Monatsarchive: Dezember 2015


Berlin is soon to become home to something truly unique. Jews, Christians, and Muslims are planning to build a house of worship here – one that brings a synagogue, a church, and a mosque together under one roof. The three separate sections will be linked by a communal room in the center of the building. This will serve as a meeting place, where worshippers and members of the public can come together and learn more about the religions and each other.


You will never be refused or rejected.

12/28/2015 by John Smallman

Saul Audio Blog for Monday December @8th

Great events are on the verge of occurring on your beautiful planet because of all your prayers and loving intentions so strongly and constantly held.

Many have been feeling that all the promises that have been made about the birthing of a New Age of Love and abundance for all have been but wishful thinking on the part of channelers.  Channelerswho have just imagined them to be messages from their guides in the spiritual realms, when in fact they have been nothing more than their own intense and individual desires longingly and wistfully visualized.

This is not the case, the messages are indeed valid, and the majority of channelers have been persevering in maintaining their intense desire for the arrival of the New Age of Love and abundance, as have so many others all over the world!  Intense desires maintained and intended by humanity are precisely what bring about manifestation in the physical realms, and the intensity and constancy of those intentions, which have been growing and expanding enormously over the last few years, are about to bear fruit.

Keep holding your desires for peace and abundance for all on Earth in the forefront of your conscious intent and in your hearts as you go within daily to your altars of divine holiness, altars that many among you may not be fully aware reside within each and every one of you, altars each one of you maintains and honors as you give thanks to God for providing for all of your needs.  And also remember to renew your intent frequently throughout the day.

Your every need is provided for, always and eternally, because you are your Father’s beloved children, and He would withhold nothing from you.  Love giveseverything freely, and constantly.  Many of you know this because you have given freely and lovingly to parents, partners, and children, and you have enjoyed the intense sense of love you experience as a result of that giving.  What you give is always returned to you abundantly because giving and receiving are synonymous, it is impossible to have one without the other.

However, within the illusory world of dreams and nightmares where you are presently asleep, and which seems so intensely real, you can refuse both to give and to receive.  This happens very frequently for a variety of conflicting reasons, and it very is painful to experience.  Love can be withheld as judgment or as punishment, or out of fear of rejection, and it can be spurned by the one to whom it is offered as inappropriate or unwelcome.  And in situations like those love is hidden while grievance or resentment is offered due to fear of rejection or betrayal.  Fear breeds fear as Love breeds Love, but only Love is Real!

When you let go of fear and intend to offer only unconditional Love your whole energy field expands offering a loving welcome to all.  Some find that threatening and retreat from it, but most respond with pleasure as they relax into an energy field that feels familiar and enticing, as of course it is, because it provides strong memories of the Reality that you left behind when you chose to experience separation.  It offers a sense of safety and acceptance, an inner space that dissolves any doubts or anxieties which normally and automatically erect precautionary defenses against possible but unseen threats or dangers.  In that space trust grows and flourishes.

Trust offered, shared, and honored is an essential prerequisite for the establishment of an environment in which peace can arise.  The continuing intent to be unconditionally loving in all relationships and personal interactions, which is held now by so many on the planet, is allowing such an environment to to come into being and then grow, expand, and become interlinked across the whole world.

Humanity wants peace, and the collective intent to create that state is firmly established.  Whereas the mendacious reporting in which the mainstream news media is actively engaged would have you believe the world is falling into a state of catastrophic conflict leading irrevocably towards further wars and the possible destruction of the planet and all life upon it, in fact the loving intentions held by the vast majority of humans is leading powerfully away from that cataclysmic and unreal end-times scenario.

Humanity’s desire for peace on Earth has become extremely powerful, and as a result the planet’s energy field is shedding negativity – fear, hatred, anxiety, and resentment – as Love flows relentlessly into every corner of the world, calming and comforting all in Its path.  All are in Its path, because the path of Love is the only path.  The seemingly myriad other paths that are not in harmonious alignment with It are quite unreal, and by opening your hearts to Love and allowing Reality to embrace you, you begin to become aware that, as you have been told repeatedly, there is only Love.  As you accept that knowing and engage with it you will find everything to which you were attached that is not in alignment with Love will just fall away – fear, anger, hatred, resentment, and other related feelings, opinions, and perceptions.

As all your guides, mentors, teachers, and elders in the spiritual realms keep on reminding you: Love is the answer to every issue with which life presents you.  All that you need to do is accept It – It surrounds and envelops you in every moment of your eternal existence offering acceptance and guidance – and engage with It.  You will never be refused or rejected.  Remember that God, your infinitely loving Father, has already met all your needs abundantly, all that you have to do is open your hearts to accept what is constantly offered to you, and then relax into that divine warmth.

With so very much love, Saul.


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Creating the Future of Ascension by the Celestial White Beings

Channelled through Natalie Glasson– 23rd December 2015 – Original Source – Sacred School of OmNa


Your vision of present and future realities upon the Earth is immensely important in this time of Ascension. You are present as a physical being on this planet to create, your greatest purpose is to manifest the Creator through every expression, action and reaction you generate. This has always been the case however the Era of Love which manifested from 2012 signals for all souls to begin their processes of creation with the Creator, akin to a spider beginning to weave its web. The Creator is inviting you to realise your abilities of creation, more importantly putting them into action in order to weave the truth of the Creator into your reality and the consciousness of humanity. It is time to realise that you are the one who has the power to create the levels, experiences and transitions of ascension of the future. Are you ready to take responsibility and form the ascension of your present and future? Do you know what you wish or are being invited to create? These are powerful questions which require your contemplation.

We, the Celestial White Beings, are a united soul group existing at the 14th dimension and beyond, we supported the creation of the Earth and continue to assist its civilisations. Our energy, as is the same for many star and light beings, is within the foundations of the Earth and your own being. When you hold the intention of activating our energy within your being you allow a network of pure white light to rise up from the depths of your soul anchoring into your physical body and auric field. This network of pure white light is connected to and holds the energy of creation; the energy of creation from the Creator and us, the Celestial White Beings. Activating such a network of pure white light holding the essence of creation will support the expansion and further awakening of your soul, inviting your soul to create upon the Earth its sacred frequency and divine plan. Your soul is waiting and ready to generate and express through your physical body and reality the sacred resonance of the Creator upon the Earth for you and all to experience.

You have the abilities to create and manifest loving spiritual evolution upon the Earth and are already achieving this in every moment of your reality. We, the Celestial White Beings, wish to make you aware of activating our energy within your being to form a pure white network of creation so you may magnify your abilities of manifestation. From a space of pure love and bliss within your heart and soul we wish to encourage you to visualise and hold the intention of a reality for yourself, the Earth and humanity which is truly beautiful, inspirational and filled with the truth of the Creator. By doing so you will reconstruct, purify and recreate the ascension and spiritual advancement pathway humanity as a whole and individually are experiencing presently and in future present moments. The Creator is asking you to be creative, to form a picture from your soul which can be projected into the consciousness of humanity concerning your own ascension as well as the spiritual evolution of humanity and the Earth. If every soul upon the Earth achieved the same then a major shift would occur over a period of time as each soul’s imprint and projection would synthesis and merge to create a new vision for ascension and experience upon the Earth. The Creator has a new divine plan promoting greater healing, enlightenment and unity, this divine plan is only being brought forth because humanity is ready to evolve beyond limitations. Aspects of the Creator as a divine plan are waiting to be downloaded through your soul into the consciousness and foundations of every human being.

Each soul upon the Earth will accept an aspect of the Creator’s new divine plan which will alter the Earthly experience for all forever more. Every day consciously for some and unconsciously for others this new divine plan will be delivered penetrating the energetic and physical structure of the Earth to form a new era upon the Earth; a time all have been waiting for.


The Era of Love which began in 2012 is present to encourage all to become love in all ways and forms, in truth it is a period of
creation. Love is a foundation eternally present which is expanding from within you, humanity and the Earth so the Creator may manifest upon the Earth through every aspect of your being. This will herald forth the divine plan of the Creator into manifestation and embodiment which is labelled the Era of Remembrance; where all souls upon the Earth will be more connected to the consciousness of the Creator, able to convey and express the wisdom of the Creator more than ever before upon the Earth. The civilisation which you are a part of has the opportunity to move and explore beyond all levels of spiritual evolution and unity with the Creator that have ever been experienced upon the Earth. This is why you are present now and have been present within many of this planet’s previous civilisations. You are preparing yourself to experience the Creator beyond anything which has been explored at a physical level before. Your role and purpose in this lifetime is immense and its foundation lies with your ability to create and manifest from the core of your soul, which is where the divine plan of the Creator is embedded.

We ask you not to judge your creations or the energy flowing through your being from your soul. Your judgment is only an opinion born from your current perspective rather than your universal expansive perspective, therefore it can never fulfil or enlighten you.

We wish to guide you in accepting your purpose in this moment, you may wish to use this invocation to begin the process:


‘Celestial White Beings, I call upon your energy of purity, love and bliss to surround me. As I breathe deeply let your pure white light flow into my entire being awakening and activing your energy of creation within the foundations of my being and soul. I allow from your energy and the light of the Creator embedded within me a pure white network of light to expand anchoring into my physical body and auric field. This network of light sends a constant current of the energy of creation from the Celestial White Beings, the Creator and my soul throughout my entire being, illuminating me with light, purity, love and power.’

Take time to imagine yourself as a pure beacon of white light with frequencies of creation flowing from you.

‘I am ready to accept my role and purpose of creating, anchoring and embodying the Creator through my being, supporting humanity and the Earth in achieving the same in order to bring forth the divine plan of the Creator into action. I realise the Era of Love allows time for each person to form a vision of truth from their souls within their hearts to be projected into the Earth and humanity. I accept the support of the Celestial White Beings, the Creator and my soul as I anchor my awareness through my heart chakra into my soul to begin the process of downloading a vision for the future of my own and humanity’s ascension upon the Earth. I am ready and willing to receive, I am ready and willing to create. Thank you.’

We invite you to sit peacefully with your focus moving through your heart chakra into your soul frequencies. Allow energies, visions, frequencies, ideas, colours, inspiration, enlightenment or understanding to form. You may gain a clear picture, you may simply gain a feeling. Over the coming days and for as long as you feel is appropriate imagine you are expanding any insights or energies so they may project and imprint into your own conscious awareness and the consciousness of humanity. This may seem like a simple action or something you achieve often however with your intention and our united energy you are allowing us to co-create with you, downloading and establishing the purity of the Creator to create new experiences for all, born from love rather than fear or suffering. If no inspiration arises, ask your soul what it wishes to create for yourself and humanity, then share this energy emanating it from your being to imprint upon the Earth. You may realise that many of your dreams and desires for your physical reality originated from your soul, you may recognise you are more connected with your soul than you had ever possibly imagined.

When you accept responsibility that you are upon the Earth to create from the truth of your soul for your own happiness and the spiritual evolution of all, in truth that you are creating the ascension process you are waiting to experience, then you become a beacon not only on the Earth but the inner planes. The Creator will respond to you working through you in miraculous and surprising ways each moment of your reality, thus allowing your experiences to flow with immense ease and perfection. Your intuition will strengthen as you notice the sacred vibrations of the Creator moving through your reality. To accept this role is not to be concerned about your actions, thoughts and reactions, although these will be required to be aligned to the truth of your soul, it is to allow the sacred downloads from the Creator to be radiated as light frequencies from your being beyond limitations, this in truth is all that is required. You have the ability to truly influence the Earth now from a source of love to support future generations in moving away from limitations and fear into love and peace, essentially healing the Earth through your simple connection with and emanation of your soul.

We, the Celestial White Beings, have observed all civilisations upon the Earth, we believe that this time of the Earth’s ascension is a pinnacle point in the evolution of the entire universe of the Creator. The Earth has the capacity to blossom into a sacred space akin to heaven if born from the truth and love of each soul. A similar opportunity was experienced by Atlanteans, at that time technology clouded the brilliance of the soul and distracted humanity from the truth of the Creator, diminishing the opportunity for united evolution with the Creator within the human body. We can reassure you the outcome of Atlantis will not manifest upon the Earth again as all upon the Earth now (although it may not always seem this way) are ready to convey the truth of the Creator through their physical form to bring all spiritual evolution of the past synthesised as one to create new vibrations for all to experience.

We are present to support you eternally,

Celestial White Beings


If you want to understand more about Atlantis, PAO offers two Webinar Archives (#56 & 59)


We are evolving back to oneness!

The Galactics asked Sheldan to present this very special Webinar. It will prepare us for 2015, which ushers in a new epoch for humanity.


Topics include…
• Why humans were selected as Gaia’s guardians. 
• Battle between Atlantis and Lemuria.
• Why were we created?
• How were we created?
• Rise of the Anunnaki.
• How the legacy of the past affects our present.
• Realizing the heavenly prophecy of Michael.
• 2015 and beyond ~ a new epoch for humanity

To order this downloadable file ~ Webinar Archive # 59 ~ CLICK HERE



Each member of the Galactic Federation brings a specific skill to their role in the first contact process. In this Webinar, Sheldan presents the various GF first contact team members and describes how they will assist us in our shift to full consciousness.

Webinar Preview: We are Galactic Beings


Topics include…
• Who was King Atlas? ~ Where did he go wrong?
• Are we repeating the last days of Atlantis?
• Decoding Current Events~political
and economic realities
• Galactic Federation Members ~ their key roles and how they are helping us
• Agarthans are walking among us ~
what is their role?
• Returning to Unity Consciousness
(Returning to Oneness)

To order this Webinar Archive, CLICK HERE



from Marlene Swetlishoff ~~ December 24, 2015

Archangel Gabriel Lg

Beloved Ones,

Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as omnipresence. The divine is everywhere present in the created universe and is the creator of all things visible and invisible. This divine presence is all that is; perfect life, intelligence and substance, knowledge and power. The divine is the fullness of being, pure spirit, immutable and always provident, all knowing and all wise. The divine is not limited by space or time and can be in countless places and involved with many different situations simultaneously. The divine is ever present as it gives the power, the capacity and the ability for all beings to continue existing through its all encompassing omnipresence. This omnipresence sustains all life and fills the material world as well as the spiritual, terrestrial, celestial, and universal. This omnipresence is divine source which is eternal, boundless and self sustaining. It is unending, unlimited and indivisible. The divine’s eternal qualities are love and wisdom, joy and peace, wholeness and perfection. All life is the omnipresent divine life, always perfect in action and never dependent upon form or visibility for its continuance.

Humanity is the manifest expression of the divine, and is ever a part of this perfect life, intelligence and substance. They are always in the presence of the infinite and eternal energy from which all things manifest. As each individual is awakened and illuminated to the truth of their oneness with the divine, they begin to enjoy a genuine perception of consciousness which indwells within all of creation. The divine is present in one’s innermost thoughts and knows the inner attitudes of a person’s heart. The greatest desire of every aspiring soul is to know this indwelling spirit as eternal life, all encompassing love, health, and infinite spiritual abundance. They understand that everyone and everything is filled with this omnipresent consciousness and that nothing and no one is separate from it. They come to know that the reality of the universe is infinite love and life. They learn to connect to it, trust it, rely upon it and lovingly affirm and acknowledge it as their constant companion through life. This omnipresent companion means more to them each day and they rely on the wisdom that pervades their consciousness in every decision they make. They endeavour to realize for themselves the truth of the underlying omnipresence in every facet of their daily life. All share the commonality of the omnipresence of divine source, however, each individual is in total control of their own experience because it is based on the way they respond to the events of the world around them.


This indwelling omnipresence is the seed, the spark of the divine within, a gift and grace of the divine to all of life, infinite and approachable to everyone. As one develops their growth in life by adding a spiritual dimension to it, they search the inner world of life and its interrelationship with the outer world. They gain more self awareness and illumination and this takes their whole life experience to a higher level. They attain an intense degree of vitality, a more acute perception, a more vivid consciousness. They have set their footsteps firmly on the path of the liberation of their soul from the lower dimensions of consciousness. There is a lifting of their consciousness from being self centred into a divinely centred world. There is an enormous development of their intuitional life to higher levels of understanding and comprehension.

These exalted powers of perception enable them to receive the messages of a higher degree of reality. The omnipresence of all life becomes the practice of the presence of the divine within them. The self has become more purified through their efforts to achieve illumination but still perceives itself as a separate entity apart from the divine source. One contemplates it and observes what omnipresence means rather than merges with it. They enjoy clarity of vision that is heightened and adds significance to the reality of all natural things. As the doors of their perception are cleansed, everything appears infinite. They are taking their life to a higher level of existence and feel more vibrant and happy. It is incumbent on each individual to understand that what happens to another affects the common experience of all. One’s choices and actions can empower and strengthen the hearts, minds and souls of all of humanity and add to the light and love in the entire world. In their soul growth and expansion they are learning the importance of self responsibility and the knowing of self. Self-realization is a knowing in all parts of the body, mind, heart and soul that one is attuned to the omnipresence of the divine.


They now stand on the threshold of the world of being and the world of becoming. Even though they may still experience a wavering in their consciousness into the world of duality at times, their soul experiences a joyous consciousness of the divine presence within them. This sense of the presence of transcendental consciousness becomes their centre of interest. This omnipresent perception and guidance dominates and lights up their daily life. Their Earthly duties and outer life continue to be fulfilled with steadiness and success while they are attuned to the contemplation of their connection to the divine omnipresence that dwells within their heart. This heightened comprehension of reality lights up the rest of their life. It increases their ability to deal adequately with normal mundane existence. With their mind fixed upon a higher focus of interest, it is not distracted and performs more efficiently the work that is given to them to do. They frequently experience an actual and overpowering consciousness of radiant light that touches them with mystical transcendence as they daily transform their consciousness through their inward adjustment and integration.

May your growing transcendence of self fulfill your enjoyment of the riches of the universe as you aspire to true union with the divine.

I AM Archangel Gabriel

2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe’s credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.



When you order Sheldan’s “YOUR GALACTIC NEIGHBORS” book ~~ You receive a free Webinar Archive

In the past few months Sheldan has presented live Webinars about key Galactic Federation Members. The Sirians, Pleiadeans and Andromedans.


Your Galactic Neighbors is a handbook for the future. This invaluable work will introduce you to more of the most benevolent star-nations that populate this universe.

As a special holiday offer if you order the book Your Galactic Neighbors … we will send you 
the Webinar 33 Galactic Federation Members archive download … for FREE.

(This offer is good until Dec. 31, 2015)

Click Here to order Your Galactic Neighbors

FREE BONUS WEBINAR ARCHIVE DOWNLOAD (when you order Your Galactic Neighbors)

Webinar 33 Galactic Federation Members

Sheldan answers your many questions about Galactic Federation Members


Topics include…

• Why have so many GF members come to earth?
• What are they doing to assist us?
• Human Members: What are they like?
• Non-human Members: What are they like?
• Who will meet us first when the landings come?
• Which GF members will mentor us?
• Will some GF members stay here after we are fully conscious?
• What will happen to the dark cabals?
• Gaia becomes pristine again

To order the book, Your Galactic Neighbors, and receive your free bonus Webinar ~ Galactic Federation Members: CLICK HERE

©2015 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

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„Empörungsmaschine“ (Cicero), „Alle-sind-dagegen-AG“ (Wirtschaftswoche), „Pegida von links“ (Zeit Online). Noch nie habe ich es erlebt, dass unsere Bürgerbewegung – und damit Sie und die über 1.700.000 anderen Campact-Aktiven – so verunglimpft, verspottet und verleumdet wurde wie in den vergangenen drei Monaten. Dazu möchte ich Ihnen gratulieren! Sie sagen: Wie bitte? Wie kann man sich freuen, wenn man beschimpft wird? Aber seit Gandhi wissen wir, dass es ein gutes Zeichen ist, wenn die Gegner Nerven zeigen: „Zuerst ignorieren sie dich, dann lachen sie über dich, dann bekämpfen sie dich und dann gewinnst du.“Als wir Ende 2013 unsere Kampagne gegen TTIP starteten, wurden wir ignoriert. Es dauerte Monate, bis EU-Parlamentspräsident Martin Schulz unsere 600.000 Unterschriften entgegennahm. Auf dem letzten Weltwirtschafts-Forum machte sich Sigmar Gabriel noch über uns lustig: Wir TTIP-Kritiker/innen seien „reich und hysterisch“. Doch beides half nicht. Unsere Bewegung wurde noch stärker: Am 10. Oktober in Berlin demonstrierten unglaubliche 250.000 Menschen gegen TTIP und CETA.

Dieser Protest aus der Mitte der Gesellschaft macht den TTIP-Befürworter/innen Angst. So ist es kein Wunder, dass rund um die Demonstration die Angriffe auf uns den vorläufigen Höhepunkt erreichten. Wir aber sind dem Ziel, TTIP und CETA zu stoppen, dennoch nahe. Und 2016 nehmen wir die Abkommen weiter in die Zange:

  • Die fünf Landtagswahlen nutzen wir, um so viele Bundesländer wie möglich auf eine Ablehnung festzulegen, so dass die Abkommen im Bundesrat gestoppt werden.
  • Der SPD-Basis zeigen wir, dass der von Gabriel vorgeschlagene Investitionsgerichtshof nicht weniger schlimm ist als Schiedsgerichte.
  • Und der CSU-Basis machen wir klar, welche fatalen Folgen TTIP und CETA für die bäuerliche Landwirtschaft und die Gestaltungshoheit der Kommunen hätte.
Wenn wir das alles schaffen, können wir gewinnen. Doch dafür brauchen wir Sie und Ihre Unterstützung: Bitte werden Sie Campact-Förderer/in! Schon mit 5 Euro im Monat helfen Sie enorm.
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Es kann sein, dass uns nächstes Jahr mehr als nur verbale Angriffe erwarten.Ein Vorgeschmack darauf war am 10. Dezember ein Artikel in den Stuttgarter Nachrichten. Dort forderte der Bundestagsabgeordnete Joachim Pfeiffer, wirtschaftspolitischer Sprecher der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion, Campact die Gemeinnützigkeit zu entziehen. Und zwar, weil wir zu aktuellen Themen wie TTIP, Fracking oder Gentechnik Kampagnen organisieren.Dass Pfeiffer mit keinem Wort die Gemeinnützigkeit von industrienahen Organisationen in Frage stellt, sagt alles. So tarnt sich seit Jahren das „Who is who“ der deutschen Rüstungsindustrie über gemeinnützige Vereine wie etwa die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Wehrtechnik (DWT) oder den Förderkreis Deutsches Heer (FKH).Unternehmen können ihre Lobby-Ausgaben sogar komplett als Betriebsausgaben geltend machen, was ihre Steuerzahlungen mindert. 

Das Szenario scheint absurd: Campact verliert die Gemeinnützigkeit, weil Sie und die anderen Campact-Aktiven erfolgreich unsere Demokratie vor privaten Hinterzimmer-Schiedsgerichten verteidigen. Dass solche Drohungen ernst gemeint sind, mussten die Globalisierungskritiker von Attac erleben. Das Finanzamt Frankfurt hält Attac für zu politisch und entzog dem Verein dieses Jahr kurzerhand die Gemeinnützigkeit. Anfang 2016 steht die Überprüfung der Gemeinnützigkeit des Campact e.V. an. Ich weiß nicht, ob die CDU versuchen wird, Einfluss auf die Berliner Finanzverwaltung zu nehmen. Und ich weiß nicht, ob das Finanzamt der verqueren Logik eines Herrn Pfeiffer folgen würde.

Fest steht nur eines: Solange die überwältigende Mehrheit der Campact-Aktiven es will, wird Campact mit seinen Partnern die Arbeit gegen CETA und TTIP fortsetzen.Wir lassen uns nicht den Mund verbieten! Und für diesen Kurs hoffe ich auf Ihre Unterstützung: Wenn es Ihnen finanziell möglich ist, würde es uns enorm den Rücken stärken, wenn Sie ab heute Campact fördern. Schon mit 5 Euro im Monat bringen Sie uns nach vorne.
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Die regelmäßigen Beiträge der Campact-Förderer bilden das finanzielle Rückgrat unserer Arbeit. Als Campact-Förderer/in werden Sie zum jährlichen Förderertreffen eingeladen und erhalten mehrmals im Jahr spezielle Förderer-Informationen per E-Mail. Ihre Unterstützung können Sie jederzeit formlos kündigen.Vielen Dank für Ihr Engagement und herzliche Grüße
Felix Kolb, Campact-Vorstand
PS: Wenn Sie bis zum 31.12.2015 Förderer/in werden, senden wir Ihnen zu Ihrer argumentativen Stärkung und als Dankeschön das Buch „Der Unfreihandel – Die heimliche Herrschaft von Konzernen und Kanzleien“ der Journalistin Petra Pinzler.
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Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Unterstützerinnen und Unterstützer von,
am Ende eines ereignisreichen Jahres möchten wir zurückblicken auf die vielen spannenden Themen, die uns in den vergangenen Monaten begleitet haben – von der erfolgreichen Hausausweis-Klage bis hin zu eher skurrilen Dingen wie dem heute show-Beitrag zu unseren Recherchen.

Lesen Sie im ersten Teil unseres Jahresrückblicks noch einmal, was wir 2015 mit unseren Recherchen öffentlich gemacht haben und wie andere darüber berichteten. Teil 2 erscheint in den kommenden Tagen.

Online spendenUnterstützen Sie unsere Arbeit
mit einer einmaligen oder regelmäßigen Spende.
Unternehmen und Privatpersonen verschleierten im Wahljahr 2013 Parteispenden in Millionenhöhe
Symbolfoto ParteispendenUnternehmen, Lobbyverbände und wohlhabende Privatpersonen haben im Wahljahr 2013 mehr als zwei Millionen Euro an Parteispenden verschleiert. Die Zuwendungen wurden in mehrere Teilzahlungen gestückelt, die unterhalb der Veröffentlichungsgrenze liegen. Allein die CDU erhielt 1,5 Millionen Euro an bislang unbekannten Großspenden – ein Drittel davon aus dem Umfeld eines einzigen Konzerns.

Unternehmen und Privatpersonen verschleierten im Wahljahr 2013 zwei Mio. Euro Parteispenden

SPIEGEL ONLINE-Artikel zum Thema:
Korruptionswächter beklagen verborgene Parteispenden

Union und SPD schweigen zur Teilnahme von Interessenvertretern an internen Sitzungen
Nicht einmal Fraktionssitzungen sind für Lobbyisten grundsätzlich tabu: Gegenüber haben die GroKo-Fraktionen direkt bzw. indirekt bestätigt, dass Interessenvertreter auch an internen Treffen teilnehmen können. Wem sie in der Vergangenheit Zugang gewährt haben, dazu schweigen Union und SPD.

Union und SPD schweigen zur Teilnahme von Interessenvertretern an internen Sitzungen

Reaktionen auf das Urteil zu Lobbyisten-Hausausweisen: “Bravo! Bürger gewinnen vor Gericht”
Von “Bravo! Bürger gewinnen vor Gericht” bis “Bitter, dass eine Klage überhaupt notwendig war” reichen die Reaktionen auf das Urteil, das das Berliner Verwaltungsgericht zur Offenlegung von Lobbyisten-Hausausweisen gefällt hat. Das Gericht gab damit unserer Klage in allen Punkten Recht. Wie Politiker, Journalisten und Bürger auf das wichtige Transparenz-Urteil reagierten – eine Auswahl:

Reaktionen auf das Urteil zu Lobbyisten-Hausausweisen: “Bravo! Bürger gewinnen vor Gericht”

Bundestag: Der deutschen WirtschaftAuch wenn der Bundestag gegen das Urteil in Berufung ging: Am Ende musste er dennoch die von uns geforderte Hausausweis-Liste offenlegen. Nun weiß die Öffentlichkeit endlich, welche Lobbyisten im Bundestag ungehindert ein und aus gehen können.

Diese Lobbyisten haben Zugang zum Bundestag

ZEIT ONLINE zum Thema:
Bundestag veröffentlicht Lobbyisten-Liste

Die Lobby-Republik: Wer in Deutschland die Strippen zieht
500 Mio. Euro, vielleicht auch eine Milliarde oder mehr: Soviel lassen sich Konzerne und Verbände ihre Lobbybüros in Berlin kosten. Abgeschirmt von der Öffentlichkeit wollen sie Politik in ihrem Sinne beeinflussen. In einem Gastbeitrag fü schaut der STERN-Journalist und Autor Hans-Martin Tillack hinter die Kulissen der Berliner “Lobby-Republik”

Die Lobby-Republik: Wer in Deutschland die Strippen zieht

Vortragshonorare: Was Unternehmen für einen MdB zahlen
MdB Michael FuchsBis zu 30.000 Euro für einen einzigen Vortrag: So viel kassieren einige Bundestagsabgeordnete, wenn sie auf Einladung von Unternehmen auftreten. Das Geld erhalten sie privat – für etwas, das zur Kernaufgabe ihrer Abgeordnetentätigkeit gehört. Schluss damit!

Vortragshonorare: Was Unternehmen für einen MdB zahlen

Wie der Bundestag sich weigerte, 193 Bürgerbriefe zu TTIP anzunehmen
Weil er das Porto für 193 Briefe sparen wollte, brachte ein Bürger sie persönlich beim Bundestag vorbei – und wurde wieder nach Hause geschickt. Grund: Er war mit dem Rad gekommen und hatte obendrein keine “Zufahrtsgenehmigung”. Behördenposse aus einem Parlament, in das zwar Tausende Lobbyisten ungehindert ein und aus gehen dürfen, Bürgerbriefe aber schon vom Pförtner abgeblockt werden.

Wie der Bundestag sich weigerte, 193 Bürgerbriefe zu TTIP anzunehmen

Kanzleramt verweigert Auskunft über nicht öffentliche Merkel-Reden
Antrag abgelehnt: Die Bundesregierung weigert sich gegenüber, Reden von Kanzlerin Angela Merkel bei nicht öffentlichen Veranstaltungen offenzulegen. Hintergrund unserer Anfrage ist die legendäre Geburtstagsfeier des früheren Deutsche Bank-Chefs Ackermann im Kanzleramt und die Frage: Gab es in der Regierungszentrale weitere Feierlichkeiten für Wirtschaftsvertreter?

Kanzleramt verweigert Auskunft über nicht öffentliche Merkel-Reden

Heimliche Hausausweise für Lobbyisten: ZDF heute-show macht zum Thema
Screenshot ZDF heute-showIm Bundestag sei ständig “Tag der offenen Hintertür”, spottete Oli Welke in der ZDF heute-show: Hunderte Lobbyisten hätten nach Recherchen heimlich einen Hausausweis von den Fraktionen bekommen. Klingt nach einem Scherz, ist es aber nicht.

Heimliche Hausausweise für Lobbyisten: ZDF heute-show macht zum Thema

CSU-Abgeordneter soll VW-Dokument als Antrag eingebracht haben
Quelle: “Volkswagen Group”. Der CSU-Europaabgeordnete Albert Deß hat einen Änderungsantrag zu Abgasnormen ins Parlament eingebracht, der aus der Feder des Wolfsburger Autobauers stammen soll. Der Hinweis auf den VW-Konzern versteckt sich in den Metadaten eines Word-Dokuments.

CSU-Abgeordneter soll VW-Dokument als Antrag eingebracht haben

In den vergangenen Monaten haben wir einiges bewegt und die Politik transparenter gemacht. Doch es gibt noch immer viel zu tun. Schwerpunkt unserer Arbeit wird 2016 der Lobbyismus im Verborgenen sein. Wir möchten die Einführung eines umfassenden Lobbyisten-Registers erreichen, damit die Öffentlichkeit endlich erfährt, wer in wessen Auftrag Politik zu beeinflussen versucht.

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Mit herzlichen Grüßen von
Gregor Hackmack
Boris Hekele
… und dem gesamten
Petition gegen Lobbyistenspenden an Parteien unterzeichnen!

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Parlamentwatch e.V. hat seinen Sitz in Hamburg, eingetragen beim Amtsgericht Hamburg VR 19479, vertretungsberechtigte Vorstandsmitglieder sind Boris Hekele und Gregor Hackmack.

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Be a part of the New Global CE-5 Contact Initiative – Share Experiences around the globe!
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The beginning of the Crossing Point of Light workshop – DC – 2014
1st Global CE-5 Day of 2016 – Saturday January 2
We are happy to announce the Global CE-5 Initiative Day on The first Saturday of each month.  Join others world wide who want to unite in consciousness to reach out to the stars in Universal Peace.
Thousands around the globe have already formed contact groups.
Now is the time to magnify global coherence by all of us coming together in higher consciousness in a way that can move the world and humanity onto the path of Universal Peace.
Ideas for participation in the Global CE-5
1. Get together with your existing group or form a group.
2. Plan to go out anytime between 9 pm and midnight on your time zone on the 5th.  We are not picking a specific time as folks may need flexibility to get to a field work site or schedule when to meet.
3. Use the CE-5 protocols to call on the ETs in Universal Peace.
4. Share your experiences on the SiriusDisclosure facebook page.
Imagine each individual or group as a light shining from Earth into the Cosmos – all on the same day around the globe.   The earth will be glowing!
If you want to form a group you can go to our free website/app – and put in your name and contact information.  If you don’t want to use your usual email , create a special email address just for this purpose and then you can form a group with others nearby.  If you do not put some form of contact information, no one will be able to reach you.
If you want ideas about how to make contact or how to form your own group you may want to use these tools:
Iphone or Android app – a full training program on what to look for, how to make contact and more.   Click here for a more complete description but go to your app store to purchase – ETContact Tool.
We have a comprehensive program including Dr. Greer’s books and CDs called the : Contact Training Program.  Click here for the details about it.
You may also want to watch some of our videos: Crossing Point of Light or the Glendale webinar available on our vimeo channel: or via youtube:
Sirius Technology Advanced Research LLC|
See what’s happening on our social sites:
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Sieg für Abgeordnetenwatch

Bundestag zieht Berufung gegen Gerichtsurteil zurück und muss die Hausausweise der Lobbyisten offenlegen – und muss damit dem Drängen der NGO Abgeordnetenwatch nachgeben

TEXT: Phillip Bittner FOTOS: Reichstag by Wolfgang Staudte ( (CC BY 2.0)
Der Reichstag in Berlin

So etwas nennt man wohl Sieg auf ganzer Linie. Wie die NGO Abgeordnetenwatch auf ihrer Website mitteilt, hat die Parlamentsverwaltung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland die Berufung gegen das im Juni vom Berliner Verwaltungsgericht gefällte Urteil zu mehr Transparenz in Sachen Lobbyismus im Bundestag zurück gezogen.

Hintergrund der gerichtlichen Auseinandersetzung ist die Forderung der NGO an den Bundestag, die Namen der Lobbyisten zu nennen, die von den Parteien mit Hausausweisen für den Bundestag versorgt werden. Damit haben sie freien Zugang zu den Parlamentariern und können die Interessen ihrer Arbeitgeber durchsetzen, ohne dass der Steuerzahler Einblick nehmen kann.

Um die Offenlegung der Namen durchzusetzen, hatte Abgeordnetenwatch im Jahr 2014 gegen den Bundestag geklagt und im Juni 2015 Recht bekommen. Die daraufhin eingelegte Berufung ist nun Geschichte und das Urteil rechtskräftig. „Es war – zurückhaltend ausgedrückt – befremdlich, dass unsere Volksvertretung geheim halten wollte, welche Lobbyisten ungehinderten Zugang zu unseren Volksvertretern haben“, schreibt Martin Reyher – Experte für Parteispenden, Nebentätigkeiten sowie für Datenmaterial zu Abgeordneten – im Blog der NGO. Der Rückzug bedeute eine Stärkung der Bürgerrechte so Reyher weiter.

Zwar hatten mittlerweile alle Parteien ihre Namen veröffentlicht, dennoch hat das Urteil eindeutige Signalwirkung. Und es ist damit auch eine gute Nachricht für alle Unterzeichner einer entsprechenden Petition auf – über 140.000 Menschen hatten darin die Bemühungen von Abgeordnetenwatch unterstützt und bekommen nun dank der Einsicht des Bundestages ein ganz besonderes Weihnachtsgeschenk.

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Golden Age Messages from the Masters

through the founders of the Ascended Masters Mystery School

December, 2015 Part II

Living as a Christ

This is the time for you to do your part in fulfilling the ages old prophecy that speaks of the Second Coming of the Christ! Each of you has been invited by your own God Presence to live on Earth as an embodied Christ and I am spiritually present right now and always to encourage each of you to accept the joy and responsibility that comes from being a vital participant in this 2nd coming! It has taken millions of years for the hearts and minds of many of you to be in a place where you could even hear this call or to even realize that it was meant for you! Rather than one man or woman returning to Earth as a Christ, many of you are already in the process of creating a magnificent global Group Avatar designed to assist in encouraging as many as possible around your world to live in Unity or Christ Consciousness!

~ Jeshua or Jesus the Christ

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What does it feel like to live as a Christ and to be completely devoted to the continual integration of the Creator’s Love and Light throughout the whole of your being? What does it look like to be such a powerful example of Christ Consciousness that it inspires others to do whatever they can to integrate and live this possibility in their own lives? How can you be such an effective instrument and good example of living as a Christ that it initiates this desire within the hearts of others?

In addition to the depth of your desire to be an active partner in bringing the consciousness of the Christ into your world, comes your agreement to integrate all the qualities you would attribute to any living master. In our last newsletter we mentioned that there are at least thirteen very pure and powerful Sacred Sounds and Divine Rays and that were placed within your original sphere of consciousness so that you would always be able to use them to support you in living as a Christ. This number has now expanded to 33, which corresponds to your 33 vertebrae so each one is prepared to support and expand each of the frequencies necessary for making a full-body ascension into Unity or Christ consciousness.

A full ascension means that everything in your mind, heart and body is in full alignment with all of the frequencies that make up the Body of Consciousness you refer to as The Creator, Source or Mother/Father God. The more you sustain the Divine unlimited qualities of your Creator, the more instilled those qualities become within your own consciousness until you truly become a Christ walking the Earth in your present time. What else could possibly be more important?

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For thousands of years, humanity has been living in a world where almost everyone is controlled by their ego’s desires for power, material wealth and sexual gratification. The need to be rich, powerful and sexually appealing have been keeping humanity away from their true nature and their deepest and most profound desire, which is to live in Unity or Christ Consciousness! Now is the time for this primary powerful desire to be actualized!

Many of you have already shifted away from your earlier needs because you intuitively knew that your former earthly desires would have kept you living in the 3rd dimension. You therefore redirected your earlier passions into an entirely new direction that is now allowing you to live on the Earth in freedom. Somewhere along the way, you knew that there was really no need to carry forward any of the limiting belief structures that originally brought your world into fear, lack and duality consciousness. If this is true for you, then you have surely embraced the deep knowing that your life is always providing you with everything you need to live in Christ Consciousness.

As Jesus, I lived in a deep state of trust by maintaining my unbreakable alignment with Mother/Father God. I also stayed in oneness with the “ocean” of the great unknown which kept me living in profound humility. With just one small glance into the vastness that I knew, you would most probably surrender any strands of connection that may still be remaining between you and your limited self. Your only desire would be to keep diving deeper and deeper into your connection with the infinite Heart and Mind of the Creator and in that oneness you would then discover that the Christ within you is your true, unlimited Self and your ONLY identity.

Copyright © 2015 Diamond Light Foundation. Copy freely and share. However, we ask that you share this newsletter in its entirety, including the copyright.

To learn how you can work personally with the Masters to achieve your own mastery, go to:WalkTheEarthAsALivingMaster and click on Mastery I from the menu.



When you order Sheldan’s “YOUR GALACTIC NEIGHBORS” book ~~ You receive a free Webinar Archive

In the past few months Sheldan has presented live Webinars about key Galactic Federation Members. The Sirians, Pleiadeans and Andromedans.


Your Galactic Neighbors is a handbook for the future. This invaluable work will introduce you to more of the most benevolent star-nations that populate this universe.

As a special holiday offer if you order the book Your Galactic Neighbors … we will send you 
the Webinar 33 Galactic Federation Members archive download … for FREE.

(This offer is good until Dec. 31, 2015)

To order Your Galactic Neighbors, click HERE

FREE BONUS WEBINAR ARCHIVE DOWNLOAD (when you order Your Galactic Neighbors book)

Webinar 33 Galactic Federation Members

Sheldan answers your many questions about Galactic Federation Members


Topics include…

• Why have so many GF members come to earth? 
• What are they doing to assist us? 
• Human Members: What are they like? 
• Non-human Members: What are they like? 
• Who will meet us first when the landings come? 
• Which GF members will mentor us? 
• Will some GF members stay here after we are fully conscious? 
• What will happen to the dark cabals? 
• Gaia becomes pristine again

Order the book, Your Galactic Neighbors, and receive your free bonus Webinar ~ Galactic Federation Members: CLICK HERE

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©2015 Planetary Activation Organization | PAO, P.O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

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You are the gift

 Happy Holidays to all of you who celebrate and Happy Holy days to all, for in truth dear ones, each day is holy. Each one of you is holy. Each one of you is an incarnation of the very same light that was born in the manger in the form of the Christ child, the very same light that burned in the lamp, the very same light that burns brightly in your sun, and indeed within and beneath all of creation!

Can you fathom this? You are nothing less than the stars. In your heart is the manger, the birthplace of light into this world. In your heart is the light that is never extinguished. In your very own heart is the love that cannot be erased or eradicated by a chaotic world… for love dear ones, lives eternally within you.

So this Christmas, this Hanukkah, remember that YOU, dear ones, are the ones that we celebrate. It is your light being birthed with every conscious breath, your light burning brightly with every kind thought, that we in the heavens find to be so remarkable, so miraculous, so beautiful. In a world that often forgets what is of value, you remember. In a world that often forgets that we are all One in the Divine love, you seek to remember. In a world that often feels that struggle is the only way to survive, you are striving to remember that, In Love, you thrive.

Dear ones you are a gift and blessing upon this earth, and we celebrate you! May you and your families enjoy sweet peace, incredible joy, and the miracles that the human race is so apt to believe in more easily during this season.
Animal Petitions

Success: Baby Monkeys No Longer Tortured In Lab

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and dedication to protecting animals this year. We have seen some incredible successes, ranging from Baby Monkeys No Longer Tortured In Lab to Pets Protected From Being Locked In Cars. We genuinely appreciate your support and look forward to another successful year protecting animals from humans!

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