available to those who need longer to rise up, and they will be guided along their path to ensure they progress. Since all is in the “Now” such souls have all the time they need to move on, as it is impossible to stand still and inevitable that their consciousness will grow. However, there is nothing to be gained by trying to force the truth upon an individual, as it may cause the opposite to what is expected.
As you may now have realised, many of the craft you see in your skies are those that have been long developed by the dark Ones. Those of the Light who are of the Galactic Forces tend to keep out of sight, as they avoid confrontation because of their peaceful intentions. They would otherwise be more than capable of defending themselves. There is what can be called a “no-go” area around your Earth, but it poses no problems to advanced civilisations that have far superior technologies. A time that is not that far away will come when all weaponry will be made inoperable. So do not allow yourselves to be frightened by what you learn about the dark Ones. They are under permanent observation and their activities are fully tracked. On Earth there are changes that are taking place that are unavoidably causing hardships, but these will be short lived. Once you understand the nature of the changes you will be more than pleased at the outcome. Life will become so much easier and the days of “lack” will soon be over. For some time you have been given some ideas of the nature of the coming changes, but they will undoubtedly far exceed your expectations. No one will lose out and you have everything to gain. The plans for your upliftment have been in place for a long time and can now be put into action. The outer happenings may at times appear chaotic, but everything is gradually falling into place as has been indicated in recent messages. Many souls are still involved in karmic situations and loss of life will still occur, but as sad it may seem to you it allows for the outworking of karmic issues. It is all part of evolution and necessary experiences if such souls are to continue rising up. You simply must clear outstanding karma by taking every opportunity to progress. As with many aspects of your life, you are always accompanied by higher souls who guide you through your experiences. There is nothing new in the Universe, and you are attracting to yourselves solutions to your problems and needs that have been well tried and tested. You attract the answers through your thoughts and actions, which is why when a number of people are seeking answers to the same problems they come up with them at about the same time. This is another example of the help you are being given. This message comes through my Higher Self. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. Mike Quinsey. michealquinsey@pobroadband.co.uk You can subscribe to the mailing list for these messages by going to www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/new_subscribe.html left click on the heading “Subscribe to the Tree of the Golden Light Weekly Messages” and it will take you to the Subscribers page – go to the bottom and under the heading “etfirstcontact” enter your Email address twice as requested. You will then receive a confirmation if you are successful. You can also “unsubscribe” from the same page. |