For the past ten years I have been pretty much into personal development. Well, as a teenager I was already a bit interested in not-so-mainstream topics such as the power of the human mind, psychic phenomena and plenty of other metaphysical topics. It comes to no surprise that my peers thought I was a bit weird, you know how it is.
So when I got hooked on to personal development topics later on in life, I was already primed for certain ideas and insights. It came easier for me to hop on from one book or one topic to another without needing a stretch of time to digest certain ideas. I got pretty sucked into it. I read heaps of books, started off my blog Soul Hiker and wrote a few hundred articles to share my insights and experiences with others following the same path.
In those ten years of learning and practice, I did come a long way with a wealth of inner growth but also many pitfalls. What is more relevant is that I have also arrived at a solid practical realization – a kind of a key that unlocks some doors without having to knock them down really. That key is Simple Living or the idea of simplifying life in order to shed away what is unnecessary, inauthentic and a hindrance to your life purpose. The concept might seem obvious but somehow hidden none the less.
Personal growth, or rather actualizing your highest potential and becoming the best version of yourself, requires shedding off and letting go of things which are not authentically in line with your Soul agenda rather than putting in a lot of effort to learn or acquire something else. It’s energy-wasting spending hours, days and weeks trying to relearn habits, boosting your confidence, visualizing your goals, improving your creativity, doing soul searching, etc without first simplifying your life.
Yes all these things and others are important personal development tools but I have realized that by doing one thing – engaging in a path of Simple Living – will make everything else effortless. This is particularly true to your goal of self-actualization or becoming the best You.
So in a way, if we only tried to make life simpler and nothing else, it’s already a hundredfold better than trying hard to do other self-improvement stuff – some of which perhaps fail, we give up on or take us a lot of persistence and struggle to achieve. I strongly believe that the message of Simple Living is a very important one and here are some of the reasons why:
Less Noise & Clutter:
In an online course I created about Simple Living, one of the most important lectures is one which has to do with clearing and decluttering spaces. Not just physical spaces around us (although this is also important) but our inner spaces too. In a way living a simpler life means managing your time and space better. Very often our spaces become cluttered and disordered, making life more difficult than it has to be.
On a physical level, this can be seen in cluttered living or working spaces, rooms in our homes or perhaps disorganized drawers, closets and desks. On an emotional and psychological level, this manifests as mental noise, unclear paths of action, conflicting ideas and lack of a clear purpose. So decluttering our inner and outer spaces will literally clear the obstructions for us (or others: hint) to move freely through them and this will resonate on all other levels of our life. Clearly there is much more to decluttering than routine – it is a way of opening up to life.
Understanding what is Relevant:
Another important concept of simple living is understanding what is necessary vs. what isn’t. It is about distinguishing between our real needs and socially suggested wants. Of course everyone is able to distinguish between the two but we don’t most of the time because we live in a collective trance of consumerism and mass media.
When we start becoming more aware of how much our actions and decisions are influenced by society and culture, we start standing back from it all. It becomes more and more clear that a lot of the things we were made to believe were needs are nothing more than wants and we can do without because they are not authentic to our purpose. This clarity brings with it a sense of power and freedom. In itself it is the spirit of simple living.
So in a nutshell living simply involves being clear about what is relevant, necessary and needed rather than living in a haze or worse living out a social program just like automatons.
Finding Authenticity:
The last point naturally brings forth a more interesting topic – that of living an authentic life. But what does living an authentic life really mean? In my view, living authentically means not being limited or confined to live out someone else’s life or a social template laid down to us through our socialization. It means being free of the fear of being judged or disapproved of by your peers and authorities. It means being free to follow your passions and purpose without being infected by those fear-based thoughts transmitted by others.
Creating Space for Inner Creativity:
Of course authenticity walks hand in hand with creativity. It is natural that creativity requires a degree of freedom from constraints and limited thinking. Free-thinker, artists and bohemians are considered to be creative because they live outside the norms and behavioural rules of society. They are often nonconformists because of this reason. But more importantly, creativity arises when there is enough space for it to flow through and also here I mean inner and outer space.
So having a simplified and clear environmental and inner spaces is conducive to more creativity. The reverse is also true. Try to work in a messy store room with machinery noise going on and see whether creativity comes knocking on your door!
Life Purpose in Focus:
People often ask me how is it that they can find their life purpose. Many times I jokingly reply that they are asking the wrong person since it took me a long while to discover mine but I know that a good part of the answer lies in simplicity. In other words, the less physical, mental and emotional obstructions one has in life, the more clear his or her life purpose comes into focus. There is no real mystery here.
The perfect analogy to vision is obvious. If you try to look for something – say your TV remote control in a disorganized and overcrowded room – it is going to be more difficult then if there was nothing else in the room besides the remote control. In this scenario, the more you start shedding away the junk and stuff in the room, the better are the chances that what you are looking for comes into view. Same thing with your life purpose. If you are trying to be approved by others by living other people’s goals and standards, the less chance you have of coming close to understand what is authentically your life purpose.
On the other hand, with less obstructions along the way, what genuinely drives you becomes clearer, which brings me to the next point.
Understanding Yourself and Motivations:
Finding your life purpose might not always be a direct result of simplifying your life although a lot of times it is. Sometimes simplifying life brings us first closer to understanding ourselves and our inner motivations which then sheds more light on our true purpose.
Sometimes our motivations and drives are not clear because very often the mind and heart are in conflict or out of sync. With simplicity comes less noise and conflict which in turn makes it easier to have a better understanding of ourself and our motivations.
More Time or Better Management of It:
The natural companion to decluttering spaces is managing our time better. Admittedly, I was always at a loss when it comes to managing my time. But then I found that time is much easier to manage when you take away all those things, chores, pressures and activities which server no purpose. In reality when you are living a simpler life, time management is not so much of an issue anymore. Time management is more relevant when you are bombarded with a thousand chores and activities, the hallmark of a complicated and stress-laden modern lifestyle.
Simple living is moving in the opposite direction to this. So when you are doing only those things and activities which springs out from an authentic sense of passion and belonging, time management is simpler. Of course some time management skills still apply even in simple living – in fact in my course I have also reserved space for this – but it is not the rat-race time management sort of thing; it’s more of a further optimization to an already focused and simple life.
Source: This article was written by Gilbert Ross. You can find him on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and his blog Soulhiker. You can also take his course at Udemy. This article was originally featured on Soul Hiker, and was used with permission from the author.
The Power of the Soul and the Power of the Mind : Bringing back Balance
Posted by Celia Fenn on 1 May 2015

Beloved Family of Light, in this past period of your Ascension Journey you have experienced an intense time of change, with Eclipses and Equinox shifts creating much tumult in your lives. Many of you may feel that you are adrift in your own lives, and not sure of where to turn. You may well be awakened and on your spiritual journey in a conscious and enlightened way, and yet still feel that you do not really understand why the Earth is in so much chaos and why things could not be easier.
Indeed, Beloved Family, times of major change and transition are never easy on your Earth, but especially now. Never before has the Earth been through such a huge change with so many incarnated souls who are all co-creating this change together. Yes indeed, that is the nature of the Fifth Dimension, that you all co-create and make choices together to create another Reality. Some of you are awake and doing this in a conscious way, but many are still in the “sleep” state and are making their choices without consciousness and based on old energies and patterns. This is why there is so much chaos and confusion. Those who are still making the same unconscious choices are finding that these choices are not leading them to places that they want to be, and they are becoming angry and anxious. They seek to make new choices and discover the New Reality, but are still searching.
You, on the other hand, are conscious and you can see that the shift that needs to happen in each incarnated being is to move from the ego/mind to the Heart/Soul as the center of their being and life on Earth.
This sounds easy enough, but why is it so difficult for so many? Well, this is because over the recent period of your evolution the mind has become the strongest part of most humans and their world. The mind controls perception and creates continuity so that life can be experienced as a “story” that is continuous in a rational way and “makes sense” to the mind. When things happen that don’t seem to make sense or to fit into the story, the mind is always able to smooth things over and create a story that explains why things happen, based on the ideas of cause and effect in a continuous timeline. However, as you wake up you begin to see that there are many timelines and many stories, all being told and enacted simultaneously in your reality, as souls create and co-create.
This leads to confusion, as the mind seeks to unravel the chaos and find “truth”. The truth is, Beloved Ones, that the mind can never find truth, for truth belongs to the Heart and the Soul. It is only here that each Being will find what they seek as truth.
What is happening in this period of transition is that your mind seeks to hold on to the dominance of the story line and truth of its story, and does not want to let go. There is a deep fear that when the mind lets go of its ownership of “truth” then everything will break down. This is the premise of your field of “psychology”. However, we would say that when the mind “let’s go” and allows the Soul to step in, the there is another perspective on Time, Space and Reality that liberates each being to experience life at a higher level of consciousness and in harmony with the Heart and Soul. A New Dream and a New Reality is born. You begin to see and experience things that were not seen and felt before, because they were hidden by the filters of the mind. The veils are lifted and you truly see what is before you!
In this new way of being, the mind continues to be a part of the story of Reality Creation, but it does not dominate and control. It becomes the “story teller” that weaves the stories of the Heart and Soul into manifestation without needing to dominate, control or be important.
Integrating the Fourth Dimension : Adventures in Time/Space
In the old third-dimensional world and reality, it was easy for the mind to create narratives and stories that were linear, and that had satisfactory beginnings and endings on this linear continuum. The Ego Mind was always happy with the way things developed and could be explained in a linear and developmental fashion.
But, Beloved Family, with the shift of the Earth to the Fifth-dimensional grids of light, and the shift of consciousness, you began to wake up to the reality of that fluid and flowing dimension of Time/Space that we call the Fourth Dimension. This is where the concept of “time” is created on time spirals and timelines, and where time is not linear and continuous, but spiral and circular, discontinuous and magical depending on the skill and direction of those who create.
This perception of time as something that is self created and that goes beyond the linear demands of daily life at this point is something that the mind feels it needs to resist. Why? For if the mind accepts this perception of reality then all its careful constructs and stories will come crashing down. Yes indeed. But in their place, the Soul will step in with a magical and miraculous perception of reality that allows you to co-create a New Reality and a New Space on your own timelines, without judgment, blame, karma or any of the other negative side effects of the old reality creation.
When you shift into the Fifth-dimensional grids and Higher Consciousness, you open the way for your Soul to show you the nature of a new Reality, where the Soul sees life from a Galactic or Quantum perspective. Life is not linear and it is not finite! In the realms of the Soul, life is infinite and continues on many different arcs or spirals, some simultaneous in different or parallel timelines and universes.
From this Soul perspective, which centers in the Heart, you understand that Creation comes through and out of Divine Love. You understand that all things flow in and out of manifestation according to a Divine Plan or Act of Creation, and that change and transformation are the nature of life itself. You are able to move through times of discontinuity and ending with equanimity, because you perceive that endings are always followed by new beginnings. You feel no need to blame anyone or anything, you simply accept the ending for what it is and look forward to the next creation of light.
From your Soul and Heart, Beloved Ones, you will feel a deep sense of Acceptance and Peace as you allow the flow of Divine Creative Intelligence to move through you as a Creative Force, allowing you the joy of making choices and spinning creation on a new and higher level of experience.
The Multi-Dimensional Narratives of the Soul
Beloved Ones, when you shift way from the idea of a “continuous” history and personal story, you begin to perceive that the Soul is multi-dimensional and exists on many levels. It’s narratives are in the past and the future and in the present moment, which is the point of origin.
The Soul is the Galactic Voyager and the Diamond Story Teller. It spins the Diamond Light of Creation into a multitude of colors, lights, experiences and stories. It is your delight, Beloved Ones, to work with the Soul and to spin these stories and songs into manifestation on your Fifth-dimensional New Earth.
The month of May will give you many opportunities to loosen the hold of the Ego Mind and align with the creative impulses of the Soul and Heart, and express yourself in a new way.
As you harmonize your Heart and your Light Body with the incoming Diamond Codes or Creation Codes that are contained in the Galactic and Solar Light Transmissions from the Divine Heart and the Councils of Light, you will feel “inspired” to start creating your life as a work of Divine Inspiration. You will seek to harmonize with the music of your Soul and of Spirit and live in this Light.
As you make this transition, you may feel some uneasiness and pain in the Solar Plexus area. This is the part of the body that represents the Ego MInd, and as the mind releases its hold on your reality and lets go, many old patterns that cause pain are being released. These releases may be experienced as physical pain in the digestive system, where experience itself is “digested”, or as anxiety, insomnia and bad dreams. The best way to work with this is just to breathe deeply and allow the Diamond Light to dissolve all old patterns of reality and stress that you no longer need in your life. Make space for more Joy and Love and Abundance. Make space for Dreams and Creativity!
The Soul has many songs to sing and stories to tell, and is waiting for that moment when you become a Galactic Story Teller, a Star Dancer or a Singer of Celestial Music, and when you ground these creations into your life on Earth. As you open to this Higher Consciousness, you will fill with the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness and the Brilliant White Light of the Diamond Codes. As you move closer to your Soul, you begin to experience the Brilliant Center of the Heart of All That Is, which is the Home of the Soul. Here, in the Diamond Light you experience Silence and No Time, you experience Cosmic Love and Divine Multi-patterned Light, you experience Deep Peace. And then, you bring these back into your Heart and you sing dance and write them into manifestation in the “story” that is your life!
So, Beloved Ones, as you meditate or simply sit in silence, ask your mind to gently release its hold on your reality creation and allow the Soul/Higher Self to be a partner and to lead your reality creation. Breathe in the Diamond Light and the Diamond Codes and fill your Being with the essence of Divine Light and Peace…..and create your Life as an Adventure of Love and Creativity!
If you would like to learn more about the Diamond Light and the Diamond Codes and how you can integrate these into your life, please explore Celia Fenn’s new book “The Diamond Codes : Light Information for the New Reality”.
Click here to read more about the Diamond Codes Book
The book is available as an E-Book for Kindle or Mobile Devices, or as a Print Edition.
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New Scientific Study Confirms Universe Is A Hologram
By Steven Bancarz| Are we living in a hologram? Energy fields are decoded by our brains into a 3D picture, to give the illusion of a physical world. Despite its apparent materiality, the universe is a kind of 3-D projection and is ultimately no more real than a hologram. And some recent scientific discoveries support the conclusion that the universe is one big holographic projection.
The building blocks of reality are behaving in ways which are inexplicable and can only make sense if we think of the universe in terms of a holographic field, not an empty container filled with objects.
The Study
A recent study published in Nature suggests that the universe may be one big projection, according to their simulations. As the paper states:
In 1997, theoretical physicist Juan Maldacena proposed1 that an audacious model of the Universe in which gravity arises from infinitesimally thin, vibrating strings could be reinterpreted in terms of well-established physics. The mathematically intricate world of strings, which exist in nine dimensions of space plus one of time, would be merely a hologram: the real action would play out in a simpler, flatter cosmos where there is no gravity.
Maldacena’s idea thrilled physicists because it offered a way to put the popular but still unproven theory of strings on solid footing — and because it solved apparent inconsistencies between quantum physics and Einstein’s theory of gravity. It provided physicists with a mathematical Rosetta stone, a ‘duality’, that allowed them to translate back and forth between the two languages, and solve problems in one model that seemed intractable in the other and vice versa (see ‘Collaborative physics: String theory finds a bench mate‘). But although the validity of Maldacena’s ideas has pretty much been taken for granted ever since, a rigorous proof has been elusive.
Further evidence
In two papers posted on the arXiv repository, Yoshifumi Hyakutake of Ibaraki University in Japan and his colleagues now provide, if not an actual proof, at least compelling evidence that Maldacena’s conjecture is true.
In one paper2, Hyakutake computes the internal energy of a black hole, the position of its event horizon (the boundary between the black hole and the rest of the Universe), its entropy and other properties based on the predictions of string theory as well as the effects of so-called virtual particles that continuously pop into and out of existence (see ‘Astrophysics: Fire in the Hole!‘). In the other3, he and his collaborators calculate the internal energy of the corresponding lower-dimensional cosmos with no gravity. The two computer calculations match.
“It seems to be a correct computation,” says Maldacena, who is now at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey and who did not contribute to the team’s work.
In other words, our world is a projection of infinitesimally small vibrating strings which gives rise to the appearance of a physical world. Our world is a shadow of the real world where the activity is actually taking place.
As an article in Discover Magazine reports, physicist Brian Greene believes that properties at the black hole’s surface—its event horizon—suggest the unsettling theory that our world is a mere representation of another universe, a shadow of the realm where real events take place.
Computer Simulation Theory
Even weirder than a holographic universe is the idea that we live in massive computer simulation. We’ve seen the Matrix, right? Nick Bostrom, a philosophy professor at the University of Oxford, argues that we are almost certainly living within a computer simulation.Right now we have been able to produce very tiny simulations of the universe.
To that end, they’ve created an ultra-small version of the universe that’s down to the femto-scale. Interestingly, the researchers consider their simulation to be a forerunner to more powerful versions in which molecules, cells, and even humans themselves might someday be generated.
Here is an interview with physicist and NASA consultant Tom Campbell talking about why he believes the virtual model of reality best explains our universe:
Listed within the article
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7 Ways to Trigger the Heart Field – The Most Powerful Healing Force There Is
Michael Forrester, Prevent Disease
Waking Times
Every cause of disease first begins with an imbalance in the body’s energy systems, specifically, the interaction between how the heart communicates with the brain and the body. Fix that and there is no disease, ever. The heart can produce an electrical field 100 times greater than the brain and a magnetic field 5000 times greater. Which one are you using to heal?
Emotions are vibrations which influence consistently our reality. We not only think and work our way through a day, meeting, assignment, but also feel and believe our way through it. The outcome depends on both.
Simply put, the number one cause of health is your energetic and emotional state. How you connect emotionally to your overall wellness and wellbeing is more important than any supplement, food, exercise or health treatment. There is only one cause of disease and that has to do with the energy and frequency imbalances that exist within your body. Rectify that, and disease cannot exist…it would be impossible.
All the emotions are varieties of two: fear and love: Fear/stress is contagious and causes contraction: inhibits creativity, brain activity, inhibits the immune system,selective perception and over extensive periods of time leads to breakdown. Love (positive beliefs and emotions) has high impact and causes expansion: creativity, physical and mental endurance, more productivity in shorter time because we take decisions quicker because we are receptive and highly perceptive. This a question of Math, HeartMath (as per the contribution in this field of the HeartMath Institute): when one has accurate information, takes better decisions.
The quality of the field one creates with his heart influences his experience and reality.
The research behind the evolution of HeartMath came from the idea that the body’s emotional response to events do not always occur from “top-down” processing (i.e., the brain sends signals to the heart and other organs, and the body responds accordingly). Rather, it has now proven that often times our emotional state triggers our heart to send out its own signals to the brain and other organs, and the body then responds accordingly. For instance, while two-way communication between the cognitive and emotional systems is hard-wired into the brain, the actual number of neural connections going from the emotional centers to the cognitive centers is greater than the number going the other way. Have you ever: Made a “rash” decision? Done something dangerous on impulse? Taken a risk because you believed in it? This research helps explain the influence emotions have on our ability to think and act.
In fact, researchers at HeartMath have determined that the physiology and nerve centers of the heart are so complex and active, that they constitute a “brain” all on their own, termed a “mini-brain.” We now know that the heart contains cells that produce and release norepinephrine and dopamine, neurotransmitters once thought to be produced only by the brain and ganglia outside the heart. Even more remarkable is the discovery that the heart produces oxytocin -the “love hormone” – in concentrations that are as high as those in the brain.
7 Simple actions to create positive feelings:
1. Think about the colleagues who helped you today. Thank them in your heart. Think about your current assignments. Know that they will work out well and work from this space.
2. What is it that you would like to have professionally? A new project? With whom? Think about it in detail, be specific and imagine you are already working on it.
3. Entertain the feeling of celebration that arises in your heart. From this space take the appropriate actions to make it happen.
4. Find ways to help your colleagues, or make them feel that you care. Do one (in)visible act of kindness per day or more if you want to
5. Before starting your work day give thanks and envision it the way you want it to be.
6. When finishing your work day give thanks and clear it of negative emotions (which come out of fear that we know now is illusion). Do not take them at home or preserve for the next day.
7. Smile – The time of crisis is literally here: there is the fast pace of our world, the assault of too much to do with too little time and resources. Being in the present moment is just a concept for most of us and has little translation to daily life practice. Fear is wide spread and is polluting us on a very cellular level: hypertension, autoimmune diseases, cancer, infertility, chronic back problems, anxiety, and depression; the list could continue forever. The difference is how we interpret crisis because we can be at complete peace in the midst of chaos.
Can we live the life we want? Can we be authentic in our speech? Can we identify and release our underlying limiting beliefs so that we begin a new commitment towards genuine compassion, abundance, love and connection. Your commitment will show in your body and intentions.
About the Author
Michael Forrester is a spiritual counselor and is a practicing motivational speaker for corporations in Japan, Canada and the United States.