Monatsarchive: November 2015

Can you believe- it’s been almost two months since we came together for International Peace Day?
Over 1,400 communities and Peace Day events were registered on our UNIFY Map, making Peace Weekend 2015 the largest one yet.And- we’re excited for some amazing events to come.
In 2016, we’ll be expanding our work to include celebrating International Women’s Day on March 8th, among many other exciting events to come.
And, as we plan for the future, we feel the suffering happening all around our world right now: Paris, Beirut, Syria. The hurt and pain can be overwhelming. We know that it can feel impossible to escape and nearly hopeless to change.And yet.Mystics and wise teachers tell us that we can transform the darkness with our own light.
Our brothers and sisters at Naam Yoga are doing just that. They are bringing over 30,000 people  in the heart of Mexico City to heal and uplift our planet.
Last year, they gathered 21,000 people in Mexico City, creating one of the world’s largest yoga and meditation events.And there’s more.
There is data that suggests that Superclasses like these- and the one happening this November 29th, in Mexico City, have the power to change the world.  Change agents, just like you, will be coming together, committed to uplifting our planet.
Check out Love Peace Light To All’s Video here.
Join us.  We will gather on November 29th 8:30am Central. Join us in Mexico City, or join the livestream from wherever you are, by Clicking Here.

Dark times are an opportunity to shine and amplify our own light. Remember- It takes a single candle to light up the whole room.Join us, and together we will illuminate our whole world.
See you there!Your UNIFY Team
Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser,
Udo Grube

auch in dieser Woche erwarten dich hier, in deinem HORIZONWORLD-Wochenüberblick, Nachrichten der etwas anderen Art:

Neuigkeiten, die dich wirklich berühren, dich inspirieren und dir auf deinem Weg ein Stück weiterhelfen sollen.

Viel Spaß und erhellende Erkenntnisse beim Lesen wünscht dir

Sign Udo

Bild: Udo Grube, Gründer & Geschäftsführer der HORIZON bewusst leben & denken GmbH
„Mind-Award 2015“ geht an unseren Gastautor Dieter Broers
„Mind-Award 2015“ geht an unseren Gastautor Dieter Broers

Horizonworld-Gastautor Dieter Broers mit “Mind Award” 2015 gewürdigtDer “Mind Award” steht für Menschen, die zur Förderung von Bildung und Mehrung von Wissen als “Werkzeuge” für Bewusstseinsentwicklung in einer zusammenwachsenden Welt beitragen.

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Die Sonne und der verheimlichte „Mega Flare“ 2012
Die Sonne und der verheimlichte „Mega Flare“ 2012

Ein gigantischer Sonnensturm verfehlte die Erde im Juli 2012 nur knapp, wie Forscher erst jetzt bekannt gaben.Warum ließ sich die NASA für die Bekanntgabe dieser Nachricht zwei fast zwei Jahre Zeit? Wäre es nicht die Aufgabe aller Regierungen gewesen, die Bevölkerung darauf hinzuweisen, daß es eine reale Wahrscheinlichkeit gibt, dass ein einziges astrophysikalisches Ereignis das digitale Zeitalter, und mit ihm die Zivilisation in der uns bekannten Form, beenden könnte?Bio-Physiker und Erfolgsautor Dieter Broers berichtet hier im Beitrag über dieses sensationelle Sonnenereignis und einige Hintergründe dazu.

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Was ist Gerechtigkeit und gibt es sie überhaupt?
Was ist Gerechtigkeit und gibt es sie überhaupt?

Gerechtigkeit und Ungerechtigkeit sind für Erfolgsautor Bruno Würtenberger nur die zwei Seiten einer Frage, die er sich schon seit langem nicht mehr stellt.

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Seom – „Feel Go(o)d“ & spiritueller Rap mit wissenschaftlicher Note
Seom – „Feel Go(o)d“ & spiritueller Rap mit wissenschaftlicher Note

Der Musiker SEOM beabsichtigt mit seiner Musik einen Unterschied im Leben anderer Menschen zu bewirken, ihnen zu helfen, sich zu erinnern, wer sie wirklich sind.Sein erstes und aktuelles Buch “Feel Go(o)d” enthält autobiografische Elemente, wissenschaftliche und spirituelle Gesetzmäßigkeiten des Lebens, Songtexte und passende Praxisübungen, um die vermittelten Weisheiten im eigenen Alltag integrieren zu können.

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 Many of you have reached out to us over the years, not only with your appreciation, but also with suggestions to help us make the information more widely available across the globe.

We have been listening and very much appreciate your willingness to co-create with us, so we have decided to share with you a bit about the many projects that we have in the works. Let’s jump right in!

PROJECT 1: Library Project
We are working to digitize and remaster all of the older session recordings and index our entire library from the original master cassettes and VHS tapes that were created in the 1980’s and 90’s. We are responsible for insuring that the quality of the Bashar material released to the public is as close to the original vibration delivered by Bashar as possible. The poor quality digital files that have been pirated and circulated are not energetically accurate and we don’t use them. Even for our YouTube uploads we work from original source material whenever possible. Through the completion of the Bashar Library Project we will have greater ability to easily access and share topic-related material, create new and unique products, search for sessions by phrases when you email us looking for a certain session, as well as upload source files to mass digital download services like iTunes and Amazon.

PROJECT 2: Translations and DVD Subtitles
We are working to provide Bashar’s information in additional languages across the globe. In order to preserve the original vibration of the material though, we must be meticulous with every step of the translation process. As we finalize our system, we will be able to move the translations along more quickly, but for now it is still quite a time-consuming endeavor. What can you do to help? If you are a professional translator, please send us your resume! We would love to discover those who are both willing and qualified to assist us in translating the materials. You can send your resume to for consideration.

PROJECT 3: New, Updated Website
We are in the process of completing our new website which will have many exciting features and better usability. We anticipate launching the new website in 2016.

PROJECT 4: Subscriptions
We are currently exploring our options for creating a subscription service to expand your ability to access the Bashar information. Our goal is to create a unique membership site that will not only provide access to more of the Bashar material, but will also allow you to find the specific topic information you are personally seeking. We want to be able to provide the materials, both in smaller, topic-related clips as well as in full sessions, at a more affordable price. This, however, also relies on our ability to complete the Library Project.

PROJECT 5: Pay-Per-View Service
We are also looking to provide many of the recorded Bashar sessions on an online streaming, video-on-demand (VOD) basis at a reduced cost. We expect this to be released in stages over the next few months. Stay tuned!

PROJECT 6: Reduced Pricing
We are actively seeking ways to reduce the costs associated with the creation of the downloads and discs. Now that more people are aware of the importance of supporting our work through purchasing the information, we are able to begin the process of reducing our prices. We expect these changes will be completed by the end of the year. Though some may suggest we eliminate the CDs and DVDs all together, we have to consider those who do not use computers the same way many of us do. We have many people who still do not even shop online or have an email account. It is for them that we continue to provide disc formats of the material so that we include everyone as we move forward. A few of you may even know that we only discontinued cassette tapes about three years ago!

PROJECT 7: Books
We are updating Blueprint for Change and will be releasing a new version in 2016. In addition, we have several new Bashar books in the works, including Darryl’s book “One: A Unified Theory of Metaphysics” ™ all of which we hope to release in 2016.

PROJECT 8: Official Bashar YouTube Channel
We are working to upload more new Bashar audio/video clips as well as replicate existing Bashar clips (from our source material) that are on other YouTube channels, so there will continue to be an abundance of free information available on our Bashar Communications YouTube channel. Once a clip is uploaded to our channel you can share it via playlists, but please do not download them and reupload to your channel. We do not currently support the uploading of any new or additional Bashar clips via other YouTube channels. When a video is uploaded, as opposed to shared via playlist, it will trigger a copyright strike from YouTube. Until we are able to upload to our channel the many clips that are currently on YouTube, you can continue to use the existing ones on other channels for discussion purposes.

About Pricing and Study Groups
Going back to price reduction, we want to acknowledge that there are many people out there who truly cannot afford to purchase all of the sessions that excite them, be it because money is just tight right now, or because they live in a foreign country and the currency exchange makes the sessions far too expensive. For these reasons, we have always allowed for the “study group” style of purchase. A few Bashar fans come together once a month to watch the latest purchased session. Member A has made the purchase this month, Member B will make the purchase for next month’s meeting, or all the people can pool their money together to watch a single copy, and so on. So long as you are not making additional copies to give to the other members, this is still in alignment! It’s just the same as inviting your best friend over to watch the latest summer blockbuster rental.

Final Thoughts
Given that we are a core group of only four regular team members, we have a lot on our plate and little time to move everything forward while still bringing you new events. We appreciate your understanding in this situation while we continue to develop new products and services.

We are not here to block anyone from accessing the information. We are all here to do our best to bring Bashar to the world in the most vibrationally accurate form possible so the Bashar messages are understood correctly for maximum benefit. We just need your patience, your support and your desire to remain in alignment with the material while we work to bring our various projects to fruition. We are looking forward to bringing you a deeper and richer experience with Bashar in 2016 and we very much appreciate your support and excitement about exploring the Bashar information!

Best regards

Darryl Anka, April Rochelle and the Bashar Communications Team

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Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

from Planetary Activation Organization

We have a final word for all. We ask for a rise in your focus on peace and freedom. Together, we can ensure that the last steps in what has been a long march to freedom finally reaches its grand goal. At present, there are a number of activities being completed.

One of the most beautiful talents of humanity is to rediscover the power of mercy and the instrument that is divine grace. With this in hand, you are ready to learn elements that this new rising consciousness can give you.


Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

9 Imix, 14 Xul, 12 Manik

Selamat Balik! The message remains positive! Your new reality is slowly manifesting. Those who rule the dark on this globe are truly in a state of extreme worry as the things they helped to create are fading into the dustbins of history. While these denizens of the dark realm slowly see that their time has come, they nevertheless remain defiant. Across this globe, there are actions of quiet desperation happening. These so-called terrorist attacks and telecommunications tie-ups are just part of the degree of desperation that is currently permeating the dark oligarchs. Like many other operations, these are as well to fail. The Light in its numerous parts holds the upper hand and these brave ones are succeeding in readying the means to spread prosperity, reveal a new monetary and financial system as well as create new governance for all. We are preparing the steps required to bring disclosure to a decades old official cover-up. This process is to bring you a whole slew of presently well-hidden technologies. Humanity has had the privilege of men like Tesla to encourage the start of this new age!

This time is one in which the Light forces have returned in strength and in guile. The strategy employed by the Light’s proponents has brought the dark oligarchs to their knees. Their imminent defeat and the agreements that go along with it has caused them to strike out and hope for the deep emotions that can somehow turn their plight around. As the horror of their acts fade so does the chance that their dark and dastardly deeds can ever succeed. Instead, the world is realizing why these dark deeds and Internet manipulations took place and is seeking quick remedies for the dark’s actions. Those who support the Light are now proposing how to quicken their demise. Monies are in place and special military and police units are ready to strike a swift and final blow. Thus, the dark’s panic is quite real. We are close to events that have the potential to achieve what has been our grand goal from the beginning. That is, your return to full consciousness and the rise of your freedom and endless prosperity!

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Currently, what was delayed by the dark is quickly moving forward. Telecommunications and various courier groups are busy making sure that the funds are delivered and are, in fact, quite secure. We are also making sure that a whole host of new technologies are ready when the new governance occurs. It is vital that both the transfers of power and mass arrests happen in an easy manner. At present, many of the upper levels of the oligarchs find themselves under house arrest. Certain precautions have been taken to ensure that this operation remains on schedule. We have used some of our personnel to further secure this situation. The odd maneuver still permitted on your globe requires more detailed watching by us. Initially, those involved in security and intelligence assured us that the odd maneuver was to be held in check. Instead, a large operation was allowed to happen. We need to bolster our abilities in these areas.

We have a final word for all. We ask for a rise in your focus on peace and freedom. Together, we can ensure that the last steps in what has been a long march to freedom finally reaches its grand goal. At present, there are a number of activities being completed. You are very close to a start of funds going out to you. Maintain your focus! All of us are extremely dedicated to seeing these first stages completed. Our liaison and diplomatic corps can attest to the large amount of progress that has been made in the last few months. We know that this operation is huge in scope and that it is a most complex proposition. Yet, we are indeed going to achieve a full success in all areas. The scheduling of all of this remains secret. Despite this, we can readily say that this progress has moved beyond anything seen before. Its success is imminent. A truly wonderful day for all participants is about to occur! Take these funds and use them to forge a new and much kinder reality!


Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We are in joy and in pain and sorrow as well. Recently, the dark staged a mass set of murders. These unnecessary disturbances on this sacred orb are just one of many such acts staged infrequently by the dark to demonstrate its cowardice and pure intolerance of all life on Gaia. We ask that you bless the souls of the departed and use forgiveness in all matters of the heart. Our divine objective is to use our global intent to ask for these vile acts to disappear from this beautiful blue orb. Remember how life is in this realm and use your positive energies to soothe the suffering and wish eternal Love upon all concerned. This realm is very soon to be altered for the better. Do not let this or other incidents take away your focus! Instead, intensify your focus and use it to heal this realm. This is the moment when all of suffering is to be transformed into peace and Love!

As this moment recedes, let us remember how this world is transforming. We refuse to bow any more to the subtle machinations of the dark oligarchs. A great wave of higher consciousness is descending on this world. This realm is learning how to alter its emotions and to let the ways of the healing heart rule. It is important to think, envision and believe in the vast amounts of Love and Light. If you refuse to act on your lower emotions and use Love to understand, a wonderful state of quiet peace envelops you. It is this new energy that we are cultivating. One of the most beautiful talents of humanity is to rediscover the power of mercy and the instrument that is divine grace. With this in hand, you are ready to learn elements that this new rising consciousness can give you. Hence be ready to use the new insights that come from this. Hosanna! Hosanna!

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In this time as we have continually said, be wise, be forgiving, and be able to spread your healing heart energies. Divine mercy entails looking at the whole of what occurs. Judge not! Only see the whole. When you take this in, send out Love and healing to all. You are in reality a vessel of Love and Light. You deeply understand what is encompassed in each event that makes up your life and these times. Look for final answers to Heaven and to your guides. You are learning now what took us many lifetimes and a special set of instructions from the inner councils of our divine order. Much more is to happen. Let the positive sink in and grow stronger in this great Light. You are all great beings having a special human spiritual experience. This time is a moment to show us your truths!

Today, we continued our weekly messages. Take this time to pray and meditate on your inner perceptions and the new growing consciousness. Forgive and bless all. Then, take time to pray for the Souls of the departed. Be ready! A new time is upon you. Love and Light are truly victorious! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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THURSDAY is PAO’s Live Webinar for November. . . Join us!

Sirians take pride in their spiritual legacy but are humbled by the great accolades conferred upon them by the Galactic Federation of Llight ~ being guardians of the Great Blue Lodge of the Great Blue Light of Creation for the Milky Way Galaxy. Sirius has served as a beacon for Love and Truth.


In his youth, Sheldan was educated by the Sirians, who prepared him to be a herald of the Galactic Federation.

During this Webinar he will explain why they are so pivotal in advancing us towards our Galactic future.

Topics include…

• Origins of the Sirians.
• The Sirians educate Sheldan
• Sirians: Guardians of the Sacred Blue Lodge
• Sirian role in Lemuria and later Egypt
• Sirian influence on humanity after the fall of Atlantis
• Sirian Starseeds
• Sirian/Cetacean Connection
• Their role with Gaia and our Galactic Future

Thursday, November 19, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST


Sunday, November 22, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST

Talk to Sheldan Live…simply by using your home computer
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

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©2015 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762


NOVEMBER 15,2015
Dear friends, we observe  many  now filled with Light and hope in spite of outer appearances.  The “future” is here and all is proceeding according to plan.  Allow the process, which means a letting go of remaining resistance and  concepts regarding  what “should” be happening or when and how it “needs” to happen.  Simply continue to hold the Light dear ones, for you are creating a new world. 
All who are  ready, are beginning to have  higher dimensional insights and experiences. Obsolete concepts and beliefs carried through lifetimes are undergoing  radical evaluation by many and are being recognized as representing outgrown states of consciousness.  Some things will be permanently eliminated, while others  will simply begin to manifest in  higher forms.
Over lifetimes mankind has been taught limiting beliefs by un-evolved teachers  based in ignorance and control.  You were taught that humans are tainted and unworthy and  can only become worthy by practicing  certain rites, rituals, practices, and laws.   Most of these belief systems are still promoted by “spiritual leaders”  locked into the third dimensional belief system of duality and separation.  Because of this their teaching is unable to lift others any  higher than their own limited state of consciousness.
Un-evolved states of consciousness need rules and regulations as they are not yet able to hear their intuition or always make good choices.  The ten commandments are were given  at a time when the majority needed rules.   You have evolved beyond the need for structured rules for their essence has become your state of consciousness.  You have lived through and moved beyond the stages of needing someone or something to tell you what to believe and are now able to be guided from within.
Most of you have had lifetimes in convents and monasteries and still hold a resonance reflecting obedience to rules and sincerely made vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience in cellular memory.  Until cleared, this can and often does affect the present, often influencing sexual beliefs, abundance, and reflecting a love for rules because rules resonate with a past comfortable sense of being “on track” of “doing it right”.
These old patterns are now coming to conscious awareness for many in order that they may be recognized and cleared, and one’s inner voice can become the guiding rule.  Never fear letting go of anything representing a past state of consciousness for it simply makes room for  higher and better forms to manifest.
We of the Arcturian group have spoken many times about love and yet there remains a great deal of confusion about love.  Many continue to hold tightly to narrow concepts of love continuously promoted by the media, (films, books, magazines, television), experts, and even religious leaders in the belief that complete fulfillment and happiness can come through  finding the “right one”.
Love  is most commonly thought of as  an emotion.  Emotion  is often a facet of love, but is not the defining criteria.
Evolution is awakening  mankind to a deeper, purer understanding of love, shifting those prepared into a state of consciousness that knows and understands all seemingly separate life forms, to be actually in and of ONE.  Everything that exists, must exist within the ONE for it is all there is.  That connecting energy within the ONE is love.
Love is interpreted according to the state of consciousness of the individual and thus there are hundreds of concepts of love. Those who remain firmly enmeshed in the third dimensional will continue to think of love as sexual attraction, but over time and experience, (often lifetimes) the every individual begins to move beyond personal narrow concepts and begins to awaken to a deeper sense of love.   At first this deeper sense will simply be more expansive third dimensional concepts, as he is not yet ready to mine the deeper, richer levels within.
The consciousness of the evolving soul will expand beyond romance and begin to experience the love of companionship, family, and friends.  He may even begin to feel something that is very new for him–a  “connection” with strangers.  At this point many  become “do gooders”, often joining groups in order to help the “less fortunate”.
These groups do wonderful work and are not to be denigrated, but are a step along the way to realizing Love in it’s purest sense.  It still represents the level of concepts–“us helping them”–separation and duality.
It is important that no one ever feel they  cannot take an active  part of groups that serve in this manner for their members are living out from their highest sense of love which is all that anyone is required to do.   If you are guided to be a part of some particular service group go ahead and do it even if you do not resonate with the particular beliefs of the group (these are often church groups).   The addition of one or more participants of an evolved state of consciousness can only serve to lift the energy of the whole group.
Love is only lived and expressed according to the attained state of consciousness of the individual which is why it is useless to try and change someone unless you know they are choosing to live below their attained state of consciousness.  Individuals are only expected to live out from their  highest level of understanding and as they do this, awareness expands and more is given–at which point he must then begin to live from the new level.  This is evolution.
There are those who receive insights and  become aware of the higher sense of things,  but then choose to simply store it away as interesting information or dinner party conversation while continuing to live exactly as they always have which is like asking for a “wake up call”.  There is a saying that is true on the spiritual level as well as on the mundane which is; “Use it or lose it”.
Mankind is moving through the morass of negative and obsolete beliefs that still hold many in bondage.  As you observe the images of a world in struggle and violence, and as you become aware of how much you do not like or understand these things,  practice meeting them with love.  This doesnot mean you must like or accept them as being ok while blindly declaring; “God is all”, but means instead, remembering that the reality behind all things  is perfect and must always be so because all there is, is Divine consciousness.  Appearances always reflect the illusory beliefs of un-awakened states if consciousness .
Many still leave themselves out of the equation through falsely believing that every action and thought they have must be perfect and worthy according to some standard.  You can never fully love another if you leave yourself out, for you too are a part of the whole.  You are,  always have been, and cannot avoid being  less than infinitely loveable because you are made of LOVE.
Believing yourself to be unworthy of love represents a state of consciousness that most of you have evolved beyond.   It is ok to make mistakes, fall flat on your face spiritually,  or fail to live up to another’s concept of success.  Let go of all  resistance,replacing it with laughter and acceptance. Failure  is simply a word representing the third dimensional belief system and has nothing to do with who and what you are but everything to do with what you are on earth to learn.
Learn to love everything in your lives which means living without resistance, guilt, fear, or rigid rules about how things should be. No more “should’s”.  Simply be with  every experience, observing  thoughts and emotions without resistance no matter what may come floating through because thoughts and beliefs  only become yours personally  when you claim them as yours.
Practice responding to every emotion or thought of fear, anger, resistance, shame, judgement, excitement, or whatever  with one word–“interesting”, asking yourselves; “What am I believing that is making me feel this way, is it true?.  No shock, no resistance, no giving some word or thought  power for good or bad, just one response–“interesting”.  As you learn to do this,  you retrain your thought processes and neutralize the power you have ignorantly given to things.
Love every perceived flaw and fault in yourself and others for they are markers showing you what you still hold in consciousness.   Once judgement is no longer a part of your conditioning, you will find it easy and natural to love self and others.  You will begin to experience true freedom–the freedom to laugh and embrace the idiosyncrasies and ridiculous situations that come with  living in a physical body.  You learn to judge nothing as being bad or good, but as simply facets of the evolutionary journey.

As you do this work, you will find that the thoughts, beliefs, opinions, words, judgements, etc. of others simply lose any power they may of had over you.  You begin to live out from that  still quiet place within where the nonsense of the un-illumined  never reaches.
Love has no rules, Love just is.   Love is simply living each moment from a consciousness of Oneness.
All is perfect.  Evolution is the process of remembering that.
We are the Arcturian Group                                                                 11/15/18
At this point I am being guided to add something the Arcturian Group wants to say about the violence in Paris.
“This violence represents an effort by the energy of those seeking to remain in power while being removed by the Light.  The energy of those who did these acts is being manipulated and promoted by those seeking to remain a force of power and thus continue as they have before.  Send unconditional love to all involved.”
“Send Light to all involved–the people as well as the perpetrators for the perpetrators are hypnotized by the energy of those who seek to remain a force of power.”

Sign Up for the UPLIFT Weekly

UPLIFT is dedicated to bringing you inspiring and original media aimed at co-creating a better world for all.

Every single day on,
we publish a new article and every week, a new video.

Now you can Sign Up up to receive the ‘UPLIFT Weekly’…
a digest of all of the best content delivered fresh to your inbox every seven days. All completely for free!

UPLIFT Weekly No.1 November 17 – 24 2015

Peace in the World Begins with You

If the events in Paris teach us anything, it is that ending the spiral of violence must start with each of us claiming our own Peace.

The Science behind Breathing in Yoga

Control of the breath is one of the most powerful tools in Yoga. This is the science behind why breathing in Yoga is so important.

Treating Depression with Tribal Wisdom

If we want to treat depression, we can learn a lot from African community rituals involving dance and drumming.

Moving from the Head to the Heart

It’s time to unlock the power of the Feminine within all of us by moving our inner guidance system from the Head to the Heart.

Research Shows Health Benefits of Music

The ability to listen without reacting, and be present while hearing another person express deep emotions can be strengthened through listening to music.

This week’s video:

Chip Richards finds that Peace is something that can’t be done, but can be found.
Copyright © 2015 UPLIFT, All rights reserved.
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PO Box 418

Billinudgel, NSW 2483


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Autor: Ulla Michalscheck
erschienen: 18.11.2015
Herausgeber: EV



Nicht der Angst folgen

Mein lieber Bruder bezüglich deiner momentanen Zweifel kann ich ich dir nur sagen, dass du in deinen Empfindungen richtig angeleitet bist. Natürlich trägt ein jeder von euch zu dem Weltgeschehen bei und trägt somit auch eine Verantwortung für das äußere Bild das sich zeigt.

Die derzeitige Situation deines Landes ist in sofern besorgniserregend aus weltlicher Sicht, weil viele das göttliche Licht und damit die Kraft in sich ignorieren und stattdessen ihrer Angst folgen. Dies hat zur Folge, dass Zusammenhänge nicht erkannt werden, weil auf Grund der Angst die Bereitschaft hierzu fehlt. Wie schwer müssen die Ereignisse erscheinen, dass hier ein Umdenken eingeleitet wird ?

Die vielen Kriege, der Hunger und die vielen Zerstörungen in eurer Welt, bitten im Grunde genommen nur darum, berichtigt zu werden. Dazu bedarf es aber eines Hinschauens und nicht eines Wegsehens, nur weil euer Land selbst vielleicht noch nicht betroffen ist. Bruder wach auf.


Ein klares Nein

Brüder die eure Menschenrechte verletzen, geben euch im Grunde genommen nur eine Gelegenheit, hier ein ganz klares Nein zu geben. In dem ihr hier wegseht, in dem Glauben gar nichts tun zu können, unterstützt ihr diese Brüder in ihren Tun.

Wenn auch das kleine Selbst dieser Brüder damit befriedigt wird, so wird ihr wahres Selbst damit aber absolut nicht übereinstimmen, weil es den Irrtum erkennt. Folgt eurem wahren Selbst und das kann nichts anderes bedeuten wie auf Frieden ausgerichtet zu sein.

Lehnt diese Brüder in ihrem kleinen Selbst ab, dass sich einer Macht verschrieben hat, die gemessen an der Macht unseres Vaters, ein Nichts ist. Ihr wahres Selbst wird euren gewaltlosen Widerstand bejubeln, wenn auch das kleine Selbst dieser Brüder daran verzweifeln kann, weil es den Zusammenhang nicht erkennt.

Die vielen Menschen die jetzt in euer Land kommen, sind genauso Opfer eines Wegsehens, wie ihr das sein werdet, wenn ihr jetzt nicht Einhalt gebietet.

Ihr seid nicht so klein, wie ihr euch selbst einstufen möchtet, nur um euch nicht eurer Angst zu stellen. Glaube mir das die Angst nicht abnehmen wird, indem ihr sie glattweg verdrängt. Hört auf mit dem Strom zu schwimmen, wenn euch euer Herz etwas anderes sagt.

Natürlich ist es richtig, wenn ihr euch auf die Nächstenliebe besinnt, doch vergesst euch an dieser Stelle nicht selbst, denn damit wäre Niemandem gedient. Ihr könnt nicht die Massen die vor Armut und Krieg aus so vielen Ländern flüchten,in einem Großteil nur einem Land aufbürden, weil dies auch euer Land zerstört und das sollte eigentlich jedem ersichtlich sein.

Und wie barmherzig kann es euren Brüdern gegenüber sein, sie auf gefährliche Pfade zu führen, um eine Zukunft anzutreten, die nicht wirklich das halten kann, was ihr derzeit zugesprochen wird.

Die Probleme die daraus erwachsen werden, werden auch dem Letzten von euch, die Augen öffnen, doch dann wird es wahrscheinlich zu spät sein.


Der rechte Weg

Bruder der rechte Weg wäre jetzt, wenn ihr den Regierenden die Gefolgschaft verwehrt, die in einem irrsinnigen Machtbestreben der wahren Drahtzieher eurer Welt, ganze Völker ins Verderben schicken. Wenn sie nicht zu einem Umdenken bereit sind, dass aus dem Herzen kommt, dann nehmt Abstand davon, in dem ihr euch nicht von diesen Irrtümern einfangen lasst.

Diese Brüder denken nicht an die Konzequenz ihres Tuns, denn über die Verbundenheit wird jedes Leid in dieser Welt geteilt und das ist auch mit der Grund für eure unzähligen Gemütskrankheiten und Ängste. Jedes Leid was ihr einander zufügt, dass habt ihr euch selbst angetan und dieses einfache geistige Gesetz wird an Wirkung niemals verlieren, so lange sich diese Welt dreht.

Würde eure Welt von den Brüdern regiert die ihrem Herzen folgen, dann würden sich die Probleme lösen lassen, einfach deshalb, weil dies wirklich gewollt wäre. Dies ist zur Zeit nicht der Fall, weil eigenmächtigen Plänen für die Menschheit gefolgt wird, die nicht dem Wohle aller dienen, nur einer gesonderten Minderheit.

Eine tiefgreifende Veränderung kann nur dann das Licht der Welt erblicken, wenn ihr in euch selbst den Grundstein dafür legt. Sagt laut Nein zu jedem Krieg und seinen Wunden und wenn das viele tun, dann werden solche irrtümer nicht mehr möglich sein. Ihr seid so viele, lasst nicht zu das ein paar wenige Verirrte, euch Wege aufzwingen, die ihr in eurem Herzen nicht bereit seid zu gehen.

Ich sage noch einmal, dass ihr nicht hier seid, um euch einigermaßen gut durchzuschlagen. Ihr seid hier, weil ihr euch in eurer göttlichen Beschaffenheit erkennen wollt und diese hat keine Angst sich fatalen Irrtümern entgegen zu stellen. Die andere Wange hinzuhalten, bedeutet nicht, sich jeden Willen aufzwingen zu lassen, wenn er in seinem Irrtum erkannt worden ist.


Wacht auf!

Brüder wacht auf. Lasst euch nicht gegeneinander aufbringen, nur weil ihr hier verschiedener Meinung seid, denn auch dieses ist so gewollt. Die Brüder die jetzt noch nicht wirklich die Zusammenhänge erkennen können, folgen in den meisten Fällen ihrer Angst. Du kannst sie nicht mit Zwang zu einem Umdenken bringen, weil dafür ihre Bereitschaft fehlt.

Sei nachsichtig und kehre deiner Verzweiflung den Rücken zu, weil du nur auf der Ebene deines Friedens etwas bewirken kannst. Sorge dafür, dass du dich selbst von deinem Weg nicht abbringen lässt und je selbstverständlicher du dies tust, umso mehr Brüder werden dir folgen.

Hasse auch nicht jene Brüder, die hier so großes Unrecht tun und die Menschrechte nicht zu achten scheinen, denn sie tun das auch deshalb, damit du dich dagegen stellen kannst. In ihrem kleinen Selbst sind sich diese Brüder nicht darüber bewusst, welche Rolle sie in dem Ganzen übernehmen.

Sie folgen in ihm lediglich ihrem Machtbestreben, oder einer Angst, hier eine andere Entscheidung zu treffen die sich auf ihr kleines Leben negativ auswirken kann. Sie schwimmen genauso in ihrem Angststrom, so wie das viele von euch auch tun.

Auch hier solltest du Nachsicht üben, was dich aber nicht davon abhalten soll, dennoch ein klares Nein zu geben. Du richtest dieses Nein, an das kleine Selbst dieser Brüder, mit ihrem wahren Selbst bist du nach wie vor eins. Kannst du dies verstehen ?


Bruder zum Schluß möchte ich dir noch die Hoffnung bestärken, denn es sieht wirklich nicht so schlimm aus, wie es dir jetzt erscheint.

Dadurch das immer mehr Licht in euer Bewusstsein tritt, werden viele noch die Seite wechseln und sich ihrer Angst stellen und damit Veränderungen bewirken, nach der deine Welt jetzt so verlangt. Fürchte dich nicht, wenn es noch zu Erfahrungen kommen kann, die ein Scheitern ankündigen möchten.

Die Liebe Gottes ist stärker in ihrer wahren Beschaffenheit und du hast nicht auf Sand gebaut, wenn du ihr bedingungslos vertraust. Halte dich in deinem Frieden, weil alles was du aus ihm heraus tust, nur zum Wohle des Ganzen sein kann.

Auch wenn versucht wird, euch bezüglich der wahren Spiritualität, gößtenteils hinter das Licht zu führen, dann nur deshalb, um euch in dem Glauben an eure Kleinheit zu halten. So haben aber Jene die dies versuchen, nicht daran gedacht, dass die wahre spirituelle Entwicklung eines jeden dennoch weiter erwacht.

Dieser Wachstum ist wirklich mit nichts aufzuhalten und wird über die Verbundenheit stetig weiter geteilt. Die die sich noch auf großen Umwegen befinden, werden durch diese Entwicklung mit Erfahrungen darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass sie einem Irrweg folgen.

Und die Jenigen die schon den Weg ihres Herzens gehen, werden unterstützt und bekräftigt weiterzumachen.

Höret nicht auf die, die in meinem Namen reden und euch davon zu überzeugen versuchen, dass es die Lehre Christi sei, sich im Nichtstun zu erproben und lediglich vergeben zu müssen, was man nicht bereit war, abzuwenden.

Wäre ich diesen Weg tatsächlich gegangen, dann wäre mein Tod am Kreuz nicht geschehen, denn dieser wurde nur gefordert, weil ich nicht mit dem Strom schwamm. Aber die Zeiten sind vorbei wo eine Kreuzigung noch alles in die Knie zwingen kann, denn dafür ist das göttliche Bewusstsein in eurer Welt zu weit erwacht.

Bruder alles ist in Gottes Hand und damit im Heilsplan enthalten. Es kann so gesehen wirklich nichts geschehen, was den Plan Gottes zum scheitern bringen könnte. Selbst diejenigen die sich jetzt noch auf großen Abwegen befinden, wissen in ihrem wahren Selbst um diesen Plan, weil sie in ihrer wahren Natur ein Teil davon sind.

Glaube mir, dass keiner von ihnen sich dort wirklich gegen Gott stellen würde, weil er sich somit nur gegen sich selbst richten würde und dies wird niemals geschehen.

Dies kann immer nur in eurer Vorstellung und damit einer Illusion so geschehen und wie wirklich dir dies auch alles erscheint, es ist nie wirklich wahr gewesen. In Wirklichkeit hat sich keiner von Gott getrennt und zu dieser Wahrheit wird auch der Letzte von euch erwachen.

Dieser weltliche Traum von Trennung und Tod wird vergehen, wenn sich dieser Wahrheit erinnert wird und das in eurem Herzen. Es geht nur darum.

Lasst eure Herzen sprechen, dann nehmt eure Gedanken wahr und dann lasst das Wort Gottes in Wort und Tat erklingen, denn somit zeigt ihr auf, dass ihr verstanden habt.

Ich bin bei euch.


Quellen und Verweise:
Buch von Ulla Michalscheck 
Die Rose 
Der Rosengarten


unnamed (41)

              HILARION 2015

November 15-22, 2015

Beloved Ones,

This is a time of prayer without ceasingEach person on Earth needs to align to Source and know who they are – a child of the Divine. They need to take a stand in their minds and hearts for that which is good and right, to follow the golden rule. Each time those who do not follow these basic precepts of universal law create havoc and mayhem for its own sake, it is incumbent upon each individual to show the highest qualities they are capable of upholding. Each of you whose hearts are filled with love do more to sustain and maintain the balance on this planet than you can ever know. Do not become discouraged, for you have the strength within you to be as strong as the times you are in call for and it is important that you exercise this attribute by maintaining your equilibrium.

It is important to stay daily connected and aligned to the new energies, and reinforce these energies in your own being. This does more than you can imagine to assist humanity and the Earth go through the eye of the needle. The crossroads we have spoken of before are clearly before you, each person must make their choice, to move forward or stay behind in the old paradigm that is now kicking and screaming to retain its control. You know the answer to this one already and there can be only one choice and that choice is love. Be the love that burns within your heart and keep on keeping on. Do whatever you can to give assistance, send your Light and love out to those areas of the planet that are in need of it and ensure that you are in control of you and not reacting to the chaos in a way that compromises who you are within you.

Maintain your balance and keep the door to the light and to the promising future open. Use your discernment at all times. Remember, if it does not feel right or good, then it is in all likelihood not good, so do not believe everything you hear and give your power away. You control each situation you encounter by what you empower. You are your own savior, no one else can do the inner work but you. It is the time for you to use your light to transform yourself. There is much depth within you that now seeks to express outwardly. The energies are shifting and new levels of being are now being established. You have not lost any ground for all is in a state of flux. Follow your inner guidance and direction with faith and steely determination.

You are entering a new phase of soul development and it is important to be true to yourselves, to know yourselves. The changes that have been wrought on the etheric realms are now coming into expression on the physical plane. It is a new beginning on a new level of spiritual expression and as with everything new, it requires a period of adjustment to become acclimated at the new level. As you go within, you will receive guidance and support from the higher realms. The answers lie within you and not ‘out there’ so it requires that you be still and listen. This is where you have access to greater resources and understanding.

As the changes within take place a new framework and direction will come to cognizance. The evolution of the self has brought forth a new aspect that brings new beginnings and an exciting new awareness of the possibilities that lie before you. You will find new purpose and renewed commitment to the path of evolvement that you are on. You have all that you need to make steady progress towards the further expansion of your soul growth and understanding of the higher perspectives take root within. Know that you are loved and supported by your family of light in every moment.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

Watch video version here:

2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

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