Monatsarchive: Oktober 2015



In den letzten Monaten ist so viel auf Deutschland passiert, dass wir Ihnen die Highlights in einem kurzen Video zusammengestellt haben.

Schauen Sie sich jetzt unser Video an und teilen Sie es auf Facebook!


Außerdem ist unser Change Deutschland-Team kräftig gewachsen. Neben Gregor Hackmack (Deutschland-Chef), Jeannette Gusko (Leiterin Kommunikation) und Sebastian Schütz (Kampagnen) sind neu dabei: Dorothee Vogt und Nora Circosta (Fundraising und Vertrieb), Mirja Hitzemann und Simon Kimmel (Kampagnen) und Lydia Ranke (Kommunikation).

 Wann starten Sie eine Petition auf

Herzliche Grüße aus Berlin,

Ihr Deutschland-Team



Möchten Sie etwas verändern? Starten Sie eine Petition.

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Haben Sie sich schon mal überlegt, bei Campact zu arbeiten? Oder kennen Sie jemanden, der/die daran Interesse hätte? Dann sind unsere neuen Stellen vielleicht etwas für Sie. Um den wachsenden Anforderungen weiterhin gerecht zu werden, wollen wir unser 40-köpfiges Team verstärken.Bei Campact erwarten Sie eine abwechslungsreiche Aufgabe und ein buntes Team, das eine offene und wertschätzende Diskussionskultur pflegt. Wenn Sie sich für die Anliegen von Campact begeistern und mit Ihrer Arbeit zum Erfolg unserer Kampagnen beitragen möchten, freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung! Und wenn Sie zwar selbst kein Interesse an den Stellen haben, aber geeignete Kandidat/innen kennen, dann leiten Sie diese E-Mail gerne weiter. Vielen Dank!

Community Campaigner/in für WeAct in Vollzeit zum 15.02.2016 in Verden/ Aller, überwiegend Homeoffice in Norddeutschland oder Berlin möglich.
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Online-Redakteur/in in Vollzeit zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt in Verden/Aller, überwiegend Homeoffice in Norddeutschland oder Berlin möglich.
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Social-Media-Redakteur/in in Vollzeit zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt in Verden/Aller, überwiegend Homeoffice in Norddeutschland oder Berlin möglich.
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Bei der Besetzung der Stellen werden wir von Talents4Good unterstützt. Bitte richten Sie deshalb alle Fragen zu den Stellen und dem Bewerbungsverfahren an die auf den Webseiten genannten Ansprechpartnerinnen. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!

Mit herzlichen Grüßen

Felix Kolb

Campact | | Campact e. V. | Artilleriestraße 6 | 27283 Verden |



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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

Today I’ve been looking for my brain and it seems to be no where to be found ~ lol. I can’t complete sentences. I can’t remember simple things like my computer password which I use many times every day. I’m having Starseed Moments ~ that’s what I call it because it is fun and let’s me accept it, enjoy it and love it. After all I’m becoming a Galactic Human.


Earlier today I was at Starbucks getting a chai. My barista asked if I wanted my usual and I must have looked at him as though I didn’t understand because he said “earth to Colleen”. Oh yes, the usual. I proceeded to tell him that my brain seems to be off line. We laughed as he told me that I am not his only customer who was having difficulty today.

I told him that on some days it is so bad I can’t remember my password for my computer which I type in many times each day. He leaned in, as if to whisper and told me that lately he’s been having that same problem and he is 21 years young. He said it makes him uncomfortable. Conclusion: it is an ascension symptom (having a Starseed moment) and not age related. We had a good laugh.

As you all know by now, Matt Kahn is a favorite of mine. When I feel off center, I listen to Matt and walla~~I’m balanced again. Today I’m sharing two videos. That’s about all the energy I have. Enjoy!

Keep shining your Light bright,


Pleiadeans and Our Galactic Future ~~ now ready for downloading …

The Pleiadeans played, and are playing, a key role in the future of GAIA and Humanity.

FREE Preview video: Pleiadeans and Synesthesia


This Webinar will reveal why they originally came here and how they will help us all to become galactic humans.

Topics include…

• Pleiades ~ The Seven Sisters of Taurus .
• Origins ~ Their link to Andromeda and Lyra
• Pleiadean Ships ~ Their fleet as it looks today
• 12 Clans of the Pleiades
• Gaia’s History: Galactic wars, the Anunnaki and more
• Pleiadeans’ role in the Galactic Federation 
• Our joint Galactic Future

To order Webinar 66 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.


Truth about SOUL CONTRACTS~Twin Flames and Soul Mates

Video from Matt Kahn

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Video from Matt Kahn

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Be a part of the New Global CE-5 Contact Initiative – Share Experiences around the globe!
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Announcing the Global CE-5 Initiative !
Reach out to the Stars!
We are happy to announce the Global CE-5 Initiative Day on The first Saturday of each month.  Join others world wide who want to unite in consciousness to reach out to the stars in Universal Peace.
Thousands around the globe have already formed contact groups.
Now is the time to magnify global coherence by all of us coming together in higher consciousness in a way that can move the world and humanity onto the path of Universal Peace. Get together with your existing group, or form a group of your own to reach out to the ETs with your intent for peaceful contact.
Imagine each individual or group as a light shining from Earth into the Cosmos – all on the same day around the globe.   The earth will be glowing!
If you want to form a group you can go to our free website/app – and put in your name and contact information.  If you don’t want to use your usual email , create a special email address just for this purpose and then you can form a group with others nearby.  If you do not put some form of contact information, no one will be able to reach you.
Let’s start on Saturday November 7, then Saturday December 5 and move into 2016.
We will send out a reminder each month.
If you wish, share your experiences on the facebook page : SiriusDisclosure (formerly Sirius:TheMovie).
Some Ideas people have brought up:
Time to go out:   Usually CE-5 groups go out between 8 pm and 1 am on their time zone.
We did not want to specify a time so that people would have flexibility for their various situations but between those times it is usually dark and its not too late.
The basics are the tones (available on the apps or from the CD in the working group kit) and the coherent thought sequencing meditation.  (Also on the app or in the Hidden Truth book or CD).
Warm clothes and something comfortable to sit on.
Take lasers if you wish,  but make sure it is legal where you are and that you use them in a safe manner.
Nightscopes or binoculars are useful.
For those more advanced you may want a good trifield meter (set to the 0 -3 scale)  to detect electronic anomalies and a battery operated radar detector.
The most important thing is the spirit of Universal Peace with which you and your group approach the event.
You may want to go to the website and read Dr. Greer’s papers on :
To understand phenomenon you may be seeing you may want to read:
If you want ideas about how to make contact or how to form your own group you may want to use these tools:
Iphone or Android app – a full training program on what to look for, how to make contact and more.   Click here for a more complete description but go to your app store to purchase – ETContact Tool.
We have a comprehensive program including Dr. Greer’s books and CDs called the : Contact Training Program.  Click here for the details about it.
You may also want to watch some of our videos: Crossing Point of Light or the Glendale webinar available on our vimeo or via youtube:
“And so it is that we must look to our inner reality to find not only our oneness with our fellow humans, but our oneness with other intelligent life in the universe as well. While ephemeral differences may confound us, our essential oneness in consciousness will never fail us. For there is one universe inhabited by one people, and we are they.”
from Dr. Greer’s paper – One Universe – One People
Sirius Technology Advanced Research LLC|
See what’s happening on our social sites:
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Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde in und um Berlin,

etwas ganz Großes steht vor der Tür… in einem Monat findet die größte Klima-Mobilisierung aller Zeiten statt und jetzt kommen die Dinge so richtig in Fahrt!

Die Demo startet am 29. November um 12 Uhr mittags am Berliner Hauptbahnhof. Schon bald könnt ihr in U-Bahn-Stationen und in ganz Berlin tolle Plakate dazu bewundern und hunderttausende Menschen werden eingeladen, gemeinsam mit uns auf die Straße zu gehen. Wir haben die Sache ins Rollen gebracht — und jetzt müssen wir ALLE ins Boot holen.

Deshalb treffen sich Avaazerinnen und Avaazer aus ganz Berlin diesen Samstag, den 31. Oktober, um 14:00 Uhr zur großen Klima Halloween-Aktion! Wir wollen Euch den Global Climate March kurz vorstellen und dann gemeinsam losziehen, um so viele Menschen wie möglich zu erreichen und zu inspirieren, am 29. November mit uns auf die Straße zu gehen. Wir werden für die Mutigen unter uns auch ein paar bunte Kostüme dabei haben — und es gibt kostenlos Eiscreme für alle Helfer!

Datum: 31. Oktober
Uhrzeit: 14:00 Uhr
Location: Impact Hub in der Friedrichstraße 246, 10969 Berlin

Klickt auf das Bild, um dabei zu sein und alle weiteren Infos zu erhalten:

Diese Demo liegt voll und ganz in unseren Händen. Gemeinsam können wir sie richtig groß aufziehen, weltweit für Schlagzeilen sorgen und einen Aufruf starten, den unsere Politiker einfach nicht ignorieren können. Seit ein paar Wochen arbeiten über Hundert von uns daran, jedem in unserer Gegend von der Mobilisierung zu erzählen — nun wollen wir gemeinsam noch einen Gang hochschalten und noch mehr Menschen erreichen. Denn um alles zu verändern brauchen wir euch alle!

Leitet diese Einladung an eure Freunde weiter und wir sehen uns am Samstag:
Klickt hier, um dabei zu sein und alle Infos zu erhalten

Voller Vorfreude,

Christoph, Oli, Alice, Luca, Morgan, Iain und der Rest des Avaaz-Teams

Weitere Informationen:

Die Klima-Revolution beginnt hier (FAZ)

Franziskus als Vorreiter gegen Klimawandel (Die Presse)

Und auf Englisch:

No plan B if Paris climate summit ends in failure, says EU climate chief (The Guardian)

‘Climate deception dossiers’ expose oil industry lobbying (RTCC)

Taking a call for climate change to the streets (NYTimes) ist ein weltweites Kampagnennetzwerk mit 41 Millionen Mitgliedern,
 das sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, den Einfluss der Ansichten und Wertvorstellungen aller Menschen auf wichtige globale Entscheidungen durchzusetzen. (“Avaaz” bedeutet “Stimme” oder “Lied” in vielen Sprachen). Avaaz Mitglieder gibt es in jedem Land dieser Erde; unser Team verteilt sich über 18 Länder und 6 Kontinente und arbeitet in 17 verschiedenen Sprachen. Erfahren Sie hier, etwas über einige der größten Aktionen von Avaaz oder folgen Sie uns aufFacebook oder Twitter.

Sie sind Mitglied der Avaaz-Bewegung geworden und haben angefangen, diese Emails zu erhalten, als Sie am 2008-03-22 die Kampagne “Tibet – Unterstützen Sie den Dalai Lama” mit der Email-Adresse unterzeichnet haben.
Um sicherzustellen, dass die Nachrichten von Avaaz bei Ihnen ankommen, fügen Sie bitte zu Ihrer Kontaktliste hinzu. Um Ihre Email-Adresse, die Spracheinstellungen oder andere Benutzerinformationen zu ändern, kontaktieren Sie uns oder melden Sie sich hier einfach ab.

Um Avaaz zu kontaktieren, antworten Sie bitte nicht auf diese E-Mail.Benutzen Sie stattdessen das oder rufen Sie uns an, unter: +1 1-888-922-8229 (USA).

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Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

from Planetary Activation Organization

This one is about joy and about the realization that an important milestone has been passed. You are now much closer to your sacred goal of returning to your former status as physical Angels.

The final meetings are underway. Schedules are in place as a number of agreements have allowed a general release of funds and the merest of beginnings of the formal switch from the cabal to the Light.


Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

13 Cauac, 13 Tzec, 12 Manik

Dratzo! The final meetings are underway. Schedules are in place as a number of agreements have allowed a general release of funds and the merest of beginnings of the formal switch from the cabal to the Light. These operations are to yield the start of the manifesting of a new reality. As stated last week, the new financial system is done and is to be gradually moved on line. Those in charge of special security for the new republics are confident that these long secret entities can at last be properly announced. This process is happening only because we have made it clear that Heaven’s programs rely on the formation of new governance and an end to the continued use of an easily manipulated fiat currency. Hence, there is to be a global prosperity based on a worldwide resetting of currency and most importantly a currency, which has a true value. That is, it is founded on the use of precious metals backing. This is at best a temporary measure as monies are shortly to disappear as processors and other related technologies appear. These devices are to be both Earth-based and Federation technologies. You are entering a time of increased consciousness and the knowledge that you are not alone.

The new governance is to be founded on the transforming of debt slavery into liberation. What does this really mean? It implies that you have transcended a whole series of core perceptions put into you by the Anunnaki and their minions millennia ago. You have reached freedom and are putting behind you the concept of lack and the feeling of being useless. Successful men and woman go beyond these beliefs. You are to take this major set of perceptions that are to alter how you think and how you see this old reality. This prosperity is to become anchored within you. The true personality of a successful person is suddenly to emerge. Mixed with this is a great dose of humility and a need to help each other. You are to view this realm in a whole new Light! You are to see the importance of creating a true community. This community is to go global and aid in the process insuring that this newly forming realm forges an end to pollution of air, water and ground. This new world is to in joy link to Gaia and to its many aspects of your galactic human family.

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As you can see, this prosperous new realm is to form numerous new outlets to express its mercy and show its grace. You are in this wonderful mode to go beyond money and to understand fully what you are. The age of survivorism and ‘every one for themselves’ is to be over and done with. It is these magnificent Beings who are to return in joy to full consciousness. We are watching as you use this growing consciousness to prevent war, cohere government to better serve you and grow your belief in ecology. These preliminaries are only the start of what your grand collective is capable of. As these various types of funds become available, you are to use this to aid each other by the use of healing centers, the rise of vast infrastructure projects and a collective “watchdog” approach to government. This is the rise of a grand feeling within you to live in a “decent realm” filled with joy, freedom and a firm set of constitutional protections that ensure your unalienable rights. This transformation is to be aided by both your Ascended Masters and us.

These alterations of your consciousness are greatly helped by the energies, which Heaven is moving here in greater and greater numbers. These energies are altering the hormonal structure of your physical self in a very subtle manner. It is making possible these changes, which are growing your consciousness and creating within you new perceptions of this reality and all in it. You are being prepared to emerge from your childhood (this 3-D realm) and slowly advance into the very edges of your new 5-D realm. Here, you need your own Crystal Light Chambers to complete this operation. We in the Galactic Federation are overseeing this along with your own physical body Angels. This procedure is about to reach a next critical stage as you are exposed to a special prosperity made to permit you to alter how you perceive this reality. This rise in prosperity is to trigger new governance and with it, a new birth of your natural rights. This is as well to signal our arrival. This is to be a new time for your preliminary introduction to your true history and your coming new responsibilities!!!

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Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! This day marks a watershed in the struggle by surface humanity against the dark. Heaven has given your pathway to full consciousness. Today, you cleared a first hurtle in your slow but steady march. Toward achieving this grand goal, a benchmark can at last be noted. The minions of the Anunnaki have surrendered their power over you. Thus, the very first steps toward a much-needed prosperity are now accomplished! In addition, Heaven has authorized its various angelic guardians to ready another set of physical changes, which are to complete the first of many stages that are preparing you for full consciousness. This finished stage set the anchors for your new chakras and altered how the meridian system in your physical body operates. We are told that this foundation stage is next to lead to one in which more of your more ethereal layers are to be consolidated. This is to be monitored by the medical teams and by us.

We ask in lieu of what is happening for you to remain positive and whenever you need assistance ask for us. We are here to provide mercy and to help you learn grace in such difficult situations. We need to see ourselves as a spiritual community that is coming together to help each other through these present times. You, my Dear children, are special and are going through a most unusual operation initiated decades ago by Heaven. This sacred process is to continue and will cease once you have successfully navigated the wondrous nuances of the Crystal Light Chambers. Over 15 millennia ago, the Atlantean priesthood initially performed the first of many heinous experiments on you. This group of storied women and men were intent on preventing the breakdown of their society and wished to gain favor with their dark comrades. The outcome was odd experiments on your ancestors.

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We ask you to remain positive. In the very near future, we intend to enlarge on what we have just told you. Our joint history is a tapestry that needs to be gently unwound. Our purpose is to guide you into a full understanding of how you became a limited conscious Being and to explain in an understandable manner how you are being returned to your former state. Each of us has lived, like you, several lives of quiet desperation. Grace has given us a way acknowledged after these lifetimes to have ceremony, which returned us to our state of immortality. This state comes because Heaven wishes us to use mercy and the power of Love to guide you. Heaven wished us to represent the Divine since, in its holy judgment, we lived many spiritually exemplary lives. Thus, we were to transform through sacred ceremony and become Ascended Masters. We were sent to a spiritual “boot camp” and told about our divine service.

Today, we continued with our messages. This one is about joy and about the realization that an important milestone has been passed. You are now much closer to your sacred goal of returning to your former status as physical Angels. This journey is now ready to add some more satisfying twists. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

For more from Galactic Federation


Pleiadeans and Our Galactic Future ~~ now ready for downloading …

The Pleiadeans played, and are playing, a key role in the future of GAIA and Humanity.

FREE Preview video: Pleiadeans and Synesthesia


This Webinar will reveal why they originally came here and how they will help us all to become galactic humans.

Topics include…

• Pleiades ~ The Seven Sisters of Taurus .
• Origins ~ Their link to Andromeda and Lyra
• Pleiadean Ships ~ Their fleet as it looks today
• 12 Clans of the Pleiades
• Gaia’s History: Galactic wars, the Anunnaki and more
• Pleiadeans’ role in the Galactic Federation 
• Our joint Galactic Future

To order Webinar 66 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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©2015 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
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Living in a Dysfunctional World
Freedom From Conceptual Thinking