Monatsarchive: Juli 2015

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Welcome to PAO’s Live Webinar for July ~


Usually, when PAO prepares a Webinar, we know in advance what the topics will be. But in July’s unique Live Webinar, for the very first time, the Galactic Federation will transmit to Sheldan, instantaneously, a fluid Galactic report on our progress.

As the GF tunes in to our collective needs, Sheldan will translate their message to us.

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We will learn how our light body integrations are being accelerated, and be given new information on the abundance program. Everything else will be a surprise!

PAO offers the same webinar presentation on two different dates and times to cover as many time zones as possible.

Sunday, July 26, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, July 30, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California time)

Talk to Sheldan Live … simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited… Register Now!

To register make payment: Click here

Cost: $15.00 U.S.

For your convenience, time converter

Crystalline Support by the Crystalline Kingdom

Channelled through Natalie Glasson– 10th July 2015


Shimmering crystalline vibrations are bestowed upon you from the core of our beings; we are the Crystalline
Beings from the Crystalline Kingdom on the inner planes. We exist within all that is the Creator in a similar way to the essence of creation; we seek to magnify the Creator while ensuring the greater download of the Creator into all. Our purpose is to demonstrate to you the purity, truth, essence and expansiveness of your
sacred existence, while also demonstrating supreme harmony and harmonisation with the Creator. We are the spirits and essence that download and is embodied within all physical crystals on the Earth.

We, the Crystalline Beings come forth to communicate and connect with you now as our energy signifies a powerful shift in your awakening and the spiritual evolution of humanity. At this time the Crystalline vibration is anchoring to magnify all that you are, hold onto and emanate at this time. It is akin to power being placed behind you to accelerate your physical, emotional, mental bodies and realities. Everything you are becomes heightened, more available to you and visible. When one exists from a place of pure love, reacting and expressing from this core then our magnification acts as a powerful surge accelerating you into a state of greater harmony with yourself and the Creator. If one does not exist from a space of pure love then our empowerment will cause a deep upheaval of all which doesn’t align with love. Any energy misaligned with love will be brought to the surface to be recognised more fully offering you the option to choose whether you wish for these energies to be present in your creation of your reality of love. The purest love of your being will also be magnified demonstrating to you the states of sacred bliss you have the ability to maintain and exist as through all aspects of your reality. This process of crystalline empowerment may create a feeling of unbalance as you move from states of bliss and love to that of lower vibrational emotions.

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Everything within you is coming to the surface, it is your divine purpose to bring all that is the Creator to the surface, to express and expand the vibrations of the Creator. Your reality reminds you of this each day as you move back and forth through an inner and outer reality. One of the purposes of your existence is to align your inner and outer reality so balance, love and harmony of the same frequency are experienced. It is for you to discover the divine subtle ability to align your inner reality and self with the harmonious energy of the Creator while fully expressing this into your outer reality. You are already aware of this magical process and achieve it
with every moment of your reality and yet there is a need for conscious awareness of the process so you can consciously access and consciously express the divine. Rather than accessing a high vibration which diminishes as you merge it with your reality there is need to empower that vibration so it amplifies in power and frequency as it integrates into your reality. We, the Crystalline Beings are present to support this process encouraging you to live a more consciously Creator attuned reality.

Do not fear nor become disillusioned by the seesaw nature of your emotions, vibration or mind, simply rejoice in the awareness that the Creator is coming to the surface and you are becoming more equipped in bringing the Creator to the surface. It also symbolises that you are remembering your eternal infinity with the Creator consciously bringing forth the Creator for you to view. In many ways you are always projecting the Creator onto a screen for you to acknowledge and see, akin to painting a portrait of the Creator. In the past this portrait may have been tainted with lower vibrations and emotions, now you can paint a portrait with truth, accessing supreme frequencies. As you express the Creator so you become the Creator.

It is your purpose to be consciously aware of what has always been present, in order to achieve this you will move through the habits and behaviours with false identities to supreme pools of truth. Enjoy the journey and feelings of imbalance as they will give way to behaviours of the divine.

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Our magnification will mean that your manifestation skills are doubled in power and your realisation enhanced. This may denote that many energies from the inner planes, such as Ascended Masters, Waves of Ascension from the Creator or Cosmic Shifts will wish to connect and co-create with you. Their energies will flow to you to be merged and transmitted through your being. This is a wonderful gift as it allows you to remember the Creator more fully, be of service and enhance your awareness of the inner planes.

Downloading and co-creating with the inner planes signifies a major step of evolution within your ascension allowing for continued expansion to take place. As you further your co-creation with the inner planes you create yourself as a bridge of light. The more you choose to allow to flow through you from the Creator, the more will be drawn to be downloaded. Thus all that you are expands as you evolve into your divine state. We encourage you to be aware of the energies and beings from the inner planes wishing to co-create with you and anchor energy through you, know that this is a powerful service you can embody and yet you have the option to accept or decline. When you are consciously aware you are in your power and aligned with your inner guidance. Know however that these energies are filtered through your soul and always carry an aspect of your soul energy.

The other influence of our magnification is that you will be required to observe more obediently your thoughts and creations as they will manifest with greater speed and vivacity into your reality.


As the Crystalline Kingdom we access the perfection of the Creator demonstrating it can be brought into matter and physical form. This isn’t perfection as you know it, rather the excellence of the Creator. In order to
recognise the perfection of the Creator there is a need to shift the perspective of your mind; this can be achieved with our assistance for we can download our Crystalline light into your mind and mental body moving the molecular structure of information within your mind and mental body into harmony to be more easily accessed. Then you will be able to recognise the thoughts you wish to discard, thus you will create more space and expansion within your mind which allows for the perfection of the Creator to be contemplated.

Please do not be fearful if you feel your mind becoming blank or information within your mind being unavailable to you, this is because space and expansion is being created within your mind so you may recognise the perfection of the Creator with precision. Simply call upon us.

‘Crystalline Beings of love, peace and harmony, I call upon your healing, magnifying and awakening vibrations to download and flow into my mind and mental body. Please assist me in perceiving with greater ease the perfection of the Creator so I may easily acknowledge, express and experience the perfection of the Creator within my being and within my reality. Please also bring healing, awakening and rejuvenation to my entire being. Let it be so.’

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Please sit or lie down imagining shimmering multi-coloured crystalline vibrations flowing into your mind, mental body and entire being.

Know that you are preparing yourself to live a reality of love, to do so is such a precious experience which has only be experienced by certain individuals upon the Earth. You are preparing yourself to support all of humanity in living a reality of love. Every step you take in your spiritual evolution enhances the foundation
being formed for humanity to ascend as well. The magnificent and potential of your being is endless; you are divine in matter and spirit. We are present to amplify your divinity, to soothe and smooth your journey of accessing your divinity.

Call upon us, let us be present within your reality as our physical and energetic forms, you will notice the impact our expression creates within your reality.

We are one…
The Crystalline Beings

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What Screen Addiction Is Doing To Your Children

 by 1 Comment.


The world has changed incredibly quickly over the past few centuries and we can be sure it will continue to do so at an exponential rate. This has many people now questioning what we are doing here and in what direction our species is heading.

“The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry.” – Brooks, from the film “The Shawshank Redemption”

So what are innovations like computers, the internet, and cell phones, among others, doing to our children? Well, they could be doing a lot more than we think, and little of it good. There is a widespread consensus in the scientific community  that the radiation alone from these devices can be very debilitating to our health in the long term. We are approaching a time where we will potentially begin to see these effects surface, given the fact that the first cell phone/computer/internet/video games generation is approaching the age of thirty.

Multiple studies have revealed that cell phone radiation can cause cancer. Did you know that The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified radio frequency fields (including those from cell phones) as a possible carcinogen in 2011? (source)  The dangers of cell phone use gained a lot of mainstream credibility in 2011 when the World Health Organization (WHO) admitted that cell phone radiation may cause cancer. The statement was based off of a cumulative decision made by a team of 31 scientists, from 14 different countries, after reviewing evidence that suggested this to be the case. You can read more about that HERE. It’s pretty startling news, especially given the fact that a child’s brain absorbs much more radiation than that of an adult.



It’s also important to note that studies have been conducted showing no link between cell-phones and cancer, but none of these (or those on the opposing side) have been long term, since cell phone usage is fairly recent, too recent to know of any potential harmful consequences.

Another problem is addiction. In China, for example, teenagers are becoming hooked on electronic screens. Whether it be with their phone, computer, or video games, many young people are spending countless hours in front of a screen without bothering to eat or sleep, sometimes even withholding their urge to use the bathroom.

According to a blog report published by the New York Times, “many have come to view the real world as fake.”(source)

In China, this phenomenon is actually considered a clinical disorder, and as a result a number of rehabilitation centres have been established where young people addicted to screens are completely isolated from all media. Although the success of these treatment centres is still unknown, it paints a dark picture of the technological age in which we live, and does not seem to bode well for our future.

Studies in China show that people who spend more than 6 hours on the internet for something other than work or study are likely to become addicted. Below is a trailer for the documentary “Web Junkies,” shedding light on this troubling aspect of modern life:



It’s not just China, this type of thing is seen all around the world:

“While Internet addiction is not yet considered a clinical diagnosis here, there’s no question that American youths are plugged in and tuned out of ‘live’ action for many more hours of the day than experts consider healthy for normal development. And it starts early, often with preverbal toddlers handed their parents’ cellphones and tablets to entertain themselves when they should be observing the world around them and interacting with their caregivers.” (source)

As we continue to move forward, this type of addiction and behaviour becomes more disturbing. The power that some multinational corporations have, alongside their clever marketing tactics – basically making whatever product or idea they choose to be desirable to the human mind – is worrisome.  A few years ago, the American Academy of Paediatrics found that the average 8-10 year old spends almost eight hours a day with a variety of different media, and older children/teenagers spend even more, upwards of up to 11 hours. (source)

A study conducted by the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center (MARC), which included over 20,000 children/teens between grades 3 and 12, concluded that approximately 20% of grade 3 students already owned a cell phone. The numbers steadily rose from that point forward to approximately 25% in grade 4, 39% in grade 5, and 83% in middle school. You can read that entire study HERE.

Think about that for a second, is this not disturbing? What is happening here and why is it happening? Cellphones, computers, and tablets are slowly taking over our lives, and while the majority of us remain engaged with these technologies, our world continues to suffer in various ways.

It’s almost as if we are made not to care, made to be distracted; apart from the 9-5 grind, we are occupied by our electronics, sports, entertainment, and more. We have become a species that has neglected our home. Humans need Earth, but the Earth does not need humans. Thankfully, more and more people are starting to wake up, more people are starting to care, and this has had a very positive impact. But we still have a long way to go, and concerns like the ones presented in this article are one of many we need to consider.

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July 9th, 2015Begin to play full out with this thought universe, allow yourself to engage with your true understanding and knowledge of your multidimensional self as an aspect of wholeness and oneness as a divine creator.We have spoke about thinking and creating outside the box of your limitation. We continue to inform and encourage you to recognize, know and own your creative power as a being of  divine light consciousness existing in all timeframes and dimensions. And as this being of divine light consciousness who has allowed an aspect and focus to play and create in this 3D reality because it is an adventure. Realize that you truly pop in and pop out of this existence.–Matrix of this Dimension by Peggy Black and the “team”
P.S. To see all of our upcoming programs, including Neale Donald Walsch, Llewellyn Vaughn Lee, Matt Kahn, Patricia Cota-Robles, Gregg Braden and Barbara Marx Hubbard and to get free 48 hour replays click here:

Arabic Translation

ابدا بالعمل مع هذه الافكار العالم, سماح لنفسك لتعامل مع فهمك الحقيقي ومعرفتك المتعدد الابعاد بوصفها جانبا من الجوانب الكمال و الوحدانية كخالق الهي.

لقد تحدثنا حول تفكير وخلق خارج تحديدك. نحن مستمرين لاخبارك وتشجيعك للتتميز, اعرف وامتلك قوتك الخالقة كالنور الهي الواعي في جميع الاطراف الزمنية والابعاد. وكهذا النور الهي الواعي الذي منح جانبا وتركيزا على اللعب وخلق ابعاد ثلاثية حقيقية لانها مغامرة. أدرك ان صوتك الداخلي والخارجي حقيقة في الوجود.

– مصفوفة من هذا البعد بقلم بيجي بلاك و “الفريق”


Italian Translation






Inizia a giocare con questa idea di universo e consenti a te stesso di sperimentare con la vera conoscenza e comprensione del tuo Self multidimensionale come un aspetto dell’unità ed interezza del creatore divino.

Abbiamo parlato di pensare e creare fuori dalla scatola delle tue limitazioni.
Continuiamo ad informarti e ad incoraggiarti di riconoscere ed accettare il tuo potere creativo come un essere di luce divina e consapevole che esiste in tutti i tempi e tutte le dimensioni.
E come questo essere di luce divina e consapevole che ha permesso un aspetto e si è focalizzato sul giocare e creare in questa realtà tridimensionale perché è un’avventura .
Renditi conto che tu veramente entri ed esci da questa esistenza.

– La Matrice di questa Dimensione di Peggy Black ed il Team

Spanish Translation

Comience a jugar completo con este pensamiento universo, permita comprometerse con su verdadera comprensión y el conocimiento de su ser multidimensional como un aspecto de la integridad y la unidad como un creador divino.

Hemos hablado sobre el pensamiento y la creación fuera de la caja de su limitación.  Seguimos informándolo y alentándolo a reconocer, conocer y ser dueño de su poder creativo como un ser de conciencia luz divina que existe en todos los márgenes de tiempo y dimensiones. Y como este ser de conciencia de luz divina que ha permitido un aspecto y un foco para jugar y crear en esta realidad 3D, porque es una aventura. Realice que realmente pasa y se hace estallar fuera de esta existencia.

–Matrix De esta Dimensión por Peggy Black y el “equipo”

French Translation

Commencez à jouer pleinement avec cette pensée universelle, engagez-vous avec une vraie compréhension et la connaissance de votre moi multidimensionnel sous l’aspect de plénitude et d’unité en tant que créateur divin.

Nous avons parlé de penser et de créer en dehors de la boîte de vos limites. Nous continuons à vous informer et à vous encourager à reconnaître, à savoir et à posséder votre propre puissance créatrice comme être de conscience de lumière divine qui existe dans tous les calendriers et les dimensions et comme cet être de conscience divine de lumière qui a créé cet aspect et qui se concentre à jouer et à créer dans cette réalité 3D, parce qu’il aime cette aventure. Sachez que vous sautez vraiment de l’une à l’autre de ces existences.
Pour découvrir plus de textes en français:

Today’s beautiful photo is courtesy of Humanity’s Team member Debbie Svitavsky (copyright).




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“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Gandhi

© 2014, Humanity’s Team®. All rights reserved. The Humanity’s Team name is a registered trademark of Humanity’s Team, a charitable organization.

Humanity’s Team is an international spiritual movement whose purpose is to communicate and demonstrate the timeless truth that We Are All One, with God and life – caring for each other and the world we share – so that people’s actions reflect this profound understanding within a generation.  We believe that living this truth is essential to solving the most chronic and acute world problems and vital to creating a sustainable world of peace, harmony and happiness.

As a volunteer movement, we are funded entirely by freewill offerings. Our volunteer stewards in your country and around the world handle thousands of contacts with teammates and other individuals every month, as well as provide a growing number of outreach programs and services. THANKS for your support!

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On Death and Dying
Discontentment or Enjoyment


HeartMath Institute
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HeartMath Institute / Global Coherence Initiative

Would it surprise you to learn that an unseen, yet detectable field around you carries important information about you and connects you with all other living things?One of today’s most exciting areas of scientific inquiry is the interconnection between all living things. And, HeartMath researchers are deeply involved in this research.Here is one example: Our research team recently did a large data collection project in which they acquired more new and exciting information about the interconnectedness between people and earth’s magnetic fields. They did this by simultaneously collecting heart rate variability data from 104 participants from 5 countries – this resulted in 1,500 days of synchronized data or 150 million heartbeats to analyze.Also, our researchers continue to analyze the massive amount of magnetic fields data being collected worldwide from GCI’s 6 Earth monitoring systems daily, and we’re are getting enlightening results! But funds are running low.

Help us take this research and data analysis to the next level and reach our campaign goal of $25,000 before it ends on July 13. Your donation to the 2015 Science of Interconnectivity Research Project will make all that I’ve mentioned and much, much, more possible! There are only a few days left till July 13, so please donate now.

And, we have a special Thank You Gift for you! For a one-time contribution of $35 to $69, you’ll receive oneFree Tote Bag; if you give $70 or more, you get two Free Tote Bags, or pledge $5 (or $10, $25 or more) per month and receive a Tote Bag, plus a FREE One Year HMI Membership.

I invite you to make a donation today. We will be sure to keep you updated throughout the year with our progress.

Thank you for helping to advance the understanding of the energetic connection between all people and the earth’s fields and for joining our vision of bringing people together in heart-focused care.

With appreciation,
Sara Childre
Sara Childre,
President, HeartMath Institute

HeartMath Institute
14700 West Park Ave., Boulder Creek, California  95006
(831) 338-8500 |
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Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy

Be aware of your abilities and seize this power to express your love for Gaia and for all of humanity. This great reservoir of Love and forgiveness can literally move mountains!

from Planetary Activation Organization


Ummac Dan ~ GF Symbol for Sirian Star Nation

6 Lamat, 6 Kumku, 11 Ik

Selamat Jarin! Your world continues to move forward with the manifesting of the new financial system. This system is to reduce or eliminate the stealing that was common under the old system. In addition, several adjustments are to be made that make money laundering practically impossible. Transparency in all kinds of transactions is to be the rule of the day. In the coming weeks we expect a great number of deliveries to occur. Thus, the time for you to receive your blessings is fast approaching. This grand transfer of wealth is to lead quickly to the downfall of the cabal and its many hidden associates. Thus, new governance under the aegis of NESARA is not very far off. These facts allow us to know that our period of announcements is swiftly approaching. This means as well that your needed lessons by the Ascended Masters are looming. Many of you have patiently waited for the time, which is now upon you. Others have occasionally succumbed to the rigors of this prolonged wait. In any case, remain positive and be joyous for what is happening around you. The time is approaching to at last let go and begin your many projects to aid humanity!

Long ago, before the last two great year cycles began, Lemuria reigned supreme as the benevolent steward of Gaia and her numerous eco-systems. Lemuria had first spread across planet Gaia to soothe and turn positive the energies, which governed the surface realm. Then, these dedicated souls went inward and established an inner global land that in her language became the realm of Agartha. Our settlers had made Gaia an inner and surface realm paradise filled with endless animal and plant life forms. About 300,000 years ago a group of special settlers migrated here from the Pleiades. This group was a remnant of a whole section of rebels who had come to believe that being the mediator between the dark Ancharan continuum and a number of groups that opposed them was a useful means for spreading Light in this galaxy. This belief had become somewhat perverted by the time they first arrived. As with previous settlers, they initially chose a surface territory upon which to become acclimated to life on Gaia. This first stage was to last for an unusually long period of nearly 250,000 years.


By this time, the first of the last two great galactic years had passed. The Lemurians knew what Heaven decreed and intended to carry out the last prescribed edicts of Heaven. The Atlanteans sensed that an action was near to create two realms, an inner one and a surface one. The Atlantean destiny was to rule the surface one. The Ancharan continuum made it a point to contact the Atlanteans and gradually allow them to believe in the righteousness of what they had wrought. Gaia was slowly maneuvered into a position that forced it to lower her energies. During the last Atlantean empire, over 15,000 years ago, a scourge began to spread across the face of Gaia’s surface. The Ancharans were setting up the scenario for the rise of a limited-consciousness human as well as the untimely end of Atlantis and her allies. This was to lead to the liberation of these special humans from their protected residences and the creation of a new group of overlords, the Anunnaki. This new group was to watch over them and at the right time to abandon them. The Light was then to return and restore these humans to their natural state of full consciousness!

We gave you this brief history so you can put these present times in the right perspective. What the Earth allies are doing is finishing a process that commenced with the minions refusing to see the departure of the Anunnaki as a portent of things to come. The Light has supported those who wished to oppose the dark since the conclusion of World War II. Together, with the Ascended Masters and the Agarthans, we helped this group of enlightened ones. The labor of this decades-long struggle is now ready to bear fruit. The coming time is to see the rise of a new financial system, properly backed currencies and a series of new governments. This is truly just the beginning. Ahead of you is our arrival, meeting your mentors and receiving the wise lessons of your Ascended Masters. All of this is eventually to culminate in the transformation that is to happen during your three days in your assigned Crystal Light Chamber. As the old adage goes, “this was the worst of times and the best of times.” Look forward in bold anticipation to a most marvelous future for this world, and for you!

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Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come bringing you many blessings! You have greatly aided us by the wonderful collective of positive thought that you have given us daily. We are most grateful for this most generous showering of affection. As you grow in consciousness, you learn how the universe operates. Positive affection helps, when focused properly, to dispel the dark. We have used your blessings to focus on the change that this realm badly needs. Together, we can continue to disburse the darkness that still permeates this realm. One of the items that we have jointly focused on is the changing financial system. Your energies are currently assisting as the dark cabal’s system of global debt is failing. Our associates are nearly finished with manifesting this. It is to come online shortly. This one event is going to allow the introduction of new governance and the rechartering of a highly fraudulent set of international banking cartels. This can, by itself, change the world!

We ask that you continue to look inward and be ready to accept some new paradigms. When we first became immortals, we learned what each of us was positively capable of. Within each soul is a great caring “heart.” It is this potential that we are speaking of. Since you were born, your reality has refrained from asking you to use this hidden set of potentials. We deeply request that each of you seek out these hidden abilities and collectively employ them to aid humanity. As the degree of consciousness grows within you, seek out your newfound potential and learn how to best employ it to increase humanity’s positives. You are a group of deeply caring individuals. Mutually explore how you can best use your inner potential to find a faster way down this long and winding pathway toward full consciousness. Together, let us demonstrate to Heaven how seriously we wish to assume this gracious mantle.

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You are a most unique, gracious group of loving humanity. Yet there are still many among you who wish to seek out violence and continue the old, dark ways. Here again, use your growing consciousness to put them in your mind’s heart and start a process to reform them. Let us jointly introduce to them a new series of non-violent and loving behaviors. Miracles like these have worked in the past and we can by seriously doing this transform a whole host of these dark ones to the Light. Be aware of your abilities and seize this power to express your love for Gaia and for all of humanity. This great reservoir of Love and forgiveness can literally move mountains! Thus, a greatly caring humanity can alter its present reality and set the stage for the arrival of our spiritual and space families. We are therefore at the edge of this current “bad” time and are entering a reality filled with Love, Light and prosperity. Hosanna! Hosanna!

Today, we continued with our report of what is truly happening around us. The time for the new reality has begun. Take this time to breathe this wonder in and ready yourselves for the arrival of those you have not experienced in a very long time. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

More from PAO and Galactic Federation


Want more information on Inner Earth? Check out PAO’s webinar ~ THE AGARTHANS

Sheldan answers your many questions about the Agarthans


Webinar 37

Topics include…

• The Agarthans: Origins, Society and Customs
• Cities: Crystal and Others
• Inner Earth’s Importance to us
• Our Agarthan and Galactic Federation Mentors
• Metamorphosis Light Chambers: Why are they needed and are they safe?
• Agarthans’ galactic society versus our future one
• Final overview: Dispelling the
negative viewpoints

To order your copy ($13.95), click HERE

View webinar youtube preview: Hollow Earth



ABUNDANCE: The Importance of the Abundance Program

Colleen and Sheldan, What an incredible webinar! Explained soooooooooooo much. EVERYONE should experience the information provided! CU

Webinar preview video: BRICS and Prosperity


So many of us are struggling with the meaning of time. We wonder when, at long last, the Earth Allies will distribute the abundance money so we can take the first steps in our joyful journey toward full consciousness.

In this Webinar, Sheldan brings us the latest information on current abundance timelines and explains how we are gradually overcoming the obstacles put in place by the dark cabals.

Topics include…

• Timing – Why the GF must be cautious
• Dark Cabal – Cause of Delays
• Earth Allies & Secret Societies – Their mission
• Abundance Program – Funding and testing the new system
• The role of NESARA
• The BRICS countries ~ Alternative to the cabal
• Need for patience: 3D time vs 5D time
• A new society – A new GAIA

To order Webinar 62 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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