Monatsarchive: Januar 2016

Read the Full Message – There’s More…… 

Dear Readers,
I wish to thank all of you for your wonderful comments about my new book The Journal, which will serve as a guidebook for upcoming activities to assist you in journaling your way to New Earth! We also plan to share creative ways for you to introduce multidimensional topics to the people in your life. The book is intended to be shared with a wide audience and features “normal” people who begin to have extraordinary experiences.
Remember, we are offering A New Home, which is Book 1 of the Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension series for only $0.99 through the holidays. It’s a great time to start the full series.
Get ready for an exciting year!
The Journal   ~ Great Holiday Gift Idea! ~ 


“When Lisa finally arrived
at her childhood home,
her mother was gone.
All that greeted her
was her mother’s journal,
which she decided to read.”
Share the gift of wisdom and wonder this holiday season.   The Journal is a newly published book by Suzanne Lie, Ph.D.
Get this great holiday gift idea for ALL audiences, including friends and family.
Birthing New Earth – Part 2
Suzanne Lie & The Arcturians
“Can you imagine, in fact please DO, imagine a reality in which all those who have ever suffered darkness which tainted them to become members of the darkness, were spontaneously healed of that which first created that darkness within them.” ~ The Arcturians
Within this NOW, multidimensional light is traveling from the fifth-dimension seeking to share itself with all life. Hence, every being – planetary, galactic, universal – and, yes, even human – is consciously or unconsciously experiencing this light.
Before, we only experienced the fragmentations of the third and fourth dimensional light, but now the light is coming into us without that fragmentation into the seven different octaves. A chorus of unconditional love and violet fire accompany this multidimensional light.
The beings of Gaia, meaning not just the humans, but also the cetaceans and the members of the animal and plant kingdoms, are consistently creating tunnels of Light. These tunnels of light are also tunnels of hope and unconditional love.
Unconditional love is the antidote to fear and darkness.
As these light tunnels open up from the body of Gaia and journey far beyond the third dimension to collect the fifth-dimensional light and love, they also serve to create a healing force against the fear that is forever trying to increase its impact.
Hence, these frequencies of fear are beginning to dissolve under the impact of the multidimensional Light. Those that have lived in, and ruled by, darkness are afraid of this light, as they fear it may end their life.
Because they have not meditated and because they have not allowed themselves to remember their dreams, they do not have any awareness of the light and love that is just beyond the fourth-dimensional Lower Astral Plane in the Land of Faerie and beyond.
Therefore, these lost ones think that they can only live within the third-dimensional reality and fear that it is coming to its conclusion. Actually, tunnels of light surround them, but their frequency is so low that they cannot perceive them.
These tunnels of light have been opened by the members of Gaia to welcome in the wholeness and oneness of unconditional love and light. This multidimensional light and love is first moving into the areas that have opened the portals.
As that multidimensional light moves through the portals into the core of Earth, Gaia accepts and amplifies it so that She can emanate out to the surface of ALL of Her planetary areas. In this manner, Gaia can share Her expanded light with ALL the beings on ALL of Her surface.
Since this higher light emanates, not just from the higher dimensions, but also from the core of Gaia, beings that have not been fortunate enough to be in an area in which there are opened portals, can also experience the higher light.
In this manner, everyone can experience the higher light that has been so generously shared with Gaia via the myriad open portals. As the awakening ones begin to remember their multidimensional selves, they are able to call in their higher expressions of SELF within the Angelic and the Galactic worlds.
In fact, many are asking for, and welcoming, the assistance that the Arcturians, Pleiadians, Sirians, Antareans, and Andromedens are sending to all the members of Earth and to the Mother Gaia, as well.
Because Gaia is a “cause and effect” planet, the process of transmutation of darkness into light needs to be initiated by the beings that first sent out the darkness.
These beings are only within the humanoid kingdom, as the animal, plant and etheric kingdoms live within the oneness of love for their planet. Thus, those wearing earth vessels are needed to send out the antidote. It is for this reason that many higher beings took a human form to assist Earth.
Even though many of those wearing an earth vessel may not have been the ones to send out the darkness, they who took an earth vessel in order to help the planet.
Gaia is also a cause and effect planet, so the dark ones who have put fear into Gaia’s reality must receive that fear and transmute it by unconditionally loving and forgiving themselves, as well as others.
If they are able to do this, if they are able to accept the effects of their cause and transmute those effects with their own unconditional love, they too will be able to join the great event of planetary transmutation. No one is too dark to be forgiven or too fearful to live in love.
Those who use their free will to choose to assist the planet with Her transmutation will greatly expand their consciousness. This expansion of consciousness is because they chose to contribute in the great event of planetary ascension.
Therefore, they have set out the cause of “we are creating planetary ascension,”which brings back the effect of being “a member of planetary consciousness.”Within this expanded consciousness they can create portals that will open wider and move into higher and higher frequencies and dimensions.
These portals of light will be able to accept more and more multi-dimensional light and unconditional love. In fact, these expanded streams of light can more efficiently move:
Down into the Gaia’s core crystals
Then emanate out of from core and onto Gaia’s entire surface
Into Gaia’s aura/atmosphere
Beyond Gaia’s aura
And into and through the fourth-dimension
When this higher light moves into the core of Gaia, then out into the third and fourth dimensional time-bound realities, the NOW of this light releases the concepts of “past and future,” as well as the separation and limitation created by third/fourth dimensional time.
With the release of the concept of separation, the third and fourth dimensions blend into the NOW of Gaia’s process of transmutation into a fifth dimensional planet of higher light and unconditional love.
In this manner, the illusion of separation between life, which was perceived as living on a physical world, and death, which was perceived as living on a fourth-dimensional astral world, is released.
As these illusions are released, they are replaced with the knowing that “Life” is eternal and DEATH is a third dimensional illusion. Even the fourth-dimension isnot ruled by the illusion of death, for that is where people go when they have “died” to their third-dimensional reality.
However, once in the fourth dimension, they discover that they are not dead. It is then that they realize that life continues far beyond that of their physical embodiment.
As Gaia expands more and more into fifth-dimensional consciousness, those who go back into incarnation will realize that there is NO separation between life and death. They will remember that there is no separation between the third-dimension and the fourth-dimension.
With that memory, they will realize that all separation is an illusion of the third and lower fourth dimension. They will remember that they are not separate from other people, and they are not separate from the planet.
Then, even those who initially took an incarnation on Earth as beings of darkness to hold a pattern of power over others learn that there are NO patterns of power over others, as there are no others.
Also, as Gaia resonates faster and faster into the fifth-dimension, any of those of “dark persuasion” will not longer be able to send out any damaging, fearful, harmful thoughts, because these thoughts will immediately come right back to the sender.
Then the sender of fear and darkness will say, “Wait, I can’t do that anymore. I can’t send out darkness because it comes right back to me. However, someone sent that darkness into me.”
Then they might say, “Wait, if I cannot send out darkness, then that darkness that was sent into me can now be released.”
Can you imagine, in fact please DO, imagine a reality in which all those who have ever suffered darkness which tainted them to become members of the darkness, were spontaneously healed of that which first created that darkness within them.

How to Exit the Matrix


ByKathy J. Forti

Source: The Mind Unleashed

The Ancient Indian Rishis called 7.83 Hz the frequency of OM. It also happens to be Mother Earth’s natural heartbeat rhythm, known as the “Schumann Resonance.” According to Wikipedia, “Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere.”

For many years this resonance frequency has hovered at a steady 7.83 Hz with only slight variations. In June 2014 that apparently changed. Monitors at the Russian Space Observing System showed a sudden spike in activity to around 8.5 Hz. Since then, they have recorded days where the Schumann accelerated as fast as 16.5 Hz. (The graph is usually blue with some green, and no white.) At first they thought their equipment was malfunctioning, but later learned the data was accurate. Everyone was asking, what’s causing this intermittent spiking activity?


Is the Earth’s frequency speeding up? Since the Schumann frequency is said to be “in tune” with the human brain’s alpha and theta states, this acceleration may be why it often feels like time has sped up and events and changes in our life are happening more rapidly.

These emerging resonances are naturally correlated to human brainwave activity. So this means, we are changing. Many years ago I was trained in EEG Neurofeedback, so I looked at what these accelerated frequencies might be telling us about human evolutionary change. A 7.83 Hz frequency is an alpha/theta state. Relaxed, yet dreamy—sort of a neutral idling state waiting for something to happen. A 8.5 – 16.5 Hz frequency moves one out of the theta range into more of a full calmer alpha state with faster more alert beta frequencies starting to appear. (This correlates with slowly waking up cognitively). Since the Schumann Resonance has had sudden spikes between 12 – 16.5 Hz (see pic’s white areas),  I found this even more interesting. In Neurofeedback, 12-15 Hz is called Sensory-Motor Rhythm frequency (SMR). It is an ideal state of “awakened calm.” Our thought processes are clearer and more focused, yet we are still “in the flow” or “in the know.” In other words, Mother Earth is shifting her vibrational frequency and perhaps so are we. This may be one of many signs that we are AWAKENING.


Scientist’s report that the Earth’s magnetic field, which can affect the Schumann Resonance, has been slowly weakening for the past 2,000 years and even more so in the last few years. No one really knows why. I was told by a wise old sage from India that the magnetic field of Earth was put in place by the Ancient Ones to block our primordial memories of our true heritage. This was so that souls could learn from the experience of free-will unhampered by memories of the past. He claimed that the magnetic field changes are now loosening those memory blocks and we are raising our consciousness to greater truth. The veil is lifting. The blinders are coming off. If true, it raises even more intriguing questions.

Whatever is happening, it’s clear that this acceleration may make you feel more tired, exhausted, dizzy, depressed, and even strange as you raise your own frequencies to be more “in tune” with the New Earth. Adaptation is not always an easy process, but keep in mind it’s all part of your own unique AWAKENING.

Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God.   -See More articles at How to Exit the Matrix

“According to the “Fair Use” clause of International Copyright Law, the authors declare that the use of the photos, videos and information in this academic research are analyzed for purposes of “criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research” according to Section 107 of Title 17 of the US Code.”





Ever feel like those in power have the upper hand? Like big corporations will always win and we’ll always lose? Me too. But 2015 proved us wrong.

2015 was the year that our campaigning helped kick Shell, with their heads in their hands and money pouring from their pockets, out of the Arctic. [1] It was the year we exposed that Santander was funding a rainforest-destroying company and shamed them into stopping. [2] But, if you still don’t believe that together we can’t take on the bad guys and win, take a quick look at this video:

The successes of 2015 should convince us that big business cannot always bypass us, that our leaders cannot continually ignore us. So how about making a New Year’s resolution to make your voice even louder in 2016? If companies like Shell and Santander think we’ll be quietly resting on our laurels in 2016, they should think again.

Thanks for everything,

India and the whole team at Greenpeace UK

P.S. Get started making your voice louder right now. 2015 didn’t just show us the power of people, it showed us the power of what we’re up against: climate change. Can you sign this petition for David Cameron to take tough action on climate change in light of the floods this winter?

[1] This year Shell backed out of the Arctic for the forseeable future, after a 3 year long Greenpeace campaign. Here’s how you made it happen:
[2] This year we stopped Santander from funding rainforest destruction after our campaign went viral:
Together we also helped local campaigners to secure a no vote from Lancashire county council on fracking. It was also the year that you stood with people from Mumbai to Moscow calling for a binding agreement on climate change – and won:


We don’t accept any money from companies or governments so we can be independent and challenge anyone who threatens the planet or peace. To help us keep fighting climate change, defending our oceans and protecting ancient forests, you canmake a regular donation by direct debit. Thank you!




Wenn hier kein Bild angezeigt wird, müssen Sie die Anzeige von Bildern freischalten!

Die Agrarlobby überzieht das Land mit Megaställen und Großschlachthöfen – und geht arrogant über Widerstand hinweg. Das wollen wir ändern. Lassen Sie uns am Samstag, 16. Januar, mit einer eindrucksvollen Großdemonstration zeigen: „Wir haben Agrarindustrie satt!“ Kommen Sie mit!

Ja, ich bin dabei!
Nein, leider nicht

Liebe Cornelia Dix-Kühn,

Zehntausende strömten auf die Straßen Berlins, etliche verkleidet als Kühe und Schweine, mit entschlossenen Slogans auf den Lippen – Menschen wie Sie und ich. Als im letzten Jahr um diese Zeit 50.000 die „Wir haben es satt!“-Demonstration zu einem großen Erfolg machten, da war klar: Diese Bewegung für eine bäuerliche Landwirtschaft, für gutes Essen, die hält so schnell nichts auf.

Umso erschreckender ist es, wie die Agrarindustrie weiter Megaställe in Kleinstadt-Größe baut: 80.000 Schweine in Tornitz, 56.000 in Haßleben, 400.000 Hühnerschlachtungen pro Tag in Wietze. Betrieben von Landwirten ohne Land, auf Höfen ohne echte Bauern. Ganz so, als gäbe es keinen breiten Bürger/innen-Protest, als wären uns das Tierleid, die Wasserverschmutzung oder die Antibiotika-Schwemme egal.

Die Agrarlobby nimmt uns noch nicht ernst genug. Doch am 16. Januar, also Samstag in einer Woche, haben wir die Chance, sie eines Besseren zu belehren. Dann gehen wir mit zehntausenden Verbraucherinnen und Verbrauchern, Bäuerinnen und Bauern in Berlin auf die Straße und zeigen laut und deutlich: Wir haben Agrarindustrie satt!

„Die Agrarwende wird nicht kommen!“, behauptete Agrarlobby-Präsident Joachim Rukwied kürzlich im Spiegel. Beweisen Sie ihm in zehn Tagen: Er liegt falsch. Wir sind gekommen, um zu bleiben. Bitte schließen Sie sich an!

Ja, ich bin dabei!
Nein, leider nicht
Wir brauchen noch Menschen, die uns vor Ort unter die Arme greifen: die die Demo als Ordner/innen begleiten, Fahnen verteilen oder Spenden sammeln. Außerdem soll es ein starkes Aktionsbild geben: eine riesige Agrarfabrik, vor der als Kühe und Schweine verkleidete Menschen panisch fliehen, bis die Fabrik von den Demonstrant/innen gestoppt wird. Bitte unterstützen Sie uns! Wenn Sie helfen wollen, senden Sie uns bitte eine kurze Mail an – dann können wir besser planen.

Ich freue mich sehr darauf, Sie am 16. Januar in Berlin auf der „Wir haben es satt“-Demonstration zu sehen.

Herzliche Grüße
Chris Methmann, Campaigner

PS: Wir wollen mit einer beeindruckenden Menschen-Masse in die Tagesschau. Informieren Sie bitte Freund/innen, Verwandte oder Kolleg/innen über die Demo. Leiten Sie dazu diese Mail gern weiter!

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What is it all about?
 “Humanity’s challenge at this decisive point in history is to face a monster that is desperately attempting to expand its tyrannical system of human enslavement. Simultaneously, human consciousness is growing with unparalleled expansion and this is a grave threat to the tyrants. Only one of these forces, humanity or tyranny, can succeed, and the world we hand to our children and future generations will be defined by our success or failure in this regard. The irony is that the tyrants have no power but that which we have unwittingly relinquished to them. In order to create a better world we simply need to take our power back. That is my ultimate goal: a better world. My wisdom in this matter comes from the knowledge that the attainment of this goal is not up to me, it is up to us.”

~Ken O’Keefe



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Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

from Planetary Activation Organization

The numerous times of delay are over. A new reality is quickly pushing the dark one that you have long known aside. It is the final period of transition to a new one filled with endless positive possibilities and of course, freedom!


Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

6 Oc, 3 Chen, 12 Manik

Selamat Balik! Let us begin with a Happy New Gregorian Year to all! The massive operations that are giving you your various blessings were stalled slightly by the holiday season. This planned delay is now over. Deliveries are expected to begin during the coming week. This delay was felt appropriate by both the various royal families and by a number of the ancient families. A series of last minute security checks have been completed and a new delivery schedule approved by all parties. As noted in our last message, the kinks in this system have been worked out. Those dark minions, which forged the final series of delays have either been arrested or removed from their positions of authority. Thus, these funds, as well as a change in governance are all on track to manifest before you. Our liaisons were able to shorten these dates and enable you to watch history in the making at a much earlier date. We are currently watching this complex process and seeing if these movements go forth as planned. In any case, the end for the dark cabal is finally here at last.

As you move into this new era of peace and freedom, be constantly aware of how easily this time of wonders can end. It is quite necessary for you to maintain a great deal of diligence in these matters. Remember, these gifts lead to an even greater degree of responsibility. We urge you to set up special “watchdog” committees and to ask them to keep everyone well informed about what is actually happening. Freedom is a divine gift that requires great use of your resources to maintain. Former American President Jefferson stated that a kind of permanent revolution was required. This degree of diligence, while noble, is out of place in an Internet and social media environment. Like a new Paul Revere you need to be able to read the signs and be ready to inform all of a time for positive action. These social networks can supersede any need for violence. Hence, sound the alarm and use a massive response mode to keep your world moving forward toward the mass landings and full consciousness. This process can permit you to keep our mutual missions on track and in synch with the Divine.


Once you have helped to secure your new reality, it is necessary for you to start to improve your environment. The first thing is to do away with the various types of pollution that presently clog your global environment. Use technologies that either you have access to or those which were formerly sequestered and are now available to you. Use them to clean up the chemical, radioactive and other toxic materials that you need to eliminate from your environment. Once this is done, you can then add to the projects that are ongoing to solve the food, water and housing crises of humanity. In this new world, you are to continue to resolve what crises remain. If you are unable to resolve these questions fully, we intend to introduce technologies that are to begin to remake your realm into a truly pleasant one to live in. Nevertheless, it is vital that you begin to work successfully with each other. Your ancestors came here nearly 900,000 years ago to sustain the life and the ways of a fully conscious realm.

Our joint task is to prepare you for a decreed return to your former Angelic-like state. Each of you lives in this wondrous reality. Our mentors are to provide whatever you need to know after you have been exposed to the knowledge that the Anunnaki failed to give you. In fact, their lies and manipulation were to be the preliminary stages to making you a permanent slave race. Heaven has begun the process of taking you to a transformative stage that is necessary for our mission to succeed. In this path is the sacred works of your Ascended Masters. They have the set of teachings that you need so our mentors can take you to the very edge of full consciousness. This is where the Agarthans come in. In inner Earth, there are the living devices that are to finish your transformation. What is then left as we have said previously is a special post Crystal Light Chamber training and the founding of your new star nation. Much is to come as you fulfill your magnificent destiny!


Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! As you can see, we are given some important responsibilities to perform. The greatest of these has been to initially provide you with Heaven’s grace and mercy. You have survived the dark and proven to all your great commitment to the Light. Our part has been to be Heaven’s messengers. We have done this gladly and happily await your last time of transition from this 3-D realm. Our immediate task is to guide those who are successfully separating and defeating the dark’s minions. This task is to lead to new governance, which is to permit us to provide the necessary teachings that you need before our heavenly brethren arrive. In this new realm, you are to learn of your origins and be given the means to set up a truly wondrous realm! This is to be the precursor to a world that is to see the reunion of inner and outer Gaia. This is to allow you to form your new star nation.

We Masters understand how difficult this is to be to many of you. You have somewhat accepted the horrid state of death and aging. This so-called reality has permitted you to give in to the former lies of the dark. Now, you need to reform this “reality” and swiftly adopt a new one. Our sacred task is to show you how such a different reality is truly possible. The wonders of the return of galactic humanity are to complete this divine process. These mentors of yours combined with our teachings are to show you just how this “welcoming home” mission works. One of the first facts that we were told was of this coming galactic mission. This divine mission along with ours is to facilitate your return to full consciousness by the use first of our good works and graciousness. After many millennia, it is finally to include a sacred teaching about who you truly are.

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This coming time is therefore one of completing your transition to full consciousness. This requires knowledge, skills and abilities to be given freely to each of you. The first grand step is this set of lessons is about your True Self and a comprehensive history of your origins on other worlds. After that, it is about what happened to you while under the rule of the ancient Atlanteans. All of us stem from this time of nearly 13 millennia after Atlantis was sunk by its own brand of evil. This present time is when this prolonged nightmare ends and is succeeded by one to be lived in the glorious joy of the Light! We have lived in the realm of the Agarthans and know in joy what awaits you. Let us begin the start of these momentous times and feel the wonder of the Light. Let us know as well that the way of the dark is being assigned to the dustbins of earthly history. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today, we continued with our messages. The numerous times of delay are over. A new reality is quickly pushing the dark one that you have long known aside. It is the final period of transition to a new one filled with endless positive possibilities and of course, freedom! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

For more from The Galactic Federation


WEBINAR ARCHIVE ready for downloading…

Like a collapsing house of cards, our 3D world is teetering and about to topple.

Webinar Preview: Divine Reality and Prosperity


With our awakening perceptions of reality, we are now able to help the Galactics even more.

Discover how the ‘new you’ is assisting in the acceleration of our consciousness shift.

Topics include…

• How the “New You” is altering your perceptions
• Developing a new consciousness
• How the concept of transparency is changing your world
• What once was acceptable is no longer good enough
• A new science is transforming our world
• Prosperity, ETs and new governance
• Relearning how we perceive ourselves

To your order copy, CLICK HERE

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