Dear Readers,
I hope your Unconditional Love, Week #4, has been going well.
I am including some of my latest blog posts below so you can stay up to date on all of the activity and messages that are coming in to be shared.
I am also including some information on the upcoming events. Please note that we are approaching final registration for the Advanced Arcturian Lecture Series on Saturday, January 30. Check out the blog post, Meeting Your Higher SELF, which gives some insight on the importance of this topic that will be part of the upcoming discussions.
Blessings and Unconditional Love to you all.
“Right NOW, these transformational waves of Higher Light are everywhere within your current translation of reality. We say “translation” because each of you is beginning to perceive frequencies of reality which you had
never perceived before – that is, in this incarnation.”
“What is occurring now is that the higher light has been altering your earth vessel at very baseline frequencies that were once undetectable to your conscious mind. However, now your conscious mind is increasingly able to detect the higher frequencies of light because your super-conscious mind has been teaching your third-dimensional brain how to expand its frequency range.”
Remember, you perceive the frequency of reality that resonates with your state of consciousness. Those of you who are able to perceive the higher light can do so because you can FEEL the unconditional love that resonates to that frequency of light.
~The Arcturians
Click the Video to Listen to the Full Message Below
This Saturday!
Advanced Arcturian Lecture Series
Join us as we receive relevant guidance from the Arcturians, and we host discussions regarding these important topics in the NOW. If you have attended these events in the past, you are aware that the Arcturians share novel, advanced, and important information to significantly expand our understanding in the NOW.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
11:00 A.M. – 12:30 PM Pacific
Lecture Fee: $60.00
If you are unable to attend live, go ahead and register,
and we will be pleased to share the recording.
P.S., all registrants receive our featured BONUS learning package
for FREE (a $35.00 Value) in appreciation for your attendance and registration!
Interested to see what is discussed in these sessions?
Here are some bits of wisdom shared in previous lectures:

{Chaos always precedes change. Do not allow your consciousness to be lowered due to chaos. Chaos is actually the restructuring of thoughtforms and energy packages that have become trapped in the third dimensional matrix.
We ask each of you right now to look into your third dimensional matrix – that third dimensional matrix that you can see surrounding your physical body. Now, we hear some of you saying, “How do I do that?” So we will tell you. You don’t do it. You, the one that asks, “How do I do that?”….the one that has any doubt,…the one that says, “How do I do that?” is your ego.
And so we ask you now to give that one that says, “How do I do that?”…pull that one into your heart, give that one unconditional love. Say to that doubtful one, “You, our dearego self, you do not need to do anything.” We, your mutidimensional self, we know what to do.
We are in connection with the Arcturians who are communicating with us in this NOW. And we hold you, dear third dimensional ego self….we hold you in our high heart. We send you unconditional love, and we invite you to step into that violet fire that is within our core. And just relax throughout this process. Allow yourself to be still, to be calm,and to feel how we, your multidimensional expression of self, we are protecting you. We are supporting you.}
~The ARCTURIANS, Advanced Arcturian Lecture Series
Meeting Your Higher SELF
As your process of ascension progresses, the myriad aspects of your Multidimensional SELF merge as your many lives on countless timelines, worlds, galaxies, and dimensions
begin to connect like pearls on a necklace.
These aspects of your Multidimensional SELF are the pearls and YOU are the string.
When your physical world is too challenging, one expression of your Multidimensional SELF in one timeline is almost too much to handle. However, as you progressively live in surrender and allow the Oneness of the NOW to be revealed with your every breath, more and more aspects of your SELF comes online in your ever-expanding multidimensional consciousness.
With the knowledge and wisdom of higher and higher dimensional expressions of your SELF, you remember more about living in surrender. When you live in surrender, life is a holographic movie in which you are the primary character.
This character that you are ‘playing’ has increasing wisdom, power and love as you increasingly connect with the ever-expanding reality of your Multidimensional SELF.
All of these expressions of your SELF are within what you once thought of as an ‘individual life.’ Now you know that each individual storyline, life, specific incarnation is rich and challenging in its own unique way.
As you consciously connect with more expressions of your Multidimensional SELF, you regain a conscious connection to the myriad worlds, planets, galaxies, and dimensions to which these versions of your SELF resonate.
Whenever you accept another aspect of your Multidimensional SELF into your conscious awareness, that self brings its entire stream of lives, realities, and expressions on many planets, star systems, galaxies, and dimensions.
If that is not enough, you also have parallel and alternate realities, as well as possible and probable realities that may or may not occur. All these lives are occurring simultaneously within the NOW of the ONE.
Each of these apparently singular expressions has myriad expressions of SELF that live in countless realities with infinite potential. ALL of these expressions of your immense Multidimensional SELF are connected with each other. In fact, they are merged with each other.
Welcome to the Year of Unconditional LOVE!
We continue with Week #4 (Chakra #4 ~ Heart Chakra) in our 7-week process of performing daily 7-minute meditations focusing on our chakras and loving ourselves unconditionally.
View the Fourth Chakra Meditation Video Below
Did You Miss Our FREE
Unconditional Love Webinar?
~ The Journal ~
“When Lisa finally arrived at her childhood home,
her mother was gone.
All that greeted her was her mother’s journal,
which she decided to read.”
The Journal is a newly published book by
Suzanne Lie, Ph.D.
Join us as we journal our way to New Earth.
 Help Me Celebrate My New Book Release
“As the storyline revealed itself, I stayed in the NOW allowing each picture to tell me what it wanted to say. Therefore, I had no idea what the plot would be,
or how the story would proceed.
Of course, since they were my pictures, they told my story.”
I SAW A GARDEN is a newly published book by
Suzanne Lie, Ph.D. Grab your copy of this beautiful, hard-cover tabletop book – it’s a great gift to share with others. Check it out!
Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension Book Series
~ New Meditations on Insight Timer! ~
We keep adding new meditations ~ so keep visiting!
Suzanne Lie’s meditations are featured on the convenient app, Insight Timer ~ Meditation Timer. We welcome each of you to download the app and sort through all of the meditations. You can easily track and monitor your meditation progress.