Monatsarchive: Januar 2016


Grundeinkommen in den Medien


Nun ist es amtlich: Die Schweiz stimmt am 5. Juni 2016 über die «Volksinitiative für ein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen» ab.

Am 25. Januar fuhr eine goldene Flotte auf den Bundesplatz und präsentierte die erste repräsentative Umfrage zum Grundeinkommen: Die Schweizer und Schweizerinnen würden auch mit Grundeinkommen weiter arbeiten und die neue gewonnene Freiheit nutzen, um sich weiterzubilden, sich selbstständig zu machen und mehr Zeit mit der Familie zu verbringen.

Das erstmals in einem Land über den Vorschlag direkt demokratisch abgestimmt wird bewegt auch im Ausland: SPIEGEL ONLINE berichtete in zwei Tagen dreimal über das Grundeinkommen:
1. Umfrage
2. Abstimmungstermin
3. Interview


Impressionen vom Bundesplatz:




Hier finden Sie eine Auswahl aus dem Medienecho der Woche 4:

Blick (Umfrage)
Null Bock auf Faulenzen

Neun von zehn Schweizern würden trotz Grundeinkommen arbeiten

SDA > Blick, BaZ, Tagesanzeiger, Bund, AZ, BZ und ca. 20 weiteren

Trotz Grundeinkommen: Nur jeder Zehte würde die Arbeit aufgeben

(Umfrage Vergleich CH/Basel)
Grosser Zuspruch für bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen in Basel

Umfrage zeigt: Neun von zehn Schweizern würden trotz Grundeinkommen arbeiten

Heisser Polit-Sommer: Darüber entscheidet das Volk

Schweizer entscheiden im Juni über Grundeinkommen

RTS Info 
(Radio Télévision Suisse)

Seul 2% des Suisses cesseraient de travailler s’il existait un revenu de base inconditionnel

(SDA Italienisch)
Reddito di base, sostenitori in piazza a Berna

Nur jeder Zehnt würde Arbeit aufgeben
(Mit Video)

Grundeinkommen in der Schweiz

24 Heures
Revenu universel: seul 2% des Suisses arrêteraient de travailler

Tele Bärn

Initiative für ein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen

(Bericht und Interview)
BGE- Studie 

Der Standard 
Das Grundeinkommen würde uns in einen Sinnkrise führen

The Huffingten Post
Vier Gründe warum das Grundeinkommen ein Erfolg wird

Geld geschenkt – und trotzdem weiter arbeiten


Ist ein Grundeinkommen sinnvoll?


Deutsche Mittelstands Nachrichten
Schweizer würden trotz Grundeinkommen weiterarbeiten


Vergesst das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen

Süddeutsche Zeitung

Das Grundeinkommen ist verführerisch – und gefährlic


Swiss government proposes paying everyone £1,700 a month whether they work or not in a bid to end poverty… but insists most people will still want to get a job





January 31-February 7, 2016

Beloved Ones,

Upon you, Beloved Ones, rest the strength and stability of your world. You are the adventurers stepping into the unknown and bravely experiencing every moment of it. As you do this you are setting the template of the new Earth reality. As more of you take up this mantle, your Light and the Light in the world grows exponentially. We have said this many times before but it bears repeating often, for it is easy to forget as the affairs of the world around you catch you in their dramas, of which there are many. Repeat to yourselves often that youARE the Light and that is your true identity.

The world you live on is very rich and there are enough resources for all but there are those who feel that only they must be in control of all of it. This is going to rapidly change as we venture further into the flow of the cosmic energies. As the energies of love grow ever stronger, hearts that have been closed will begin to open and these ones, too, will begin to change their ways as they realize a better way to live and be. There will be more cooperation and willingness to listen to the voices of protest that grow ever more demanding and insistent on justice and true equality for all who live and move upon this world. It will become a world that supplies the needs of all. This of course, will take some time, but the end result and outcome will be a happy one.

Continue to believe in magic and see it! Many of you are capturing the wonders of the world around you in pictures and sharing these amongst yourselves and with many who never contemplated or were open to explore new ideas and concepts such as the presence of other forms of life that exist in the same space as they. These pictures are opening up their consciousness in ways that were not possible before. As you share these gifts of wonder, many wonderful changes begin to take place within each individual who gazes upon them. This opens them to re-experience the joy and wonder that they used to feel and experience when they were but children and will return these qualities to them in abundance.

The former structures in the world’s systems are continuing to change and this will become more evident in the daily lives of everyone upon the planet. The focus of the world’s leaders will be on the accommodation of meeting the needs of all citizens and not on just the few, for the people of the world will insist upon this in ever increasing numbers. The outmoded ways of doing business and commerce will take a turn for the better in terms of a fairer distribution and use of the resources at hand. People will be questioning whether the further exploitation of some of these resources is even necessary and will insist on developing new technology and alternatives that have a lesser impact upon the vital life force of their planet and its inhabitants.

So you see that your determined focus on increasing and expanding the Light within you has an inherent benefit for everyone, for it opens the way for new ideas and innovations to come through into manifestation. This was not possible even a few short years ago. That which was impossible now becomes possible! Look to the increase of new technology and inventions that have as their aim, the betterment of the quality of life for everyone.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

The Hilarion Connection©, Book One available here  

Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her. The Reason: Master Hilarion has indicated that the Scribe/Channel is a direct conduit for his energies as she speaks through the words and these energies go to all who are in need of them as they listen to the words and/or read the text message received by her.

Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe’s credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

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Maureen Moss Inc.

From Maureen Moss

February 2016

“Parallel Realities”

Maureen MossPlease Respond Only To:


In This Issue:

  1. New Article: “Parallel Realities”

  2. Private Sessions: All sessions directed fully towards integration, assimilation and adaptation to your New Human Reality…details below. ALSO: Receive an extra 30 minutes FREE until February 28, 2016.

  3. Looking for Graphic Designer: Details Below.

Dearest Hearts,

As always, I pray you are well as we jettison forward in this year of 2016…a year of breakdowns, breakthroughs and alchemy as we continue to shift reality systems and integrate, assimilate, align and adapt to the new beings we are becoming.

It’s quite miraculous to be cultivating a relationship with the re-incarnation of ourselves (while in the same physical body) and often, to bear witness to many as they dust off the ashes on their very own wings and Rise…Phoenix’s many have discovered themselves to be.

This is not to say we are out of global chaos nor removed from further personal reconstruction…for we are not.

Every component of life and way of life will be changed throughout this year and next providing further opportunities for the new heart based reality and consciousness of the 5th dimensional human to be anchored in as the dominant one on Planet Earth…as the next three years progress.

Parallel Realities…Global and Personal

Now and throughout this span of time many parallel realities (both in our minds and in our world) will vie for our attention as we witness the flow of allconsciousness radiating concurrently and in all directions…challenging each of us to align with our Mastery in the face of all potentials.

On a global level…obvious separation, fear and even hate (deep unexplored pain) are playing out simultaneously with the birth of a new parallel humanreality and the expression, expansion and revelations of true Love.

Far beyond the conversations about potentials of economic, environmental, geo-political, social structures and more shifting dramatically or collapsing completely…we find ourselves in the midst of aggressive exposures and breakdowns of false facades born of a paradigm riddled in duality and separation…and witnessing heinous acts of terrorism and fear mongering demagogues.

While some may believe they have risen above aspects of that particular reality or prefer not to have their attention diverted by what they believe does not phase them…let us not forget that whatever reality we are aligned with…still, we are One humanity that came to this Earth…not to engage in drama…though to change the trajectory of the human experience through the actions of Love and creative activism.

“It really boils down to this, all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”
—Martin Luther King, Jr.

Personally, as we continue our sacred adventure into new realities we find we are subject to simultaneous cycles of integration and disintegration, of adaptation and agitation, of Oneness and loneliness…all that of which accompanies the miracles and majesty of this new stage of physical ascension…and it shall continue until we reset and orientate ourselves to this new…often raw heart centered parallel reality.

Offer your heart the kindness of staying away from the swirling narratives of the mind and others definitions of your experience. You are right where you need to be…connected in all ways to the embodied Intelligence that courses through you, beckoning you to be at peace with all.

Offer yourself the peace of remaining in a state of everpresentness as parallel realities within you vie for your attention…yet reveal themselves at one time. Bless each. Run from none. Notice to which you are aligned. Bow to all. Let what needs to move on do so in a state of quietude, reverence and Love.Bless what remains.

As we move through this year and next, many will come to the awareness they are no longer divided nor conflicted by linear time of past, present or future…though at rest in the unified state of everpresentness…all things present.

Eventually even the conversation of parallel realities will come to pass as we engage with the aligned experience of being ‘one and all and here and there,’ simultaneously.

Down many winding paths that embraces both the miracles and confusions of the human experience… Life leads us to Mastery.

And so it is that in this year of 2016 we become adepts at cultivating and strengthening our relationship to the new humans we are becoming and with the New Reality we are creating by aligning with what strengthens our positions as Creators, Stewards and Citizens of a new parallel reality… notonly to a greater version of ourselves… but as contributors and creative collaborators on behalf of Life, Equanimity and Freedom for all.

Maureen Moss, © 2015. Please share wherever you prefer keeping name, content and the intact.

Follow me on Facebook for more updates, support and love.

“Private Sessions”

(Additional 30 minutes as a follow-up and Free Gift)

Through February 28, 2016 I continue to offer unique, guided, powerful paradigm shifting sessions. All sessions are geared toward assisting you withgaining clarity and peace in your life…integration of your new reality andassimilation and adaptation to 5th dimensional energies.

All sessions are interactive prompting the true strength and Spirit that moves in you to come front and center through you for a rich and empowering experience.

Click here for further information.

Graphic Designer

I am looking for a very creative, experienced graphic designer. Please put background info and web site in body of email. No attachments please. Send to

May you be blessed every single moment of every single day.

I wish you each love, joy, blessings, clarity and abundance. May grace follow you wherever you go. Know you are loved!



Dear Readers,
I hope your Unconditional Love, Week #4, has been going well.
I am including some of my latest blog posts below so you can stay up to date on all of the activity and messages that are coming in to be shared.
I am also including some information on the upcoming events. Please note that we are approaching final registration for the Advanced Arcturian Lecture Series on Saturday, January 30. Check out the blog post, Meeting Your Higher SELF, which gives some insight on the importance of this topic that will be part of the upcoming discussions.
Blessings and Unconditional Love to you all.
“Right NOW, these transformational waves of Higher Light are everywhere within your current translation of reality. We say “translation” because each of you is beginning to perceive frequencies of reality which you had
never perceived before – that is, in this incarnation.”
“What is occurring now is that the higher light has been altering your earth vessel at very baseline frequencies that were once undetectable to your conscious mind. However, now your conscious mind is increasingly able to detect the higher frequencies of light because your super-conscious mind has been teaching your third-dimensional brain how to expand its frequency range.”
Remember, you perceive the frequency of reality that resonates with your state of consciousness. Those of you who are able to perceive the higher light can do so because you can FEEL the unconditional love that resonates to that frequency of light.
~The Arcturians
Click the Video to Listen to the Full Message Below
Lecture Series
This Saturday!
Advanced Arcturian Lecture Series
Join us as we receive relevant guidance from the Arcturians, and we host discussions regarding these important topics in the NOW.  If you have attended these events in the past, you are aware that the Arcturians share novel, advanced, and important information to significantly expand our understanding in the NOW.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
11:00 A.M. – 12:30 PM Pacific
Lecture Fee: $60.00
If you are unable to attend live, go ahead and register,
and we will be pleased to share the recording.
 P.S., all registrants receive our featured BONUS learning package
for FREE (a $35.00 Value) in appreciation for your attendance and registration!
Interested to see what is discussed in these sessions?
Here are some bits of wisdom shared in previous lectures:
{Chaos always precedes change. Do not allow your consciousness to be lowered due to chaos. Chaos is actually the restructuring of thoughtforms and energy packages that have become trapped in the third dimensional matrix.
We ask each of you right now to look into your third dimensional matrix – that third dimensional matrix that you can see surrounding your physical body. Now, we hear some of you saying, “How do I do that?” So we will tell you. You don’t do it. You, the one that asks, “How do I do that?”….the one that has any doubt,…the one that says, “How do I do that?” is your ego.
And so we ask you now to give that one that says, “How do I do that?”…pull that one into your heart, give that one unconditional love. Say to that doubtful one, “You, our dearego self, you do not need to do anything.” We, your mutidimensional self, we know what to do.
We are in connection with the Arcturians who are communicating with us in this NOW. And we hold you, dear third dimensional ego self….we hold you in our high heart. We send you unconditional love, and we invite you to step into that violet fire that is within our core.  And just relax throughout this process.  Allow yourself to be still, to be calm,and to feel how we, your multidimensional expression of self, we are protecting you. We are supporting you.}
~The ARCTURIANS, Advanced Arcturian Lecture Series
Sue and Kepier
  Meeting Your Higher SELF
As your process of ascension progresses, the myriad aspects of your Multidimensional SELF merge as your many lives on countless timelines, worlds, galaxies, and dimensions
begin to connect like pearls on a necklace.
These aspects of your Multidimensional SELF are the pearls and YOU are the string.
When your physical world is too challenging, one expression of your Multidimensional SELF in one timeline is almost too much to handle. However, as you progressively live in surrender and allow the Oneness of the NOW to be revealed with your every breath, more and more aspects of your SELF comes online in your ever-expanding multidimensional consciousness.
With the knowledge and wisdom of higher and higher dimensional expressions of your SELF, you remember more about living in surrender. When you live in surrender, life is a holographic movie in which you are the primary character.
This character that you are ‘playing’ has increasing wisdom, power and love as you increasingly connect with the ever-expanding reality of your Multidimensional SELF.
All of these expressions of your SELF are within what you once thought of as an ‘individual life.’ Now you know that each individual storyline, life, specific incarnation is rich and challenging in its own unique way.
As you consciously connect with more expressions of your Multidimensional SELF, you regain a conscious connection to the myriad worlds, planets, galaxies, and dimensions to which these versions of your SELF resonate.
Whenever you accept another aspect of your Multidimensional SELF into your conscious awareness, that self brings its entire stream of lives, realities, and expressions on many planets, star systems, galaxies, and dimensions.
If that is not enough, you also have parallel and alternate realities, as well as possible and probable realities that may or may not occur. All these lives are occurring simultaneously within the NOW of the ONE.
Each of these apparently singular expressions has myriad expressions of SELF that live in countless realities with infinite potential. ALL of these expressions of your immense Multidimensional SELF are connected with each other. In fact, they are merged with each other.
Your Higher SELF is YOU!
Welcome to the Year of Unconditional LOVE! 
We continue with Week #4 (Chakra #4 ~ Heart Chakra) in our 7-week process of performing daily 7-minute meditations focusing on our chakras and loving ourselves unconditionally.
View the Fourth Chakra Meditation Video Below
Did You Miss Our FREE
Unconditional Love Webinar?
 * Download the recording and see love’s impact. *
The Journal  ~ The Journal ~ 


“When Lisa finally arrived at her childhood home,
her mother was gone.
All that greeted her was her mother’s journal,
which she decided to read.”
The Journal is a newly published book by
Suzanne Lie, Ph.D.
Join us as we journal our way to New Earth.
I Saw a GardenHelp Me Celebrate My New Book Release


“As the storyline revealed itself, I stayed in the NOW allowing each picture to tell me what it wanted to say. Therefore, I had no idea what the plot would be,
or how the story would proceed.
Of course, since they were my pictures, they told my story.”
I SAW A GARDEN is a newly published book by
Suzanne Lie, Ph.D. Grab your copy of this beautiful, hard-cover tabletop book – it’s a great gift to share with others. Check it out!
Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension Book Series
~ New Meditations on Insight Timer! ~  
We keep adding new meditations ~ so keep visiting!
Suzanne Lie’s meditations are featured on the convenient app, Insight Timer ~ Meditation Timer. We welcome each of you to download the app and sort through all of the meditations. You can easily track and monitor your meditation progress.
Download the App Now (iTunes Version)
Download the App Now (Google Play Version)
Are You New Here?
Welcome! A helpful place for you to begin is on my website where you can take
The Journey. Get Started Now. I also encourage you to connect with your Higher Self on a daily basis and meditate regularly (feel free to use one of the many meditations available on my YouTube channel.)
 Interested in a Personal Arcturian Reading? 
Join together with myself and the Arcturians to see what important messages
they wish to share with you in these unfolding and important times.
Text to Subscribe!
Invite your friends to subscribe to these updates! Ask them to
text the word MULTIDIMENSIONS to 22828
Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser,
Udo Grube

auch in dieser Woche erwarten dich hier, in deinem HORIZONWORLD-Wochenüberblick, Nachrichten der etwas anderen Art:

Neuigkeiten, die dich wirklich berühren, dich inspirieren und dir auf deinem Weg ein Stück weiterhelfen sollen.

Viel Spaß und erhellende Erkenntnisse beim Lesen wünscht dir

Sign Udo

Bild: Udo Grube, Gründer & Geschäftsführer der HORIZON bewusst leben & denken GmbH
Portrait: Dr. Bradley Nelson – Autor von „Der EmotionsCode“
Portrait: Dr. Bradley Nelson – Autor von „Der EmotionsCode“

Dr. Bradley Nelson ist Spezialist und einer der gefragtesten Experten Amerikas auf dem Gebiet der bioenergetischen Medizin und energetischen Psychologie. Er entwickelte, in über 20-jähriger Praxiserfahrung, die einfache und wirkungsvolle Selbsthilfemethode Emotion Code (TM). Weltbekannt wurden Dr. Bradley Nelson und seine Methode Emotion Code durch den Erfolgsfilm Emotion.

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In Einklang sein
In Einklang sein

Das, was jeder von uns für die gegenwärtige Transformation tun kann ist: In Einklang mit sich selbst zu Sein. Du denkst, dass ist zu einfach? Erfolgsautor und Coach Bruno Würtenberger erklärt, in gewohnter Klarheit, wieso genau diese Einfachheit den Unterschied bewirken wird und welchen Preis es eventuell kostet, ein Leben im Einklang mit sich selbst zu führen.

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World Synchronized Meditation For Children of Syria

Millions Around the World Join on Feb. 1st

For many of you, this is the first email you’re receiving about the prayer vigil. Welcome! In the last five days over 200,000 people have joined us through the video and the vigil website. On February 1st there will be millions of us radiating a peaceful pulse that has the power to shift the even darkest crisis. I have seen this work many times before, and with your help it will work again.

We will be on the ground overlooking the villages held by both ISIL and Hezbollah.

Imagine how committed the spiritual leaders are who are joining us for this important meditation. They will join me near a Syrian village on the Israeli side of the Golan Heights where we can view several villages currently held by either ISIL or Hezbollah. From this vantage we will offer prayers and chants from all three of the great Abrahamic traditions ~ Jewish, Christian and Muslim, as well as the local Druze religion. Then at the designated time we will pause and join with people from around the world who are sending their prayers to heal the region.

Many have said that prayer and synchronized meditation will not heal the divisions that are so deep in this region, but millions of people disagree. Scientific studies have proven the power of focused, massive intent, and now we apply it to the suffering people of Syria.

On Sunday we will send you the exact time of the meditation

For security reasons we are holding back exactly where we will be and what time we will hold the meditation. On Sunday, just two days from now, we’ll let all of you know so you can stop for 10 minutes and join us in prayer. Please continue holding us in your hearts as we prepare the way. Click HERE to register your attendance


Pope Francis and the Dalai Lama

We received word that two of the Dalai Lama’s monasteries in India will be joining us for the meditation, including Gyuto monastery near Dharamsala. We have also reached out to Pope Francis and are confident he will join us in prayer. A personal message is being hand delivered to His Holiness, and since both of these men put such a high priority on inter-religious harmony, we are sure they are supporting us.

Speaking of harmony, Monday begins a week long celebration at the United Nations ~ Inter-religious Harmony Celebration. This is an auspicious time for so many dedicated people to be radiating their prayers of peace.

Have you seen the video? Spread the word to the world!

Click Here and Share with everyone you know

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ZaZuMa! Sirian for “heartfelt Gratitude”

Sheldan and I want to thank everyone who supports PAO by attending our webinars. We are delighted to know that you resonate with the messages and how it helps to prepare you for the coming changes. This month’s message was from the Cetaceans ~ one of joy, celebration and expansion. Many did not know that it was the galactic Cetaceans that chose Humans to be land guardians for Gaia as well as spreading Humans throughout our galaxy for peace. The more informed we are, the more prepared we are to help our friends, family and communities understand the Divine plan as it unfolds before our very eyes.

Here’s some feedback we received:

I’m reeling from the learning about the importance the Cetaceans play in Human’s evolution. Fascinating stuff. Love your webinars, Sheldan. Joe N.

Greetings Sheldan, Great gratitude to you for the Cetacean information. I feel more merged with them , more aware, and more gentleness within. Joy

I loved the webinar! I’m so connected to the cetaceans that it was just a very special treat to be in that energy for the length of your webinar. When can I access a replay of it? I was so busy soaking up the energy, I didn’t take notes until the very end. Now I want to remember what I heard. Thanks so much for all you do Sheldan and Colleen, Betsy



Every month we release for downloading a previous live webinar to add to your library. Tonight we are offering the archive for SIRIANS ~ GUARDIANS OF THE GREAT BLUE LODGE.

We realize that Sheldan’s DVD, Tour of a Sirian Mothership, is the perfect companion to the SIRIAN webinar.

PAO is offering you a SPECIAL SIRIAN BUNDLE. We put together the Sirian webinar archive and the Sirian DVD for the special price of $39.95 plus free shipping and handling. This is a limited time offer so order your Sirian Bundle today.


Sirians: Guardians of the Great Blue Lodge now ready for downloading…

Webinar Preview: My Sirian Education

In his youth, Sheldan was educated by the Sirians, who prepared him to be a herald of the Galactic Federation.

During this Webinar he explains why they are so pivotal in advancing us towards our Galactic future.

Topics include…

• Origins of the Sirians.
• The Sirians educate Sheldan
• Sirians: Guardians of the Sacred Blue Lodge
• Sirian role in Lemuria and later Egypt
• Sirian influence on humanity after the fall of Atlantis
• Sirian Starseeds
• Sirian/Cetacean Connection
• Their role with Gaia and our Galactic Future

To order Webinar 69 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

Sirius Bundle Ad 2

Sheldan Nidle Takes You on a Personalized Tour of a Sirian Mothership

Beam Aboard for the Trip of a Lifetime

Tour Highlights:

• Up and Away • The Wonders Begin
• Walking Through the Valleys of Magic
• Living the Dream 
• Adrift in the Cosmic Garage
• Music and Joy Like Never Imagined
• A Land of Food and Abundance
• The Wonders of their Science
• Partaking of their Knowledge 
• Time to Bid Adieu

Sirian Bundle price: $39.95 plus free shipping for DVD

To order, click HERE

If you are interested in only ordering “Tour of Sirian Mothership”, for $26.95 plus shipping and handling, click HERE


BREAKING NEWS…The Global Reset is finally being OFFICIALLY announced by Christine LaGarde, IMF Chairman

This is very good news indeed. Some may not understand the importance of this announcement. Here’s a short video, including the clip of Christine LaGarde’s official announcement that the Global Reset has been activated. This affects currency revaluations as well.

Reminder: Everything is a process. Just because she activated the global currency reset does not mean tomorrow all global currencies have reset to the gold standard. However, this is a Victory ~ a major step forward!

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Note: Sheldan has been covering all the aspects of NESARA and GESARA for years now. One of his webinar archives,Welcoming Disclosure, explains what we can expect as the Divine plan unfolds.

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©2016 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

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Sehr geehrte Frau Dix-Kühn,

Martin Schulz hat, Cecilia Malmström hat auch – Angela Merkel hat nicht. Sie will auch nicht. 1,6 Millionen der insgesamt und europaweit gesammelten 3,3 Millionen Stop TTIP-Unterschriften stammen aus Deutschland. Und die wollte unser Stop TTIP-Bündnis der Kanzlerin übergeben, wie zuvor Schulz und Malmström. Aber: kein Termin, keine offene Tür, kein Gehör.Dies zeigt einmal mehr, dass wir dringend verbindliche Mitbestimmungsrechte brauchen.Jetzt bundesweite Volksabstimmungen fordern, damit die Bürgerstimmen nicht länger überhört werden können!

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Das Kanzleramt teilt mit: „Sowohl mit Blick auf die zahlreichen terminlichen Verpflichtungen der Bundeskanzlerin als auch aus Gründen der Gleichbehandlung mit anderen vergleichbaren Initiativen“ sei eine Unterschriftenübergabe nicht möglich. Wir könnten die Unterschriften ja per Post schicken!

Wie, bitte sehr, soll denn die Kluft zu den Gewählten verringert werden, wenn die nicht einmal den politischen Willen von Millionen Bürgerinnen und Bürgern zur Kenntnis nehmen wollen?

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Die Frage, wie die Bürgerinnen und Bürger zwischen den Wahlen ihren politischen Willen ausdrücken können, berührt das Mark der Demokratie. Deshalb fordern wir die Einführung des bundesweiten Volksentscheids. Wenn die Menschen eine Sache selbst in die Hand nehmen und einen Volksentscheid durchsetzen können, wird man sie nicht einfach ignorieren und klein reden können. Dann wird mehr mit den Menschen geredet und weniger über ihre Köpfe hinweg entschieden.

Wir fordern, das Demokratieprinzip, das auf kommunaler und auf Länderebene längst gilt, endlich auch auf Bundesebene einzuführen: Das Volk muss mit der direkten Demokratie jederzeit Politik korrigieren und selbst Themen auf die politische Agenda setzen können.

Unterzeichnen Sie jetzt unseren Aufruf!

Die Einführung des bundesweiten Volksentscheids ist bisher an der CDU und an Angela Merkel gescheitert. Deshalb fordern wir die CDU auf, ihre Blockadehaltung aufzugeben. Nein, die direkte Demokratie schwächt die repräsentative Demokratie nicht, sie stärkt sie!

Es grüßen Sie ganz herzlich

Dr. Michael Efler, Claudine Nierth & Ralf-Uwe Beck


Mehr Demokratie e.V. unterstützen!

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January 27, 2016
African American Wisdom Summit: February 2-28
I am delighted to let you know about the inaugural African American Wisdom Summit, organized by our friends at the Shift Network and taking place throughout February in honor of Black History Month. In our times, issues of racial and social justice are very much in the foreground in our society, yet forums for dealing with these concerns wisely and productively are rare.  This Summit will bring together an extremely rich array of African American leaders and their allies to explore ways of addressing historical injustice while also highlighting how we can create a society where everyone thrives.
During this free month long event, you will come to know the unique traditions and spiritual wisdom that African Americans contribute to our world and learn about how you can integrate that wisdom within yourself and your community. Presenters include such visionary leaders as Levar Burton, Cynthia James, Michael Sam, Luisah Teish, Nikki Giovanni and many others.
Global Love Meditation on Valentine’s Day (Feb. 14)
We invite you to join us on Valentine’s Day for a free Global Love Meditation, offered exclusively to those of you who subscribe to the Gaiafield and/or Subtle Activism Network email lists. We will co-create a potent field of love with like-minded friends from around the world and transmit this sweet force to the higher mind of humanity, to inspire love-filled actions in our world.
We will also share briefly at the start of this call about our vision for 2016, to let you know about the various subtle activism public programs and trainings available through the Gaiafield Project and Subtle Activism Network this year.
Global ISIS Prayer Vigil with James Twyman
“Peace Troubadour” James Twyman will bravely perform a peace concert in ISIS controlled Syria with the intention of bringing peace to the region. A large global audience is anticipated (and requested) to amplify the power of the prayer vigil. The concert will occur late January or early February, with the exact date and time to be announced the day before (for security reasons) via email to those who sign up.

Blessings of Peace,
David, for the Gaiafield Wisdom Council
Gaiafield Project /
